“Snoop Lion”: Why I Am Not Voting For Romney


The artist formerly known as “Snoop Dogg” has released a list of reasons that explains why he is voting for Barack Obama instead of Mitt Romney.

The single most important reason cited by “Snoop Lion” is that Barack Obama is a “black nigga” whereas Mitt Romney is a “white nigga.”

Let’s give “Snoop Lion” some credit for his honest, heartfelt, and completely straightforward racist answer.

Note: What do you suppose would happen if someone like Hank Williams, Jr. or Taylor Swift told everyone on the internet that they were not voting for Obama because he is black, but were voting for Romney because he is White?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Maybe I misunderstood you, John. Re Herod Agrippa, you’re relying, I guess, on the Acts of the Apostles ( http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2012:1–23;&version=ESV; ). Acts also puts Agrippa’s son in conflict with the Apostle Paul, I guess ( http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=acts%2025-26&version=ESV ); so, okay, we have Jewish kings, by the Christian account, struggling against the Christians. The rest of your statement–about the dramatic and bloody crackdown–is based on one of the Roman historians and, maybe, on Josephus, I’d guess. I’m not arguing with you. I just want to make sure we’re oriented here, as Rudel seems to want to be sure, too.

  2. @John, interesting stuff, agree on bible as a text, pretty sure some nuggets are buried in there somewhere.

  3. The saddest tragedy about this whole issue is that Snoop has zeroed in on the single biggest difference between the two, and will as such be casting a ballot on the basis of an informed decision here.

  4. “That’s why Obummer did so badly. Negroes ALWAYS go into shock, and get sort of..submissive…when Whites stop pandering”

    Yup, I learned this real quick during my sojourns to negro land. Try to talk reasonable and conciliatory? Gets you barked at. Tell that nigger you’re going to fuck him up? All of a sudden he has better things to do.

  5. As to the Christianity argument, I can’t say for sure and neither can you, but the empirical evidence points to it being the anti-thesis to Judaism. It really suits the west too. Funny you brought up Zeus, many of the Christian morals taught by Jesus are diametrically opposed to Jewish customs, and very much in line with many European traditions of the day.

  6. The saddest tragedy about this whole issue is that Snoop has zeroed in on the single biggest difference between the two, and will as such be casting a ballot on the basis of an informed decision here.

    That’s one of the most astonishingly accurate things I’ve ever read. You’ve just summed up the present situation of world civilization.

  7. A beautiful stained glass panel 1618 of St James the Greater is in the Victoria and Albert Museum London. The Museum commemorates the martyrdom of the bishop of Jerusalem as being circa AD 44 under Herod Agrippa.

    The deaths of those who followed him are not recorded but if the bishop of Jerusalem is executed this will be the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.


  8. At a certain point, the quantity of documents, albeit from Christian sources form a reasonable corpus of evidence for The protomartyrs. Get rid of the miracles and much of it is quite telling.

    Rudel, the only people I’ve met who recoil as you just have are either Jewish.

    Even if it’s a fiction it’s telling you a great deal about the classical world and this clash of cultures.

  9. One more thing. If the Gospels are an exotic historical novel selling a religion, then that’s also a tremendously important thing. For instance the characters had to be plausable to the readership(with or without miracles). The priests, governors and apostles had to strike a chord. So, “the Messiah who wasn’t there”, had to be immediately understandable. What account’s for the cult’s success?

  10. Huffington Post has something where Mitt turns out, not to be Mexican entirely, but English. So maybe he’s a bit wasp after all. However, he didn’t visit there, and his British roots embarrass him, apparently, and he will make no comment on the discovery.

  11. “Rudel, the only people I’ve met who recoil as you just have are either Jewish.

    Nonsense. The first accounts of early Christians in Rome were purportedly written by Josephus circa 90 A.D. and the earliest known manuscripts of his writings date from the Tenth Century. Tacitus writes of Christians in 117 A.D. but he is notorious for utilizing here say evidence. At any rate there are many gentile scholars who consider these Christian propaganda stories apocryphal, 17th century stained glass windows notwithstanding.


    Religious fanatics with messianic complexes replete with millenarian prophecies and cults of followers were abundant in Roman occupied Judea. That some of these stories coalesced into a Jesus mythos after the Roman destruction of the Second Temple is not all that surprising.

  12. There you are Rudel. It was not uncommon for emperors to declare themselves Gods. Plenty of messianics running around. That’s the first century right there. As I pointed out before that’s the takeaway. And perhaps the Gospels are exactly that sort of synthesis. Or perhaps not. The historiography isn’t settled to anyone’s satisfaction.

    The peoplewho have seen recoil like vampires have generally been Jewish though. Most other people tend to take it or leave it these days.

  13. “Most other people tend to take it or leave it these days.”

    And I usually do when it comes to religion. It’s a sociological phenomenon that seems to serve some sort of tribal survival function. But the crazy Christian Identity snake handlers and tub thumpers that post comments on this site drive me into radical sceptic village atheist mode.

    As far as I’m concerned it is the beautiful Northern European White race that are the gods. The sooner we all realize this the sooner we will start to act in our racial self interest. We are totally in command of our own destiny, and not in the hands of some absurdly incorporeal yet long bearded patriarch somewhere up in the heavens.

  14. I think you said it well, John: “The historiography isn’t settled to anyone’s satisfaction.” With that noted, I’ll be pleased if you’ll expand the following of your original statements:

    1 — [Christianity] can also be seen as the rest of a collision between worlds, which is rather more interesting [than Nietzsche’s view of it].

    Which worlds?

    2 — Christianity can also be seen as the “survivor’s club” from contact with Jews. Which, I think it is, rather like scietology in Hollywood. It’s proven to be the coping mechanism of actors with Catholic backgrounds.

    Whose contact with Jews?

    3 — I also tend to think that he was a radical dangerous hippy who mixed a few conservative things in to give himself cover.

    What are his hippie elements? What is his conservative camouflage?

    Your view, I think, is the same as my view (and the view of many other persons), namely, that these subjects are worth exploring in an attempt to understand the present position of the white race. I continue to find your statements very interesting. I had no idea of the connection between Claudius and Agrippa. Of all the provinces in the Roman Empire, Judea is the one whose nearly-infant prince is sent to be raised in the household of the emperor? (Or were there others?) A near-infant prince who’s named after the defense minister of Augustus? (That’s the impression I get from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herod_Agrippa ) A near-infant prince whose boyhood mate ends up becoming emperor himself, fairly late in life? As you’ve said: “What was going on in the first century?”

  15. Robert Graves includes Herod Agrippa in his “Claudius the God” as a major character. Tiberius’s Pet, Caligula’s Teacher and Claudius’s friend. These people are remarkable.
    In this story he almost starts a revolt in the East stretching from Egypt to Mesopotamia, Lydia to Arabia but dies from gangrene in the amphitheatre. The Romans were very nearly overwhelmed by the various Jewish revolts and assaults stretching from Cyrencia to Cyprus and Jerusalem. Looking at it from further back the Romans and Jews really were contesting for supremacy.

  16. “A near-infant prince whose boyhood mate ends up becoming emperor himself, fairly late in life? As you’ve said: “What was going on in the first century?”

    Why do you find this so unusual? The Empire (and even the Republic) was extremely cosmopolitan during its entire existence. It was one of the strategies to its long term success. Making deals with and acculturating the barbarians was as much a part of its geopolitical repertoire as fighting massive pitched battles of conquest. Carthaginians, Greeks, Gauls, Judeans etc. were all brought to Rome as traders and hostages. Even Attila was brought to Rome as a noble hostage in his youth.

  17. “A near-infant prince whose boyhood mate ends up becoming emperor himself, fairly late in life? As you’ve said: ‘What was going on in the first century?'”

    Why do you find this so unusual?

    My wording wasn’t clear, Rudel. I didn’t mean it was necessarily unusual for a foreign prince to grow up with a future emperor. I was continuing my preceding sentence’s thought. I was emphasizing that this particular prince, who grows up with an emperor-to-be, is from Judea, of all places.

    Yes, as you say, Rome was cosmopolitan, was politicking with all of those other great powers–but that’s exactly the point. Ask any Roman courtier or historian who’s living during the reign of Augustus or the next few emperors whether Rome has rivals for its power. He’d probably say yes: Parthia, Egypt, Asia Minor–whatever. Judea? I doubt he’d say, “Judea–yes, that’s the critical place: the backwater ruled by Herod Agrippa, whose friend Claudius somehow gets plucked from behind a curtain to become emperor; the place where that same Agrippa is in a religious struggle that we don’t even bother to mention in our histories, a struggle that just barely gets mentioned in a text of the sect with which he’s contending, a text whose provenance, as Rudel will point out two thousand years from now, will be thoroughly indeterminable.”

    I think that’s the almost-unbelievable subject that John and I are exploring. Who cares about Attila and Mithridates and all of the other big-time characters? What, ultimately, steered the destiny of the West? Answer: Judea and everything that was going on in it–and all of that was hardly even on the Roman radar. Pontius Pilate? Who’s he? Do you think one of those courtiers or historians would have guessed that Rome would one day become all but synonymous with some nobody put to death by some otherwise-forgotten Roman governor of Judea? As John says, it’s fascinating–though maybe the apt word is uncanny.

  18. Uncanny certainly.

    Agrippa actually was the fellow who convinced the German Guard and the Praetorian Guard to acclaim Claudius Emperor.

    Rahmbo eat your Jewish advisor heart out eh? History in a repeaters loop. Nothing changes.

  19. There were lots of Gallic troops in the area. They were particularly well equipped for individual combat. I understand Herod the Great kept a company or two of them. Lots of foreign auxiliaries served there. Then you have actual Greek settlements and one or two Roman Colonia.

  20. Apparently Herod kept German mercs and Thracians. Well, well, well. Nothing changes.

    And when it comes time to transport Negroes to the New World to work sugar plantations? Anglo-Saxons, Franks, Dutch, Visigoths (from Spain and Portugal).

  21. “Answer: Judea and everything that was going on in it–and all of that was hardly even on the Roman radar.”

    Quit accusing me of under estimating the importance of Roman battles in the Levant. I was only taking a hard line on the historical Christ issue. The wars with the Jews are integral to the well known and studied Emperor Vespasian and the Flavian dynasty. It was during the time of the Roman Empire’s greatest extent.

    IMHO, the bigger picture is the cultural power of monotheism and Christianity’s role in bringing the God of Abraham to the Gentile masses of the Roman Empire.

  22. Quit accusing me of under estimating the importance of Roman battles in the Levant.

    IMHO, the bigger picture is the cultural power of monotheism and Christianity’s role in bringing the God of Abraham to the Gentile masses of the Roman Empire.

    I don’t think I was accusing you of anything, Rudel; we’re having a discussion. As for your latter point, about the “bigger picture”–yes, that’s exactly what John and I were focusing on. The questions about the provenance of the Gospels and the other early Christian documents, the questions about Jesus’s existence, and so on are interesting and are part of the whole uncanny political and mental phenomenon that was the rise of Christianity; but as I think John has been maintaining–and as I agree–such questions can be a distraction or dead end. The documents’ authenticity, their narratives’ accuracy, and Jesus’s existence are, in a sense, secondary questions.

    PS The empire expanded a little bit–territorially–in the later time of Trajan.

  23. Snoop is an act who has to stay relevant with his community. Who really takes him seriously as a tough guy? The many is built like Erkel!

  24. “PS The empire expanded a little bit–territorially–in the later time of Trajan.”

    Quit picking non-existent nits. I said it was during the “time” of greatest Roman expansion. Those two Emperors ruled only a few decades apart and Vespasian was involved in generaling greater territorial gains.

    You aren’t having a meaningful discussion at all. It is I who put these matters of Judean conflict into the context of the influence of monotheism not you with your hints at mysterious conspiracies and not much else. You are nothing but a nigger-loving concern troll with a second rate brain. GTFO of here.

  25. Quit picking non-existent nits. I said it was during the “time” of greatest Roman expansion.

    No–you said it was during the time of the empire’s greatest “extent,” so you’re lying. Because it’s hardly news that this was the period in which the empire was taking on most of its final form, your original statement was unimportant; but since you made it, I corrected it. As for the Roman-Jewish wars, I don’t recall your mentioning them at all before John brought them up, but I’m not going to review this entire discussion to find out. The main thing is that John originally made some statements about the significance of the New Testament. I thought his statements were very interesting. I asked him to expand them. He seemed to have particular thoughts about light that the New Testament can thrown on the question of the relationship between Jews and non-Jews within the empire during the period in which Christianity began to form. That question strikes me as very important. As far as I can identify it, your main contribution to the discussion was to disrupt it with trite remarks about the documents’ authenticity, Jesus’s existence, and so on.

    You are uncivilized and are thus a hindrance to the well-being and flourishing of the white race. I’m still interested in anything further John has to say. I reject your characterization of my attempt to understand Jewish power and influence within the empire during the first century as a concern with conspiracies.

    “GTFO,” I take it, means “Get the Fuck Out.” You are base.

  26. “You are uncivilized and are thus a hindrance to the well-being and flourishing of the white race.”

    At least I am White. You are nothing but a greasy wop. GTFO.

  27. “you said it was during the time of the empire’s greatest “extent,” so you’re lying.”

    I’m not lying you obfuscatory weasel. It was during the period of greatest extent. “Periods” are not individual points in time you unlettered oaf. The Flavian dynasty was as much a part of and a greater contributor to that extent period than Trajan.

    And stop making up bullshit about what is easily readable. You keep making meaningless comments about the mysterious significance of occurrences that were par for the course during the Roman Empire. I corrected your BS. Consider yourself both pwnd and schooled.

  28. “At least I am White. You are nothing but a greasy wop. GTFO.”

    – Ironic that Jewdel hates (and fears) Italians so much, but obsessively nitpicks over obscure historical details about the Roman Empire.

  29. Your twin comments’ only section that’s worthy of a response, Rudel, has to do with my ethnicity. I’m half Irish, so the correct term is wop-mick.

  30. I find it amazing that it required David Strauss in 1800s to come up with the idea that Jesus was made up.

    No Jew challenged the story by saying he never existed. Seems like an oversight on their part.

    Now JohnB, please stop ragging on Rudel. The non existence also creates fascinating interpretations of the rise of Christianity.

  31. John B aka Wop Mick (wonderful!) – Jewdel is the OD’s resident Senior Dementia Bi Polar git.

    Pay it no mind. Oh – play with it, out of a sort of benign charity, but don’t take a word it utters seriously.

    Now – for somethng truly consequential – Pat’s or Geno’s?

  32. “Now – for somethng truly consequential – Pat’s or Geno’s?”

    Larry’s you stupid bitch. Pat and Geno use Cheez Whiz… yuck!!!!

  33. Now – for something truly consequential – Pat’s or Geno’s?

    Larry’s you stupid bitch. Pat and Geno use Cheez Whiz… yuck!!!!

    I hate to admit it, Denise, but I’m with Rudel re the Cheez Whiz.

    The non existence also creates fascinating interpretations of the rise of Christianity.

    As always, John: Keep going.

  34. Kitos War, it would have been a Near Eastern Jewish Empire if the Romans had not smashed them. Judea, Cyprus, Cyrencia, Egypt, Syria as Greater Israel. 2000 years, what goes around comes around again.

  35. John —

    I’m going to return to this statement of yours:

    [Christianity] can also be seen as the rest of a collision between worlds, which is rather more interesting [than Nietzsche’s view of it].

    What are you picturing here? A collision between Judea and the non-Jewish Roman world–or a collision within the Jewish world or region itself? It’s always strange that Jesus–or, at least, the narrators of the Gospels–are referring to “the Jews” as if the latter are only a subset of the population in which Jesus and his followers are living. That’s my sense, anyway, though I haven’t read the Gospels carefully. Probably, scholars have had much to say about this, but I haven’t read anything on it. It’s just strange: the Last Supper appears to be “Jewish,” in that it’s a Passover meal; but on the other hand, it seems the Gospels include remarks to the effect that Jesus was approached by “Jews” or something like that, as if he and his crowd are not Jewish. There also seems to be that thing about Galilee as something different; but again, I haven’t studied this. (Just noticed at Wikipedia that Galilee wasn’t part of the Roman province of Judea, which province was a compound of Judea proper, Samaria, and Idumea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galilee#History )

  36. For whatever it’s worth, John, I present a passage that’s quoted in Wikipedia’s article called Split of early Christianity and Judaism. Apparently, it’s from a 1994 book called Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible. Here it is:

    “Despite the ostensible merging of Judean and Jew even in certain New Testament passages and by the rabbis who became rulers of Palestine in the third century and continued to use Hebrew and Aramaic more than Greek, the roots of Christianity were not Jewish. Christianity did not derive from the Judaism of the pharisees, but emerged like Judaism from the wider Judean milieu of the first century. Both Christians and Jews stemmed from pre-70 Judean-ism as heirs of groups that were to take on the role of primary guardians or interpreters of scripture as they developed on parallel tracks in relation to each other.”

    The meaning of that is not entirely clear to me, and I certainly have no way of evaluating it. I’m just throwing it into the discussion, in case it bears on, or will affect, your own thoughts.

  37. PS For whatever it’s worth, I’ve also found a webpage on which there’s a statement to the effect that “Jews,” in the Bible, is sometimes a mistranslation of a word that would better be rendered as “Judeans,” the latter supposedly a mere geographical term. Maybe the argument would be that that’s why Jesus is sometimes said to be approached by “Jews.” I don’t know, but here’s the address: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/judeochr.htm

  38. Jewdel you decrepit degenerate RETARD – no they DON’T.

    Joey Vento used Cheese whiz on people that could not order in English. Or are assholes.

    I did not EVER get Cheese Whizzed at either place. Not ONCE. Ewwww. Perhaps this is the real Sign of the Wheat and the Chaff.

    Did you get Cheese Whizzed? Makes sense.

    Larry’s? You are such a homo.

    John B – if you got Cheese Whizzed – repent your sins. The hour Approacheth. There is still hope for YOU.

  39. P.S. John B – the correct answe, among the Elect, is “Pat’s for steaks. Geno’s for everything else”.

    Joey Vento was and IS a SAINT. He was an absolute doll. I’m certain God gets cheeseteaks from Joey’s stand in Heavan now. I had long moved out of Philadelphia, by the time he passed from this wicked Earth, into Heaven – but I actually cried. That man was the BEST.

    I used to live right down the block from both stands. Where you in Philadelphia during the Blizzard of ’93? I was. There was a break in the storm,round..ohhh…1AM or so. My roomie and I had gone over to a pal’s house, approx 4 blocks from my place, for Old Movie Night. Roomie and I decided to head back home, during the lapse in the storm, and both Pat’s and Geno’s were going full tilt boogie. They storm slowed down a bit, but did not stop, and I still recall my surprise and delight in looking up, as we trudged home, and seeing both places glow, like shining Beacons, through the havoc of the storm. A favorite memory.

  40. John B – if you got Cheese Whizzed – repent your sins.

    Denise — I’m very glad you brought this up. My statement, which left the impression that our friend Rudel was right about Pat’s and Geno’s, was intended merely as a bit of agreeableness; but over the past few hours, oddly enough, I’ve been troubled by the thought that it damaged those places, by misrepresenting their menus (of which, to be honest, I know virtually nothing, inasmuch as the steak shops I patronize are generally ones in my own neighborhood, Northeast Philly). When I was at Geno’s a few years ago, my sandwich had real cheese–provolone, probably–though Cheez Whiz might have been an option. I don’t know about Pat’s. For the record: I enjoyed my sandwich at Geno’s. Again: I’m glad you brought this up.

  41. PS Yes, I was here during the 1993 blizzard, Denise, but I don’t have any memory like the one you have, of Pat’s and Geno’s. Your description of that is so great that I’m now picturing it almost as if it’s a memory of my own.

  42. All this expression of anti-Christian or atheistic skepticism is not only wrong, but also CONFLICTS with the appeal to Southern whites and Southern culture on this blog.

  43. John B – Joey Vento used to threaten to use Cheese Whiz in his food, whewn he was being persecuted by the Philadelphia Illegal Alien and Orc Tyranny Commission. I don’t know if he ever actually did anything like that. He won that battle, by the by…

    He used to wait on me, when I was a college student, putting myself through college because my parent’s made too much money (and gave me almost NONE, cause my Dad didn’t approve of my major) and I am White. He was a sweetheart. I just knew he was the dear old sweetie that owned the stand.

    Re: Pat’s and Geno’s – here’s the “local lowdown” as it stood, all those eons ago….hope this doesn’t gross you out….

    Geno’s was WONDERFUL. Great food, great service, and a beautiful building. Pat’s wasn’t as pretty, and the worker’s were gruffer….and here goes….Geno’s was generally regarded as “too clean”. The Italians I knew wereREALLY fussy about their food – but…there was something about Pat’s Steaks….the stand wasn’t as pretty…but I recall there was an idea that Pat’s didn’t clean their grills off as much, or change the oil, for frying..but this made the steaks “better”. Richer taste. Geno’s was SPOTLESS – but it made the steaks less flavorful. Pat’s steaks were greasier, or something-er – and this was TRUE. i can’t explain this at all – but Pat’s steaks were wonderful.

    I think Jewdell was simply being his typical demented jerk self – and if accusations of Cheese Whiz were invoked, by both the operators AND patrons of either hallowed institution – it would be a blood fued, on the spot. I NEVER experienced the desecration of the steaks with the odious substitute cheese facsimile product, not have heard of same.

    Re my Blizzard memory – Pat’s stand glowed in distance, with a golden light, and Geno’s – the brilliant jewelled tones a thousand hues of neon splendor. The ferocity of the blizzard had slacked off, in “eye of the storm”, but the snow was still falling heavily, steadily, in the fine sofy “dry” sort of snowflake – the type of snow that means “it’s really coming DOWN – we’re in for it!” – but the falling snow created a sort of beautiful nimbus, around the twin stands…it was beautiful. So there’s a little more detail for “your” memory. ; }

    I used to love that neighborhood. I’m not Italian, and initially the Italians were suspicious of “outsiders” – but once they accepted a person – it was WONDERFUL. OMG. The stories I could tell…..I would run into an elderly Italian Gentleman, once in awhile, when I was scurrying to class, and he was taking his constitutional walk. He was a the real article – a genuine Italian GENTLEMAN, from Italy. He was always beautifully dressed. He always wore a hat, year-round, appropriate to the season, of course. He’d tip his hat to me, as we passed each other, and offer the greeting “Buongiorno, Signorina” (I think that’s right), and I’d bow my head, and return the greeting with “Good morning, sir!”. This was YEARS ago, but I will never forget his beautiful voice, and very elegant manners. His pace was slow, and leisurely – but he had perfect posture. I’m sorry I never learned his name….it’s a silly thing, but when we ran across each other, it was just a lovely, graceful way to begin the day. I know he knew that I appreciated him……

    I think all the Italians moved out… and the Asians moved in. At the time, the opinion of thwe Asians was, “Damn! They;re worse than the Niggers!”

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