About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Interesting that politicians will stand up publicly to condemn something as benign as that sign. They are so offended.

    Yet, every day all over this country blacks and browns are beating, robbing, raping and killing Whites on street corners, restaurants, schools, buses, department stores and every place imaginable.

    Whites are being displaced and sit at the bottom of the pecking order.

    No one in authority relying on a paycheck from this tyrannical government is offended by the situation or will offer to lift a finger to help us or say as much as a single word supporting us.

    They all know the truth. Hunter’s ‘Color of Crime’ series shows clearly who the victims of this race war are. Studies and statistics by other sources also are available to everyone all over the internet.

    Not one of our elected leaders locally or nationally shows any concern whatsoever for White constituents.

  2. @ Whites are being displaced and sit at the bottom of the pecking order.

    These people do not know that. Probably they have never been very far from some whitebread one-stoplight street in Arkansas. Their world view is based on that little plot of grass they are standing on.

    A true exercise in small-town arrogance.

  3. Kind of funny in a way. As Sam points out these same politicians will do nothing to relieve their fellow Whites of the evils of forced integration and DIEversity but feel duty bound to condemn a sign telling what is becoming an obvious truth.

  4. Is there anything so spiritually debased as these white drones? I’d be morbidly curious to see if a jew could order them to toy soldier march in a circle until sundown.

    We don’t support this message.

    That’s not who we are.

    What can they believe this means? They are anti-white? They do support anti-whites?

    I would very much like to see a billboard saying: END VIOLENCE AGAINST WHITES.

    And then to watch some wind-up politician intone to the camera:

    We don’t support this message.

    That’s not who we are.

    Perhaps even a glimmer of cognitive dissonance would be visible for a moment.

  5. Lew says:

    ‘Chances are, they support the Tea Party.’

    I know many folks who belong to or are sympathetic with the Tea Party.

    There are plenty of them who are race-realists. They want to cut the funding of the Federal Beast that discriminates against us and uses our taxes to enforce the myriads of anti-White multicult – dieversity programs.

    The leadership of the Democrat Party loathes the Tea Party.

    Big time jew politicians and columnists are trying to eviscerate the Tea Party.

    The Congressional Black Caucus detests the Tea Party.

    The Socialist, Commie, pro queer Teachers Union who started the White Privilege garbage in my state would like to see Tea Party activists drawn and quartered.

    The Media detests the Tea Party and rails against them incessantly. They are routinely described as ‘right-wing evil racists.’

    The Tea Party is almost entirely comprised of older white people who have been around the block and remember what it was like in this country before we went completely nuts.

    Many know the score and will state the case privately if not openly.

  6. I’m going to call the Mayor’s office tomorrow & ask him who was safer, the supposed black caller who voiced concern over staying in an area motel or Jimmy Johnson, murdered by a black in 80% black Jackson MS at a Motel 6 last Sunday night?

  7. Lex says:

    ‘I’m going to call the Mayor’s office tomorrow & ask him who was safer, the supposed black caller who voiced concern over staying in an area motel or Jimmy Johnson, murdered by a black in 80% black Jackson MS at a Motel 6 last Sunday night?’

    The black caller and the clueless mayor should acquaint themselves with the crime stats of Arkansas. The safest neighborhoods in the South and America are devoid of blacks. More blacks = huge increases in crime and rapid deterioration of the quality of life experienced by residents.

    Arkansas: The Color of Crime
    Posted on May 12, 2012 by Hunter Wallace

    In Arkansas, African-Americans are 15.4 percent of the population, but are responsible for 59 percent of homicide, 24 percent of rape, 62 percent of robbery, 42 percent of aggravated assault, and 32 percent of burglary.

  8. Gawd, pathetic liberal Rednecks – probably have Negro “granchrinnen” – the “crowd” was even more pathetic than the usual turnouts for any reason.

  9. The slack jawed mayor seems to imply he would utilize his office and those of the City of Harrisburg to interfere with the billboard owners business and the individual lessee’s use of the billboard – a matter that would be subject to a lawsuit by the owner and the lessor – a municipal government engaging in a conspiracy to interfere with the business relations of private citizens, among other possible issues: from the looks of the “crowd” that turned out for bullet head there might be many on a jury who agree with the sentiments expressed on the billboard and it could be very costly for the city. Just a thought ?

  10. They had a woman saying that it goes against everything the Diversity Council and the high school try to teach kids. That’s a pretty big admission: she wants the kids to be brainwashed and doesn’t want them to hear any opposing views.

    Meanwhile, the guy after her said “As a White man, if you say anything about anyone, you’re racist”. That sounds like a carefully worded agreement with the sign.

    Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  11. Sam states:
    “Interesting that politicians will stand up publicly to condemn something as benign as that sign. They are so offended.”

    Amen! We really should know by now that our rulers will not be our salvation. The solution will not involve them! But so many of us still cling to Faux News and those politicians who proceed there names with the letter “R”.

  12. I would bet that if this sign were in a Deep South place like Mississippi or South Alabama, there would be virtually no opposition to it by whites. The fact that some whites in Harrison are standing up against the sign shows how Upland Southern whites are significantly more liberal, especially on racial issues, than Deep Southern whites.

  13. If I am reading the political tea leaves correctly, there is righteous anger and there will be MORE of these pro-White billboards appearing.

    We’ve had 50+ years of government-sanctioned, legally enforced discrimination against Whites, as in Affirmative Action (for starters).

    It’s FAR past time to start pushing back at the anti-White narrative we’ve been expected to tolerate for decades.

    May it go viral. Anti-Whites take it down, we’ll put up 20 more in its place!!!


  14. Need one of these billboards in Asheville, NC. The leftists would be hysterical. What’s the going rate on one like Jack Ryan did in TN if I might ask?

  15. My prediction: if Deep Southern whites try to lead the South into secession, they will face significant resistance from the much more liberal and fiercely patriotic Upland Southern whites, just as they did during the Civil War.

  16. DixieGirl says:
    October 18, 2013 at 9:21 pm

    “@ Whites are being displaced and sit at the bottom of the pecking order.

    These people do not know that.”

    Matrix is a system

  17. Amazing. And funny. “That’s not who we are”. And every one of them white. The lone heretic who “does not oppose billboard” – as all right-thinking people should do, naturally – is called Josh Rosenberg. Good old Scots-Irish name.

  18. Interesting point about the Rosenberg name. I am guesssing in this case that it comes from a German Christian lineage and not from a Jewish lineage. Harrison is close to Missouri, which received massive German immigration in the 19th century.

  19. There is no doubt genocide is the goal. The ADLs move to attack that billboard can only be explained by genocidal hatred of White Gentiles. Anti-whites have on their side government at every level, the mass media and the entire internet except a handful of marginal sites, but it’s still not enough.

  20. E V,

    The fact that some whites in Harrison are standing up against the sign…

    What do you find objectionable about the sign?

  21. Denise also contributed an interesting link, above, on the possible revival of small-town ‘southern’ Talmudism. OD reported earlier this year on the decline of ‘southern’ Talmudism, and the disappearance of synagogues that ‘rose beside the plantation houses’ across the South in the nineteenth century.

  22. The anti-White media actually shows the sign while they attack it. They are actually giving a Mantra message air time. The message is bound to slip through the cracks and penetrate some White and normal minds. Mission accomplished.

  23. @tom

    Shop around. Jack’s billboard has nice professional artwork and looks to be located on an interstate or four lane highway.

    With simple lettering, and a secondary road like the one in Arkansas, you should be able to get a billboard for $250-$500 dollars plus artwork.

    Look around for blank billboards on secondary roads that connects major highways—you should be able to get one in a high traffic area fairly inexpensively.

    I wouldn’t rule out using professionally made political type plastic signs on wire frames for a simple message. One of the most interesting, and cheap ad campaigns I have ever seen only used a brief message and a web address.

  24. @ Peppermint, “…They had a woman saying that it goes against everything the Diversity Council and the high school try to teach kids. That’s a pretty big admission: she wants the kids to be brainwashed and doesn’t want them to hear any opposing views.
    Meanwhile, the guy after her said “As a White man, if you say anything about anyone, you’re racist”. …

    It really is a big admission. Why is a counsel running their school? And the “cowboy” speaking for all white males is named Josh Rosenberg. Amazing the number of rosenberg cowboys, lol

  25. Lew says:

    ‘Read over this one carefully.


    Good find, Lew. Interesting from many angles.

    (snip) It provides important insight into a complaint so many white nationalists express: that we are only “keyboard warriors” (passive, active only on the Internet, not in “real life”). This is not specific to the movement; it is a giant social phenomenon affecting all whites that has materialized in recent decades. It is important to understand how, why, and even that this is occurring. We can’t simply rail against a brute fact like that and expect it to magically disappear. Things are not the same as they used to be.

    Vicious, totalitarian repression of racially conscious whites by Jewish groups, the controlled media, academia, intelligence agencies, the police, prosecutors, judges, and Left-wing domestic terrorists does not help, either. Both white alienation, the coming apart at the social seams described by Putnam and Murray, and institutionalized racism and repression are huge albatrosses around our collective necks. (snip)

    Everything is top-down and determined beforehand.

    If a politically correct position isn’t adopted immediately (it usually is), it will be a year from now, or five years from now, or ten years from now. If it doesn’t win by vote it will be imposed by judges. If state courts don’t play ball, federal courts will. If it loses at one level it will be appealed to the next. If the courts reject it, statutes or executive orders will be resorted to. The bureaucracy and mass media can also be counted upon. If all else fails, laws will simply be ignored or violated, as in the case of immigration and antifa domestic terrorism. The EU and indeed every First World nation exhibits the same rigid, top-down structure. (snip)

  26. Denise,

    They can make themselves at home anywhere. You’ll be able to appreciate this one. No one understood them better.

  27. The billboard is absolutely correct. The yowling of the outraged politically correct at being confronted with this pungent truth is most instructive.

  28. Good link, Lew.

    Sam wrote: ‘Everything is top-down and determined beforehand’.

    Could it have something to do with: Only ‘They’ (the Usurers) can create money out of nothing, and buy everyone’s (almost everyone’s) obedience with it?

  29. Mosin Nagant says:

    ‘Sam wrote: ‘Everything is top-down and determined beforehand’.

    Could it have something to do with: Only ‘They’ (the Usurers) can create money out of nothing, and buy everyone’s (almost everyone’s) obedience with it?’


    As it is said in this world of Caesar, “Money TALKS B.S. walks.”

  30. I just moved away from Harrison after having lived there about seven years. When I first moved there, it was lily white. About three or four years ago, I started seeing the occasional mestizo, and in the last two years, I was seeing rapidly increasing numbers of black families, white grandmothers with mulatto grandchildren, and finally Asians of various types.

    The nearby town of Green Forest has had a big mestizo population for quite a while due to having a lot of chicken-related work there, but they used to stay in Green Forest. Now they are moving to Harrison, and apparently the word has gotten out that Harrison has relatively low unemployment, decent schools, low crime, etc., and the riff-raff is moving in.

  31. A lot of Southrons need to be lynched.

    But that will have to wait until after the Secession succeeds. Hopefully, there will be a period of widespread instability in the South after a successful seizure of power, one in which clandestine night raids can be made against houses known to harbor Southern traitors that need “eliminating” by special strike squads. That’s the job committee I want to be on – rooting out and busting caps in our traitors. And NO “investigation” by our newfound WN/SN government in the aftermath, either. Just dead traitors, no clues.

    The way it’s gotta be…

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