Larry’s Folly

New York

Larry Auster writes:

“As you should know, I’m not going to post a comment supporting the Southern secessionists, whose grounds for secession were: the lawful election to the presidency of a man they didn’t like, and the lawful act of the United States in maintaining control of a federal fort.”

The most eloquent case for Southern secession was made by the Confederate commissioners who were selected as “apostles of disunion” to the other Southern states:

Stephen F. Hale:

“If the policy of the Republicans is carried out, according to the programme indicated by the leaders of the party, and the South submits, degradation and ruin must overwhelm alike all classes of citizens in the Southern States. The slave-holder and non-slave-holder must ultimately share the same fate — all be degraded to a position of equality with free negroes, stand side by side with them at the polls, and fraternize in all the social relations of life; or else there will be an eternal war of races, desolating the land with blood, and utterly wasting and destroying all the resources of the country.

Who can look upon such a picture without a shudder? What Southern man, be he slave-holder or non-slave-holder, can without indignation and horror contemplate the triumph of negro equality, and see his own sons and daughters, in the not distant future, associating with free negroes upon terms of political and social equality, and the white man stripped, by the Heaven-daring hand of fanaticism of that title to superiority over the black race which God himself has bestowed?”

William L. Harris:

“To-day our government stands totally revolutionized in its main features, and our Constitution broken and overturned. The new administration, which has effected this revolution, only awaits the 4th of March for the inauguration of the new government, the new principles, and the new policy, upon the success of which they have proclaimed freedom to the slave, but eternal degradation for you and for us. …

Our fathers made this a government for the white man, rejecting the negro, as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore, entitled to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political, or social equality.

This new administration comes into power, under the solemn pledge to overturn and strike down this great feature of our Union, without which it would never have been formed, and to substitute in its stead their new theory of the universal equality of the black and white races. …

Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, the part of Mississippi is chosen, she will never submit to the principles and policy of this Black Republican Administration.

She had rather see the last of her race, men, women and children, immolated in one common funeral pile [pyre], than see them subjected to the degradation of civil, political and social equality with the negro race.”

John H. Reagan:

“And now you tender us the inhuman alternative of unconditional submission to Republican rule on abolition principles, and ultimately to free negro equality and a government of mongrels or a war of races on the one hand, and on the other secession and a bloody and desolating civil war, waged in an attempt by the Federal Government to reduce us to submission to these wrongs. …

… The irrepressible conflict propounded by abolitionism has produced now its legitimate fruits– disunion. Free negro equality, which is its ultimate object, would make us re-enact the scenes of revolution and anarchy we have so long witnessed and deplored in the American governments to the south of us.”

“The Southern Secession was a bad cause, one of the worst that ever was, as Grant put it in his memoirs. Anyone who tries to advance or justify our opposition to a lawless federal government by linking it to that bad cause, is tainting and besmirching our just and righteous cause.”

The Confederate cause was identical with the preservation of slavery, white supremacy, and state sovereignty. The Union cause was identical with abolition, negro equality, and consolidated government.

Note: BTW, the Grant administration was one of the most corrupt governments in all of American history. Barack Hussein Obama is the legitimate heir of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant. He is a sectional president like Lincoln who won the same states.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, great post. Just as the Republicans try to distance themselves their base (white people), they and the Tea Party/American Thinker types recoil in horror from any alignment with the Confederacy. This is odd, given that the Confederacy was the ultimate State’s rights, private property rights, restore-the-Republic organization in the history of this country.

  2. The grounds for seccession were clearly about not having to deal with blacks as moral or legal equals. Lincoln was in that sense simply a figurehead for abolition and equality. Any vibrancy lover would do. As Mosin points out Auster is acting snarkily German. On a practical level he’s never really had to deal with blacks or the whites who do have to deal realistically with them.

  3. There you go. Did not know this about him. Auster? That’s like a Jew called D’arcy. Was it contracted from Austerwitz?

  4. “Just as the Republicans try to distance themselves their base (white people), they and the Tea Party/American Thinker types recoil in horror from any alignment with the Confederacy. This is odd, given that the Confederacy was the ultimate State’s rights, private property rights, restore-the-Republic organization in the history of this country.” Yes, very odd. Who misleads them so?

  5. Not sure. I think he’s a Jewish convert to Episcopalianism. HW might know. Auster has a long history of feverishly condemning anti-Semites on the right. His definition of Antisemitism seems to be anyone who speaks out against Jewish aggression.

  6. In his case, it has less to do with Jewishness than his general position of American patriotardism – the same sentiment that Lincoln harnessed to utterly destroy limited constitutional government.

  7. Hunter, I’m a (or was) a frequent commenter on Auster’s site. I was going to comment here when I read his comment today. He claims to be a traditionalist conservative. His true colors come out when one criticizes Jewish hypocrisy, the open borders Jews who want to flood our country with nonwhites, while their racist brethren do all that they can to maintain a racially pure settler state on stolen land in occupied Palestine. He hates Muslims for wrecking our country, wants to stop Muslim immigration, but never says a peep about his fellow Jews who have REALLY wrecked the moral foundation of this country. With his comments about the Confederacy, I’m through with this Yankee kike.

  8. The solution would have been to pack the slaves up and ship them to Africa. Why wasn’t that done? Oh yes, class imperatives. Must protect the rich at all costs, even at the cost of our racial survival!

    Likewise today with the chant of “jobs Americans won’t do”.

    The Yankee premise was that we are equal souls before God that merely inhabit bodies of different racial types. That notion must be consigned to the ash heap of history.

    Likewise, this project cannot go forward on the basis of Dixie romanticism, rather on the notion that

    “If I knew it would have turned out like this I would have picked my own damned cotton!”

    Dixie was built on a premise that has always lead to race mixing, namely, the initial exploitation of one race by another. It never lasts, and when it ends, Brown Out begins.

  9. Here’s the rest of the qoute that Hunter didn’t publish:
    The Southern Secession was a bad cause, one of the worst that ever was, as Grant put it in his memoirs. Anyone who tries to advance or justify our opposition to a lawless federal government by linking it to that bad cause, is tainting and besmirching our just and righteous cause.
    Fuck this Johnny come lately kike!

  10. Is there anyone who truly lives in and knows the South, who questions that the majority would not even at this time in the 21st century, press these same issues and rights, were it not for the oppressive and merciless hand of the overbearing and tyrannical federal menace?

  11. I’ve never understood the Tea Party.

    The taxes that we paid to King George III were trivial compared to the ones that we pay today to Washington. The West Indian colonies paid the bulk of the taxes and were happy to quarter British troops.

    Unlike Washington, the Crown had expelled the French from North America and subdued the Indians on the frontier. We were simply asked to pay taxes in exchange for border security.

    Maybe the Tea Party is trying to convey irony?

  12. Afterthought,

    I think not as far as race mixing goes. European nations conquered Africa. Dixie wasn’t that much different. There the whiteman had to learn to live with the ferals. In Dixie the whiteman had to figure out a use for the feral beast. A century or so and the Southerner concluded that they were untameable savages and went to war to protect themselves from the threat of equality. Now Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore are gone. Rhodesians figured out the same thing
    a hundred years later. Now London and Paris are going the same way.

    It’s time to stop the rot.

  13. Speaking of Episcopal Jewish types.

    Anyone here know of Michael Gove? He’s Education Secretary in the UK. Closely linked to Simon Schama and Niall Ferguson. He’s a classicist but he’s also a Zionist fanatic. Watch out for this one. He was adopted by a baker from godknows what mother. He lists himself as Cof E but he’s clearly got a touch of the Jew in him.

  14. With the tea party you’d have to look through the bio of every participant. I didn’t understand the costume part of it though. Why Injuns? Why not come as themselves?

    I suspect that the impetus was commercial rivalry ( East India Company price fixing) on one level and plain cultural hostility on another (dissenting radicals, Scots, Ulstermen, the odd Frog, a few Dutch, some Germans).

    What I don’t understand is how the act became legendary in US history.
    These Injuns were no better than ELF hippies.

  15. This was the comment that began the thread, and is interesting.

    “Therefore the only meaningful form that conservatism can now take is counterrevolution, which means: opposition to the lawless regime that America now is, and the declared intent to overthrow it. Any “conservatism” short of counterrevolution is simply subscription to, loyalty to, patriotism to, obedience to, a leftist unlimited state.”

    There does seem to be a contradiction between this quote and the one at the top of the article.

    Auster is far beyond the Tea Party and American Thinker types in his critique of the modern system. Like Hunter he has internalized the work of Paul Kersey and uses the BRA meme frequently. His blog over the last year has had more (and better) black-on-white true-crime stuff than AmRen.

    It is very hard for Yankee’s, no matter what their ethnic background or professed faith, to deconstruct they foundational myths of their nation (New England).

  16. “Lew says:
    July 3, 2012 at 3:02 am
    Not sure. I think he’s a Jewish convert to Episcopalianism. HW might know. Auster has a long history of feverishly condemning anti-Semites on the right. His definition of Antisemitism seems to be anyone who speaks out against Jewish aggression.”

    Jews are never really “converts”.

  17. Auster could rediscover his Judaism in a very similar way that Stalin’s minions rediscovered theirs once Israel was founded.

  18. Hunter – it IS about Auster’s Kike-ishness. He’s controlled opposition. A safety valve. He, like Michael “Savage” Weiner, exists to control the pressure. They can talk about Black pathologies, because Black criminality is beginning to be NOTICED by Joe and Jane Sixpack. The Jew thing though – not a whisper. The hundred year use of the Negro, as the Blunt Weapon of the Jew – not a peep.

    I know you like Auster, Hunter – but he’s a JEW. He’s not YOU. He’s not US. Ye Gods. Stonedlifter and I have a true loathing of each other – and it’s apparently for All Time – but I’d still not do a thing to hurt him, or his Clan (the only thing more stubborn than a Low Country German is a Highland Scot). I wish him and his well, in the end – no matter our personal emnity.

    Auster – he’s not US. Don’t EVER forget this. You are making the same Tragic Mistake Whites have made for centuries.

    STOP it.

  19. What’s changed?

    The Northeast is promoting negroes, social equality, and aggrandizing the central government. The South is tugging in the opposite direction. It is the same struggle it has always been – 1860s, 1960s, 2010s.

    Then as now, the Union has been perverted into the instrument of our destruction by a Northern majority engaged in neverending social revolution.

  20. Good point Jackson. The only territory and population capable of staging an insurrection let alone a full blown war of liberation is the South. And it would have tondig deep into the mythos of the Confederacy to succeed. So Auster is a bullshitter in a very clear sense. Who else will do it? Massachusetts? New York? Are you kidding?

  21. Why does Auster think this Frankenstein bill looks like it does? It has none of the elegance of the NHS or Canadian single payer, all of the flaws of autoinsurance combined with bankster like attitude. It’s literally a wealth transfer from white to black.

    This state of affairs is all about free blacks.

  22. Denise:

    Jews are never really “converts”.

    Sure. I know that. Others might not understand this, though. OD seems to have a pretty polyglot readership these days, drawing people with many backgrounds, perspectives, stages of awakening, etc.

    That said, I have been sending people to Auster a lot lately in an attempt to radicalize certain conservatives I know who have had enough of “mainstream conservatism.” These are people who won’t listen to JQ issues anyway because they see JQ issues as nutty. They haven’t been educated yet. It doesn’t matter LA doesn’t mention it. I use all the philo HBD blogs this way. Liberals get sent to Half Sigma, conservatives to Auster and Mangans. I like Auster for his cutting polemics.

  23. Auster is simply demonstrating the Jewish version of “snapback.” Now you know why there was a Spanish Inquisition.

    Deo Vindice

  24. “Apuleius says:
    July 3, 2012 at 4:45 am
    Auster is simply demonstrating the Jewish version of “snapback.” Now you know why there was a Spanish Inquisition.

    Deo Vindice”


  25. Lew – well done, in your savvy verion of ideological “sorting”.

    However, sooner or later, every-one runs right smack into the Great Wall of JD. (It’s not a “Question”. It’s “D” for Disaster). I remember when I first hit Stormfront, I thought all the Jew Haters were NUTS, myself.

    Think about that. Denise – It’s the Spawn of Satan Wot Done Us Wrong Denise – wondered, “Why does every-one hate the Jews so much, I know some great Jews – what’s wrong with these people?” Denise.

    Sooner or later ya can’t dance around it. Get it over with, sez I . Wait for the tide to break and swirl around your ankles. Have yer arguments and data ready – and stick to your story……

  26. The election of a man not even on the ballots in the South. Folks always seem to over look the fact no one in the South voted for lincoln because he wasn’t on the ballots

    The tea party is a joke “end federal spending, expect the federal spending we like” is the whole sum of their argument

  27. It’s a risky tactic sending people to Auster and other so-called jewish right wingers. They end up as Free Republicans, never coming to the full truth and giving support to an illegitimate government run by and for jews. That’s just a fact, as evidenced by Romney’s second trip to Israel, his picks for his administration, and the General Government’s warlike and murderous attitude toward it’s own people and the nations. It’s not for nothing that we are the most hated country on earth, right up there with Israel.

  28. @Jackson
    “It is very hard for Yankee’s, no matter what their ethnic background or professed faith, to deconstruct they foundational myths of their nation (New England).”

    Very astute observation. I’m just now beginning to come to terms with that fact, too. This is critical to our success. I just don’t know what to say about it sometimes. I guess that’s why we need people with your insight.

    “The only territory and population capable of staging an insurrection let alone a full blown war of liberation is the South. And it would have to dig deep into the mythos of the Confederacy to succeed.”

    Glad to see more and more Southerners starting to make this connection. As HW has so often pointed out, we are really the only ones in a position to make it happen. We truly are a captive nation, a “nation within a nation.” Not based on any abstract “proposition,” either. Our ancestors set such a good example in many ways.

    Only time will tell, but there is much to hope for. I truly believe that our people still have a destiny to be realized. I fervently hope that I will see a free and independent Southland in my life. I am also aware that this possibility is among our enemies worst nightmares.

    Many thanks to you, Hunter, and to all the other good people here. Advance the cause.

    Deo Vindice

  29. We’re steadily building up the nucleus of White Southern Nationalism:

    (1) The Southern Nationalists get an independent South, a restored traditional Christian culture, and a limited constitutional government.

    (2) The White Nationalists get the breakaway White ethnostate, the destruction of BRA, and a restoration of race sanity.

    I never understood why the two became so unglued when the original version of Southern nationalism was so much closer to my version.

  30. If the South is to succeed in anything, it needs the midwest, or the near west, to split yankee land from the left coast.

  31. Explain to me why we need the mid west. If it’s to split yankee power… I don’t see it. The mid west is another den of yankee vipers as far as I’m concerned. Perhaps a little less godless then jew york but they aren’t our friends or allies. The negro and chief hails from the mid west, yankees from the mid west marched on us alongside the yankees from the north east, the engage in the same anti Southron rhetoric as jew york yankees etc etc

    California will be broke, powerless and dying on the diversity it loves so much before too long and is no threat to us if we secede

  32. I’m pro-secession regardless of what form it takes or what grounds it is on. Whether it starts in Arizona or Alabama makes no difference to me. Whether it is about health care, negroes, immigration or a federal fort.

  33. Prescience. The South remains an intellectually ripe idea dying on the vine of BRA. The Confederate Constitution was an enhanced form of the original and most importantly protected White property rights of Negroes. Its only flaw was needlessly and shortsightedly retaining the 3/5ths idea; counting pack animals as human was a tactic that had its place before the dissolution.

    America is invreasingly seeming like a place one should visit instead of toil in to support the Negro mob. Has anyone else noticed Negroes are all of a sudden patriotic? That should tell us something.

    “What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.” — Frederick Douglas

    Sic Semper Tyrannis.

  34. The Midwest is the place where most of the food in the US is grown. That’s all. How stupid to say we don’t need the Midwest. Should we just hand it over to the chinese? or maybe the mexicans? Hey! Let’s hand the Midwest over to the somalis, the hotsi-totsis and zulu-zulus, that’s the ticket! Yes sirre bob. Great strategy for white Americans. Give away our farmland. Smart.

  35. The southerners– bless their hearts– are still growing cotton and tobacco instead of staple crops. If you southerners ever do actually secede from the union — some here even seem to be gung-ho to start the secession through war– how “ya all” going to feed yourselves if you ostracize yourselves from the “yankees in the Midwest” ? What are “you all” going to eat : cotton candy?

  36. “The solution would have been to pack the slaves up and ship them to Africa. Why wasn’t that done?”

    That was done. As were numerous other attempts at resettlement: all catastrophes, most infamous Ile a Vache where the freed slaves were rescued by the Navy weeks later because as pack animals they depend on humans for survival. Because of these disasters the political support for ‘colonization’ evaporated. If Negroes are to leave America it will be the same way they entered: against their will and in chains.

    ” Oh yes, class imperatives. Must protect the rich at all costs, even at the cost of our racial survival!”

    The white race is valuable because of its elite, not the other way around.

    “Dixie was built on a premise that has always lead to race mixing, namely, the initial exploitation of one race by another. It never lasts, and when it ends, Brown Out begins.”

    Exploitation is not and should not be a dirty word. Exploitation is the effective use of previously untapped resources that if neglected would be utilized by others. Nothing is everlasting on this Earth, including the Earth itself. The One Drop Rule – which is deeply etched in the collective North American psyche renders miscegenation a vice and shame as opposed to threat to civilization. The definition of “White” hasn’t changed since the founding of the country, unlike in the Latin world where there is racial fluidity due to lack of a One Drop Rule.

  37. farming is a business you dumb jew troll and you grow what your climate, soil etc allows to maximize your profit. Often enough you have no real choice in what you grow.

    In 2011 here in NC we produced 68.5 million bushels of corn;
    1.1 million bales of cotton ( which is required for the clothes you wear and is as staple you dumb sack of negro shit)
    40 million bushels of soybeans
    Almost 300 million pounds of peanuts
    12 million cwt of sweet potatoes
    Many millions of bushels of grains, barley, wheat, oats
    250 million pounds of tobacco
    Millions of hogs
    3.23 million hundred weights of Irish potatoes
    400,000 tons of hay in one month
    39 million pounds of blue berries
    5,300 tons of peaches
    5,200,000 pounds of catfish
    3,220,000,000 eggs
    5,587,000,000 pounds of chicken
    44,000 milk cows
    356,000 head of beef cow

    there is no way your are White. even White retards are smarter then you

  38. To me, Jews are like Arabs: It’s not the race, but the religion. An Arab who believes in Islam is the enemy. A Christian Arab may or may not be. Likewise, a Jew who believes in godless Cultural Marxism is the enemy. A Jew who believes in traditional (i.e. non-Talmudic) Judaism may or may not be.

    I’m not blind to trends, of course. Intellectual Ashenkazi drove (and are driving) the Cultural Marxist horror-train. But they are a dying breed, even in New York. The future of Jewry is religious and conservative, not atheist and liberal. And, trust me, the Black Hats have no desire to take over white society. They just want to live in their own ghettoes, marrying their cousins and davening themselves into eternity. I can respect that.

    I don’t hate Jews, or blacks, non-Christians, or anyone else. I don’t think Jews are demon-spawn, blacks are animals, or non-Christians necessarily reprobates. I just want to live away from them. I just want to live with my people in our own land. I wish all the people of the world long life, health, and happiness — somewhere else.

    “A place for everyone, and everyone in his place.”

  39. “…the lawful election to the presidency of a man they didn’t like.”

    Lincoln didn’t win a single Southern electoral vote. Southerners were just disenfranchised by legal means. Does that make it right?

  40. “Christians” who are constantly goading us on to internecine war– whites who love and celebrate internecine war ( whites killing down fellow whites) –are the biggest problem for the white race. The reason we have so many foreigners amongst us in the first place is Exactly because we as a race have greatly weakened ourselves through so much internecine war.
    It’s commendable they grow food in North Carolina. Still, the South as a whole can not feed itself. The South must bring in alot of foodstuffs from the Midwest, in spite of what they do grow. Much of the food grown in the south goes to feed all the negroes anyway. If war ever comes– I don’t want it to– then many of the South’s farmers will be called into the military and many Southern farms will be fallow.

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