About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I never heard of the Renaissance Party or Sebastian Ronin until the other day. Apparently, he is a Canadian Peak Oiler who has grafted ethno-nationalist and secessionist ideas onto his Peak Oil ideas. Comes across as a pretty smart man in interviews.

    Matt Parrott’s cuckolding idea strikes me as true, although I don’t know enough about Ronin to say for sure if he fits that category. With WNism, outsiders can never be sure where the disagreements end and the personal vitriol begins. Those guys seem to hate each other.

    The cuckolding idea is the idea that people who can’t get an audience for their hobby horse periodically come out of the woodwork to feign sympathy for WNism. They do it get a hearing among people who don’t have many allies, gain recruits for their hobby horse, or take advantage of the WNist platform. That definitely happens as it did with Merlin Miller (anti-Zionist crank).

    Personally, I’m disappointed with what I perceive to be the main trends in WNism right now: conservative mainstreaming and what I’m going to start calling “Politically Correct” WNism. It’s the idea that WNists need to be for ourselves and for everyone else too (homelands for all ethnic groups!) when other ethnic groups are only for themselves.

    In my opinion, you ought be careful about letting that perspective seep into SNism. Otherwise, you might end up with SNists calling for alignments or unreciprocated sympathy with Sufi Islam, Hezbollah and Iran against global capitalism and the US federal government.

  2. Lew,

    Personally, I’m disappointed with […] what I’m going to start calling “Politically Correct” WNism. It’s the idea that WNists need to be for ourselves and for everyone else too (homelands for all ethnic groups!) […] calling for alignments or unreciprocated sympathy with Sufi Islam, Hezbollah and Iran against global capitalism and the US federal government.

    Nothing will be reciprocated until we have something to offer in exchange; that’s just realpolitik. That being said, there’s nothing craven or “politically correct” about framing our struggle for sovereignty, identity, and tradition in a global context. Think of it more like an alliance with the politically incorrect the world over.

    Granted, fishing for allies seems pointless while we currently have no bait and they’re currently not biting, but allies and sympathies in a geopolitical (and domestic) context are strategically necessary. A cursory historical analysis of similar secessionist and identitarian projects confirms the absolute necessity of avoiding the impulse to be parochial in our approach.

    Fishing for friends will continue to look stupid and continue to be fruitless until we achieve certain milestones and benchmarks in our domestic organizational maturity, logistical agility, and a critical mass of authentic folk support. That’s partially contingent upon presumed economic challenges disposing the folk toward our position and partially contingent upon our translation of our rhetoric about being the natural defenders of our folk into the demonstrated and successful defense of their interests.

  3. Regardless of the man’s Peak Oil views, he is initiating quarrels with much older and rightfully respected pro-White patriots. His Renaissance Party of North America even lists some of these as “race traitors”!


    This is no way to run a movement. In my opinion, these vanguardists would have been better off joining the Northwest Front, which is at least administered by a seasoned veteran of the movement with a knack for writing. I suspect these Canucks would do the least harm in the Pacific Northwest. I am not trying to worsen grudges, but these fellas have to shed their pride over all others before they will gain the respect of men interested in the preservation of the White race.

    As usual, the RPNA mouths off for “separation of Church and State”, that doctrine which has been at the backbone of so many wonderful regimes in the past and present. And this, just when I perceived the whole pro-White/Christian conflict bettering because of the great example of Heimbach.

  4. And as far as an alliance with the Muslim world, in particular Iran, that would hardly be a sign of racial naïveté. Hugo Chavez already did that, and he’s Mestizo. Parochialism is the only concern that could justify not trying to work (or indeed sympathize) with fellow foes of globalism and the New World Order.

  5. All ideology is bunk. Ideas are great but listening to the modern Platos designing the world is frankly a waste of one’s life, just fools looking for a cult. If the left could not shovel money to their cults they too would be one transgendered person shows.

    As for Peak Oil it too is a paid left cult, you think the oildrum.com exists without money?

    Sorry all my beloved essayists and super important intellectual stuff debaters once the censorship and PC mindblocks are removed from the white masses of all IQ gradients it is going to be messy.

  6. Lew, one thing that saves Southerners from this sort thing is our deep attachment to our land and culture. We’re not fighting for an abstraction. So, while we may disagree on the Irish question (some of us are pro-Ulster while others are pro-Irish) or on other foreign issues what unites us is strong. WN, from what I have seen in my many years of watching and even participating in their movement, don’t have this. This is why organic nationalism of the sort you see in France now or in Greece and in northern Italy and elsewhere will always be stronger than abstract racialism.

  7. Matt,

    I can understand why they don’t offer money, guns, diplomatic recognition and such things based on realpolitik considerations. There is nothing stopping them from offering rhetorical or moral support. They do not do this. If they’re not going offer moral support, then the least they could do is be neutral. In some cases, they don’t even do this but are outright hostile.

    For example, I have found instances of Iranian TV discussing Golden Dawn in terms of “Nazi thugs” even though the leadership of Golden Dawn has announced they stand in solidarity with Iran against Americanism and Zionism.

    If organizational maturity is the standard, consider this. When Gaddafi was alive, he sent millions of dollars to the Nation of Islam in the 90s. But he sent the money only to the NOI not to the NOI and, for example, William Pierce and the National Alliance. He did this even though the National Alliance had (from what I’ve heard) 20,000 members during that time frame, credible organization and infrastructure and were avowed enemies of the US government.

    I’m trying to keep an open mind on this global idea. I don’t see rejection of it as parochial. Can I ask what are some examples of the successful secessionist movements who avoided what you are parochialism? If you don’t have time to write about it, if you give me some search terms, I will research it.

    there’s nothing craven or “politically correct” about framing our struggle for sovereignty, identity, and tradition in a global context

    But not counting any Euro group, who else does this? My main concern with this idea is that it dilutes and muddles the core message. Whites have interests. Whites need homelands. Europe for Euros. One or more ethno-states in North America. When you add in the globe, the message is no longer focuses on the good for whites but the globe. Is this not a concern for you at all?

    We can agree to disagree on this. It could be that I just don’t have a good enough understanding of your rationale for this approach to make an informed judgment on it.


    It’s not parochialism. Aligning with Islam is a bad idea for many objective reasons. Which strain do you suggest? The Muslims swarming over Europe? Turks in Germany? Wahhabis? Wahhabi Muslims would saw off your head without thinking twice about it.

    How does taking sides in a Sunni/Shia civil war in Syria with globalism in the background help white people? Once you “align” with one strain of Islam, you make enemies of the others. Is this not obvious to you? The enemy of our enemy is not our friend.

    Also, perhaps you are not aware that Hugo Chavez supported Barack Obama when he was alive. Obama is a corporatist, globalist, imperialist and multi-culturalist. His support for Barack Obama is evidence his understanding of America had to have been superficial. You are looking for allies where none exist.

  8. PP,

    Yes. I agree with your point about WNism. But there are always trade offs. While SNism solves or does not suffer from the many problems associated with WNism, the numbers are a problem. The number of Southerners — real ones — gets smaller and smaller every year. My grandmother was a lifelong member of the Daughters of the Confederacy. Her grandfather was captured at Gettysberg. I was it wasn’t true the numbers were diminishing, but it’s true. And you need a critical mass of people for a serious political program that will contend for power.

  9. PalmettoPatriot,

    Lew, one thing that saves Southerners from this sort thing is our deep attachment to our land and culture. We’re not fighting for an abstraction.

    How does that stop you from being attacked by Sebastian Ronin and the other trolls? How does that even make sense?

    It doesn’t. The bottom line here is that you’re making an informed decision to point and laugh as sympathetic non-Southern Nationalists and Southern White Nationalists are targeted by these trolls.

    Lew may be right. Perhaps I have a bit of a problem with considering myself an ally of those who don’t reciprocate and who use my being attacked by our common enemy as an opportunity to pontificate on how our own tribal and traditional efforts are inferior to yours.

  10. It could be that I just don’t have a good enough understanding of your rationale for this approach to make an informed judgment on it.

    It runs deeper than that. The real problem is you just don’t have a very good understanding of anything. Seven out of ten times you post it’s to voice indignant bullshit of the form “white makes right”: you’re white so whatever you have to say about racial issues automatically carries weight. It doesn’t. I’m not just saying this because I dislike you, either (though I do – not wholly, not to the point I wish you harm, just a general dislike).

    A further reason for seeking allies (even where “none exist” – if they existed they’d already be allies, duh) is that it helps draw in more whites. Many whites are very fearful of being left isolated and friendless if they take the white side. The unremitting world-hating hostility from your side in their eyes very much threatens to leave them friendless and isolated so they keep their distance from you, in many cases despite privately believing you’re onto something. In any case, it costs nothing to claim you’re in favor of other groups enjoying a racial or cultural identity and taking steps to secure it; it’s not as if you have to actually go out of your way to help them do it. How many groups do Jews speak out in favor of despite privately being wholly disinterested in or contemptuous of them?

  11. I have been observing White Nationalism for years as well and in my opinion not engaging in acrimonious debates is clearly the way to proceed. Does Don Black throw pies back at Alex Linder? No, and Linder has been baiting Black and his work for years on end. Black basically dismissed Linder early on with a stately, “You do your thing and we will do ours.” and from there, silence. If you are in the WN leadership caste do not engage other White advocates, whether they are perceived as fakes or not. Kevin MacDonald has the same stately above-the-fray detachment, and it serves him well. Greg Johnson is a great benefit to the movement but he never looks worse than when he is flaming someone. It just doesn’t pay off.

  12. Hilarious, Silver. Fuck you too. Have no idea know what I ever did to draw your ire. I’ve never particularly disliked you. In fact, I’ve always believed WNism needs critics like you, people who criticize WNism but from a POV of accepting race is real and rejecting liberalism. To me, you’re just another byline who offers perspectives. Sometimes, I agree; sometimes not. But I know I’ve never said White makes right or inplied it ever. Don’t ever put words in my mouth.

    You want swap insults? Fine. Let’s get it out of the way. A lot credible people in these communities regard you as slithering vermin. Maybe they’re right.

    Now give me something to work with. Otherwise, I am going to ignore you. IR Regarding alliances, I cited several facts that make alliances with Islam problematic. Why am I wrong? If you reply, I’ll answer if I don’t feel your reply is baiting. You already put words in my mouth with your first reply, so I’ll keep my expectations as low as possible.

  13. I have no idea what this spat is about. I do think Erick’s commentary is hilarious – it’s just funny – but I bear Matt no ill will, or insult.

    Seb is brilliant – but he can be very touchy, and LOVES to start feuds.

    Come on folks – what’s WN without vicious infighting?

  14. The south has a generation at best to get serious. Any longer and the south will fade away into bra/new Mexican lands.

  15. Lew says: ‘It could be that I just don’t have a good enough understanding of your rationale for this approach to make an informed judgment on it.’

    Silver says: ‘It runs deeper than that. The real problem is you just don’t have a very good understanding of anything.’

    Lew has a good understanding of the rat-bastard jews. He’d school most of his detractors on that subject.

  16. Gaddaffi actually did give some aid to white nationalist groups, but it was marginal. The leaders of Britain’s National Front went on a government-paid trip to Libya in the 1980s (when NF had their “third positionist” phase) but only got a copy of the Green Book in return. Don Andrews’ Nationalist Party of Canada did the same and got a few hundred dollars out of it. There might be more that I don’t know of but I doubt the pattern differs.

  17. “When Gaddafi was alive, he sent millions of dollars to the Nation of Islam in the 90s. But he sent the money only to the NOI not to the NOI and, for example, William Pierce and the National Alliance. He did this even though the National Alliance had (from what I’ve heard) 20,000 members during that time frame, credible organization and infrastructure and were avowed enemies of the US government.” – Grounds for instant regime change and he knew it. That would be the one thing that would make the USG take the gloves off in its dealings with the 3rd world is an enemy that they could easily portray as pure evil.

  18. Chechar,

    Regarding the “ostriches” entry, I’m still researching Sebastian Ronin’s ideas, but so far I find his main argument unconvincing. He links ethno-nationalism to Peak Oil. This is not necessary. Any Peak Oil impact might not happen along the lines he suggests, or at all. More importantly, integrating Peak Oil issues into a political program muddles the main issue (for me), white survival. Golden Dawn and Jobbik are quite effective without extensive statements on Peak Oil in their programs, much less calls to organize their strategy around Peak Oil. This factor is decisive for me on whether Peak Oil matters for nationalist politics. I understand you disagree. I respect this. We can agree to disagree, and leave it there.

  19. Lew,

    I like Seb personally – but he’s PURE European-bureaucrat Policy Wonk.

    He thinks he’s massaging the WN message, with the Peak Oil thing, as a sort of cover….

  20. This just emphasizes the problem with a kindergarten level view of race as white, black, yellow, red and brown. There isn’t really a “white race”, there are various white ethnicities who have historically never gotten along very well. There was never a unified Europe, the closest was under Rome and even they couldn’t get the whole thing or keep what they had subdued.

    WN paint all non-whites as being the same, but make the same generalisation about whites as well. The European nationalists may voice support for each other’s nationalist ambitions and support them in theory, but if they ever come to fruition all these peoples will go right back to scrapping with each other like its the 15th century.The only thing that makes Europe seem somewhat united is the UN and a lot of external pressure preventing European nations from exerting their identities.

    WN seem to be wanna be social engineers.

  21. I met Seb at the 2010 Amren conference.

    I’ve always been interested in Peak Oil (see my review of Kunstler’s last book), but I am increasingly skeptical in light of rising oil production due to fracking. Obviously, I am an ethnonationalist and secessionist.

    I’m still not sure what this fight is about. I noticed it on the way home from the gym last night.

  22. When I was at the 2013 CofCC conference, I had a few drinks with Jared Taylor and told him the three rules of White Nationalism:

    1.) The first rule is that everyone hates everyone else.

    2.) The second rule is that no one agrees on anything … a possible exception being that Jews are behind our demise.

    3.) The third rule is watch your back when money is involved.

  23. Re: crowley

    Harold Covington wrote an entire book about me because Robert Campbell caught him using a sockpuppet in the OD comments. We still get some laughs whenever we reminiscence about that story.

    Ah, those were the days.

  24. Re: Matt

    I agree that it is silly to talk about “alliances” with other groups (oh, well we will give them the Southwest) and to bicker about the minuate of the ethnostate when about 80 people show up at a national conference. It’s ridiculous.

    It would be much better if WNs weren’t so terrified of Jews like that idiot in the atheist video.

  25. one thing that saves Southerners from this sort thing is our deep attachment to our land and culture. We’re not fighting for an abstraction.

    I agree, been saying that for a long time now, before Hunter became a SN and was still a WN of sorts. I told him his niche was Southern nationalism and that he should pursue that. Glad he chose to follow that path, it seems to have paid off. His personal relationships with Southern nationalists appear far more productive and genuine.

    It’s interesting to observe how petty some people become in resentment of Southerners. Some so-called WNs actually advocate the destruction of ethnicity. In reality they’re envious and behave more like Jews than Whites. Notice how Matt became hysterical like the Jew in that video just because PP mentioned Southerners have a stronger bond, which is fact.

    Southerners, like European ethnics, have a historical memory, and while our culture is not as old as Europe’s, it’s real and we have an instant connection with each other. You don’t really have that anywhere else in America, other than going back to your European lineage, which most WNs do whose family immigrated in the 20th century.

  26. 1.) The first rule is that everyone hates everyone else.

    2.) The second rule is that no one agrees on anything … a possible exception being that Jews are behind our demise.

    3.) The third rule is watch your back when money is involved.

    True, too many egomaniacs always jockeying for position.

    I’d say number three is something you should always do. Even with immediate family, money can bring out the worst in people.

  27. “It would be much better if WNs weren’t so terrified of Jews like that idiot in the atheist video.”

    The guy in the video isn’t representative of Jewish power, and it isn’t WN who are characteristically afraid of Jews. It is those who grow uncomfortable upon the mention of the very name “Jew” unless it is done in a fawning manner. The ones who make sure to say “Jewish people” instead of “Jews” because the former is somehow more respectful. Funny how adding syllables implies respect, like “People of Color” versus Colored people, or “African Americans” versus “Afro-Americans”.

  28. Matt Parrott writes: ‘The bottom line here is that you’re making an informed decision to point and laugh as sympathetic non-Southern Nationalists and Southern White Nationalists are targeted by these trolls.’

    Show me where I pointed and laughed at nationalists? I rightly commented that abstract racialism will never be as strong as real nationalism. This is because abstract racialism is not organic and has not deep tie to land and culture like real nationalism. It’s one of the main reasons why the WN movement is so full of in-fighting and bickering and name-calling. I don’t see very much of that in SN and it’s because even though we may disagree on many things we are a national people and that unites us in a way that an abstraction never could. Pointing this out is not attacking anyone. I recommend that people give up the abstract racialism and embrace the organic nationalism that is closest to them. Blood, soil and culture are stronger than propositions.

  29. “Don Black is a true Southern Gentleman, a Man among men, and an absolute doll.”

    Agreed. I think Black does a great job of unifying otherwise divergent points of view within WNism, and his methodology should be copied elsewhere.

  30. “It’s the idea that WNists need to be for ourselves and for everyone else too (homelands for all ethnic groups!) when other ethnic groups are only for themselves.”

    If White people – or at least a significant percentage – are biologically wired up to a universalist moral world-view then universalist principles like national self-determination for everyone would be a necessary condition to get them on board. Maybe i’m wrong but i don’t think it’s about looking for allies. I think it’s about trying to appeal to a particular kind of White people.

  31. Lew,

    Peak oil is not above the 14 words. If billions will die as a result of energy devolution, focusing on it only means taking political advantage of the window of opportunity that will be opened in this century.

  32. WNs are terrified of the Eternal Jew.

    In order to prove this, all you have to do is send out an email to 100 WNs and ask them to come out in the real world and confront the Jew with your organization. You will be lucky if 5 are willing to show up.

    In the video below, there is a girl who was at the League conference who was with Heimbach when they confronted the 400 communists. Again, WNs biggest problem is that nothing can get moving in the real world because so many WNs are playing games on the internet.

    For every 1,000 people they educate, 1 like Heimbach is willing to act on his beliefs. So they sit around pining for the collapse of civilization which they hope will release them from their fear of all powerful Jews.

  33. This is because abstract racialism is not organic and has not deep tie to land and culture like real nationalism. It’s one of the main reasons why the WN movement is so full of in-fighting and bickering and name-calling.

    What they represent isn’t proper racialism anyway.

    Just take a look at their inner circle: Greg Johnson, homosexual, has a very broad definition of White that includes Turks. Matt Parrott, has Amerindian ancestry, sycophant of queer Johnson, uses disgusting terms like “cuckolding” to represent his argument (what’s he doing in his spare time you may wonder), he used to be pro-Jew and ban people for discussing Jews at AmRen. Chechar, mixed-race Latino “White nationalist” who they consider White and part of their ingroup. Talk about politically correct WNism.

  34. Billions will die!

    What happened to Soren Renner? LOL

    Talk about Asperger syndrome, that guy was funny to listen to.

  35. “confront the Jew ”

    I’ve had a quiet of few encontours with them in my lifetime. some are nice. but most are just downright nasty driven by hate.

  36. If only the Jews had confronted us all these years while supporting our homeland. We could have been confronted right into cultural supremacy.

  37. Speaking of food fights, the OD comment threads in which Stonelifter and 313Chris used to challenge each other in fights in Detroit and Afghanistan were classics.

  38. Dear Mr. Mollusk:
    We the elite have not invited you to our secret conferences, or you wouldn’t ask that.

  39. “In order to prove this, all you have to do is send out an email to 100 WNs and ask them to come out in the real world and confront the Jew with your organization. You will be lucky if 5 are willing to show up.”

    Unlike League of the South I take it? Personally I gave up street activism. It is a bit of a lose lose situation. What exactly is gained by a crowd of WN’s “confronting” a Jewish organization like I suppose you mean the SPLC? One is very much exposed to a legal system that is leverage against one enormously, as well as just plain street violence, all for what? What exactly is gained? Bill White use to run around and do that kind of thing, but I never appreciated what good it did. In his case the dress-up sunk the effort from the very begging. The Klan used to rally in public, but in those days the legal system was not nearly so biased against them. Anyway, whether one decides to engage in street activism, which can easily degenerate into violence, which can then easily degenerate into a kangaroo court experience with a Jewish judge, is entirely their call. If most people chose not to do such it does not “prove” that they are terrified of the eternal Jew. It just proves that they might have common sense. I understand Hunter that your experiences with online WN have been bad mainly through VNN probably. What happened at the Phora is not a White Nationalists responsibility because the Phora is its own type all to itself. They ridicule WNism more than you do. Although it does have to be admitted the WNism, at least on the outer fringes of it, is chock full of dysfunctional types. This is a true statement.

  40. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 28, 2013 at 10:04 pm

    “WNs are terrified of Jews.”

    They love conspiracies because conspiracies are more exciting than reality. People that love conspiracies, can terrify themselves about pretty much anything. Jews Government, Illuminati, you name it.

  41. Billions will die!
    What happened to Soren Renner? LOL


    You are right in scoffing at Renner. I find it amusing that Sunic interviewed him once. However, peak oil researchers have nothing to do with him or with WN, though they fear the death of billions when energy devolution hits human societies.

  42. “I’ve always been interested in Peak Oil (see my review of Kunstler’s last book), but I am increasingly skeptical in light of rising oil production due to fracking. ”

    I told you so. Technology. Never leave it out of your equations on predicting the future. There will be no “energy devolution.”

  43. Hunter, I think the problem is. To everyone else, the white nationalist is basically the bully who’s blaming the victim. To many other people who on the outside looking in, the problem is, to them, when it seems something goes wrong, they blame others for there own problems. Instead trying to fix the issue and create a healthy dialogue on race issues; they simply shout how great they are, how the Jews or the other is putting them down. It simply becomes [simply put], when in trouble, doubt or in fault, blame the Jews. It’s fine to be a realist, its not to blame others for your own issues or problems. Scapegoating is not how you win people to your side. Beware of creating your own enemies. Please we already have enough self fulfilling prophecies already.

    Yes I agree there are some greedy Jews out there, but they must concede that Greed holds no color. History is filled with plenty of non Jewish Greed as much is it is filled with Greed from the Jewish people. I don’t think we need to go back into the time stream to prove that. If you want a good example of Greed from the African race, look no further than Mugabe (may he burn in hell) or some of the crap going on in various African states. The kingdoms in Africa before the Age of Imperialism anyone. King Leopold II of Congo is a good example of white Greed if you don’t count the Borgia family, Medici, Nero and the Koch brothers as examples. Hell John King of England is a great example. For Asian greed World War two provides us with good old Imperial Japan were the wealthy Zaibatsu owners ran the show and ruining the lives of the people they were “saving from European Imperialism.” Many dynasties in China fell for their corruption and Greed. Never forget history. Know the good and the bad of your past to make better choices in the future.

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