About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Palmetto Patriot and Matt Parrott are both right.

    What we Southerners sometimes forget is that there are genuine and heart-felt regional identities in the north.

    At the CofCC conference, I met a man from New Jersey who loved his people and his place.

    I know many New Englanders who have a very charming “localism” about them, and an organic identity (quite a part from the vile Puritanism that spawned contemporary America).

    In the Northwest, there are similar cultural and regional affinities.

    None of these are as ubiquitous or powerful as Southern identity, granted.

    One further point – it’s my understanding that the “Traditionalist Youth Network” was founded to foster and promote these localized, regional identities wherever they may be found.

  2. Show me where I pointed and laughed at nationalists? I rightly commented that abstract racialism will never be as strong as real nationalism. This is because abstract racialism is not organic and has not deep tie to land and culture like real nationalism. It’s one of the main reasons why the WN movement is so full of in-fighting and bickering and name-calling.

    Seb also insists that he’s not a White Nationalist. According to my framing of things, you and I and everybody else here except Seb (who’s a deracinated conspiracy doomer fishing for a receptive audience) is a White Nationalist. A White Nationalist is a nationalist whose nation happens to be White. All nationalists are by definition promoting deep organic ties to their culture. You’re apparently referring perhaps to racial supremacists or something, which I am not.

    Time will tell whether the South in its current state is any less hopeless than the rest of the English-speaking Western world. I think it’s perhaps a bit premature for you to be rubbing my nose in the futility of my own attempts to revive identity and tradition in my own context. Not being a Southerner, I can’t be a Southern Nationalist. But I consider myself an ally of Southern Nationalism.

  3. “They are disorganized and bottled up on the internet. Therefore, it is easy to control and marginalize them. Anyone disagree?”

    You are just flaming, Hunter. It is juvenile to revert to that so often. You will notice all the solid leaders of the various tendencies rise above this. Although it is probably true that if your calling is as a blog-master then flaming can produce lively threads, but if you are ever going to move into the real world then consider leaving it behind. The problem with the flaming mentality as a style is that you always need to find a person to argue with. It is an internet phenomenon if ever there was an internet phenomenon.

  4. Shotgun,

    One further point – it’s my understanding that the “Traditionalist Youth Network” was founded to foster and promote these localized, regional identities wherever they may be found.


  5. To many other people who on the outside looking in, the problem is, to [WNsts], when it seems something goes wrong, they blame others for there own problems. Instead trying to fix the issue and create a healthy dialogue on race issues; they simply shout how great they are, how the Jews or the other is putting them down. It simply becomes [simply put], when in trouble, doubt or in fault, blame the Jews.

    This charge is tiresome. Where are the books, articles, podcasts or other media illustrating an unfair scapegoating of jews by WNsts?

  6. “crowley says:

    June 28, 2013 at 8:46 pm

    Edit: The “absolute doll” part I didn’t mean to quote. lol.”

    Ha! I can call him a doll, cause I’m a girl. Don’s the BEST!

  7. Hunter,

    What are your thoughts on SN throwing their weight (whatever that might be) behind a third party?

    My thinking is a third party at the State level could be a very powerful thing. It could drive a political wedge between Southern conservatives and the 50 State GOP, provide local control of State governments (think nullification and, eventually, secession) and, in the long run, create the alternate government that all successful revolutions have to have. I have read about a few parties and none of them seem to have more than about 5 people running them, it would be easy to co-opt an existing party for our purposes.

    To clarify, I’m not talking about a SN party, that would get little support from the wider conservative voters, just a run of the mill conservative, small government alternative to the GOP, but a defacto Southern party none the less. With a little time, we could win over the disgruntled Tea Party types in the region, they’re organised, motivated and like to donate.

    Nationalism is an emotional thing and I think if the new party does a good job of keeping their word then nationalism will seem like the only alternative as our politics drift farther and farther from US politics.

    Interested in any feedback.

  8. @Matt
    Jews are trouble makers alright, just as much as White liberals are. However WN can’t leave it at that, they attribute them supernatural powers for their success, instead of the simple fact they get of their backsides and do effective activism every day.

    WN create monsters under the bed and castles in the sky. They aren’t grounded in reality, because reality is hard work and it bores them.

  9. I’m not flaming anyone.

    That’s my honest diagnosis of the situation: terrified of Jews, bottled up on the internet, hopelessly disorganized, contained from public view, marginalized and retreating into escapist fantasies about “the collapse.”

    Things would change if WNs would get off the internet. It wouldn’t take much of a push for some organization to create a wave. Instead, there is just the next essay, the next comment, the next podcast, etc.

    Nothing will change until that cycle is broken. Just sayin’.

  10. “WN create monsters under the bed and castles in the sky. They aren’t grounded in reality, because reality is hard work and it bores them.”

    Quite true. Jews fight their perceived enemies and rarely attack each other. WNs just fight each other and spend the rest of their time “naming the Jew,” whatever that means. I think it is some sort of ritual where you just repeat the obvious over and over.

    The primary problem has already been identified here before.

    “White” is not an ethnicity, so WNs are not really ethnonationalists but rather something else. What that is neither I nor they can tell you coherently. Whatever it is, it is totally disconnected from any real tradition, living or dead.

    Most times I think they just want to kill all the Jews and would be perfectly happy to forego the whole nation thing altogether. I guess that is just a tacit acknowledgement that they will never be able to forge a “white” nation with the majority of anti-white whites who actually control the nation they do live in. They are just too badly outnumbered.

    I do wish they could be successful, but if SN is quixotic, WN is sheer fantasy.
    More’s the pity.

    Deo Vindice

  11. “attribute them supernatural powers for their success, instead of the simple fact they get of their backsides and do effective activism every day.”

    Well that’s the problem. Jews will always be more politically active in a State that isn’t their own. Are White people now expected to raise their kids to act like hyenas, constantly thinking about how to game the system? The point is Whites don’t want to create that kind of society and so Jews/Jewish ideology has no real business in being inside a foreign ethno-state.

  12. How does SNism not trade one set of very real problems for another set of very real problems?

    SNism narrows the focus from “white” and “abstract” to a particular place and people linked by shared history and traditions. Which is great; it solves many of the problems that plague WNism. The problem is that that the number of Southerners who think in terms of Dixie as a nation are becoming smaller and smaller number of people every year. So SNism has a numbers problem. The shared tradition and history don’t help Southerners if you can’t translate them into a mass movement. Mo mass movement means no power and no secession.

    A properly formulated WNism has the potential to draw support from millions and millions people. While such potential recruits would never be linked by any “organic tradition” or by culture, they would be linked by very real political interests. There is nothing “abstract” about common political interests. This is a factor that the people who bash WNsm over abstraction ignore.

    When the power structure means do you harm, and is doing you harm, there is nothing “abstract” about this. Think of it terms of local politics. Suppose your county government decides it’s going to raise your property taxes. You don’t need to like your neighbors to join with them to fight it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Catholic, your neighbor a protestant, and your others neighbor pagans, atheists or whatever, you don’t even to like each other to recognize a common interest in working together to defeat getting screwed by higher taxes.

  13. Do I really need to go on? Let see, the belief is the Jewish people is a world power. Really, a group of people who had been in the past lived at the mercy of the various people who at any time could back stab them. This cultivated to everyone’s favorite reign, the Nazis who blamed everything on them and not on the discombobulated terms of Versailles and the reasons behind it. France wanting to make Germany pay, Britain wanted a trading partner (and an ally just in case France fucks them over, the two countries are not always been friendly to each other, but not one who could rival her) and America had the whole fourteen points. Add in the Great Depression, the War Guilt Clause which was seen as a stain of honor, and the history of Antisemitism which also applied to all of Europe including Poland. The rest, history. The Jews had been at the mercy of various people throughout history yet they managed to survive despite all the whole near genocide of their people. Besides have you EVER been to a meeting at a synagogue with a bunch of Jews trying to figure out where to actually go out. Ask about scripture and its really bad. I’ve seen Star Trek arguments on whose the better captain of the Enterprise at conventions with more civility. Also fun fact, Israel has currently 34 parties (each with a chance of being elected unlike America where we have the Two Party System), 12 of them have seats. The list can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Israel. I’m trying and failing to understand how they could make a united front without arguing with each other on how it should be run. The books, there’s alot so I could give you a list, just felt like giving a few authors like Derek Jonathan Penslar, Viktor Karády, Abraham Foxman, those who wrote on Nazi Germany, William Nichols just to name a few. A book called The Fundamentalist Mindset: Psychological Perspectives on Religion, Violence … edited by Charles B. Strozier, David M. Terman, James W. Jones, Katherine A. Boyd is good example.

    Not all Jews were in banking as stated before yet the Jews were stereotyped as such. Yet there was a strong belief of this. Rothchilds lost alot during this reign. The British and French are the only two branches who even came out of it any better. Plus add in the whole nationalism that went on, I’m surprised that these guys are still around considering the whole loss of wealth. Its funny to me how are so powerful that people could not get what they are doing yet when ever a person in the past killed them, they could easily get away with it. Black Death anyone? During the Black Death the medieval people believed Jews poisoned the wells. As we know Black Death is caused by microbes, but back then it was unknown. So they would torture them to get false confessions. Spanish inquisition itself had this issue even though they refused spectral evidence [The first to do so]. During the crusades Jews would be executed as well as non Christians. Its not exactly unknown history here.

    Europeans were never a united branch of people, various whites existed and intermingled with each other and other peoples. Celts are different than Ango-Saxons and the Romans who differentiate from the Mongols, the Vikings who differentiate from the Persians who differentiate from the Tartars, Normans, Carthaginians, Trojans, Huns, Visigoths and Greeks for example. I agree with Hunter on that. The average white nationalist just does not get history. These ethnicity have tried to kill each other for generations. In my opinion they lack the understanding of this. They lack the understanding of how each differentiated from each other and added to the newly forming countries. This created the original multicultural countries of Europe before forming into what we have before colonialism with the discover of the new world. Add in colonialism and we have the various empires and other forms of multiculturalism creeping in. Plus the numbers we use are arabic as is some of the math like Algebra (comes from Arabic al-jabr pr “restoration”). We have the knowledge of the Romans and Greeks because of these Arabs who kept them AND THE FUCKING JEWS AND ARABS WHO TRANSLATED THEM!! To the outsiders, this lack of knowledge is yet another factor. You could bitch and moan all you want Lew about how Mighty and Powerful the Jews are, but here in reality they are a tiny minority with the same limited rights as any non ruler or wealthy enough to fuck with the rules. The idea that they are that powerful is hilarious considering how much they argue, get screwed over or assimilate.

    ” I don’t know much about Hitler. Except that last thing, about the Jews. There has never been a country that put its heel down on the Jews that ever lived afterwards.”
    -Huey Long [one of my favorite and weirdly enough recent discoveries]

  14. Matt,

    My question is where is the textual or audio evidence, in the person’s own words not your characterizations, that shows any WNist of significance believes what you say they believe about Jews?

    when it seems something goes wrong, they blame others for there own problems. Instead trying to fix the issue and create a healthy dialogue on race issues; they simply shout how great they are, how the Jews or the other is putting them down. It simply becomes [simply put], when in trouble, doubt or in fault, blame the Jews.

  15. I forgot the basis of the unholy trinity: Fear of the word ‘racist’. That is why you are alone Hunter. Most people outside WN aren’t aware of the Jews, but they are terrified of being called racist in public and so are most WN, despite their tough talk on Stormfront.

    I saw that May Day video and it was one of those things where you feel like you missed out on something big. Who cares about toucan beak nosed Jews, I want to stand with 8 Southerners and disrupt 400 Marxists, all while chanting anti-White at them. That was a victory worthy of a true White man!


    What’s he that wishes so?
    My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin:
    If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
    To do our country loss; and if to live,
    The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
    God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
    By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
    Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
    It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
    Such outward things dwell not in my desires:
    But if it be a sin to covet honour,
    I am the most offending soul alive.
    No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England:
    God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
    As one man more, methinks, would share from me
    For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
    Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
    That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
    Let him depart; his passport shall be made
    And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
    We would not die in that man’s company
    That fears his fellowship to die with us.
    This day is called the feast of Crispian:
    He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
    Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
    And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
    He that shall live this day, and see old age,
    Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
    And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’
    Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
    And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’
    Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
    But he’ll remember with advantages
    What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
    Familiar in his mouth as household words
    Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
    Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
    Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.
    This story shall the good man teach his son;
    And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
    From this day to the ending of the world,
    But we in it shall be remember’d;
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition:
    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

  16. @Hunter,

    There’s an article at Alt Right that advocates the destruction of nation-states and the cultivation of loyalty to race and civilization.

    Is this the article you’re referring to?


    The author starts out with a dig at OD:

    Before we get started for this second part, I would like to insist on something that wasn’t clear for all readers in my previous article: discarding Nation-States and emphasizing racial and civilizational kinship doesn’t mean believing in “some mythical Whitemanistan,” to borrow Matt Parrott’s phrase at Occidental Dissent, in the bygone days when that website was worth reading.

    Ouch. That’s unfair, but the article gets better from there:

    If it is true that people keep defining themselves as members of nations rather than as members of a race or a civilization, then what are they actually talking about when they complain that “Britain/America/France/etc. is under attack”? Quite simply it is their racial and civilizational identity, period. They may not be aware of it, but the content of what they rightly say is threatened is purely racial and civilizational.

    That’s very true and a little remarked-on point. Take Southern nationalism for instance. SNs don’t even pretend to care about the 20 million blacks in the South, or the 10 million Hispanics in Texas, or the millions of Yankee transplants in their midst. They care only about themselves: the white descendants of the 17th to 19th century settlers of the South, forged in the crucible of the WBTS. Since about 40% of the citizens of their ‘nation’ are actually unwanted interlopers (to them), their ‘nationalism’ is more accurately described as a blend of white racialism and Southern civilizationism. Southern blacks, Hispanics and Yankees need not apply.

    The problem now is that White identity is only acknowledged by enemies of Whites. As I said in a comment, “[w]hen there are flashmobs in America, it is officially Whitey that is attacked, and not ‘Yankee.’ Our enemies know who we are, because they know who they are. More and more, they define themselves by race, because it is what matters today. Only Whites seem to refuse to accept this fact. I think this Pan-Occidental awareness is there, and it is just crying out to be given a name. This should be the role of people like us: White identity cannot only be a negative one, given by our enemies. It has to become a positive one, and only we can achieve that. […] As I told an American friend recently: if you go to a North African neighborhood in Paris, you won’t be seen favorably just because, being non-French, you’ve not colonized Maghreb. We have to throw our ‘national’ glasses away, for they prevent us from seeing reality.”

    “Pan-Occidental awareness”, that’s a useful term. I’m going to add that to the lexicon of similar phrases summing up a common ideology, like “White Christian unity”, “White Internationalism” and “Western Civilizationism”. That ideology can be pithily defined as either we (whites worldwide) hang together, or surely we will hang separately.

    Now we have to disprove a second misconception, common in nationalist circles, that the European Union is, by definition, “our enemy,” and that the remedy to its unproven threat would be more emphasis on Nation-States.

    This canard is pretty much universal amongst conservatives: that the EU is the problem and that the nation-states are the solution. The nations of Europe, above all Britain and France, are 100% responsible for the mass influx of Third World immigrants to the continent; the EU had little if anything to do with it. If non-European immigration is to be stopped, it will have to be enforced continent-wide by the EU. Contra the conservatives and nationalists, it will take a transnational organization to clean up the mess left by the nation-states.

    The author then goes on to describe how the EU actually functions, which is misunderstood by about 99% of Europeans and 100% of everybody else. Another excellent source on the intricacies of the EU is the EUreferendum blog, run by Richard North. North is a staunch opponent of the EU, but also one of the single-most knowledgeable individuals on its inner workings.

    If the EU is really responsible for Europe’s current demise, how come that Norway, which doesn’t belong to the EU, is invaded to the point that 100 percent of the rapes, in Oslo, are committed by non-Whites? Would Britain really be better off if UKIP took power and managed to get the UK out of the Union? One of the arguments for leaving the EU is immigration restriction, but the European treaties on the matter were ratified by the States, and can be undone the same way (or, simply, not applied; the EU has no serious means to constrain a State to comply.)

    The example of Norway is the ultimate rebuttal to the anti-EU nationalists and conservatives: how is it that the most feminized, homosexualized, xenophilic and politically correct nation in Europe is *not* a member of the EU? In fact the EU is seen as too ‘reactionary’ by a large segment of the Norwegian left, and that’s why they want to stay out of it. If only. One day maybe…

    And it should be noted that mass immigration began long before Europe was politically integrated. When Enoch Powell delivered his “Rivers of Blood” speech, in 1968, Britain wasn’t even a member of the ancestor of the EU, the European Economic Community (that occurred five years later, in 1973). If the UK left the EU, the problem would be unchanged. The EU is an alibi for national failures. Thus, petty nationalists are either ignorant of how the EU works or simply dishonest. I leave the choice to their responsibility.

    “The EU is an alibi for national failures”. Exactly. The national politicians promote mass immigration and other civilization-destroying policies, then blame their actions on the supposedly all-powerful EU to escape the wrath of their voters. The EU is being used as a convenient scapegoat to cover the tracks of treasonous politicians.

    The politicians and bureaucrats currently ruling the EU are globalists, and they see Europe’s unity as a mere step towards a World Government, but the tool they’ve created could be used in a radically opposite way: if a European awakening occurred, this tool could indeed be useful in shaping common policies actually halting immigration from the Third World, for instance.

    The EU is new enough and flexible enough (unlike the ancient and rigid nation-states) to serve as the perfect vehicle for achieving the pro-white goals of the Occidentalists (to coin a phrase). First and foremost being stopping the immigration of non-Europeans completely and permanently.

    How will this be achieved? Above all with the ongoing admission of formerly communist Eastern European nations, each of which is chock full of ‘racist’, ‘anti-Semitic’, ‘Islamophobic’ and politically incorrect citizens compared to their rich, soft and decadent Western neighbours. They were the longtime victims of political and economic Marxism, but unlike the Western Europeans they never fell for the cultural Marxism that is now destroying the West. BTW, Croatia will join the EU as its 28th member state a little over 48 hours from now.

    More recently, “Western Civilization” as a geopolitical concept has been used by Neo-Conservatives to push forward their globalist agenda. But they might not be aware of the forces they have actually unleashed in doing that.

    True. “Western Civilization” has nothing to do with democracy or free markets and the like. It is simply the culture of European Christian people–and *only* European Christian people–writ large. We need to reclaim this important concept from our neocon globalist enemies: Western civilization = white civilization, it’s that simple.

    The whole article (part 2 of 3) and the comments are worth checking out.

  17. Definitely, HW. Met with John in Carolina for some BBQ earlier today. Had a great discussion about Southern nationalism. Then this evening met over in Augusta for some oysters and Georgia Brown beers (hard to beat!). An extremely productive planning session on advancing the meme ‘for us’ and kicking the SN activism into over-drive. Back home now enjoying a few brews and enjoying catching up on OD.

  18. The time has come to destroy Federal supremacy

    ‘Wake to see – your true emancipation is a fantasy /
    Policies have risen up and overcome the brave /
    Greatness dies, unsung and lost, invisible to history.’

  19. Lew, in theory that makes sense. In reality just look at the USA today for evidence that it doesn’t work. Why doesn’t the nearly all-White electorate of Vermont vote along with the small White majority of Mississippi? Why are the Whites in Vermont anti-White while the Whites in Mississippi are mostly pro-White? The two peoples are not connected have almost nothing in common other than biology – which clearly isn’t enough.

  20. “True. “Western Civilization” has nothing to do with democracy or free markets and the like. It is simply the culture of European Christian people–and *only* European Christian people–writ large.”

    Bernard somewhat naively describes a top down solution that presumes a self conscious rationalistic racial order could be imposed on a continental basis.
    Big dream, but I don’t think it works that way.

    Especially since the many nascent nationalist movements have yet to bear any fruit, which means he can easily dismiss them as a viable alternative. I seriously doubt that the EU will function as he describes absent nationalism. Loyalty proceeds outward from the smallest social unit to the largest, not the other way around.

    Perhaps his judgment is skewed by the so broad as to be completely meaningless term “Western Civilization.” Are we talking Rome, Christendom, or Modern Europe? None of these are the same civilization. The way you define it, I believe you mean Christendom, which is almost completely defunct in the Europe of today. Good luck reviving that corpse.

    Deo Vindice

  21. My suggestion, put that May Day video in a prominent place on every Southern website. Whites require inspiration. We want honor and glory. The more victories you gain like that and display like trophies, the more followers you will gain.

  22. Hunter Wallace says:

    I’m not flaming anyone.

    ‘That’s my honest diagnosis of the situation: terrified of Jews,’

    Hunter, if you earned your living as a writer you wouldn’t talk so sassy about fearing the jew.

    If Limbaugh dared to expose the kikenvermin he’d be GONE in a heartbeat. EVERY columnist, talking head and TV personality knows this to be true.

    Politicians would see their PAC monies dry up and the media would crucify them if they unloaded on the chosenim.

    Kiss Shlomo’s backside and rise to the top. Expose their hideous ways and you will end up living in a van down by the river.

  23. It’s not as much that they fear the Jews as it is that they fear the Jews will actually look better in a debate.

    I mean the Jews don’t do well in debates with some of their inconsistencies, but I’m sure they can outdebate most white nationalists.

  24. Pro White Joe has it right. The requisite militancy depends upon spiritual recovery which produces the courage and other qualities necessary. The 300 at Thermopylae knew their lives were forfeit when they marched into the pass.

    “Terrified of Jews” simply translates into terrified of “living in a van down by the river.”

    Spiritually dead people are incapable of manifesting any resistance to the subversive order of the day. The barbaric hegemons of the egalitarian order, be they Jews, negroes, Mooslims, or whatever, are performing the necessary work of destroying the current materialistic order.

    They are here to break the legs of every Emily Gundelsberger, to rape and kill those who are too materialistically oriented and spritually dead to defend their own. Those whose greatest fear is “living in a van down by the river.”

    “We would not die in that man’s company
    That fears his fellowship to die with us.”

    Deo Vindice

  25. When the reprisals start against those who harm our people, you will know whites have regained the spirit necessary for their survival. Until then, the enemies will continue the perversion of the natural order and put the skeer into whites to keep them in line.

    We must regain our fighting spirit. The sword of the Lord and of Gideon…

    Once that happens, it won’t really matter who won the debate or who “looked better.”

    Deo Vindice

  26. The two peoples are not connected have almost nothing in common other than biology . . ..

    I wouldn’t even go so far as to link biology. Most Southrons are of British stock, while most (or at least, many) New Englanders are southern or eastern European. Both white, but different types of whites.

    Since I (hopefully) have your attention – is there a glitch in your site? My posts aren’t going through.

  27. Of course they will not believe or say what I said. No white Nationalist wants to be characterized like that. They would never admit that they simply blame others for their problems. Geeze if Hitler said “I’m simply blaming the Jews,” then they wouldn’t have voted for him. None of the Nazis would have in fact. Scapegoating is not a very good election platform. A white nationalist would never say it up front. In their own words their protecting their race not blaming others for their mistakes even if the people they are blaming had no secure the ability to have rights.

    Sorry for the late reply, finishing an essay.

  28. . . . while most (or at least, many) New Englanders are southern or eastern European.

    Before the storm hits, let me clarify that I am not anti-Italian, anti-Russian, or whatever else the white nationalists might like to call me.

  29. “What’s the unemployment rate of the white nationalists? It’s probably higher than the black unemployment rate (…) There are losers.”

    Isn’t it Talmudic to equate truth with prosperity? Money talks, as well as might makes right.

  30. Matt,

    I still think you’re a little off base there, but thanks for answering. Try to keep an open mind on it. If you’re not already doing it, look carefully at what the best WNists say about the subject. I think you’ll find less real scapegoating and blaming going on than you think. Even Hitler discussed many other matters.

  31. Isn’t it Talmudic to equate truth with prosperity? Money talks, as well as might makes right.

    Mosin, there is a person at Counter Currents who signs under the name of Jeago, a Christian I believe. By combining his comments and your comments, one could assemble a book of aphorisms and wisdom crafted in beautiful prose.

  32. What is even the policy here on the JQ anyway? I hear arguments about who to blame, what borders should be drawn up, who is white, whether Jews are supernatural or not etc… but I can’t find any proposal on whether Jews should be allowed as citizens within any ethno-state; What rights and powers they would have and whether their loyalties are in question?

  33. There is no policy here. You are entitled to your own opinion. Tell us what you think.

    Deo Vindice

  34. Hunter – I’m gonna be in Dixie in August. I am with you on the Jew thing. What are we doing?

    John K – in the coming White Empire – I will be in charge of Die Jude.

  35. If the nation were founded on the multiracial caste elitist, slave-based culture, secular model that this blog recommends, it would not only allow and admit but be founded and led by.

  36. Not to mention the worship of Negro music and Negro-influenced music, and Negro performers. Too many whites don’t have their own ethnic music in their blood, and prefer the strange sound of strange flesh.

  37. You all sound so bitter. Instead of brooding about continual WN fail, look on the bright side. The Avatar put the kikenvermin in the Holohoax in spite of Negro influence, after all. Dust yourselves off, get back out there and name them Jews, dammit.

    Deo Vindice

  38. Too many whites worship a Jewish god. They totally subordinate themselves to a Jewish Christ. The very religion of the white race is Jewish. The Bible is Jewish from cover to cover. It is therefore not surprising that Jews dominate the white race. Jews will dominate for as long as Christianity exists.

    Liberalism and anti-racism are the children of Christianity; both are directly derived from it. It is also obvious that the character Jesus is in fact a repressed homosexual, if not an actual practicing one, in the pages of the New Testament. Many of the early Christians were simply a sect of homosexuals, practicing homosexual orgies in tribute to Jesus. Judas Iscariot was a scorned “bottom” who got mad at Jesus for taking another apostle to bed after The Last Supper, instead of him. “He is risen” is a reference to…(Okay, I made up that last part, but the rest is true.)

  39. Yes, there were more than a few homosexuals in the early Nazi party, especially the Rohm wing. Facts are facts. So, too, were more than a few early Christian sects.

    I don’t know if the above post was meant to make me go on the defensive or start shouting, but if so, no. I am one of the apparently rare people who can objectively accept facts without being greatly bothered or by having an emotional outburst if it involves one of my “hobby horses.” Most people simply can’t do this. For example the people in the North who don’t like certain facts brought out, such as this site does. Or Southerners who don’t like certain facts brought out. Or WN who don’t like to hear that white people don’t necessarily need Jews to corrupt them or make them anti-white. Or Conservatives who can’t bear hearing certain facts about themselves or the republican party. Or people who can’t bear to hear their grandfathers or fathers fought on the wrong side of certain wars. And so on and so forth.

    There are a great many aspects, premises, and doctrines of Christianity that are simply detrimental to our race. But, alas, far too many whites are not mature enough to cope with these facts and instead try to shout them away because of a deep emotional attachment that they were conditioned to since practically birth.

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