four minutes of Kamala Harris saying "what can be, unburdened by what has been" pic.twitter.com/YsFg7WRTv8
— Women Posting W's (@womenpostingws) July 17, 2024
In case you forgot, there’s a fundamental problem with Kamala Harris. pic.twitter.com/OfHAOEMuFc
— Amir (@AmirAminiMD) July 21, 2024
Are your really prepared for four years of this? pic.twitter.com/WnGXnc50dv
— Autism Capital ? (@AutismCapital) July 22, 2024
SUPERCUT!@KamalaHarris, everything wrong w/ Washington, D.C. in one woman pic.twitter.com/q9hiCaADZ1
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 21, 2024
I can’t get enough of these ? pic.twitter.com/nRQF8ckSgI
— Brandon Tatum (@TheOfficerTatum) July 22, 2024
Fuck it. I’m excited. Pissing your pants over electing a Black/AAPI woman president ignores the fact that we could elect a Black/AAPI woman president.
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) July 21, 2024
— Declaration of Memes (@LibertyCappy) July 22, 2024
It's actually pretty genius of the RNC to have Hulk Hogan speak because he underscores the fact that American politics is, at root, WWE wrestling. pic.twitter.com/vavCcP8mOO
— Amanda Fortini (@amandafortini) July 19, 2024
"For all you drug dealers and for all you crooked politicians… need to answer one question brother what you gonna do when Donald Trump and all the Trumpamaniacs run wild on you brother" -Hulk Hogan pic.twitter.com/d3GSic0TQu
— Ahmed/The Ears/IG: BigBizTheGod ?? (@big_business_) July 19, 2024
It’s official.
Joe Biden is not going to be the president for the next four years. It was obvious that his health was rapidly deteriorating. Even if Plugs recovered and won the 2024 election, it was already obvious that would mean Kamala Harris would be taking over at some point in his next term.
This unpleasant scenario is now upon us. Kamala Harris is already sewing up the Democratic nomination. Joe Biden has endorsed her candidacy. Congressional Democrats are rushing to endorse her. The accusations of racism and sexism have already begun. No one who would pose a serious threat to Trump is going to challenge her because her rivals think she will lose and want to get her out of the way. They have correctly concluded that 2028 will likely be a more favorable election cycle for Democrats.
The choice in 2024 is going to be four years of Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. I prefer the former to the latter because we need a change in energy. Even when Blumpf was failing and at his worst in 2020, we were having a blast making fun of him on here. He generated content. In contrast, Biden has put people to sleep, especially over the last two years. Personally, I would rather just disengage from politics, work my day job and have more money than cover Joe Biden’s latest senior moment in the news cycle.
I often hear the argument that “if Trump wins, then our people will go back to sleep.” My response to that is that Joe Biden has been putting even me to sleep over the past two years and I have been writing about politics for 20 years. Kamala Harris will be even worse. The Joe Biden presidency has sucked and as it has dragged on the whole country (Democrats, Republicans and Independents) have found common ground in wanting to shake things up. I know my output here has fallen off a cliff because I feel like “things suck, what else is there to say.” If Kamala Harris wins the presidency, millions of people will tune out of politics because no one wants to sit here and listen to that voice and react to it for the next four years. Blumpf was exhausting because no one on either side could turn away from the spectacle.
In 2020, I was extremely blackpilled, but I was engaged and having fun writing about politics. The memes were spectacular. If you loved Trump, you were having a good time. If you hated Trump, you were having a good time. No one has been having a good time under Biden though. Many of us are still cynical, bitter and blackpilled about politics, but the difference is you are not having fun and enjoying yourself. Your negativity is a turn off. You are not a happy blackpilled warrior. I have made no secret about the fact that nostalgia for Blumpf memes is one of the reasons why I am inclined toward wanting to see OUR KING restored to power for the FINAL BATTLE with the Deep State.
Hulk Hogan’s appearance at the RNC sealed it for me, not because I think Donald Trump will actually succeed in enacting his agenda, but because I am nostalgic for the fun and chaos of the Trump years. It was a vibes play and it worked. American politics might be as fake as the WWE, but if you were forced to choose would you rather watch the WWE or four years of Kamala Harris?
Once again, I am only offering my own thoughts and explaining my own mood and preferences. I don’t want to cover a joyless Kamala Harris presidency. It will be a bigger chore than tuning in to cover a senile Joe Biden with a gridlocked Congress. I know for a fact that the effect of it will be devoting less time to politics. I might pivot to history blogging or something else. You do you.
Note: Hulk Hogan should be appointed Secretary of Revenge!
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president

I think Trump in 2016 presidential campaign was more exciting, those years were very interesting and full of energy. Anyway we hope he win because Harris is a clown.
P.s. Should we start building monuments to Hulk Hogan?? so the left would have something to destroy in the coming years
Make politics entertaining again, Trump/Hogan 2024!
And Dwayne Camacho 2028!
The worst thing you can say about shitlibs is, they’re the most insufferably boring people on planet earth, 0 humor/humanity.
But aren’t the U.S.’s ongoing wars against Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Mali, Niger, RUSSIA, CHINA, Iran, Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, et al, entertaining enough to write about? Over 5% of the inmates of the Gaza concentration camp have already been killed by U.S. bombs and missiles and precise targeting directions. Just think, that is equivalent to almost 30 MILLION Americans being killed if some enemy did the same thing to the U.S.! That is REAL ACTION, not boring at all. It is “exciting,” worth thinking and writing about.
No matter who gets to be President, the system’s wars will continue, for the sake of survival of the system that MUST constantly “grow” the monopolies and profits of super-wealthy elites and their bourgeois allies, by waging hot, cold, financial, chemical, biological, psychological, covert, proxy and hybrid wars against all foreign peoples to be exploited, or else the system would collapse and die. Imperialism is always “exciting,” whereas the imperial Presidency (including “who gets to be POTUS next”) is
boringly ridiculous, like Monarchy in the twenty-first century, and in the twentieth and the nineteenth, is ridiculous, and boring, out-dated and outmoded. However most exciting of all is studying the NEW system that when it comes will END all wars, class, and usury. True liberty, equality, fraternity, God’s will being done on earth as in heaven.
“That is REAL ACTION, not boring at all.”
Get real, Meredith. Killing Middle Easterners is always boring.
“Killing Middle Easterners is always boring.”
No, it’s hideously tragic.
Its boring, but like all duties, it must be done just to keep the lawn from overpowering the house. Should’ve been done in Africa and Asia too. The West has been far to way lenient. But, “Muh, Colonialism” and “Muh, Zionism,” and other leftist surrender monkey talking words.
There’s nothing tragic about it, AIPAC, and you’re being self-indulgent to suggest there is. The Jews are a capable people; there is not a single point in the centuries since Roman times that they have done anything other than accumulate strength. They wanted that territory over there, and they got it. They have played a large part in the growth of the West, and that includes the petroleum industry’s activities in that part of the world. The non-Jewish peoples over there have been permitted by the West to enjoy some of the fruits of the West’s growth, when they might easily have simply been exterminated. After the destruction of the World Trade Center, in September 2001, the West could have destroyed the entire Muslim world, from the Maghreb to the Moluccas, in an afternoon, but it chooses to tolerate these peoples, these populations who are so boring that, yes, even killing them is boring. At age seventy, I can not remember a single moment, since my adolescence, that news from the Middle East has been anything other than boring. It’s amazing to me that peoples can think themselves entitled to go through life being as boring as they are. It’s a crime against humanity. In the century since World War I’s end, they have done nothing to accumulate strength. They have indulged in carping, in terrorism, in idiotic quasi-military exertion that has gained them nothing, and in talking about Muhammad. I had to laugh, ruefully, when I saw a Gazan say, shortly after Israel entered upon this recent military activity, that he and other locals weren’t going to evacuate, or something to that effect. “It doesn’t matter,” he said, “we are all martyrs.” Fine—go be martyrs, you nothings.
If whites had spent the past century accumulating strength, then we could be done with the whole mess, abandon the whole region. We wouldn’t have to do whatever is requested by a capable people, one that has accumulated the strength to control our politics—but whites, too, have had no interest in accumulating strength. They pride themselves on their squirrel-shooting, are content to be sharpshooters for hire. Don’t compound the atrocity by talking about how tragic it all is. It’s not even tragic that the Christians over there are collateral damage. It’s just the way it is—when you’re weak.
” The Jews are a capable people”
Of stealing and cheating.
” being self-indulgent to suggest there is. ”
Nothing ‘self-indulgent’, but empathic to Innocents suffering. Especially when it is at the hands of the sinisterly malevolent.
“they have done anything other than accumulate strength.”
While hiding in the skirts of other nations, playing the pity violin.
“since Roman times that they have done anything other than accumulate strength. ”
The Mongols nearly exterminated them in the 1300s, except they fled to Spain, Italy, France and Morocco seeking the protection of those they despise.
I am just amazingly accepting of the general sentiment of John Bonaccorsi’s comment. There are some things I’d add or critique, but it would do nothing to change the general correctness of his sentiment.
Western weakness has allowed this slow moving catastrophic train disaster towards Armaggedon to occurr. Its almost like its pre ordained just as some of these evangelicals say.
The region of the Prophets, Israel, the cradle of Christianity, the ancient birthplace of known recent civilization, the land of Hellenic civilization, the Greco-Roman Byzantine Empire, the Outremeur States of the Euro-Crusaders, is not only not done, its not done with us, and we can do nothing about it now….Accept for some to say fruitlessly, “Duh, Jews.” But really, we can never really come home now.
@Philly John,
I always suspected that you would be very comfortable being a well-paid shabbos goy for jewish financiers.
Defrauding your neighbors, family, and acquaintances in some Bernie Madoff like Ponzi scheme wouldn’t be boring for ya at all, eh?
USZOG brought 9/11 on itself.
Jews that worked in the WTC complex received texts not to go to work that day. They were all just a bunch of “Lucky” Larry Silversteins that had last minute change of plans that morning. Some even were seen across the Hudson River in New Jersey dancing, as the planes crashed into the Twin Towers.
Did Al-Qaeda destroy WTC Tower 7 too?
Whether Abe Lincoln or Mark Twain said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt” applies to your statement about 9/11, and what should have happened in its aftermath.
I bet you do not even know that the CIA created the Taliban, then known as the “Mujahedeen” when it was armed by the US to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, and how some of those Saudi jihadists took umbrage when USZOG stationed “infidels” near their most holy site of Mecca during the first Gulf War for pissrael in 1990-1991. A truck bomb was detonated in one of the World Trade Center parking garages two years later.
USZOG war crimes for Ashkenazi Hasbara Globalist Troll’s tribe in the Middle East incited a hornet’s nest of warriors for Allah to strike NYC and the Pentagon.
Jews that you seem to have a high opinion of are also responsible for America’s open borders that have allowed tens of thousands of more ‘sleeper cells’ of saboteurs and “martyrs” into the USA proper from all over the globe.
The genocide of the Palestinians that you seem to be okay with has alienated America from much of the world for the sake of psychopathic talmudic jews. This country hasn’t had much moral high ground for well over a century, but we haven’t been this morally depraved, since our military participation in Europe during the Second World War in Europe.
“If whites had spent the past century accumulating strength, then we could be done with the whole mess, abandon the whole region. We wouldn’t have to do whatever is requested by a capable people, one that has accumulated the strength to control our politics—but whites, too, have had no interest in accumulating strength. They pride themselves on their squirrel-shooting, are content to be sharpshooters for hire. Don’t compound the atrocity by talking about how tragic it all is. It’s not even tragic that the Christians over there are collateral damage. It’s just the way it is—when you’re weak.”
Here again, you are lashing out in ignorance.
Germans had thrown off their jewish misfortune with Uncle Adolf’s National Socialist revolution. They should have been White Europeans template as how to remove the parasites. Those Übermenschen in Deutschland did accumulate the strength, and it was obliterated by primarily Anglo aristocratic traitors in league with your cunning jews.
“It’s just the way it is—when you’re weak.”
The entire post by John Bonaccorsi, always a great commenter, is a bullseye.
“I always suspected that you would be very comfortable being a well-paid shabbos goy for jewish financiers.”
Spare me, November. By posting the kinds of things I post here—and to which I sign my name and with which I all but provide my street address—I place myself on their death list (if they could be bothered to go after the likes of miniscule me). They won’t be looking to hire me.
I wish to correct my spelling error, whose possibility occurred to me a few hours ago and which I’ve now confirmed by consulting a dictionary. I should have written “minuscule,” with a “u,” not “miniscule.” The dictionary I’ve checked says that “miniscule,” with an “i,” is “criticized by many [but] occurs with such frequency in edited writing that some consider it a variant spelling rather than a misspelling.” For the moment, at least, I’ll go with the view that it’s a misspelling.
Do I understand correctly that only a genocide of superiour-race “Aryans” or Jews would be exciting and worthy of your attention and pity?
Don’t forget the Japanese.
Oh yes, I forgot that the Japanese people are also counted among the mythical “Aryans.”
But the Han Chinese people are not “Aryan.”
> Don’t forget the Japanese.
Well, the Japanese are on Schlomo’s hit list as well. Take a wild guess who’s Murika’s Ambassador to Japan now. A fine American “patriot” who served in the Gulf War (in Israel wearing AGB’s favorite uniform – that of the IDF, likewise favored by GOP stalwart Brian Mast). Care to take a wild guess what he’s promoting there?? Same thing the tribe promotes here: mass immigration of wogs, miscegenation, LGBT+, etc., etc.
If the current U.S. Presidential election cycle is not entertaining (“fun”) enough for you, what the U.S. is doing abroad makes up for it: What the U.S. is doing abroad (waging wars everywhere) is extremely exciting and “fun.”
Re: “Over 5% of the inmates have already been killed”:
It is really almost 10 percent killed. The Lancet’s recent figure of 186,000, which is almost 10% of the population of the concentration camp before 7th October, is considered too low by other authorities, who think more than 200,000 have been killed so far. which is equivalent to killing more than 30 million of the U.S.’s homeland population.
Even secular jew John Mearsheimer believe that the actual number of dead in Gaza is closer to a quarter million (250K) based on combat to civilian death ratios from other conflicts.
Btw, as OD’s resident communist poster, what is your take on the recent launch of the New American Communist Party by the anti-zionist, Anglo American Jackson Hinkle who looks like a younger Mini-Me” version of J.D. Vance?
Mearsheimer isn’t Jewish.
“what is your take on the recent launch of the New American Communist Party by the anti-zionist, Anglo American Jackson Hinkle”:
I’m aware of, but don’t follow Jackson Hinkle and The Dive. “MAGA communism” is self-contradictory. He seems to be what Lenin called “petty bourgeois socialist” and “individualist socialist,” the unstable type that can suddenly revert to liberalism, like many Trotskyists became Neocons and Neolibs. I think Hinkle is doing some good, but he is certainly not like the Koba (Stalin) or martyred James Connolly. Read “Socialism and Nationalism” by James Connolly. “Nationalism without Socialism (…) is only national recreancy”: https://celt.ucc.ie/published/E900002-003/index.html
Official statement of the newly-formed ACP party regarding the Netanyahu speech
Be sure that if “ACP” increases membership and shows signs of becoming effective, it will be targeted and destroyed by the U.sury S.ystem. Meanwhile the CPUSA is tolerated because it remains very small and ineffective, and is somewhat corrupt and “woke”-ist.
Half-way, middle of the road, compromising-with-the-devil socialism does not work. See what is happening in Venezuela now, with “half-way Maduro” banning the real left communist party from the election, and essentially begging forgiveness from the U.S. capitalist elites and agreeing to do anything they want.
“Over 5% of the inmates of the Gaza concentration camp have already been killed by U.S. bombs and missiles and precise targeting directions.”
Gross overstatement. Its like 1.5% of the population. If Mexico had launched the equivalent of an attack it would mean about 50,000 Whites men, women, children killed in a single day. In our subsequent counter offensive we suffered another 30,000 military dead including another 20,000 civilians killed in more Cartel crossborder attacks over 9 months.
If our retaliation against Mexico was similar to Israel, we would’ve killed 1,500,000 Mexicans over a period of 9 months, and would’ve wiped out most of Cartel territory and Mexican border areas. Ask any White American, they would think that was fair justice after such a dastardly murderous attack.
The invaders your masters have allowed in with their open borders have killed at least 50K whites since their invasion started in earnest after Reagan’s amnesty. What has the Murikan regime done about this? Aid and abet the invasion. Your statement about a Murikan response to a Mexican attack is just more bullshit. That might have been the response as late as 1940, but not since 1947. Even your choice of Mexico is proof of that not only are you a liar, but a retarded one at that. Yet another caravan of invaders is forming now and the empire you support is providing direct financial aid to them plus logistical support.
You support the Globo-Pedo Empire of Lies. We want it dead. At the same time, you preach signing up for imperial wars against the Iran, the Muslim world in general, China and Russia. It all adds up to proof that you’re just another hasbara clown, regardless of whether you’re the typical rat-faced Nosferatu member of the master-race or a retarded shabbas goy.
The empire has been in place since 1914 at very latest, probably as early as the Treaty of Washington (1871), which started the overthrow of the 1789 constitution. Things have moved in only a single direction ever since. There’s even a term for it: The Hegelian Mambo. The republic is long gone.
PS: The medical journal The Lancet just published an estimate of the civilian death toll of the genocidal regime you support against Gaza: at least 180,000 dead from all direct and indirect causes. The Satanyahoo regime, who probably issued the stand-down order that allowed Hamas to launch an attack on the Israel region bordering Gaza, took only about 1200 dead in the initial action, most being caused by the IDF applying their evil ‘Hannibal doctrine against their own civilians (many of whom were not strictly civilians in any case as they were part of the IDF reserve). This proves another thing we’ve seen before in history: jewish elites have no problem killing non-elites among their own people. This is how Hitler and his homies managed to kill some small-time shopkeepers and others while not a single bankstein had so much as a scratch. The Austrian painter killed tens of millions of goys though.
You talk of lies then provide Lancet, a leftist propoganda organ that serves as a cudgel for globalist intent on giving everything away to the darkness.
@Exalted Cyclops,
You have posted about Hitler not executing the Rothschilds in Germany and later Austria, as if the National Socialist government, including the security apparatuses SS, Gestapo, and SD were like Al Capone and his Thompson sub-machine gun wielding gangsters at the site of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. They were not the automaton killers and murderers that the (((all-lied))) historians, academics, films, TV shows, et al have made them out to be.
National Socialist’s goal was to remove jews from all positions of political, financial, and cultural power in Germany. Some jews left Germany, while other merchants left remained, and outside of a few getting their windows broken during the few days of Kristallnacht, they did not feel in fear of their lives.
Anyway, this is the longer video that Tim Murdoch of White Rabbit Radio has featured on his Gab channel.
It was The Lancet a prestigious journal that reported the LOWER number, 186,000, killed by the U.S. (using its Zionist colonial proxy) operation in Gaza. Other authorities think more than 200,000 have been killed, so far. You obviously APPROVE of the blood and carnage of U.S. imperialism. You even fantasize about slaughtering about 1,500,000 Mexicans (who are mostly Papists) if they attack the U.S. “like Hamas” – while you insist that PAPISM is evil! I’m certainly not Roman Catholic, but I know that “Papism” is not the fount of evil in the world.
Weakness and degeneracy, is what brought in 55,000,000 Latino Papists in 50 years and single handedly lost the Southwest. Our lives, communities, schools, cities, have all been destroyed by this invasion. If the Mexicans did what Hamas did, and we had a Narionalisy government like in Israel, yes we would obliterate the La Colonia Nortr like the Israelis did Gaza.
Re: brought in 55 million Papists:
However, Protestant denominations are really nothing but the whorish daughters of the “Great Whore of Revelation.” like mother like daughter. Protestantism is just as bloody militaristic and materialistic as what you call “Papism.” Even worse than Catholic churches: Protestant churches display the U.S. flag beside their pulpits, and they are the loudest cheerleaders for the police and for every imperialist war.
The peace churches are neither Catholic nor Protestant. Some don’t practice communion at all, or water baptism, and they take the “red letters” (Jesus’ words) of the New Testament most seriously and literally.
“If the Mexicans did what Hamas did”:
Hamas, which means “resistance” is the democratically elected government of Palestine. What the PALESTINANS did was (and are doing is) to resist being exterminated, but you call that a crime! If the U.S. begins to genocide Mexico gradually, and take their land gradually, the Mexicans dared to resist the genocide like “Hamas” (the indigenous people of Palestine) you would consider that justification for ramping up the genocide to kill MILLIONS of Mexicans until they are gone, and take the rest of their land! THAT is truly the Protestant way, and “Papism” won’t come close to that level of bloodthirstiness. In fact, Zionism is mostly a Protestant creation.
Ashkenazi Hasbara Globalist Cabal Troll,
You know damn well that the terrorist of the IOF murdered most of the jews and foreign laborers on October 7th by using the Hannibal Directive.
Your fellow jews, Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate of The Greyzone exposed this weeks after the Hamas freedom fighters broke out of their open air concentration camp. To put it in a perspective that you might feel a sense of empathy, it was their “Warsaw Uprising.”
Anyway, Netanyahu (who I expect you will meet tonight in D.C.) gave the order that any jewish potential or actual prisoners were to be killed to prevent them from being used as leverage by the Palestinians in prisoner exchanges.
The only positive outcome of your tribe’s ghastly deeds in Gaza is that your gaslighting of the West of your perpetual victimhood has been vaporized.
> The only positive outcome of your tribe’s ghastly deeds in Gaza is that your gaslighting of the West of your perpetual victimhood has been vaporized.
Yes it’s so completely over the top that even some jews are disgusted. Wonder how long before the Kushner-Trump Development Corp. starts on beachfront condos in Gaza?
I wonder if HULKHOGAN1488 has been making the rounds on the various forums he’d appear on back in the day, with his cap-locked “DAY OF THE LEG DROP” fedposts.
(In real life, Hogan is a total POS, and was gay lovers with Brutus Beefcake)
Entertainment, and overreactions from shitlibs are Trump’s primary value. With Ackman and Adelson calling the shots, we won’t be getting anything policy wise.
Kamala is excellent candidate. Someone must command Brat Army to the battle against The Swamp. Kamala need every support she can get and obese black lesbians, Antifa psychos, sexual deviants and other progressives see their life chance get the position, job and income what they really deserve. Natural alliance is born and unique time and chance to rout out evil white males from every high position has come.
” chance to rout out evil white males ”
That’s the trigger for system collapse.
Indeed it is the trigger for collapse, Cackling Kamala is the President this country deserves. I don’t usually watch much TV but I have lately and it’s been all black all the time. There is no room for White men except as clowns or criminals.
Between Cackling Kamala being the Second Coming of Christ, the idiotic Olympics, advertising with its ridiculous mixed race couples: smart, patient, black guys with beautiful, mudshark wives explaining the world to the dumb White guy one would think the whole world is black. If aliens came from hundreds of billions of miles away after studying TV broadcasts for the last 30 years to learn about life on earth they would be astonished at what they found.
If the space aliens landed in St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, parts of Chicago, NYC, SF, LA etc. they wouldn’t stand a chance. Expecting to discuss propulsion and navigation systems with the local coloreds they would learn two new words: muddafucka and Glock .40 cal. Instead of rocket scientists they would meet diversity, up close and personal. The intricacies of EBT and rap “artists”, confusion on Fathers’ Day, “Burn this Bitch down!” etc. would be the only thing the local talent could understand. The second law of thermodynamics, not so much.
Trump is just as bad at massaging their balls, he slobbers over non-Whites all the time. Both Trump and the Democrats take for granted that the White vote will automatically go for him, no need to campaign for that vote. Both are correct but the size of the White vote is up for grabs, many may stay home on election night since there is no White interests’ representative.
The Republicans always claim that this time it’s different. This time the colored folk really, really are going to vote Republican, trust me. They never do, they vote their interests, which lie with the Democrats and no “Platinum Plan” redux will change that either.
Trump’s last campaign slogan will be “The Other Guy is worse” which while true, may not be enough. The coloreds will come out in force to support their boy, Cackling Kamala, because she is blackety, blackety black and to stick it to Whitey. When China seizes Taiwan, supply chains fail, hyper-inflation starts and the lights start flickering off then it’s: “We’re all in it together, we must put aside differences and all pitch in” meaning: fix this shit now, White boys.
Hopefully Whites will respond: “Fix it yourselves”>
“TV but I have lately and it’s been all black all the time. ”
TV has always been an inversion of reality, increasing in degree with time. Now it’s becoming a 180 degree of inversion.
TV , an amazing invention falling into the worst of hands.
This election will go down history-a black female who’s only qualifications are that she is black and female and gave blowjobs to a black mayor in order to rise to the top and every one thinks it is perfectly normal because that’s what is expected of girls today.
The black female was lucky because her predecessor had to resign due to obvious senility-even though three months to the election he was protesting he was not senile just needing a rest. His son lives with him and takes drugs and bribes for a living. The independent media was denying his obvious senility and the son’s obvious corruption but they couldn’t deny the senility any longer.
The other candidate had to survive an assassination attempt either by the other side or maybe he faked it himself by detonating a squib by his ear-no one really knows. Either way innocent people died and were injured and the assassin or patsy or brainwashed zombie had his head blown off by the candidates security who were watching him prepare but couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it and only sprung into action after the bullets were fired.
The almost killed candidate was introduced by a has-been professional entertainer who pretended to wrestle for a living-pundits called it a genius move. His lovable VP candidate enter politics on the basis of his vivid descriptions of his own white ancestors as a bunch of genetic, semi-barbaric degenerates while his wife worships an elephant-god with more than 2 arms.
Despite all of this including his son-in-law planning to wipe-out millions so he can open a beachfront resort and his daughter sporting artificial breasts and face, the almost killed candidate is actually the last hope of normal people in the country-every other politician being compromised in sex orgies and not giving a f… about how working-class people live.
Even so both candidates in the Presidential race and every other candidate in the election make sure that they pledge allegiance not to their own country but to a far off country, the citizens of which dominate the economy, culture and the politics of the US but this cannot be mentioned in public just like the Victorians couldn’t mention bloomers in public.
Can anyone please think of a more absurd event in the history of mankind? I certainly can’t.
If George Washington could see the idiocracy the US would become, he would have never rebelled against the quite mad but loveable George III and just kept growing tobacco.
No argument.
> Can anyone please think of a more absurd event in the history of mankind?
Maybe Emperor Caligula making his horse a senator? It’s hard to say if that’s a greater absurdity though in light of the utterly laughable US Clown-Congress. Last time Satanyahoo have a speech to the assembled whores, they gave him no less than 29 standing ovations. With all but 7 or so having AIPAC (not AFPAC, Schlomo) handlers it’s sure to be at least as entertaining as the scene from Gulag Archipelago, where Stalin gave a speech in a factory, which is quoted in full here. With Mikey Johnson’s threat of arrest for anyone who dares to interrupt Kang Satanyahoo’s important orders to the assembled whores-r-us crew, the takeaway line from the Gulag Archipelago scene applies even more than it did in Solzhenitsyn’s day (since Gulag was semi-biographical a novel, after all):
Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding.
With Stalinism; Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding had a logical reason-a genuine fear. With the 29 standing ovations last time there was no fear of execution-which was the more illogical, disgusting and cowardly society?
I also remember an USAF conference where an officer presented his homosexual husband-same thing: huge rounds of applause with everyone wanting to stop but not daring to be the first to stop.
Solzhenitsyn described a physical terror but the US and the West is undergoing a terror of the soul which probably is a much more grimmer fate. After all, Stalin died eventually and thus every-one could eventually sit down, in the current US a person’s death would not put a stop to this-it will just go on and on and on.
Good and valid points all, insightful too. Yet more proof that decades of gaslighting is way more effective at creating a slave-state than an entire archipelago of gulags are. Solzhenitsyn had another quote which perhaps applies even more to Murika in this present day:
> “Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia:
> ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’
> Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our (Communist) revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat:
> ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened’.”
This is the true power of decades of gaslighting and faux-prosperity built upon debt from usury. America has indeed forgotten God altogether. All that’s left is craven cowardice. T. S. Eliot’s ‘hollow men’. He was describing an empire nearing its end too.
@Exalted Cyclops
Yes. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Syndicalism, Anarchism, Criminalism, etc are all political pathogens that wouldn’t be able to infect societies that are healthy.
The Greek ideal of political bodies stipulated that they were like individual physical bodies. They started young got old, went thru sickness, could be harmed by others. They could be left unbalanced and fall prey to political illnesses. One major fault for causing unbalance was forgetting ones duties, prayers, pieties, and loves of the gods.
Christ allows all of us to be in line with God’s will, to cleans ourselves of sin, and in all ways to walk right with God. There are few people doing that today. As a result the Body Politic of Western Nation-States are now riddled with political poisons.
Men have forgotten God-totally agree. God gave the US everything-two oceans so no strong powers could invade it, huge fertile territory, resource deposits of every kind, temperate climate. The Americans already were a sturdy people with democratic institutions so they built on what God gave them, for a while it worked but eventually the result was that the country lived of usury and was dominated by cultural aliens who mocked the old-stock founding Americans by having the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence opening football games.
Don’t forget Solzhenitsyn, after a lifetime of suffering and exile, died happy in his beloved country-he felt his beloved country still had a lot of things to do but he felt, yes it was no the right path so yes he died happy. No true US patriot can die happy at this time.
Men have forgotten God-the reckoning will come. Let’s just hope the reckoning will just involve a collapse of the artificial money system so dooming the US to several generations of poverty which will involve just old-fashioned hard work to get out of and not some kind of war that will have millions die.
Men have forgotten God-yes and the VP nominee wife’s fat elephant god does not count as God.
“Yet more proof that decades of gaslighting is way more effective at creating a slave-state than an entire archipelago of gulags are”-good point. Trotsky when he was in his Mexican exile gave an interview to American journalists. Remember that original Bolshevik revolution involved a four-year bloody civil war where the Bolshevik victory was never pre-determined and the Gulag system had to be set up since Bolshevik power was precarious.
Anyways Trotsky said communism coming to the US need not involve a civil war since the US had a sophisticated public relations system-all that is needed is to advertise a lot and the American people will fall in line. This is more-or-less (ads and cultural dominance) what happened.
The clown show that the U.S. has become will end when the money goes bad. What will trigger that can only be known in retrospect. It could be a foreign policy disaster such as China seizing Taiwan and the U.S. government being powerless to stop it. Our Greatest Ally dragging the U.S. Government into another war in the Near East, perhaps against Iran would also be a disaster. The U.S. military is a mess, here is an example of diversity being our greatest strength:
Perhaps there will be another repeat in the stock market like Oct. 1987 or Autumn, 2008. The debt is unpayable except with new debt, the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme. The Federal Reserve will do its best to hold the financial system together at least until the election is done, then it’s the deluge.
I’m all for history blogging again. The stuff you did in 2019, particularly the Southern Heritage Series was top notch. And let’s not forget Black History Month 2018!
I’ve spent the last three months immersed 17th and 18th century European history. The two books that I have been reading though are like 700 and 800 pages which is why I haven’t written any reviews yet
“immersed 17th and 18th century European history”
Oh, when WHITES rip each others throats out , while Jewish bankers stack mountains of gold ?
Oh, that’s most any time in history, almost.
Yes, HW did an especially good series on the scumbag dictators of Africa and their extravagant waste, really in depth.
It should be a DVD.
The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment.
This was the decisive period in European history in which modern liberalism first emerged
Age of Voltaire 🙂
Diderot, D’Holbach, Hume, Fred the Grt etc.
(Not so liberal on jews or blacks)
“”The Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment.
“This was the decisive period in European history in which modern liberalism first emerged.””
I wouldn’t call the liberalism of that era modern liberalism. The closest personage in the Anglo-Protestant sphere during that era that comes to being a modern liberal, and he still was far from one, was Thomas Paine. But, he was universally distrusted by the Founding Fathers and the British. Even most of the French philosophes looked askance at him, despite Paine being influenced by French Philosophe Volatire. Basically, everyone thought he was an awful revolutionary and marginalized him in the Anglo-Protestant world.
The mistake many make today is failing to separate the cultural world of the Anglo-Protestants from the Latino-Catholics. The later hated everyone advocating the Enlightenment, including fellow Catholics, but especially Protestants. The Protestant Enlightenment beleived in Church and State, Christianity and Science, Nationality and Race, Literacy and Education, Military Service and the State. The Papacy hated all of that and wanted a docile peasantry working for Throne and Alar without any liberty.
The Papist trick is to say all the Englightnement activists, including the British and Founding Fathers, were liberals, no different than Paine and Voltaire. They try to say the Enlightenement caused the French Revolutionary terror, when in fact the all of the Enlightenment Protestant reformers denounced it. To the Papists, all reformers and revolutionaries who followed the French Revolution were liberals, except for the IRA, who because they are Anglophobic Papists are considered cool. Its all Papist disinformation bullshit.
Modern Liberalism’qs roots lay closer to our era during the 19th century than the Papist Dark Englightenment neo-reactionaries would like you to think. The earliest seed is the French Revolutionary Jacobins. It roughly approximates to Catholic anti-clericalism, which was basically Papists tired of Nuns rapping their knuckles with rulers and Dynasts taking most of their money and ignoring their ancient laws. It also owed a huge chunk to Napoleonic secular Statism which moderated their Papist revolutionary stupidity. Jesuit game and match.
The combination of the two is why the Anglo-Protestant’s ancient foes of Papist dynasties and Orthodox Tsars, were considered less a threat than Napoleon’s liberal revolutionary secularism. That’s why all these groups, banded together to stop Napoleon. The end of the Napoleonic wars saw the Papists re establish their ancien regimes, the Britisher’s fellow European Protestants descend into absolutism. As a result, the remaining free West, chiefly the the British and Americans, rejected Continental Europeans and went Westward and into the tropics with their own breed of Englightened Protestant Liberalism.
This breed of Enlightened liberalism was categorically racial in the sense of Anglo-Saxon supremacy against both the dark races and the darkened Papist races. To them, they were rhe natural inheritors of a kind of ordered liberty, where the individual could pursue his Individual creative duty, his Christian duty under the supervision of a Protestant biblical faith, protect his folk community, promote his Anglo-Saxon government, and educate himself in the ancient knowledge of his European racial ancestors, the pure Celts, Germans, Romans, and Greeks before they descended into cultural and racial darkness. The later was especially key, as the pursuit of such education was called the Liberal Arts. This was the foundation of Liberalism. It basically was a kind of Celto-Germanism with a flourish of Greco-Romanism built upon Anglo-Protestant Christianity. This is hardly modern liberalism.
Meanwhile, the rest of Europe was smothered under re-established older reactionary Altar and Throne Papism and Tsarism which enjoyed persecuting Enlightenment era thinkers, defeated Bonopartists, and even Catholic nationalists. During this era, Masons long correctly judged as promoters of Englightenment thinking given their origin in the Protestant reformation, as well as any Protestant, were hunted down ruthlessly to scenes Nick Fuentes pleasures himself with nightly.
The saying the Bourbon learned nothing and forgot nothing was a truism of the era. But, this Papist elite tyranny caused serious national revolutionary activity to break out and replace them by the last half of the 1800s. That was the era of Continental liberal nationalism which was really a mix of enlightenment era liberalism, monarchism, and folkism. It swept Europe in various convulsive movements from Sicily to Hungary to Poland. The US and the British were often passive if not covert supporters. To this day, cities in America unless removed in Papist conquered areas, still have monuments erected to these foreign Patriots that the US supported during this time. Trying to re establish ancient folk laws and customs, create republican forms of government, and Constitutional monarchy like in the UK and the Netherlands, and education and church mass in the local vernacular like in Protestant countries were hardly examples of modern liberalism.
Indeed, even by this era from 1830-1860, Modern Liberalism still hadn’t even taken form as we know it by then. That had to wait for the era of corporate industrialism which displaced most of the agrarian communities, sucked the cultural life-blood of community folkism, subordinated liberalism to a type of finance economics, and made the state the new God. Everyone ignores the effects of mass corporate industrialism had on the European soul. This is huge vulnerability on the right, because the left and progressives of our day do not ignore it. In fact they totally exploit it and use it to subordinate modern day liberalism.
That brought us to age of State Mass Industrialism, the reactive rise to it of the Christian Social Gospel and its anti-clerical, anti-rabbinic, secular half brother, Socialism. Thats when modern liberalism arose as a means to meet the challenge caused by the left. Today, nothing remains of any of those ideologies except by name. The Wars, consumerism, corporatism, concentration of wealth, and finally the obliteration of Western style Nationalism in European civilization from 1968-2003 ended even modern liberalism as we know it.
What we are dealing with today, is merelu tue agen old Papist oriented cresrion of absolutist elite government. Its a kind of neo-lineral zombie for globalist architecture What we are dealing with are minions of the Anti-Christ, who is seeking to fuse the Papacy and Industry into forging a new technocratic genetic influenced hell hole. We haven’t even seen how bad it can get.
“an especially good series on the scumbag dictators of Africa”:
…with nothing said about GOOD Black socialist national leaders such as Thomas Sankara who were assassinated or couped by Western imperialism, while “scumbag dictators” who took bribes and enslaved their own people to work for the West were established and protected by Western imperialism. Africans were not created dysfunctional. They were MADE dysfunctional, to be ruled.
“Africans were not created dysfunctional.”
Never developed a system of numbers, the wheel, the sail, the level or plumb line. Etc.
@Meredith Mynyddog,
“Africans were not created dysfunctional. They were MADE dysfunctional, to be ruled.”
No. They were created dysfunctional.
They weren’t “created” anything. Their environment made them what they are, which is incompatible with White civilization.
HW’s history-blogging is fine indeed. You should use your substack account for it. You could get subscribers. If you want a model look at Big Serge’s military history substack.
In 2016 I was privately a Trump fanatic, and so I read several books by and about him, including anti-Trump works. I could gather from all that he was sincere about being a moderate civic nationalist; uninterested in lgbtq, gun rights, race, religion, feminism, the federal reserve, various foreign conflicts or any of the other top issues. and all he really wanted was to make jobs, erase trade deficits, end US military and aid “obligations” abroad, deport illegals, clean up drugs and violent crime, thwart terrorists, make the US #1 in some enviable ways, and be roundly praised by the American masses.. and if possible.. the press too. At this point you have to vote for him just so that Jews like Victoria Nuland can’t provoke a NATO-Russia war and so we don’t suffer the Hindu Nuffin shiksa. I got on the Train wanting my Wall. Now I’m voting so Donbass doesn’t become Danzig and dumbass doesn’t become commander-in-chief.
> Trump fanatic
He’s going to keep Powell and his jew crew of handlers.
He’s going to put (((jamie dimon))) in as Sec Tres.
Keep your expectations low.
Word is circulating that Kamala is a throwaway, when the DNC convention comes around Michelle Obama will be the nominee.
It is over.
Kamala has locked up over half the delegates and has been endorsed by a majority of Democrat governors and Congress. The only other alternatives – Shapiro, Newsom, Gretchen, etc. – have endorsed her
That will make the fraud easier for them than if Shitpants had remained. Too many normies became aware that Biden had no cognitive function after the debate-show.
What about the Super Delegates? What about the Clintons and Obamas? What about Kennedy? What about other potential dark horse candidates? The super delegates are the most important one we need to find out. They ultimately decide.
She has like 98% of delegates, the endorsements of all her potential rivals, the vast majority of elected Democrats, Biden’s endorsement and the campaign war chest, so I would say it is over
Quelle surprise!
Holy F…! The horseface or the hermaphrodite? It could certainly be true the Dems are planning Michelle to be nominated-after if the rumors are true and she is a hermaphrodite that makes her the most qualified of all the major candidates in the current US for the race for that ancient office previously held by such distinguished white gentlemen as Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, and Eisenhower. God will certainly punish the US eventually.
by horseface I mean Kamala and the hermo is Michelle. I was responding to speculation that the Dems might endorse Michelle
The pro-Cackling Kamala argument for Mr. President is the accelerationist argument and it is a good one, too. It was painful but I watched some of The Cackler’s crew touting her for the next Mr. President. All of their arguments come down to two things: She is female and she is blackety, blackety, black. There is nothing more to be said than that, she makes Dementia Joe look like Prince Metternich by comparison, she is as dumb as a stump.
There is no way GloboHomo could survive four more years with The Cackler as Mr. President, probably not even one year. Confidence, overseas at first then at home would collapse immediately reflected in the USD’s value disappearing. This would bring chaos at home and abroad on a scale never before seen as supply chains slowed then stopped and food, fuel services etc. disappeared. This would be the end of GloboHomo, laid at the feet of the colored people and their White enablers and especially The Usual Suspects who would normally flee the sinking ship but there is nowhere to go this time, the Chinese won’t have them.
The Left and their enablers would have finally gotten their hearts’ desire, good and hard too: A colored person, a woman and a First Class Moron all rolled into one as Mr. President.
The fly in the ointment of course is the existence of nuclear weapons under the control of first class idiots, a truly frightening proposition.
> American politics might be as fake as the WWE, but if you were forced to choose would you rather watch the WWE or four years of Kamala Harris?
Probably the best case I’ve seen made for voting Trump.
The best thing about this, Trump vs. Kamala, is that either way drives the wedge of balkanization deeper into the electorate.
Either way, one side will be utterly alienated and feel disenfranchised. From the disunity comes loss of legitimacy for the federal government.
Whitey only wins if the wheels come off this hayride. Its only in that event that we can reassert our sovereignty closer to home.
Dude there hasn’t been a woman roasted this way since joan of arc.
“Go back to guarding doritos”. Oof.
I could have made that shot with milspec irons on an AR all day. You gotta admit the Trumpster is one lucky lucky boomer.
“You gotta admit the Trumpster is one lucky lucky boomer.”
Amazingly so.
Cheatle’s new job.
This is the post where I have completely lost all respect for you and your opinions.
2020 was one of the most painful and humiliating years of my life. Loss of freedoms and financial security due to an overblown cold and a dumb President who didn’t have to balls to stand up to the BS. He responded to blacks burning the country to the ground with the “platinum plan”.
No thanks to your contribution by how you bought into whole covid narrative hook, line, and sinker.
I read your posts in 2020, and I know you were not happy and not “having fun”, unless of coarse, your posts were lies.
I for sure wasn’t having fun either.
Back then in 2020, I could have never imagined in 2024, that Vox Day has taken on a more negative appraisal of Trump than Hunter Wallace.
But here we are. I now have no respect for your judgment.
I will not vote for the worthless orange traitor. I am not interested in retarded faycabe politics. I am 100% sure you will be whining and crying again as that stupid orange clown betrays you after he assumes office in 2025
Are you done crying now? Do you want a tissue?
It’s a huge mistake to either fall in love with or hate a politician with an all-consuming passion. We don’t want to date or marry Trump, we just want him to do a better job than Biden and there is a great chance that he will.
Yes, Trump got some very bad advice from the co-Presidents Kushner. Especially when it came to handling race relations via pandering to Non-Whites.
Supposedly Trump has a lot of Black and Hispanic support this time around. Though I am convinced that all this newfound Trumphilia by Non-Whites is just them leveraging more concessions (and White taxpayer dollars) from the Democrats in some backroom deal, I could be pleasantly surprised.
No matter. It’s all good. If Trump can contain himself and concentrate only on core issues, like deporting all these illegals, keeping us out of war, rebuilding the economy and ending any corporate or government discrimination against Whites, he will win the White vote and also pick up any votes from Non-Whites who lean conservative or are at least economically savvy to realize that good foreign and domestic policies are good for them as well as Whites and vote accordingly.
Last, but not least, it is self-defeating to engage in purity-spiraling where politics are concerned. If the Democrats laid out the platform they have today to Americans in the fifties, they’d be decorating the entire country as lamppost ornaments.
Likewise, Republicans or any other opposition to Democrats will not be able to turn the clock back to the fifties or even the eighties. Republicans or whatever else the opposition ends up calling itself will have to keep moving the Overton Window and advance incrementally.
With Trump, we’re not voting for The Almighty, but avoiding the alternative. Vance may have a dot Indian for a wife, but he’s also a founding stock Appalachian who will still serve as an aspirational candidate for working class White men who have been so marginalized and demoralized over the past few decades.
We have to fight with the army we have right now; trusting that if we can meet our objectives, better qualified candidates will not only be recruited, but line up to volunteer. Success and building success on that success is what will draw the people we want.
Kamala couldn’t have won a real primary in my opinion
Of course not. That is the real travesty of the situation. We may get a President who absolutely nobody wanted. But that’s probably what this country deserves. It would be truly hilarious if I didn’t live here.
First couple for Murikan Empire, 2028
The First Couple for GloboHomo 2024: Mr. and Mr. Pete Buttplug.
If Trump wins we will at least get the “Trump effect” self deportations and those who will decide not to try to immigrate. Better than nothing.
E-Verify was allowed to expire and not renewed on Trump’s watch. That meant that employers no longer had to have potential employees prove that they were citizens, or at least holders of a “Green Card’, so that prevented a lot of self-deportations.
This was not fun to watch.
Seems perfectly appropriate to me although unnecessary, they already had the key to the White House. They have since 1948 under that scumbag Harry “S for Scumbag” Truman. They also have the keys to the Treasury, Pentagon, CIA, NSA etc.
The irony is Netanyahu humiliated Trump after Dementia Joe “won” the 2020 election. Trump never learns. Trump has arranged a private meeting with the Prime Minister at Mar-a-Lago during his visit to DC to give orders to his minions in Washington. Netanyahu will ask Trump: “Yeah but, what have you done for me lately?”
Miss Giggles doesn’t even reflect the African American demographic. Half black Jamaican and half Asian Indian, she doesn’t have US slave ancestry, and unlike most black Americans has no white bloodlines whatsoever. She always looks like she’s off with the fairies and incapable of the role she craves. I mean…….where does Washington find these people? There’s always something “off” about them.
According to Judge Joe Brown in a You Tube video, he met Harris’s father and the professor identifies as Hindu (South Asian) and Irish. Harris claims that she has a black grandmother who was a housekeeper on her father’s side, but that housekeeper was Hindu.
So Kamala is about three-quarters Hindu Indian and a quarter of her ancestry comes from Irish slaveholders in Jamaica. So, when she was bragging about smoking marijuana implying some racial link to Jamaicans like Reggae Family, the Marleys, her father got angry and reminded her that they had Irish ancestors who were slave holders – HIS ancestor’s slave-holding history does not embarrass him. It seems a source of pride to me.
When he was younger, her father could pass for Black. Now that he has aged, he looks more South Asian. Indeed, he looks a lot like his ex-wife’s father at that age. I guess Biden picked her as a running mate because she could pass for black in favor of a fully Black American, a former law enforcement officer, who was much more qualified for the office, Florida Congresswoman, Val Deming.
It’s not over till it’s over. It looks over, but still they are headed to an open convention and no one is committed. They can vote however they want.
Adam Smith wrote a book in 1776, The Wealth Of Nations, outlining how the Christian economic order could be replaced by something called “the invisible hand”. Somehow, he said, the invisible hand would make everything work out.
In reality, Smith was a shill for the Jewish bankers, the Bank of England, the bankers in the city, and the totally Jewish bank in Amsterdam. That was his “invisible hand”, nothing else but the Jewish bankers.
We might better call it “the invisible nose”. It is still around today, stronger than ever. And that invisible nose is what forced all those Dems to endorse Camel.
What the end game they have planned is not known. But we do know Camel is a very low IQ idiot, and her Jew husband is very smart.
We also know Vance is the ultimate sabbath goy and the nose loves him. Perhaps they are just using Trump to advance their real choice, Vance, or Bowman, or whatever he calls himself this year.
Give credit where credit is due. Patrick Slattery came up with the term Chlamydia Harris and I think that is brilliant! She is living proof a women can screw her way to power. It must irk Hilliary day and night! But we all know (at least I hope we do) the United States is terminal and will implode in the decades to come just like the Soviet Union. There is no way we vote ourselves out of this. Vast portions of the United States are lost to us forever. In all honesty the Republican convention looked like Democratic Lite with Amber Rose and non-Christian prayers. All of us should embrace mental secession from this anti-white system because mental secession eventually becomes political secession when it reaches a certain number. It is as America as apple pie and what Jefferson called the consent of the governed. It is time to withdraw our consent to be governed by the powers that be first mentally then physically. Get off the USS Titanic before she drags you to the bottom with her or conversely gets you vaporized in a nuclear exchange with whoever is the enemy of the moment. The fount of all politics is the realization the Global American Empire has eclipsed the historic America nation and by doing so has consigned her to incremental extinction. The Ethno-State resolution is the only solution!
It might be even worse than we think. Read the second part of Day’s post. Yes it’s anecdotal and the writer quoted is possibly from some western state but still – ‘Oakland Kam’? In a bar located in a rural section of a red state? Are you kidding me??
Like the man said: Never happened. There are bars like he described in every single state that are full of working class types who wear MAGA hats and can’t stand the sight of Cackling Kamala or Dementia Joe. They are the deplorables Hillary spoke about and they have no use for Cackling Kamala.
The bars where guys would say: “Things are going OK, I’m voting for Oakland Kam (WTF?)” are where guys wear expensive suits in DC, NYC, SF etc. and are already invested in the grift that is American politics.
Yeah I posted that too soon – Thanks. It’s DNC bullshit. That said the part below that one is of more concern – regarding J. D. Vance.
“Writing about Politics”
What? You might as well be a pilot who is monitoring the fuel gauge after both engines have failed.