About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Dixiegirl
    Romney looks like he has a paleolithic skin tone, of the kind you’ll find in a small proportion if you travel in the Atlantic coastal area from Scotland down to the Basque country. Think Sean Connery and the black Irish (not the Niggas in Dublin kind).

  2. I bear a resemblance to Romney. He’s a very British looking type. Connery for certain. Clive Owen, Carey Grant. That sort. I just found out he’s in his midsixties. He’s kept very good care of himself.

    Black hair blue eyes can tan but not olive. Get quite pale in winter. “Peaches and cream”.

  3. “Rudel says:
    October 5, 2012 at 2:14 am
    “Throw Jewel down the well…..!”

    I’m gonna have to blackball the hubster too if you don’t pipe down. ”

    Uh huh. Black ball. Where did you meet Onegro, anyways? Are you referring to the Locker Room Bar at Man’s Country, in Chi town?

  4. We are bound.

    For our intellectual and moral cowardice as a nation we have most certainly been bound.

    And, being bound, we are being forced to pay.

    And we are being given a choice. Do we wish to pay in sweat, or in blood?

    Ask yourself, which washes off easiest at the end of the day?

    Fuck Romney, Bibi and Sheldon. I’m not shedding blood for them, nor will my posterity be so burdened.

    We can clean up after Obama. We’ll no more be able to clean up after Romney than we did after Bush. The neocons will have it no other way.

    We pay in sweat and in so doing we remake ourselves. There is no easy way out.

  5. “I bear a resemblance to Romney. He’s a very British looking type. Connery for certain. Clive Owen, Carey Grant.”

    How gay of you to say so.

  6. I’m Absolutely secure in my own sexuality. Lol. Though it does sound a bit queer on reflection. Conceited prig might be closer to describing me.

  7. “Hahaha. You clazy JewMan – you gave us Yankee Wound Eye technology now we bwow you sowee Jew ass off face of Earth Jewman. Howwo-cost for WEAW. You screw us fuck you”.

    Holy shit that was funny!

  8. Jewdel,

    Maybe you don’t realize this: you come off as a tiny-dicked loser. It’s a shame because you make some really great points when you’re not trying so hard to be an ass….to a woman…on the internet. It’s that trying that gives you away. If you were really as awesome as you imply, you’d be indifferent or silent. Now surf on over to redtube.com to release some of that pent up frustration. You’ll be less of a jackass for it.

  9. “It’s that trying that gives you away.”

    Thanks for your interest in my penis, but with the characters on this site there is no need to try as it really takes no effort at all!

  10. The Chimperium continues to be buffeted from without by Islamic terrorists and now within as our brilliant Chimperator is exposed as a lazy dumb nigger. His ideological refusal to admit the threat posed by Islam and a feral Negro race to civilization jeopardize the physical and financial wellbeing of humans in general and white Americans in particular.

    And Romney deserves no accolades for defeating an uppity Coon with invisible college transcripts. In a sane world Obama would be polishing shoes or digging through trash cans; regaling straphangers with prepared remarks and begging for change.

  11. YT the white knight to rescue a woman who wants the large scale death of young White men in Iran. How… typical, and sad. Plus what’s up with the male genital fetish of so many?

  12. “John says:
    October 5, 2012 at 6:06 am
    I’m Absolutely secure in my own sexuality. Lol. Though it does sound a bit queer on reflection. Conceited prig might be closer to describing me.”

    Of course you are a Conceited Rotter. You are an Englishman Tried and True. We NEED more like you. England was at her peak when Flashman’s ruled the world. Bring back the Flashmans’s!

  13. “YT says:
    October 5, 2012 at 6:11 am
    “Hahaha. You clazy JewMan – you gave us Yankee Wound Eye technology now we bwow you sowee Jew ass off face of Earth Jewman. Howwo-cost for WEAW. You screw us fuck you”.

    Holy shit that was funny!”

    Welcome. I live to serve – good White men and women, that is.

    Every-one else can go to Hell.

    FYI – I am advocating that War with Iran cleans out the Orcs, BREAKS ZOG, and crumbles the BRA.

    ALL Racially awake Whites of childbearing age need to go AWOL. Young Whites need to stay here, avoid the war, and breed. Let the Lesbians, Diverse Orcs, and Mercs face the wrath of Iran.

  14. “that demented and unordained Christian Identity cleric Fr. John– LOL!”

    Jewdel- I called you out, months ago. You presume you have a dog in this race, and yet, you insult a woman with four letter words- the very nadir of gentelmanly behaviour.

    And then you insult me, too. If you had an ounce of Anglo-Saxon decency in your heart, you’d at least have READ the posts in which I state clearly my ordination credentials, and my training, including (but not stopping with ) an honestly-earned doctorate, that entailed learning fluently three foreign languages other than English, you might have spared the readership this slander against my good name, and my Lord. Simply because I hold that the CI folk deserve to be heard, and agree with many (but not all) of their ideas… as they once were held by a wide variety of English and American gentlemen, including scientists, authors, and even nobility- you do not have the right to impugn me in such a manner. I’ve pointed out the facts in almost every post I make, and expect a learned individual to do their own damned research, rather than react like some idiot like Joew, or Wop666. You backed off for a while, but this is the last straw.

    Now, this is not the time or place to rise to the level of a cynic, but that’s about all I think you are, while remaining a gentleman, even as you show you are not one. Even others are beginning to see your sorry soul for what it is- NOT white. It, like your physiognomy, is most likely, Judaized. If not in actuality, then in ideology.

    Denise may not be ‘de-nice,’ but she is HONEST. You, otoh, remind me of the shtetl. Go back there with your vulgar race, and rot, you bastard.

  15. Related:

    Just got a call from Mitt’s campaign asking about whether the debates decided me. The caller claimed to be Northern Euro who left due to muslim invasion.

    Now, while he hates what happened to HIS country, he loves the u.s., and says “he’s done very well” (financially). Grilled him about is he all about money, or does he care about culture, race, arts, sub-ethnic identity, etc. And the answer was no.

    He hates the muslims in his country—- but couldn’t give a flying f about the u.s. I asked him if he cared about Generational Americans, Ethnic Americans (i.e. wasps), and how they are only 3% in so many u.s. cities now, etc. And he could not care less.

    Everything, to him, is the economy and not giving money for welfare. Idk about Mitt, but his campaign callers are shallow neo-cons.

  16. Oh—

    and in the end, he got real “christian” LOL—- saying things such as, “sounds like you’re searching,” and “I hope you find what you search for,” and so on. He did not go so far as to say he would ‘pray for me,’ but that was the basic idea, lmao.

    He got pissed when he kept harping on Welfare, and I kept asking him if he knew how many bases the american people are paying for overseas (he had NO CLUE). Then I said, clearly he was not very informed about what he was paying for, and doesn’t that show that universal suffrage —meaning him— maybe isn’t the greatest idea, lol.

    We talked about where the children in my family should live overseas, since immigrants have turned america into something entirely unintended by the americans. Where did he think americans should go?

  17. @ …. Think Sean Connery and the black Irish (not the Niggas in Dublin kind)….

    It was my understanding that ‘the black irish’ were Spaniards. A black irish friend (spanish blood) told me her family got there via a shipwreck.

    —-on this other issue of how we cannot practice our culture in a foreign environment, (much less find people to date), and made more difficult by the reality that congregating is illegal— new hands-on strategies should be put forward for how to survive this.

  18. Hm. Wonder if you read the mantra to telemarketers over the phone, if they automatically take you off the call lists? Seem to be getting fewer marketers than usual.

  19. Drats— forgot to mention all the Land Grab deals in the south to the Mittens neo-con when he went on about his life in the oh-so-free “new south,” and how against “socialism” he was.

  20. “I hold that the CI folk deserve to be heard, and agree with many (but not all) of their ideas… as they once were held by a wide variety of English and American gentlemen, including scientists, authors, and even nobility”

    “Even nobility” oh my! You are a moron then. Your ideas about race are based on silly and obsolete conjectures that have been disproven by DNA analysis. I wouldn’t wipe my ass with your “degrees” and BTW: There is no God. No one in their right mind believes the Iron Age fairy tales in the Bible which was written by men many years after the purported facts and ridiculous miracles were supposed to have occurred.

  21. Don’t believe everything you hear about Ireland. It’s blarney.

    The Atlantic is generally dark. The North Sea blond.

    Different migration sources. The result? The Brits and Irish.

    The red complexion is partly indigenous, partly Norse. It’s selective advantage for Vitamin D for northerners is obvious.

  22. “Different migration sources. The result? The Brits and Irish.”

    Wrong. Same original migration source. England has simply had more overlay of conquering Germanic and Scandinavian tribes; Scotland, Cornwall and Wales decidedly less so. Not enough to wipe out the underlying Celt genes though. The English population remains 60% Briton according to DNA analysis.


  23. Rudel,

    The genetic source of the Atlantic seaboard is basically the Basque Gascon region. The North Sea allowed a different population in to colonize the sea board. Itsat leastpartly why someone like Catherine Zeta Jones can play a Senorita in Zorro. As you go from west to Easton the Isle, you see the progression from brunette to blonde right infront of your eyes. Go to Truro in Cornwall and Drive to Norwich in East Anglia and the people you will see in the villages gently transition from brun to blonde.

  24. I’m not disputing in the least, nor have I ever disputed, the East-West cline in Celtic DNA. It’s obvious from the genetic map I keep posting. Have you even bothered to look at it?

  25. I’m not sure what your obsession with genetics proves. I’m not knocking it either. But here’s something funny. There’s a village in Yorkshire with 7 men who have a Y chromasome that was hitherto considered unique to Africa. There’s a family name that closely correlates to the gene. Apparently it’s an African gene. 25 people in Africa have it. Well what if some Randy Yorkshire sailor banged a few blackies and put that marker down there? What if the gene is actually from Yorkshire? 7 of 32 cases in a place that had the means to actually sail someplace. The 25 blacks, what trip could their ancestors have taken?

    Anyway here’s rasta wire. They love the genemaps as much as you rudel.


    you only really need to look and you see most of what you need to know.


  26. Hahahahaha! The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus wasn’t black, he was merely half Carthaginian. You have to take these “nigger studies” historians with several grains of salt. They claim Hannibal was black too…


    As for your Yorkshire blackamoors it would have to be a nigger sailor settling there not vice-versa as the Y-chromosome is passed down through the male line.

  27. Rudel,

    I’m simply connecting to the rastas as suggestion to cool it with the DNA stuff. Jefferson has a marker associated with Somalia. The DNA evidence such as it is will go through a few generations of refinement and we will probably find Ancient Britons rampaging in Egypt.

  28. Anyway, it just as likely that a Yorkshire (Northumbrian) sailor was on a trip went to a bordello and sired some sons. It’s just as consistent as anything else.
    25:7 ratio doesn’t nessessarily point to an origin in Africa. A more thorough trawl through Britain might completely reverse that ratio.

    I’m pretty damned certain that Britain would have had enormous out migration at various times. It can support an enormous population, and we know that they did Colonize Brittany as refugees. Other place might have been settled by a few boatloads of them.

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