About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Talmudic ‘comedy’ consists of the mockery and ridicule of whatever is good, and shocking portrayals and references to fornication and excretion of bodily waste.

  2. “mosin nagant” nailed it. I was gonna say that jew have a preoccupation with bodily functions and especially anal.

  3. Archer, it is Ludi at the Circus Maximus, all over again. And often, if you say that, you are supposedly a jew. It seems an area Latins and the jews hold in common, from the arenas and stadiums to the cults-of-personality-worship and the ancient bathhouses…

    But why isn’t forcing it on Northwest euro protestants and baptists considered ETHNO-cide? Did they know this would happen when they force-latinized u.s. in 1965 Hart-Cellar, and stopped telling kids it really had been a northwest euro prod country…”for us and our posterity?”

  4. Here, wiki says:

    “Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta… elder daughter of internet entrepreneur Joseph Anthony “Joe” Germanotta, Jr. and Cynthia Bissett.[9] Gaga has Italian and more distant French roots… Gaga and her family are Roman Catholic….educated at Sacred Heart of the Covenant….”

    How do you get the talmud out of that? Just saying. Credit where credit is due…

  5. “Mosin, she went to the same catholic school in manhattan as madonna. So, Idk, is she a jew?”

    No she didn’t. Madonna is from Detroit fer chrissakes! She attended St. Frederick’s and St. Andrew’s Catholic Elementary Schools and then public school. West Middle School, Rochester Adams High School, and the University of Michigan.

  6. “Gaga … educated at Sacred Heart of the Covenant”

    Wrong again, Dixie. It’s the Convent of the Sacred Heart and then Tisch School of the Arts which certainly sounds Jewish but obviously has an ecumenical student body. They sure taught her how to sing though. It doesn’t get any better than this. A Rodgers (Jewish) & Hart (Jewish & queer) tune sung by two Italians! LOL

    Be sure to watch it in 1080P if you can:

  7. No she didn’t. Madonna is from Detroit fer chrissakes! She attended St. Frederick’s and St. Andrew’s Catholic Elementary Schools and then public school. West Middle School, Rochester Adams High School, and the University of Michigan.

    TMI Rupaul.

  8. “TMI Rupaul.”

    I ought to beat you down for that insult you little pipsqueak. And I will continue to correct the copious amounts of misinformation promulgated by some of the intellectually lazy and just plain stupid posters on this site as I see fit.

    Hunter seems willing to take the time to well research his excellent historical information before he posts the facts. You might very well follow his lead and do the same. It’s what sets this site apart from the ignorant rants on low-life places like Stormfront.

  9. ‘It doesn’t get any better than this. A Rodgers (Jewish) & Hart (Jewish & queer) tune sung by two Italians’:

    I despise that Hollywood movie and Broadway show twentieth-century musical style. It would torture (for me) to hear it all the time.

    Re: the debate on whether ‘Gaga’ is a Jewish Roman Catholic or just an Italian Roman Catholic:

    What difference does it make?

  10. ‘I was gonna say that jew have a preoccupation with bodily functions and especially anal’:

    Talmudic comedienne Sarah Silverman is a ‘perfect’ example of that. If you know who she is, you shouldn’t.

  11. There is an artist called Michol Hebron who puked a rainbow spectrum to a Rolling Stones song. “She’s a rainbow” or something. This was 2000.

    The real degeneration is always foreshadowed by the Art World long before hacks like Gaga theatrically restage them.

  12. “Talmudic ‘comedy’ consists of the mockery and ridicule of whatever is good”

    Whatever is considered good by the host population – so it varies a bit.

    Yes, we’re headed back to Imperial Rome (Republican Rome was very conservative) and there’s no limit to how bad it could get as YKW have no brakes.

    Also it doesn’t matter if Gaga is YKW or not. If she’s not the people behind this will be – same with Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry etc.

  13. It’s true that bodily functions that Whites consider best kept private–the cruder the better–are a core component of Jewish comedy. Having worked for a short time in the Catskills, I saw it up close, but it’s blatant in all of their comedy. I see it as partly a Jewish fixation and partly the usual Jewish strategy of magnifying their opposition to White characteristics–the position they’re driven to take by hatred born of envy.

    At least one vomiting scene became de rigeur in films about a dozen years ago; it’s a Jewish thing, a Jewish Kilroy-was-here.

  14. Neither ‘Lady’ Gaga nor Madonna come across as practicing much less devout Catholics. Since by all appearances they have rejected their Catholic up-bringing (assuming their upbringing was actually Catholic and not dissident) then what do either of them or their performances have to do with the Catholic faith?

    You don’t blame the doctor for people who won’t follow his advice and then get sick and die. But apparently some people will when they have a personal animus against the doctor.

  15. Apocryphal Lennon quote:

    Rock n’ Roll is Judaism set to music.

    Brian Epstein might agree.

  16. “I despise that Hollywood movie and Broadway show twentieth-century musical style.”

    Your lack of good taste is your loss not mine. Meanwhile, before you get back to singing lame hymns, listen to this:

  17. Tisch is completely jewish and black run. Spike Lee runs part of the graduate film school.

    You don’t stand a chance in the NYC (or even LA I suspect) film community if you’re White, especially an anglo celt.

    My jewdar doesn’t go off for Gaga, but I pay as little attention as possible to her so I don’t know. She doesn’t come across sephardic upon superficial study.

    Rudel you think you know everything.

    You’re wrong about lots of things, Tisch is just one example.

  18. ‘You don’t blame the doctor for people who won’t follow his advice and then get sick and die. But apparently some people will when they have a personal animus against the doctor’:

    By ‘the doctor’, do you mean the Pope?

    Great John Lennon quotation, and Greek history video, John.

  19. Rudel, even the ‘lamest’ Christian hymn surpasses the best of Hollywood/Broadway entertainment music. You might like this Nordic example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4dT8FJ2GE0 since it occurs in a non-church setting. I wonder whether pop, rock or rap ‘background music’ normally plays over the sound system of that station? If so, what a contrast! And at the easternmost border of Whiteness, a Syrian Orthodox hymn, sung in the native language of Jesus (Aramaic) is still beautiful, and speaks the same truth as any Anglo-Celtic hymn does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8SVmLz_EJQ The message or story of any piece of music is what is most important. Music without any message, or that conveys a false message is not music, I think.

  20. Good post NYYankees.

    White flight is racism, and white hipsters moving in is racism.

    Spike Lee will not stop until he has strangled the last Redneck with the guts of the last SWPL.

  21. “You’re wrong about lots of things, Tisch is just one example.”

    No I’m not. The very fact that an Italian was schooled there belies your statement.

    BTW, I am a beacon of light and fount of enlightenment on this site.

  22. One factor is that she is female. There is absolutely no barrier in the arts for a woman willing to slut up. No reservations.

  23. Idk where I read the info gaga and madonna were schooled in the same catholic institution; at any rate, they were in catholic schools, not jewish. Many people are indoctrinated by foreign influences (all the founding stock americans, “wasps,” have been influenced by jews and catholics at this point).

    Nationalism matters, though, the northwest euro protestant ethnic group IS a group, a mixture of identifiable genetics, shared culture, language, historical trajectory to the country, historical narrative, etc. Whether jewish genetically or south european genetically, plus catholic indoctrinated, plus recent immigrants (and so on) makes them very foreign to the Generational Americans (obviously)

  24. I meant, regardless of whether gag and madonna are catholic or jewish, they are still foreign to the Generational Americans (nw euro prods); Also, catholicism is a universalist “doctrine” (just like communism) and jew-ness is genetic (so they say). A jew is always a jew; a catholic is a universalist like a communist, and can be genetically anything (the genetics isn’t supposed to matter). Besides which, its very roman empire in origin, so it’s just roman in a lot of ways.

    So genetically the two seem to originate in south europe, are identified as recent immigrants, indoctrinated on some level as catholics, have that “historical narrative,’ and trajectory to the country—– TOTALLY different ethnic group than the generational americans, and whatever they are, obviously foreign

  25. Rudel, please stop talking out of your butt.

    I was at NYU film, took classes and worked on sets with proteges of Spike Lee.

    An italian isn’t considered ‘White’ as in original, evil seed whiteys. They are a mix of a different sub-race and even race. Daily Stormer ran an article in the last month or so which proved that northwestern europeans are a sub-race. Scientists cannot distinguish between them (scot, irish, dutch, etc.) at present, but can *easily* between them and everyone else, including italians.


    I am a northwestern european – a White in America – and you are an ass. Stop posting pictures of Grace Kelly and then asserting Italians are White. Only northern ones could be considered that, really, both genetically and more importantly, in how they get treated.

  26. …married a Jew though.

    Not a communist but an anti-communist. A chum of GHW Bush.

    The family sounds pathologically altruistic.

  27. As for the doctor I was referring to the teaching of the Church – not to any pope specifically.

    Any Truth is going to be universal if it is any sort of truth at all. Do any Protestant Christians intentionally proclaim a relative Gospel or do pretty much all Protestants proclaim a Gospel they claim to be binding on all? Last I checked every Protestant Christian believed himself to be proclaiming the Gospel objectively.

  28. To DixieGirl:
    Christian teachings themselves are “universal”. It’s almost an unwritten rule, just like how cannibalism is viewed as “universally” wrong. It should be noted as well that Christianity itself basically originated in Southern Europe, and Nazareth itself is located around 200 miles from Cyprus so obviously if Southern Europeans know nothing of Christianity, then those in the North West would know far less do to the fact that since Southern Europeans had it first and were such horrible people that it would have already been horribly bastardized by the time it made it to North-West Europe.
    Also in speaking of “Souths” we should mention the founders thereof, no? In which Spain was the founder of the South due to numerous facts. (Cite: southernnationalist.com’s many articles regarding the South’s founding.) With this being said not only is Spain in “gasp” Southern Europe it was and is predominantly Catholic. Them Catholics are so weird and alien to what we know as the South after all it’s not like we were founded by a Southern European country or Catholicism.
    I myself no longer identify with Catholicism, but I also don’t enjoy extreme defamation. Nevertheless when bashing wide swathes of people’s it is always best to provide evidence for any claims you promote, or run the risk of looking extremely rude.

  29. Mosin Nagant says:

    ‘You can endure Diana Krall jazz?’

    Not a big fan but she does a very nice job on that song.

    What makes it appealing to me is the Bossa style arrangement by the legendary Claus Ogerman.

    When I was a kid I very much enjoyed the music of Antonio Carlos Jobim who along with Jao Gilberto were considered the fathers of Brazillian Bossa Nova.

    I love beaches, sail boats, oceans, lakes, and sunny weather.

    I bought Jobim’s album ‘Wave” when it was released in the mid- sixties and about drove my family bonkers playing it hours at a time.

    Never got tired of it.

    I have a CD in my truck and like to listen to it driving in the snow when it is minus 20 degrees outside.

    I am instantly transported to a beach in Rio.

    Makes the horrid winters somewhat bearable.

  30. Sam, thanks for sharing your viewpoint. My music appreciation is so ‘narrow’ (but deep) that I don’t like ANY form of jazz, blues, or African- or Latin-sounding music. A few isolated pop and rock pieces, here and there, with the right lyrics (messages) do attract me, but ethnic folk music and doctrinal hymns are my mainstays. One of my friends lived in the Deep South for years, for employment, and couldn’t wait to move back north when he retired, because ‘there was never any winter there’. He had always wanted to move to the Arctic Circle, beneath the Aurora Borealis skies, where summer days are endless, and winter is always challenging. Well, the Quaker state still has the best climate overall, in my opinion, but it’s getting much too overpopulated!

  31. Also in speaking of “Souths” we should mention the founders thereof, no? In which Spain was the founder of the South due to numerous facts. (Cite: southernnationalist.com’s many articles regarding the South’s founding.)

    You’re misunderstanding those articles. It is the hierarchical plantation system of the South that has roots in southern Europe. That is not the same as southern Europe, or Spain specifically, founding the South. There were hardly any Spaniards in the South for most of our history and most of those who were here were remnants left over from the collapsing Spanish Empire.

  32. DixieGirl, no denomination today represents the Southern people. The Baptists, for instance, are especially outspoken egalitarians and Zionists. The Baptists trace their roots to New England and abolitionism.

    Do you think our numbers are strong enough to start dividing Southern Catholics from Southern Protestants?

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