About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. TabuLa Raza says:

    ‘That’s why Whites overwhelmingly voted for Prop 187 here in allegedly liberal California. It was overthrown by federal jew female judge mariana pfaelzer.’

    Just about every LAWFUL measure taken by Whites to oppose their destruction has been thwarted by jews in high places.

  2. I’ve read all the comments on this page and have deduced the OD plan of action:
    1) Name The Jew
    2)Argue About It

  3. Do you expect support or opposition from elite Jews in Hollywood, mass media, academia, the judiciary and the rest of government for Southern secession?

  4. Northern atheists, led by David Silverman, force a monument to atheism on the Southern people of northern Florida. Just another reason to ditch the USA:

    Michael, posts are not getting through on your site.

  5. “I’ve read all the comments on this page and have deduced the OD plan of action:
    1) Name The Jew
    2)Argue About It

    There shouldn’t be any need to argue about it. Jews are obviously part of the problem as they admit themselves.


    It should only take a few seconds to tick that box before moving on to what should be done. However as there are always trolls on these sites who will argue that Jews aren’t a factor the question becomes what you do about that? One answer is to ignore the JQ completely – which is perfectly understandable. Another is to try and develop arguments that end the debate on this issue quicker.

  6. Do you expect support or opposition from elite Jews in Hollywood, mass media, academia, the judiciary and the rest of government for Southern secession?

    Opposition. Obviously.

  7. My position on the Jew has always been “hide nothing.”

    If I come across something interesting and relevant about the Jewish Question, I will share it on this website. I’m not focused on the Jewish Question because 4 out of 5 Jews live in the North and West.

  8. “I’m not focused on the Jewish Question because 4 out of 5 Jews live in the North and West.”

    Three out of the remaining four live in the New York metropolitan area and a few other major cities.

    But the South has DIFFERENT, Sephardic-Mediterranean, Southron ones, those who managed the slave trade and other Golden Circle industries and vital supporting businesses — whose “synagogues rose beside plantation houses all over the South” etc.

  9. LLD, your comments are not going through on SNN?

    No. I’ve posted six or seven times in the last few days. Not one has gone through.

  10. People will point out, and correctly so, that Catholics, Protestants, Republicans, Democrats all favor immigration.

    Then they’ll correctly point out that the white nationalists name the Jew but don’t name anyone else. The wn will respond “I want to recruit Catholics so I’m afraid to name them.” Then they’ll correctly laugh.

    If you name the Jew and don’t name Catholics, Protestants, Republicans and Democrats, then you are just a coward going after the easy targets.

    That said, while ideology may be used to make people tolerant, it’s economics that actually bring the immigrants in.

  11. The only difference is that Jews support immigration more for what they view as their own protection, however misguided, whereas Catholics and Protestants support it because they believe it’s an altruistic act.

  12. Apart from the nuts like Linder, no-one puts forward an answer. Say your state will allow 2% of its Citizens to be Jews… seems ok. Well what if they all create a monopoly in the entertainment/media/news/music/film sectors which is maybe 2% of the population but has potent effects… Will you say ‘ok no problem?’ or be like Kmac and wait till they make anti-white films before you wake up… or have some quota system?

    I mean, it should be simple enough to put forward a basic policy. It’s the absence of one that makes this conversation endless.

  13. roger u
    My point was that the conversation never seems to get to step 3.”

    True. My opinion on step 3 is numbers. You can’t do anything without numbers so the primary aim is to increase the number of radicalized people. I think the way to do that is:
    1. undermine the moral authority of media/academia/politics – especially media – through pointing out their double-standards
    2. undermine blank slate idealogy
    both of which aim to weaken people’s defence against radical ideas.

    3. Specific positive program elements i.e. “things would be better if…”

    The latter will vary from place to place. On here it’s Southern secession.

    Personally I mostly focus on step 1 and let other people worry about step 3.

  14. JohnK

    “Apart from the nuts like Linder, no-one puts forward an answer. …I mean, it should be simple enough to put forward a basic policy. It’s the absence of one that makes this conversation endless.”

    It is simple. Human behavior revolves around blood-ties. All nations used to be based on blood because nations need to be based on blood. If you want a healthy nation it has to be built as an extended family. Diversity and multi-culturalism is the exact opposite of how human beings have evolved to be.

    With DNA it’s now possible to do that explicitly. You have citizenship based on blood and degrees of citizenship based on blood and the upper tiers in certain areas e.g. media, education, politics, finance, military, police etc, require full citizenship. That won’t solve every problem but it’s the only sensible baseline.

    Personally I’m not in favor of 100% homogeneity and I think a small percentage of adoptees is acceptable but if you want to maintain a healthy nation long-term they must face a choice. They will be restricted from the upper tiers of your society unless they physically assimilate i.e. if their descendents physically become 3/4 or 7/8 of your nation then those descendents become full citizens but that is the only way to reach the upper tier.

  15. “Personally I mostly focus on step 1 and let other people worry about step 3.”

    That may have been a little confusing. I wasn’t referring to the original list
    “1) Name The Jew
    2)Argue About It

    but my division into the two categories of: weaken the defences (1 & 2) and present a positive alternative (3).

    I should proof-read occasionally.

  16. Test,
    What about in the offline real world. I would like to see SN start working to raise its profile, to push in from the fringe and start engaging the mainstream. I don’t know where ya’ll are, but in NC nationalism is not a blip on a mainstream person’s radar despite all the talk of secession of few months ago.

    I use mainstream to avoid pejoratives, these folks are potential allies, after all.

  17. TMT — Episode #181 — My ZOGling Whigger Nutsionalism is Better than jewr ZOGling Whigger Nutsionalism — 27 June 13
    Time: June 30, 2013 9:30 PM EST/8:30 PM CST

    Throughout my time in the bowel Movement I have listened to pretty much every single ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clown trying to coonvince whatever fuktard they could find that theyz’ ZOGling whigger or mamzer ass-clownery was somehow better than some other ZOGling whigger’s or mamzer’s ass-clownery. And, what was most importance was jewnity under that particular [d]ruling ass-clown.

    For example, Matt Parrott is all pissed off at Sebastian Ronin over some stupid shit. Parrot says that Ronin is some nut who doesn’t care for true ZOGling Whigger Nutsionalism and how he feels cuckolded. Sebastian Ronin says that these weak-dicked tards are “race traitors”. Why, there must be a lot of secession, especially in Ronin’s neck of the woods around the Canuckistani “Newfis,” Actually, I like both tards. Matt Parrott, even though he has censored me at KMac’s tard corral for Coontempt of Whigger. And Sebastian Ronin for gloating with me and being the only other to say “I told you so” when jew-Tard Ready went all postal and shot his mudshark girlfriend, the mudshark’s beaner daughter, granddaughter, and daughter’s whigger humper, then jew-Tard’s mischling ZOGbot self. It is so nice seeing ZOGbots, especially jewboy ZOGbots, crash and burn and take whiggers and muds with them.

    Let’s understand something: When ZOGling Zombie Whigger & Mamzer Ass-Clown Apocraplypse cums down, why itz every ZOGling whigger and mamzer ass-clown for itzself. Planning for help from anyone other than from those that you know — and often not even them — is a fools’ notion. Yes, there will be balkanization, but it will be like Thomas Hobbes wrote in “Leviathan” of each against all, every man for himself, except for those who have succeeded in local organization to where they can seek power.

    The notions of piss-pul on the forums and blogs and e-mail lists means nothing. So have fun, prepare for the future for yourself, your family and friends who are worth saving.

    That said, it is so much fun to fight.

  18. roger u
    “What about in the offline real world.”

    Well I focus on one thing mainly which is trying to undermine people’s faith in the media and politicians and that is mainly just talking to people so i try to talk to as many as possible, find out where they are politically and then try and move them *one* step in a WN direction from where they are. I’ve even volunteered on political campaigns for political parties I’m against just because it creates opportunities to talk politics with mainstream people (as most people don’t want to talk politics but they’re less reluctant at elections). Then when they start complaining about immigration instead of arguing with them you agree with them and fan the flames.

    That comes natural to me from being active in mainstream politics for years so it may not suit everybody.

    Not offline but other than the above spreading memes on mainstream sites is worthwhile imo. WN sites are only a dead end if they are the only places people talk. If people use WN sites to get ideas and material and then take those ideas to mainstream sites I think that’s useful – especially memes and slogans. For example: “Secession means this wouldn’t be happening” could be used as a comment on everything from gay marriage to Trayvon Martin.

    There are other options but the above are my thing.

  19. It’s time to set up a website that’s race realist but anti-wn, sort of like what Ian Jobing did earlier.

    But we should stay away from the neo-conservatism.

    Basically the point of the website will be to say that high profile white nationalists don’t speak for the rest of whites. Kevin Macdonald, David Duke, Jared taylor, Matt Heimbach – they don’t speak for the entire white race.

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