Greek PM to American Jewish Committee: Pledges To Do “Whatever It Takes” To Eradicate Golden Dawn and “Deracinate” the Greek People

New York

Can you believe the chutzpah? Could it possibly be more obvious that the Greek Prime Minister is a Jewish puppet?

“NEW YORK (AP) — Greece’s prime minister said Monday his government will do “whatever it takes” to completely eradicate the extreme-right Golden Dawn party, whose neo-Nazi leaders have just been arrested.

I believe that they will realize that they should not follow the party that has such extreme ideological positions and ideas,” he told a meeting in New York of AJC, the American Jewish Committee, which advocates globally on Jewish issues.

Samaras, in New York to attend the U.N. annual meeting of world leaders, added that he does not believe the party will return with greater popularity because its leaders will be viewed as victims or martyrs. Golden Dawn’s approach and thinking about politics is “so negative” and “so hideous … (and) so catastrophic to Greeks and Greece that I do not believe they might come back,” he said.

On several occasions in his speech and the questions that followed, Samaras used the word “deracinate” — meaning uproot or eradicate — to describe his government’s goal. He said Greek authorities reacted decisively in “identifying the culprits” of alleged crimes by Golden Dawn leaders and those “who possibly stand behind them.”

The judicial system is now in charge — not the government and it will “take care of them” and it “will deracinate this phenomenon from Greece,” he said. …

“What to me is important is to deracinate totally this group, and the only way you can do it is when unemployment will start falling,” he said.

“That’s what we’re planning to do, and hopefully this will be done, and this will establish a precedent … for the rest of Europe.”

Update: The Greek PM met with all the major Jewish organizations in New York on September 25: the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and the ADL.

Note: The Greek prime minister flew to New York, sat down from breakfast with the American Jewish Committee, and told them to loud applause that he was going to do “whatever it takes” to eradicate Golden Dawn and “deracinate” the Greek people. The American Jewish Committee then released a statement saying “the forces of violent extremism are a threat to society and will not be tolerated.”

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Jeppo

    The Progress Party has just joined with the new Conservative government in coalition in Norway, so they are now officially in power.

  2. In my leftie days I always thought it was a good sign that there was an independent right party with nationalistic leanings that could get 7-10% of the vote. The American situation is unnatural, all the nationalists are either not voting or are rolled up in the GOP!

  3. Believe it or not, American “nationalists” who vote for the GOP have Israeli nationalism confused with American nationalism. The rest have rejected the political system and are basically waiting for the collapse of the American Empire.

  4. The question is: in the universe of right-leaning parties that exist throughout Europe, why is Jewry focusing on destroying GD when there are other supposedly more successful parties to pick on? I’ll leave that as an intellectual exercise for the GD critics here.

  5. They’re setting up a situation like suppressing fires in the forest. Eventually when the detritus gets too high the flames consume all. In the past they could country hop and start over. Where are they going to go. I don’t believe the Chinese are going to welcome them the way they need dominate and without US support the homeland in Israel becomes a dead end. We’re reaching “Peak Jew”.

  6. I agree with Lew that if GD has forced organized jewry (a redundancy) to have to violate their own pseudo-democratic principles to repress it, they’ve done something marvelously right, but I have to say as a nordic person, their mediterranean ways are foreign to me. Some of the disinformation out there that’s trying to discredit them has ceded territory to the anti-immigration front by trying to distance their criticism from that particular angle. That is a good thing. (Have I made this point on this site already)
    It’s nigh impossible to defend the jews, the ultimate ethnonationalists, and somehow defend immigration in the same article. It also reflects that too many whites don’t want immigration so that’s a tougher place to score points. The Greek government has clinics only open to immigrants and are simultaneously trying to ban GD from their greek only charity drives. Neither the outrageous benefits taken from natives to give to the immigrants, nor the inter-racial crime rates, can be defended while attacking GD on those issues.

    So some of the more sophisticated disinformants punt on the issue altogether, choosing to focus instead on the alleged neo-nazism. I say if GD has made this much headway in establishing immigration as not so easily defensible, they’ve already made great strides.

  7. When they say “never forget”. Prevent white people to form a nationalist socialist point of view. When Greece does become a national socialist. It could lead to a dominos effect throughout Europe lead to a revolt and exclude everything we now bare witness; taking out the garbage.

  8. Sam2 says:
    October 2, 2013 at 3:14 pm

    “They’re setting up a situation like suppressing fires in the forest.”

    IMO, a better analogy is they are spreading gasoline all over the forest.

    When you shout down and jail all opposition, as the anti-Whites have been doing for decades, eventually you will get to a point, where there are no reasonable people left to talk to.

  9. From RichardPW’s linked Reuters article: It appears the Golden Dawn aspire to Vampirism, for Michos shouted: “You can only stop us with bullets. Even from the grave, we will rise up — know this well!”

  10. Okay, so we’ve all commented quite a bit, but overall we just keep digging deeper into our own internet ditch-grave. GD did something, lots of things! We’ve done nothing. We have a bunch of pretty boys fancying themselves fancy, jetsetting around and holding ‘important’ conferences.

    That’s what we white americans have. Basically nothing. I used to think that with our 1st and 2nd amendments, we might be a beacon, but I’ve come to start to accept that the US is gone. We can’t overcome the sheer numbers and whites are too busy playing class warfare on each other or racking up imaginary virtual points on some internet site.

  11. GD are brave fellows.

    “The Gestapo had 40,000 officials watching a country of 80 million, while the Stasi employed 102,000 to control only 17 million” Simon Weisenthal.

    It’s interesting how a security service is much smaller when the government’s actually run on behalf of the actual majority. I’m afraid to look at American ratios of FBI/ATF etc etc and the general population.

  12. “From RichardPW’s linked Reuters article: It appears the Golden Dawn aspire to Vampirism, for Michos shouted: “You can only stop us with bullets. Even from the grave, we will rise up — know this well!”

    Mosin- either that, or the Resurrection of Orthodox Autarky.

  13. Fr John, your godly sense of humour is strong. You knew I was joking about the vampires. Now “Orthodox Autarky” — that sounds as ethno-national Christian as possible!

  14. ThinJim, I’ve tried to get advocacy groups together made up of race realists/WN’s, some with people from both the hardcore camp and the more moderate pro-whites, and some with just moderates. I’ve volunteered to help the local GD. I help to moderate a blog.

    No one wants to do anything. RR’s hide generally, and wallow in their sanctitude while accomplishing zilch. Do you know that to exchange certain info with the local GD probably lands me on some major list?

    I’d like to know what the H you’ve done. Mostly, though, I’d like for people to face that there’s something very sick in the pro-white movement in the US. People think blabbing on the internet accomplishes something.

    It doesn’t. These fancy conferences accomplish nothing for the most part. We need to face that we’re not helping our cause and figure out why we’re not and how we can change so that we make some progress. If there is any chance for some to be made at this late date.

  15. Michos was talking in a way appeared biblical.

    What is orthodox Autarchy anyway?

  16. “Samaras has said the government was “crushing extremism”

    Unscrupulous few. Driven by “extremism” of pitting ethnic’s against ethnic’s. Wives against husbands. Kids against parents. Women against men. They thrive in this for their own ends. Without “extremism, the world will be a much better place to all. How do we dislodge “extremism from planet earth!

  17. NYYankees – I feel your pain.

    My advice is to do solid activism yourself, or with a few sane, tested associates. Organize along something else that is implicitly pro White, but not explicitly pro White – these explicit pro White groups attract loons, losers, loners, conspiracy mongering nut cases, plus Feds, Antifa agent provocateurs etc.

    If you are naturally conservative, try to join, lead something Conservative – but if the Conservative group, organization has gone full renegade anti White, race denying, Jew worshipping etc. get away.

    Many sports groups, hobbies are very White – hockey, nature preservation. Birth control movements are usually against the non White criminals etc.

    I’m doing two man activism next week in Tennessee. I’m pay for adverts , doing PR work, my college friend is sponsoring, doing public speaking.

    Yes , NYYankees – the American WN Internet world is a chaotic, disfunctional place where nothing much gets done. But, things aren’t as bad in the real world.

  18. NYYankees says:
    October 3, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    “No one wants to do anything.”

    Because none of what you suggest has worked. The definition of stupid is doing something over and over, when it did not work in the past.

    “lands me on some major list?”

    Good news, you are already on a list by saying anything on the Internet, in the last 10-15 years. The NSA has you and everyone Pro White in the world, on a list already.

    “I’d like to know what the H you’ve done.”

    The clues are all here. If you are a seeker you will find them. My group is beating them at their own game.

    “Mostly, though, I’d like for people to face that there’s something very sick in the pro-white movement in the US. ”

    Well you saw it in this thread. Dysfunctional people that should be under the care of a psychiatrist, control the purse strings in WN. They have controlled the movement since Adolf Hitler.

    “People think blabbing on the internet accomplishes something. ”

    Internet activism is real activism. Every bit as real as making biased Hollywood movies, making biased news broadcasts, or creating biased school curriculums to brainwash young children. If the recipients are real, the medium used is irrelevant.

    Why do you think they censor the MSM and every internet website the control? Why do you think they are shutting down comment sections under MSM stories?

    If you send a message that works, you are dangerous. If you post random ineffective/counter productive blabber, like the millions of morons out there, you are harmless.

  19. “Believe it or not, American “nationalists” who vote for the GOP have Israeli nationalism confused with American nationalism. The rest have rejected the political system and are basically waiting for the collapse of the American Empire.”

    It will not collapse any time soon since, unbeknownst to many, the US economy is supported by all the oil consuming nations of the world. How so, you might (as I did) ask? This web site explains it better than I could;
    For those who are not interested in reading that article the gist of its content is thus:
    “Oil can be bought from OPEC only if you have dollars. Non-oil producing countries, such as most underdeveloped countries and Japan, first have to sell their goods to earn dollars with which they can purchase oil. If they cannot earn enough dollars, then they have to borrow dollars from the WB/IMF, which have to be paid back, with interest, in dollars. This creates a great demand for dollars outside the U.S. In contrast, the U.S. only has to print dollar bills in exchange for goods. Even for its own oil imports, the U.S. can print dollar bills without exporting or selling its goods. For instance, in 2003 the current U.S. account deficit and external debt has been running at more than $500 billion. Put in simple terms, the U.S. will receive $500 billion more in goods and services from other countries than it will provide them. The imported goods are paid by printing dollar bills, i.e., “fiat” dollars.”

  20. “They’re setting up a situation like suppressing fires in the forest….In the past they could country hop and start over…We’re reaching “Peak Jew”.”

    Anti-semitism is caused by Jewish behavior – particularly “Is it good for the Jews?” being the sole basis for their morality so globalizaion will naturally lead to global anti-semitism.

    Unfortunately the most likely outcome of “Peak Jew” will have them fleeing to Israel where amidst a great wailing and gnashing of teeth the insane paranoia they self-induce to give them tribal cohesion will lead to their “Samson Option.”

  21. “It doesn’t. These fancy conferences accomplish nothing for the most part. We need to face that we’re not helping our cause and figure out why we’re not and how we can change so that we make some progress. If there is any chance for some to be made at this late date.”

    Look,it’s simple. The enemy is a global centralized socialist/Marxist bureaucracy run from the EU hq in Brussels and the UN hq in New York.

    If you want to stop the anti-white “anti-racist” ad blitzes, the anti-white and anti-Western educational curricula,massive Third World immigration,the global Jewish nation-wrecking of European nations, and the exporting of this system to all countries around the world, start there. If you network with others,network to accomplish this. Network to harass,disempower,hound,scrutinize, and blitz these fuckers at the foot of their European and American strongholds. Then you change the tempo of the battle from them attacking/us defending to us on very strong offense and them playing a weak and desperate defense that they have no hope of succeeding at.

    Throw the U.N. out of America, throw the EU out of Europe, one country at a time. Without these platforms, they will be in a bad way and then all we have to do is run them to ground.

    Make these goals your goals,for these actions strengthen the GLOBAL resistance by all of our folk,and may all of the gods of our folk,old and new, bless all of their anointed heroes and warriors. May the light of European civilization never perish from this earth.

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