The 2012 Election: A Verdict on White Nationalism



For over a year now, Occidental Dissent has been investigating the ethnic and cultural divisions between “White Americans.”

Just yesterday, I posed a meaningful question to OD readers: Can White Northerners Say “No” To Black Run America (BRA)?

It didn’t take long for us to find out that the answer to that question was a definitive “NO.” Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lost Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, DC and Hawaii.

In New England, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan only won five counties. They lost every county in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. They only won one county in Maine, one in Connecticut, and three in New Hampshire. Yes, Romney and Ryan even managed to lose Belmont and Janesville to Barack Obama.

This evening told us a lot about “White America.” It also told White Southerners a lot about the potential (or lack thereof) of “White Nationalism.”

Although Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were unable to win Belmont, Massachusetts or Janesville, Wisconsin, they had no trouble winning far away from home in Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina. They were also able to drag North Carolina back into the Republican fold.

In Virginia, Romney and Ryan lost a narrow race in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William County in the DC suburbs in Northern Virginia. In Florida, the race still hasn’t been called at this late hour, but Romney and Ryan are down by 0.05% with 100% of precincts reporting.

Isn’t it strange how it broke down that way – again? Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan lost every county in Massachusetts, even though their campaign was based in Boston, but won every county in West Virginia. They lost Massachusetts by 61% to Barack Obama, but won West Virginia by 62%.

If this election had only been held in the South, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would have won 148 electoral votes to Barack Obama’s 42. Without the huge Yankee enclaves in Northern Virginia, the I-5 corridor, and South Florida, Romney and Ryan would have easily swept Florida and Virginia too.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans picked up 1 seat in Kentucky, 1 in Oklahoma, 1 in Arkansas, 1 in South Carolina, 1 in Georgia, 3 in North Carolina, held their own in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, and lost 1 in Texas and 2 in Florida.

Among other notable accomplishments, Republicans won the North Carolina governorship, finally succeeded in knocking off Rep. Ben Chandler in Kentucky, and won control of the Arkansas General Assembly. They won a supermajority in the Tennessee state legislature and expanded their control of the North Carolina state legislature.

White Nationalists claim that the problem is the “System.” They claim that “Jews control the media.” For some reason, White people in Massachusetts voted for Barack Obama twice while White people in Tennessee voted against Barack Obama twice. Roughly 60% of people in Massachusetts and Tennessee participated in the “System” and voted for exactly the opposite candidates for president.

Are the Jews who control the media emitting some kind of secret signal via MSNBC to vote for Barack Obama that can only be intercepted and deciphered by White Yankees? If the “System” itself is the problem, why does the very same “System” produce such strikingly different and predictable results along the same regional and cultural lines?

I’m ready to propose an alternative theory: the real problem is neither the “System” or “Jews control the media.” White Southerners ignored the Mainstream Media and were convinced that Romney would win in a landslide right up until his defeat. They also ignored the Mainstream Media, which most of them dislike anyway, and overwhelmingly voted a second time to remove Barack Obama from office.

The real problem is that there is … NO SUCH THING AS “WHITE PEOPLE!” White Southerners are culturally ready to say NO to BRA, but we were shot down yet again in another Pickett’s Charge.

The majority of White Northerners do not identify with their race. They don’t think in terms of “white interests” or “white identity.” They don’t see “the Jews” or changing racial demographics as a threat to their identity. On the contrary, these demographic changes in the South and West are exciting to them because the growth in the non-White population works to their immediate short term political advantage.

For 180 years, Yankees have thrown White Southerners under the bus for the sake of their negro allies, mostly out of lust to dominate the central government: they armed almost 200,000 negroes and marched into the South at the head of negro armies to destroy the Confederacy, they crippled our economy for nearly a century when they abolished slavery, they overthrew the Constitution at gunpoint, made blacks into U.S. citizens, and imposed negro rule on much of the South for nearly a decade, they alone passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act which destroyed the Jim Crow South, and now they have elected Barack Obama as president twice over our opposition and even in preference to one of their own kind.

That’s the latest addition to their sparkling record on race.

White Nationalists have created an mythology of whiteness and extended it to all “White people.” They seek to create a “White Republic.” Presumably, this “White Republic” (an abstract fantasy that exists only in their own minds, which has no physical correspondence to any specific geographic area or ethny in the real world) would be a homeland for the “White people” who are supposedly a “nation.”

Do these “White people” act like a nation though? That’s not what we saw in the 2008 or 2012 elections. Instead, we saw almost the whole predominantly “White” Northeast and West Coast called as a Greek phalanx within minutes of each other for Barack Obama. The “White people” who live in those areas share a mindset and a culture that is utterly alien and irreconcilably opposed to our own.

It is easier to make excuses like “the Jews are controlling our minds” or “the System is hopelessly broken” than to admit that the cold hard truth: the majority of White people in the North support Barack Obama because they approve of his policies, and they consider blacks, Jews, and Hispanics to be their political allies, and White Southerners to be their biggest political enemies.

That’s the way it always breaks down. Always.

The South is almost monolithically Republican now because Dixie is a nation that is increasingly alienated from the rest of the United States. White Southerners are a distinct ethnic group. We share a common ancestry, a common culture, a common history, and a common destiny. There are various other alien racial and ethnic groups living within our national territory. The exact borders of our ethnic group do not neatly correspond to the borders of our states.

We saw that again tonight.

Just as most of the Northeastern states were called within moments of each other, the same was true of most of the Southern states. White Southerners voted against Barack Obama virtually everywhere we are numerically predominant. There is no need to invent a fictitious “metapolitical” bond of “whiteness” because there is a natural sympathy among our co-ethnics in different states.

Moving forward we need to nurture those organic bonds of blood, culture, and interest and eschew abstract ideological bonds which are no substitute for kinship. We need to quit thinking of ourselves as “White Americans.” We need to quit believing that our ethnic group is co-extensive with “America.” We need to quit pretending that this Union is anything but a a curse and a prison for our nation.

Hopefully, the rejection of the South tonight by the rest of “White America” shattered some of these illusions, and reminded millions of people that we are the permanently degraded minority in this country. I also hope this latest display of affection and solidarity between African-Americans and Yankees comes to be seen as a verdict on the distraction that is White Nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12419 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Regardless of the details there are clearly two separate political strategies (apart from cultural warfare e.g Mantra, which can happen independently).

    1. Regions which already have white people voting as a bloc.
    Cycling through this sequence in a repeating loop
    – pro-white policies (blocked federally)
    – states rights (blocked federally)
    – secession talk
    – pre-secessionary policies

    2. Regions which don’t yet have a white voting bloc
    – try and make one

    In this second case the best route to make one may vary from region to region e.g.
    – Mormons : Mormon separatist
    – Midwest : libertarian
    – Great Lakes : economic nationalist
    – actual yankees : fairness programming*

    (*highlight the victims of immigration: unemployed and low waged, as a way of neutralizing the immigrants as victims meme pumped out by the media)

    I’m not saying these are right btw. They are just the first things i could think of as examples of how different tacks might work better in different regions for creating a white voting bloc.

  2. “There can be no common ground as a people as long as we are not a free people unless that common ground is breaking the union”: The common ground for us all would be breaking not only the Federal Union, but also all the corrupted state tyrannies.

  3. Unionists are useless. I don’t care what their politics are, whether they’re Communists or libertarians, if they insist on the legitimacy and unity of the USA they are the enemy. Consequently, I prefer revolutionary Bolsheviks to Republicans – Trump included.

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