Be a real American. Be a Nazi. pic.twitter.com/fAODDwANnA
— BiggerNeater1589 (@RLidgeway) June 11, 2024
In the 2020 election, I was exhausted with Donald Trump and was ready to move on from the Trump era and bought into a limited version of the “worse is better” accelerationist argument. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election because he lost his 2016 margins among White men.
Here is why I am not longer in the “worse is better” camp:
1. In 2024, I am still exhausted with Donald Trump and ready to move on from the Trump era. If Trump had won the 2020 election, he would actually be preparing to depart the political stage, but instead he is poised to win the presidency in 2024. Trump will likely be around until 2028.
2. If Donald Trump loses the 2024 election and Kamala Harris wins, I cannot see Kamala Harris stepping down from power. She will run for a second term. I am certain that Donald Trump will claim the 2024 election was rigged and stolen from him because of the lawfare. He will run again in 2028. MAGA voters who are in thrall to a cult of personality will hand him the nomination again. The 2028 election will be a Trump vs. Kamala Harris rematch like the 2024 election was a Trump vs. Biden rematch.
3. If you still believe “worse is better,” you can wake up tomorrow to experience it. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are obviously both puppets of the same Democratic elite who are currently in power. After four years of this, our people have accepted the status quo and no state has tried to secede from the Union. There hasn’t been a revolution or a civil war. Virtually no one has embraced National Socialism. Instead, it is Donald Trump who has benefited the most from the backlash to Joe Biden’s politics. If Trump loses the 2024 election, the MAGA cult of personality will remain in thrall to Trump. He will run for president again in 2028. He will benefit from the backlash. It will be Groundhog Day all over again.
4. “Worse is better” is an activist cope. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. White Nationalist activists were unable to harness the backlash to the Biden presidency. They were unable to capitalize on rightwing discontent. Activist brain has alienated them from conservative normies. Their comms team spends all their time sneering at the stupid “Whiteoids” and “rightoids” on X. Just like the Left, they build organizations to suit the tastes of activists, which then predictably fall apart in internecine conflict when their jargon and extreme rhetoric fails to resonate with their rightwing audience. Contempt for the audience is a handicap that prevents White Nationalist activists from gaining traction.
5. I agree that life will continue to get worse under Kamala Harris. I agree that conservatives will continue to radicalize. I am sure this will register in the polls. I do not think it is worth it, however, if the result of this is a Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris rematch in 2028. Is bringing in another 10 million illegal aliens or continuing to lose our purchasing power worth it for a Trump vs. Kamala rematch in 2028?
6. The importation of 10 million illegal aliens in four years and the trannies shows that “worse is better” ends with worse being accepted as a new normal.
7. Donald Trump has been the “accelerant” in our politics since 2016. He is the central polarizing figure. Future historians will remember our time as the Age of Trump. Joe Biden has been a sedative and both the Right and Left have demobilized since 2021. The Biden years have been relatively quiet compared to the Trump presidency which culminated in the Summer of Floyd and the triumph of Wokeism. The radicalization of conservatives began under Trump in the summer of 2020 during the George Floyd riots. The Revenge Tour is at least as “accelerationist” as a Kamala Harris presidency.
8. The fact is, we have all been impacted by “worse is better” in the form of higher prices and the loss of purchasing power, and it must be admitted that this has caused financial stress. We have to deal with this in our own lives. Even in the Third Reich, German normies voted their pocketbook and chose Hitler because of inflation and to stop the Left and not because of JQ ideology, which is what they are doing with Trump. Thus, contempt for the conservative normie is misguided and counterproductive.
I am willing to sleep on it though.
If I wake up tomorrow and see that anything has fundamentally changed with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in power, I will reconsider my preference for Trump to win the 2024 election. In particular, I cannot see how another four years of this is going to transform the White Nationalist movement into a more capable political force on the Right when activists seem to be moving in the opposite direction.
If Trump announces he is suspending his campaign, retiring from politics and the MAGA cult of personality loses its grip on the Right, I will also reconsider my position on this. More than anything else, I do not want to be stuck in this loop into the 2030s, which is why I would rather get it over with.
As always, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
Note: I should add here that I am not referring to the Happy Warriors who are upbeat, positive, confident and who are creating a fun atmosphere that is attractive to outsiders. I am referring to the people whose negative energy sucks the fun out of the room.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
” “Worse is better” is an activist cope. ”
Amen to that !
It’s defeatist and an excuse to do nothing.
“Voat moar harder” is a delusionist cope.
I agree with Cantwell, ” if you wait until it’s time to vote, you’re to late in the process. You have to get involved beforehand.”
Also, ryan dawson, “don’t yell at buildings, go in and meet with your reps”.
Both are right.
If all one does is vote, then yes. But I would hope our crowd has enough agency to vote WHILE working on the important tasks of building community, wealth, and security.
“life will continue to get worse under Kamala Harris. ”
life will continue to get worse under 35 trillion of debt and the crushing interest payme4nts. There will be a funding crisis and it will be catastrophic.
……the only uncertainty is when ?
“US economy booms as GDP growth blows past expectations” all major media
Don’t believe this for a second.
It’s Gaslighting, to keep people spending so the economy doesn’t implode. Same as the stimulus checks were issued to prevent implosion.
All the numbers they throw at you are predicated on false inflation numbers.
Consequently, all economic stats are optimistically skewed positive.
Just look to your own life, do you have more spending power ?
“Be a real American, be a NAZI ”
Hmmmmm, something to ponder.
Really, our ancestors in America, prior to WWII, were far more racial than the NSDAP, which is the direction we should be going.
(The term ‘nazi’ is a slur on the NSDAP, i don’t care for it, it’s a pejorative)
Greg is the poster child of activist brain. He has got so wrapped up in history and nostalgia that it has become a political handicap.
I like Greg and think the bit is the funny, but this is not realistic. Why would Trump pay for the legal bills of random people he is not associated with who are a political liability? He had nothing to do with UTR and it is not his responsibility to ride to the rescue.
” He had nothing to do with UTR and it is not his responsibility to ride to the rescue.”
True, but he could have exercised behind the scenes pressure to mitigate the heavy handed results.
Just as in the BLM riots, he could have taken measures to stop them.
Trump hasn’t cultivated power. He should have at least a dozen loyal senators that he can exert power through, whether he’s in office or not.
(I dont know who ‘greg’ is, or any of his ideas.)
Greg Conte.
He used to be Richard Spencer’s righthand man. He was later involved with NJP
Greg remains a true believer in National Socialism, whereby, Dick Spencer was only a true believer in himself. Huge difference between those two.
Don’t forget that both Ed Dutton and Keith Woods were a part of the “McSpencer Groups,” and have somewhat honorably moved on.
@ US of AIPAC,
This is Greg’s Odysee channel.
Conte’s Telegram channel.
My issue with Trump is that he is not as smart as he thinks he is and that comes back to bite him in the behind. Obama got a lot of flak early in his presidency over the Henry Lee Gates Hoopla forcing him to sheepishly apologize to the officer who was called out on Gates breaking into his own home with his Beer Summit.
We all agree by now that UTR wasn’t the smartest bit of activism and that it was probably either agents provocateur or flakes or mostly likely both heavily involved in UTR, Trump’s “very fine people” remarks were stupid.
All the Trump administration had to do was what the FBI and other Deep State bureaucrats have turned into an artform. STONEWALL. Defer any comments and findings to those conducting the investigation … when they’re done … stonewalling, that is.
Yeah, he could say he was shocked, shocked, shocked, I tell you and very sad for the families of both Heather Heyer and James Alex Fields. But no more than that.
But then he had to DO something … which was OVERREACT and have his poor Southern district attorney, Jeff Sessions, overreact and clamp down hard on all those “white supremacists.” And I honestly believe it was Trump repeating Obama’s mistake of inserting himself into a local race flap that disaffected a lot of the White working class who voted for him.
Second, Trump’s tantrums over the election of 2020. He spent billions of dollars trying to stay in office and he spent billions of dollars battling the lawfare trying to bankrupt and imprison himself over trying to stay in office.
Trump’s handling of COVID lost Trump that election. The Democrats and their Never Trump GOP collaborators successfully conspired to change the election processes in a bunch of states and the tech leftists muzzled any whistle-blowing or opposition.
Trump putting a moratorium on rent was a dumb move. He could have used his presidential powers to expand Section 8 and streamline the process where anyone who lost his job could get Section 8 to pay his landlord or mortgage for a year. Employers could file for emergency pay to pay any employee struck down by COVID.
I’m sure in my state, as well as many others, there were shut down hospitals, because of the influx of illegals using but not paying for care. There were also a couple of old nursing homes. Money could have been used to refurbish them and quarantine the COVID patients there.
It’s just plain stupid to issue a blank check and tell people they don’t have to pay their rent and be arbitrary about letting the big chains stay open while shutting down all kind of small businesses to pay their employees to live off the dole.
Trump would have done the whole country not to mention those poor J-6 protestors who were herded into the Capitol by fedsurrectionists if he had conceded the election and left quietly. He could have then taken some time to do an autopsy on the demise of his last campaign. And then used his money and time to re-group and make sure he had real allies in federal, state, and local legislatures all over the country.
For all his blather about America First, Trump did NOT put the country first in 2020. Hell, he did not do so shortly after entering office. He was already implementing the Adelson agenda for Israel and allowing Jarvanka to push out the supporters who got him elected ASAP.
I can only speak for myself but I plan to vote for Trump in 2024. As amusing as the God-Emperor Trump memes were in 2016, I don’t consider Trump the Almighty, but when I consider the Alternative, then he’s the best I have to work with.
For the record, I think the damage that has been done on this country has been too comprehensive to undo and Trump, once again, is overpromising. My expectations are rock bottom, at this point. Whether we like it or not, this plane is going to crash and the best I can hope for is a softer landing than Harris-Walz would engineer.
Anyone who is going to hold office in 2024 and 2028 without resorting to Bare Naked Communism is simply going to have to face the fact that, barring an Act of God Miracle, his mission will be to manage the decline of the USA and the other Western powers overall.
I thought the ones referred to in that sentence were the dupes of January 6, who definitely were Trump supporters who answered his call to come to DC to protest the steal. That’s a different matter than those railroaded by the Charlottesville Church of Woke machine.
I like Greg Conte too.
He and Warren were the two best of the “NJP Central Committee.”
It was Jeff Sessions that was USAG at the time of UTR, and Sessions went Nurnberg Trail prosecutor.
Warren is great.
I met Warren at TPC conference.
He and Emily are a great couple.
I believe they will raise well adjusted children.
I don’t know who needs to get a real job amongst real people more, Greg (God Bless him) or the newly launched American Communist Party.
Or the Infrared Collective
In my opinion, the climate that was present in the 2016 election ( and I say this as an outsider so I can be perfectly wrong) will no longer be there. The elections of that year were pure energy, perhaps also because other things were changing in the world, like the 2016 Brexit and the rise of all the patriotic and nationalist movements.
First of all, exactly what does “worse is better” mean in our context of 2024 late-stage Murikan empire? If we’re talking about waking up normies, I’m fairly convinced at this point that very little – even horrific events – can do so at this stage. Maybe seeing your kids hauled away by armed military to be press-ganged into the legion to be sent to fight Iran on behalf of Satanyahoo would cause a few to get the point, but far too many would clutch their Scofield heretic bibles and paise God.
The century of gaslighting and indoctrination through enemy-controlled institutions have been wildly successful: All public edumacation (many private – including Catholic schools – are no better), all universities (not even Hillsdale is untounched), all corporations over a certain size, media, culture, etc. The folks who started advocating building your own platforms about 2018 (Vox Day is probably the foremost example) turned out to be correct. Yet moron after moron still post their crap on YouTube (enemy-owned) and others. Even our resident hasbara pointed out that VDARE was warned about keeping their 501c(3) entity in NY long before Letitia James came on the scene. That’s a very, very important lesson. I notice on the bottom of this page a copyright notice “Copyright ©2024 WordPress Theme by MH Themes”. Who, exactly, is this?
Another thing, which our resident Philadelphia yankee John B. has raised as well, is that our side (whether Christian or simply pro-white) doesn’t network or keep their business in house – in sharp contrast to not only jews (who are legendary for it), but numerous other foreign invaders (Indians, Mexicans, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Muslims, etc.). In fact, whites in general are as bad as blacks are about this issue. If we kept our paltry monies ‘in house’ we’d be much more resistant to financial pressure applied by our enemies – who more often than not are the ones we a) owe money to via falling for usury rackets; b) own the payment platforms – including banks – which we use; c) own the internet platforms we use (WordPress has deplatformed all sorts of folks, not even to mention Google and many others.
We truly need to build an entire alternative infrastructure in all of these fields (education, business and finance, tech, etc.) Think of it as prepping writ-large.
It means Kamala Harris wins and Trump is not the president. In other words, it is tomorrow or next week.
Which will bring the system down faster or in a more salvageable state?
I think a Trump victory makes secession acceptable to the Left which have been the major opponents until now. Trump also makes modest improvements on immigration and is less likely to impede firearms ownership. The debt explodes under either of them. Trump’s over the top support of Israel while the democrats try to appease their base and jewish donors should bring jewish influence to the forefront. Plus, who wouldn’t enjoy democrat cities getting torched by their own?
One caution to keep in mind is the FreeRepublic Boomer Conservatard Index which is a very reliable contrarian indicator which states, “The more popular a public figure is among Freepers, the more likely that public figure will be a disappointment.”
It’s worked with:
George W. Bush
John Bolton
James Mattis
Nikky Haley
Colin Powell
Dick Cheney
John Pence
Netanyahu (after congratulating Biden but all is apparently forgotten for now)
and many others.
By contrast, most Freepers consistently MF’d Ron Paul (who is certainly naive on some issues) during his presidential runs, but at least mentions of his name are no longer greeted with ads for Thorazine.
Right now, Trump has god-like status among Freepers. You have been warned!
Wow old Rim-Job’s Free Repuke board, hard to believe that boomertard site is still up and begging for shekels. I was booted off of there years ago for saying something less than flattering about ol’ curious Jorge W. Busheron and his misunderestimated Mesopotamian misadventures. They said I wuz a “commie”. There’s tards and re-tards but few can out-tard the freepertards.
Same with me! I criticized the Iraq war and W’s border policy.
They had one woman (Mittens, I think) that had regular posts of publicity photos called “A Day in the Life of President Bush” straight from the WH press office.
Now anything Bush is the antichrist to them.
They simultaneously praise Israel’s tolerance of homosexuals while also bleating about the bible saying to stand with Israel. Is there a better example of cognitive dissonance?
I would get the “better is better” argument if Trump was Pat Buchanan but he isn’t. Trump isn’t any better if your two main issues are foreign policy and immigration. Might as well argue for Obama on immigration, since he had less than Trump.
Right now SLOWER is better. Trump/Vance are the lesser evil. 2028+ we will have the Kamalas and it will be full steam ahead to Brazil/South Africa/Somalia etc.
We need this time to build wealth, buy land and properties, get solid vehicles, and get our preps in order. Once the Kamalas take power it will be land/wealth expropriation from Whites, White taxes, no hope in the justice system for Whites etc. You would be a fool to think that happening faster is better.
Trump/Vance are not /ourguys/ get over it, this is politics and we are voting to buy us TIME.
That’s a pretty good argument. I’m coming around to it – not that it matters a bit in this state. No point in voting for anything outside of local races here. Repukes are totally fake-and-gay, just as in CA and NY. Utterly pointless to vote for them. They might as well just drop the pretense and put on the D-jerseys.
Well if Chlamydia Harris gets elected we are going to have to ask what is wrong with our people that they do nothing! This is not a game, you cannot change the channel. If we do nothing the enemy wins by default. This is life. If it does not effect you (because I hear so many Whites say they and are not going to worry about because they will be dead by the time the system finally tanks) it will effect you children and grand children.
Tom Metzger was right when he said, “Whitey will not fight for their lives and future, until their backs are against the war.”
We are just whistling past the graveyard until then.
The so-called “activism” especially the kind that causes vandalism, riots, and fights with the police are all ran by the “intelligence community”. It’s allowed to happen. It’s all bullshit.
I’m sure mossad is running the pro-paletinian horseshit brigade here.