Greek PM to American Jewish Committee: Pledges To Do “Whatever It Takes” To Eradicate Golden Dawn and “Deracinate” the Greek People

New York

Can you believe the chutzpah? Could it possibly be more obvious that the Greek Prime Minister is a Jewish puppet?

“NEW YORK (AP) — Greece’s prime minister said Monday his government will do “whatever it takes” to completely eradicate the extreme-right Golden Dawn party, whose neo-Nazi leaders have just been arrested.

I believe that they will realize that they should not follow the party that has such extreme ideological positions and ideas,” he told a meeting in New York of AJC, the American Jewish Committee, which advocates globally on Jewish issues.

Samaras, in New York to attend the U.N. annual meeting of world leaders, added that he does not believe the party will return with greater popularity because its leaders will be viewed as victims or martyrs. Golden Dawn’s approach and thinking about politics is “so negative” and “so hideous … (and) so catastrophic to Greeks and Greece that I do not believe they might come back,” he said.

On several occasions in his speech and the questions that followed, Samaras used the word “deracinate” — meaning uproot or eradicate — to describe his government’s goal. He said Greek authorities reacted decisively in “identifying the culprits” of alleged crimes by Golden Dawn leaders and those “who possibly stand behind them.”

The judicial system is now in charge — not the government and it will “take care of them” and it “will deracinate this phenomenon from Greece,” he said. …

“What to me is important is to deracinate totally this group, and the only way you can do it is when unemployment will start falling,” he said.

“That’s what we’re planning to do, and hopefully this will be done, and this will establish a precedent … for the rest of Europe.”

Update: The Greek PM met with all the major Jewish organizations in New York on September 25: the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and the ADL.

Note: The Greek prime minister flew to New York, sat down from breakfast with the American Jewish Committee, and told them to loud applause that he was going to do “whatever it takes” to eradicate Golden Dawn and “deracinate” the Greek people. The American Jewish Committee then released a statement saying “the forces of violent extremism are a threat to society and will not be tolerated.”

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks, Lew. You are a true gent, and a very very smart cookie.

    The “Richard’s” are nothing to me. Children. Irrelevant static.

    Global Zog just bared it’s fangs. I understand Jobbik is next. We’ve gotten a full on look at the Vamp. We’ve already seen the blood-drenched, gore-bespattered Vampyre. Many many others are seeing this vile Hellspawn, for the VERY first time….

  2. Dixie Girl – I have it on good authority that LOADS of Gubmint Paychex whore are going to be “furloughed” due to the Gubmint shutdown. Good. This MEANS the White Wonks will be replaced with Muds, when Da Gubmint is up and running again.


    Those White Paychex RACE TRAITORS will not be able to disdain the White Trash for very much longer. They may need the assistance of said White Trash, who know how to survive, in very short order. They will learn, or die

  3. The crackdown on Golden Dawn illustrates the Jewish “power triangle” in action. The three vertexes of “power triangle” are: 1) Mass Media, 2) Politics, and 3) Finance.

    Jews have a chokehold on Greece through their and finance and banking scams, and their mass media constantly lies about GD making it impossible for ordinary people to make informed decisions about GD or understand why GD does what they do.

    It’s only in the politics “vertex” of the triangle that Jews can’t push their agenda without indispensable help from the powerful goyim who are willing to work with them. Jews don’t hold formal state power in Greece and can’t order police actions and arrests. So, in this case, Jews have no choice but to rely on goyim to execute the crackdown. It’s still Jews (who support nationalism for Jews of course) driving the crackdown.

    Don’t ever fall for the dishonest it’s not “only Jews.” The truth is that it’s not “only Jews” working against white civilization in one vertex of the power triangle, government and politics. Politics and government are only ONE of THREE primary vectors of Jewish power and control. It is only Jews waging war on white civilization through mass media and close to only Jews in finance because they are so overrepresented in the key institutions.

    A perennial question in these circles is why do people not rise up? Part of the explanation for this, quite obviously, is that they’re busy trying to survive. Meanwhile, Jewish media hides the facts, pushes propaganda and does not, again, give people the information they need to make informed decisions.

    In politics and other institutions, whether church or government, as long as them elites at the top of the hierarchy are willing to cooperate with them and allow themselves to be subverted, there is no defense against the Jewish strategy. No people can withstand their own elites with access to state power working against them.

  4. Two points: 1) try to use the word anti-jewish or anti-judaism or anti-imperialism. The whole concept of the term anti-semitism validates that jewish people are resented for irrational reasons, for things they cannot control. But they can control their choice of values, of ideology and morals. The sleight of rhetoric the jews employ to somehow distract from the fact that europeans have the natural reaction to jewish racism and exploitativeness is not one we should legitimize. When they’re promoting themselves they’re a religion, but when they’re on the attack, using offense as the best defense, they’re suddenly just a biological ethnicity. Bringing the focus back to the issue, their value system and ideology, is the best way to hold them accountable. I have no problem copping to being anti-judaism. None whatsoever. I’m pro-White and therefore anti the racist imperialism that is judaism.

    This links to the second point. 2) don’t feed into jewish and ZOG propaganda that their critics are all nazis. I know everyone knows this, but want to reiterate how vital it is to elucidate that judaism’s new world order is the modern day equivalent to Hitlerism, with it’s hate crime, hatespeech thought control and it’s ‘deracination’ of native europeans, etc. Don’t allow them to manipulate the average person into equating defending against them with Hitler’s nazism. We are the defenders of the free world, it was our men who fought for democracy in WWII, not jewish enablers. It was our nationalist defiance of tyranny that made us triumph. Zionist repression of the democratic process is the modern day fascism; it’s worth our while to remind or inform people of this.

  5. more of the same says:
    October 1, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    “Thanks Richard PW for your input. I’m a jewaholic just about ready to jump off the wagon.”

    I was in the same place as you and all it took was to notice one thing and the spell was broken. For me, it was the ancient White civilization of India, browned itself out and went down, long before Jews ever existed.

    Whites have a Treason problem and it destroys perfectly good civilizations. That is something we have to work on.

  6. How do common street gangs deal with treason within their ranks? Do they blame an external gang for all their woes and studiously ignore/forgive all traitors? Or do they deal with traitors harshly, to put fear into the hearts of anyone else, that might consider of betraying?

    To a street gang, loyalty is life disloyalty is destruction. They behave rationally, because the real world forces them to.

  7. If you put the phrase “anti-white” in front of the word “jew” then “naming” would be effective.

    But IMO that will never happen because the jewsers are the other half of Jew Inc.’s publicity team and funding for the great leaders of the jew obsessives comes from Team J.

    So if jewsers were to suddenly start adding “anti-white” in front of “jew” funding for the jewser leaders would dry up faster than you can say “Frank Collins.”

    What Samaras basically told the jews is that he is all for genocide, I know you guys would rather write an essay than use that word but there it is. Its basic Judaism, the goyim are blank slates for the jews to “help” become fully human, that is their entire script.

  8. IMO Richard let us face it the anti-white jews label us “racists” and it has been very effective at stifling any opposition. We rightwingers had the power of definition when we had the word “communist” but lo and behold the bastard Russian sneaks did away with it and now we are stuck mumbling code words.

    But I’ll be honest if a campaign to put “anti-white” in front of “jew” takes off there will be a big time pushback from the jewsers faster than you can say “Frank Collins.” Most jewsers are mystics pursuing a religion and not part of any conspiracy but their work enables Jew Inc. to offer a counter script of the heavenly nice jew who only wants to help if we whites are corralled and not allowed to guide our own destinies or something like that. But if the moral superiority scam is stripped from Jew Inc, oh snap, better get on the internet and nip that “anti-white jew” thing in the bud.

  9. Anyway to the detractors of BUGs we are not hobby horse riders looking to “plan” or take in “contributions” we are merely white men and women seeking FREE SPEECH for Whites so we can pursue a future for our children and their children and so on to infinity.

    What is so wrong with free speech for Whites? Then you can plan and form explicit white orgs that can take in contributions far beyond the little groups now.

  10. This discussion is supposed to be about the Jewish role in the crackdown on GD. Whitaker’s monomaniacal dolts spam every discussion with the same points no matter what the topic. This is pretty much the definition of hobby horse riding which is against this blog’s rules according to Jack Ryan. It’s disruptive and really amounts to contempt for the readership.

    The Greek PM met with all the major Jewish organizations in New York on September 25: the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, the World Jewish Congress, B’nai B’rith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the World Jewish Congress, and the ADL.

    The Greek prime minister flew to New York, sat down from breakfast with the American Jewish Committee, and told them to loud applause that he was going to do “whatever it takes” to eradicate Golden Dawn and “deracinate” the Greek people. The American Jewish Committee then released a statement saying “the forces of violent extremism are a threat to society and will not be tolerated.”

  11. Just watch Netanyahu on the TV at the gym.

    1. He’s got good speech writers.

    2. He brought up a story about his grand father getting beaten by a German mob (claims it happened in the 19th century) “oy Vey, that a descendent of the McAbees (sic)
    Should be face down in the mud!” is what he said his grandfather said.

    These people do not like Europeans. They forget nothing forgive nothing and invent nothing but libel.

  12. It was also intersting that he brought up Maccabees, given that in the other room he’s just raped Helen with Samaras acting as Cup Bearer.

  13. I don’t understand why the American Jewish Committee, which is composed of super wealthy Jews concentrated in New York City, would want to get this deeply involved in Greece?

    What does the AJC have to gain, and why would they put themselves in a position that will surely blowback on them. Is it Jew hubris, Jew stupidity, the Jew messiah complex—this Jew involvement in Greece doesn’t make any sense.

  14. The Jewish involvement in Greece has a lot of sense: Golden Dawn’s success can be an inspiration for nationalist movements all over Europe. Actually, GD is already the most successful nationalist party in Europe and it has shown how the things should be done – street activism, charity for the poor of Greece and an uncompromising message: Greece for the Greeks, the immigrants out, the traitors should be punished.

  15. It’s because GD isn’t controlled opposition or ineffective opposition. This is Jewry’s interests. GD was winning real power, getting their message out and converting people to nationalists ideas. Jews play the long game. They understand that if GD succeeds, it will light a fire in every white nation. This is stomping GD is at the top of their list. The upside is that when they suppress anything, they reveal their hand by showing the world what they fear. The GD model is the way forward everywhere.

  16. The Jews are selling off Greece to Turkey. Didn’t you see the story about Cyprus? Rhodes?
    It’s a form of enslavement now. Golden Dawn didn’t rack up the Greek Sovereign debt. Samaras’s party did that. Golden Dawn didn’t collectively stab the Wigger Rapper either.

  17. Pavlos Fissas looks like a very swarthy customer. No doubt his lyrics are about killing whitey just like the 80% of hip hop that isn’t about raping white women.

  18. Pavlos Fissas AKA “Killah P” killed by a Greek Truck Driver.

    If American Hip Hop artists recast themselves as Martyred Antifas, do their cut short-Aspirations
    Mean that the GOP gets banned?

  19. And he means it all.

    It’s interesting that KillahP was writing lyrics that advocate pissing on YT’s face and stabbing him. There is also plenty of lethal violence carried out by Greek Antifa. A 35 year old pet shop owner with no affiliation to GD was murdered with knitting needles by a left wing mob who mistook him for a skinhead.

    You will have such thugs facing you in Shelbyville btw. They want to draw blood too.

  20. “There is also plenty of lethal violence carried out by Greek Antifa. A 35 year old pet shop owner with no affiliation to GD was murdered with knitting needles by a left wing mob who mistook him for a skinhead. ”

    Gestapo’s Antifa of Internationalist.

  21. Antifa paint a swastika every shop owner Greeks and for Greeks wear a swastika arm band and ship them to Israel camps.

  22. Antifa drool at the mouth that is white, well behaved, and clean. We should all wear a swastika band so that we are indeed Nazis.

  23. Wiggerism; they promote filth. White kids rather than behave as whites. Imitate the jungle stuff through music. dress in ragity clothe, lack of clensiness,piercing, tattoo etc. they purposely do this to neutralize their identity.

  24. I think we should be building besides our own movements inside our respective countries, a pan-european one, and that we should be making it ‘official’ just like these world jewish congresses, etc. We should then make statements about what’s happening in other countries like Greece, for eg, so that there is some official body that spreads the actual truth and gets their own pro-white message out.

    Who on earth are the jews to think they can run Europe?!

  25. “There is also plenty of lethal violence carried out by Greek Antifa. A 35 year old pet shop owner with no affiliation to GD was murdered with knitting needles by a left wing mob who mistook him for a skinhead. ”

    Regardless if the shop owner was a GD Member or not. The scumbags did not mistake him of anything. He represents the GD Greek nation. And the rapper who was killed. He represents rot that antifa are up in arms now.

  26. Weimar Germany NSDAP eradicated filth whom the Jews and more so Germans who indulged and for profits. (Movie Cabbarrat) Germany and its Axis was a short period Renaissance. This is something they cannot grasp. They will continue to be destroyers.

  27. Actually, GD is already the most successful nationalist party in Europe

    Huh? Golden Dawn is not remotely close to being the most successful nationalist party in Europe. In two elections in 2012 they won less than 7% of the vote both times. Before that they had never won even 1% of the vote in any election. And now they–unlike any other nationalist party in Europe, even the NPD in Germany–are on the verge of being banned. Golden Dawn are not “an inspiration for nationalist movements all over Europe”, rather they are the template of what NOT to do.

    Here is just a partial list of nationalist/rightwing populist/euroskeptic/anti-immigration parties that have had more electoral success than GD:

    UKIP in Britain
    National Front in France
    Vlaams Belang in Belgium
    Geert Wilders’ PVV in Holland
    Lega Nord in Italy
    The Swiss Peoples Party
    The Danish Peoples Party
    The True Finns
    The Progress Party in Norway
    Jobbik in Hungary
    The Greater Romania Party
    Ataka in Bulgaria
    The Freedom Party in Austria

    I couldn’t be bothered researching every country in Europe to find more, and I’m not counting parties that are polling higher than 7% now but have yet to achieve that in a general election, like the Sweden Democrats. Also, please note that–unlike GD–all of these parties are going concerns.

    If you’re looking for a model for nationalist parties going forward, then you should forget GD and take a closer look at the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ). Two days ago they finished in third place in the election there with 21.4% of the vote. It’s possible, but unlikely, that they will end up forming part of the new governing coalition.

    The FPÖ’s leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, is probably the most popular politician in Austria, especially amongst young people. And their potential for future growth is very strong. Consider the BZÖ, a breakaway party founded by former FPÖ leader Jörg Haider. The BZÖ had some success under Haider, but started fading after his death, and has now failed to reach the 4% cutoff for seats in the Austrian parliament. It’s doubtful that they can survive without representation in the federal parliament, so the 3.6% of people who voted for them 2 days ago will likely return from whence they came: back to the FPÖ.

    Or consider the new euroskeptic party started by car-parts magnate Frank Stronach. They won 5.8% of the vote, enough for parliamentary representation. But this party is a one-man band, financed by the charismatic billionaire Stronach, who is the party’s only draw. He is 81 years old. Can this party (named Team Stronach) survive when its leader, bankroller and namesake inevitably retires or dies? I doubt it. So that’s a lot more votes that will likely gravitate towards the FPÖ.

    The two leading parties, the Social Democrats and the centre-right Peoples Party, will probably form yet another grand coalition, and as a result both parties’ popularity will continue to decline. They are only at about 27% and 23% respectively now. Which means that the next election is the FPÖ’s to lose. *That’s* the difference between the FPÖ, on the cusp of taking power next time around; and the GD, on the verge of being disbanded entirely. The former are winners and the latter are losers, it’s as simple as that.

    Let’s hope that the remnants of the GD, the nationalists, the conservatives, the populists, the euroskeptics and the immigration restrictionists can somehow regroup as a viable political party. But this time drop the fascist iconography, drop the streetfighting with Antifa hooligans, find a youthful and dynamic leader, and model themselves after Heinz-Christian Strache and the FPÖ. Then maybe Greek patriots can start achieving the kind of electoral success that Austrian patriots already enjoy.

  28. Golden Dawn are a bit too much in love with the trinkets and symbols, however Greece is actually a small recently impoverished Christian nation that borders the most powerful Muslim state in the Middle East. They are much more seriously threatened and much more seriously in peril than the Austrians. I can imagine that the Austrians would be invoking the Crooked Cross if they had a Turkish army sitting within a days march of Vienna to contend with. The Austrians? Rich, cocooned and complacent.

  29. Jeppo,

    If a guy who once read a piece of FPO party literature is attacked by an antifa, and uses lethal force in defending himself; and the ruling coalition subsequently bans their competition and imprisons its elected officials on ex post facto felonies, would your estimation of the party change from “winners” to “losers?” I’d be judicious in allowing our enemies to choose whom we exalt and whom we eschew.

    Though FPO sounds promising. Here is their platform. It’s difficult to imagine so-called American conservatives using, understanding, or approving of the term “autochthonous.”

  30. @Captain John,

    Actually there are far more Muslims, especially Turks, in Austria than there are in Greece. Greece is more of a gateway for them before they head up to rich Northern Europe. I see Turkish immigrants as a huge threat to Europe; the Turkish army not so much.


    You’re right. I hereby rescind my callous characterization of Golden Dawn as “losers”.

  31. I’ve been to Vienna. More Bosnian than Turk. Greece does actually share a border with Turkey. There are various places where they could have a war with Turkey in addition to that land border as well. Austria not so much. The Turks would have to plough through Serbia first. I’d say Hamburg is Turk central though.

  32. Don’t forget – massive il deposits have been discovered in Greek coastal waters.

    Another reason the SPAWN OF SATAN JEW KIKE DEVILS want to own Greece.

  33. Jeppo, I don’t necessarily disagree but you can wear a suit and tie and look respectable and say all the right things and still the system politicians and EU fanatics will do all they can to ban you if you represent a real threat to the status quo. The Flemish Vlaams Bloc was banned after they beat all the old parties in an election. Wilders had an absurd hate-speech trial not too long ago. The FN is under constant threat of being outlawed and watch the situation in Hungary with Jobbik; the hammer is about to fall on them next. So, your list is not very convincing, since things may change quickly and other parties are liable to be criminalized by the globalists just as GD. At any rate, what was done to GD is unbelievable on its face. Criminalizing a political party because somebody who may or may not have linked to it stabbed somebody in a brawl? I mean it’s just a juridical farce worthy of Stalin, but you won’t hear international mainstream media and human rights organizations complain or raise an eyebrow. On the contrary, they’re rejoicing at this crass political subterfuge, which is additional evidence that their professed love of democracy, etc., etc., etc. is nonsense and only works when people vote the correct way. If GD weren’t a real electoral threat it wouldn’t have been outlawed.

  34. Anyone who doubts the reality of a Jewish global agenda should look at this one. What clearer demonstration could there be of the controlling force behind the Jewish anti-white, anti-national, agenda?

    If Jews do not control the world’s governments, then why is the Greek Prime Minister reporting to his Jewish overlords in New York as he does their bidding?

  35. “They can’t ever seem to contribute anything that doesn’t boil down to attacking and undermining every person of good will who doesn’t do it their way. Accordingly, their comments are noise that should be ignored.”

    I feel the same way about the Lewsers.

  36. Jeppo,
    “And now they–unlike any other nationalist party in Europe, even the NPD in Germany–are on the verge of being banned. Golden Dawn are not “an inspiration for nationalist movements all over Europe”, rather they are the template of what NOT to do.”

    That’s true. The NPD are somewhat unsavory lot, but after what they’ve been put through it’s hard to blame them (too much). Despite suffering from a serious clown element, they are making strides. The broad election results (less than 2%) obscure what is happening at a deeper level. Young people (under 25) vote NDP at a rate some five times greater than people over 60. In the eastern (former commie) states the NPD gets 10% of the male under-25 vote.

    There’s similar far right growth all across Europe. Even the much maligned BNP had far and away its best ever result in 2010. The result bitterly disappointed supporters, but impatient racialists are the last people to consult on whether things are heading in the right direction or not. In fact, the far far right maligning you is probably the thing that can happen to a racialist-nationalist party. If the clowns stay away it lowers the psychological cost/risk of participation for “normal” people. This in turn allows the party to condition the culture to accept the existence of racialist-nationalist points of view as normal and unremarkable (as opposed to the “wow, just wow” reaction the opposition counts so heavily on). The Sweden Democrats are playing this game now and if they can keep the kooks from screwing them up I predict they’ll make a serious splash in the next election.

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