Politico: GOP Roars Back To Life In Philly Suburbs

Let’s Go, Brandon.

This would be consistent with a 10 point GOP lead in the generic congressional ballot and winning the suburbs, 54-39.


“PHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia suburbs buried Donald Trump in 2020.

One year later, after enabling Joe Biden to flip one of the nation’s most critical swing states, their lurch in the opposite direction is a cause for alarm among Democrats. …

From April to October, Biden’s approval rating fell 14 points among suburban voters in Pennsylvania, according to surveys by Morning Consult. Biden’s favorability saw similar drops in the swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida.

Biden’s suburban fade is no small matter. The big margins produced by the suburban Philadelphia counties of Montgomery, Bucks, Delaware, and Chester — where Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton — allowed him to win the state back from Trump in 2020. …”

In the 2016 election, Trump won Independent voters, splintered the GOP coalition, drove up turnout in rural areas and brought two huge blocs of voters from the Center into the GOP.

In the 2018 election, Independent and suburban voters fled from the GOP, Trump improved his standing with traditional Republican voters and held his base which wasn’t excited about Paul Ryan’s agenda. The GOP lost the House while holding the Senate.

In the 2020 election, Independent and suburban voters continued to flee from the GOP, Trump continued to improve his standing with traditional Republican voters, held his base and drove up rural turnout. Trump lost the election, but the GOP gained in the House. They lost the Senate later after Trump fraud pilled his voters in Georgia who didn’t show up for Perdue and Loeffler.

In the 2021 elections, Independent and suburban voters fled from the Democrats and swung back toward the GOP which not only held Trump’s base, but drove up rural turnout even further.

In the 2022 elections, it seems pretty clear that Independent and suburban voters are swinging hard toward the GOP. Trump’s angry base is coming out for the GOP and rural turnout and margins have gone way up beyond their 2020 level.

Note: As we said at the time, this strategy was a total failure in 2020. It wasn’t fraud or a conspiracy. Trump simply lost White Independent voters in Pennsylvania and every swing state in the country because he alienated them. They’ve swung back to the GOP because they are angry now with Joe Biden. Rest assured, the Jared Kushner strategy of focusing on Based Blacks, not White Independents, will be their strategy in the 2024 because these people literally never learn anything from experience. The GOP has been having more success with “Latinx” voters because their top concerns are the economy and healthcare which aren’t different from MAGA voters. In contrast, blacks have a much stronger racial identity.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I hate Trump with a passion but as an Accelerationist I hope the fat bastard wins – a glorious The Turner Diaries-style future would await.

    • Matt Walsh, Charlie “Big Head” Kirk, the My Pillow guy, Fox TV talking heads and all the other grifters are trying to preserve their lucrative grifts by trimming their sails to blow with the wind coming from the racially aware Right now. Their sincerity is as questionable as their hero Herr Trump’s honesty. They will change their “opinions” as soon as they get paid to change their opinions.

      The whole Republican apparatus including these so-called “dissident” voices such as Matt Walsh and Charlie “Big Head” Kirk and the Great Circus Ringmaster himself, Herr Trump are not interested in fixing anything even if such a fool’s errand were possible in The Big Globo Homo Shopping Mall that is the U.S. now.

      • Do you actually think hacks like Matt Walsh can stir up the pot indefinitely and not let it boil over and lose control of the narrative? This whole “grifting” narrative just seems to be a self-serving Black Pill designed to cover for the fact those in the WN Movement who make an identity out of dunking on conservatives just don’t like the GOP base and don’t want them to become Pro-White.

        I disagree that the GOP and Conservatism Inc. has the narrative under control. Something that always puzzled me during the Trump years was why the CIA, FBI, the media, the top military brass, and most other institutions of the system were literally freaking out over Trump’s election being some sort of “coup” or an “attack on our Democracy.” It was clear by April 2017 when Trump attacked Syria that he was integrated by the system and was no real threat to it, so why the rhetoric? Why the Robert Mueller charade? I figured it was all part of the WWE wrestling skit and wasn’t sincere or genuine.

        In the wake of how the Left and the System has acted during the Biden Presidency, I’m now questioning that WWE narrative – “its all fake and ghey” – and am now wondering if maybe what the system saw in Trump’s rise was a threat to their power by a rising Populist White Right. Yes, the Right has been successfully controlled and co-opted since Buckley’s days, but what if by 2015, that was changing? What if their control of the narrative was subtly slipping from their grasp? What if they couldn’t supply red meat that was intense enough to satiate the base without destabilizing the system?

        The Progressive Left has warned about this since the Tea Party days. I remember in January 2011 when Gabby Giffords was shot how Media Matters explicitly declared that “political rhetoric has become too toxic in this country.” (They then blamed her shooting on Sarah Palin. rofl). Sure, its silly on the surface. The Left cries wolf so much that its difficult to parse sincerity from showmanship.

        But I think things are different now. Matt Walsh and Charlie Kirk condemning “anti-white” rhetoric is not something easily controlled or contained. The Populist Right isn’t a bunch of stupid, backyard grilling Boomers, and frankly, Walsh doesn’t have the vibe of a sniveling, yet brilliant, con artist like that street shitter Dinesh DiSouza. I’m not convinced this is a golem their (((masters))) can keep on a leash. We should agree and amplify what Walsh, Kirk, and Nick Fuentes are doing, not Black Pill ourselves by dismissing them as grifters, which won’t matter anyway if I’m right about them not being able to control it.

        This is an opportunity, and the only excuse to waste it is if WN Lefties want to pout like spoiled children and demand a “better” base: “But I want the College Educated Whites that sip lattes and do yoga!!” Or, perhaps alternatively: “But I want the tattooed street fighters that will smash windows and overthrow capitalism!” The High Whites and Low Whites can unironically go screw themselves. This is about saving the vast middle of Normal Whites who did nothing wrong, are innocent of the vile blood libels spewed against them, and deserve a bright future. College Educated Whites and Underclass Whites are both part of the Democratic Rainbow Coalition and are both enemies.

        • ” . . . I’m not convinced this is a golem their (((masters))) can keep on a leash. We should agree and amplify what Walsh, Kirk, and Nick Fuentes are doing, not Black Pill ourselves by dismissing them as grifters, which won’t matter anyway if I’m right about them not being able to control it. . . ”

          I have to agree with %99 of what you wrote DP84 but my point in calling them grifters is a warning about opportunists who cannot be trusted although I don’t know much about Fuentes. I’m glad they are using WN rhetoric but they are primarily interested in preserving their bidness opportunities and people like them would sell out in a minute. Talk is cheap, we’ve seen this act before.

          If they sell out it directs all the good energy on the right into a dead end. Here is a grifter test: Will they repudiate U.S. involvement in the Near East and advocate ending foreign aid to “Our Greatest Ally?” Matt Walsh types won’t touch those questions with a ten foot pole.

          ” . . . This is about saving the vast middle of Normal Whites who did nothing wrong, are innocent of the vile blood libels spewed against them, and deserve a bright future. College Educated Whites and Underclass Whites are both part of the Democratic Rainbow Coalition and are both enemies. . . ”

          Absolutely. I want success and a good outcome for the vast, normie middle who just want to raise their families, live in peace and secure a future for their children and grandchildren in a normal country. When traitors or corrupt individuals become prominent, obtain power then abuse or fail with that power it ruins any movement towards changing things. This happened when Trump failed to secure the southern border and he lost Congress in 2018 because he didn’t keep his 2016 promises. Grifters will ruin things in a minute for money and the Republican Party, being based upon business will sell out its voters in a second. We’ve seen this many times before, that’s why the Republican Party (not Republican voters) are despised on the Right.

          The Democrat Party and voters are on the same page unlike the Republicans. Democrat disputes such as the recent “infrastructure” bill The Squad didn’t like are a matter of degree, not type. With the Republican Party the beneficial owners of the Party despise their voters and have a nasty history of betraying them for thirty pieces of silver.

          • You have healthy instincts. I’m pleased to see that. We share the same goal of saving as many Normal Whites as possible.

            To be clear, I don’t believe for two seconds that the likes of Matt Walsh and Charlie Kirk are secretly “Our Guys” like we deluded ourselves into believing with Trump. No doubt, their masters think Walsh and Kirk are the way to keep the Right Wing base in check and steer our energy towards WW3 over Taiwan, or whatever the elites have planned.

            I’ll even go as far to say that Right Wing voters such as myself were instrumental in normalizing the libertarian mantra of “Corporations can do whatever they want to anyone for whatever reason on their own private property,” which is a part of what made Black Rock buying up half the housing market possible. The system has a history of successfully integrating and re-directing Right Wing popular energy towards its own ends, and I understand why sincere WNs think the current culture wars over CRT and such might just be more of the same.

            I think what needs to change is the Right Wing base needs to pay attention to politics and policy as much as the Democratic base does, and we need to hold our politicians accountable by refusing to vote for them if (or when) they don’t do what we want them to do. I didn’t vote in 2020 for that exact reason. The Boomers never had the balls to do this because they fell for the “Lesser of Two Evils” canard, which resulted in horrible GOP candidates such as Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. It also resulted in the disgusting Jared Kushner strategy of 2020. Boomer Cons wouldn’t know what to do with themselves without their Based Blacks.

            I think the current Right Wing base is different from before. I don’t think we’ll as easily be duped into having our energy channelled into useless or harmful causes. I don’t think most young White Right Wingers give a shit about Based Blacks. Most of us have Black Fatigue (and Brown Fatigue, for that matter).

            Additionally, since the mid-2000s, the internet has allowed us to evolve and change. I myself only became a White Nationalist thanks to the internet. Our enemies deplatform us because they know how powerful we could become and how much change we could enact if we were allowed to spread on the internet unchecked.

          • Hello DP84;

            ” . . . The system has a history of successfully integrating and re-directing Right Wing popular energy towards its own ends . . .”

            You hit the nail on the head with this succinct statement of the problem. This is indeed the tactic used by the foul grifters nominally ‘on the right’ (like Herr Trump) who dissipated so much good political energy from 2016 into dead ends. The fact that after a pause the Right is back and there is much talk amongst normies about ‘our’ issues is an extremely good sign. If the grifters can be exposed and sidelined through ridicule showing people what they truly are: con men, it can only do good.

            No doubt we have Dementia Joe and Cackling Kamala as well as the Lügenpresse to thank for some of these shifts in popular opinion. Now if Trump with his “Platinum Plan” and rehashing his ridiculous Presidency can just go away things would definitely improve. The MAGA supporters need to shift rightward by recognizing their hero has feet of clay and not an ounce of integrity.

  2. The Democrats are falling in popularity the minute Joe Biden actually does something good:- withdraw troops from Afghanistan. He then spoils it by bringing half of them back to America, and opening up the southern border.
    Then there’s the Repulsives:- they would have left troops in Afghanistan. No party will ever get it totally right. The system is broken.

  3. It doesn’t freakin matter anymore. The political machine that runs our country has perfected the stealing of our elections. And why pay attention to polls anymore???? The 2016 and 2020 elections, along with this fall’s, showed us they are completely useless.

    JFK said if you take away peoples peaceful means of voicing themselves (ie being able to vote in a legitimate election), then you leave no other choice but to use violence.

  4. The American people don’t want enoch anglin and spencer, but they will accept a sane society free from the bolsheviks. 4 lost years just to learn such a simple lesson: such a shame…

  5. The Republicans are worthless, but Hispanics aren’t a race. Most Hispanics identify as White, whether are they actually are or not.

  6. There’s something pathetic about suburbanites. They let a man actively hostile to their culture, like Biden, win the presidency. Limp people.

    • Preach it Cap. I grew up among those people. A *Middle* Middle Class White Suburbanite (My Mom was a SAHM, my Dad made $80K on a bad year and $150K on a good year). My childhood town was 97% White when I was growing up in the 90s. It was still over 90% White as of the 2020 census.

      I don’t know what percentage of voters in my town voted for Trump vs. Biden, but I saw a ton of Biden signs on lawns in the lead up to the 2020 election. To add insult to injury, many of these signs were on the lawns of old Civil War era houses, which my town is known for. Most of the Whites living there are professional, College Educated, and have NPR voice.

      The Pastor of the Church I used to attend, which is actually the most conservative church in town – its the only one to still take a stance that homosexuality is a sin – once said during a public forum that he finds the town to be “boring” because of “how White it is.” He once spent two years doing Missionary work in Istanbul. Come for the vibrance, leave for the violence.

      White Suburbanites are spiritually sick. I’m convinced of it. I’m deeply bitter at these people – my own people – for not taking their own side and defending their own families, communities, and ways life. Apparently, if my former Pastor is any indication, they have no appreciation or respect for what God has given them. They find it “Boring.” Oh the horror!! “I’m so bored with my way of life that I’m going to ruin it with non-whites.” Disgusting.

      These people need to be punished. Build section 8 housing in their privileged suburbs and flood them with Mud blood immigrants. Rub their faces in the diversity they so gleefully force onto “lesser Whites” (read, Normal Whites). They are as evil and as guilty as Jews. Both deserve the same fate.

  7. “One year later, after enabling Joe Biden to flip one of the nation’s most critical swing states, their lurch in the opposite direction is a cause for alarm among Democrats.”

    It’s also the reason why the Southern People don’t need to be in the same political union as these people. Especially considering the fact that they and their sixteen states totally dominate, or nearly so, the federal government. To our disadvantage; politically, legally, and culturally.

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