(the following is an update of a previous OD post on immigration)
District of Corruption
OD readers should be angry, but not too surprised to learn that supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Republican VA congressman Eric Cantor is making insane, treasonous comments about US immigration. Cantor is after all…
A Jew.
As a rule, Jews in America suck on immigration. In contrast, Jews in Israel pursue very strict immigration policies designed to make Israel a safe, Jewish ethno state.
Here ‘s the link to RINO Eric Cantor mouthing off on the usual Jew lies about immigration, how the Statue of Liberty was/is all about “welcoming the huddled masses of the world” to Our United Sates, not Israel. (Jewess poet Emma Lazarus poem added to the SOL in 1903) Cantor also added some attempts to extract tears for his innocent Jewish grandparents supposedly persecuted by the evil, anti Semitic Czars of Russia (Cantor leaves out the part about what happened when Trotsky and the Bolsheviks imposed Jew rule in Russia, murdered the Czar, killed the Russian nobility, and starved half the population of the Ukraine etc).
The Jewish Question in the Senate
If you or anyone you know has any doubts that so-called “American” Jewish congressmen are bad on immigration, please go check out their immigration grades at NumbersUSA. The highest grade any Jew in Congress has is California Senator Barbara Boxer who has a D+.
Yes Virginia, the Jews really are bad on immigration. How do we present this startling fact to mainstream White Americans without coming off as hateful, anti-Semitic, Jew obsessed, Neo-Nazi extremists?
Practical Suggestions
I’m opening the floor to intelligent suggestions. I have some of my own suggestions here:
(1) Present the facts of Jewish support for Third World immigration alone. Don’t try to package this with any of the other negative Jewish programs like loyalty to Israel, sponsorship of neocon wars in Asia, the War Against Christmas, ADL sponsorship of hate crime legislation, the corruption of the Federal Reserve banking system, the Jewish role in Communism, and so on.
It is just too much for one sitting to throw out the whole “IT’S THE JEWS, STUPID” message on people with no experience (outside of Hollywood movies) with the Chosen.
(2) Third World immigration is now a wedge issue. Increasingly, large numbers of White Americans feel very strongly about immigration and amnesty. In Rahmbo’s words, immigration has become a “third rail” of American politics. It has gotten to the point where they will strongly oppose anyone and everyone who supports amnesty and loosening our immigration laws.
For example, White Americans kicked out RINOs like Chris Cannon of Utah who supported amnesty and forced two other RINOs like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to walk back their positions on amnesty and vote for the position of their constituents.
(3) My own advice is that you should just present the “facts of life” regarding who is for or against us on this issue whenever you are working with immigration control activists or mainstream implicit Whites who oppose mass immigration.
Just present the truth in a gentle way and note in passing that all the liberal Jewish Democrats like Al Franken and Barbara Boxer voted for amnesty and open borders with Third World cesspools like Somalia and Haiti. If you get a positive response, try to include the sad truth that neocon Jews like New York City major Michael Bloomberg, Jonah Goldberg of National Review, Norm Podhoretz of Commentary Magazine, The Heritage Foundation’s Libertad, and other conservative publications where Jews are prominent like The Weekly Standard or The American Spectator are also for Third World immigration and working for some way to give amnesty to millions of “diverse” criminals.
(4) Ask ordinary White people if they think Jews in Israel or Jews in America support Muslim immigration to Israel or letting the Palestinians have full equal rights in their communities.
(5) Ask if the Jewish community favors affirmative action for Arabs in Israel and millions of Mexicans, Somalians, Pakistanis moving to Israel to correct the problem of a lack of sufficient “diversity” in the Knesset.
No, I don’t think so.
(6) Once again, you want to come off as an intelligent, principled White Advocate who is on the side of the ordinary White people you are trying to educate. You don’t want to come off as a crazy, Jew obsessed, one trick pony extremist trying to refight the Second World War on the German side.
(7) Try to include some self depreciating humor about your own ethnic group not being so good at something; maybe something like Flamingo dancing or stand up comedy.
(8) Jews are really bad on immigration. That doesn’t mean you hate all Jews. It’s just that they line up on the opposite side of the political spectrum and this will have serious consequences for our posterity.
You want your audience to understand that if Jewish candidates like Boxer, Feinstein, Franken, Schumer, Levin or Waxman are elected, then yes, America will be flooded of millions of Third World aliens including Muslims like the 9/11 terrorists, the Fort Hood shooter, or the Portland bomber.
Let your audience take it from there. Try to offer some suggestions on where they can research the subject. Start with mainstream sources first. NumbersUSA is a great place for learning about the immigration debate. See also FAIR and CIS. Then move them on down the road to VDARE.
(9) Always listen more than you talk. Keep the topic focused on a single subject like immigration.
You’re discussing amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who will never assimilate and become genuine America. You don’t want to get into an argument about a subject like the Second World War which nothing can be done about.
If the White person you are talking to is getting hot and angry and ranting about America fighting the Second World War to defeat racism and Nazism, gently ask this person if he thinks the “Greatest Generation” – which lived under Jim Crow and fought in segregated units until the Korean War – gave so many lives at Omaha beach and Guadalcanal so that their grandchildren couldn’t attend a safe public school in Los Angeles, California or Chattanooga Tennessee.
What do you suggest?
Notice how in the fertile mind of this stupid dolt bringing up the Holodomor is the same as supporting pedophilia.
Notice how this guy cares deeply about Christianized western Slavs, but doesn’t criticize the Hunger Plan.
John re: Cicero
It’s remarkably modern sounding stuff.
Yes he very often is, isn’t he? Some of it of course may come from the fact that we present day men of the West are in many ways like those of Cicero’s old Roman Republic in its final death throes.
Keeping the Aryan gene pool pure to me implies a necessity for separation based on difference but not be necessarily major hostility.
Lew, you’ve made many a good point in recent posts. There are any number of passages I could have quoted with which to commence a reply to you, but I’m choosing this one because it gets to the heart of my point of view.
The reason I selected this passage is the phrase “not necessarily major hostility.” I agree completely. You’re very committed to racial politics so the distinction I’m about to draw may not be clear to you, but the view you express here is a significant departure from what commonly forms a core position of WN, and which, I consider one of the major ‘fallacies’ (the best term I can think of) of WN, namely: “Race, therefore war”; which is the condensed form of the proposition race matters, therefore anyone not my race is inherently my enemy and enemies must be warred on.
The point you made above is a departure from ‘race, therefore war’ is that it leaves open the possibility that racial objectives (fundamental, life-essential objectives) can be achieved without the need to make enemies of every other human group. Of course, just because such a possibility exists hardly means it will necessarily be pursued; and indeed, historically, it has certainly not been. Nevertheless, the fact that it is a possibility itself gives hope that major hostility can be averted.
If it’s a possibility that historically not been pursued why should one take heart from it today? The answer is because there has been real progress in human relations. Like it or not, there is a degree of understanding, respect and, not uncommonly, genuine appreciation of ‘the other’ among the various human kinds today that has never really existed before. That’s not to deny the reality of the “N&J” and “C&IQ” effects of mass diversity that are the bread and butter of online WN activism; but one must recognize they are only one side of the story.
It’s ultimately up to you to choose which alternative to pursue: “white makes right” militancy, which denies any possibility of cooperative racial reform/realignment; or “open door” racialism, which accepts a possibility of cooperatively achieving mutually satisfactory racial objectives.
By all means, keep your eyes open and your guard up. But at least acknowledge that such an alternative exists.
Tamer, it’s all but impossible to take any of your blather seriously. You’d do yourself an enormous favor to talk less and listen more.
Now look, when people state that an understanding of the JQ came as a revelation to them, it doesn’t mean that they’ve uncovered the hidden x-factor that explains everything under the sun (even though some like Alex Linder express it that way; it’s the “skeleton key of history” according to him). It means that they’ve discovered a perspective from which much that was previously incomprehensible or confusing now makes much more sense. Take someone who’s listened to a “conservative” like – God, I’m spoiled for choice – a William Kristol or a William Safire or a David Frum or a Charles Krauthammer or a John Podhoretz or… well, you get the idea… all his life and has been bewildered by the sheer nonsense these “conservatives” spout on race, immigration and foreign policy. When he understands that they’re first and foremost Jews rather than “conservatives” the confusion vanishes. That’s just to cite one of the most obvious examples of the capacity of the JQ to enlighten. In fact, it’s such an obvious example that to deny it not only confirms my already poor opinion of you as a nitwit, it makes you a vile, lying piece of shit.
Silver, you’ve slain me. Just stop humping my corpse over the God damned Jews. No doubt there are better and stronger men here than me; Silver, you could very well be one of them. Congratulations for knowing more about Jews and racial politics in America than someone else on the internet.
Take someone who’s listened to a “conservative” like – God, I’m spoiled for choice – a William Kristol or a William Safire or a David Frum or a Charles Krauthammer or a John Podhoretz or… well, you get the idea… all his life
Someone who listens to Limbaugh, Hannity or any of those Jews you list for all his life is probably a creep and not to be taken seriously whether or not he becomes anti-Jewish. You assume we all want to “enlighten” people. I don’t. I want to have honest discussion with people that are already “aware” not use Jews as bait to “wake people up”.
Now please call me names but I’m really sick of talking about Jews. Let’s change the subject to how stupid I am.
Learning that Podhoretz, Krauthammer, etc. think of themselves as Jews first and conservatives second explains a lot about their positions on Israel and immigration. Those are political matters. On the cultural front, it is perfectly clear that Hollywood’s Jews think in those terms, too. It explains why we never see evil Jews in film or TV.
Marlon Brando said this on CNN before he died:
“Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews, and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of—of people who are suffering. Because they’ve exploited—we have seen the—we have seen the Nigger and Greaseball, we’ve seen the Chink, we’ve seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we’ve seen everything but we never saw the Kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the wagons around”
That was in the 90s on Larry King Live, and I’m pretty sure it was Brando’s last prime time appearance on national TV.
Without consulting any authority, who here can name a movie of the top of the head that featured an explicitly Jewish villain or evil person? Hyman Roth doesn’t count.
Here’s the video I took of a west african cabbie complaining about “some blacks” with a cameo by homeless Jew.
Hollywood is a Jew-racket. Let it be known I never have gone to bat for Hollywood Jews, never will. I’m done batting for team heeb anyway, my last hasbara check bounced.
Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
Tame,r congratulations on RCIA. I also went through RCIA. It will be interesting to see what happens to you in the very anti-racist Catholic Church, the fastest-growing religion in Africa….”
Lol. I showed up for fast-track conversion, just to find out about it. The things people said were stunning— and a reminder that the protestant church had hardly “failed me” (as Tamer said).
No: My church was attacked. It was attacked by activists who I suspect were very trained to come into a place full of good-hearted, believing people and undermine what they had on purpose.
I can think of a couple. I’m not sure they are villains though.
American Story was about a Jewish gangster. James Woods. Son of Sam obviously had Berkowitz. Who played him? Was he a villain? I dunno. that’s about it. It’s interesting that so many are tired of Talking about perfidious Jews when, it’s hard to actually think of any characters in movies that are villainous Jews played as Jews.
I guess Ariel Sharon played a kike gangster on the evening news for a while though.
I liked that quote. They intend to pull down the white man’s world. So true of her for once.
Someone who listens to Limbaugh, Hannity or any of those Jews you list for all his life is probably a creep and not to be taken seriously whether or not he becomes anti-Jewish.
Every single one of those neoconservative Jews would intellectually run rings around Limbaugh or Hannity. If their views can be equated to the populist antics of talk radio hosts then so can the views of the liberal elite, for they too have their crude popularizers (whose listeners presumably are “worth taking seriously”).
You assume we all want to “enlighten” people. I don’t. I want to have honest discussion with people that are already “aware” not use Jews as bait to “wake people up”.
You’re lying. You don’t want to have such a discussion. If you did you’d have taken part in the one that occurred on this very thread. Instead you chose to berate people for daring to make mention of the Jewish factor in racial issues. Mind you, the “Jewsers” often aren’t much better. They too claim to want a “discussion,” but in practice their intention more than anything is to pass on the received wisdom and censure any deviance from it.
Learning that Podhoretz, Krauthammer, etc. think of themselves as Jews first and conservatives second explains a lot about their positions on Israel and immigration. Those are political matters. On the cultural front, it is perfectly clear that Hollywood’s Jews think in those terms, too. It explains why we never see evil Jews in film or TV.
Lew, seriously dude, what do you really expect would have occurred had Hollywood “shown the kike”? Would it have brought out the pitchforks? Would it have been game over for Jewish power? It would caused some people to talk but in the main they would have been the people who already talk; beyond that, I can’t see much having been different.
Without consulting any authority, who here can name a movie of the top of the head that featured an explicitly Jewish villain or evil person? Hyman Roth doesn’t count.
Does Caiaphus?
If you really wanted to have a discussion you’d mention von Mises, Rothbard and other libertarian Jews that don’t deny the inability of Negroes to function in modern society and are not in any manner anti-White.
*didn’t. *were.
It was attacked by activists who I suspect were very trained to come into a place full of good-hearted, believing people and undermine what they had on purpose.
Sounds like what happened to the Catholic Church in Britain. The Pilgrimage of Grace marches on!
If their views can be equated to the populist antics of talk radio hosts then so can the views of the liberal elite, for they too have their crude popularizers (whose listeners presumably are “worth taking seriously”)
No, their listeners are not worth taking seriously either. Do you know people that read mainstream conservative columns and books? I don’t. George Will’s baseball writings (Men at Work is great) and Buchanan’s books don’t count. I would much rather discuss politics with neonazis in Belgium, Jews in Israel, Secessionists in Alabama/Afghanistan and other interesting people. Anyone but the average American.
Tamer – we’ve been getting along lately, whic hsi great – but it IS the GOD DAMNED (I MEAN that phrase literally, Jack) Jews. Always. They’ve been bedevilling Humanity for centuries.
We won’t be able to “stop talking about them” until they are ALL sent back to their Father in Hell.
Humanity would be so much better off without the Spawn of Satan.
By the way, Jack – I’ve been doing comparatively well with Naming Die JudenTuefel, in 3D world. I’ve STATED that “Jews are Devils from Hell” – and I always get “invited back”. ‘Zounds. The Republitards I know are slooooooooooowwwwly turning around. So I dunno.
Ciaphas wasn’t exactly a villain. More like the supreme leader who has to deal with something he’d prefered ignoring.
Pilate more or less the same. Herod and Salome look awful.
Judas even had some redeeming qualities.
How often do these films come out and with what sort of discourse do they emerge? Cavezel ended his career, so did Gibson.
Cont’d..I stikc up for hitelr all the time. IN the real world . I’m very calm, in my speech modalities. Very matter-of-fact tone of voice, is wot I use, although my general persona indicates “You are a blithering moron if you disagree with me”. I give a few salient facts – but I SAY – utter words like “Hitler was the good guy”. I don’t revere Hitler – he made a lot of mistakes – but I utter sentences such as “Adolf Hitler was a good, principled, and very sensitive man. He did not kill ANY-ONE, and even the Kikes can’t cough up ANY Final Solution evidence. the death camops were in Russia. Jews ALWAYS blame others for what THEY do. Look at what they are doing to the Palestinians. Hitler’s the most maligned man in history. You don’t know what happened, You only know the lies the Jews have been telling you your entire life. Hitler was a good, and a great man. The last White man that tried to help his people “.
I SAY stuff like that in person. I was running around my last TeaTard meeting telling people “Hitler was right! Hitler was the good guy!” Jack – I was giving people the Roman Salute. sayig Heil Hitler, in full view of every-one. People did double takes, but then smiled, and a few kinda squirmed, but I was told, QUITE seriously, that I ought to be running for office. And I have been asked to the next meeting. As always. I already told a bunch of people that they need to be listening to the Political Cesspool, and that last year’s SF conference was great, and this year’s will be even better.
Money is key. Talk about money. Every-one is freaked out about money. You can talk to any other Race about Hitler. Bring up money with every-one. Say, “The Hebes run thme oney supply. Look at the NAMES. It’s ALL Jews. They have their own currency for each other. They foist paper debt on YOU. Hitler booted the Kikes (I do use racial slurs. It’s important to use such terms, once you get rolling, for psychological reasons. Whites need to HEAR Jews being disdained. Non-Whites think it’s funny) out of finance, and banking, during the Depression, and Germany’s economy took off! THAT is why Hitler had to be crushed, and the Hebes have been LYING for decades!. Look it up…”
You can tell Negroes, and hippy-ish White Lefties, that Hitler had LOADS of non-Whites, including Black Africans, fighting for him. This is true! Because…”It’s all about self-determination”. Which was TRUE. “Jews control the global money supply. Their greed ENDLESS” Which is true. Goebbels said that all propoganda must be true. Which is true. Throw in the Nature/Animal lover stuff, with Lefties. I completely freaked out a guy once, cause I quoted a bunch of Knaaaazeee stuff, without citing the source. He literally goggled, when I told him who, exactly, SAID, what I told him, and he ran away, almost screaming, “I agree with Nazis…AAAGGGHH!”. I told him it was OK – everything he’s been taught has been LIES. “Look it up!” I yelled after him, The Nazis were GOOD!”. Always always always tell people to check it out for themselves.
David Lane said “The only way out is through the Jew” He was right. You moust be confident in your beliefs, when you state them. You canot hem and haw, or be apologetic. Just say everythng tight out loud. You must communicate “I am moral, and I am RIGHT”. This must be the “setting” in your mind, when oyu talk aobut these things.
Other Terrific Talking Points:
1) Jews ran the slave trade. Not Whites. Jews. Jews = slavery.
2) The Gift that Keeps on Giving – Israel rounding up their African worker slaves into concentration camps, and then expelllng them. This has been going on for the better part of a year. Whne some-one, especially a Joo, brngs up “wacism” – bring this up.
Conversation screeches to a halt.
It’s just….beautiful. Just perfection.
Sheer bliss.
Sorry about my eternal typos. This is….aaaahhhh…my favorite topic. I get so excited.
; }
If you really wanted to have a discussion you’d mention von Mises, Rothbard and other libertarian Jews that don’t deny the inability of Negroes to function in modern society and are not in any manner anti-White.
Well, sure, you can make mention of them. I’ve never heard of von Mises having explicated racialist views, but for a Jew of his era one could think it sufficient that he didn’t come out swinging against racialism. Rothbard was a race-realist, but I have my doubts about whether he would have supported the kind of sweeping reforms (or revolution) necessary. There are other Jewish libertarians with race-realist and not explicitly anti-white views you could add to that list. All quite fine by me.
When I mention Kristol, Krauthammer et al, I’m not necessarily accusing them of being driven by some inherent furious anti-white animus. While they’re all atrocious hypocrites and liars when they talk about race – oh they just luuurve the black nigger, right, sure – I’d guess the main reason for their lies is the extreme difficulty Jews have always had in talking straight about race. Even when they pretend to be putting it to you straight – like Norman Podhoretz’s “Negro Problem” – they still hold back. Why? I say fear; fear of possible repercussions and consequences down the track.
As Jews see it, they’ve been down that road once. Even if you want to say the nazi gassings are total bullshit, that was still some pretty brutal treatment that was meted out to them. You can hardly blame them for being wary of anything that might lead to the same. On the other hand, it’s absolutely intolerable that the academic and media elite to whom responsibility for doing the hard thinking has basically been delegated get to screw everyone over just because straight talk about race scare the bejeezus out of them.
Silver – BALLS. NOTHING was meted out to the Kikes, in WWII. NOTHING. They wound up “winning” everything.
For now. It’s all crumbling.
Hopefully, they will truly get what they’ve been begging for for CENTURIES. I will see this, either here, on Earth, or in Valhalla
As Jews see it, they’ve been down that road once. Even if you want to say the nazi gassings are total bullshit, that was still some pretty brutal treatment that was meted out to them. You can hardly blame them for being wary of anything that might lead to the same. On the other hand, it’s absolutely intolerable that the academic and media elite to whom responsibility for doing the hard thinking has basically been delegated get to screw everyone over just because straight talk about race scare the bejeezus out of them.
Ummm, totally agreed. A deeper problem with Nazism is not that it scares Jews – which can be a good thing – but that it doesn’t allow for a Jew to opt-in. This ties back into your earlier post about “open door” versus “race war”.
I doubt people would rise up if they showed the kike, but it would discredit or at least call into question a major WNist claim: the notion that Hollywood Jews use cinema and TV for mass propaganda that serves Jewish interests.
I mean, if Hollywood routinely depicted nice Jewish girls doing the bump and grind with niggers after leaving the synagogue, or if Inglorious Basterds had been about a young Russian mowing down communist Jews eating kosher pastrami, and if we had consistently seen such content from Hollywood for the last 50 years, it would have to mean the WNist position is wrong.
Why is that the case? Well, it would destroy the WNist claim that Jews use cinema for mass propaganda in their tribal intersts. If they were routinely showing the kike in the same degrading ways they routinely depict whites, no one could make that case. It would be easy to show that in fact Jews don’t use cinema for propaganda simply by pointing to their numerous depictions of the kike. It would be easy to say “hey, look you paranoid, miserable, WNist anti-semite. There you go! Your claim that Jews use film for anti-white propaganda fails! Look at all these movies that show Jewesses studying the Torah and then fucking niggers, and look at all the movies that show the swindling, lurid kike right next to the spics, niggers and white trash.”
Problem is, in the real world, Hollywood Jews never show the kike. They never show the kike. So what does that tell us? What would explain that?
They don’t show the kike but do show the niggers, spics and white trash. OK, well, for starters, it supports the WNist position on Jewish Hollywood. Is there another reasonable explanation? Furthermore, it says a lot about how Jews think, what they regard as important, and what it will take to defeat them.
Jews obviously see value in shaping and moulding the wider culture using mass propaganda. This tells us, among other things, that culture and entertainment are a legitimate battlefield, that political struggle alone won’t be enough to win. Jewish interests are well represented in the political arena; they are not in danger of being displaced any time soon; but they pump out the cultural propaganda nonstop anyway.
It’s a clear lesson to many people who might not realize culture is important that it is important.
To sum it up, if Jews were routinely showing the kike, many key WNist premises and insights would quickly collapse. But since reality is the exact opposite it suggests the exact opposite: WNist claims about Jews and Hollywood are well supported and major explanatory power contrary to the dumb, paranoid anti-Semite stereotype.
communism is a political tendency found among primitive people everywhere- the typical lower-european is a communist, whether on the fascist right or bolshevik left. it’s just a natural gravity for them, they are collectivist village people.
as to all the confusion about ‘Jews’, most of you mix up Ancient Jewry with petty-burgess Yiddish. not quite the same thing… different races. Do you really think that when Alexander the Great looked on the face of the High Priest Simon he saw Chuck Schumer or Barbara Boxer? Woody Allen maybe? you people are basically communists yourselves, with no sense of history, dimension or space.
Lew, I understood “show the kike” to mean realistic but unflattering portrayals of Jewish characters. But you’re complaining about Hollywood having failed to mount a sustained campaign to discredit Jews, so we’re really talking about two different things.
OK; but they haven’t done either wrt jews whereas for whites they’ve done/do both (a sustained campaign to discredit and unflattering, but realistic portrayals).
Take a break to meet your new favorite actress, BRAmerica. Discovered by a Jew, she’s only 9 so she has a long black future ahead of her. She’s kinda like Shirley Temple only she doesn’t sing or dance and she isn’t cute or white.
Her name is Quvenzhané Wallis. She stars in Beasts of the Southern Wild as “Hushpuppy”. She’s up for an Oscar and her next role is rumored to be the next Annie on screen.
On Leno: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/02/01/article-0-17482E1A000005DC-853_638x827.jpg
Yeah, did you see the director of that film on Charlie Rose?
It was not the jew who armed negros and sent them to kill Southron Whites. It was not the jew who brought an end to White supremacy, or states rights etc. It was the damnyankee who set this shit in motion. I don’t give a fuck if jews live like kings or die like dogs but let’s not for get who got BRA started, who’s votes drive BRA etc etc.
To reiterate, it was damnyankees and their republican party
The JQ is the yankees escape goat
Film itself is an iconoclastic medium.
“Look it up!” I yelled after him, The Nazis were GOOD!”
Haha, yer always a delight to read Denise, typos n all
Mary – thanks! You have to have fun with these sorts of things!
If you say things with confidence, and fun – and keep repeating (which is the point of the Mantra) – it sinks in.
WE are right. WE are moral. WE are just. Do not ever ever ever forget this fact.
Again – utter BALLS. Jews brought Afreakans into the USA, to serve as slaves. Jews ran the slave trade out of RI. 40% of the Hebe population owned Kneegrow slaves, as opposed to approx 3% of the White population. The War of Northern Agression occurred because Southern cotton production was cutting into the Rothschild’s Egyptian cotton profits. It was never about “Freeing Da Nigras”. The South had to be crushed because the South screwed with Sheeny Gelte.
Lincoln – there’s a theory “out there” that suggest Old Psycho Abe Hisself was one of the Tribe. Sheeny Speilberg’s “Psycho Lincoln” agitoprop certainly provides metaphorical validation. Lincoln’s genetics hailed from Lincolnshire, England, and that place was a nest of Kosher Vipers, for centuries. Abe looked like a Hebe, and behaved like a Hebe. They’ll kill their own over Gelte, in a heartbeat, and that Greenbacks stunt of Lincoln’s generated his internecine death warrant.
Now I’ve read a little data that indicates that Kikes originally emerged from Ethiopia. The data is sketchy; it’s rather embarrassing after all, but the history of centuries reveals pattern of behavior. Hebes are simply pallid Nigras themselves, who have upbred their IQ levels. Considering their affinity for and exploitation of Nigras – I think the Out of Africa model hold true for Hebes. Not for Whites, but for Hebes. Jews have USED Nigras as their blunt weapons against Whites for decades now. So the Civil War WAS the work of the Spawn of Satan.
It’s always the Hebes, making the poison to poison the well. Whether they pour the poison, or not.
Ulster Scots were used by the Jews of the JuK as their blunt weapons against the Irish – so it may well be difficult for that strand of rogue White DNA to understand the concept of “tool/patsy”.
“Now I’ve read a little data that indicates that Kikes originally emerged from Ethiopia.”
Genetic analysis has shown that the Israelites were just another Semitic tribe from the land of Canaan. Ashkenazi Jews are a hybrid mix of anywhere from between 40% to 60% Semitic and Caucasian admixture although in the Anglo-sphere the outbreeding with whites has accelerated.
Stonelifter, the most well developed successful parasitism not only does not kill, but is not even noticed, nor acknowledged, by the host. Straw men “Yankees” are the scape goats here. It is still not entirely clear WHAT is a “Yankee.” Apparently it is any white born and bred north of the Line, unless perhaps born of parents who were born and bred south of the Line?
Now Denise,
You overstep the bounds. Lincoln was a negrophile. He was looking at him today at least a peculiar physical type. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some Indian in him, or a dash of something that made him alienated from his own people, but the. Onnection to Lincoln is silly. There were more Jews in Oxford, York, London in significant positions of power.
“It is still not entirely clear WHAT is a “Yankee.”
– A “Yankee” is to Stonelifter, what a Leprechaun is to the Irish, or a Gremlin is to the Germans, or a Tengui is to the Japanese, or a Chupacabra is to the Mexicans — in other words, an imaginary creature that is always blamed for whatever calamity, that was in reality, caused by the carelessness or foolishness of the individual in question.
Mosin makes a good point. Allow me to offer my $.o2 definition of a “Yankee”.
1.) Someone that doesn’t think it necessary to rationalize (see “deep Yankee” or “ueber Yankee”) or somehow rationalizes or attempts to rationalize the northern position during the civil war and/or reconstruction.
2.) Someone that adheres to the BRA mythos, placing the pantheon (Sojourner Truth, Lincoln, MLK, Obama, et. al) and its abstract community before ethnic/faith community and its classical heroes/saints.
3.) Someone that rejects some of BRA’s gods while keeping others and views “the Republic” as alive or capable of resurrection in its traditional form.
4.) A member of the best professional baseball team to ever exist that embodies excellence, tradition, clean-cut appearance and most importantly winning.
5.) Someone from north of the Mason-Dixon line.
“A member of the best professional baseball team to ever exist that embodies excellence, tradition, clean-cut appearance, and most importantly winning.”
– All I know is they serve as a good chew-toy for the Detroit Tigers every post season.
Anyone on the other side of the mason dixion line
You know where BRA got its start and recently renigged.
Denise is the ultimate in using the jew as an escape goat
Hey Chris, no matter how cold the Yankees are in the post-season we’ll always welcome Fielder to the plate because his temperature is absolute zero. He has neither speed nor bat control, it’s best when there is already a Tiger on base because then he shines as Mr. Doubleplay.
How much does Fielder cost you? 220 million dollars? At least we got a few good years out of A-Rod.
No wonder your city is bankrupt.
Re: Ethiopian Jews: They’ve been there at least since the first century AD in the area of the Kingdom of Axum. More than 100,000 were evacuated to Israel during the Eritrean rebellion. At least by the sixth century Jewish traders had moved to the area, along with Sabaean Arabs, or fleeing the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions of Israel and Judea, or Jews may have been there much earlier, arriving from Egypt. DNA studies of “Beta Israel” show little connexion to Semitic Jews.
The connecticutt Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was played by which actor?
Not Martin Lawrence!
Detroit may have gone from being the fourth largest city to twenty something, but there is a sense (of the experience of the greater speed of downward environmental, cultural and demographic trajectory) in which being in a HIGH GROWTH area is WORSE than being in a stagnant or negative growth area.
However, most people don’t NOTICE (the experience of) “the greater speed of downward environmental, cultural and demographic trajectory” in high growth areas “until it is too late.”