“Snoop Lion”: Why I Am Not Voting For Romney


The artist formerly known as “Snoop Dogg” has released a list of reasons that explains why he is voting for Barack Obama instead of Mitt Romney.

The single most important reason cited by “Snoop Lion” is that Barack Obama is a “black nigga” whereas Mitt Romney is a “white nigga.”

Let’s give “Snoop Lion” some credit for his honest, heartfelt, and completely straightforward racist answer.

Note: What do you suppose would happen if someone like Hank Williams, Jr. or Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama because he is black, but were voting for Romney because he is White?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “All this expression of anti-Christian or atheistic skepticism is not only wrong, but also CONFLICTS with the appeal to Southern whites and Southern culture on this blog.”

    God works in mysterious ways.

  2. OT

    I have a theory that relates to Romney’s revived campaign.

    1. The Jewish infested media want him to win now.

    2. A lot of women were watching debate with menfolk and saw Romney
    Get the men fist pumping and animated about decking the nignog in a straight fight. Who doesnt like seeing the spouse or significant other excited for once?

  3. “Larry’s? You are such a homo.”

    Larry’s is absolutely great not the least of which there aren’t a lot of niggers who eat there, although my fave local was a small shop in right off Conestoga Road in Rosemont in the 50’s and a pretty decent place in Garret Hill in the 60’s. Luckily there are some good cheesesteak shops in Portland since we get Amaroso rolls flown in daily. South Philly was full of niggers not Asians by the 90’s, and there aren’t any decent colleges down there you miserable bitch.

  4. Jewdel,

    I can only say that Cheese Whiz i beneath my notice, and they must have decided play to the trash,


    I NEVER saw Cheese Whiz.

    Also – the Slants took over the Italian Market……the Nigs knew to behave better around the Italians. The Gooks – you knew a Gook House by the 50 million inhabitants, and the stench of animal urine.


  5. The menu Rudel linked does comport with my memory of Geno’s from a few years ago, Denise. Those were the choices: American, Provolone, or Cheez Whiz. As I’ve said, I went with the Provolone. I was with a full-Italian friend whose view is that a cheesesteak should use American cheese but who, on this occasion, ordered Cheez Whiz, as I recall. That was really odd. The next time I see him, I’ll transmit your scorn for his lapse. Thanks for the South Philly comments and for your addition to the blizzard memory.

  6. PS A few years ago, I got the impression that Cheez Whiz was winning out in shops where it was offered, so I should probably give it a try.

  7. “PS A few years ago, I got the impression that Cheez Whiz was winning out in shops where it was offered, so I should probably give it a try.”

    You’ll gag and choke, which I guess is better than having to listen to you try to set a narrative up so you can weasel in the statement that Jesus wasn’t actually a Jew.

  8. “And you ARE a pill popping booze swilling dope fiend degenerate selfish old PERV HOMO.”

    I’ll cop to the booze but not the pills, and certainly not to your slanderous accusation of homosexuality as I am the sire of generations of White children (even if I do share your taste in Art Deco chandeliers.)

  9. You’ll gag and choke, which I guess is better than having to listen to you try to set a narrative up so you can weasel in the statement that Jesus wasn’t actually a Jew.

    I don’t have the knowledge to say what he was, Rudel, but are you suggesting nobody’s ever raised the question whether he was Jewish? Houston Stewart Chamberlain regarded him as half-Jewish, half-Aryan, I think. Our fellow blog-follower John remarked that he (Jesus) seemed to be an outsider (though I’m not sure whether John meant ethnically). Evidently, there was something Jewish about Jesus’s family and upbringing. He’s circumcised, visits the Temple in childhood, goes to Jerusalem in adulhood and celebrates Passover. I think I have those details right, so I guess he was Jewish in, at least, some sense. On the other hand, God knows what sorts of populations were living alongside and amid each other in that area by his time, even if they were nominally Jewish or under the cultural sway of Jerusalem.

    To go back even farther in time: Madison Grant, I think, remarked that King David seems ethnically different from the other figures in the Old Testament–and David’s mother is a Moabite or something. Grant is so right about that; when you get to the King David sections of the O.T., the text just seems to come alive, with the power of a personality different from everyone who’s been mentioned in it theretofore. Even the description of David is Aryan, I think: ruddy, beautiful eyes–something like that (though, of course, I can’t vouch for the validity of the translations). He just seems different; and as far as I can tell, it’s not because of any change in the prose style.

    The whole thing is strange. Jesus is ostensibly Jewish, but the expulsion of the “moneychangers” from the Temple seems like a White Nationalist fairy tale. What do you make of that?

    John said he thought Christianity could be seen as a result of a “collision between worlds” and as a “survivors’ club” for persons in contact with Jews. I was simply asking John what he meant. Was he (John) suggesting that, say, Jesus and Galileans or other “outsiders” were under stress from contact with Jews, even if they (the outsiders) were “Jewish,” in a sense, themselves? I was asking John to clarify. I wasn’t trying to weasel-in any statment that Jesus was anything at all. To repeat: I was asking.

  10. “He’s circumcised, visits the Temple in childhood, goes to Jerusalem in adulhood and celebrates Passover.”

    Sounds like a bit more than mere “cultural sway.” You don’t fool me one bit. You’re nothing but a Christian Identity wolf in sheep’s clothing. I still remain an historical Jesus sceptic. Most all of the earliest accounts date from the Second Century.

    And let me reiterate before you continue your “discussion”: there is no God. It’s all supernatural nonsense.

  11. You’re nothing but a Christian Identity wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    I didn’t realize that’s what you were getting at; I really don’t know about all of these movements. No, I’m an atheist. I’m just trying to figure out what happened as Europeans and Jews came into contact with each other. One of the things that happened is Christianity. I keep thinking that an understanding of that will help get the white race out of its jam, though, to be honest, I never can seem to come to any understanding of it at all. That’s why I’ve been eager to hear comments from John–and others. Even that statement that 313Chris made, almost in passsing, about the Japanese he’d encountered struck me as very valuable. Every little bit helps.

  12. “All this expression of anti-Christian or atheistic skepticism is not only wrong, but also CONFLICTS with the appeal to Southern whites and Southern culture on this blog.”

    Moisin, I think there has always been a skeptical streak among southerners. If not skeptical of God, at least skeptical of organized religion. We aren’t Puritans, after all. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the Methodist graveyards of my ancestors, but have never set foot inside of a Methodist church.

    I don’t want to argue whether or nor Christianity was a departure from, or a continuance of, Jewish tradition. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that organized Christianity is mostly joined at the hip with Judaism, which is a complete turn off to me. I want my religion to work for me, and see no reason to be mystically tied to people and places that mean nothing to me, or leave me vulnerable to attack or blackmail of some sort.

  13. Ahhhh…..Jewdel, you ghastly ancient degenerate – the Chandeliers…..



  14. Moisin, I think there has always been a skeptical streak among southerners. If not skeptical of God, at least skeptical of organized religion. We aren’t Puritans, after all. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the Methodist graveyards of my ancestors, but have never set foot inside of a Methodist church.

    I don’t want to argue whether or nor Christianity was a departure from, or a continuance of, Jewish tradition. It doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that organized Christianity is mostly joined at the hip with Judaism, which is a complete turn off to me. I want my religion to work for me, and see no reason to be mystically tied to people and places that mean nothing to me, or leave me vulnerable to attack or blackmail of some sort.

    Here we have a budding American Varg Vikernes. The reformation deprived him of an enduring faith and let’s be frank, a temporal power tied to tradition that would win his crude respect if it tossed him a battle-axe then pointed towards a heathen horde. Wipe my spit from your face, Todd. If Norway was still proper Anglo-Catholic, Varg would be walking on rose petals in the Pantheon, you know, that place that means nothing to you and that thing I guess we could venture to call “culture” that leaves you vulnerable to blackmail of some sort. *spit*

  15. He disappeared for 30 years.

    He doesnt sound like he’s part of the inner circle of this community.

    It’s not as though Mary ever lost adolescent Jesus in Jerusalem only to find him days later in the temple studying and debating the Torah with the town elders. Nope.

  16. The ins and outs of Jew/Roman interaction. This constitutes the collision of European Republicanism and philosophy, with Oriental despotisism and mysteriousness.

    The Republic was dead almost a half century before Jesus was born. The philosophy was pharaonic worship of a rabblerouser. That’s oriental despotism, not like the Jewish kings of antiquity. And Rome was chockfull of mystery cults so please correct your false assertions.

  17. I don’t know what you mean by “recruiting,” John. This is a subject that has long interested me. I’ve discussed it with a number of persons, I think. Some of the things you’ve said are similar to things they and I have discussed; others are things that neither they nor I have said. I’m just interested to hear what you have to say.

    I’m sorry you couldn’t recruit John to sing you songs about hippy Jesus, Mr. Bonaccorsi. There’s always that dreadful Godspell play. It might not be a triumph like the Vatican-rehabilitated Superstar but you can put it in your hippy-crack pipe and blastoff.

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