Mitch McConnell Defends Standing With Ukraine

Mitch McConnell is back from his recent trip to Europe where he announced at the Munich Security Conference that only his own opinion and the views of House and Senate Republican leadership matter when it comes to our foreign policy and Standing With Ukraine.

New York Times:

“WASHINGTON — When he made his surprise wartime trip to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv last week, President Biden reassured that country with great confidence that “the Americans stand with you.” But the question that remains unanswered is: For how long?

For all of the president’s bravado while he was abroad, the politics of Ukraine back home in the United States are shifting noticeably and, for the White House, worryingly. Polls show public support for arming the Ukrainians softening while the two leading Republican presidential candidates are increasingly speaking out against involvement in the war.

While the bipartisan coalition in Congress favoring Ukraine has been strong in the year since Russia’s invasion, supporters of more aid fear the centrifugal forces of the emerging presidential contest and growing taxpayer fatigue with shipping tens of billions of dollars overseas may undercut the war effort before Moscow can be defeated. And some of them are frustrated that Mr. Biden has not done more to shore up support. …”

Mitch just gave this rousing speech on the Senate floor.

Maybe Standing With Ukraine and sending another $100 billion over there will get more popular in the thick of the Republican presidential debates in the fall? I doubt it.


  1. Senator McConnell represents a still sizeable amount of Americans who have yet to fathom that we are not still living in 1970, 1980, or 1990, even.

    As such, they remind me of the senior driver who, though not intending to do any harm, incidentally runs over people sitting on park benches and causes great harm.

    • “should be a billionaire by now, eh?”

      Those political prostitutes will sell their soul cheap, they can be bought with a few 100k$.

      • @Arrian…

        “Those political prostitutes will sell their soul cheap, they can be bought with a few 100k$”

        Unfortunately that’s very true.

        When I was a kid most White Men thought too much of themselves to be this way.

        According to current theology, we were narcisstic way back when, bein’ so prideful as we were.

        But if narcissists is what we were, then it stands to reason we need some more of that again.

        Selling out your honour, to betray your people and country, just for a nicer lawn than your neighbors, is a terrible way to go through life.

    • No, Dear James – investigative reports say that Senator McConnell has only received $25,000,000.00+ from his wife’s Chinese Nationalist shipbuilding kin.

      That’s way short of a billion, and, in fairness, 25 mill’ ain’t what it used to be.

  2. “Polls show public support for arming the Ukrainians softening”


    The house and the Senate are being flooded with angry voters, “stop funding Ukraine and spend the money here, where it’s needed”.

    Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121

    • It was love at first sight when Madame McConnel, (née Chao), gave Mitch the glad eye, (Me show you number one good time, Mitchey!), and the rest, as they say, is history.

  3. There are 100,000s of dead and disabled Ukrainian soldiers.
    Who do you think will pay for their medical and maintenance ? Who will pay all the widows and orphans compensation ?

    Go look in a mirror.

  4. ” . . . President Biden reassured that country with great confidence that “the Americans stand with you.” But the question that remains unanswered is: For how long?”

    Yes, but the other question, not asked of course is: How many people really support the U.S. Government’s war in Ukraine? To ask is to answer. Not many, once you scratch the surface.

    The proper question is: Are you prepared to have your sons and brothers killed or crippled in Ukraine? Is it worth it as well as risking nuclear war? The Lügenpresse knows the answer, that’s why they never ask it. The Lügenpresse are merely the Deep State’s stenographers. Their clumsy propaganda campaign isn’t working anymore.

  5. While this dumb bastard Mitch McConnell jumps up and down about Ukraine Our Greatest Ally is threatening war against Iran which means U.S. war against Iran.

    Does that old bastard Mitch think the U.S. can fight two wars at the same time? What about Taiwan? Will China sit still if the U.S. is all bollixed up again in the Near East? Can the U.S. support three, count ’em, three wars at the same time? Will the U.S. Government be able to shove conscription down the throats of the populace (meaning overwhelmingly Whites) after all the lies and failures since 9/11?

    Maybe the Deep State has gone to the well too many times, they’re having enough difficulties trying to keep up public support for their Ukraine war.

    • “Does that old bastard Mitch think the U.S. can fight two wars at the same time? ”

      He couldn’t care less.
      He’s piling up the loot.

    • @12AX7…

      “Does that old bastard Mitch think the U.S. can fight two wars at the same time?”

      As I keep saying – Senator McConnell is like still too many Americans, this in think that it is still 40 or 50 years ago.

      In fairness to him – the Jew England Yankee Empire has bullied and b.s.-ed it’s way pretty good around the world, for a long time.

      It’s got to be hard for them to come to grips with the fact that all that stuff is coming to an end.

  6. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars on defense during the cold war was not a problem for Republicans for many years. Even if it went to wasteful projects like, for example, Reagan’s “Strategic Defense Initiative”. Why should spending on actually countering Russian expansionism now be a problem? I think many people will see the wisdom in not allowing Russian (and potentially Chinese) aggression to succeed.

    • The 1970s called, Boomertard. They want their talking points back. They were largely bullshit then and even moreso now. How’s the weather in Haifa?

    • Welcome back again, normie. Still haven’t woke up I see. It’s not Chinese or Russian aggression. It’s US aggression — as usual.

      NEWSFLASH: AmeriKans, the US gov, and the US armed forces are not the good guys. Americans have been falsely convinced by the jew controlled media and our corrupt leaders that we are heroes and freedom fighters. In reality the opposite is true: the “West”, NATO, the ALL-LIES, are the warmongers, the murderers, the plotters, the plunderers, the looters, who do the dirty work of the jew manipulators who have twisted normie minds with circus, it’s trinkets and false accounts of the people America kills and the countries America ruins in order to steal their wealth and treasure.

      And the saddest part for the dopes who conduct these invasions, and the dupes who physically fight them, is that they never themselves profit from these unnecessary conflagrations. The bounty always goes to the jew swindlers pulling the strings, and AmeriKa, the agent of banditry, is ultimately left to suffer the same fate as the people the US gov has robbed not only our treasures, but of our dignity and honor, and may very soon lose our very lives.

      It is the way history has always gone. The ignorant masses are persuaded to commit the crimes of the jew manipulators and as the unwitting perpetrators, we ultimately suffer the same fate as the victims, while the rich jews snicker in their palaces and plot their next swindle.

      • @DiCarlo…

        Here you are preaching to the choir.

        There are, however, tens of millions of White Americans who, exactly as you say, still think we are the good guys, this as we keep bombing and making penniless and homeless untold millions around the world – in the name of piracy and the proliferation of homosexuality.

    • We’re broke, ma’am. Hundreds of Bidentowns are popping up all over the country, and we can’t take care of our own people. The dollar continues to plummet, and prices continue to rise

      Our “leaders” have failed us. They have destabilized the United States, and we are for all intents and purposes becoming a banana republic. Ukraine can pound sand.

      Civilization is a thin veneer, and if our “leaders” believe they can keep abusing the public with impunity, they’re bigger fools than even I had imagined.

    • “Even if it went to wasteful projects like, for example, Reagan’s ‘Strategic Defense Initiative’.”

      Hmm. I’m going to have to dig out an old leftist glossary, from the 1980s.

      Here we go …

      wasteful [weyst-fuhl ], adjective: inimical to the expansion or survival of Soviet Communism

  7. No cuts to the military, Mitch?? The US military is responsible for the coronavirus not the Chinese. The US Military budget needs to be zeroed out, Mitch, you lying Irish sack of crap.

  8. I might sound like some Antifa Jew but…..

    The sooner these old White corrupt and traitorous politicians like McConnell, Graham, Rogers and all the rest of them retire or pass away the better it will be.

    Yes, they might be replaced with clearly anti-White Democrats but at least the enemy will be apparent.

    Regarding Ukraine:

    The Ukrainian people can take back their country by focusing their militaristic energies on destroying the Kievan Regime and removing all NATO soldiers/personnel from their remaining territory.

    The Kievan Regime and NATO will readily sacrifice all White Ukrainian lives to try to defeat Russia.

    Hopefully, the Ukrainians wake up soon to the fact that NATO and Kiev are their true mortal enemies not Russia.

    The money is flowing in like a tsunami and when you’re impoverished you’ll gorge on that sugar even while it’s rotting your teeth out.

    • @Pureblood…

      “I might sound like some Antifa Jew but…..

      The sooner these old White corrupt and traitorous politicians like McConnell, Graham, Rogers and all the rest of them retire or pass away the better it will be.”

      Antifa or not, it’s true.

      Problem is that, without changing the platforms that create monsters out of men, the only thing that is going to change are the faces.

  9. Which side to take?

    For some on the Right, Russia is traditionally associated with Communism and Bolshevism which were Jewish in origin and Anti-White. Fair point.

    Yes, there still are Jews with power in Russia (fair point) but the Communists and Bolsheviks have largely migrated to the West.

    On the other hand, the US Jewish Regime had numerous Bio weapons labs in Ukraine where they were creating effective population control pandemics targeting primarily the European genome. These Bio weapons were meant to ensure their unquestioned control and rule over our country and quickly deter any nationalist uprising with pandemic control/counter.

    The US Jewish Regime was testing these Bio weapons on Ukrainians which Jews consider the White trash of Europe.

    So, which side to take?

    Plenty of other arguments in support of Russia in this conflict but standing firm against the Jewish US Regime is a strong bet you’re on the right side, morally and ethically.

  10. Just when I think I can’t despise Mumbles McConnell any more he goes and opens his hellmouth and proves me wrong.

    At this point I am running out of hatpins to stick in my Mitch McConnell voodoo doll.

  11. If there was any justice in the world, the outraged public would storm Congress this very moment and string him and all those other jokers up at every lamp post with rope with the colors of the flag of Ukraine to match those stupid ties they like to wear every time that oily little jerk wad comedian comes over to shake this country down for more money to launder.

    What a piece of shit he is. And I mean McConnell more than Zelenskyy.

    Let Congress TRY to draft our kids! They only got this far with a volunteer military and now that they have knee-capped them with Anti-White wokeness, all they have is a bunch of fat trannies and low IQ rainbow POC to work in supply to prosecute their idiocy with Russia and China.

    At this point, any Domino Effect threats about having to fight them over there not to fight them over here seem less frightening to me than keeping these treacherous thieves in charge of our country.

    At the rate the antics of the District of Corruption keeps escalating , instead of a Red Dawn Movie with American partisan resistors, the Chinese and the Russians might be very well hailed as our liberators!

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