“Snoop Lion”: Why I Am Not Voting For Romney


The artist formerly known as “Snoop Dogg” has released a list of reasons that explains why he is voting for Barack Obama instead of Mitt Romney.

The single most important reason cited by “Snoop Lion” is that Barack Obama is a “black nigga” whereas Mitt Romney is a “white nigga.”

Let’s give “Snoop Lion” some credit for his honest, heartfelt, and completely straightforward racist answer.

Note: What do you suppose would happen if someone like Hank Williams, Jr. or Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama because he is black, but were voting for Romney because he is White?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “What do you suppose would happen if someone like Hank Williams, Jr. or Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama because he is black, but were voting for Romney because he is White?”

    I assume that they would be applauded for their cultural pride and for standing up in the face of oppression.

  2. “This muthafucka’s name is Mitt.” Quite hypocritical coming from a muthafucka who’s name is Snoopy.

  3. He’s honest. I can appreciate honesty. I hate it when White conservatives try to find endless reasons why they hate Obama and like Romney even though their policies are almost the same. It comes down to race but they won’t admit it. At least Snoop does.

  4. According to DNA testing, Snoop Dogg is only 71 per cent sub-Saharan African; six per cent European; and 23 per cent Native American.

    ” Lopez Tonight – Snoop Dogg’s DNA Test – [Snoop Dogg is WHITE] ”

  5. “That is one horrible pick. Embarrassing for you, really.
    Here’s what an attractive white woman looks like:

    Maybe if you are a dark, greasy, Mediterranean, half Semitic wop. She has a thick nose, low cheekbones, and brown eyes. Thoroughly second rate. She’s not even a particularly good looking Slav.

    I prefer White women, especially beautiful blonde blue eyed ones like this:


    The only ones who should be embarrassed are half-nigs like yourself. You obviously don’t understand the White racial ideal at all.

  6. ” Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama”

    Taylor Swift is a Yankee from Reading Pennsylvania, a Democrat who voted for Obama in 2008, a supporter of LGBT “rights”, is currently banging RFK Jr.’s son, is intimate with the Kennedy clan, and has spent time at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port Massachusetts.

  7. That nigger may be on to something: at least one presidential debate should involve bare knuckle fisticuffs.

    Imagine the foreign policy implications.
    “Oh man, if I’m too belligerent with this US president he may actually just walk around this table and beat my face in. I saw how he handled that barak nigger in the debate”

  8. We are proud of our working class hero Snoop Dogg and his brave statement in favor of Barack Obama. Meanwhile you pro-whites continue your feuds on this site and accuse each other of not really being white, thus proving that the white race is a social construct and deserves to be punished for its colonialist ways, except for those like myself who submit to BRA and ZOG.

  9. The woman Rudel picked looks like she has a brain and good genes. Surprised— would have thought he’d post a tart.

  10. People need to focus on the reality that this is not their vision for how they want to live.

    They need to simply start creating the place they want

  11. Dixiegirl says:
    October 7, 2012 at 12:36 am
    The woman Rudel picked looks like she has a brain and good genes.

    You don’t know who she is?

  12. “The woman Rudel picked looks like she has a brain and good genes. Surprised— would have thought he’d post a tart.”

    It was your guinea friend Wop#313 who posted the picture of the Bulgarian hooker.

  13. “You don’t know who she is?”

    Dixiegirl wouldn’t approve. A German/Irish Catholic Aryan goddess is outside of her comprehensible universe.

  14. Hasidic Jewdel prefers old ladies (because they’re too slow to run away, and weak enough for him to hold down) and has a fetish for blondes who look like Dutch men.

  15. “Hasidic Jewdel prefers old ladies (because they’re too slow to run away, and weak enough for him to hold down) and has a fetish for blondes who look like Dutch men.”

    Brilliant argumentation greaseball. Peta Wilson is only about 40 in that pic. Amazing how good genes don’t require much makeup unlike that Bulgarian whore whose picture you preferred.

    I don’t know much about Dutch men but I’m sure you do being the aging confirmed bachelor that you are. I’ll bet you find those trips to Amsterdam thrilling as all get out.

  16. Quote: “I tell everyone I am voting for Virgil Goode because not only is he White, he is right on the issues too”

    Why waste your vote on someone who has no chance of winning?

  17. “Why waste your vote on someone who has no chance of winning?”

    Wise man once say: If you are not desirous of going to the destination to which a bus appears to be headed, the first step is not to get on.

  18. I watched Barry Soetero, aka Barack Hussein Obama, during the debates. He has some form of neurological damage. That’s why he has to have a teleprompter in order to speak, or give a speech. He appeared to me to be under some kind of narcotic. A recent study has found that teen use of marijuana lowers one’s IQ by 8 points and that 8 points cannot be regained. Barry admits to drug use and is even in pictures using drugs. If you have a low IQ to start with you could become dysfunctional from smoking marijuana. With Barry he doesn’t even own a birth certificate and he has all of his school records sealed so you cannot check his acumen must less his grades. He wrote not a single paper when he was with the Harvard Review. He engaged in homosexual behavior in the “down low” scene in Chicago, as attested by several people. That is rather risky behavior. It is also strongly believe by many that he was subjected to pedophilia as a boy by Frank Davis Marshall who many believe is Barry’s real father. Barry’s and Michelle’s law license has been lifted, reasons not given. Barry’s black female adviser Jarrett says Barry is bored. I would say he is lethargic and rather lazy. There is something very amiss with this person.
    So those are my reasons for not voting for Barry. There are more but I don’t want to take up any more space here.

  19. There is no question that Romney is more slave to the Jews than Obama. To the very bones of his spiritual being, Romney is philosemitic.

    There is a possibility, however small, that Obama will triangulate, come to the center, continue to give Bibi the finger, and save this country from going over the edge. If not, there is nothing he can do, hobbled as he is, that can’t be cleaned up.

    Romney’s on the diving board, itching to do a triple gainer from which we will never recover as a nation. And he’s got Bibi all up in his swim trunks.

    You Romney cocksuckers are a bunch of freaks.

  20. “May God wipe that cesspool of Khazaric, Talmudic filth off the map, leaving the buildings standing.”

    Genetic analysis has proven that Ashkenazi Jews are not of Turkic Khazar ethnicity but are in fact Semites. Quit spreading ignorant Christian Identity lies that came from the incorrect speculations of Jewish author Arthur Koestler in The Thirteenth Tribe you stupid fucking dumb ass.

  21. Oh, I think Romney is a bit more than just a white niga.

    Jewdel, the Ashkhanasi are of semitic descent through Esau. Their ancestry is from Mt Seir and (Y)Idumea. And just as Esau who is Edom mixed his Shemitic race with the Hittites and Canaanites, etc, his descendents also intermarried with the Turkic and Mongolian peoples in the north. Thus, the Khazars of Khazaria.

    The Northwest Europeans, however, are of Shemitic race from Jacob. And the diaspora from the North Kingdom began with the abandonment of the Covenants by that people and their removal (a succession of removals actually) beginning in 700 BC under king Omri. These people appear on the Mesopotamian King lists as the Khumri. And in Wales that is what some of them call themselves to this day: Cymry.

    When the Assyrian Empire fell – the slave populations of the former N Kingdom of Israel moved North into the Caucasus under their kings and chiefs – usually from the royal Tribe of Judah. And so began the great migration into the West of the ‘Caucasians’ where they first appear on the radar of the ethnographers – they migrated into NW Europe as Scythians, Keltoi, Goths, Franks, Gauls, Jutes, etc.

    There was, however, an earlier migration from the North Kingdom – the people of Zarah, the son of Judah went into the West on the Phonecian ships. The Bible actually mentions the sons of Zarah e.g. Darda. Homer called the Trojans – the Dardans.

    In Northwest Europe, these people were baptised as nations, they followed their kings into baptism. Clovis, the Merovingian, was of the lineage of Zarah and thus of the royal tribe. He was baptised by St Remigius.

    The French nation has always recognized that its royal houses were descended from the royal tribe of the people of Jacob – the Merovingian, Carolingian and Capetian dynasties. The Marquis de la Franquerie goes into this subject at great length in his historical works.

    The French momumentalized this geneological fact because they always set the Jesse Tree window of their royal dynasties into their cathedrals.
    The Basilique of Saint Denis is the royal chapel of the French monarchy.

    The Church refers to the royal house of Judahite and Davidic lineage within the Christian nations as – the desposyni meaning ‘of the House of the Master’. That is they are genetically descended from through the Messiahnic lines of Judah. They are not descended from Jesus of Nazareth, the true heir of the Messiahnic bloodline, but they are of his kindred – as were Jude and James and John.

    These people are not Jews. They are of the people of Jacob.

    The Western Patriarchate, that would be the papacy in Rome, ordained the desposyniac monarchs to govern the temporal realm of the Christian nations and their affairs of state. These bloodlines are the native aristocracy of Europe.

    Naturally, the Jews have endeavored over a millenia to marry into these desposynic houses and mix with and so extinguish these lineages of the Christian aristocracy. For example, the House of Anjou (the Jew) and the ‘royal’ Angevin House of Lorraine.

    These noble houses were, of course, the aristocrats that the Jews murdered throught their Grand Orient Freemasonic Agentur during the French Revolution. So now all we hear about is the Jewish Merovingian bloodlines, etc together with the Da Vinci Code blasphemy that they were descended from Jesus of Nazareth and Mary of Magdalene etc.

    Which brings me to Romney. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and the ‘Beehive State of Utah’ displays the Merovingian beehive heraldry. This is also on the Jewish Merovingian heraldry of the Plantard family as well as the Missouri flag – where Mormonism originated in the US.




    So. It looks to me like this is where the Merovingian Jews stashed their aristocracy in the US. Romney will be of that kindred. He is a high level Mormon from the Beehive state.

  22. Why vote at all? If Hitler was elected president tomorrow what would happen want could he do?

  23. ‘We are proud of our working class hero Snoop Dogg and his brave statement in favor of Barack Obama.’

    When did ‘working class hero’ Snoop Dogg ever work a real job in real life?

    Before he was a (c)rapper he was a gang member and a drug dealer! ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snoop_Dogg#Early_life )

    You liberals wonder why no wants wants to join your movements? It is because of non-sense like this, praising a dude who never actually worked!!!

    P.S. Although I am glad this statement was released! The more Blacks say they want to vote based on Race, the more it will fuel Whites to think that similar White sentiments (Vote White!) are ok since other Races are doing it!

  24. Lew says:
    October 7, 2012 at 12:42 am
    Dixiegirl says:
    October 7, 2012 at 12:36 am
    The woman Rudel picked looks like she has a brain and good genes.

    You don’t know who she is?

    LOL— ABSOLUTELY no idea. If she’s a prostitute, that would explain the hard look she has. But no. Assumed she was somebody from television or something. Maybe some foreign politician.

  25. Lew— if it is t.v., I couldn’t name five current shows. I try— it’s a policy to watch t.v. at least one hour a week, so as to try to “stay in touch” with the empire’s culture.

  26. For: Michelle got a fat ass.
    Against: He’s a Mormon but he aint [sic] got no hoes.

    Man. The truth hits hard.

  27. Jewdel- F*CK OFF. To put it nicely.

    When you get a Nobel Prize for literature, (like Arthur Koestler and his amazing book, ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’ – for which he was murdered) and you can prove (like God) that DNA analysis isn’t being USED to prove some spurious ‘semitic’ race link- that doesn’t exist in ONE CHROMOSOME of supposed ‘Jewish DNA’ -then we’ll talk.

    Otherwise, get up and die, you kikenvermin.

    Come to think of it, I wouldn’t demean myself to talk to Jewish filth like you.

  28. “Jewdel, the Ashkhanasi are of semitic descent through Esau. Their ancestry is from Mt Seir and (Y)Idumea. And just as Esau who is Edom mixed his Shemitic race with the Hittites and Canaanites, etc, his descendents also intermarried with the Turkic and Mongolian peoples in the north. Thus, the Khazars of Khazaria.”

    Lynda- while we disagree over which Church is the ‘One True church’ and I have been overly harsh to you in the past (and might again in the future, so important is that delimiter) don’t WASTE YOUR TIME WITH JEWDEL. It’s like teaching a pig to sing….

    He’s an AshkeNAZI, and his mind is as warped as a sodomites,’ when it comes to ‘proving’ that his own race IS the Chosen People of God, even when the H.S. says, they’re not. [Rev. 2:8,9]

  29. “The French nation has always recognized that its royal houses were descended from the royal tribe of the people of Jacob – the Merovingian, Carolingian and Capetian dynasties.”

    Pig ignorant lunacy.

  30. “The woman Rudel picked looks like she has a brain and good genes.”

    The women were and Peta Wilson and Grace Kelly and if you think they look Jewish then you must be as blind as a bat. Like my wife and children they are superb examples of blue eyed blonde Northern European beauty which is exactly what we real White men live and die for.

  31. @Fr. John the Fake Priest

    Man evolved from primates. Jesus Christ was a Jew. You aren’t a real priest. 99.9% of the Bible is bullshit.

  32. About Jesus’s Judaism.

    He was, if the Gospel can be relied upon within the context of Basic Events, a very very heretical Jew of extremely doubtful provenance. He was also a Jew who seemed to be hypercritical of the priesthood and secular authorities of the day. He certainlyseems to have been treated as outsider by these people. He was as insufferable as Socrates.

    I also tend to think that he was a radical dangerous hippy who mixed a few conservative things in to give himself cover. Pilate as a colonial governor probably took far too long in dealing with this rather interesting chap. Only when his own people shopped him in for being antisemitic by default did the Romans care.

    For me the Gospel is actually a very interesting document. It’s the first evidence of the Ins and ours of Jewish/European interaction extant from a Jewish/Greek/Syriac perspective. It’s a treasure trove of anthropological data.

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