I recently had the talk with my oldest son.
We were driving through our small town on the way to school. He looked out the window and saw one of those signs that honor local people who served in the military. He smiled and said to me, “Dad, I want to be a hometown hero when I grow up.” I laughed and we talked about it after school.
“The Army‘s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped significantly in the last half decade, according to internal data reviewed by Military.com, a decline that accounts for much of the service’s historic recruitment slump that has become the subject of increasing concern for Army leadership and Capitol Hill.
The shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners, except it coincides with an overall shortfall of about 10,000 recruits for the Army in 2023 as the service missed its target of 65,000 new soldiers. That deficit is straining the force as it has ramped up its presence in the Pacific and Europe: A smaller Army is taking on a larger mission and training workload than during the peak of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — leading to soldiers being away from home now more than ever.
A total of 44,042 new Army recruits were categorized by the service as white in 2018, but that number has fallen consistently each year to a low of 25,070 in 2023, with a 6% dip from 2022 to 2023 being the most significant drop. No other demographic group has seen such a precipitous decline, though there have been ups and downs from year to year …”
In sum, the military hates you for being White and sees you as cannon fodder to die in Jewish wars in places like Syria and Yemen or for “women’s rights” in Afghanistan or for democracy in Ukraine. Even if you sacrifice your life, die for your country and a monument is erected in your memory (spoiler: you won’t die defending your hometown or your state, but in some far flung place on the other side of the world in yet another ill conceived imperial adventure), it will probably be torn down by a frenzied mob in the future or you will be trashed, forgotten and dismissed as a racist.
Note: I was already intending to write about this story this morning when I heard about the air strikes in Yemen last night.
Well, a great many of us, bought into it, the movie’s, having family, who have served, wanting to follow in dad, or grand dad’s footsteps, whether consciously, or subconsciously, we feel our manhood is validated, by our military service, well the yay’s and nay’s of that notion, can be discussed another time, at least till, we get our country back, or a new and better country ……
Not having enough White recruits sounds so sad, but please don’t worry. The economic draft (money attraction) will increase as young workers of all colors (native-born and immigrants) are increasingly impoverished and have no other job opportunities.
Then there are the drones, which can be mass-produced now. With enough drones in the air, less human cannon fodder is needed on the battlefields and fewer pilots and plane mechanics will be needed, when unmanned drones do almost the bombing and shooting. Biological weapons are also being developed, that will also offer great cost savings in human battlefield labour expense. But the Empire still wants to increase its world’s most expensive military industry’s human resource numbers. The U.S. is now the world’s third most populous state (after China and India) thanks to immigration, and it owns the Dollar so it can create all the money it needs to hire the world’s largest army. But let’s not be awed and mesmerized by it. The Yemenis and Palestinians don’t care how big it is. History will sweep away this system of inequality, class exploitation and endless global warfare, or else mankind will not survive much longer.
That’s good news. So when Joey sends boots on the ground to fight for either muh’ Izrahell or Jewkraine, we’ll be rid of some diversity via Hezbollah or Russia. Regardless of uniform, they’re really just mercs – paper Americans. BTW, filling the military ranks with foreign invaders has been advocated by (((Max Boot))) and his fellow Neo-Klowns for decades.
good, good …. ZOG America is falling.
I disagree with the assessment that they want Whites especially White Southerners, as cannon fodder. Having Whites, especially Southern Whites in large numbers in the military is problematic for the Anti-Americans and Globalists. They don’t want them, especially Southern ones, because they want a military of niggers, spics, coolies, and slopes that will obey their directives to kill Whites, especially Southern Whites in America.
The fact is, the military was the last national institution in America still predominantly run by Whites, especially Southern Whites. Thanks to Republicans refusing to stop the subversion of the military, stop the denigration of Southern military heritage, stop the infiltration of anti-Americans in the officer ranks, and stop the demartialling of the military ethos, the Left has won out.
So, now they want to finish the job of replacing Whites, especially Southern Whites in the military. In turn, without an experienced and relatively young veteran population and/or White dominated State militias, the New Federal Army will smash down on you and your family very soon. Your son will get his chance, its just the odds will be even more against him making it out. He and his comrades probably won’t get a memorial anyways. You will all be gone with the wind.
> So, now they want to finish the job of replacing Whites, especially Southern Whites in the military. In turn, without an experienced and relatively young veteran population and/or White dominated State militias, the New Federal Army will smash down on you and your family very soon. Your son will get his chance, its just the odds will be even more against him making it out. He and his comrades probably won’t get a memorial anyways. You will all be gone with the wind.
You sound rather happy about that scenario. Why does this not surprise me in any way?
“They don’t want them, especially Southern ones, because they want a military of niggers, spics, coolies, and slopes that will obey their directives to kill Whites, especially Southern Whites in America.”
How can a military of niggers, spics, coolies, and slopes obey their directives to kill Whites, when the majority of niggers, spics, coolies, and slopes are basically too stupid to wipe their own asses ?
Keep in mind this song from 40 years ago which is eerily prophetic about the days now upon us. https://youtu.be/Ddi2TBnzdPo?feature=shared
“The Army‘s recruiting of white soldiers has dropped…”
The army must learn to accept diversity and inclusion.
(The pool of WHITE chumps is shrinking )
“most notably the GI Bill — broadly seen on Capitol Hill as among the most successful federal programs” from the article..
GI Bill is one of the best con games going, as most veterans never use it because they intentionally set the stipend below what they know is necessary to live. A nice lure to catch naive fish.
Back to my ongoing theme, ‘as America loses its WHITENESS there will be progressive declines in all standards, which will increase exponentially until it goes over a cliff’s edge’.
Most all of this decline has been masked by fantastic levels of debt that will explode, at some point. At that point, US living standards will drop to approximately 3rd world standards . We won’t be able to ‘import’ our way out of inflation and compensate for our lack of production.
This recruiting shortfall is just a tiny symptom that is a prelude to further systems deficits that will cascade on each other in rapid succession.
I hope good WHITE young people won’t be lured into the military by slick images and phoney slogans, that good WHITE parents will steer them into good careers and advanced education.
The commercials from groups collecting money to help veterans who have been crippled by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan can’t be helping recruiting efforts either.
Just watch,
The next thing will be a bunch of media pieces guilting WHITES for shirking their responsibility to defend ‘American Democracy’, late night comedians ridiculing WHITES about being weak and irresponsible. The merchants of holohoaxism will turn up the guilt furnace to full blast my
“shift in demographics for incoming recruits would be irrelevant to war planners,”
“Where be da WHITE boys to make dis damn thing work.”
The subtext in this article is that they are in dire need of people who are competent to work on the ever increasingly complex equipment and organize the logistics.
Additionally, can’t you see some WHITE captain or lieutenant trying to get work out of a platoon of POC, HAHAHAHA.
(I’ll bet the retention, those who re-up, is dropping significantly.)
(That also means, there are fewer WHITES on the NCO career path, the guys who get things done.)
As with all western journalism, they are not giving the essential details, only gross generalizations.
I’d like to see a breakdown of ASVAB scores, see the yearly trend and most especially the uncorrupted racial distribution of those scores, which they will never release.
I suspect the decline in upper tier mentally and physically qualified recruits has them worried.
You know the scumbags in the U.S. Government are worried. The colored people enlisting aren’t smart or competent enough to reliably operate systems like the Navy’s Aegis phased array radar system or the Army’s Patriot air defense system. The military’s current effectiveness is a legacy of White servicemen who aren’t being replaced as they leave service.
Will Moslems or Chinese in the military obey orders if they have to fire directly upon their own people in Lebanon or the Straits of Formosa? There is already a problem with rampant Chinese spying in the U.S. for the PRC government in Peking. Lack of reliable, trustworthy, smart and competent Whites degrades the effectiveness of the military and everyone knows this.
This is a self-inflicted wound from the ruling class which loves to start wars that others fight. They always assumed there was an endless number of dumb Whites to sign up for the Deep State’s next war, now they know they are wrong. Fuck ’em.
This is really bad timing for the Deep State too with Our Greatest Ally bogged down and now this thing in Yemen. They are committed to Ukraine and Taiwan also but they don’t have enough troops for any of it. Looks like they will try to conscript Whites for their wars after the ridiculous election this year regardless of who wins, if they can wait that long.
There were the obvious signs when I served in the early to mid 90s.
I can’t even imagine how bad it is now. All of our children were taught not to serve and didn’t.
Why fight for a government that hates our people?
It’s you duty……. goy.
Ask AGB. He thinks young whites should be fighting to preserve Globo-Pedo Clownworld instead of something logical like defending the fecking border against an ongoing invasion (which of course is not even on the menu with those who run the circus).
The military is one institution in which I believe we need more diversity. Too many whites is racist, right?
More diversity and inclusion in the military, please!!
Especially for the flight and ground crew of Air Force One.
When Israel gets invaded, the US military sends two carrier strike groups (USS Ford and USS Eisenhower) to defend Israel’s borders.
When Ukraine gets invaded, the US military gives Ukraine 76$ Billion in support to defend Ukraine’s borders.
When Kuwait gets invaded by Iraq in 1990 we conduct operation Desert Storm and remove Saddam’s forces from Kuwait.
When China threatens Taiwan’s borders, we start training and supplying Taiwan with weapons to defend their border.
When America gets invaded by illegal aliens for 40 years….. we put them up in luxury hotels in NYC.
Not only that, but all of these people in the government already said that the military was too white already.
They only want white men as cannon fodder in order to maintain the Billionaire class’s shipping lanes and their fraudulent petro-dollar hegemony.
That’s a good basic summary. I’ve long advocate that any white in a Murikan military recruitment office be required to read Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler’s little booklet War is a Racket and answer a quiz about its meaning before being allowed to sign on the dotted line. Truth in advertising.
“When America gets invaded by illegal aliens for 40 years….. we put them up in luxury hotels in NYC.”
All absolute truth.
We need media with clear thinking, as above.
I’m interested in this and not. Is it a crisis? Probably for those who are “concerned,” because the system, to work efficiently, needs whites. They know this, but also they have the goal of wiping out whites. Really, that can’t be explained away anymore.
Sure, the Romans used foreign mercenaries in the end, but they were still white and had some warrior spirit. What’s coming in now will be a thug force good for robbing and keeping a population down, presumably led by some whites who bought into the system…like the FATPOS of Harold Covington’s Northwest novels.
I was in the army 1973-1976, then in the Guard and reserves 1977-1991 (off and on). I was glad to have been in. I always wanted to be a soldier, see Germany, and the GI Bill did help me go to college. I chose a public U., but it did help. The army gave me a chance to see America and its different peoples. As it has been said, the army is the school of the nation. It also gave me an introduction to blacks and hispanics…verrry helpful.
The Guard was much more a reflection of rural, white America. The reserves a dumping ground for blacks, at least in the cities. The Guard probably became changed due to the Iraq war, when Guard units were activated and rotated in and out, because they were so desperate for bodies. Hell, they even grabbed sailors, stuffed them in BDUs and sent them into the field.
My feeling now is the major conundrum the system has is that there is no longer an America in the sense I, Hunter, or most of you understand it. We became the National Security State after 9/1/1, and now is dissolving…on purpose. What remains concerns me less. The West is killing itself through multiple suicide attempts, but still holds onto the dollar and brutal military aggression. Sort of like an alcoholic keeps the dreams and memories of sobriety until he needs the next bottle.
I’d congratulate Hunter on being a good father to his son. The boy seems wised-up to how the world works.