Yes Virginia, Even “Conservative” GOP Jews Suck on Immigration

(the following is an update of a previous OD post on immigration)

California Rep. Howard Berman, an F on immigration

District of Corruption

OD readers should be angry, but not too surprised to learn that supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Republican VA congressman Eric Cantor is making insane, treasonous comments about US immigration. Cantor is after all…

A Jew.

As a rule, Jews in America suck on immigration. In contrast, Jews in Israel pursue very strict immigration policies designed to make Israel a safe, Jewish ethno state.

Here ‘s the link to RINO Eric Cantor mouthing off on the usual Jew lies about immigration, how the Statue of Liberty was/is all about “welcoming the huddled masses of the world” to Our United Sates, not Israel. (Jewess poet Emma Lazarus poem added to the SOL in 1903) Cantor also added some attempts to extract tears for his innocent Jewish grandparents supposedly persecuted by the evil, anti Semitic Czars of Russia (Cantor leaves out the part about what happened when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks imposed Jew rule in Russia, murdered the Czar, killed the Russian nobility, and starved half the population of the Ukraine etc).

The Jewish Question in the Senate

If you or anyone you know has any doubts that so-called “American” Jewish congressmen are bad on immigration, please go check out their immigration grades at NumbersUSA. The highest grade any Jew in Congress has is California Senator Barbara Boxer who has a D+.

Yes Virginia, the Jews really are bad on immigration. How do we present this startling fact to mainstream White Americans without coming off as hateful, anti-Semitic, Jew obsessed, Neo-Nazi extremists?

Practical Suggestions

I’m opening the floor to intelligent suggestions. I have some of my own suggestions here:

(1) Present the facts of Jewish support for Third World immigration alone. Don’t try to package this with any of the other negative Jewish programs like loyalty to Israel, sponsorship of neocon wars in Asia, the War Against Christmas, ADL sponsorship of hate crime legislation, the corruption of the Federal Reserve banking system, the Jewish role in Communism, and so on.

It is just too much for one sitting to throw out the whole “IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID” message on people with no experience (outside of Hollywood movies) with the Chosen.

(2) Third World immigration is now a wedge issue. Increasingly, large numbers of White Americans feel very strongly about immigration and amnesty. In Rahmbo’s words, immigration has become a “third rail” of American politics. It has gotten to the point where they will strongly oppose anyone and everyone who supports amnesty and loosening our immigration laws.

For example, White Americans kicked out RINOs like Chris Cannon of Utah who supported amnesty and forced two other RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to walk back their positions on amnesty and vote for the position of their constituents.

(3) My own advice is that you should just present the “facts of life” regarding who is for or against us on this issue whenever you are working with immigration control activists or mainstream implicit Whites who oppose mass immigration.

Just present the truth in a gentle way and note in passing that all the liberal Jewish Democrats like Al Franken and Barbara Boxer voted for amnesty and open borders with Third World cesspools like Somalia and Haiti. If you get a positive response, try to include the sad truth that neocon Jews like New York City major Michael Bloomberg, Jonah Goldberg of National Review, Norm Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine, The Heritage Foundation’s Libertad, and other conservative publications where Jews are prominent like The Weekly Standard or The American Spectator are also for Third World immigration and working for some way to give amnesty to millions of “diverse” criminals.

(4) Ask ordinary White people if they think Jews in Israel or Jews in America support Muslim immigration to Israel or letting the Palestinians have full equal rights in their communities.

(5) Ask if the Jewish community favors affirmative action for Arabs in Israel and millions of Mexicans, Somalians, Pakistanis moving to Israel to correct the problem of a lack of sufficient “diversity” in the Knesset.

No, I don’t think so.

(6) Once again, you want to come off as an intelligent, principled White Advocate who is on the side of the ordinary White people you are trying to educate. You don’t want to come off as a crazy, Jew obsessed, one trick pony extremist trying to refight the Second World War on the German side.

(7) Try to include some self depreciating humor about your own ethnic group not being so good at something; maybe something  like Flamingo dancing or stand up comedy.

(8) Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews. It’s just that they line up on the opposite side of the political spectrum and this will have serious consequences for our posterity.

You want your audience to understand that if Jewish candidates like Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Schumer, Levin or Waxman are elected, then yes, America will be flooded of millions of Third World aliens including Muslims like the 9/11 terrorists, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Portland bomber.

Let your audience take it from there. Try to offer some suggestions on where they can research the subject. Start with mainstream sources first. NumbersUSA is a great place for learning about the immigration debate. See also FAIR and CIS. Then move them on down the road to VDARE.

(9) Always listen more than you talk. Keep the topic focused on a single subject like immigration.

You’re discussing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate and become genuine America. You don’t want to get into an argument about a subject like the Second World War which nothing can be done about.

If the White person you are talking to is getting hot and angry and ranting about America fighting the Second World War to defeat racism and Nazism, gently ask this person if he thinks the “Greatest Generation” – which lived under Jim Crow and fought in segregated units until the Korean War – gave so many lives at Omaha beach and Guadalcanal so that their grandchildren couldn’t attend a safe public school in Los Angeles, California or Chattanooga Tennessee.

What do you suggest?


  1. Jewish boogeymen. You people crack me up

    No wonder the thought of people studying Hitler terrifies you. It all makes sense now….*smile*

  2. I’m sorry — I forgot to attribute the quote in my last post to who said it:

    Lew says:
    Once a person reads up on Jewish behavior, the clouds part every time. Every time. There will be, inevitably, a new understanding of the National Socialist view of the Jews, followed by respect and admiration for their insights.

  3. “I’m terrified someone even remotely associated with secession is suggesting people “study” Hitler and Goebbels.”

    Then you must be stupid. Their methods worked. I suggest very strongly that ANYONE bent on political work study the methods and techniques of Hitler and Goebbels. I would also suggest they study people like Saul Alinski and Gus Hall, for example.

    Now, you don’t have to specifically mention the names when employing these techniques. They are simply methods and tools that work. Too many, far too many people, are not intelligent enough to perceive that these people’s methods are in fact only tools, and that they are good methods as opposed to failed methods that do not work.

  4. Brutus write:

    “Now, you don’t have to specifically mention the names when employing these techniques.”

    Jack responds:

    I strongly advise that you specifically NOT mention the names of Hitler and Goebbels S they are deal killers with most White Americans. But yes, use their tactics that work same as tactics of other people that work.

    Hitler successfully targeted poor and working class German voters, hence the name of his party was “…. Socialist Workers’ Party” , If Hitler and Goebbels tried to use labels and policy statements of Libertarian economic Conservatives, they would never have won anything.

    Hitler was against inflation, massive Black African immigration to Germany, all popular positions with White American voters.

    So just do what they did that worked, just leave the names out.

  5. Then you must be stupid. Their methods worked. I suggest very strongly that ANYONE bent on political work study the methods and techniques of Hitler and Goebbels. I would also suggest they study people like Saul Alinski and Gus Hall, for example.

    Maybe you didn’t read Lew’s original post. He said study what they wrote about Jews, not their organizational principles. I should have quoted him or been clearer, you got me. I can agree reading RFR and MK is a good idea but taking ideas other than organizational approaches is not.

  6. jew = yankee at the basic day to day level. The yankees in WI back BRA just like the jews in nyc

    Rid ourselves of the yankee and we will rid ourselves of the jew

  7. A while back I wrote out a standard response to the question “hey, why’s there so much jew stuff in nationalist discussion”? I reduced it to five reasons the topic comes up often.

    # 1: Censorship

    The Jewish Question is under a complete cultural blackout. There is no discussion of it in the mainstream media, or on most web sites. Many white sites ban the topic. This includes Vdare, Amren, Paul Kersey’s blog, and others. Alex Jones and Zero Hedge are two high-traffic “alternative” sites that censor the issue despite obvious Jewish involvement in the NWO, Wall Street and global finance in general.

    This censorship is so pervasive it has the effect of “herding” all of the discussion of the JQ onto the relative handful of sites that don’t censor the topic. It should not be surprising there is a lot of discussion at places like Stormfront, VNN and TOO. They’re just about the only English-language sites that allow for it.

    From the outside, then, it can superficially appear as though there is an excessive “preoccupation” with the JQ on the nationalist sites. The truth is this discussion is concentrated on those sites in the first place because of pervasive discourse policing and suppressing ideas in the mainstream media.

    Therefore, what is actually a direct outcome of organized Jewry’s power to censor and control discourse in the mainstream media – relegating critical discussion of Jewish power and behavior to the fringes of the internet –gets used by people hostile to nationalism to falsely portray nationalists as “obsessed,” “fixated,” “dwelling” on Jews, etc..

    Ironic and indicative of chutzpah, but not exactly true given the repetitive discussion is a direct function of having very limited venues for the conversation.

    Also it should be noted that sites like Stormfront and VNN have numerous subforms about family, health, and other topics that have nothing to do with Jews. So the claim they are excessively focused on Jews is false for this reason too. And TOO reflects KMDs professional field.

    #2: Relevance

    Jews are involved in every anti-white initiative. This is common knowledge. Nationalists, therefore, discuss it often for the same reason lawyers often discuss the law. It’s hard not to; it’s almost always relevant.

    Wherever there is anti-white activity going on, there almost always a JQ angle. Think Dianne Feinstein on guns and Eric Cantor on comprehensive immigration reform.

    #3: Education

    The JQ is under a cultural blackout due to # 1. Because of #1, people are unaware of # 2. Therefore, they have to be told about it when they find their way onto nationalist sites after becoming sufficiently disgusted with and disaffected from the mainstream.

    Often, this reality will necessitate a repetition of points about Jews that might be well known to regular readers but new to newcomers.

    People who have read these sites for long time tend to forget what it’s like to not know anything.

    I didn’t learn about Kevin MacDonald’s work in the New York Times but in an internet comment on obscure site, maybe the 100th or 500th time that particular person mentioned KMD.

    There is no getting around repeating the same points over and over again, as annoying as it may be to people who have heard it before, because you never know when a new pair of eye balls might be on the page.

    # 4: Principled disagreement

    Nationalists often agree Jewish influence is a problem but disagree on:

    – context; how much it matters relative to other important problems

    – which aspects of it matter most

    These disagreements will often prompt another foray into the subject.

    # 5: Trolls

    Trolls are always derailing nationalist conversations using lies. Often, their derails center on defending Jews and besmirching those who criticize them. The JQ, then, often comes up because trolls themselves introduce it, but in a distorted or dishonest way, and their lies then need to be rebutted.

    Bottom line: The notion Jewish discussion in nationalist circles is excessive or not rationally grounded quickly goes down upon scrutiny.

  8. Silver,

    I’d say their historic behavior is what matters. That is basically what I meant; they could have behaved differently. My objection to Jews is about what they do, not who they are. Their aggression against gentile societies is the reason for the recurring conflicts. Without that overt aggression, I’d venture a guess there would have been a lot less conflict. Keeping the Aryan gene pool pure to me implies a necessity for separation based on difference but not be necessarily major hostility.

  9. Wherever there is anti-white activity going on, there almost always a JQ angle. Think Dianne Feinstein on guns and Eric Cantor on comprehensive immigration reform.

    There is always a”predominantly white angle” and often a “catholic angle” or “communist angle” or “feminist angle” or “gay angle” or “big business angle” to anti-white activities. Earl Butz sees gun control as a papal plot. What makes your “angle” any more valid? There are catholic and jew organizations dedicated to protecting the 2nd amendment.

    The Jewish Question is under a complete cultural blackout. There is no discussion of it in the mainstream media, or on most web sites.

    Because Jews don’t blow themselves up they don’t make the headlines everyday. There is no discussion of Earl Butz’s Catholic Question either. That being said the media $#!+$ on the Church and Israel whenever possible.

  10. Guns are a side issue. I doubt people would bother much with guns at all of there were no niggers down the road.

  11. Tamer, Briefly, there is often more than one credible interpretation of something, more than one dimension or aspect of a problem. One isn’t, necessarily, more “valid” than the other. They’re all valid, but to fully understand a problem you need to look at all of them. With Jews, when there is a Jewish dimension to an issue, it’s that angle, the Jewish one, that most people don’t appreciate or understand.

    So it’s the Jewish dimension, usually, that needs to mentioned because usually no else will say it. Take an issue like immigration. It’s true de facto open borders serve the interests of the Chamber of Commerce which benefits the Republican elite. It’s true it will create liberal welfare clients for the Democrats. It’s also true they serve the interests of the organized Jewish community. All three of those things are true, equally valid, but the first two are well understood in the mainstream while the third is not..

    Go to any liberal or conservative mainstream site, you will find people taking about immigration to help big business (liberals) or to create welfare clients (conservatives). The last interpretation is not discussed ever.

    So which aspect of the problem does it make sense to talk about given that the other aspects problem are already being discussed everywhere else? People understand immigration serves business interests, and Latino interests; this is obvious; but they don’t understand it also serves Jewish interests. That’s the part people need to know about, and it’s the reason for bringing it up.

  12. Applause to Lew. The JQ is one thing that never gets examined outside of a hanfull of nationalist websites. To attempt to shut it down there/here is peculiar.

  13. Tamer, Briefly, there is often more than one credible interpretation of something, more than one dimension or aspect of a problem. One isn’t, necessarily, more “valid” than the other. They’re all valid but to fully understand a problem you need to look at all of them.

    . . .

    So it’s the Jewish dimension, usually, that needs to mentioned because usually no else will say it.

    So you’re just a confused relativist that merely focuses on “the Jewish dimension” because “no [sic] else will”. Why didn’t you just say this earlier? I understand you now. You just enjoy the squirt of chemicals in your brain triggered by naming Jews, you don’t actually believe in Jewish conspiracies, and if you did, well then that’s just as valid as anyone else’s conspiracy theory. All conspiracies were created equal.

  14. Applause to Lew. The JQ is one thing that never gets examined outside of a hanfull of nationalist websites. To attempt to shut it down there/here is peculiar.

    The only JQ is: why havn’t they abandoned their religion yet?

    The answer is Jew-haters “make the Jew”. They give the Jew the best possible motivation to continue existing as a Jew by attempting to destroy him and humiliate his people. The Jew has stood in the shadow of history’s greatest civlizations only to shake the dust of their monuments off of his feet. Only Christianity can stop this horrible cycle of destruction.

  15. Exactly. KMD had to turn off comments at TOO he was getting so many trolls hostile to his work. Even though they’ve got the global mass media, they can’t stand one man telling the truth.

    The JQ is one thing that never gets examined outside of a hanfull of nationalist websites. To attempt to shut it down there/here is peculiar.

  16. “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies”. Think about what that entails. How we judge or refuse to judge others determines who our enemies are. If we allow jewish radicals to convince us that Jews are our enemy we merely deliver an army into the hands of the radical Jews.

    Anti-White behavior and mindsets are hurting us, no matter their origin, too often it is from within ourselves. It is better for us to turn an enemy into a friend than an army into dust.

  17. Christianity didn’t annihilate the old religions through love. It didn’t turn back Islam with a hug. Get the fuck over yourself.

  18. An interesting quote from Alan Dershowitz (notice how he ascribes mental illness and psychological problems to Jew critics; suggesting the other guy has brain problems is a Jewish signature).

    Dershowitz is troubled some of our greatest people have had a low opinion of Jews.

    Dershowitz opines:

    How does one understand — not even forgive, simply understand! – the virulently anti-Jewish statements of intellectuals throughout history?

    Their numbers included

    H. L. Mencken (‘The Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of’);

    George Bernard Shaw (‘Stop being Jews and start being human beings’);

    Henry Adams (‘The whole rotten carcass is rotten with Jew worms’);

    H.G. Wells (‘A careful study of anti-Semitism, prejudice and accusations might be of great value to many Jews, who do not adequately realize the irritation they inflict’);

    Denis Diderot (‘Brutish people, vile and vulgar men’);

    Theodore Dreiser (New York is a ‘kike’s dream of a ghetto,’ and Jews are not ‘pure Americans’ and ‘lack integrity’)

    T. S. Eliot (a social as well as literary anti-Semite, even after the Holocaust);

    Immanuel Kant (‘The Jews still cannot claim any true genius, any truly great man. All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low cunning … They are a nation of swindlers.’)

    Other famous anti-Semites include:

    Aleksander Pushkin
    Pierre Renoir
    Thomas Edison
    Henry Ford
    Richard Wagner

    This honor roll of anti-Jewish bigotry goes on, and included people of every race, religion, and geographic area, political leaning, gender, and age.

    The answer to the question why? probably lies more in the realm of abnormal psychology than in any rationalattempts to find understandable cause in history, or economics.

    Anti-Semitism is a disease of the soul, and diseases are best diagnosed by examining those infected with them.

    Professor MacDonald replies:

    So, according to Dershowitz, anti-Semites may be found among “people of every race, religion, and geographic area, political leaning, gender, and age.” And his theory is that people in all these different categories are suffering from some kind of abnormal psychology (!). The normal as abnormal. Thereby absolving him from having to find a rational explanation.

  19. It couldn’t be that great men of the west came to these conclusions by a painful process of exposure to Jews? No, these great men are evil white devils.

  20. Hmmm, you wouldn’t be crushing on some Jewish gal, would you Tamer? Over and over it turns out that some variation of an emotional attachment is the root of a person’s aversion to “racist” comments.

    The nice elderly Jewish couple one knew during their youth will prevent critical examination of Jews today. A sexual fetish for Negros will prevent critical examination of black behavior for some–or a mixed grand baby or a non-white son-in-law or brother-in-law, etc.

    Like I said, over and over, one of the above turns out to be the case.

  21. Christianity didn’t annihilate the old religions through love.

    Yes it did. They were annihilated by God and God is love.

    It didn’t turn back Islam with a hug.

    Neither was Islam beaten back by hatred of Muslims as Muslims. Surely you’re aware of some of the interesting alliances that were formed in Spain and the Holy Land.

    Get the fuck over yourself.

    By all means, John, do continue your charivari to celebrate Lew quoting a rogue’s gallery of whites and drown out my disapproval. It doesn’t matter if he quotes people that hated the Crusades I assume you support (Luther), people that our ancestors fought (Hitler), Stalinists (Shaw) and so on and so on. They are all reduced to a soundbyte by Lew and his support group. Dershowitz has the same hack methodology, he just draws the opposite conclusion about a person from the same single anti-Jewish remark.

  22. Cicero in Pro Flacca wasn’t making an off hand comment about them. Section XXVIII is about them in the Roman Republic and wider Empire.

    It’s remarkably modern sounding stuff. A Romen intercepts a bullion shipment to Jerusalem. Hey presto his colleagues put him on trial for anything and everything they find on him. Hagel Redux. The temple must have its bullion.

  23. Hi Brutus. My mom is going to find my next girlfriend, I doubt she’ll be Jewish. I’d refuse her actually. The last girl my mom set me up with was Irish-German Catholic. Now one of my mom’s friends wants me to meet her daughter but I’m not ready for a relationship right now. The way it works is my mom chooses a nice girl for me or boy for my sister. We see if we like the person, if so we have a hangout where I can veto my sister’s beau / she can veto my girl. It wasn’t always so regimented but it isn’t worth the chaos someone that your family dislikes causes.

  24. Brutus is on target. Tamer probably does have a crush on a Jewish girl. I have crushes on minority girls and I have minorities in my family. This is the goal of the Jewish agenda that I serve; to make it so that all white people have a positive relationship with at least one Jewish or non-white person; this makes them less likely to be interested in pro-white activism.

  25. Tame,r congratulations on RCIA. I also went through RCIA. It will be interesting to see what happens to you in the very anti-racist Catholic Church, the fastest-growing religion in Africa.

  26. Sequitur auri illa invidia Iudaici. Hoc nimirum est illud quod non longe a gradibus Aureliis haec causa dicitur. hoc crimen hic locus abs te, Laeli, atque illa turba quaesita est; scis quanta sit manus, quanta concordia, quantum valeat in contionibus. Sic submissa voce agam tantum ut iudices audiant; neque enim desunt qui istos in me atque in optimum quemque incitent; quos ego, quo id facilius faciant, non adiuvabo.
    Cum aurum Iudaeorum nomine quotannis ex Italia et ex omnibus nostris provinciis Hierosolymam exportari soleret, Flaccus sanxit edicto ne ex Asia exportari liceret. Quis est, iudices, qui hoc non vere laudare possit? Exportari aurum non oportere cum saepe antea senatus tum me consule gravissime iudicavit.

    The question could have just as easily been asked in the Senate…Chuck do you support the subsidy to Israel to the tune of 3 billion a year… Yadda Yadda Yadda ?

    What do you think about the German indemnity to Israel to the tune of X billion a year?
    (Apparently the gold that the Krauts hold in trust in the US can’t be physically inventoried and they want it back!)

    Christ, it’s been going on for ever hasn’t it?

    The Jews were terrified of the now victorious Greeks, because they had backed Persia in the war. There were two choices. We will see this story repeated over and over again in the time of the Second Temple. One was to fight, which is what the Jews did later with the Romans. The second was to somehow come to an accommodation with the enemy.

    Simon the Just chose the second course. The Jews were not about to defeat Alexander in battle; therefore, the correct way to deal with the matter was to come to an accommodation with him.

    The Talmud describes the drama of that first encounter (Yoma 69a). Simon the Just came forth with other members of the priesthood, as well as the sages of the Sanhedrin, to greet Alexander at the gates of Jerusalem as he strode in on his famous white horse, which he rode all over the world in his conquests. According to the historians of the time, it was an enormously tall horse and Alexander was an enormously tall person. Plus, he always wore a plumed helmet. Combined, Alexander stood about 13 feet high on the horse. He was an awe-inspiring sight to behold.

    When Alexander saw the Simon he dismounted and bowed to him. When he was questioned by his advisors, he told them that whenever he went into battle he dreamed of an angel leading him to victory. The face of the Jewish High Priest, he said, was the face of the angel he saw in his dreams. That was why he bowed down to him.

    Alexander the Great and the Jews

    Because of Aristotle, Alexander was positively disposed toward the Jews. Instead of destroying and subjugating them, he made an arrangement with them. As long as they would be his loyal vassals and pay their taxes they could remain autonomous. That was an enormous concession because Alexander was rarely that accommodating to anyone.

    Out of gratitude to Alexander, the Jews did a few things. First, they agreed to name every child born the next year “Alexander.” That is why the name Alexander, or Sender for short, became a common Jewish name even to this day.

    At the same time, it also opened the door for Jews to give their children other Greek names such as Antigonus Tarphon, among other names of Greek origin one finds in the Talmud. Ironically, through showing Alexander their gratitude by naming their children after him they unwittingly opened the door to the Greek language. And with the Greek language automatically came the Greek culture.

  28. I’d like to know how many Jews were on the rolls or venture capitalists in the Xerxes invasion that the Greeks sent packing. I’d hazard a guess that the whole operation was funded by Jerusalem based on what I see them doing elsewhere today, and in the ancient period.

  29. “As long as they would be his loyal vassals and pay their taxes they could remain autonomous. That was an enormous concession because Alexander was rarely that accommodating to anyone.”

    In actual fact it was always Alexander’s policy to subjugate the different peoples of Asia Minor via this method (rather than through the ruinous destruction of the enemies forces and cities which his army was famously well capable of) which he first used with the Greek city states of Asia Minor. Alexander almost always preferred to keep the same model of vassalage (along with local administration of laws) and maintain intact the canals, granaries, markets and roads that the Persians had administered through local rulers while at the same time introducing Greek culture throughout the Empire not in the least by having members of his army settle there.

    It could in fact be said that in terms of imperial administration that the Macedonian Alexander the Great was in a way the last Achaemenid Emperor following his conquest of the Persian Darius III.

    For a fuller study of this point of view I heartily recommend the recent English translation of Pierre Briant’s classic Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction.

  30. This passage is priceless. Jewish Virtual library:

    “The Babylonians ruled the world in the sixth century B.C. Yet, afterwards, in the course of about half a century, they ceased to exist. This is remarkable enough, but it is even more astounding that their successors, the Persians, had did not existed before! In 560 B.C., Cyrus the Great became the king of Persia, a small state in the Middle East, and within 30 years had replaced the Babylonian empire with his own.”

    I wonder who funded the Persian war machine? This Hitherto unremarkable group… It’s a miracle!

    “Cyrus also unexpectedly told the Jews that they could return to their homeland. While he was probably motivated primarily by the desire to have someone else rebuild Palestine…”

    Surprise surprise. Not.

    “….and to make it a source of income for the Persian Empire, the impact on the Jews was to reinvigorate their faith and stimulate them to reconstruct the Temple in Jerusalem. The Second Temple was completed on the very site of the first Temple in 516 B.C.”

    The temple of course, was a treasury.

  31. Good points Rudel.

    Alexander faced a full scale rebellion in his Greem armies when he began to demand they marry Persian women. The Greek troops quite rightly rebelled. It was bad enough that Alexander had limited their ability to plunder, quite another to merge his people into the wombs of the conquered.

  32. The Macedonian was clearly the equivalent of a melting pot advocate in his own time. This is possibly why he was killed by his companions. The Greeks in Asia minor did not like what he did by adopting a foreign wife, foreign dress and customs like the kowtow. They came to impose their culture and will on the locals.

  33. Good Morning.

    In actual fact it was always Alexander’s policy to subjugate the different peoples of Asia Minor via this method (rather than through the ruinous destruction of the enemies forces and cities which his army was famously well capable of)

    Look what Alexander did to Samaria, Gaza and Tyre. He treated the Jews with great respect while wasting their neighbors and they were appropriately grateful. Thanks for the book suggestion, Rudel.

    The Greeks in Asia minor did not like what he did by adopting a foreign wife, foreign dress and customs like the kowtow.

    Ok, screw the Greeks in Asia Minor. He made his Persian wife spend seven years learning Greek before he even saw her. He let asiatics worship him, he never expected or encouraged Greeks too. The way you graft 21st century racialist politics on to the ancient world is revolting, John.

  34. Lew, even refuting of Jewish claims is outright banned on most sites. For instance the vast majority of them like to claim that they are the most hurt people, and will generally bring up the holocaust/WW2 as their #1 example. However if you look at the Slavs killed in the holocaust, holodomor, civilian casualties and Soviet battle losses, the Slavs lost far more people in WW2 than the Jews. The same goes with the ethnic cleansing of the native Americans when the Europeans conquered the new world, and the Oriat Mongels of the Taiping Rebellion, both groups in their respective periods lost far more than the Jews did in WW2. They will also bring up that throughout history they have been systematically oppressed which the same can be said of every other ethnic group. Stating these facts has gotten me banned from countless sites.

  35. A few cities are always annihilated in conquests to encourage the others. Tyre for example had to to be utterly destroyed in order to allow Alexander resupply via ships. With Tyre at his back he’d have starved.

    Jerusalem? A strategically insignificant city really. Additionally Jerusalem had seen exactly how resistance had been treated in the first couple of sieges. So they folded.

    When Cromwell attacked Ireland, Drogheda’s massacre proved to be enough to cow Ireland completely. The first couple of sieges are always designed to make an example.

  36. Lew, even refuting of Jewish claims is outright banned on most sites.

    Being denied someone else’s venue to espouse a deeply unpopular view doesn’t make you martyr or someone with secret knowledge. It just makes you… someone with a deeply unpopular view. Islamic extremists, pedophiles and other marginalized groups don’t do well on most websites either. They congregate in the shadows online, they’re even more sidelined than your co-ideologists.

    For instance the vast majority of them like to claim that they are the most hurt people, and will generally bring up the holocaust/WW2 as their #1 example. However if you look at the Slavs killed in the holocaust, holodomor, civilian casualties and Soviet battle losses, the Slavs lost far more people in WW2 than the Jews.

    Russian Slavs cheapened their own blood by accepting their democide as “progress”. The Russian Slavs carried a motley group of racially/religious suspect leaders that despised them and Christianity into power. The Russian Slavs jumped at the chance to ransack their own churches and force their communism on their better Slav neighbors. The Jews destroyed Russia by letting a Slav be a Slav and thinking he was an equal to his rulers, even a hero because of his prowess at manual labor. The Tsars fed the Russian Savs considerably less feel good BS, expecting them to pickup Christianity and run with it…. That was asking way too much.

    So you want to whinge about the Russian’s massive die-off? What their own beloved leader called “a statistic”? I think the good Hitler did in the East outweighed the bad (in the East). It’s a shame his irredentism got in the way of a wider European alliance against the Russians. If Hitler had stuck with killing the bolsheviks you mourn he’d be a hero today. He didn’t though. He targeted a closeknit high-IQ highly literate group for destruction and failed. His story was written not by the dumb bolsheviks in their base jargon, though they tried “wah hitlerism wah capitalism in crisis wah highest stage of capitalism with great power chauvinism”. His story was to be an evocative tale, not an analysis; told by regular smart Jewish people about how his hatred of Jews broke apart their families. It was to become an alluring story of personal survival that allowed regular people to identify with the plucky little Jews. Sociopaths could also enjoy the legend because it came equipped with a vivid cast of evil nazis for them to identify with.

  37. Being denied someone else’s venue to espouse a deeply unpopular view doesn’t make you martyr or someone with secret knowledge

    He didn’t say it gives him special knowledge or makes him a martyr. It’s not surprising you commit the straw man fallacy in the first sentence of your response.

    You really are a loathsome, lying worm.

    I think it’s time to repost this foul creature’s claim he had ancestors perish on the Lusitania.

  38. Lew you said you would be away from here for six months on New Years Day. You’re a peon with no self-control. If he wasn’t implying what I spelled out by his statement what was he trying to say? Good play to call out a supposed fallacy before your ad hominem. And yes I did lose an ancestor on the Lusitania. Stonelifter knows the name and is keeping it to himself because the last thing I’d do is trust random people on the internet with geneological information that can easily be used to identify me.

  39. Notice how in the fertile mind of this stupid dolt bringing up the Holodomor is the same as supporting pedophilia.

    Islamic extremists, pedophiles and other marginalized groups don’t do well on most websites either

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