“Snoop Lion”: Why I Am Not Voting For Romney


The artist formerly known as “Snoop Dogg” has released a list of reasons that explains why he is voting for Barack Obama instead of Mitt Romney.

The single most important reason cited by “Snoop Lion” is that Barack Obama is a “black nigga” whereas Mitt Romney is a “white nigga.”

Let’s give “Snoop Lion” some credit for his honest, heartfelt, and completely straightforward racist answer.

Note: What do you suppose would happen if someone like Hank Williams, Jr. or Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama because he is black, but were voting for Romney because he is White?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The ins and outs of Jew/Roman interaction. This constitutes the collision of European Republicanism and philosophy, with Oriental despotisism and mysteriousness.

    The Gospels and related letters to the _____, are the dossier for Jews explaining themselves to Greeks and Romans and vice versa.

    It’s not bullshit if it is approached cold and as a text to be read with caution.

  2. “and you can prove (like God) that DNA analysis isn’t being USED to prove some spurious ‘semitic’ race link”

    The results aren’t spurious, they are scientific facts.

    “Although the Ashkenazi (European) Jewish community separated from their Mediterranean ancestors some 1,200 years ago and lived among Central and Eastern European gentiles, their paternal gene pool still resembles that of other Jewish and Semitic groups originating in the Middle East.”

    “The Ashkenazi paternal gene pool does not appear to be similar to that of present-day Turkish speakers. This finding opposes the suggestion that Ashkenazim are descended from the Kuzars, a Turkish-Asian empire that converted to Judaism en masse in or about the 8th century CE.”


    I normally don’t comment on religion especially since it did inspire such glorious White achievements as Notre Dame cathedral and Bach’s Mass in B Minor, but when it comes to genetics “God” hasn’t proven anything because he doesn’t exist. People who talk as if God is real are speaking metaphorically. They just don’t realize it.

    It’s no wonder the White race is in trouble with people like you spewing lies and promoting an insane offshoot ie. Christian Identity, of an already insane offshoot of a slave religious cult of the Jews when they were under Roman occupation.

    BTW, your repeated assertion of false premises doesn’t make them true and your method of ad hominem argumentation, by labeling anyone who points out your egregious errors as a Jew, is laughable.

  3. That’s why Neitzsche (sp) was so interesting. He quickly identified that Christianity was subversive and a slave’s revenge on his master. It can also be seen as the rest of a collision between worlds, which is rather more interesting. Christianity can also be seen as the “survivor’s club” from contact with Jews. Which, I think it is, rather like scietology in Hollywood. It’s proven to be the coping mechanism of actors with Catholic backgrounds.

    One more note the OT is basically the Jewish rap sheet. Child abuse, sibling rivalry, murder, adultery, subversion, spying, extermination, persecution of heretics…you name they pioneered it.

  4. I have an anecdote about Snoop. I went to the premier party of Soul Plain. It was a pretty trashy event. The production company hired out the Armand Hammer Museum.
    They set up these paddling pools with strippers, which were quite funny. But what ended up happening is that the posse started slipping cash in the ho’s bikinis. The museum security shut down the entire pool theme pronto.

    Back to the story. There’s is a great big mezzanine in the museum. Snoop was there in a sort of ad hoc lounge. He was standing up most of the time. He’s a tall bastard, and he was surrounded by hundreds of trashy looking black and some white women. They were circling him Kaaba style, like pilgrims in search of a paternity suit. I thought at the time that this is how Louis XIV must have been like at court as Roi Soleil. Courtiers circling the sun king hoping to bathe in his reflected power and cash. Dude must have thought he was a god.

    Now I look back on it, this was my first unwitting exposure to BRA. I can well imagine Obama gets the same treatment so Romney must have been a shock.

  5. John —

    I am intrigued by every one of the following statements, which you’ve made here:

    1 —For me the Gospel is actually a very interesting document. It’s the first evidence of the Ins and ours of Jewish/European interaction extant from a Jewish/Greek/Syriac perspective. It’s a treasure trove of anthropological data.

    2 — The ins and outs of Jew/Roman interaction. This constitutes the collision of European Republicanism and philosophy, with Oriental despotisism and mysteriousness. The Gospels and related letters to the _____, are the dossier for Jews explaining themselves to Greeks and Romans and vice versa. It’s not bullshit if it is approached cold and as a text to be read with caution.

    3 — That’s why Neitzsche (sp) was so interesting. He quickly identified that Christianity was subversive and a slave’s revenge on his master. It can also be seen as the rest of a collision between worlds, which is rather more interesting. Christianity can also be seen as the “survivor’s club” from contact with Jews. Which, I think it is, rather like scietology in Hollywood. It’s proven to be the coping mechanism of actors with Catholic backgrounds.

    4 — He was, if the Gospel can be relied upon within the context of Basic Events, a very very heretical Jew of extremely doubtful provenance. He was also a Jew who seemed to be hypercritical of the priesthood and secular authorities of the day. He certainlyseems to have been treated as outsider by these people. He was as insufferable as Socrates. I also tend to think that he was a radical dangerous hippy who mixed a few conservative things in to give himself cover. Pilate as a colonial governor probably took far too long in dealing with this rather interesting chap. Only when his own people shopped him in for being antisemitic by default did the Romans care.

    I’ve put them out of order (number 4 having been the first you posted), and I’ve eliminated your paragraph breaks. Unless Mr. Wallace invites you to post on these topics here, this blog is probably not the place for you to elaborate those statements; but if you’ll expand them somewhere–say, in some of the webpage space provided by your internet service provider–I’d be very interested to read what you have to say.

  6. Chris – there is strong evidence that Jesus was NOT a Jew.

    Clytemnestra wrote a series of terrific posts, in a dialogue with Barb, in the comment section of one of my posts on my own wee blog, on this very issue. Their “conversation is all over the place, though. I told Cly to turn her stuff into a real post, all on it’s own – or I would.

    I am workng on doing that. I am super busy in my 3D life – I should not even be here, reading posts, now – and I am the Dual Queen of Typos, as well as ADD. I started working on Cly’s material. I have to finish. It’s on my slate for tonight. Your post, here-in, has cemented my plan to finish. I’ll have the piece up (MUCH) later tonight.

  7. It was just a reaction to Chris on the bible. I focused on the Gospel. The Gospel is contradictory, biased and whatnot, all that stuff, but it’s still fascinating.

    Why is it wrong to see it as an element of history? for this website?

  8. @John,

    Anjou means ‘the Jew’. It is important to distinguish between the Jews – the people of ancient (Y)Idumea, the Israelites and its royal tribe – the people of Judah.

    The (Y)Idumeans and their Pharisaic Babylonian cult are the people of Esau. They use the Bible, which is the library of the people of Jacob, but they subvert it.

    They use the Bible as the code for the doctrines of Talmud which they cloak in Biblical words, examples etc.

    Originally, they are a Chaldean people to the south of Judah’s tribal lands. They were recognized by the ancient historians like Strabo and Herodatus. They are Babylonian and have probably been running their Babylonian money scam on nations since Nebuchadnezzar. They began to style themselves ‘the Jews’ as short for Judeans. They moved a population into ancient Judah’s tribal lands when (Y)Idumea became part of Judah’s Hasmonean Kingdom under John Hyrcanus in the first century before Christ.

    When Judah’s lands became Judea in Roman Palestine, the (Y)Idumeans were a demographic in a multicultural polity. They styled themselves as Jews – meaning Judeans from that time. And by the time of Christ, they had infiltrated and subverted all the Israelite institutions as the disputes of Jesus with them in the Gospels clearly demonstrates. The New Testament clearly bears witness that in the time of Christ the Pharisaic cult sat in the Chair of Moses. BTW – just as their Pharisaic cult sits in the Chair of Peter today – in Rome, in this time since 1958.

    Previously, they had captured the Chair before during intermittent anti-papacies, such as the time of the Great Western Schism organised by the House of Anjou, but the Church always got it back through restoration. Today, unfortunately is one of those times and they are busy little bees collaborating with the Jewish Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.

    This was also the situation at the time of Jesus. The real Sanhedrin of the Israelite people were murdered by them and the Sanhedrin of Jesus day was Judaic. Jesus silenced both the ‘Sanhedrin’ of his time and the Pharisees in his debates with them over their identity, pretenses and beliefs and especially their use of their Tradition of the Elders to subvert and nullify the Mosaic Law.

    He clearly refers to their Talmud (codex of laws that nullifies the Laws of Moses) when He gets into it with the Pharisees over their ‘Traditions of the Elders’. That is Talmud – in its oral form.

    From the time of John Hyrcanus, give these people about 50 years and in no time at all they had their Babylonian money scam up and running in Roman Palestine and had assassinated the Judahite kings, done a deal with Rome and had their own Idumean puppet on the throne. They knew the times from the Prophet Daniel and they had taken up position to deal with Israel’s Messiah when he came.

    This did not turn out so well for them.

    They ran the same number on Christian Europe. They made great strides with the Reformation because the Protestants removed important historical books like The Book of the Maccabees from the Biblical cannon, books that clearly identified the ((Y)Idumean Jews from the historical perspective.

    I think we can confidently expect a re-run of their defeat with this schtick at the hands of the true God.

  9. John says:
    October 7, 2012 at 5:25 pm

    “They were circling him Kaaba style, like pilgrims in search of a paternity suit. ”

    OMG. Snorted coffee over the keyboard. I’m STEALING that line. It’s mine, forever. I’m using that EVERYWHERE.

    “Now I look back on it, this was my first unwitting exposure to BRA. I can well imagine Obama gets the same treatment so Romney must have been a shock.”

    That’s why Obummer did so badly. Negroes ALWAYS go into shock, and get sort of..submissive…when Whites stop pandering, and treating them as the Negroes that ARE. I’ve done it myself. Commnetors have said that ONegro will be bette,r on the next debates, but he will wilt like 3 day old lettuce, if Mittens keep up the Genuinely Superior White Man stance. L’il Black Barry wil get WORSE in the next debates. I’m telling ya – he’ll CRY.

    Wouldn’t it be great if he cries, and runs away, and Moochelle goes Full On Enraged She Ape, on camera?

    A girl can dream…

  10. @Fr John

    Yes, Fr John, we will continue to disagree (as we have for many years) over the identity of the Church founded by Jesus Christ upon the square of the Apostles and the Prophets with the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself being the chief cornerstone and the Rock of Peter set upon Himself and no other.

  11. Romney needs to have female surrogates out there. Noonsn and Matalin were excellent.

    One danger that I noticed is that Men liked Romney’s alphamale schtick, women were less impressed.

    So in the town hall QA he should be lovey dovey with the ladies. Unfortunately I imagine all the Gynoamericans will choose to cross examine Romney as if he were currently daddy POTUS and fail to question the black baby TOTUS.

  12. He should emphasize he’s a dad, with an open heart open checkbook who will lend his favourite granddaughter the keys to the car or give her a car ride no questions asked. He’s already established he will ruthlessly disembowel the abusive nigger boyfriend. So now he must reassure the weeping women that all is forgiven and he’s going to throw a superduper sweet sixteen for them.

  13. “Why is it wrong to see it as an element of history? for this website?”

    Absolutely not. The comments section of this website is sorely in need of rational arguments and scientifically factual statements. Don’t let the anti-white wop troll Bonaccorsi deter you. Our host Hunter Wallace has described himself however reluctantly as an atheist. Your comments are welcomed here by rationalists.

    It’s the ill educated out-to-lunch yahoos like Fr. John who need to leave.

  14. Hey Romney campaign,

    If you are reading think about this. Obama used Fluke as a prop.
    In a sense like a black sperm donor who promises to pay for the abortion after the fun part. Romney is like the kindly dad, who enraged at his daughter’s defilement provides a strong shoulder to weep on. He can offer great sympathy to the women in the Q&A and talk about being a good daddy, a good grandpa and husband. “I’m all for mom and apple pie” In essence that’s all he needs to do. Make Obama look like the homicidal
    nigger boyfriend (which he is, so it shouldn’t be hard)

  15. @John

    Obama is a Manchurian Candidate posing as a Manchurian Candidate. He only has the brains to sign the Executive Orders his Jewish minders give him.

    Romney is a whole other ball of wax – a scion of the Judaic / Merovingian lineage from a cult of the anti-Christ such as Mormonism will raise the stakes and take the world game to a whole new level.

    Or as Dr K has confidently asserted this week – in 10 years Israel will no longer exist. He means, I take it, the Rothschild state in its present form. This presages the events of ‘Greater Israel’ as they style it – the New World Order with its echelon state at the crossroads of three continents. The third UN, according to H.G. Wells, an Insider, will be in Basra, Iraq – which is located near the old Babylon.

    Obviously, the Judaic Imperium thinks they have found their man if Dr K is pontificating on the state of Israel.

    The Israel of God will certainly be in existence in 10 years time.

    But The Crown which is the financial centre of the Judaic Imperium on the sq mi in London and its transitional empire of the AngloSphere which had ‘to continue for a short space’ will have given way to the rise of the last great Beast Empire.

    What you are witnessing the rise of the last Beast Empire of which St John the Divine prophesied in the Apocalypse and the emergence of its Unicorn power.

  16. Hey Romney campaign:

    Please all pile in a big bus and go park in a garage and leave the engine running.

  17. It was just a reaction to Chris on the bible. I focused on the Gospel. The Gospel is contradictory, biased and whatnot, all that stuff, but it’s still fascinating. Why is it wrong to see it as an element of history? for this website?

    If that question is addressed to me, John, I wasn’t at all suggesting that it’s wrong to see it as an element of history. Just the opposite: I really would like to see some details of your thoughts on this subject. To me, it’s very interesting.

    I have the impression you think my statement was sarcastic or something. Rudel seems to have thought the same thing:

    Don’t let the anti-white wop troll Bonaccorsi deter you.

    I wasn’t trying to discourage you; I was encouraging you. In fact–Mr. Wallace, I’ll say expressly what I hinted at: Some posts from John on these subjects would be valuable at this blog. His statements I quoted are very interesting. It would be interesting to see some specifics, i.e., the New Testament material that led him to make those statements.

    PS We see, as usual, that Rudel’s reflexive viciousness–a white infirmity–has derailed a discussion instead of forwarding it.

  18. “the Judaic / Merovingian lineage”

    There is absolutely nothing Jewish about the Merovingians except perhaps for their Christian religion which they cynically employed to bolster their rule and grip on power.

  19. “We see, as usual, that Rudel’s reflexive viciousness–a white infirmity–has derailed a discussion instead of forwarding it.”

    Not only are you a “concern” troll who wishes nothing less than to undermine the pro-White nature of this site, but you are a nigger-lover to boot.

  20. PPS I think I see now why Rudel and you misunderstood what I said, John. You seem to have thought that, in saying this blog might not be the place for you to elaborate what you’d said, I was suggesting you shouldn’t have posted your original remarks. No–I meant exactly what I said: I’d like to see you expand your comments. I think they’re worthy of full posts, not merely comments in reaction to a post of Mr. Wallace’s.

  21. Not only are you a “concern” troll who wishes nothing less than to undermine the pro-White nature of this site, but you are a nigger-lover to boot.

    As usual, Rudel, the main thing you demonstrate is why the white race is perishing. You’re so busy lashing out at me that you can’t even see that I’m asking John to expand his statements, which are very interesting. Do the rest of us a favor and return your attention to ESPN, your glass of Seagram’s, and the rest of your Jewish distractions.

  22. The circumstances of the nativity strongly suggest that (discounting the divine paternity story) that Jesus was a bastard and the product of an illicit relationship. Right? Foreigner? Some other untouchable? Romans? Greeks? Syrians? Egyptians? So the suspicion of him being a half breed must have played on his mind and on the mind of others who knew about his birth circumstances.

    He disappeared for 30 years. Probably Abroad? Right? Foreign connections. Then lives/works in a foreign built cosmopolis in the Galilean area. Probably construction and craft or stone carving on palaces. Certainly an outsider working with his hands. Carpentry and stone work might even indicate he carved scultures Or contracted other sculptors on various contracts. That’s just before the ministry he went on. He doesnt sound like he’s part of the inner circle of this community.

    So he’s outside the

  23. I always suspected that Jesus Christ was fathered by some Roman soldier from the local garrison. Jewish girls have always been notorious for their promiscuity and sexual aggression at a young age.

    I ran into some otherwise perfectly normal folks in Japan once, who happened to believe that Jesus Christ had travelled to the Far East during his undocumented adulthood, and learned his “miraculous abilities” from Inui Shaman-types up in the mountains in Hokkaido. Really bizarre stuff, not unlike Fr. John+ and his CI load when I look back on it.

  24. “This finding opposes the suggestion that Ashkenazim are descended from the Kuzars”

    There was a massive slave trade up there. Personally i think that’s the only connection.

    “Jesus was a bastard and the product of an illicit relationship. Right? Foreigner? Some other untouchable? Romans? Greeks? Syrians? Egyptians?”

    Saxon legionary, heh.

    (@John, interesting thoughts)

  25. It’s traditionally understood he spent time in Egypt. Byblos, Cyrus, Lydia are just as good. Eastern Med basically.

    Then in the ministry there are a few obvious things.

    He bickers with the religious and secular authorities in such a way that you would
    expect from a foreigner or someone extensively exposed while travelling to something better(Or at least someone with a sense of his own alterity). Who goes around their own people in public telling them off all the time? It’s rare not to mention presumptuous.

    Also he seems to have brooked no opposition, he coukd have rather easily cut a deal with the political authorities or the religious authorities or the colonial occupation and the execution would have halted. Pilate according to the story seemed to want to start a philosophical dialogue but Jesus cut it off cold. That’s not the ordinary action of a Jew when dealing with powerful forces. I’ve never seen a Jewish person act like that throughout history. If a deal can be brokered it’s brokered. This is the heroic self sacrificing man.

    Either a hero, madman or as CS Lewis pointed out he’s the son of God.

  26. “The circumstances of the nativity strongly suggest”

    What nativity? There are zero contemporary accounts of an historical Jesus. All of the so-called “evidence” is from religious writings that post date his supposed life by many decades or are based on descriptions of the multiple Jewish messiah cults that flourished prior to his supposed existence.

    The self contradictory New Testament was assembled from these myths many years after the alleged facts.


    “No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artifacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus came well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. Although one can argue that many of these writings come from fraud or interpolations, I will use the information and dates to show that even if these sources did not come from interpolations, they could still not serve as reliable evidence for a historical Jesus, simply because all sources about Jesus derive from hearsay accounts.”


  28. Then let’s take the parables.

    Prodigal son? Is that Jesus himself? Goes off someplace like Alexandria squandering his youth?

    The Good Samaritan? Is that Jesus or a thinly veiled self reference to Jesus own foreigness?

    In this case it is hardly surprising the ethnocentric Jews wanted him dead and the Romans obliged. These sorts of ideas would disturb the status quo.

    The Bon mot’s like “Give Unto Ceasar” Sound like snarky taunts aimed at the pathetic conquered Judeans: “You rubes: give half your hard earned cash to the Romans! Give the priests the rest.Amen.” that would piss off everyone. It illustrates the humiation of being under occupation by hostile elites. Who does this unless they are thoroughly alienated?

  29. If you rewind through comments you will see that I’m taking it a text. A throughly unreliable one. Some teenage Jewish girl gets knocked up. Says God did it. This is a thoroughly Greek narrative. How many humans did Zeus impregnate? How many did Jehovah? It’s clearly got un-Jewish elements as a tale. Within the tale 30 years or so are missing and suddenly resume. Travel abroad.

    Anyway, I’m reading behind the lines here and seeing what it says Generally about Roman, Greek and Jewish (and other oriental) cultures commingling.

  30. Rudel,

    don’t you think the text dwarves to be read as a 1st Century account of a religious revolution? The Gospels clearly changed the course of history. If nothing else that’s noteworthy.

  31. Okay rudel, take him as a character in a fiction. What does it tell us about the times? The times of the writers? The audience? Their view of authorities? The Romans and the Jews?

    If there was no historical Jesus then the religion could be said to have very little to do with Judaism too. It’s warning about them in that case.

  32. @ John,

    Keep reading and digging into N.T. history and the comporary sources. I predict you’ll put it together.

  33. “The Gospels clearly changed the course of history. If nothing else that’s noteworthy.”

    Only when they finally affected the Roman elites. The question still remains as to what should be the basis for Western ethics now that we have accepted that God is dead. Science can only get us so far. Completely eliminating the study of Classics from our educational curriculum is clearly not the answer nor is ignoring 2000 years of Christendom. We do need to be clear eyed about religion though.

  34. Keep going, John. Touch, if you can, on your other points: the Gospels and epistles as mutual self-explanation on the part of Jew, Romans, and Greeks; Christianity as a survivors’ club (for whom?); Jesus as hippie with a bit of conservative camouflage. Rudel’s right, of course, that we have to be clear-eyed about this–but I think you’re being clear-eyed.

  35. We have identified evangelical Christianity as the source of a weakened occident. Why not look at the succcess of something similar?

  36. We have identified evangelical Christianity as the source of a weakened occident. Why not look at the succcess of something similar?

    Yes. As I’ve urged you: please expand those other points of yours.

  37. Don’t be recruiting me, my Italian friend.

    I don’t know what you mean by “recruiting,” John. This is a subject that has long interested me. I’ve discussed it with a number of persons, I think. Some of the things you’ve said are similar to things they and I have discussed; others are things that neither they nor I have said. I’m just interested to hear what you have to say.

  38. Claudius and Herod Agrippa for example. What was that friendship about? Jewish Prince, Imperial Roman, Playmates! Later on colleagues. What was going on in the first century? What demand did the Gospels fill?

  39. The Gospels really didn’t start getting written and then spread around until the second century well after the destruction of the Second Temple and the fall of Masada.

  40. However, various Christians were being executed by Herod Agrippa in the 40s. So something was afoot. The crackdown was quite dramatic and bloody in the 30s and 40s by all accounts. Martyrs for what exactly? What were they saying that attracted death sentences? They were obviously being persecuted by secular Jewish kings for heresy. So they were real and they were taking casualties and fighting back. So they were well organized and understood what they were dying for. Every killing only making them more formidable. It’s fascinating.

  41. Forgive my ignorance of what might be simple history for you, John–but are you sure of that? H. Agrippa was persecuting a group that may be clearly identified, now, as Christians?

  42. “However, various Christians were being executed by Herod Agrippa in the 40s.”

    Citations please. I know of no such contemporaneous accounts.

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