Official: Santorum Wins Alabama and Mississippi Primaries


If Mittster wins Alabama and Mississippi, it is game over for Santorum and Gingrich. The polls show an extremely close race with Romney ahead in Mississippi and Gingrich ahead in Alabama.

Should I vote or sit out BRA’s elections? Is casting a vote for Mitt worth contributing to the defeat of Gingrich?

Note: Ron Paul lost my vote with his stupid comments on border security in Nevada.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, how to respond to your various entries…

    First you lament RP moving ‘left’ this cycle. Ever wonder why? Here is a hint, because his strategy has shifted to gain better election support vs. his prior runs. Haven’t you learned anything from politicians: they say what is needed to generate support (to varying degrees). Paul identified his weakness as minorities and is acting accordingly. The fact he wants to kill all foreign aid (to heavy minority countries) should show you his true color. So he compared illegals to Jews in WW2, he also says MLK is a hero, but you can bet he knows exactly what MLK was and his communist ties (hell he lived through it). So he wants to reform prison law (ostensibly in favor of blacks), wrong, he just wants to correct terrible drug laws that hurt many people (and MANY whites considering the statistics – blacks end up in prison for worse offenses like robbery, assault, homicide, etc.). Again, just like no one on the right DARES talk shit about neocon-Jesus Reagen, no one dares insult black-Jesus MLK. This is all a game and a candidate must know how to play. Im positive his handlers told him what demographics he was weak in and he is correcting this position for votes.

    Okay so with that out of the way lets discuss the delegate process. Check all your MSM sites and try to get a solid resounding delegate count…….. Oh wait you cant. Why is that? Because youre ignorant of how the process works. Please go study this and learn what a brokered con is all about (and how the new GOP rules changed the delegate counts, add in some knowledge of the caucus process). This race is far from over, hence Ricky winning 2 tonight (with HW and guam still up in the air). The more candidates in the race, the harder it is for your boy Willard.

    As for B. McDonnell being a VP, hell no, and I am a Virginian – the HEART of the former Confederacy, telling you he is a no go poor choice (and why would Krispy Kreme Christie be any better? – besides consuming all you can eat buffets and honoring OD’ed has-been pop-stars).

    Lastly, being from the South (or upper-south as the other southern folks will claim), Grits are the shit, but avoid the Cracker Barrel.

    Ps. If its a brokered con, it is possible none of the above will be selected. So who is a good back up? People are floating Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio, but insiders are saying the only way to unify tea-party people, cons, neocons, rinos, and Paul supporters is to select Rand Paul. Food for thought (other than grits).

  2. Well come November I am voting for the Republican whether it is Romney, Santorum, or Newt. I wish I’d voted for McCain in ’08, Obama is that bad, instead of letting looney internet logic waste my vote in protest. I really hate the college professors and lesbians running the show right now, hard to believe there’s worse than Bush. Next week I’m voting in the Illinois primary.

  3. The USA is 67% White, which means there is 200 million of us. A small up swing in White voters yields more total votes than a larger up swing in minority votes. It’s simple math. On top of that, we know Whites are more likely to vote than non-Whites, and we have more money to donate than non-Whites.

    Ron Paul could have elected to take a more pro-White stances, without going full blown race realist to gain votes. Paul elected not to . IMO, that shows Paul’s real colors

  4. Let me get this straight. Minnesota went for Santorum. So did Alabama. WTF?

    That means that Minnesotans are as much a dumb ass bunchahicks as AlaBAAAAma?
    Misericordie Domine.

    I’m living in a madhouse called the NFKAUSA (Nation Formerly known as the US of A).

  5. I’d just like to point out again that Rick Santorum has an A- immigration restriction grade from NumbersUSA while Romney has a B-. For anyone not familiar NumbersUSA it is pretty much the number one immigration restriction lobby group in Washington.

    Also for anyone not familiar with NumbersUSA, the SPLC hates NumbersUSA.

    Santorum has an A+ record voting against amnesties while in the U.S. Senate.

    To my knowledge Romney has done next to nothing to stop illegal immigration other than speak against it while campaigning starting in 2008.

    Could Santorum stab everybody square in the back on the immigration issue once he was in office? Sure he could. So could Romney. Given Santorum’s congressional record I think it would be less likely than Romney though.

    Note I’m not bashing Romney here. Both his and Santorum’s rhetoric are far better than George W Bush who was an amnesty man from first to last.

    To me immigration restriction trumps whether Iran gets bombed or not.

    Plus Santorum is stronger on abortion and issues of Christian sexual ethics.

  6. @ Stonelifter

    Please dont be a dolt, try reading ‘Suicide of a Superpower’ before you type without reason, you beclown yourself. Whites will be a minority sooner than you believe.

    So you say:

    Ron Paul could have elected to take a more pro-White stances, without going full blown race realist to gain votes. Paul elected not to . IMO, that shows Paul’s real colors

    Consider this, who the fvck else besides Paul (Ricky, Willard, Newt) is running a “pro-White stance”. Damn youre a fool, because NONE of them are. Go back to your facebook dilemmas because politics is obviously out of your league. And I have a coloring book to keep you entertained while the adults discuss legit issues and strategy.

  7. Santorum’s NumbersUSA rank has changed significantly since the summer when Bachmann was in the race. He didn’t have that rank six months ago. Santorum said something in the debates that changed his score.

  8. Ron Paul didn’t have to claim that there is a racist criminal justice system that is persecuting blacks or that illegal aliens are like Jews in Nazi Germany. No other candidate went that far out on a limb.

  9. I was ready to vote for Ron Paul until he made his views on immigration clear in Nevada. He ignored the immigration issue in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida.

    It wasn’t until Nevada that Ron Paul started campaigning on immigration and spending a lot of time talking about the issue. He campaigned in Nevada on his opposition to the border fence.

    Matt Parrott saw that speech and posted about it on Facebook. I saw it that same day although I never posted about it here. That’s why I stopped posting about Ron Paul on this website.

  10. “Not that he isn’t sane and balanced, but that doesn’t mean we know what his politics will be. We don’t really care because he is saner than the other two.”

    What does it say about the stupidity of American politics when a guy who thinks Jesus preached in the Americas is considered the sanest of the sorry lot?

  11. Hunter states:
    Santorum’s NumbersUSA rank has changed significantly since the summer when Bachmann was in the race. He didn’t have that rank six months ago. Santorum said something in the debates that changed his score.


    Ricky will kill all foreign/outsiders but still allow the illegal insider masses to remain.

    As for NumbersUSA – totally agenda driven, of course it would take a thinker and not the follower mentality to discern this truth. But hey, you rubes also thought Obama would be transparent. What was his champion site: fightthesmears…. And now you RINO/NEOCONS have NumbersUSA. lolololollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  12. Last year, I had planned to vote for Bachmann because of her position on immigration and because VDARE had posted an article about Ron Paul’s shift to the Left on immigration in his latest book.

    Maybe he will abandon this idiotic strategy if he runs in 2016. From what I know about the Campaign for Liberty, I suspect he will be back with the same rotten platform next time around.

  13. Yes, Hunter I know his rank has changed significantly. That is why I was leaning for Bachman at first and Romney after she dropped out until Santorum made his strong anti-immigration statements.

    Roy Beck said the reason Santorum’s rank was so low before was mainly because of lack of recent statements and some bad decisions in the 1990’s.

    NumbersUSA also says itself that Santorum’s record on voting against amnesties was an A+ while in Congress. Check the link on Santorum’s profile about amnesties. That is an independent evaluation rank based on just what he did on amnesty issues while in congress not his total immigration restriction rank which of course there is more to than just opposing amnesty.

  14. Okay Hunter, Ill attempt to answer these…..

    Ron Paul didn’t have to claim that there is a racist criminal justice system that is persecuting blacks or that illegal aliens are like Jews in Nazi Germany. No other candidate went that far out on a limb.

    Well, no other candidate has been accused of racism (ie the newsletters). Do I need to go further into this topic? Also RP identified he lacks minority votes and could want to rectify this… After all votes = winning chance…

    I was ready to vote for Ron Paul until he made his views on immigration clear in Nevada. He ignored the immigration issue in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida.

    It wasn’t until Nevada that Ron Paul started campaigning on immigration and spending a lot of time talking about the issue. He campaigned in Nevada on his opposition to the border fence.

    Again, WOW, I already addressed this. He makes it an issues when the folks present it to him, HENCE only those border states. Its not like he is going to all 50 and espousing these ideals. He is merely attempting to pander for votes in borderline states. THEY all do this. As for the border fence, thats a fools dream. Hey study geography and see how the fence will FAIL over major water-ways, including its edge (in the ocean). The better route is to DMZ the area and add TROOPS to enforce and not support like Obama has done. Oh wait, Paul suggests bringing back troops to enforce such actions…………………………

  15. Maxx, the wide mouth, STD infested, foot-licking goat rapist that he is, made my case. No point in favoring any of them over the other because they all elected to not run a semi pro-White campaign. They’ve all had the same opportunity to court White voters in primary run offs where it’s mostly White voters and they elected not to.

    Who ever you pick to vote for will be the lesser of two evils, maybe, and given Paul’s stance on key issues, it’s my opinion he is not that lesser evil. How does that make me a dolt, you pig loving, gutter living, pile of puke? Has eating your own semen out of the goats you rape addled your brain?

    if Paul becomes president, which doesn’t seem likely, he will not be king and he will require the support of congress. My guess is, he will get next to zero help in congress on things like auditing the Fed, or ending foreign aide, and lots of help on things like gutting the military, opening the border with mexico and saving negros from the “racist” American justice system. Maybe Maxx could understand there are real problems with all the potential candidates, including Paul, if he wasn’t high from snorting his own feces and exhausted from worshiping Paul’s crap stained underwear.

    The only practical reasons I see for voting for any of the gop candidates are; 2nd amendment issues; a slight chance of decent judges being appointed and it might buy more time for Whites to get our collective stuff together. In my mind, there isn’t much difference between them on those 3 points, but we know Paul will not do a damn thing about immigration or BRA since it’s “nazi” to do so.

    What’s the deal about insulating people you disagree with? Are some here so convinced of their own infallibility they can’t see other people have well reasoned, differing opinions?

  16. If I remember correctly, Santorum said something about cutting legal immigration in one of the debates, and that one statement drastically changed his NumbersUSA score. Then he was criticized by the media and stopped talking about the issue.

    In the first debates, which were the only ones I watched, he did not come across as particularly strong on immigration. I’m pretty sure he even voted against E-verify.

  17. @Anglo Saxon Protestant

    Just how the hell is abortion an issue of national importance? Seriously. And where the hell has “Christian ethics” gotten this country in the last century?

    Shit, you’d think that after 8 years of Bush Jr. and his lot, and the aftermath it produced, that people would learn a lesson. But no, fuck that. We got’s ta stop theyum Yankee harlet’s from havin’ theyum eevuhl uhbowarshunz an’ killin nem purdy little unbowarn baiybeez ‘n maykin Jeezus cry! MotherFUCK!!! Believe me, I wish the South had been allowed to secede just as much as you guts do… You know, all these assholes in the media, keep going on about Romney having a problem with the Republican base. Well you know what? The “Republican base” IS the problem.

    Fuck Santorum, fuck Jesus, fuck your fucking pro-life hypocrisy, and I wish Romney and his Yankee-Mormon family all the luck in the world in this fight.

  18. It doesn’t matter who is elected. The POTUS is just a figure head.

    Although RP made some very stupid comments in NV, he was the only candidate who would have put pressure on the FED and was serious about cutting off foreign aid.

    With him out of the picture we are all back to the same old, same old.

    None of the current Republican candidates are any different than obama of bush. What they say now is just lies. If any are elected, they will pursue the same the anti-White policies obama is doing. They simply will have no choice. The money masters and media have the abilty to ruin them if they stray off their given role.

    The system is much bigger than who is elected into office. It is global.
    One doesn’t get this far in politics unless they are willing to play ball with the real power structure. I am a bit surprised any of you buy into this charade.

  19. Ron Paul said in the debates that he was against the border fence. I’m pretty sure that I made a post about that here last year.

    I was willing to let that slide until Nevada came around and for the first time in four years he campaigned on immigration and made it clear that he is an open borders libertarian.

  20. LOL,

    None of these guys have the power to stop immigration. They are mere puppets.
    If they even tried, economic pressures by the FED coupled with negative media would criple any chance.
    The POTUS does not have that kind of power.
    Still puzzled here by the comments.
    Do any of you think anything will change if a Republican is elected?
    Two feathers of the same bird.

  21. it makes no sense for candidates to suck up to latino voters given how well received Arizonans anti- immigration state law was received in border states

    Chris313, if this was a face to face discussion, you’d be picking your teeth up right about now. Abortion is a huge issue for many people. It kills White children and is a favorite topic of the left. That alone should be reason enough to oppose it. You do yourself and your cause no good with your rant.

  22. Chris you are a savage and belong with the niggers. I didn’t say anything about not voting for Romney because he was Mormon, you are a knee jerk reaction moron.

    Abortion became a national issue when the Supreme Court made it one in 1972.

    Plus remember the butcher fought for Protestantism and I rocked that same Butcher icon before you did over at Alternative Right for well over a year. lol

  23. @stonelifter

    I would really, really LOVE to have you try. All you do is spout off about what a bad-ass you believe yourself to be. You aren’t the only who knows how to fight, you aren’t the only one who’s had to spend time in dangerous places, and you aren’t the only one who’s ever been shot at. Go fuck yourself, tough guy.

  24. On abortion I believe that adults get to make up their own mind. However white women must be reminded that every single abortion they have is a dagger in heart of their own people.

    Blacks? They ought to be sterilized. Different story entirely.

  25. @Anglo Saxon Heretic

    Well pin a rose on your nose, sweetheart. I don’t spend every waking minute on WN sites, so I could care less about your taste in movies. I’ll change it makes you feel better.

    Abortion isn’t a national issue. It’s a pet-cause for people who don’t know how to mind their own business. Nothing more. Women have been having abortions for as long as they’ve been having babies. And taking away a womans right to choose, isn’t going to save the white race.

    So I guess I am a savage, by your standards. And “I belong with the niggers” ?? LMAO, trust me, there are quite a few niggers I’ve known that would disagree with that one.

  26. Abortion is murder, pure and simple. Sugar coat it all you want.
    Any woman capable of killing her own child is insane.

    In cases of rape and incest, different, more complex. I agree with a pro-choice stance by the woman.

  27. Abortion is a huge issue for many people. It kills White children and is a favorite topic of the left. That alone should be reason enough to oppose it.

    It kills proportionally far more black “children” (actually, unwanted fetuses), which, if you see yourself in a racial struggle, should be reason enough to support it.

    It’s a favorite topic of the left because it makes it so easy to expose what kooks and clueless wonders fundie types are. This effect, in turn, works to harden people against all other issues dear to fundies/southerners (like race and immigration). If you were smart — which I know you’re not, so don’t worry; but if you were — you’d take this issue away from them.

    (How is abortion a religious issue anyway? Last time I looked, millions upon millions of Christians supported abortion. Why the hell is the fundie wing allowed to decide for everyone else what “the religious view” is?)

  28. Laws against abortion were the final stopper to be released from the cultural tub. Roe v. Wade has infected the way we use the law in every respect.

    As I always say, I don’t care if you have twenty abortions and roll around in fetus in your basement. But making it legal has destroyed who we are in ways we can scarcely fathom.

    I’ll take 20 women dead from botched abortions than an entire country debased and debauched. Your inability to control your daughters doesn’t mean my children have to grow up in a cesspool devoid of redemption.

    Legalized abortion is Jewish collective guilt of the worst order.

  29. Hey Christine313,

    Please give me your learned theological opinion on why I’m heretic. I’d love to hear this from someone who thinks saying “fuck Jesus” is Orthodoxy.

    Just because you can’t get along with other niggers doesn’t make you not a nigger Chris. The crips and bloods can’t get along. They are still niggers and so are you.

    You white nigger overemotional non-rational gutter trash.

    Oh and yes you probably should change the icon because most likely you aren’t even an American.

  30. The last word about Ron Paul as a presidential candidate is that he is an ideologue who fucked himself and that he has surrounded himself with advisers who are equally clueless.

    This was obvious a year ago when he was supporting the Wikileaks fag, supporting DADT repeal, and giving lip service to supporting gay marriage. He moved to the left on immigration. Then he ran in the Republican primary.

    He lost and we are sitting here acting like we are surprised. The result was never really in any doubt.

  31. No you wouldn’t chris313.

    Is the White genocide in South Africa none of our business? Or is only the White genocide in the wombs of White women none of our business?

    When sperm meets egg, a brand new, unique, never seen before strand of DNA is created. A new White person, never seen before and who will never been seen afterward. The person is not a lump that belongs to the “mother” to do with as she wishes.

    I don’t know of any anti abortion advocate that isn’t torn about abortion when rape or the life of the mother is in play. However, we know rape claims are often false and their are doctors who will say every pregnancy puts the life of the mother at risk. There really is no good, clean solution to some problems.

    Yep I must be dumb because I don’t agree with the great, all powerful, and all knowing Silver. It’s a fact abortion kills more negros than White’s but since negros aren’t people I don’t care. I do care about White children and the lack of them. While abortion doesn’t kill as many babies as it does negros it still sets up the mind set that kids are no big deal, a burden not to be valued, disposable etc . The last time I read, most White women claim they get an abortion not because of health or economic reasons, but because it’s an inconvenient time for them to have a child. That’s…. pretty damn bad, but I guess I’m not smart enough to understand your higher logic. The folks who were fired up about abortion in the 20’s wanted abortion to be legal to reduce the number of ” the wrong kind of Whites” as well as negros. All that to say, it’s not as clear cut from a secular stand point and I can understand that. But you know, I’m not intelligent…

    The Bible is pretty clear about child sacrifice as in, God’s is not a fan o f it. Christians who support abortion are not what they claim to be.

    PS, I will never lift a finger to help a yankee of any sorts. The ones here remind just how alien and foreign they are

  32. Thanks HW, I forgot about Paul’s other stances like being pro queer and all. My big hell no to Paul, just got bigger

  33. A government will treat its citizens no better than they treat themselves.

    It is totally illogical that a citizenry that intends to constrain its government with a constitution would allow that constitution to enable the citizenry to treat each other like meat. For who else to enforce the constitution but the citizenry? And if the citizenry have not maintained any means of enforcing respectable behavior, they can expect none from their government, rendering the constitution meaningless.

    Anyone who doesn’t understand this fundamental premise is, quite frankly, dumber than a box of rocks. And ironically, it’s usually the “smartest” people that don’t get it.

    Go ahead and build your abortion fantasyland. Place it right next to the black astronaut program. But don’t call it Western, don’t call it civilization, and don’t call it a Republic.

  34. The key question of Ron Paul’s un-conservative, pro-immigration speech:

    Is it just tactical Taqiyya (a.k.a. taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah), or is it his sincere expression of convinced, consistent, radical Libertarianism (a.k.a. liber-tard-ianism, Randian-Misesian-capitalism, pro-global-bankster-complete-control-ism, global-anti-our-cultural-“free”-marketism)? Which is it?

    If the latter, then he is NOT the “lesser good” (imperfect but beneficial) candidate, but only one of the lesser evils (and lesser evils are all evil!) that we can choose among.

    But given a choice between a hoped-for-in-the-future conservative trend in Romney’s leadership, and Paul’s mostly conservative track record, which is the least lesser evil?

  35. Re: “But given a choice….” That will be possible only in the primaries, of course. Send a message now with Paul, or stop Santorum now with Romney, but either way Santorum gets no vote.

  36. For those who like war, and want to send a message for more endless war, your best choice is Santorum now, since Gingrich cannot win.

  37. “It’s a fact abortion kills more negros than White’s but since negros aren’t people I don’t care. I do care about White children and the lack of them. While abortion doesn’t kill as many babies as it does negros it still sets up the mind set that kids are no big deal, a burden not to be valued, disposable etc . The last time I read, most White women claim they get an abortion not because of health or economic reasons, but because it’s an inconvenient time for them to have a child.”

    Stonelifter, BRAVO!

    313 or is it really 666?

    You can go to hell. Anyone that disrespects the Name of the Most High, deserves to be the first to be handed over to the Shari’a law advocates, which WILL COME, if we don’t at the VERY LEAST, practice REPLACEMENT BIRTH STRATEGIES, and quickly. And Abortion is the very antithesis of that strategy. So, it clearly is of a piece with Jews, Communism, and the Destruction/Genocide of the White Race.

  38. PS, Stonelifter, I am a yankee… yet I agree with you. Be careful of confusing Yankee Supremacist (Y.S.) IDEOLOGY, with those ETHNIC BRETHREN who just happen to be awakening from slumber, after sixty years of Morgenthau propaganda, masquerading as ‘Truth/Pravda,’ who are northernors in locale, but southernors in spirit.

    But yeah. Jerkbutts like 313 (he doesn’t even deserve the name ‘Christ bearer’) are the antichrist incarnations of the Y.S. ideology. Anyone who supports abortion, is ALREADY half way to either worshiping the Jew, or bending over for the faggots to ‘use’. And, sorry, but even I will resort to ‘southern redneck stereotypes’ when surprised that my own state’s idiocy is as great as it is…. thus, my earlier comment about Santorum.

  39. Romney’s leadership, and Paul’s mostly conservative track record, which is the least lesser evil?

    Isn’t that the question? and one I don’t have a particularly good answer for. Folks have made their case against Paul and I won’t vote for him in a primary, but I have no strong argument why anyone should vote for Romney or the rest.

    Point taken Fr John, maybe you could create a secret hand shake/ hand sign or Dixie tattoo.. so we can sift the good vs the bad.

  40. Voting does not change anything in this country, thus voting is a waste of time in my opinion. There is a permanent government in this country, which is immune from political gimmicks like voting and the like, and its governing philosophy is a cross between the Wall Street Journal “Open Borders/Free Trade/Worship the Market” ethos and the leftist bile one finds on most university and college campuses.

  41. You make it by wrapping corn with thick cut bacon and putting it on the top rack of your grill. Proved to be a favorite in Virginia.

    The list of things made better by wrapping them in bacon is long indeed. Pretty much anything that doesn’t belong on the dessert tray.

  42. @Fr. John

    Yes, I am pro-choice. If that offends you, then kindly fuck off, you sanctimonious, Jew-obsessed, faux- man of the cloth. The right to choose, is a fundamental, personal freedom, and it’s going to stay that way. Deal with it. You pro-lifer’s should really spend more time examining your own personal decisions, than trying to get the Supreme Court to legislate everyone else’s.

    Nice imagery, BTW. (my, my. what would Jesus think? :-0 )

    So I’m “not worthy” of the name that means “Christ bearer”, huh? ( oh for God’s sake.. I can’t believe I’m even playing with this fool..) OK, if it will calm you down, you hysterical weirdo, from now on you can just call me Reprobus. I assume you’re familiar with all the fairy tales.

  43. From Wikipedia:

    “The doctrines of the Latter Day Saint movement, commonly referred to as Mormonism, teach that its adherents, Latter-day Saints, are either direct descendants of the House of Israel, or are adopted into it. As such, Judaism is foundational to the history of Mormonism; the Jewish people are considered a covenant people of God, held in high esteem, and are respected in the Mormon faith system. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is consequently very philo-Semitic in its doctrine.”

    What a joke.

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