According to Mitch McConnell, standing with Ukraine is the top priority of Republican voters.
“A new CBS News/YouGov poll this week — the first to test the issue since Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke before Congress in December — is the latest to illustrate that drift. And despite Zelensky’s plea for American resolve, it shows that a slight majority of Republicans — 52 percent to 48 percent — want their member of Congress to oppose further Ukraine funding. …”
81% of Democrats continue to support funding the war in Ukraine while only 18% want to cut funding.
As I expected, Republican voters are souring on Ukraine and a majority now oppose continuing to fund the war. The tipping point seems to have been the Porkulus which was passed last month. We also now have the House and Kevin McCarthy has a narrow majority and has agreed to concessions that empower MAGA Republicans like Matt Gaetz who are opposed to Zelensky.
Republican voters are as fickle as the day is long.
Enough of this. Vote within our self interests, or die. It’s that simple.
Voting for Democrats is the opposite of our “self interest.”
They spent the last two years holding hearings in Congress on “white supremacy.”
“Vote within our self interests, or die. It’s that simple.”
it’s not that simply, Dear Vickey, when people no longer know who they are, because if you do not know who you are then how can you vote in your own interest?
Republican voters understand the long term consequences of fiscal profligacy. They also know that history began before 1933 and continued after 1945 and that the wail that Putin is another Hitler is a crock of ***t. Consequently, Republican voters are less inclined to go yapping after Muh Current Thing or whatever else is in fashion than their Democrat Party countrymen.
The Little Boy Who Cried “Hitler”
First the little boy cried “Saddam is Hitler!’ and the townspeople ran out with their pitchforks to fight this all-menacing evil. But it wasn’t Hitler. The townspeople returned to their village, feeling somewhat let down.
Then the little boy cried “Ahmadenjihad the Iranian is Hitler!” and the townspeople ran out with their pitchforks to fight this all-menacing evil. But it wasn’t Hitler. The townspeople returned to their village, feeling somewhat let down.
Then the little boy cried “Putin is Hitler!” and the townspeople ran out with their pitchforks to fight this all-menacing evil. But it wasn’t Hitler. The townspeople returned to their village, feeling somewhat let down.
Suddenly, THE REAL HITLER showed up, advancing on the little boy with homicidal glee. “Hitler! Hitler! Hitler is here!” the little boy shrieked.
But this time the townspeople just shrugged their shoulders and went about their business.
“A majority of Republican voters now oppose funding the war in Ukraine”
It’s taken a year for Republicans to realize that war with Russia is not in anybody’s interest?
Wow – we sure are a clever lot!
Not very bright for sure, but still smarter than white shitlibs and their legions of orc-tards. I even ran into an old Mexican (born in USA) in Shitcongo airport who was pissed about all the damned money being poured into Uncle Schmuel’s ginormous self-licking ice-cream cone over in a fake-and-gay country nominally run by a Jew-clown whose sole talent is playing piano with his penis.
Guess it serves as a good illustration of the stupid party versus evil party trope.
Points taken, Exalted Cyclops.
Thank you for your comment’
How about the old mainframe airline computers that could use upgrading? (honk!)
Another is the crumbling infrastructure creaking under the weight of massive replacement.
Two lane roads and a stop light for every strip mall are obsolete as the tens of thousands pile in like locusts.
Ukraine is a money drain that we just can’t afford.
Believe it when I see it. MIC will not be gainsaid (at least not at this stage).
It’s cheap in a sense though. Letting these folks hang their asses out there for the Russians to take potshots at them. The Ukies have been gallant at the squad level if also badly advised by their Jewish President.
Is this shit for real??? GOP Congressfilth wants a bust of Zelenskyy in the Capitol???
FUCK UKRAINE, America First!
NATO nations (so far, Britain & Poland) are now sending main battle tanks to Ukraine, along with French armored tank-destroyers. Now, because they are dropping any pretense this is a defensive war. To repeat what readers here know: NATO’s (America’s) objective has always been regime-change in Russia & making it part of GloboHomo. Zelensky’s main weapon demands, however, are for the American Abrams & German Leopard II MBTs, along with many more long range rocket & cannon artillery systems. Expect him to get them. Expect the Republicans to make that possible, whatever their voters say. Nothing will change, except who runs Russia.
Keeping an eye from Canada, glad to see there is still real hope in and for the American ” RIGHT ” .