The Case for Trump 2024: Trump’s Personality Cult

In the 2016 election, I wrote a series of articles called The Case for Trump in which I outlined the reasons why I was supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. I recently went back and read those old articles in the archives. It occurred to me last night on the way home that it would be a fun exercise to do that again since I plan to vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

I’m not doing this to shill for Donald Trump. I am not telling you to go out and vote for him. Instead, I want to flesh out my current thoughts on Trump, which have changed since 2016 and 2020. I want to go on the record for I can go back and read what I was thinking a few years down the road. In 2020, I was extremely blackpilled and thought I had made a tragic mistake in 2016, but my views of Trump have softened after four years of the disastrous Joe Biden presidency. As Joe Biden would say, I shouldn’t compare Donald Trump to the Almighty. I should compare him to the alternative. I have done so.

In 2024, the American Right is in the grips of a personality cult. Donald Trump is at the peak of his popularity. Following the 2024 Republican Convention, Donald Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party and his internal opposition has finally crumbled. Trump’s defeat in the 2020 election made it clear that neither Trump or MAGA will accept losing to Joe Biden. If Trump manages to lose the 2024 election, he will not retire to Mar-a-Lago. He will claim the election was rigged against him because of the unprecedented lawfare. He will run again in 2028. MAGA will push him through the primary. We will be stuck with an 82-year-old Trump running against President Kamala Harris in 2028.

If Trump wins the 2024 election, he will be a lame duck in two years. He will be ineligible under the 22nd Amendment to run for president in 2028. Trump will be able to move on into private life and retire from politics with his dignity intact. MAGA will be able to move on from Trump who was already seen as a providential leader before his miraculous death defying escape from an assassin’s bullet. The country will finally be able to move on from nearly two decades of Trump dominating our politics.

If Trump had won the 2020 election, he would be on the verge of stepping down from power. Defeat in 2020 postponed the future. I don’t want to be sitting here covering a decrepit Donald Trump in his 80s trying to govern as president in 2030 like Joe Biden in his current condition. Two years is not a long time. I think at this point it is worth it just to be done with the Trump era. When I voted for Trump in 2016, I never imagined a world in which he would still be president in 2026, but here we are.

So, my first thought about this race is that lets get it over with. I would also prefer to live through a final four years of Grandpa Trump than four years of Kamala Harris.

Note: Joe Biden is giving us a master class on how difficult it is to persuade elderly politicians to give up power.


  1. “I would also prefer to live through a final four years of Grandpa Trump than four years of Kamala Harris”……even because Kamala Harris seems to be more woke than Biden or others. Vice president Vance once time was an opponent of Trump but now he’s changed is view and is very popular.

    P.s. I note that a lot of people, even in my country are astonished that Hulk Hogan endorsed Trump and did that scene at the convention.

  2. They tried to wreck him financially.
    They tried to imprison him.
    They tried to assassinate him.

    What’s next ?

    • Who knows what the script holds next? Rabbi Don gets elected and builds the Third Temple using US taxpayer money?

      • Zion Don’s headin’ up the Red Heifer Posse. Maybe Satanyahoo will crown him Kang Cyrus soon when he gives his big pep-talk to the assembled whores in the world’s greatest brothel, whose offerings exceed even the imaginings of Gorge Rape-Rape Martin.

  3. Pretty weak reason, IMO. Trump continuing to be in politics is what’s been driving the neocons and free market fundies out from the Republican party. As soon as he’s gone, they’ll come slithering right back, telling us that propping up the Empire with foreign wars is actually America First. The longer he’s part of Republican politics, the better. As odious as the Trump cult is, I’ll take it over the alternative. He’s like garlic, holy water and crosses all rolled into one against the very worst people in our society.

    • @Anonymous,

      Trump is a massive neocon. Everyone he surrounds himself is an Israel Firster neocon, national security state apparatchik or both.

      You bought into the Bernasyian propaganda that Zion Don is a populist outsider. Do populist anti-neoconservative politicians pal around with the likes of Nikki Haley, Lyndsey Graham, John Bolton, and present Netanyahu with a ceremonial key to the White House?

      • I admit Bolton had me worried, but Trump basically teabagged him. Humiliated him so badly that Bolton quit and became one of the most vicious anti-Trumpers of all. So no, I award you no points for Bolton.

        Trump is a Zionist, there’s no getting around it. I get that this is a dealbreaker for people for whom Jews occupy every nook and cranny of their minds, but for sane people this is just one single factor among many others. And if you want to paint Trump as some sort of warmonger, you’ve got a very difficult job ahead of you. He didn’t start a single war, negotiated the Afghanistan withdrawal, honestly tried to pull out of Syria but was stymied by his bureaucracy (his fault for being incompetent.) The Solemani hit was stupid, but he did let the Iranians save face – by *directly* attacking a US base, something unprecedented and very humiliating for the Empire – once he understood the gravity of what he’d ordered. In hindsight you can say he should have completely pulled the plug on building up Ukraine, but him basically getting impeached over it made that kind of difficult. Trump is many things, but a warmonger isn’t one of them. He looks like the frigging Buddha compared to any of his recent predecessors.

        If Jews are all you care about, Zion Don isn’t your guy. But if you are capable of holding more than one thought in your head, you might want to consider some of his other qualities.

        • “people for whom Jews occupy every nook and cranny of their minds, ”

          Not so much that, as it is the incredible amount of harm they do. Marx, Lenin, Princip, Kissinger, Celler, Fauci. Sacklers and thousands more, who have caused the tortured deaths of tens of millions.

          Voltaire wrote that he feared one day the jews would be fatal to all of humanity.
          He wasn’t being hyperbolic.

        • If the donors control the agendas, look at who the largest donors are for both retardicans and devilrats.

          There is a reason to focus on jewish power and influence. They are the puppet masters and ghostwriters our peril.

  4. Hunter, two questions. Don’t you think Trump getting “re-elected” will just put whites to sleep once again, as opposed to another Biden presidency which would almost certainly radicalize tons more whites? Also, if he does get in there again, whats your predictions on how the street level Left is going to react? Chaos? Will he actually crack down this time around?

    • That is actually far more of a concern than Cheetohead’s longtime fondness for Talmudic Satanists. The one possible thing working against it (which is very hard to measure) is that a large number of whites are starting to see reality since things have become so obviously ugly here. At the end of the day, whites are the only ones who can save themselves. Trump is not salvation. Salvation comes only with repentance, which means turning away from the direction one is headed in.

    • Brad doesn’t care he’s been back and forth on so many positions and issues you can’t trust anything he says.

  5. Trump is a proven failure and fraud.

    You could get away with claiming that you were fooled in 2016.

    2024 was the perfect opportunity to move on from him and it was not taken.

    A disastrous 2nd term is inevitable, and it will be entirely the fault of the right wing voter base. This level of stupidity is incompatible with survival. Weakness and imbecility has no “right” to go on living. I no longer believe that “heritage Americans” deserve to keep their country. They will be subjugated and erased, something more vital, strong, and consistent with long term survival will rise in their place.

  6. So cynical. Everybody has become so cynical.

    What would it take to convince folks that Trump is at least worth supporting for what he will prevent? Would he have to personally turn a jew into a lampshade to get the cynics seal of approval from the right?

    I don’t know either. Its become increasingly difficult to form any kind of expectation for his presidency because I’m just so used to disappointment. Like pavlovs red headed step child, I just know I’ll get burned cause its what always happens.

    Are we too cynical? Maybe its just unrealistic expectations he never should have been expected to meet? Like the old adage, never meet your hero, you’ll always be let down because no matter what you thought, the expectation had no relationship to reality because it wasn’t based on anything true to begin with.

    • What will he prevent? In light of his entire past record which is the only thing that counts as like all politicians he’ll literally say anything, nothing set in motion by any of his predecessors will end. The endless wars, the open borders, great-replacement, wokism, DEI, etc. are all stronger than ever. The GOP convention was scarcely more than a LA-style tranny fest. Melania hosted the log-cabin Republicans beforehand. The decent folks who show up for his rallies – like Corey Creatore in PA who paid with his life for it – have no more voice in the Trump machine than they do in the D-jersey machine.

      The only (very small) possible thing he’ll be able to do is to walk back the bullshit in Jewkraine and let NATO collapse since the War-Sow and her crew have brought us to the brink of nukes flying. He might have to do this in order to send the boots on the ground to fight Israel’s war against Iran (which could end up in nukes flying all on its own).

  7. Kamala Harris carried almost no weight in the 2020 primary. She was an affirmative action pick and doesn’t have the charisma Barack Obama did. I don’t think she’ll be the nominee in 2028.

  8. “The U.S. Capitol Police are beefing up security throughout Washington, D.C., ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday.” Nypost

    Just so odd, heightened security for netanyahu but reduced security for Trump.

    Makes a person wonder, who’s in control ?

  9. Unrelated:

    “Harrowing video showed the moment the gunwoman walked up and opened fire on the 7-month-old infant and his parents outside of a home.
    She shouted, “F—k your baby, b—h!” as the child’s mother screamed in horror.
    “My baby!” the child’s mom shrieks as the baby cries out, according to the footage.”. Nypost

    You guess the race.

    “Around blacks never relax”, is just not possible in the real world.

    “Just get the hell away from blacks.”…. Scott Adams

  10. “Dr. Anthony Fauci downplays Trump’s wounds from assassination attempt: ‘Superficial’”

    That’s the empathy of a jew ……. None !

    • Fauci’s a Sicilian Papist and a Jesuit. This “Duh, Jew” bs caused basic Wtf? moments like this. Like, how could you miss this important demographic quantifier. Jesuit, Papist, Sicilian-American, Scientist, Global Poisoner. But you missed it and the important ramifications, because “Duh, Jews.”

  11. Two pro-Trump arguments:

    1.) It appears Trump wants to step back from the nuclear brink with Russia, settle the Ukraine war and move on, repairing relations with Russia as much as possible. Dementia Joe’s owners and keepers want nuclear war with Russia or are willing to roll the dice on nuclear war with Russia, a distinction without a difference.

    2.) Trump will probably do some border enforcement and some deportations in contrast to Dementia Joe’s owners and keepers who have been driving The Great Replacement at a million MPH.

    Can’t think of a third pro-Trump argument. It’s too late to be fiscally responsible, that ship sailed a long time ago. Trump will inherit an unfixable economic catastrophe. He is also thoroughly in the back pocket of The Usual Suspects who carry him around like a piece of lint.

    Here are the arguments for re-electing Dementia Joe or electing Cackling Kamala as Mr. President: . . .


    Actually there really is one, maybe two arguments for electing (now) Cackling Kamala as the next Mr. President.

    1.) Her gross incompetence and stupidity will be on display for the whole world to see and laugh at, thoroughly discrediting that All Men are created Equal bullshit at the core of the so-called “Civil Rights” (sic), anti-White movement destroying the country.

    2.) Cackling Kamala will accelerate the crash of GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire, discrediting its narrative and institutions even with young, White, “liberal”, suburban women. When the electricity is off for the second night, Jamal, Lakeisha and Hector are getting loud and restless and White men have checked out, this will finally get some of the idiot, White, “liberals'” attention. Fear can do that, it can be a great motivator to get people to finally do the right thing when all else has failed.

    • Republican convention speaker Shabbos Kestenbaum, like the ‘Aryan Globalist’ frequent commenter on this website, states correctly that the Left (socialism) is the real enemy of your system. You populists and conservatives all belong to the Right, and to the empire and its crusader colonial proxy called Israel. If you are pleased with your comfortable bourgeois upper middle class position in the U.sury S.ystem, you must recognise that the Left (socialism) is your worst enemy (of your privilege) and that the Republican Party is your best friend. The Republican party is the most right-wing party, the one you should certainly support in this ‘election,’ although the Democratic party is really just as right-wing, not really different to the Republican party. So it really doesn’t matter which of the twin parties ‘wins’ the so-called ‘election.’ ‘Populism’ (or populist ‘reform’) is an illusion. The evil system cannot be reformed any more than Satan can be reformed.

    • @12AX7,

      On your first point, I have to respectfully disagree.

      It was under the Trump administration that the US unilaterally withdrew from the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty with Russia.

      Currently, the US and its vassal state Germany are going to deploy offensive missiles that can strike deep into Russia and can potentially be nuclear tipped.

      We are back to 1980’s Cold War status, and in the current era we have DEI and tranny military personnel in front of the control panels that would launch those missilles at Putin’s Russia which they believe is “homo and transphobic.” In addition, as we have seen with the Microsoft outage, in a military that will rely on AI for decision making; How out of the realm of possibility that some pajeet code writer working the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) makes an error that leads to an accidental launch?

      IMHO, if Zion Don is allowed to come to some form of peace treaty with Putin over Ukraine, and Putin is foolish enough to trust the US (Minsk Accords) to keep up its end of such a treaty, it will only be to pivot to war with Iran, and to kick up its next proxy war against China.

      Based on who the players and donors are in “rebuilding Ukraine,” it is unlikely that the war in Ukraine will end in anything other than a complete Russian victory.

  12. Well, given that Thomas Mathew Crooks was a Papist follower of the Gay Grand Inquisitor, and the later has agitated hate against Trump, and has declared a fatwa of Holy War against Netanyahu and Jews and Protestants, it would be prudent to ensure more Groypers don’t succeed in living out the Game “Assassin’s Creed” or whatever.

  13. Who will be the next puppet figurehead ‘king’ of the largest and most powerful, most violent and evil empire in world history? Who will ‘win’ its so-called ‘election’ (who will be selected)? It makes no difference who wins and I do not care! THIS is your Republican Party, the party you support:

      • Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.

        The start of TV broadcasting in the late 1930’s proved this to skeptics.

  14. Trump will buy us some time before Amerikwa the Kwanstain goes full South Africa.
    That is all I ever expected and it is important now as the demographic clock is ticking.
    Burn this MOFO down is never a bug.

  15. The White rage a Kamala Harris presidency, especially if it is attained by a second great vote rigging or a second great secret service oops, would generate would be delicious. On the otherhand a second great Trump term would help move the Overton right and provoke a lot of Leftoid antics alienating White normies. It is hard to predict which is the better outcome for the growth of pro-White.

    • In many respects, that retarded ho would be the perfect one to guide the Empire of Lies into it’s final destruction, which has been earned with cumulative interest many times over.

  16. Right back on the Trump Train. Beshear would be a lot better. No one could be worse. I don’t think Trump’s Jewish Elohims will save him, or the angry Sikh gods invoked at the convention. The plain fact is, the Dems chose the Republican nominee.

    • That would be more than sufficient as a stand-in for total-cringe GOP convention 2024, though I suppose the retarded dindoo would be the ultimate clown presidin’ over the collapsing landfills of Clown-World in 2028. G.O.P. Hoap-n-change in 2028.

  17. OT:

    Posted 07/18/2024 on The Virginia Flaggers facebook page:

    We of the South will never forget what those murderers Yankee hordes did to our Dixie during the war especially what Black Dave Hunter did in the Valley.

    Shepherdstown, Va., July 20, 1864

    General David Hunter,

    Yesterday your underling, Captain Martindale, of the First New York Veteran Cavalry, executed your infamous order, and burned my house. You have had the satisfaction, ere this, of receiving from him the information that your orders were fulfilled to the letter, the dwelling and every outbuilding, seven in number, with their contents, being burned. I, therefore, a helpless woman, whom you have cruelly wronged, address you, a Major-General of the United States Army, and demand why this was done?

    What was my offence?

    My husband was absent, an exile. He has never been a politician, or in any way engaged in the struggle now going on—his age preventing it. This fact, David Strother, your chief of staff, could have told you. The house was built by my father, a revolutionary soldier, who served the whole seven years for your independence. There was I born; there the sacred dead repose; it was my house and my home; and there has your niece, who lived among us during this horrid war, up to the present moment, met with every kindness and hospitality at my hands.

    Was it for this that you turned me, my young daughter, and little son out upon the world without a shelter? or was it because my husband is the grandson of the revolutionary patriot, and of the noblest of Christian warriors, the greatest of generals, Robert E. Lee? Heaven’s blessings be upon his head for ever! You and your government have failed to conquer, subdue, or match him; and disappointed rage and malice find vent upon the helpless and inoffensive.

    Hyena-like, you have torn my heart to pieces, for all hallowed memories clustered around that homestead; aud, demon-like, you have done it without even the pretext of revenge—for I never saw or harmed you. Your office is not to lead, like a brave man and soldier, your men to fight in the ranks of war, but your work has been to separate yourself from danger, and, with your incendiary band, steal unawares upon helpless women and children, to insult and destroy. Two fair homes did you, yesterday, ruthlessly lay in ashes, giving not a moment’s warning to the startled inmates of your wicked purpose; turning mothers and children out of doors; your very name execrated by your own men, for the cruel work you gave them to do.

    In the case of Mr. A. R. Boteler, both father and mother were far away. Any heart but that of Captain Martindale (and yours) would have been touched by that little circle, comprising a widowed daughter, just risen from her bed of illness, her three little fatherless babies, the eldest not five years old, and her heroic sister. I repeat that any man would have been touched at that sight but Captain Martindale; one might as well hope to find mercy and feeling in the heart of a wolf, bent on its prey of young lambs, as to search for such qualities in his bosom. You have chosen well your man for such deeds; doubtless you will promote him.

    A colonel of the Federal army has stated that you deprived forty of your officers of their commands because they refused to carry out your malignant mischief. All honour to their names for this, at least. They are men; they have human hearts, and blush for such a commander.

    I ask, who that does not wish infamy and disgrace attached to him for ever, would serve under you? Your name will stand on history’s page as the hunter of weak women and innocent children; the hunter to destroy defenceless villages and refined and beautiful homes; to torture afresh the agonized hearts of suffering widows; the hunter of Africa’s poor sons and daughters, to lure them on to ruin and death of soul and body; the hunter with the relentless heart of a wild beast, the face of a fiend, and the form of a man. Oh, earth! behold the monster.

    Can I say ‘God forgive you?’ No prayer can be offered for you. Were it possible for human lips to raise your name heavenward, angels would thrust the foul thing back again, and demons claim their own. The curses of thousands, the scorn of the manly and upright, and the hatred of the true and honourable will follow you and yours through all time, and brand your name—infamy! infamy!!

    Again I demand why you have burned my house? Answer, as you must answer before the Searcher of all hearts, why have you added this cruel wicked deed to your many crimes?

    Henrietta Bedinger Lee


    Secede Now!

    May God Save the South!

    • Never forget Smedley Butler’s aphorism: War is a Racket. Nearly all wars are banker wars. Apart from Haiti, which was a massive slave-rebellion against the French, the only nation in the Western hemisphere which failed to resolve the slavery issue legislatively or by executive order was the United States. There was a well-funded and massive effort to undo the legislative efforts of William Clay which started with the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The Rothschild cartel, who lost its central bank thanks to the action Andrew Jackson, was behind the whole plan to inflame both sides. Otto von Bismarck spilled the beans…

      > “The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed… Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.” ~ Otto von Bismarck

      Yes those who fought for the south were fighting for their own people. This would not have been necessary if the cartel had not provided the money to fund Uncle Tom’s Cabin (which was total fiction), a penniless Dred Scott being miraculously able to take his case to the Supreme Court, the vast network of rabid abolitionists operating out of New England (who also stood to benefit from the central bank struck down by Jackson), the whole mess of ‘Bleeding Kansas’, ‘Fire-eaters’, etc. By 1860 the stage was set – just in time to paralyze the US from stopping the Rothschild-French invasion of Mexico (violating the Monroe Doctrine) to collect payment for loans. The Lincoln regime borrowed massively to fund the bluecoats, largely drawn from German and Irish immigrants while the Confederacy also borrowed from the same cartel for weapons and medicines. After the war, the south was systematically asset-stripped and looted for 12 years. Nearly 700,000 dead (not even counting civilians who died of disease and starvation) – nearly all whites. Lincoln probably figured out the racket under way by 1863 or so when he started to monetize the massive debt by printing greenbacks. That’s why he was liquidated in 1865 – after the Confederacy was already defeated. Johnson provided tons of surplus arms to the Mexicans fighting to free their own country from the Rothschild puppet Maximilian. That’s the real reason he was impeached (though they failed to convict). The drunken Grant (a kind of American Yeltsin) presided over the corrupt regime which signed the 1871 Treaty of Washington which guaranteed payment of both Federal and Confederate bonds to the usual suspects – in violation of the constitution.

      • That quote from Bismarck is so profound.
        Makes me wonder what other insights he had into other issues.

  18. Biden is a snoozefest, at least Trump will be entertaining.
    The least the ruling class could do is make sure we’re entertained, until the next Marvel movie comes out.

    • Marvel movies, now owned by (((Disney))), don’t entertain any more. Their sole purpose is to preach Church of Woke dogma.

  19. I will not vote for wall-touchers.

    We must prepare for the inevitable collapse of the petro-dollar, and we must strike hard and ruthlessly if we want to create a homeland.

  20. Never feel responsible for the actions of a politician you happened to vote for. All politicians lie, and they all do things that displease a lot of people. It truly is a choice of the lesser evil for most voters. Universal suffrage is a total failure, anyway.
    If Trump somehow loses this year, it just might be the punch in the nose that these conservatards need, and deserve. This country has been taken from them, but most of them don’t fully realize it yet. Of course, I’m betting that they will continue to do nothing about it, either way. Other than strapping on the kneepads for Israel, of course.

  21. Because your views are largely to the right of the overton window and not yet(?) mainstream, no presidential candidate is going to tick every box, dot every i and cross every t. If they’re in lockstep with you by 70%, then it’s likely as good as you’ll ever get. Biden ticks no boxes, so logic would suggest you don’t vote for him.
    Because of the dynamics of US politics, Trump will likely achieve little…..but probably wants to. He’s hampered by his term limit, Jews behind the scenes and just the system in general. Is that Trump’s fault?
    You be the judge. I’m not American.
    A Trump victory would be worth it just to see these brainless libtards crying, screaming and threatening to move to Canada, again.

11 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. The Case for Trump 2024: Fun – Occidental Dissent
  2. The Case for Trump 2024: Activist Brain – Occidental Dissent
  3. The Case for Trump 2024: Trump’s Indomitable Will – Occidental Dissent
  4. The Case for Trump 2024: “Worse Is Better” Is Tomorrow – Occidental Dissent
  5. The Case for Trump 2024: Your Vote Isn’t a Sacrament – Occidental Dissent
  6. The Case for Trump 2024: Zionism – Occidental Dissent
  7. The Case for Trump 2024: Riding Waves – Occidental Dissent
  8. The Case for Trump 2024: The Overton Window – Occidental Dissent
  9. The Case for Trump 2024: Donald Trump’s Enemies – Occidental Dissent
  10. The Case for Trump 2024: Secessionists for Trump – Occidental Dissent
  11. The Case for Trump 2024: Winning Is Generally Better Than Losing – Occidental Dissent

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