In the 2016 election, I was a Southern Nationalist and I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and I voted for Donald Trump. I thought a lot about my decision and what the future would look like after the Trump presidency. In fact, I gave a speech about it at the Arkansas League of the South conference in 2016 called The Present Moment: Southern Nationalism in the Age of Trump or Clinton.
In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow. I do not believe that Donald Trump is going to Make America Again. Then as now, I have never believed this. I see myself as an activist who has thought a lot about our national divisions and who is ahead of public opinion. Normal people are more hopeful about Donald Trump and America and slower to arrive at conclusions that I arrived at a decade ago. A huge challenge for activists is having patience with ordinary people.
Throughout this series, I have focused on the relationship between activists and normies. I have stressed the importance of gaining the trust of normies and the pitfalls of activist brain. Unlike some activists, I have warm feelings toward my own people. I have warm feelings toward the vast majority of Trump supporters including those like Corey Comperatore who are not Southerners. I still see them as basically good people with similar values even if we are not 100% ideologically aligned on, say, the Israel-Palestine conflict. I do not look down on them as stupid rural reactionaries. I do not mock them for not being as smart and educated as I am. This is less important than sharing the same culture and ethnicity. There are a lot of college-educated, middle class activists who have this catty mindset and the snark reminds me of what I see on the Left. Contempt for the audience is politically toxic and counterproductive. The goal of the activist is to move voters and their leaders in what he thinks is the right direction.
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis. Donald Trump would prove to be a deeply polarizing figure. He wouldn’t succeed in Making America Great Again, but he would delegitimize institutions, widen cultural divisions and erode taboos. He is not leading a secessionist movement, but he is preparing the ground for one. When Trump moves on from national politics, he will leave behind a more fertile political landscape. MAGA is something that millions of normies have to go through to mentally get where we want them to go.
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union, which is a big change from 2016. These people are also voting for Trump in the 2024 election. Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today.

Secessionists for Trump
In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization to the point where the system was incapable of handling it.
American liberals have made it clear that Donald Trump is the one thing they cannot abide. So far, they have been willing to destroy confidence in everything from the FBI to the Constitution to the judicial system to elections to get Donald Trump who is the modern equivalent of Moby Dick. Joe Biden who won the Democratic primary is the latest casualty of the STOP TRUMP imperative. If Trump wins the 2024 election, we are told it will be the end of American democracy and the triumph of “fascism.” Assuming he is allowed to hold office, we are guaranteed another four years of liberal insanity. Last time around, there was talk that the West Coast states might threaten to secede to STOP TRUMP.
In 2016, I was basically right about Trump’s place in history, but I made two key mistakes:
1. First, I was eager to continue with the street activism that I had enjoyed in Obama’s second term. I was right that Trump winning the 2016 election would provoke an enormous anti-White backlash. Unfortunately, we ended up absorbing the costs of that backlash in Charlottesville by getting involved with the Alt-Right when we would have been better off watching it play out.
2. Second, I did not anticipate that we would still be sitting here talking about Donald Trump in 2024, as I figured he would lose reelection in 2020 and that would be the end of him. I underestimated the enduring strength of the cult of personality. Trump voters still control the Republican primaries.
In 2024, I am ready to get to the other side of this, which is 2028 when Trump is constitutionally barred from running for the presidency. The divisive Trump era will finally be over. Institutions will be in shambles. America will be no closer to greatness than it was in 2016. Hopefully, a victorious Trump will have succeeded in taking out his various enemies though. I’m not anti-Trump like other activists because I am convinced that ultimately his legacy will prove to be a good thing for us.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
Balkanization along regional/state lines is the only way forward that doesn’t necessitate massive violence either through draconian authoritarianism by the federal government or civil war.
People should take heart that ours is far from the first empire to dissolve, and we can thrive in the ashes, like remnant populations have throughout history.
Unity/solidarity for the sole purpose of “conssrving” the country that no longer exists, is a pathological idolatry of a decadent people. We will increasingly have no time to spare for it. Neither will the normies.
You’d be right, if the republican party was largely a reflection of its constituents, but it’s not, not even close.
In rhetoric, yes, to some degree, but in reality, no, not at all, or very little.
The republican party is completely sold out to Israel, big business and the military.
As long as Joe Normie supports it, nothing will ever change.
The republican party didn’t change a bit because Joe Normie changed and became a bit more radical, it surface changed because Joe was losing faith in it and it had to find ways of reeling him back in.
The change was totally superficial, and if Joe radicalizes more, the republican party may appear to radicalize a bit more, but will remain largely the same.
Why is that?
Because as long as Joe votes for and donates to them, and believes in them and things, and works hard for the system, sacrifices dearly for it, well then the system has him, why would it change.
If they can have Joe’s support and the support of the big donors, then they don’t need to change.
The only thing that could change the republican party, if anything, is for 10s of millions of Joes to walk away from it and the system, lose faith in it, don’t vote, don’t donate, don’t join the military, don’t pay their taxes, don’t work hard propping up the system, because that means the republican party and the system is finally paying a cost for betraying Joe for the last several decades.
As long as there is no cost, there’s no reason to give Joe anything, Joe has to make the ruling class pay by completely turning his back on them.
Through civil unrest, disruption, blockading, striking, not being loyal to the system.
Joe has to make the ruling class pay, they have to pay a cost for screwing him over and over and over again.
Otherwise, why would they change?
These are selfish, spoilt rotten people who despise Joe, they’re just using him.
A war in the Near East will quickly involve the U.S. Government supporting Our Greatest Ally. Any large scale military action will show how woefully unprepared the U.S. military is for large scale conflict. There simply aren’t enough guys in the military and the U.S. Government may be forced to call for conscription in the middle of an election to fill out the ranks.
This will be a big shock to the MAGA types and Cackling Calico Kamala’s fans, neither group wants to join the military. Support for Our Greatest Ally is a mile wide but a millionth of an inch deep when the Government starts sending out draft notices. Shortly after Iran retaliates we could be headed for interesting political divisions in both parties pitting the oligarchs who control both parties against both Republican and Democrat voters who aren’t interested in personally supporting another war.
Correct. As is the conclusion. Now you understand, no?
A war in the Near East could have the effect of ending U.S. support for Israel. If that support results in U.S. casualties and the U.S. Government tries to bring back conscription for the first time since Jan. 1973 it will put the oligarchs running the U.S. Government on a collision course with the public. There will be massive public defiance of the U.S. Government’s attempt to bring back conscription similar to the anti-Vietnam war protests 1965 – 1972.
If Trump wins he will find his MAGA supporters aren’t all down with their sons being hauled off to war for Israel, Taiwan or anyone else. If Cackling Calico Kamala wins it will be the Moslems and other colored people who will either be exempted from conscription or defy the Government. The number of White guys supporting Cackling Kamala is trivial.
Support for Our Greatest Ally is already demographically skewed towards older voters who will not want to see their grandsons drafted. The younger demographic is far less supportive of Our Greatest Ally than any other demographic particularly the non-Whites. The evangelical Christian base that supports Israel unreservedly has shrunk over the years and they have never been called upon to make personal sacrifices for Israel. Just like their leader, the rotund “Rev.” John Hagee they will be all talk, no action. John Hagee never did a day’s military service in his life.
Mr. Wallace, I hope you’re not banking on Trump winning in November. From what I can see, he’s now losing in most polls and he’s going way down in the prediction markets. Yes, the despicable mainstream media is pro Harris….but Trump is doing what he normally does, which is engaging in self-inflicting harm. What the hell was he doing going to that black journalists conference? Then, he started talking about her race. Completely stupid! And so typical of Trump. Now he makes the whore out to be a more sympathetic figure. Get ready for 4 years of the whore Harris occupying the white house. Do you really think Trump would run again if he loses this time? He’ll be 82!!! Don’t you think people would also get the message that he’s a loser, by then?!?!?!? He’s been losing since 2018. All the candidates he supports lose…unless they are in deep red states. Like you, I’m voting for him despite his flaws….but I’m voting for him knowing that he’s pretty much guaranteed to lose in November. Perhaps if he turns it around and continues to focus on the issues that matter, maybe…MAYBE…he might have half a chance….but I’m not optimistic. I’m also starting to think picking Vance wasn’t such a great decision.
I’m not betting on Trump winning in 2024. I have been explaining my own decision.
I understand. Whether he wins or loses, you and others should focus on building out your organizations through grass roots activities inside the GOP.
Its the people not institutions that matter. Once enough people in an institution figure out things need to change, the ruling class changes or is forced out. Ask the French soldiers who refused to fire on the Parisienne mobs thereby caising the collapse of the ancien regime.
Our neo-liberal elite knows that which is why they’ve been trying to change the people in the institutions. Just follow the logic and it explains all sorts of responses the globalists will take to our actions and vice versa.
In sum, you have a public perch, you’ve even involved yourself in some organizing on the right, but outside the GOO. To be effective it starts with having your own cadres inside an institution, in this case the GOP. The left understood that. Dissident Right? Not so much.
Hunter, I’m curious about something. You say you admire William Lowndes Yancey. Why, if he wanted to revive the Atlantic slave trade? To their credit the Confederates banned that trade in their constitution.
As I said above, the goal was not to revive the trans-Atlantic slave trade so much as it was to stoke division that would bring about secession. Yancey succeeded in destroying the Democratic Party in 1860 by splitting it on the divisive issue of popular sovereignty. This allowed a “Black Republican” to win the presidency which a united Democratic Party under Stephen Douglas would have easily won.
I have always admired this and thought it was wise and made more sense than retreating to the hills to maintain one’s purity. You don’t destroy the system by washing your hands of it. You sabotage it from within. In this case, the Democratic Party fell apart over popular sovereignty, thus allowing political energies which are normally contained by the two parties to spill over into secession.
In our times, Trump is the major source of polarization and division. He has a disappointing policy record, but in dividing the country he has been a success.
“You don’t destroy the system by washing your hands of it. You sabotage it from within. In this case, the Democratic Party fell apart over popular sovereignty, thus allowing political energies which are normally contained by the two parties to spill over into secession”:
WHAT system are you talking about destroying by “dividing”? W. L. Yancey’s right-wing/conservative divide-and-rule strategy certainly didn’t destroy the system, but rather conserved and strengthened it, as the ensuing impossible war of secession destroyed the South (but not the elites) and the centre of Judaism in the U.S. simply moved north from Charleston, SC to Manhattan, NY.
I think that EDUCATION of the masses, not division, deception and confusion, is what will make the cruel and outmoded System fall. People simply need to learn what is the problem, the root of the problems, and what is the solution to the problem.
“Islamic March Shuts Down London: More Evidence of Two Tiered Policing?”
“London protests against two-tier policing – Tommy Robinson, the far-left and media bias”
Take your country back. Britain and America seriously need to get our shit together and get our governments back under control
The stabber kid was black from Rwanda but the Irish retard/troublemaker Robinson decided it was a Muslim who did it. The criminal court judge make public a picture of the juvenile defendant to prove the truth to that Irish retard, a Muslim did not do it. Are you Irish Charlie? Do you hate the innocent Charlie? Why Christ killer? Is it your blood?
You’re missing the entire point of the events unfolding in Cuck Island because of you Irish monomania. The government is beating the crap out of the native Brits who object to their kids getting trafficked as whores and killed by invaders. At the same time they stand down whenever the invaders riot and raise hell. Here’s a description of what’s happening there.
What is actually means is that either Brits overthrow their treasonous POS king, government and all of its minions – including police – by any means needed, including killing them. Do they have the balls? I doubt it. That’s why it’s known as Cuck Island. Frankly, they have it coming. They were willing to do any dirty work on behalf of the Jewish overlords for over two centuries and now they’re getting to see personally how jews treat everyone. There are basically zero Christians in the place. A disarmed, post-Christian nation of drunks and woke retards. Ripe for extermination. Repent or perish.
“Brits overthrow their treasonous POS king”:
Overthrow monarchism, not just one monarch. It is an extremely wasteful, gangrenous remnant of feudalism in the twenty-first century:
As in America, the British are being invaded by foreigners. It matters not their religion or nationality. The British should deport all foreigners and close their border. As should America. Mr. Browning should be among the deportees.
Trump is far different now than 2016. In 2016 Trump was a Normie, friends with the Clintons and all the other swamp dwellers until they turned on him and forced his eyes open. Not Trump understands what and who he is up against. That all federal agencies are wholly owned by the Democrat party and corrupt as hell. He was not awake then. He is now. That is why his second term would be much better than his first. He would appoint a war time Attorney General who wont allow fake special council bullshit like Robert Muller.
But, Trump wont have a second term. The Dems fully rigged our elections. That was a major reason for launching covid in cooperation with their fellow Marxists in China. Maybe when the 2024 election is stolen a few more Normies will wake up but not very many. Most will remain plugged into The Matrix gobbling goy slop and living in fear of being ostracized by polite society. Men who are brave enough to fight in wars will not stand up to cancel culture. They knuckle under to it.
Yancey had no wisdom. His one issue was to maximize the number of nigras in the South. He especially wanted to reopen the slave trade run by the Jewish slavers. None of this made any sense.
The entire Yancey family were freemason’s.
Yes especially in light of Bismarck’s revelation on how the civil war was ginned up. The basic strategy was effective even if he was willingly or unwittingly carrying out the objectives of the Rothschild ‘British’ and ‘French’ empires. As I’ve noted here before, apart from Haiti every country in the western hemisphere solved the slavery issue legislatively. Some (like Mexico) even ended up with very few blacks. Even Brazil, which was the last one to outlaw slavery (1888) and had far more negroes, managed to do it without massive bloodshed and destruction.
” western hemisphere solved the slavery issue legislatively.”
In England the British gov simply bought the slaves and returned them to Africa. Cheaper than warfare and without bloodshed.
An obvious and direct solution.
“Some (like Mexico) even ended up with very few blacks.”
Yes, because mestizos went on a rampage and killed most blacks.
It was a slaughter fest that you’ll rarely see mentioned.
“In 2024, I am still a Southern Nationalist. I still do not believe the system is capable of being reformed. I would happily vote to secede tomorrow.
In 2016, I think my analysis was spot on. The country wasn’t ready for secession, but it was entering a deep national crisis.
In 2024, over half of Southern Republicans and Independents are now open to the dissolution of the Union, which is a big change from 2016. These people are also voting for Trump in the 2024 election. Civil War and National Divorce have gone from unthinkable to mainstream in the Trump era. If Thomas Matthew Crooks had been a slightly better shot, you have to wonder where we would be today.”
Hunter, this is all very good and well, but the fundamental ques. is when are we going to go from TALKING about secession and ACTUALLY doing it ?? If we wait much longer there won’t be nothing left to save.
Definitely not until the Trump personality cult loses its grip
My hope is for a Trump election that provokes leftist insurrection and secession in the Northeast, California, and maybe the upper Midwest. Any rump-state Union that remains would be completely dependent on the goodwill of the remaining states and regions just to function, perhaps restoring an order substantially resembling the Articles of Confederation.
Trump has proven to be no friend of heritage Americans, but the Cackling Cameltoe is an openly hostile enemy who would accelerate the rate of White Genocide exponentially. Thus, voting for Trump strikes me as the only viable option at this time.
It would be nice.
These people are insane enough to try anything to STOP TRUMP.
You and GPLC are dead on about the level of shitlib insanity. I might even vote for Cheetohead on this basis alone. Trump is the accelerator even more than Queen Chlamydia is. Shitlib strongholds breaking off is much more likely than the Empire allowing some southern states to leave. Once that happens the much-needed national divorce can happen. Satanyahoo can kiss his legion of goy-golem goodbye, unless the CZ’s in the southern states are stupid enough to sign up.
“leftist insurrection and secession in the Northeast, California, and maybe the upper Midwest. ”
You’re daydreaming.
The left know that they need WHITE Americans to support their system, especially for troops. They won’t separate.
Secession is never an option for them, they want total domination over WHITES. They want control of WHITES, to be used as tax and production slaves, then battle slaves to enforce their agenda. All this while forcing race mixing and ‘diversity’ on the subject WHITES.
WE are subjects of a malevolent system and they want it kept that way.
Besides, they secretly know that left to their own devices, without a productive ‘white servant’ class, they’d collapse.
Just as the USSR had to enslave the great mass of Russians people to support their wacko neo-Marxian utopia.
A large percentile of the shitlib rank and file are whites. Mostly younger, well-off spoiled brats, lots of women with heads stuffed to overflowing with woke dogma hammered into their brains be their shitlib teachers from kindergarten to doctoral programs. They don’t believe they’d collapse at all. On the contrary, they claim (based on the bogus economic stats generated by the regime) that the red states would collapse without them. Unlike the non-woke whites who are uncomfortable with their insane dogmas, they are willing to take action to secede in the event of a Trump victory. They (along with their many wog foot-soldiers) have the full backing of Wall Street, the regime’s deep-state, police and military to riot and murder. Don’t be surprised if the blue states actually invade the red ones in the event of a national divorce.
Trump is gonna lose because he is a fool and his dumb tactics are already backfiring. Trying to pander to the blacks again like an idiot. Plus all the harpies who are going to vote for abortions. Kamala will pick Shapiro, which the jew power structure will back completely.
World War II message for our future endeavors ? (not looking at the death aspects here)
“How Nazi Germany could have Defeated Russia… (HITLER COULD HAVE WON!!)”
My personal view and nothing else.
I want DJT to win (I won’t vote for him because I will never vote for a Republican again) so he can clean up all this wicked Marxist/Communist/etc lawfare crap that has been done in this country and free people from prison held by these Communist, totally irrational, godless people who show no mercy but just want to kill all of us and eventually will if they aren’t removed.
I would hope if Trump were to win he would set free not only Trump people (J6ers, those in his administration, himself, etc) but even our Southern people such as the McMichaels and those still being held in prison because of trumped up charges based on liberal (Commie incited) hysteria at Charlottesville where the government had the police stand down so the Communists could block the entrance to a park the UTR people (who had gotten with the help of the ACLU a legal permit to use the park) so they could shutdown a rally before it was scheduled to start. This UTR rally attended by many Southern people was intended to be peaceful where speakers could give speeches and show their support of Robert E. Lee — a Southern hero and probably one of the greatest military generals and citizens the South and even the Yankee Empire has ever seen.
But I know if Trump were to lose then that would be the beginning of the final end for the Yankee Empire since we on the Right would have no where to go but only where secession would take us — not just here in the South but all conservative states in the North, South, etc. (However, Deep State may intervene to try and make the captive Right “cheerful losers” / “happy prisoners” in this Communist regime by increasing the “chocolate ration” a little.)
So it will probably be a win for the South no matter who wins or loses. It just means that if Trump loses then secession may come a lot sooner than expected.
I am not trying to influence your vote one way or the other.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
This has been a very good series from you. It’s helped me clarify my own thoughts on the issues. So here’s a question for you: Would it be possible for there to be a Yancey-like figure today who could toss sand into the system’s gears?
I completely agree with you that the system cannot be reformed. I suspect you’re also correct about the Yancey-strategem being the only one truly capable of bringing the rotten coprolite tower crashing down. Imagine if a Yancey caucus were possible in Congress – they would have one primary goal: to toss sand into the system’s gears in order to bring about its complete collapse. Now that’s really putting the burn it down better slogan into action.
Well you’re making more sense here. Vote Trump to get people so frustrated with politics that they want the US to fall apart. I’m not for Trump but if Trump is elected I hope the left capitalizes on it by putting in a younger version of Bernie Sanders after losing an election pandering to identity politics.
It’s not wise to alienate those who aren’t as far along as we are. Instead of mocking or writing them off, we should be educating them, and sharing what we know. None of us knew everything when we first became politically aware.
You’ll never meet a person in the Right who shares every belief with you. It doesn’t mean their intentions are flawed.
HW: In 2016, the SPLC thought it was bizarre that I was “Stumping For Trump.” I’m an Alabamian and have always been an admirer of Alabama senator William Lowndes Yancey. Yancey did not forsake mainstream politics. He participated in the Democratic Party of his day in order to stoke and inflame national divisions over issues like squatter sovereignty and reopening the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Yancey’s insight in the 1850s was essentially that the only way to destroy the system was to throw sand in its gears and drive up polarization to the point where the system was incapable of handling it.
Wow! Yancy and his associates did indeed alter the path history probably should have taken!
If the 1860 election would have gone as expected, Douglas would have won, which meant the South would not have seceded. Then USA President Douglas would have died earlier in office — 06/03/1861 (which interestingly would have fulfilled the Zero Year Curse (see “Curse of Tippecanoe”–Wikipedia) that would have every American President die in office whose number of the year he was elected is divisible by 20) than expected. Then his vice president who would take over as President of the United States would become President Herschel V. Johnson. So we would have a Johnson following Douglas just as we had a Johnson following Abraham Lincoln.
Herschel V. Johnson
Herschel Vespasian Johnson (September 18, 1812 – August 16, 1880) was an American politician. He was the 41st Governor of Georgia from 1853 to 1857 and the vice presidential nominee of the Douglas wing of the Democratic Party in the 1860 U.S. presidential election. He also served as one of Georgia’s Confederate States senators…
He was also a slave owner. In 1840, he owned 34 slaves in Jefferson County, Georgia. In 1850, he owned 7 slaves in Milledgeville, Georgia. He also owned 60 additional slaves in Jefferson County, Georgia. In 1860, he owned 115 slaves in Jefferson County, Georgia.
Civil War
In 1861 he served as a delegate to the state secession convention, and opposed secession from the Union. When it became clear that Georgia would secede, however, he acquiesced out of loyalty to his state and served as a senator of the Second Confederate Congress from 1862 to the end of the war in 1865. In the Confederate Senate, he opposed conscription and the suspension of habeas corpus. After the Civil War, Johnson was a leader in the Reconstruction. Upon Georgia’s readmission to the Union in 1866, he was chosen as a U.S. Senator, but was disallowed from serving due to his allegiance to the Confederate States of America. He again became a circuit court judge in 1873 and served until his death in 1880 in Louisville, Georgia.
Johnson served as president of Georgia’s constitutional convention in 1865…
— Wikipedia: Herschel V. Johnson
If Yancy were alive today he would still be pushing for secession and I guess he would be trying to throw a wrench in DJT’s plans to become President so the Dems would go full Communist and force every state that could to have to SECEDE whether they wanted to or not!!!
But everyone should vote for what they think is best for their current situation.
I wish the South could secede before there even is another election.
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
“, I am still a Southern Nationalist. ”
Southern ?
As in Southern United States?
Isn’t that 30% black?
I think you’ll still have major problems.
I’ve always lived around black people
Count yourself lucky ……… so far.
Then there are the consequences beyond the individual and family. There’s the overall societal consequences of degradation, lower academic, industrial and commercial developmental, a society having lower standards and achievement.
There’s a reason that Chinese are vastly overrepresented in the semiconductor industry, they aren’t held back by ‘diversity’, in education or social interaction.
US of A,
The Chinese economy was propped up by Western investment, stealing our manufacturing sector and intellectual property theft. They’ve gone far…….by copying everything we do.
I’ll never be a mouthpiece for the chop sueys. I loathe them.
China was nothing before Western investors and industry titans moved in. It would be nothing if they left.
@ goose
Sorry, I wasn’t clear.
I wasn’t so much talking about China, but Chinese people in general, both in Taiwan and America.
Ethnic American Chinese are in control at AMD, NVIDIA, Super micro computer etc.
Many Chinese Americans engineers have migrated to Taiwan, higher wages, cheaper housing, safety, good schools, no commute.
“I’ve always lived around black people”
You are the beneficiary of centuries of racism. The Southern WHITES instilled a large degree of civility in Southern blacks and the culture still persists.
Any of you folks that think the power players will allow sessions of Southern States are delusional.
They will nuke every Southern city before they allow that.
I think Gaza Poverty Law Center is closer to the mark. It’s states who need to take the step and are indeed most likely to if Trump wins. They’re by far and away the most unhinged. These places will become utterly dysfunctional wrecks in a short time. This would also have the potential benefit of derailing Schlomo’s plans for another mass slaughter of goys (WW III).
@ Exalted Cyclops
Yes, they are unhinged, but they know they need a vast WHITE base to support their screwball agendas. Someone has to do the work and pay the bills.
They truly know this, but will never admit to it.
As I noted above, you’re likely right but the Church of Woke truly denies this reality. They really believe it would be the red states who will collapse because all the really smart people (e.g. themselves) who provide all the innovation, tech and the magic money machine in NYC are the true wealth creators. They’re literally sniffing their own farts and call it perfume.
You’re right. They are high on their own supply.
It’s that their behavior puts the lie to their rhetoric. They love diversity and despise WHITES, yet they move from NYC to the Carolinas or rural New England.
They are Such damn bastard hypocrites !
The idea is to get the Left to push for secession as they have been the biggest opponents to it out of fear it will reintroduce slavery and allow persecution of their favorite victim groups. If Trump wins, the Left will riot and embrace secession. It will be mainstream to call for it.
Bibi is going to help us with this by stepping up his wars to force democrats to please their base or jewish donors. If he drags us into a major conflict which are are unprepared for and suffer humiliating military defeats, it will speed the process along as well as reduce the ability to use force to stop secession.
Though I wish we had the maturity and wisdom to replace the Constitution with something like the Articles of Confederation.
Mkay sure in the new nation there are limits on the Supreme Court and racial qualifications for citizenship and immigration are written into its Constitution.And this time don’t leave God out like the American Constitution did. Maybe have no supreme count or let each state have the final say or let 60% of the states be able to negate a Supreme Court ruling.
“If Trump wins, the Left will riot and embrace secession. It will be mainstream to call for it”:
The U.S. “homeland” being the home base of the global system, the system will NOT Balkanize itself! It will never call for secession from itself. Secession will never be “mainstreamed.” Southerners, who are living INSIDE the “belly” (or “homeland”) of the capitalist-imperialist Beast, certainly cannot escape it easier than Latin Americans (Venezuela, Honduras, etc.) can, who live outside of the U.S. belly or “homeland.” You can’t vote your way out of it.
@ Charlie,
Uncle Adi could have won if he didn’t bail out Mussolini in the Balkans.
Early June is just in time for end of Rasputitza (rainy season) and WAR.
Trump buying us some time is all I ever expected and not disappointed.
Time to train and stock up on proper gear.
The commies are not going to leave you alone, plan and prep accordingly.
“Uncle Adi could have won if he didn’t…”
He was too ethical and too tolerant.
The very opposite of the (((media))) narrative.
“My generals do not obey me” AH.
(Stalin had a simple solution for that)
I was at that Arkansas event. I recall a White female and a Black male sitting together tried to cause dissension, and the Black male got up in the face of one of the speakers and they were both evicted.
Has anyone done the research on the aftermath of a collapse of the US government? Just off the top of my head, if you see that the jews, have managed to take over the US, then certainly, you could see they would just take over the smaller pieces of a busted empire as well. Who, after all, owns the banks the new states would have to borrow their money from? But primarily, look at what happens to the loss of incomes when the social security system, and all the federal medical, food and housing programs collapse. The south has a very high retiree population, as well as a high disability population. All will die. The biggest problem will be the loss of the US Military. Who gets the weapons? Nukes? Battleships? Aircraft carriers? Who gets the air force? The f-18s. f-22s, f-35s? Who will have the manufacturing capabilities and talented workforce to service these weapons? I think this site is full of twenty-somethings, with limited life experience, extremely limited knowledge, and extremely limited analytical skills, who are trying to get us all killed. This includes your grandma who needs her fed check and all those medications that will stop if you idiots get anywhere near your wish of some sort of collapse of the us government. These are not the days where the cowboy rides off on his horse into the sunset.
“what happens to the loss of incomes when the social security system, and all the federal ”
They’ll take the same path all governments take, print, print, print our way into poverty. It’s been done 1000’s of times.
“These are not the days where the cowboy rides off ”
Too many Rambo movies.
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice…
#npoliticalsolution yes a vote for Trumpstein may make life slightly easier for awhile – this is how they keep getting away with it. When the goyim get on to them, they start saying in their inner circle ‘oy get da goyim know I start fake patriot big mouth’ (By the way it’s amazing this guy has such a big mouth he’s pandered to everything and everyone under the sun except his base of cuckserf white supporters…) and only a low-self esteem or race traitor would aupport this person who has literally stated he wants people executed for “antisemitism.” Well gee, did you forget what you read in your Bible ‘Evangelicals’? Or are you fake Christians as you are fake Patriots. Biblically speaking modern day Jüden are already condemned, and Jews who rejected the Messiah , and still exist today are literally of their father the Devil.
Jesus Christ speaks this in plain English. The Cuckserfs never have an answer for the all the “antisemitism” in multiple new testament verses.
The Trump Cult also doesn’t seem to realize there’s a faction of anti American politics (or ZoGlitics) that are aware the Yids own both parties, and aren’t dumb enough to engage in a lose/lose game. We take our country back by force eventually, and Trump Cult will have done us a favor by then. We know where to find half the race traitors to decimate.
It was hilarious when Muhammad Ali said “you’re a hater of your people if you don’t want to be with your own.” I rarely rarely plaise black folks , but that was as succinct and to the point as it gets, and spot on too.
This TrumpCult, not sure how they are even conservative .. it’s like the liberals vs the commies at this point. The only Nationalists in this country don’t have a party and (((they))) wouldn’t let us have repeesensatives of US WHITE PEOPLE if we tried.
To sum up. Jüden has subverted the governments of the West especially two-party Murica. Jüden has subverted the Christian Church. Jüden has subverted Public schools up to and beyond college.
Tell me Im wrong Cuckserfs? You can keep playing the Zøg game, as you will still live with the notion that you are nothing more than race traitor Antifa lite to our so called ‘fringe’ white revolt .
This ‘fringe’ however, well let’s just say once you learn and accept the truth as it is, you can’t unring that bell.