Motherfucking traitors. @SteveScalise @HouseGOP will own this. Every one of these anti-American politicians will be defeated sooner than later. https://t.co/iUFOg7bVJQ
— Alexander S. Vindman ? (@AVindman) February 5, 2024
.@SenSchumer threatens to send U.S. troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world-aid bill:
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 5, 2024
"If we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will be walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war & we could be fighting in eastern Europe & a NATO ally in a few years.… pic.twitter.com/run7FcvwRN
INVASION: TikTok giving migrants step-by-step instructions on how to illegally enter the U.S.pic.twitter.com/PMLJocKBks
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 5, 2024
This is the heart of the bill… tons of work visas.
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) February 5, 2024
Now you know why the Wall Street Journal supported it. https://t.co/HJVpafbNKM
This abomination of a bill legalizes the invasion of 2 million illegals every year, pays for their lawyers, and gives Ukraine another $60 billion.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 5, 2024
Your government hates you and wants to replace you, but until that happens, it’s going to steal every last dime from you it can. https://t.co/bWzhqARGpI
Nearly $1 billion for NGOs who help bring illegal aliens throughout the U.S.
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) February 5, 2024
What a win for Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, and Church World Services, https://t.co/AuDGh8zfgA
Holy shlit.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 5, 2024
This might be the most insane part.
This bill grants the far-left DC District Court exclusive authority over future immigration disputes. pic.twitter.com/nuhOG7mc8d
That’s that. https://t.co/8MDY9OCOmX
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) February 5, 2024
Senate bill “will not” get a vote in the house, says Scalise, who schedules votes. https://t.co/jvlNazJqZQ
— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) February 5, 2024
The bottom line here is that it isn’t going to pass Congress.
House Republicans are going to kill Ukraine aid. Immigration is far too valuable of an issue for Trump and Republicans to give Joe Biden a “bipartisan win” and talking point in an election year. Also, if House Republicans were to pass this bill, they would cosign and own this albatross.
“The Senate appropriations committee released on Sunday the text of their sweeping$118.3billion emergency spending package, which combines foreign aid with restrictive policy changes for the U.S.-Mexico border.
Why it matters: The bill’s fate is highly uncertain, with the package held up for months as a bipartisan group of senators hashed out a border deal to appease Republicans. An initial vote is expected this week. … ”
“The Senate’s long-awaited national security deal landed with a thud Sunday evening as House Republicans vowed to block it from a vote and at least one Senate conservative demanded a change in leadership.
Why it matters: The deal took months of agonizing negotiations. Within the first few hours of the bill’s grand reveal — Republicans across the spectrum are driving the nail in the coffin. … ”
If Ukraine aid was going to pass Congress, it would have happened last year around Christmas. We are basically already in the general election now. This bill will be remembered like the Gang of Eight amnesty which never passed Congress, but which killed Marco Rubio’s presidential ambitions.
If Democrats had held a few seats in New York in the House in the 2022 midterms, this thing might have had a real chance to pass Congress. Ukraine would have gotten another $60 billion months ago. The DC District Court might be making immigration policy in a Trump second term.
Note: In retrospect, I am glad that I voted in the midterms. The single most compelling reason why I decided to vote for the first time in years was to create gridlock to kill Ukraine aid.

The Dissident Right has a wild hair up their ass for Ukraine for some reason. I am assuming it’s their usual childish reasons of “Owning the Libz”, some vague slight of Punished Trump and the media’s support for Ukraine.
I have consistently opposed all interventions in Europe, Asia and Africa for years. Ukraine is just the latest example.
No, this is a deep rabbit hole. It revolves around Dickie Spencer and his mental complex over Charlottesville.
Maybe, Ringo, they have a sense of fair play. What would be interesting—and shouldn’t be expected from the mainstream media at any time soon—is a full account of the politicking that culminated in President Clinton’s commencement of NATO expansion, a quarter of a century ago. That’s what set America and Russia on the path to this conflict that should never have come.
As I think I’ve said before, here, at Occidental Dissent, the provocation of this war is the most-dishonorable course of action in the history of American foreign policy. After decades of maintaining that its postwar presence in Europe was defensive, a bulwark against Soviet expansion, the United States should simply have been pleased to have won the Cold War and taken not even the slightest action against the toppled USSR. That would have been the equivalent of, say, the action one would expect a decent person to take after the resolution of a longstanding conflict with a neighbor. NATO need not have been dissolved, not, at least, until after a period in which the countries involved could feel assured things had settled, but its expansion eastward was opportunism of the lowest sort.
Don’t know how many times I’ve posted here the following, but here it comes again …
“[E]xpanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.
“Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.
“ … Why, with all the hopeful possibilities engendered by the end of the cold war, should East-West relations become centered on the question of who would be allied with whom and, by implication, against whom in some fanciful, totally unforeseeable and most improbable future military conflict?”
— George F. Kennan, New York Times, February 5, 1997
“Last week the Senate Foreign Relations Committee put on a shameful performance. Senators Jesse Helms, Joe Biden & Co. rolled over like puppies having their bellies rubbed when Clinton officials explained their plans for NATO expansion by dodging all the hard questions.”
— Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times, March 3, 1998
“[E]xtending NATO into countries recently vacated by Moscow … is an ominous step. Whatever is said, however ingenious and vigorous the attempts to obscure the facts or change the subject, NATO is a military alliance, the most powerful in the history of the world, and the United States is the dominant force in that alliance. And whatever is claimed about spreading democracy, making Europe ‘whole’, promoting stability, peacekeeping, and righting past injustices–all formulations that serve, either consciously or inadvertently, to divert attention from the political and strategic reality of what is now occurring–cannot succeed in obscuring the truth that the eastward extension of NATO will represent an unprecedented projection of American power into a sensitive region hitherto beyond its reach. It will constitute a veritable geopolitical revolution.”
— Owen Harries, The National Interest, Winter 1997/98
”I think [the Senate’s ratification of NATO expansion] is the beginning of a new cold war,” said Mr. Kennan from his Princeton home. ”I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else. This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves.”
— Thomas L. Friedman, reporting his telephone interview with George F. Kennan, New York Times, May 2, 1998
Unlike the neo-isolationists amongst some of the Dissident Right, I support NATO, we I believe we needed to give more aid to Ukraine. I also promote blowing up Muslim savages, kicking in their doors, taking back our oil, settling White Christians and resettling Middle Eastern Christians, establishing proxy monarchies, and in general creating neo-colonial foreign policy.
However, I don’t support doing that at the expense of abandoning let alone dissolving our borders, or importing all these foreigners. In contrast, the Democrats, would rather see Ukraine die and the Middle East go up in flames, than accept ending third world invasion of the US and abandoning our border.
So, it’s our border or it’s Ukraine. Fortunately, the Southern led House GOP under Johnson agreed with me. Sadly, that Chinese troon Sen McConnel just gave the Demoncrats another chance to screw us up. The foreign policy fight is there over in DC over Ukraine or the Border. I support the Border.
@Aryan Globalist Bro,
How is it ‘our’ oil if it’s in the Middle East?
We need to keep our noses out of other people’s countries and conflicts. They force refugees to come to the West, some of whom are likely bitter about what they witnessed and carrying out a terrorist attack.
Then you’ve got the normal ones….. their presence will change our culture and way of life, going forward.
Keep troops out of third world countries.
Keep third world immigrants out of the West.
Focus on the southern border, yes.
His use of “taking back our oil” is a tell – thus the Jew (or Shabbas Goy) reveals himself. That’s exactly how the Zionist regime views its neighbors’ oil. Note also that Jews are never at any time criticized – not even the most odious ones like Epstein, Soros, etc. Middle east oil was and is the property of the people who live in the countries there – largely Arabs and the Persians plus scattered others, nearly all Muslim. The Zionist entity and the Globo-Pedo Empire of Lies AGB supports are merely looters and thieves, as they have always been.
Then he brazenly lies:
> However, I don’t support doing that at the expense of abandoning let alone dissolving our borders, or importing all these foreigners. In contrast, the Democrats, would rather see Ukraine die and the Middle East go up in flames, than accept ending third world invasion of the US and abandoning our border.
The Democrats are even more enthusiastic about supporting the fake-and-gay country Ukraine and the Zionist regime than their “opposition” party the Gay Old Pedoburo are. Yes of course they are for erasure of the border, as are most Repukes. The Soviet Union imploded in 1991. Since then, NATO has no legitimate reason for existence. It’s chief purpose now is to serve as muscle for the EUSSR component of Globo-Pedo empire and that none of the countries enslaved therein escape that prison of nations, ensuring Europe remains open to invasion while backing invasions and wars directed against places like Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (e.g. any country that resists being reduced to a satrap of the Globo-Pedo Empire of Lies). So AGB now says he no longer wants the borders wide open but is nostalgic about using the military for decades to invade the world as his owners invited the world. Excuse me if I seriously doubt this change of heart. Invading the world creates the refugees which provide the fodder for both radicalized Islamic run by the CIA and Mossad and the invasion force to erase whatever remains of Christendom, including its people.
AGB and those he parrots (such as Ben Shapiro – the Littlest Chickenhawk) love to portray themselves as fighters against the spread of Islam but never once point out the massive support for importing Muslims into all former Christian nations by every single Jewish group, billionaire and media-figure that can be named. To distract, they point to the support from the empty shell of Christianity – whether its the now Satanic mainline Prots and Catholics – all controlled by Jewish money and Jewish-operated regimes. The great falling away promised in the Apocalypto (Unveiling) has taken place. We might as well switch to the past tense when referring to Christianity in the west as the number of believing Christians throughout is so small that it’s now statistically meaningless. Even so, never forget that God always leaves a remnant.
@Exalted Cyclops
“His use of “taking back our oil” is a tell – thus the Jew (or Shabbas Goy) reveals himself. That’s exactly how the Zionist regime views its neighbors’ oil.”
Undoubtedly somewhere some forward thinking Israeli is considering how to get a financial stake if not outright financial control over the oil and gas in the Middle East. Why wouldn’t they? Its the smart thing to do. The Chinese are doing it and have almost got it. But, why aren’t you worried about them? Cuz an Anti-semite First is only concerned about one thing “Duh, Jews.” Dumb.
In reality, its not the Jews who got us here but liberal gentiles. So moving forward the dumb as phuck thing to do is continue thinking like the post WWII liberals who gave it all away to the Arabs over the course of a generation or two. Your idea that its the Arabs oil is not new. Its the liberal way. The way we gave everything we had away after WWII to the camel jockeys. The way that made those Arabs, rich, powerful, and able to blow apart the US on 911.
After 911, we had a chance to correct our mistakes that your Dissident Rightist and Liberal ancestors made together back after WWII and especially after 1965. We had a chance to get back control of the huge Iraqi Oil fields, retake financial control of the Arabian oil fields, take back control of the fleet of tankers that supplied the world. But, nope.
Instead Dissident Rightists who had feelz for Arabs, liberal Republicans who had dreams of a egalitarian New World Order of Chinese and Americans working together, Democrats who hated Republicans winning wars, all sacrificed our victories onto the altars of their superstitions. Today, Chinese and Iranians have huge financial influence over Iraqi oil and are going to take over oil elsehwere.
So now the Chinese are starting to run things in MENA. They got control of Afghanistan and its minerals. They’ve bought controlling finance in a number of oil companies. Meanwhile, the Arabs are about to drop the dollar, and you and Hunter are about to be so impoverished you won’t be able to buy a Chic filet between the two of you. The fishing hole will be full of Mexicans and Arabs anyways.
“Middle east oil was and is the property of the people who live in the countries there – largely Arabs and the Persians plus scattered others, nearly all Muslim.”
When oil was discovered in the Arabian oil peninsula the Arabs there were divided into small tribes, their population small and scattered, and they had zero understanding of oil. They were primarily subjects of the Ottomans or under British protection. In Persia, where oil was first discovered, the British created an oil company that got sovereign rights over oil. The same eventually happened in Iraq and Arabian peninsula.
It was the British and Turks who gave licenses to the oil companies, the primary one being the Turkish Petroleum company. The later is the grandfather of most oil companies on the region, and in turn all were Western owned and operated. After WWI, and the defeat and ejection of the Turk and Germans, those Anglo-French-American oil companies were given sovereignty over the oil and gas fields.
So, no the oil was discovered by Westerners, it was owned by Westerners, it was developed by Westerners, it was operated by Westerners, and Westerners had suzerinty over it. We built it but it was given away by dipshits. Today, because of people like you the Sand Niggers have it and are using it to kill your relatives. Thank you.
“Then he brazenly lies:”
> However, I don’t support doing that at the expense of abandoning let alone dissolving our borders, or importing all these foreigners. In contrast, the Democrats, would rather see Ukraine die and the Middle East go up in flames, than accept ending third world invasion of the US and abandoning our border.
Thats not a lie. Long before you, I promoted securing our border with military forces, fortifying it, and ejecting from our country the illegals and numerous foreign origin nationalities. Nor is it a lie that the Dems have sacrificed the Ukrainians to the altar of the Brown man.
“The Democrats are even more enthusiastic about supporting the fake-and-gay country Ukraine and the Zionist regime than their “opposition” party the Gay Old Pedoburo are.”
No they aren’t. The recent legislative politicking shows the Democrats care less about Ukraine than they do letting little Brown Nick Fuentes types come across the border. Literally, they could’ve gotten aid to Ukraine but they had to secure the border and deport the illegals. They said screw it, let Ukraine die then.
“The Soviet Union imploded in 1991. Since then, NATO has no legitimate reason for existence.”
NATO is a collective defense treaty. It was developed before the beginning of the Cold War. The USSR was even invited to join. They refused and formed the Warsaw Pact instead. The USSR started the Cold War with the creation of the Warsaw Pact. NATO didn’t start the Cold War. Therfore NATO wasn’t formed against the USSR.
In fact, no where in the NATO treaty does it specifically say it was developed to defend its members from the USSR. Instead, it actually says its to defend its members and their interests, cultures, and people from all outsiders.
In fact, its treaty environs includes North Africa. When NATO was formed Algeria was an integral part of France. The French and British believed NATO could and should be used to stop the rising Arab and Moslem people, which they saw as a threat as much as the USSR and its Warsaw Pact.
When Nasser had began the revolt of the rest against the West, the British, French, and Israelis got together to stop him. But American Dissident Rights and Liberals joined on behalf of the brown and black man and backed Eisenhower’s greatest bone headed move in turning on its allies. The US betrayed France and the UK and yes Israel in 1956 during the Suez Crisis thereby beginning the end of White resistance to Browns and Blacks.
Worse was to come. The US ultimately refused join the French fight in Algeria. America’s refusal to support France’s war against sand niggers in Algeria and Egypt as stipulated by NATO was chief cause for France leaving the NATO defense structure. In turn, it caused the British to abandon what remained of their overseas obligations and started the process of turning the oil over to the Arabs.
In sum, NATO is the White Man’s security club. It was to be used against any foreign threat including Arab and Black invaders as well as commies. The EU, a Global Papist creation also competes with NATO and wants to dissolve it.
Dissident Rightists are too block headed to understand this. As usual, they’d rather fish, talk about “Duh, Jews” rather than think. But you go one step more. You expose yourself as a demilitarizer that would like to see the best White Man’s collective security treaty dissolved and European countries left defenseless against Arabs, Blacks, Moslems, AND Russians.
“It’s chief purpose now is to serve as muscle for the EUSSR component of Globo-Pedo empire and that none of the countries enslaved therein escape that prison of nations, ensuring Europe remains open to invasion while backing invasions and wars directed against places like Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (e.g. any country that resists being reduced to a satrap of the Globo-Pedo Empire of Lies).”
That is an inversion of the truth.
“So AGB now says he no longer wants the borders wide open but is nostalgic about using the military for decades to invade the world as his owners invited the world. Excuse me if I seriously doubt this change of heart.”
I’ve always supported defending America’s borders first. I was really angry but not surprised, about how the Bush Administration refused to militarize and fortify the border, end immigration, and expell the illegals.
However, it is true that I supported using our forces to kick the crap out the tin pot dictators around the world. I yearned for sending Marines onto third world dictatorships and forcing them to accept US and European investors and settlers again, and return the property stolen from us during decolonializarion. Bush however, being a Bush, never mobilized the country let alone the West to do such an undertaking like our leaders like Teddy Roosevelt did.
“Invading the world creates the refugees which provide the fodder for both radicalized Islamic run by the CIA and Mossad and the invasion force to erase whatever remains of Christendom, including its people.”
Oh b.s. These pukes are already radicalized. We could leave tomorrow, like we have under Biden, and they will still come after us. Our presence is not what gets them radicalized. What gets them radicalized is our weakness. It is not a law of nature that the mere presence of a White person causes all the non-Whites to freak out and go jihad bloodthirsty savage. You’ve drunken wokism if you believe that.
“AGB and those he parrots (such as Ben Shapiro – the Littlest Chickenhawk) love to portray themselves as fighters against the spread of Islam but never once point out the massive support for importing Muslims into all former Christian nations by every single Jewish group, billionaire and media-figure that can be named.”
There are plenty of Israeli and Jewish groups which do not support this. Netanyahu doesn’t support it. He supports rightwing nationalists clamping down on Moslem immigration. There are plenty of Papists though who support importing millions of Moslems. Including the leader of the world’s wealthiest conglomerate, the Papacy, Pope Francis II and his subjects in the EU.
“To distract, they point to the support from the empty shell of Christianity – whether its the now Satanic mainline Prots and Catholics – all controlled by Jewish money and Jewish-operated regimes.”
They are not all controlled by Jewish money. Pope Francis is not taking orders from some little shitty jew with oodles of money.
“The great falling away promised in the Apocalypto (Unveiling) has taken place. We might as well switch to the past tense when referring to Christianity in the west as the number of believing Christians throughout is so small that it’s now statistically meaningless. Even so, never forget that God always leaves a remnant.”
I can’t figure out if there are more or less Christian faithful today or during the other epochs like the Wars of Religion, the Catholic Babylonian Captivity, the Viking era, or the late Roman Empire era. Hard to tell. Either way, its notna reason to just raise the white flag and go to your fishing hole and sulk.
> In reality, its not the Jews who got us here but liberal gentiles.
As usual, you absolve jews of their part in the disaster (another tell). As I’ve noted countless times, it was not entirely the jews’ doing. To say it was implies they are superhuman. They didn’t do it alone. They had plenty of help from sellout whites. Of course they’ve had help from the spiritual entity they worship – Satan – as well. He has gentile worshippers also.
>It was the British and Turks who gave licenses to the oil companies, the primary one being the Turkish Petroleum company. The later is the grandfather of most oil companies on the region, and in turn all were Western owned and operated. After WWI, and the defeat and ejection of the Turk and Germans, those Anglo-French-American oil companies were given sovereignty over the oil and gas fields.
The oil is really the property of the people of the area, as represented by their governments – or perhaps even individual landowners depending on the legal tradition (sharia in this case). Your argument boils down to conflating corporations controlled by Satanists like the Rockefellers – every one of whom should be burned at the stake – with sovereign governments. Persia was an actual country long before the collapse of the Ottomans. Nations are sovereign and can repeal grants given to foreign corporations at any time. Persia attempted to do this in 1953 and the lawless regimes of Britain and Murika overthrew their government and imposed the Shah. Small wonder we’re called the ‘Great Satan’.
The fact that you think Americans should be drafted to impose the will of oil companies (many owned by the City of London mafia HQ) means you essentially admit western governments are but mere tools of elite oligarch interests. Thanks for proving Gen. Smedley Butler to be the absolute smartest jarhead who ever lived. In four simple words he summed it up brilliantly: War is a Racket. Indeed it is. The western discoverers and developers were long ago been handsomely repaid for their efforts. Send a Rockefeller with an M-16 and a few grenades to enforce his claim and see how long he lasts (30 second tops, though a good stoning would be sufficient).
> After 911, we had a chance to correct our mistakes ….
9/11 was a false flag. The likely culprits were CIA and Mossad. Note that all but one of the “hijackers” were Saudis. Jorge W. Busheron (Murika’s first Messican presidente) of course invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden (CIA asset) was the fall-guy, already seriously ill. The Taliban even offered to hand him over. He ended up in CIA controlled safe-house down the street from Pakitstan’s west-point (where he was kept “on ice” in the words of a US general) and conveniently killed in a largely empty building by US forces and given an “Islamic burial at sea” (there is no such thing).
Murika’s invincible rainbow legions, whose office corps were already replaced with woke toadies by Bill Clinton in the 1990s, were sent to secure a base for future operations against Iran, steal oil for “our greatest ally” (who murdered nearly 40 US sailors on the USS Liberty), and take over the poppyfields of Pashtunistan from the Taliban (who had banned opium growing) for the benefit of the Sacklers and the CIA – an twenty year adventure in the “graveyard of empires”. The IRL left with its tail between its legs in 2021, which was quite hilarious.
> In sum, NATO is the White Man’s security club.
No. You might have been able to sell this scam in the 1970s, but it’s now muscle for the same gang of elite Satanic Pedophiles who rule over Murika and the EUSSR alike. NATO is fully woke now, just like Murika’s Imperial Rainbow Legion. It did zip to stop the ongoing invasion of Europe, just as the IRL does zip to stop the ongoing invasion of the former United States.
> Oh b.s. These pukes are already radicalized. We could leave tomorrow, like we have under Biden, and they will still come after us. Our presence is not what gets them radicalized. What gets them radicalized is our weakness. It is not a law of nature that the mere presence of a White person causes all the non-Whites to freak out and go jihad bloodthirsty savage.
Yes Jihad has always been part of Islam. That being said, Islam had become less militant by the early years of the 20th century. There are also significant divisions within Islam. The Muslim world was largely in this state until the establishment of the Zionist colony and (even more) the endless wars and attacks waged by Globo-Pedo Empire militaries on behalf of the Zionist colony. The Muslim Brotherhood was the reaction of an Egyptian man who was sent to study in the US in the 1920s. He was appalled at the loose morality of the place in the wake of the 1914 takeover by the usual suspects. Others experienced life in Weimar Germany, where jewish ‘morality’ was on full display.
Like the morons who think that Afghanistan really needs woke feminsim … poking a hornet nest is never a good idea. Even now, the lack of response by many Muslim states to the bombing of Gaza is indicative of considerable disorganization and corruption in the Dar-al-Islam. The massive point also remains that they would be in no position to ‘come after us’ were it not for most jews and their white shitlib enablers opening the gates to invaders – just as they did in Visigoth Spain.
> There are plenty of Israeli and Jewish groups which do not support this. Netanyahu doesn’t support it. He supports rightwing nationalists clamping down on Moslem immigration.
No there are very few who oppose flooding every white country. We just saw Israelis demanding that the Gazans they displaced be resettled in the US and in Europe. The vast majority of jewish groups, including “conservatives” like Shapiro, Harzony and others, support closed borders for Israel but open borders for every white country. All part of the pathological hatred of Christianity. Christ killers then, Christ killers now, Christ killers for eternity. That’s the jew in one sentence. Exceptions are extremely rare.
> I can’t figure out if there are more or less Christian faithful today or during the other epochs like the Wars of Religion, the Catholic Babylonian Captivity, the Viking era, or the late Roman Empire era. Hard to tell. Either way, its notna reason to just raise the white flag and go to your fishing hole and sulk.
Less by far. Protestantism is either fully woke or chained to the Christian Zionist heresy. Catholicism was bankrupt by the 1830s, and made the fateful error of borrowing from the Rothschilds. Their bankruptcy was due to fighting wars for the bogus “donation of Constantine” which was lost by 1860. By the 1920s, the pedophiles had already started to seriously infiltrate the priesthood. By the time of John XXIII, Vatican II – essentially full-blown apostasy – was underway and completed under the Sodomite “pope” Paul VI. Bergolgio is merely the latest and most blatant Anti-Pope. I expect the fatal error in Catholicism goes back to 1054. They made some attempts to correct for it, but all ended up in failure. As I said, there’s still a remnant, and as Vox Day noted – all it takes is twelve.
Not agreeing with repeating failed strategies (like voting Republican) isn’t the same as ‘raising the white flag .. going to a fishing hole and sulking’. What is needed is an application of the white man’s innate ability to think outside the box. Yes it’s been seriously hampered and undermined by the appalling edumacation system controlled by an alliance of white liberals and jews (both major unions). Besides homeschooling (outlawed in parts of the EUSSR) one idea to counteract this would be the formation of white teacher unions which are explicitly christian. Obviously clawing back churches from woke rulership, eschewing the 501c(3) exemption and its regime-imposed rules under the tax code would another small one step to accomplish some reconquista
“How is it ‘our’ oil if it’s in the Middle East?”
Most people who read this forum are too young to remember when we owned most of the oil in the Middle East. I was myself just a kid when my parents and grand parents where arguing over what to do with the towel heads taking full control over the entire oil making operation saying the oil was theirs when it was really ours. But, the truth is, Westerners, primarily the British discovered every single oil field in the Middle East and Westerners initially owned the the mostly uninhabited land that covered it. All was lost because American liberals had feelz for poor shitty Arabs.
When the oil was discovered by Westerners, the entire Arab Peninsula were most oil and gas comes from, was inhabited by Arab nomads who numbered in the scores of thousands and literally still rode around on camels and horses raiding and feuding. This area was mostly under the control of the Ottoman Turks. So, many of today’s international oil companies were originally under the Western organized, financed, managed, staffed, and worked Turkish Petroleum Company.
The TPO, was an international European corporation, but primarily British owned. It was made an international corporation to keep the balance of European power in the area, develop the oil fields in behalf of Europeans, and enrich the European shareholders. The spoiler in this international corporation was the Germans. They wanted it all and had designs on using it to dominate the inner court of the Ottoman Sultan and thus the Empire.
Consequently, the Turks who held suzerinty over the area and backed by Imperial Germany made demands on the other Westerners which made it prohibitorilly expensive to develop most of the oil and gas fields. WWI changed that, and with the German Kaiser converting to Islam (Yes he converted to sand niggerism) and allied with the Turks, the British took the opportunity to crush the Ottoman Turk. Under Spec Op style officers like Lawrence of Arabia the British managed to mobilize the Arabians against the Turks. Their effort was spectacularly successful and literally created the modern Middle East as we know it.
The stupid Germans who had spoiled the show, and the interfering Turks had been defeated. The TPO and its successors had full sovereign rights and ownership over the oil fields. Unfortunately, the British had given a kind of national awareness to the Arabians who replaced the Turks in making demands. Fortunately, especially in the peninsula where the biggest oil finds were located, the Arabians were little more than American Indian style tribesmen. So, for a time Western companies got full right and ownership over the fields and were profitable despite periodic Arabian raiding attacks.
Imagine a place were White drillers, rastabouts, engineers, and managers, worked in the desert and periodically got in shootouts with raiding Arabian tribesmen. Then partied in little cantinas where Arabian slave women danced. This was the way of the area until after WWII. But, over time, due to changes over colonial policy in London and American interference leveraging Arabian chieftains to gain more US control over the oil companies, the Arabians first got more and more protection money, and then received recognition for holding sovereign control over the oil fields in the 1950s.
Today, the scores and scores of millions of bloody Moslem Arabians and their trillions of dollars of wealth, got there by stealing our oil and gas, and leveraging American feelz over poor sand niggers not having a say. The later was really just cover so Rockefeller money could get more from the British dominated firms. So yeah, the oil was ours. But for American interference against the British on the side of the Arabians who had been mobilized by the British to wipe out the Turks, they’d still be little more than this. https://youtu.be/Ayyinb0UJlU?si=H10fZZTErCkj4Xop
Yes Schlomo, we all know you support and endorse Globo-Pedo. Why not join up with the War-Sow’s Murikan legion. You could earn a fine Darwin Award with precious Kosher klusters. Maybe somewhere in muh’Israel, a tiny violin would play …
Actually, I signed up right after the invasion. But then a Russian smashed into my car and caused massive bodily injury (no joke). I am mostly recovered but yeah, I would’ve gone by now. My worry is it will be over by the time I get there.
Ashkenazi Globalist Troll,
There are anywhere from 1.2-1,5 billion muslims on Earth. Unlike Christians, they take umbrage at being displaced, occupied, and humiliated by jews like yourself, and shabbat goys that aid and abet them.
I heartily suggest that you and your fellow kikes do your own dirty business without out help and assistance.
That oil in Arabia and Persia is not ours. White nations have their own access to crude oil and natural gas in their home nations, and those that are without can purchase or trade or barter resources in exchange of what they are lacking without murdering people in their own territories/nations, in order to steal their land and resources that only makes muslims rightfully hostile, and for the benefit of capitalist pigs and jews.
“There are anywhere from 1.2-1,5 billion muslims on Earth. Unlike Christians, they take umbrage at being displaced, occupied, and humiliated by jews like yourself, and shabbat goys that aid and abet them.”
But I am not a Jew. However, I have been called a Shegaz, correctly on a few occasions. The Jewesses can’t keep their hands off me. I considered it good missionary work.
“That oil in Arabia and Persia is not ours. White nations have their own access to crude oil and natural gas in their home nations, and those that are without can purchase or trade or barter resources in exchange of what they are lacking without murdering people in their own territories/nations, in order to steal their land and resources that only makes muslims rightfully hostile, and for the benefit of capitalist pigs and jews.”
Spoken like a true woke Portlandian. Screw that. We found the oil, bought the rights, developed it, and gained sovereign control over the fields. Its originally ours and next time, we are going to take it back as such.
It’s because ‘Ringo’, we ‘Nazis’ (National Socialists) are anti-war. Unlike you Jews who are only interested in getting us into your damn Wars – and dying for you Kikes.
Not wanting to give another 60 billion in a losing effort is “a wild hair up the dissident rights ass”? Jfc. How retarded do you have be to type that isiocy,
@ Ringo,
You’re posts are either the work of a jew, or by an aspirationally jewish shabbat goy neo-con, such as Glenn Beck, Lyndsey “Lady G” Graham, and Elon Musk.
Whatever your background and motivation for supporting the jewish gangster abomination of “Greater israel,” how about you volunteering for UAF frontline service? Multiple sources have reported that the UAF needs all the men and women available. Are you a ‘chicken hawk,’ or will you put some skin into that war?
lmao at Vindman. Every time I hear that name I immediately think of Trunews in 2019 covering the #Jewcoup.
ZOG will do what it wants to do. More than a few alphabet soup outfits, known and unknown, that have plenty of off the books funds, men, and material.
“Dissident Right has a wild hair up their ass for Ukraine for some reason.”
No, it’s a waste of resources and a catastrophic loss of human life, good WHITE lives.
Agreed. Which is why Putin should’ve been named worst White person of the year for launching it and continuing to wage a non-stop brothers war.
Additionally, it needlessly antagonizes Russia and $120,000 million would build dozens of border fences and help those hooked on dope.
I am very mad at Russia for antagonizing the West, killing so many White people, and forcing us to pay money to stop him. All of this money is money we could’ve been used for our defenses. Its almost like he’s trying to keep us from defending our border and keeping fentynal going. .
I have wondered for awhile why having multiple military bases in a hostile power’s back yard isn’t considered inflammatory. Like the United States having bases in Yemen, Jordan and. wherever. Maybe this is what the military industrial complex wants, a constant excuse to say, “Our troops are being threatened.” And start another war. Or add to one that it already in existence. Well maybe if the Washington swamp crowd didn’t think they had to garrison half the planet, we wouldn’t be where we are.
Self bombing ice cream cone.
Nice. The Neo-Klown’s favorite dessert.
Charles Schumer is one of THE slimiest Js in world history .
Can t believe a Ukrainians of all people made their slimey J pervert comedian their President to start a White brothers war with their / our kinsmen the Russians .
Re: “starting a White brothers war with their / our kinsmen the Russians”:
Not the first time. Russian farmers sing an old song about it: “Hot blood has started to flow like a river”:
The “Conservatives” never met a war or intervention they didn’t like. They are furious that U.S. tax money isn’t raining down on Our Greatest Ally and Ukraine right now followed up by U.S. troops. Just look at whom the biggest supporters of these bad ideas are to learn all you need to know: The Usual Suspects and their lap dogs.
Bringing back the draft next year to make war possible is a small price to pay in their eyes. The ruling class, both “liberal” and “Conservative” (and their families, of course) will be exempt from the draft anyway so what do they care who gets killed and maimed? Maybe there is a bizzness opportunity in lucrative Government contracts providing rehabilitation services, a “win-win” opportunity as the Wall Street Journal would write.
With Schumer running the Senate, most everything will be against gentile interests.
With McConnell as Senate majority leader, will he do any thing more of less for White interests?
We both know the answer to that rhetorical question.
McConnell might not be back in 2025.
It’s a matter of degree.
Do you want a poison that makes you vomit or a poison that throws you into fatal convulsions?
“SenSchumer threatens to send U.S. troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world-aid bill: ”
Are American troops sensible enough to mutiny ?
So Chuck-U Schumer is now the CIC? I thought the War-Sow was giving the orders. Hard to keep up these days.
Confucius says: Invest fiat shekels in printing press stocks.
Borders? We don’t need no stinking borders.
Borders are a construct of the white male patriarchy, comrade.
No need for those in the Benetton rainbow rootless shop mongrel fourth world turd Kwanstain.
The philosopher Confucius would not have said things like that. Confucius: said ““When wealth is centralized, the people are dispersed. When wealth is distributed, the people are brought together.” Far from being a joke, the philosophy of Confucius was revolutionary. “The fact that there was a backlash against his teachings by the ruling class suggests that what he had to say was both different and threatening to them”: https://www.confucius-1.com/politics/
That’s consistent with my view of Trump though. He just uses the issue to get in power. He’s basically a grifter.
Neocon John (a Kike) Podhoretz labeled Rep Thomas Massie (R-KY) a “piece of anti-Semitic filth” on Sunday for announcing he will vote against giving over $14 billion from struggling US taxpayers to Israel.
“The Speaker just announced that next week the House will vote on a clean bill to send Israel $14.3 billion,” Massie said Saturday on X. “Israel has a lower debt to GDP ratio than the United States. This spending package has no offsets, so it will increase our debt by $14.3 billion plus interest. I’m a No.”
“Most of this money will go directly to the U.S. Military Industrial Complex (MIC), which, if you’re keeping up, prefers to be referred to as the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) now. Watch for those stocks to go up Monday,” Massie added.
An anti-semite is not someone who hates jews, but someone who jews hate, to paraphrase someone, as it’s relevant in this case. If only Massey was anti-semitic; his defence of his position is a bit weird. Jews are always telling us goy-cattle how vastly superior they are to us, so why do they need us cattle to give them billions to fight against a much weaker opponent? There’s a riddle for your high IQ jews and their defenders.
Back in the day, this obnoxious POS was known as ‘Mr. Reversion to the Mean’. He was a regular at NRO in the era of El Shrubberai the Caudillo or Crawford, known as J-Pod. Steve Sailer pointed out how he was clearly the stupid offspring of smart parents – hence ‘Mr. Reversion to Mean’. Like all Neo-Klowns, he’s more noxious and evil than ever. Just another acolyte of the great War-Sow of Foggy Bottoms.
“Jews are always telling us goy-cattle how vastly superior they are to us, so why do they need us cattle to give them billions to fight”
Why are they always spying and stealing American technology and innovations? I would think they could develop their own, being such global geniuses.
Re: the spending package for Ukraine, Israel and border:
Don’t forget, the U.sury S,ystem will also increase spending on its war against China, regardless of meaningless legislation drama. No imperialist war will be left behind, because the U.S. owns the Almighty Dollar and prints or creates all the dollars it needs, which create debt for all workers, and death and destruction, to protect the super-wealthy capitalist class and help it grow even wealthier and achieve total monopoly, for maximum profit which is the logic of the system.
Didn’t you know? The U.S. has illegally deployed hundreds of troops to the Chinese province of Taiwan, which the U.S. supposedly “recognizes to be part of China.” (But that meaningless gesture was made during the capitalist-revisionist Deng Xiaoping years, when the U.S. was fully exploiting China to the hilt and even required China to pass and enforce a cruel “one-child” law as part of the deal.) Now the U.S. has even more provocatively deployed its troops (called “U.S. military advisors”) in the Kinmen Islands within shouting distance of the coast of mainland China, only two miles from a very large city on the Chinese coast! See this photo of the closest Kinmen island: https://niqnaq.wordpress.com/2024/02/08/antiwar-com-9/
The U.S. also spent an immense amount of money trying to create an insurrection in Hong Kong, but it failed. When you think about it, China has been extremely restrained, patient. gentle and tolerant in the face of these relentless attacks, and knowing that the capitalist system will never quit (it CANNOT quit) trying to conquer China.