Yes Virginia, Even “Conservative” GOP Jews Suck on Immigration

(the following is an update of a previous OD post on immigration)

California Rep. Howard Berman, an F on immigration

District of Corruption

OD readers should be angry, but not too surprised to learn that supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Republican VA congressman Eric Cantor is making insane, treasonous comments about US immigration. Cantor is after all…

A Jew.

As a rule, Jews in America suck on immigration. In contrast, Jews in Israel pursue very strict immigration policies designed to make Israel a safe, Jewish ethno state.

Here ‘s the link to RINO Eric Cantor mouthing off on the usual Jew lies about immigration, how the Statue of Liberty was/is all about “welcoming the huddled masses of the world” to Our United Sates, not Israel. (Jewess poet Emma Lazarus poem added to the SOL in 1903) Cantor also added some attempts to extract tears for his innocent Jewish grandparents supposedly persecuted by the evil, anti Semitic Czars of Russia (Cantor leaves out the part about what happened when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks imposed Jew rule in Russia, murdered the Czar, killed the Russian nobility, and starved half the population of the Ukraine etc).

The Jewish Question in the Senate

If you or anyone you know has any doubts that so-called “American” Jewish congressmen are bad on immigration, please go check out their immigration grades at NumbersUSA. The highest grade any Jew in Congress has is California Senator Barbara Boxer who has a D+.

Yes Virginia, the Jews really are bad on immigration. How do we present this startling fact to mainstream White Americans without coming off as hateful, anti-Semitic, Jew obsessed, Neo-Nazi extremists?

Practical Suggestions

I’m opening the floor to intelligent suggestions. I have some of my own suggestions here:

(1) Present the facts of Jewish support for Third World immigration alone. Don’t try to package this with any of the other negative Jewish programs like loyalty to Israel, sponsorship of neocon wars in Asia, the War Against Christmas, ADL sponsorship of hate crime legislation, the corruption of the Federal Reserve banking system, the Jewish role in Communism, and so on.

It is just too much for one sitting to throw out the whole “IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID” message on people with no experience (outside of Hollywood movies) with the Chosen.

(2) Third World immigration is now a wedge issue. Increasingly, large numbers of White Americans feel very strongly about immigration and amnesty. In Rahmbo’s words, immigration has become a “third rail” of American politics. It has gotten to the point where they will strongly oppose anyone and everyone who supports amnesty and loosening our immigration laws.

For example, White Americans kicked out RINOs like Chris Cannon of Utah who supported amnesty and forced two other RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to walk back their positions on amnesty and vote for the position of their constituents.

(3) My own advice is that you should just present the “facts of life” regarding who is for or against us on this issue whenever you are working with immigration control activists or mainstream implicit Whites who oppose mass immigration.

Just present the truth in a gentle way and note in passing that all the liberal Jewish Democrats like Al Franken and Barbara Boxer voted for amnesty and open borders with Third World cesspools like Somalia and Haiti. If you get a positive response, try to include the sad truth that neocon Jews like New York City major Michael Bloomberg, Jonah Goldberg of National Review, Norm Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine, The Heritage Foundation’s Libertad, and other conservative publications where Jews are prominent like The Weekly Standard or The American Spectator are also for Third World immigration and working for some way to give amnesty to millions of “diverse” criminals.

(4) Ask ordinary White people if they think Jews in Israel or Jews in America support Muslim immigration to Israel or letting the Palestinians have full equal rights in their communities.

(5) Ask if the Jewish community favors affirmative action for Arabs in Israel and millions of Mexicans, Somalians, Pakistanis moving to Israel to correct the problem of a lack of sufficient “diversity” in the Knesset.

No, I don’t think so.

(6) Once again, you want to come off as an intelligent, principled White Advocate who is on the side of the ordinary White people you are trying to educate. You don’t want to come off as a crazy, Jew obsessed, one trick pony extremist trying to refight the Second World War on the German side.

(7) Try to include some self depreciating humor about your own ethnic group not being so good at something; maybe something  like Flamingo dancing or stand up comedy.

(8) Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews. It’s just that they line up on the opposite side of the political spectrum and this will have serious consequences for our posterity.

You want your audience to understand that if Jewish candidates like Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Schumer, Levin or Waxman are elected, then yes, America will be flooded of millions of Third World aliens including Muslims like the 9/11 terrorists, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Portland bomber.

Let your audience take it from there. Try to offer some suggestions on where they can research the subject. Start with mainstream sources first. NumbersUSA is a great place for learning about the immigration debate. See also FAIR and CIS. Then move them on down the road to VDARE.

(9) Always listen more than you talk. Keep the topic focused on a single subject like immigration.

You’re discussing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate and become genuine America. You don’t want to get into an argument about a subject like the Second World War which nothing can be done about.

If the White person you are talking to is getting hot and angry and ranting about America fighting the Second World War to defeat racism and Nazism, gently ask this person if he thinks the “Greatest Generation” – which lived under Jim Crow and fought in segregated units until the Korean War – gave so many lives at Omaha beach and Guadalcanal so that their grandchildren couldn’t attend a safe public school in Los Angeles, California or Chattanooga Tennessee.

What do you suggest?


  1. I get tried of hearing WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS crap and the Statue of Luberty Crap. Read Madison Grants–Conquest of a Continent…The USA was made by White and For White Men. In the 1890 the Khazars came and that was it. Then they started taking over. Then they got the 1965 Immigration Act–that was the dagger in the heart for White America. Just keep in mind what Cornwallis told Washington. The Judeo Masonic Crap has been here all along. These snakes used Whitey to make the USA and now they have decided to get rid of us by WHITE HOLOCAUST. Piss on the KHAZAR WORLD EMPIRE IMPERIUM and the scum dogs who are the enforcers and ram rodders for the NWO Agenda—JUDEO MASONRY… Look for Rings–sometimes they have them on… Judeo Masonry–Brotherhood of Man Sucks…


    Amazing how repeating the same simple sentence over and over, has worked so well for them isn’t it?

  3. Judaism = Genocide But the pro-jewsers spend their people’s times breathlessly telling them the same old shit day after day and year after year, and never ever add any of this crap up to what it actually means. Oh and send money

  4. Pity so few on our side get it, even when it is pointed out to them, over and over again. 🙂

  5. Tamer,

    You seldom make sense.

    Have you even read your own Bible, Martin Luther or KMD?

    If you’re not going to educate yourself on Jewish behavior through the ages, you won’t understand the context of Hitler, Goebbels and Pierce’s writings on Jews.

    Once a person reads up on Jewish behavior, the clouds part every time. Every time. There will be, inevitably, a new understanding of the National Socialist view of the Jews, followed by respect and admiration for their insights. Understanding that all this so-called anti-semitism is nothing but a response to Jew behavior is the key.

  6. Lew you are a like the poor man, that constantly whines about rich people, when instead, you could be using the methods, they used to get rich.

    The methods the Jews used to take power, have been taught to White Nationalists. There is no mystery to these methods. Once you understand them, they are basic.

    “We are a nation of immigrants!”
    “We are a nation of immigrants!”
    “We are a nation of immigrants!”

    “Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!”

    “We all bleed red!”
    “We all bleed red!”
    “We all bleed red!”
    “We all bleed red!”

    Nothing to these methods at all.

  7. OT:

    A possible new trend among nigs: The car jacking/rape-a-white-woman hybrid.

    There was an incident here the other day. 3 nigs forced a white woman into a car at gun point, then drove around the city taking turns raping her.

    There was a similar incident recently in Philly. Nigs grabbed a white woman at gun point, then drove around raping.

    Coincidence? Or a new trend (like flash mobs), ritual, or gang initiation?

    New Orleans


  8. AWAE:

    What is your point? If you’re suggesting I or people in general avoid criticism of Jews, relevant history, etc., I don’t agree people should do that.

    We have to be able to do more than one thing at a time. Attacking the memes you mention, turning them against the enemy, and criticizing select subsets of the enemy, such as anti-white Jews, can all be done at the same time. They’re not mutually exclusive.

    Quit whining about approaches other than your own.

  9. “What is your point? If you’re suggesting I or people in general avoid criticism of Jews, relevant history, etc., I don’t agree people should do that. ”

    My point again:

    You are like a poor man whining about rich men, when you could be using the same methods, that made the rich wealthy.

    That is a very simple point.

    What do you think of poor people that whine about rich people, yet will not use the methods that make poor people rich?

    “Attacking the memes you mention”

    You are still thinking like a Reactionary. Did it ever occur to you to introduce Pro White memes, instead of reacting to anti-White memes?

    “Quit whining about approaches other than your own.’

    50 years of complete and utter failure is quite enough, don’t you think?

  10. This is a really touchy issue. If you explain it front to back, it sounds too much like “The Jooz made it rain” to the average person. I think jokes and ridicule are probably the only things that really work, which is one of the reasons why Gawker has such a conniption fit over “hipster racism.”

  11. I have read Luther’s ideas about Jewish manual labor and while entertaining i’m not a jew-obsessed packrat like you, Lew. Luther was a scumbag that loved Jews and thought they’d all become Christian if Catholicism was discredited, when that failed he of course blamed Jews not himself. Kevin McDonald? He knows more about Judaism than his own culture (European Catholicism) how sad is that?

    You reduce great men to an anti-Jewish remark. You boil the Bible down to give you an excuse to continue being a jew-obsessed cretin. You’re a culture-destroyer. Stay the hell away from normal people and keep teaching your pet squirrel how to sieg heil.

  12. As I pointed out earlier, Jews are like trolls on the Internet. They feed on the attention they are given. Jews raise huge amounts of money and political capital, because of WN obsessing about Jews and making rich Jews scared.

    Now imagine a WN that actually advocated for White interests, instead of reacting to Jews. Imagine you talked to a WN leader and he only wanted to talk about what is good for Whites and refused to discuss any other racial group – because they are not White.

    Sounds incredible doesn’t it? A Pro White leader that only wants to discuss what is good for Whites. Unheard of!

  13. Yes those things have occurred to me. I’m not thinking like any reactionary. I understand the importance of not being reactive. I use pro-white memes all the time in my discourse.

    Are you suggesting the way you argue these matters is the only way people should do it? That’s ridiculous. Or, are you suggesting people not tackle the Jewish issue head-on? That’s ridiculous, too.

  14. If you watch David Irving’s lectures, he makes plenty of jokes about Jews, and plenty of points against them, without coming across as a maniac or a Judeo-obsessive. I’m not saying you should “re-fight WWII on the German side,” or bring up WWII at all, but that’s an example of how it could be done.

  15. Lew, even though you’re an easily misled, monomaniacal schmuck you’re not entirely wrong. The immediate problem is the typical lack of interest in The Litany. The most effective entry I’ve found is to accuse Jews of hypocrisy and to cite this as the reason Jewish influence has to be mentioned (feigning reluctance here is optional, but recommended). It’s effective because it’s true in such an obvious, aggravating way. Jews are thoroughly obsessed with their group interests but work tirelessly, utilizing every means at their disposal, to prevent whites being similarly concerned about their own group interests. Jews are the most practised bullshit artists on the planet — they are past masters — but even they struggle to deal straightforwardly with this accusation. One ploy is to deny Jews care about their group interests, but this only works on complete naifs, and it’s simplicity to mock the claim — that whole alphabet soup of Jewish organizations (ADL, AJC, ZOA, JINSA, AIPAC etc etc ad nauseam), they spend all their time and hundreds of millions of dollars ‘not caring’ about Jewish interests, riiight.

  16. Look, there is a complete blackout in the mainstream media on Jewish issues, Jewish power, Jewish behavior. The typical person has no way of discerning Jewish issues, because people in this country live submerged from birth in Judaic propaganda. They won’t learn about the Jewish question in their schools, in their churches, in their civic organizations or on TV. They’ve been conditioned to see criticism of Jews as nutty, when in fact Jews have had a hand in everything most people hate about this society. The fact that they might perceive such criticism as nutty, when the truth about the Jewish record is what it is, is exactly the reason these issues need to be addressed in a straightforward way. The process of educating people has to begin somewhere.

  17. Silver,

    Sure, I agree. But again, it’s possible to use more than angle or approach. I’ve used the approach you mention. It’s not mutually exclusive with using other angles or approaches to the topic.

    If you asked me what do I think is the best *entry* point to the subject, then I would agree your hypocrisy entry is among the best. I use that angle a lot. If you’re saying using that angle is the only way the issue should ever be attacked, and that delving into other aspects of the JQ is in your view “obsession,” well then I just disagree.

  18. that delving into other aspects of the JQ is in your view “obsession,” well then I just disagree.

    It can very easily turn into an obsession, I’m sure you’d agree — just look how often it does. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with obsessions, but I could quite confidently assert that in this case the obsession is highly likely to lead to seriously wild misreadings of past and present which in turn feed the frenzied state of mind and encourage ever wilder misreadings. I mean, what do you suppose drove a Eustace Mullins to invent that notorious “Israel Cohen” quotation (eerily prescient though it has clearly been)? On balance, has garbage like that helped or hindered, do you think? If the latter, then why not urge caution?

  19. Alex Linder of VNN forum, obsessed over the Jew 24/7, suspended my account when I pointed out that the surname Meyer/Meier/Myer is almost predictably Jewish as Cohen. Almost every Meyer you look up will turn out to be a Jew, so maybe his brain finally fried out and did the reverse as some sort of stress release? This, on top of his number one rule to not call someone a Jew unless you have proof?

    But he’s a WN leader condemning 99% of all white men the equivalent of mental niggers. Is this an oxymoron?

  20. @Lew
    “Are you suggesting the way you argue these matters is the only way people should do it? That’s ridiculous. Or, are you suggesting people not tackle the Jewish issue head-on? That’s ridiculous, too.”

    I am saying Jews don’t matter at all. They are Trolls and if you feed the Troll, it gets stronger. I am saying, Starve the Troll and Feed Our People instead.

    Jews are not White. They say they originate from the Middle East and that makes them non-White. I represent White interests ONLY and Whites originate from Europe.

    As for the anti-White memes I posted above, those are only a few of MANY, their activists have pushed into the public consciousness.

    I can’t think of any Pro White memes, that are mainstream at all, so that means ZERO work was done in this area for at least 50 years.

    Pro White politics has been a complete an utter failure, because it has been entirely Reactionary in nature. All they do is react to Jews, while Jews always attack.

  21. Quit whining about approaches other than your own.

    Yeah, he is still like a kid with a new toy re: The Mantra. He might realize over time that annoying people who are already on board is a bit, um, weird.

  22. Mary only insults me, because she can’t deal with the truth I am forcing on her:

    Here is the truth:

    1) There are no Pro White memes in the public consciousness.

    2) There are many anti-White memes in the public consciousness.

  23. Here is the truth again:

    Pro White politics has been a complete an utter failure, because it has been entirely Reactionary in nature.

  24. Well, first of all, I flat out reject that claim that the style of discourse you’re calling obsessive does in fact reflect obsession. That’s a loaded term; anti-whites use it often — “hey, why are you WNists, SNists so obsessed about blacks anyway?” I’m not calling you anti-white. Having read your comments for a good while, I don’t think you are — quite the opposite. You ask tough questions. Fair questions. But you are using loaded language by choice.

    What you’re calling obsession can be more properly, and more neutrally, described as persistence in discussing an important issue. So whenever a person steps forward using such language, putting the matter in terms of “are WNists obsessed with Jews,” I think people should instantly ignore whatever comes next. If the person can’t be bothered to frame the issue without using loaded terminology, there is no reason to assume they’re interested in fair discussion.

    It is why, again, anti-whites like the word obsessed. It connotes mental derangement and illness — obsession is a mental illness after all — to their intellectual opposition. And since we’re talking about it, I might as well mention that connoting the opposition is mentally ill is a classic Bolshevik technique.

    Now, what Mullins quote are you referring to? If he faked a quote, then yes that is definitely discrediting.

  25. AWAE is right on the money. With no consistent message, no national leadership, no media and no funding, it’s an uphill slug for us. An ignorant, trusting and unquestioning public doesn’t help either.

  26. There are some things that should be obsessed over. There are some things that should be hated. There are some things that should be feared. The left labels us “haters”, yet are the most hateful vermin on the planet. Same deal with “obsession”. They simply project their own thoughts to us.
    Sadly, the left knows that it is infinitely easier to bamboozle than to de-bamboozle the sheeple.

  27. AWAE is right on the money

    No, I don’t think he is “right on the money”. The Mantra is one tool, not the only tool, and when talking to each other (not sleepwalking Whites) about specific topics (in this case the Jewish question), then we are hardly going to be repeating the Mantra over and over to each other for hours.

    As has been pointed out to him already, I use the Mantra, and I am sure many other people here do too. We just don’t use it over and over while talking to each other and discussing particular points. He seems to want everyone to talk like him and nothing else. Weird.
    Having said all that, I do like his enthusiasm 🙂

  28. Yeah, he is still like a kid with a new toy re: The Mantra. He might realize over time that annoying people who are already on board is a bit, um, weird.

    It can be annoying, this constant badgering and hectoring that Whitaker’s folks seem to favor using against anyone and everyone who doesn’t follow their exact approach. The zeal of the convert. Usually they have good intentions behind it though. I suspect most of the real zealots eventually figure it out that other issues beyond the scope of the mantra and its related techniques, principles, etc. matter.

  29. The Khazar World Plantation Empire Imperium is real. The Rothchilds run the show. Judeo Masonry is their Ramrod Enforcers. The world will be Brown Mixed Slaves and Subjects with the Khazars as the Masters. The Flood in Noahs day got rid of Babylon 1. The Tower of Babel of Nimrod was Babylon 2 and we know what happened to it. Now there is Third and Final Babylon of Rothchilds-Getting ready to Implode–many say Fire will bring it down…. Maybe The Preppers and Martin Liodstedt is right–go underground off the radar with family and friends……

  30. Whatever happened to good ol’ “south will rise again” racism? I mean racism without conspiracy theories or mantras.

    There is lots of that still on this blog, no?
    And the role of Jews in our genocide and talk of how best to go about combating it isn’t a “conspiracy theory”, it’s an unfortunate reality that has to be faced.
    The Mantra is powerful has its place too.

    I don’t see the problem.

  31. The South won’t rise again without a consistent message (a mantra) or educating people on the reasons the South was quashed in the first place (requires examining topics trolls dishonestly label conspiracy theories). The latter is essential so the mistakes of the past aren’t repeated.

  32. Lew, obsession is a bit of a loaded term, I agree. But you introduced it and I just ran with it. I was just about to say that I never accuse people of being ‘obsessed’ even when they clearly are when I noticed that I accused you of being ‘monomaniacal,’ which amounts to the same thing. So okay, guilty as charged in this case. Otherwise, I don’t use the fact that someone is ‘obsessed’ with something per se as a point against him. After all, I am ‘obsessed’ with racial issues myself and have been for many years, so if obsession per se is a negative I’m in big trouble.

    Thank you for agreeing I am not anti-white and describing my style as fair. That is very touching after I called you a shmuck. The simple truth is you frighten me.

    The Eustace Mullins “Israel Cohen” fabrication is: I thought everyone on the activist white right was aware of it. It really has played out that way, hasn’t it. In hindsight he’d have been much better off taking ownership of that statement rather than attributing it to a fictitious “Israel Cohen,” since he really did foresee – way back in the supposedly self-confident 1950s – the terrible guilt complex that would one day totally disarm whites and render them completely incapable of playing even the most timid public self-defense. The Whitaker gang is quite right to cite the lack of pro-white memes in anything like common circulation as a major contributing factor to this crisis.

  33. What drives Jewish anti-gentilism anyway? Aside from their religious teachings and a sense of their own intellectual superiority, I believe that it is driven in no small part by Jewish ugliness. Don’t believe me? Take a look at that photo of Howard Berman that accompanies this article. With his beady eyes set too close together, nose too big for his face, jug ears, and livery lips set in a sanctimonious smirk, he looks typically Jewish. If you looked like that, you’d probably develop a burning resentment of the better-looking goyim too.

    I’m not kidding about this. In my experience, the biggest compliment you can pay to a Jew, especially a Jewish woman, is “you don’t look Jewish”. Try it sometime, I can almost guarantee that you’ll get a sigh of relief and a “thanks” in reply. I’ve also found that the uglier the Jew, the more militantly Jewish, which leads me to believe that there is a direct correlation between ugliness and anti-gentilism.

    Of course not all Jews are ugly and there are many good-looking Jews and (more commonly) half-Jews. Here’s one:

    But on average, Jews are not an attractive people, and honest Jews (oxymoron alert!) will freely admit this. I’m only comparing Jews to other white people here in an apples-to-apples comparison, not to other races. The average Jew is almost certainly better looking than the average Australian aborigine for example. So they’ve got that going for them.

    To prove that Jewish ugliness leads to virulent anti-gentilism, we need to look at the leadership of Jewish organizations/hate groups like the ADL and the SPLC. Take the ADL’s Abe Foxman, please (to quote another ugly–but funny–Jew, Henny Youngman). If old Abe wasn’t such a grotesque, beady-eyed, pig-faced ugbot, don’t you think he’d be doing something more rewarding with his big Jewish brain than constantly harrassing Christians and conservative white people? Every time he looks in the mirror he gets angrier and angrier, and who does he take his anger out on? That’s right, you and me.

    And have you ever taken a gander at SPLC henchpersons Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich? Potok looks almost exactly like a ferret or a weasel, except less handsome. How could he ever pick up white chicks with a mug like that? Answer: he can’t. So he bottles up his rage at being rejected and ends up spewing it back at white people in general for being so much better looking than him. And if Heidi Beirich looked more like Heidi Klum instead of like the north end of a southbound wildebeest, then she’d probably be out somewhere enjoying her life rather than trying to make ours miserable.

    What’s the biggest Jewish organization of them all? Why, it’s the state of Israel of course. What has the militantly anti-gentile leadership of Israel looked like over the years? The father of the nation, David Ben-Gurion, looked like a garden gnome who stuck his finger in a light socket. When Menachem Begin was born, he was so ugly that the doctor slapped his mother (thanks again, Henny!). And Yitzhak Shamir looked exactly–I mean EXACTLY–like one of those trolls people keep on their desks at work. All he needed was a big shock of purple hair and God himself would have put Yitzhak on His desk in heaven. Just kidding, everybody knows that all Jews go straight to hell 🙂

    But Exhibit A of Jewish ugliness, and I hesitate to type this out around dinner time, is Golda Meir. I’d link to a photo, but pictures of Golda tend to make dinner re-appear on the table–already partially digested. Indira Gandhi liked to be photographed next to Golda because she looked like a solid 10 in comparison. Israelis call Golda the mother of the nation, which goes a long way toward explaining the I-hate-my-Jewish-mother complex. Golda Meir was so ugly that even Henny Youngman felt it was no laughing matter.

    Now that Jewish intermarriage rates with white gentiles are near 50% and with the wonders of modern plastic surgery, extreme Jewish hideousness may one day become a thing of the past. And with its passing, Jewish anti-gentilism may subside somewhat. But until that day, let us relentlessly mock our Judaic persecutors for their gargoyle-like looks. They HATE that! Sure, the homely Hebrews may be in the process of destroying our beloved Western civilization, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a few laughs at their expense while on the road to perdition.

  34. I’ve seen the quote but didn’t know it was a fabrication by Mullins. He appears to be another one who understands how they operate just like the author of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. He too would have been better off just presenting the Protocols as a work of fiction with his own name on it rather than trying to pass it off as real. The author might be remembered as a genius since much of what’s discussed in the Protocols has actually happened. Unfortunately, Mullins didn’t do that which pretty much discredits everything else he wrote. It can’t be trusted.

    At the end of the day though, the lies told about Jews are insignificant compared to lies told by Jews. Jewish media provides a daily tsunami of lies on various topics. Mullins ideas haven’t exactly influenced the public consciousness. Fabrications by Jews, on the other hand, have to the point of becoming conventional wisdom in society. Regarding making up crap in books, Gould’s lies in The Mismeasure of Man are an example of lies that had major influence across society.

  35. Aside from their religious teachings and a sense of their own intellectual superiority, I believe that it is driven in no small part by Jewish ugliness.

    You’re probably right, although the driving force you call ‘ugliness’ is better described as insecurity. After all, it’s unlikely they consider themselves actually ugly (regardless of what you might think), rather they’re plagued by nagging insecurities that ‘gentiles’ (particularly Germanic ones) look better.

    Of course, these insecurities extend out far beyond Jews. Indeed, they account for much of the behavior of groups one often finds congregating under the ‘WN’ umbrella nowadays, although it’s usually considered impolitic to make mention of it (a policy the big WN boards enforce with mixed success). So while a raucous bout of racial mockery may help calm frayed nerves, it’s a dangerous gambit when you take into consideration the possible effect on present and potential allies.

    Physical racial revulsion is a powerful force, and WNs under its sway are, in my estimate, more likely than any other to embrace an all-out, take-no-prisoners attitude to racial politics. On the other hand, the existence of racial physical appreciation (or just basic acceptance) of racial others (which a revulsionist will struggle to come to terms with) means that an activist has to work extra-hard to assure his prospects that the racial stance he’s taking isn’t based merely physical revulsion, since his prospects will reason that if revulsion is all it’s about, then there’s nothing in racialism for them.

  36. Lew, the difference is that Jews telling lies about whites doesn’t dissuade other Jews from supporting pro-Jewish positions. Whites telling lies about Jews (or about anyone) does dissuade whites from supporting pro-white positions.

    Putting it that way reminds me of apt distinction I once made about an important difference between Jews and whites that I think bears repeating on a thread like this: Jews are informed about who their enemies are; whites are informed about who their enemies are by Jews.

  37. Lew (or anyone else), one more question before I bow out of this thread: what, if anything, could Jews have done differently in their history, according to you, that would have enabled them to avoid incurring your wrath? If the is answer is (as it often seems to be) “nothing” (or “nothing!!”) then don’t you think that creates something of a moral deficit for the WN position?

  38. Silver,

    I’ve heard this word schmuck used my whole life, never actually knew what it meant other than having a vague idea it is some kind of insult. Curiosity got the better of me so I looked it up. Turns out a “schmuck” is a person who is obnoxious, contemptible, detestable, stupid and foolish. Apparently derived from the Yiddish word for penis (lol), the word “schmuck” is considered the most vulgar insult possible in many Jewish homes. Now that’s pretty funny.

  39. @matt: Aha! Martin Luther and ‘The Jews and Their Lies’ — I’ve had it in my Amazon cart for months waiting to buy with my next order. Now I’m really interested. Wow, what an about-face for Lutherans.

    @John Thomas: Well said. I wish all white men were like you. We wouldn’t be in this mess. We’d be guarding our territory and protecting our tribe.

  40. @Tamer

    For your excellent work in condemning Luther and Kevin McDonald you will no longer me known as Tamer of Savages you will henceforth be given a new name one that shows your true nature. Arise Tamer of Gentiles.

  41. Lew (or anyone else), one more question before I bow out of this thread: what, if anything, could Jews have done differently in their history, according to you, that would have enabled them to avoid incurring your wrath? If the is answer is (as it often seems to be) “nothing” (or “nothing!!”) then don’t you think that creates something of a moral deficit for the WN position?

    Simple. All they had to do was not behave like Jews.

  42. Lew says:
    February 6, 2013 at 10:44 pm

    ‘What you’re calling obsession can be more properly, and more neutrally, described as persistence in discussing an important issue. So whenever a person steps forward using such language, putting the matter in terms of “are WNists obsessed with Jews,” I think people should instantly ignore whatever comes next. If the person can’t be bothered to frame the issue without using loaded terminology, there is no reason to assume they’re interested in fair discussion.’

    Lew, ALL your posts concerning the jew question/problem should be required reading.

  43. Jeppo: nice work!

    Ps: I left a comment for you way back but it got stuck in moderation because of the links.
    I was suggesting you might want to add the sexy beast of the ADL– Mark Pitcavage –to your ‘hot list’ 😉

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