About Hunter Wallace 12395 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jack – you ought to have watched. Watch the next ones. Romney was FABULOUS. I was THRILLED. The White Man did NOT pander to the Darky.

    BRA has reached High Tide. The BRA will now wash out to sea….the tide will not bring the BRA back in….

  2. Fr John – thank you. I am glad I made you laugh. Wasn’t that great, last night? So much fun!

    We need to have fun. I live to serve.

    Great stuff on the Home Schoolers, etc. Thanks again. Love to my White Brother, and his wonderful family!

  3. People love a winner apparently, cool, you guys want to pretend Mitt Romney is something he isn’t, you’re free to do so.

    Oct. 22, write that date down folks. That is the date of the Foreign Policy only Presidental debate. This will be the debate where Denise’s ubermensch WASP (Mormons aren’t Protestants by the way) white American alpha male hero will spend the entire evening prostrating himself to AIPAC, Jews, and Israel.

    It will be the debate where he promises them white boy cannon fodder (your kids) to fight their enemy Iran. (On our dime, dimes we don’t have, dimes we’ll have to borrow)

    Can’t wait for that debate. What is the over/under number on the number of times Romney says “Israel?” we ought to set one for kicks, 5? 10? 15? more? How about “Middle East?” How about “our allies?” (wink, wink) How about “thrown under the bus” referring to Obama and Israel? They ought to call it the “Israel Debate.”

  4. Rombwt’s momentary victory will be spun away. Obamabot is back on his Tele Prop Ter…whiz whir grrr bzzzzt!

    “+++Who was this man+++ pretending to be+++ Romney on stage?+++[APLAUSE from blonde women behind me] SMILE…LOOK CAMERA IN LENS.”

    I’d like to know which Obama was on stage? The real one or the empty suit version 2.10.5?

  5. ‘Oct. 22, write that date down folks. That is the date of the Foreign Policy only Presidental debate. This will be the debate where Denise’s ubermensch WASP (Mormons aren’t Protestants by the way) white American alpha male hero will spend the entire evening prostrating himself to AIPAC, Jews, and Israel.’

    Yeah that is probably going to happen, but there is a ‘conspiracy theory’ going around right now in WN-land that it is actually Obama who is hot for war on Iran!

    Remember Obamas entire campaign is being run by a Zionist Jew named Axelrod!

    Back in the 1916 President Woodrow Wilson promised to keep the US out of WW 1, but as soon as he got re-elected he his Jewish handler Col. House got him to get the USA into WW1

    Obama could be this centuries Wilson!!

  6. I reckon once Obama is free from worrying about elections he’s a dead cert to bomb Iran. Clinton did most of his war stuff after he saw off Dole.
    So war policy might well be FIXED either way.

  7. That is possible sure. But Romney has gone out of his way to run as the more pro-Israel candidate, the more pro-war candidate, the more anti-Iran candidate etc. (This while he abandoned any and all conservative positions on immigration)

    Romney is running on sure war, Obama is running on maybe war.

  8. Not so fast. Romney is a sabre rattler, but in the end sabre rattlers are playing high stakes games. Palmerston back in the C 19th was very belligerant. He presided over ZERO actual wars.

    Reagan was always on the edge of beating up the USSR with bombs, apparently but never made any serious deployments. Wars fought by proxy instead.

    Men of peace are often precisely the sonofabitches who do start wars after promising to stay out. Also the US is in no shape for an invasion. It’s amazing that Iraq was even
    carried out. It required Bush to transform from a non intervetionist to being America’s thrid most belligerent president ever.

    Sabre rattling isn’t all bad.

  9. @Gottfried Considering the (heathen) NATO Turks just basically declared war on Syria, I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long. I really didn’t see that one coming, thought the Jews would’ve kicked off WWIII but the Turks have beat ’em to it.

  10. @le raciste

    Yeah, I’ve been reading Turkey-Syria news all morning. Turkey has authorized the use of force against Syria and is continuing to shell Northern Syria. The Turkish Prime Minister has said that this isn’t a declaration of war though, which if Turkish politicians are anything like American politicians probably means it is a declaration of war.

    It is not a sure thing, maybe the Turks will blink they didn’t attack Syria over the downed fighter, then again perhaps they have just been getting their ducks in a row and waiting for the next pretext.

    With Turkey being a NATO member (i.e. American ally) potentially invading and fighting on the side of the Syrian Rebels and with Russia already being in Syria and “aiding” the Syrian regime things could get dicey.

  11. Funny how the debate came down to how much they agreed on basic welfare state issues (including some sort of Dream Act.) Sounded like bush vs. Kerry in 2004 where you couldn’t fit a cigarette paper between them on the issues. The only difference between the candidates was how they would fiddle with the fringes of the tax code and neither of the candidates plans come anywhere near to averting the bankruptcy of state and municipal governments and the inevitable default of the federal government on its obligations.

    Notice how Romney didn’t frown even once? He’s still throwing off a serious Disney World animatron vibe with that plastic, plastered on smile.

    So what if Obama was a worse debater and looked stupid? He is stupid and has been appearing as such for four long years now. If, by some slim chance, Romney wins the election there still will be no change in policy and we will still go bankrupt.

    There was nothing new at the debate last night folks. Time to move along now.

  12. I agree with Gottfried about Romney. Whether or not he’s saber rattling, he’s too close to the chicken hawks. Saber rattling for neocons is not okay with me. His duty is to stand up to such people and hold them accountable, not to play along with them. Then again, my preference is for straightforwardness, which would probably not get a candidate anywhere near the White House. Honesty didn’t do much for Ron Paul. I just don’t think it is realistic to hold out hope that Romney is a stealth candidate.

  13. @Denise:

    I’m also looking forward to the VP debates. I don’t view any of the debates as serious, or for serious people, but they can be fun.

  14. I guess this is closer to what you had in mind. Is it just me, or does the little boy look like a young Al Sharpton?

  15. ” Dan and I and turned the whole department against me and the sabotaged my job interviews.”- Jack Ryan

    Have you read Kyle Bristow’s novel, “White Apocalypse”? The scene where the PhD candidate is savaged by the Leftoid/Jew committee was a stroke of utter believability for a first novel- if only it had stayed in that arena wherein he had first-hand knowledge. Only those who have felt the wrath of mind-numbed tendured radicals, can understand it. (Welcome to the club…)

  16. “Oct. 22, write that date down folks. That is the date of the Foreign Policy only Presidental debate. This will be the debate where Denise’s ubermensch WASP (Mormons aren’t Protestants by the way) white American alpha male hero will spend the entire evening prostrating himself to AIPAC, Jews, and Israel.” – G fried

    Mr. Fried- you don’t get it, do you? We’re not expecting him to win. It’s WAY beyond that now. We’re merely watching WHITE CULTURE in action, against a clueless uppity Nigger. That is all. We KNOW that Isra-HELL is calling the shots of both parties. Remember, this site is for Southern Secession interests?

    We’re just talking about how a White Man (even if LDS) shows the Nigger for what he is- a race beneath us. That’s not hoping that going from showing up said Nigger won’t result in a win for the Whiter candidate- but we’re not brainless GOP’ers here.

    Go to a Tea Party site for that sort of brain-dead fodder……

  17. This was just the first debate everyone. Subsequent debates are the ones that will be remembered, and Obama won’t make the same mistakes(if they were mistakes) twice. meanwhile Romney will continue to make his.

  18. Le Raciste,

    Israel runs the Global Drug Golden Triangle, with their Golem Slave States Turkey and the JewSA.

    Israel has kicked off WWII. One way or another….

  19. Anon says:

    ‘This was just the first debate everyone. Subsequent debates are the ones that will be remembered’

    It was the first debate, but Romney’s ass kicking of Onigger was huge. Chris Matthews is singing, “The thrill is gone.” Ha ha.

    Anon says: ‘and Obama won’t make the same mistakes(if they were mistakes) twice.’

    It’s not so much that he made mistakes. His record is so bad it is impossible to defend. All that hope and change rhetoric is not going to fly this time around.

  20. “Sam says:
    October 4, 2012 at 10:31 pm
    Anon says:

    ‘This was just the first debate everyone. Subsequent debates are the ones that will be remembered’

    It was the first debate, but Romney’s ass kicking of Onigger was huge. Chris Matthews is singing, “The thrill is gone.” Ha ha.

    Anon says: ‘and Obama won’t make the same mistakes(if they were mistakes) twice.’

    It’s not so much that he made mistakes. His record is so bad it is impossible to defend. All that hope and change rhetoric is not going to fly this time around”

    Bingo, Sam. Anon must be some type of a Leftie troll. The Leftwing Media, and their faithful, is going into some type full on psychotic breakdown.

    Ther have been marvelous discussion of Cognitive Dissonance on this site; Anon and it’s ilk are transmogrifying from mere CD to fullblown Psychosis.


    Go away Anon. Not even Chris Matthews can spin this……..it’s not about “mistakes” in a TV performance – it’s about biology. Reality, itself. Biology. Genetics. DNA.

    Barry Soteoro’s true mistake occurred on a genetic level. When he was conceived. Try reading the Bible, dear. Obama’s very existence is a biological and spiritual abomination. He ghastly mother, and whatever Congoid beast was the sperm donor, commited this violation againt Man and Nature. They created him, and in doing so, they damned him. On one hand it’s not really his fault. The Original Sin was compounded, however, by decades….well..centuries if you want to get into the Englightenment lunacy…decades of marxist Social Engineering policies.

    You are correct that Romney’s making mistakes – his entire family appear to be Multi-Culti-swallowing Yankee Do Gooder miscreants, and fools. They do NOT appear to have violated biological spiritual directives though. They are fundamentally sound.

    The dabate last night was not about policies, or perfirmance,

    The debate was about DNA.

    Mitt gave the Mitten to Obama. He did. The White Man is putting down his Burden. Signing off on the Negro. Romney was talking about White Things…no one’s really commented on the thread of State’s Rights State’s Rights State’s Rights , that ran through everything Romney said. Hunter – that should have perked up your ears….I wrote a pieceo n my blog about Romney’s Classic and….heart-melting, for me, White Man’s Smirk…..ahhh bliss!

    One of the other commnetors here noted that the debate looked like an adult man chastening a child. Romney radiated confidence, ability, competence – he’s a polished, capable, experienced Can Do Guy. Obummer came across as a small, dark, spoilt, obstreperous, not terribly bright child.

    The difference was in stark Black and White. EVERY-ONE saw it. Every-one.

    Stick a fork in Cultural Marxism. It’s done. It’s time to get back to being Supremely White.

  21. “White Man’s Smirk…..ahhh bliss!”

    It’s going to take a lot more than a mere smirk to keep the country for going bankrupt and I didn’t hear anything of the sort coming from Romney last night. Romney is just as plastic fantastic as he’s always been. Obongo just standing there drooling doesn’t change that.

  22. Obama was curb stomped.

    But, the demographics have already shifted. Ninog doesn’t need to lift a finger and dumb northern whites will still give the useless shite a second term.

  23. Obama played it too conservative. He is way ahead. He knows he’s way ahead. It made sense to play it safe. He played it too safe and ended up looking foolish. The best part of this has been watching the liberal meltdown. The debate won’t affect the outcome. Obama is going to win in a blowout.

  24. “Fr. John+ says:
    October 4, 2012 at 9:49 pm
    “Oct. 22, write that date down folks. That is the date of the Foreign Policy only Presidental debate. This will be the debate where Denise’s ubermensch WASP (Mormons aren’t Protestants by the way) white American alpha male hero will spend the entire evening prostrating himself to AIPAC, Jews, and Israel.” – G fried

    Mr. Fried- you don’t get it, do you? We’re not expecting him to win. It’s WAY beyond that now. We’re merely watching WHITE CULTURE in action, against a clueless uppity Nigger. That is all. We KNOW that Isra-HELL is calling the shots of both parties. Remember, this site is for Southern Secession interests?

    We’re just talking about how a White Man (even if LDS) shows the Nigger for what he is- a race beneath us. That’s not hoping that going from showing up said Nigger won’t result in a win for the Whiter candidate- but we’re not brainless GOP’ers here.”

    Fr John – bless YOU for “getting it”. The debate was NOT about policy,

    I know Romney is an arrogant Class A somabich. He’s not “one of us”aka a Racialist. FYI – I wrote, way up the thread, that although Romney’s a Mormon – every breath he takes is WASP. He and Ann Romney’s pic could be the illustration for WASP, in the Global Genetic Cultural History Archive. (If there was such a thing).

    The “debate” was Black vs White.

    White WON.

    A TKO.

    The Left is going into full twirly eyed sprongy haired hemanah hemanah hemanah meltdown. They are manfacturing genuinely crazed “explanations”. Algore, apparently, suggested that Obama’s distressing performance was caused by late late afternoon arrival in Denver. The High Altitude air of Denver is “rayciss” (Actually – there’s biological truth to this….but it’s not what Algore meant…). Obama didn’t have time to adjust, and Mittens did wah wah wah….

    True Whiteness, as a mode of being, has been utterly lost, and almost forgotten, in the decades worth of dreck and sludge that cknown as “popular culture”. It all came BLAZING back last night.

    Things are getting “real” now. We know the ecomonmy is in free fall. Never mind all these financial devises the Hebes cooked up – gas is through the roof, and the cost of everything else LIKE FOOD is sky-rocketing as well, because of gas.

    We KNOW Mitt is a paid whore for Israel. Just like Obama. The money behind Obama has always been strictly Kosher. We are circling down the drain for WWII (which I am repeatedly on record as beng all for). The country is falling to pieces, or burning to cinders…etc….exploding apart.

    So we are facing a crisis. Obama has indisputably accelerated al the bad trends, at play, for a century. We know this.

    Up to the podium steps White, classically-handsome, high functioning, wealthy polished Mitt Romney. And Race hustling Mack Daddy Wanna be fey weenie Little Dark Ashen Barry.

    Most people, no matter the Race, do not want things to fall apart. It’s normal human instinct. Grab the life preserver! Scramble into the lifeboat! When things grow dire – instincts start kicking in. And instincts ARE kicking in. Both are grifters, in many ways, Barry and Mitt. But which con-man looks like HE HAS A BETTER BOAT?

    THAt is what people SAW.

    Part of the reaction, on either side of the ideological and racial divide, I think, was due to the utter shock of the stark stark contrast of Black and White. I think a LOT of people “saw” for the first time, what WE speak of. Even if this realization has not yet surfaces to their frontal cortexes – it’s electrified thier limbic nether regions.

    The next debates will ONLY heighten the vision. It’s NOT about their formal policies, their pre-determined poli-spin blather.

    It’s about their DNA.

  25. “Rudel says:
    October 4, 2012 at 11:17 pm
    “White Man’s Smirk…..ahhh bliss!”

    It’s going to take a lot more than a mere smirk to keep the country for going bankrupt..”

    Swing and a miss once again!

    No SHIT Sherlock. NOTHING will keep the JewSA from bankruptcy. You still think there’s some-one or something “out there” that will do that?

    Man you are a bigger moron than I took you for.

    So what? Big effing deal.

    Good. Good on bankruptcy. I say have a Jubilee.

    Fuck solvency. The Jews created this. They can hold the bag. They’ll answer to the Chin-ee.

    “Hahaha. You clazy JewMan – you gave us Yankee Wound Eye technology now we bwow you sowee Jew ass off face of Earth Jewman. Howwo-cost for WEAW. You screw us fuck you”.

  26. “You still think there’s some-one or something “out there” that will do that?”

    No, but I’m surprised that you get a “tingle” up your leg over Mitt. Did your Daddy diddle you when you were little?

  27. Wow Jewdel – now you are getting FOUL. Whatsamatter? Are you worried about your MONEEEEEE Jewdel. what did you do to your kiddies, you FREAK?

  28. @ ….(Mormons aren’t Protestants by the way)…

    very true— nor does Mitt look Anglo-s imo. Spaniard…yes.

    Most mormons were run out west, but his family wound up in mexico.

  29. “I hope you lose every shekel you have you Kike freak.”

    Sorry toots. I know you’re green with envy and bile, but we don’t let them into the locker room bar either.

  30. “You will LOSE everything you damned JEW.”

    Brilliant argumentation Denise, just fucking brilliant. Right up there rhetorically with your pals 313Wop and that demented and unordained Christian Identity cleric Fr. John– LOL!

  31. Hunter- I am nice. Jewdel is having a Knish out. Romney will Jewdel will LOSE.

    Jewdel is Jewing out now. The sigsn are all there. The FREAK out over MONEEEEE. The immediate sick depraved sexual fanataties. The foul language. The name calling and hysterics.

    Ewww. A Jew.

    Throw Jewel down the well…..!

  32. Finally checking in after a few days absence: The debate supports my consistent position that Romney is the slightly less evil of the two viable candidates on all issues, except possibly foreign military involvement, and we should all agree even a very slight advantage for us is important in this Crisis.

    Jack Ryan has the right idea: Continue to support, or begin to support, the Slightly Lesser Evil ACTIVELY!

    However, not without loud protest against the evil.

  33. NOT MEXICAN, Dixiegirl! He’s the Anglo-NORMAN Mormon, remember? Norman-Mormon-Neocon, or Neocon-Norman-Mormon, Mormon-Norman-Neocon, or however you arrange the words — while Ron Paul is NOT Anglo-Norman at all but a Germanic-Reformed-Constitutional-libertarian, etc.

  34. I saw that one too, Mosin. The nigger student union with the fist pumps and bongo drums…LOL!

    You have to admire those asians…they take remorseless pride in themselves.

    There was another one in there making fun of japaneese men falling in love with anime characters. The metaphor was a japaneese woman and the voltron robot having sex to conceive it. ROFL! They can laugh at themselves too….another sign of their racial self confidence.

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