About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Dixiegirl says:
    October 4, 2012 at 2:20 am
    Just wish Mitt hadn’t said opening Latin America would save u.s. jobs. —a truly weak moment.”

    Dear Girl – he was simply Having a Moment, salivating over all those natural resources…minerals….aahhhh! Be a Supremacist Dixie. The world will be ours, again….

  2. YA ROMNEY! He made that coon look like the lying, manipulative, knuckle dragging chimp he is! But hey lets credit Obama for being so colourfully diverse this evening: shit skin, lavender lips, red ears from frustration and a blue dress on his primate big booty assed wife. I’m actually surprised the jigaboo didn’t start waving his arms around like a monkey, he was getting so flustered by the end he couldn’t even answer a question much less make any sense in what he was trying to express. C’mon America! Get that mongrel out of office and don’t fall to communism like Cana-duh/Kenyada/Khanadistan/Chinada has!

  3. 2004 didn’t have the racial aspect. That will have unpredictable ripples – particularly inside the media imo. Inside they’ll all want to be calling Romney racist for making Obama look like a dumb actor who needs to be fed his lines – but they can’t.

  4. I must admit i didn’t expect this. I thought Romney would carry him to prevent himself looking racist / superior.

  5. “John says:
    October 4, 2012 at 2:12 am
    Romney, shaken not stirred.


    love the smirk.”

    I do too. It’s wonderful. Non-Whites don’t “get” the cues”. I was amusing my Hubster, making him laugh, by “interpreting” Mitt’s indulgent smiles, when Faux News showed a split screen. Obama was Talking Seriously, and Mitt gazed on politely, attentively, and all-Interested-y, as though he was actually paying attention, and all, whilst thinking, “How the Hell did this clown ever get out of the mail-room. I know you have to promote these guys – but really. There are more intelligent ones out there. I’d never let this one get past the part-time janitorial staff, in one of my companies…”

    He just OOZED it. He was projecting, “Wow. What a stupid Negro idiot. Hey – maybe if I give him a mandolin he can sing “Oh Dem Golden Slippers” for the crowd…” Thought Beams, at the Negro clown. Mitt was having fun with his thoughts. You could tell.

    Romney IS a Supreme White!!!

  6. “Sua Eccellanza Chris says:
    October 4, 2012 at 3:14 am
    YA ROMNEY! He made that coon look like the lying, manipulative, knuckle dragging chimp he is! But hey lets credit Obama for being so colourfully diverse this evening: shit skin, lavender lips, red ears from frustration and a blue dress on his primate big booty assed wife. I’m actually surprised the jigaboo didn’t start waving his arms around like a monkey, he was getting so flustered by the end he couldn’t even answer a question much less make any sense in what he was trying to express. C’mon America! Get that mongrel out of office and don’t fall to communism like Cana-duh/Kenyada/Khanadistan/Chinada has”

    Barry can’t handle the True White. I actually can’t wait for the next debates. By the By – the Ryan/Biden one will be a hoot.

  7. @ Dear Girl – he was simply Having a Moment, salivating over all those natural resources…minerals….aahhhh! Be a Supremacist Dixie. The world will be ours, again….”

    Idk— am less interested in “ruling the world” than in finding a nice place for me and my family to live— and no, I don’t think it’s only minerals. If it was just the minerals, we’d clear a path, go get them, bring them back, and maintain the border the whole time.

  8. “Rudel swings and misses…again….”

    The laugh will be on you if your new heart throb Mittens wins the election and nothing changes… LOL!

  9. “Prepare for chimpout day after. Big uptick in likely chimpopolooza day after vote.

    I’m surprised.”

    That’s only round one. Romney has a lot of ground to make up especially in Ohio.

  10. Dixiegirl says:
    October 4, 2012 at 3:36 am
    @ Dear Girl – he was simply Having a Moment, salivating over all those natural resources…minerals….aahhhh! Be a Supremacist Dixie. The world will be ours, again….”

    Idk— am less interested in “ruling the world” than in finding a nice place for me and my family to live—”

    I as well.

    “.. and no, I don’t think it’s only minerals. If it was just the minerals, we’d clear a path, go get them, bring them back, and maintain the border the whole time.”

    Ummm….White have tried to include The Other for Almost 100 years now. It’s not working. Mitt, as a representative Uber Do Gooder Yankee, essentially said that tonight. He does want to rule the world. All kinds of people have wanted to to this…

    Have yo uever tried to inculcate a new habit? As an adult? Takes ages. I’ve bene working on doing Kievsky’s Two Minutes of Hate, for weeks….I am NOT a Morning Person. I’m a Night Owl. I may be up and moving, as 9AM EST – but I’m NOT awake. I finally am gettnig the Two Minutes down, in the AM – but it’s still shaky.

    The Romney are super sucessful folks. They’ve lived the Racial Utopianist delusion for decades. It’s gonna take awhile to shake off….

    I plan out my taunts, Dixie, to local White Libs. I enjoy tormenting them. My next step is to deploy the , “It’s going to be hard for you. All those social ideals you’ve, that you;ve clinged so bitterly to, about racial equality and all that horsehit – it’s going to be realy hard to admit that you’ve been conned. That those dreaded Southern Hillbillies, that’s you;ve enjoyed mocking, were right, all along. That the Klan had a raison d’etre. The Klan was right, and you were wrong. But it’s ok. We all make mistakes. I’ll help you…” taunt.

    The Romney’s are at the top of the social heap. They are letting the Negro go. It’s going to be a high learning curve for non-Southern Whites, Dixie. But the Romneys will get their World Rule – and you and Hunter will get Dixie. Hunter will get his Golden Circle.

  11. “John says:
    October 4, 2012 at 3:40 am
    Prepare for chimpout day after. Big uptick in likely chimpopolooza day after vote.

    I’m surprised.”

    John – I’m doing a post on Nordic Sage now. Finishing up. It’s dedicated to you.

  12. The “highest venom” in Jewish scriptures is not reserved for apostate Jews but for all goyim who are called “cattle, especially created in human form to better serve the Jews”. Until this day rabbis teach that goyim have only an animal soul (nefesh bahamit) while Jews have an additional divine soul (nefesh elokit). Jewish “ethics” is the consistent practice of ethnic double standards : benefit the Jews, but harm the non-Jews ( unless you could be caught which would also harm the Jews).

    If you don’t want to listen to anti-Semites then listen to the Jews themselves. Read the OT, the Talmud, Qaballah, Shulchan Aruch and pronouncements of rabbis and Jewish intellectuals. Then study the behavior of this Tribe throughout history. The picture that you get doesn’t deviate much from the “prejudices” of the anti-Semites.

    If we were a strong civilization, the Jews wouldn’t be a problem. The Romans burnt their temple to the ground for their insolence. – FTW

  13. I expect the mighty Wurlitzer of the media will now attempt to prop Obama up again. Pretend he did not get beaten. What they always do.

  14. Mitt was Mitt, the same Mitt we saw through the primary. Obama just about put me to sleep. Man is that dude boring AND stupid. Lethal combination. I just about had enough hearing about his stupid grandma.

  15. “Mortgages were given out to shiftless nignogs. Perhaps ban mortgages for nignogs.”

    Very sound advice. In a sane world…

  16. Chris Matthews, the greatest media commentator in the history of television, gave great advice to Obama. He will take it and win next time, and Biden, the hero of the true white working class, will utterly crush Randroid Ryan next week. And meanwhile you supremacists damage yourselves with infighting. Denise’s middle-class business WASP supremacism proves that the working classes of all races have more in common with each other than with the higher classes of other races. Same the other way around. I pray for the white liberals that Denise will taunt; I will pray that they too can become what I am. I hope one day I will meet one of you in real life and defeat you in debate.

  17. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor

    “I hope one day I will meet one of you in real life and defeat you in debate.”

    – I’m sure they are hoping they will meet you in real life, too. But probably not for a debate.

  18. Ah what frivolity but alas if only just that. Bread and circuses, bread and circuses though in all due fairness at least you get your money’s worth at the circus. Another plus is they(circus) don’t steal from ya but what have you.

  19. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    October 4, 2012 at 6:00 am

    In your opinion we are “supremacists”, you are just saying that because we are white.

    Anti-whites demand:
    Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. You want White Genocide.

  20. “Chris Matthews, the greatest media commentator in the history of television…”

    That’s funny. And I’m pretty sure you are here just to provoke people. (Chris Mathews the best commentator in history, lol.)

  21. I can’t vote for Mitt Romney, but he was impressive against Obama–it was like a man debating a child! Ron Paul looks even better now, not that he doesn’t have some real faults of his own.

    It is possible that Romney doesn’t do as well in the next debates, but I can’t see Obama winning a debate against Romney. The differences in intelligence and experience between the two men seem to be too great to hide! If I’m right, this has to be a serious blow to affirmative action. Obama is an affirmative action president, and rational people have to question the policy at all levels if the debates appear to be going where they seem to be going.

  22. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2939872/posts

    If last night’s debate was a prizefight, it would have been stopped at 9:25 p.m.

    I had a feeling Obama might have a problem when I heard he was using John Kerry as his Mitt Romney stand-in. If that was the best Liveshot could do getting Barack ready for Mitt, he should be fired this morning even before Bobby Valentine gets his walking papers.

    Did you notice how Obama kept looking away from Romney? It took a while to figure out who he was looking for, but then I realized — it was TOTUS, his missing TelePrompTer of the United States.

  23. I’m sure everyone here enjoyed Obama getting knocked around like that. It will change a lot of swing voters.

    I’ve already made up my mind though. Hardly needs my vote anyway.

  24. It appears to me that Barry Soetero aka Obama has some neurological damage. He does have a very small cranium. He smokes, he has engaged in homosexual behavior and drug use. Barry sat in a church for 20 years that preached bigotry and racist hatred of Whites. That’s not a recipe for long lived mental facilities. He has locked up from view anything that could reflect on his acumen. We do have his wife’s college work and it’s not inspiring at all. It would appear that the electorate has put a mental wreck in charge of a world power of unequal parallel. What does that say about the American electorate?
    Barry cannot even prove where he was born. His draft registration card is fraudulent. His social security card is from a state he never lived in. He and Michelle both surrendered their law licenses under…, the reason is under seal. Lawyers do not surrender their law licenses ever, unless made to do so.
    Of course the congress and the jewdicial system is good with all of this, the media, and much of the American electorate is also complacent with this.
    Do we have a choice in this election?

  25. Obama’s handlers will explain what shoelaces are for so as to prevent him from staring at them in confusion next debate. Romney will be told to cease the “peering over a wall” martial arts hand gestures. One observation: I didn’t hear Barry utter his trademarked “Let me be clear” once.

    I laughed at TOTUS.

  26. PGRT – I’d love to meet you. We can debate. One round of Dixie moonshine, provided by some of my dear Redneck pals, fro mthe Southern side of the MD line – and you’ll be mine.

    You’ll have to wear a dog collar, though, and eat of of a bowl, on floor, first.

    I’ll report back when I get a chance to taunt some local DWL’s. Won’t be until the weekend, though…..

  27. Todd,

    Romney tasted blood. Did you see how much he enjoyed it? He’s been hanging around Hebes for a loooong time. He’s not stupid at all. He’s a Class A sunavabitch.

    It’sll be worse, next time. 10-1 Obammy actually CRIES, at some point.

    Watch the Ryan/Biden debates. They will be a dscreech. Ryan’s a social climber. He’s HUNGRY. Biden is Biden – so you know there will be some wonderful gaffes. Biden LOVES spinning the blarney. LOVES it. He’s posivitely radiant, when he’s uttering some outrageous lie. He has FUN with all of this.

    The VP debates will be a screech.

  28. “Obama: Children are using textbooks that are TEN YEARS OLD. Recent advances in Queer Studies are nowhere to be found.” – Porter

    That’s precisely why I homeschool. And why we determined to use a curriculum that only allows OLDER books. Not only are they clearly WASP-dominated (the only darkies in the books are a servant class, where they belong) but the THIRD GRADE texts are proving a challenge for my 4.0GPA MIDDLE school kids. (Can we say, ‘Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” boys and girls? (Google that title- it’s a book)

    Also, the man responsible for this curriculum, clearly is not a fan of multiculturalism:

    Though, sadly, he (I think) believes in ‘giving blacks a chance’- whereas, I am firmly of the opinion that therein lay all the troubles of modern society.

    OT, I know. But wanted to point this out, to husbands (and wives) who are wondering how to avoid the SPLC ‘Mixitup’ BULLSH%T.

  29. …..those social ideals that you;ve clinged so bitterly to….

    Like the bitterly clinging part— it works well.

  30. “When he’s not in his laughable channeling MLK Preacher mode his [O’bummer’s] voice just drones on like the teacher in the old “Peanuts” cartoons.

    Wahwah. Wahwahwahwahwah. Wah wah. Uh.” – James Corvus

    O.M.G. Laughed so hard, I fell outa my chair! BRAVO!

  31. “I had a feeling Obama might have a problem when I heard he was using John Kerry as his Mitt Romney stand-in”

    Yes, and i just realised why. Not gonna say though on the very slight chance it might help the bad guys.

    They should have read more mythology.

  32. Globalist feudalist—- (because that’s what it always turns into, mark my word, the position you’ve adopted erasing ANY of the real working man’s power…) said:

    …..Denise proves that the working classes of all races have more in common with each other than with the higher classes of other races….

    That you base a general argument in the particular of Denise is ridiculous! And Biden as the “TRUE WORKING CLASS HERO…”

    You act like only catholics doing manuel labor COUNT? What about the coal miner’s in West Virginia (wasps?)

    You sound pro-Genocide of wasps.

  33. “Obama is sweating like Nixon.” – HW

    “…When he [O’bummer] speaks, it’s like you go into a trance or something. Wake up a few minutes later, realizing you went and got ice cream.” – DixieG

    “Lehrer even Bitchslapped him on 5 seconds overrun.”- John

    “…my Dad’s businessmen cronies are are clinking martini glasses, and congenially smirking, from the cusjy leather club chairs, in their Eternal 4 Hour Business Lunch/Booze Orgy Lounges in the Sky….”- Denise

    “Of course Romney’s winning. He’s debating an empty chair.”- HW

    “Inside they’ll all want to be calling Romney racist for making Obama look like a dumb actor who needs to be fed his lines – but they can’t.” – Test

    Don’t have tv that catches the propaganda waves. Didn’t give a rip about either candidate. But your combined WHITE GLEE at watching that nigger get his ‘comuppance’ was hysterical. Above are some of the best ‘comments.’ If one only read this post, I think it would crystallize the White Frustration the US has over O’bummer, and let people see how WE ANGLOS REALLY think.

    Thanks, guys and gals. Enjoyed this post a lot.

  34. “He just OOZED it. He was projecting, “Wow. What a stupid Negro idiot. Hey – maybe if I give him a mandolin he can sing “Oh Dem Golden Slippers” for the crowd…” Thought Beams, at the Negro clown…”

    Denise, why not have YOU on ‘The Jeiew’, instead of Coulter?
    O.M.G. Laughing so hard, I’m crying. I could just see Whoopie Pie Goldbutt, doing a chimp-out from the light tracks in the studio, while even Jewy Behind sits there all ‘verklempt.’

    You ARE the funniest WN woman I have ever read, bar none.

  35. OT- but Robert brought it up.

    “Until this day rabbis teach that goyim have only an animal soul (nefesh bahamit) while Jews have an additional divine soul (nefesh elokit). ”

    Think, folks. Christians say that we are given the Holy Spirit at our baptism- all variants of the Christian religion say this. The H.S. (while a ‘gentleman’) is still GOD. That means we have GOD dwelling in us- and us, alone. Yes, it’s “all of grace,” but let’s not get tangled up, on that one minor point- let’s go to ‘meat,’ and not just ‘milk’.

    Jews- being cursed [Matt. 27:25] are NOT partakers of this Spirit. They are, therefore, the equivalent of the ‘goyim’ out there. This is common knowledge in the catholic discussions of grace, etc. It also was how all of Europe saw the Jews, until the “Higher Criticism” of the liberal Lutherans of the 19th Century, began to apply evolutionary frameworks to Holy Writ.

    Moreover, the concept of divinization, or theosis, is/has a long pedigree in catholic thought- not just Roman, to be clear. It is clearly scripturally based, [2 Pet. 1:4] and clearly posits that there is a ‘different soul’ for the Christian, than there is for the pagan. (That “protestan-schism” may deny this, because they don’t have a priesthood, doesn’t mean it might not exist- bear with me!) I mean, if you ARE a ‘partaker of the divine nature,’ that IS a soul FAR different from the Nigger next to you on the plantation, in the Raj, or at school in L.A., no matter WHAT the $PLC says…..

    While the Talmud has some severely deficient man-made comments, it IS the record of pre-Churchly Judaism, mixed in with Babylonian Talmudic commentary. So, while the Jews’ comments about themselves are incorrect- in that the Church is Israel, now: [Gal. 6:16] the ‘elect status’ of the White/Christendom race, when animated by the H.S. in the Corpus Christi- the Body of Christ known as the Church, DOES corroborate this concept iterated above. Once you know that, it takes ALL of the air out of the imposter Jews’ sails- not only are they NOT the Eretz Yisrael, they aren’t even the B’nai B’rith- Christian Whites are. And- if WE White Christians are of a ‘soul above’ the rest of the ‘cattle’, then shouldn’t we start acting like it, and restore our position in a post-modernist multicultural hell? I think so. Amen, and amen.

    Food for thought. (talk amongst yourselves)

  36. I skipped the debate as I have terrible memories of past Presidential debates, including somehow getting talked in to attending a faculty TA viewing of the Dan Quayle vs Loyd Benson Vice Presidential debate in my New York MBA program. All the teachers and TAs were hard core leftists and I think I said a few things in defense of Dan Quayle and straight White Midwesterners like Dan and I and turned the whole department against me and the sabotaged my job interviews.

    But, I am glad others on OD watched and that Mitt Romney seemed to do very well.

    I ask that people try to be a bit more positive and not always write, preach gloom and doom. Mitt Romney has many good qualities – he and his very large White family look and act very good. He’s a good dresser and a good public speaker. We would like to have White men White families like the Romneys as our neighbors, if not as our President, but given the alternatives, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad.

    In the meantime, please everyone make an effort to get off the Net, go out in to your local (White) communities and participate in life, become a “change agent”, only this time we will work for changes that help our people.

    God bless.

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