RT America Closes

Why can’t FOX News which is whipping up war hysteria on the Right and has Hannity on floating starting World War III and Lindsey Graham on calling for Putin’s assassination on national television be deplatformed like RT America?

Have we learned anything from Russiagate or from COVID hysteria or 1/6 hysteria? These crises will be used to justify more censorship, more surveillance, more assaults on our civil liberties. Nothing has also been used to justify more censorship and bigger blows to civil liberties than World War I and World War II.

Note: BTW, as we have pointed out many times in recent weeks, words have lost their meaning.


  1. They’ve also nuked the RT Telegram, which is the way I found out the Reactor “attack” was fake news

    • I heard on a news report this morning, driving into work, that Putin was bombing nuclear power plants. Now, this sounded too idiotic to me, and I doubt Putin would shoot himself in the foot, so I figured the near sobbing news reporter was dishing up a fake story.

  2. Teachers care losing their jobs if they are have opposing opinions or are saying look at both sides before jumping to conclusions. As one teacher said after he was fired “there’s no room allowed for critical thinkers. They want everyone brainwashed and to subscribe to group think.

  3. I hate Fox News. CNN and the others don’t pretend to be on our side, but Fox does, and they are every bit as leftist as those others. It shows what the whole “conservative” thing is all about.

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