Obviously, I have changed my mind about Donald Trump since 2020.
The outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022 was a key moment in my U turn on the Trump Question. I first broke with Trump when he launched missile strikes on Syria in April 2017. The failure of Trump to withdraw American troops from the Middle East was a major reason why I soured on him. Russia policy and Europe in general did not figure into my decision to sit out the 2020 election.
Europe was relatively quiet during Trump’s presidency. He bowed to pressure from Senate Republicans and sent some Javelins to Ukraine only to get impeached over how he handled a phone call with Zelensky by House Democrats. He presided over the expansion of NATO to include Montenegro. Trump imposed sanctions on Russia and irritated European leaders, but otherwise nothing much happened.
It took Joe Biden’s foreign policy team, however, a little over a year to incite the most devastating land war seen in Europe since World War II. Hundreds of thousands of young men on both sides are now dead. $175 billion has been spent by the United States alone on this which has become a bottomless pit of military spending. Joe Biden’s foreign policy of cancelling Russia has severely aggravated inflation. Ukraine has been so bad that it has made Trump’s foreign policy record look better in retrospect. Democrats are also 100% united behind owning Putin and ensuring that this war goes on for as long as possible.
If there is an off ramp in Ukraine, it runs through Donald Trump and growing opposition to funding the war among House and Senate Republicans. While we have lost every battle in Congress to defund the war, Joe Biden has been the president and strongly supports Ukraine funding. In both Congress and the White House, there would be far more pressure on Trump to end the war because it is a divisive issue. In contrast, a victory for Kamala Harris will be interpreted as a clear mandate to continue the war.
The war in Ukraine caused me to pause and consider the possibility that I had been so blinded with rage at Trump over his various failures and setbacks that I had downplayed the potential damage that a Joe Biden presidency could unleash on the world. Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria were relatively quiet in the last years of the Trump presidency. The bloodbath in Ukraine that Biden has presided over put that tarmac that Trump bombed in Syria in 2017 in perspective. It was like comparing mountains to molehills. Trump’s foreign policy record was far from perfect, but it was better than what Joe Biden has done. It is also better than what Kamala Harris and her Russia obsessed handlers will no doubt continue.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
17. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have been improving his legacy
18. The war in Ukraine showed that Biden is worse on foreign policy than Trump
The French once looked at our Civil war or Revolution war as a Brother on Brother war?
The last Brother war!
Well yeah sitting it out isn’t a good idea, you have to do something. Did the democrats tell everyone to sit it out after getting trounced in the Mondale Dukakis elections? Nope, they kept crawling forwards with clever “motor voter” kind of crap to have more and more low information voters who vote for those idiots.
“to have more and more low information voters who vote for those idiots”
That’s a deadly flaw in our Republic, allowing anyone to vote.
Originally they only wanted landed white males to vote.
Landed, showing ownership of some land, showing that the voter had some industry and a serious stake in the community, not some idle drifter.
Male, because men tend to be much less capricious than women, not as liable to emotions and crowd influence, they do the bleeding in serious conflicts…..plus women already exercise inordinate power over their men 🙂
White, because they tend to be the most educated and serious forethinkers on matters of consequence.
Once the dregs , uneducated shiftless unproductive elements
, of society are voting, the Republic will crumble into mob rule.
Allowing chronic welfare recipients to vote and the illiterate to vote is an absolutely certain prescription for disaster, which we now have.
They’ve made a disaster joke of our Republic.
Even “Liberal” i.e. Left Wing states (now) in the northeast had poll taxes until outlawed federally in the 1960’s and literacy tests before that. There was universal recognition that universal suffrage was the road to perdition.
There was universal recognition on the Left that the road to permanent, tyrannical power ran through universal suffrage, and they are correct. Elections now are nothing but a huge clown show, self-selecting the worst instead of the best to govern, with deadly consequences.
Most men only see what they want to see. You fail to see that House and Senate Republican leadership support the war 100%, and you fail to see that Trump supports it too, and wants to escalate.
Trump spent four years building the UAF from a joke of an army to being the second strongest army in Europe. Trump always supported the war, and still does. What the military told him is that they needed to withdraw from Afghanistan first in order to focus on Ukraine. But Trump had a policy of not ending any wars, so he refused on principle.
Trump’s current policy on Ukraine, as released by Pompeo, is to wage total war on Russia. He wants wars with both Russia and Iran.
You refuse to see any of this. Trump supports a 500 billion dollar gift to Zelensky. Total sanctions on Russia.
No, I see that clearly.
I have covered the fights on all the aid packages. “Standing With Ukraine” has become less and less popular on the Republican side. MAGA is against it. Reaganites in Congress are for it.
The difference between having Trump and Kamala Harris in the White House is that Trump’s base is against Ukraine funding and see it as Biden’s war. Kamala Harris has her entire party behind her on the issue including Bernie Sanders and the Left.
If Kamala Harris wins, the war in Ukraine goes on indefinitely, as the people who support the war will have won and see it as a good investment to kill as many people as possible. Trump replacing Biden creates a very different dynamic because 1.) he is not ideologically committed to muh democracy and 2.) congressional Republicans do not have the standing to challenge his leadership of the party and overrule him. As with immigration, Trump can be pressured by his base. Kamala Harris cannot.
You have already said that you are voting for Harris because “worse is better” or something. You own the position of dragging this out for “as long as it takes.” Thus, you think everyone who dies over there as a result is acceptable just like the damage she will do in the courts and on immigration. I do not.
There is no off ramp in Ukraine that goes through Kamala Harris. It is that simple. The only chance we have of bringing this war to an end is through MAGA pressuring Trump to get out.
There is another off ramp from the war in Ukraine, nuclear weapons. If Russia is pushed far enough, such as clearly losing the war they will pull out the Big Stick. This is the ultimate threat of nuclear weapons, like Israel’s Samson Option, only a viable threat because of the terrifying power of nuclear weapons. Zelensky said the Russians are just like the boy who cried ‘wolf’, they are bluffing and western countries should continue the war rather than settle it.
Apparently Mr. Zelensky has conveniently forgotten how the story ends, the wolf eats the sheep.
Putin said his invasion and takeover of a sovereign state full of White people would take 3 weeks.
Here we are what, 4 years later? That’s not on Biden. It’s on Putin & Trump.
> Putin said his invasion and takeover of a sovereign state full of White people would take 3 weeks.
Thanks for a demonstration of a utterly retarded statement based on parroting gaslighting from the (((media))). Please show me a map prior to 1991 where there was a country called “Ukraine”. It is not a legitimate sovereign state – but a Clown-World colony run by foreigners – carved out of mostly Russian territory. It has been used a springboard and staging area by the Empire of Lies via its NATO subsidiary to attack Russians since 2014. Putin seriously underestimated the size of the army arrayed against him. He’s also been far too lenient. He should have killed the war-sow Nudelman when she visited the POS Zelensky in Kiev just for fun. That would send a message to the clowns that they are not exempt from retribution.
@Exalted Cyclops and Vicky
Vicky: “Putin said his invasion and takeover of a sovereign state full of White people would take 3 weeks.”
Exalted Cyclops: “Thanks for a demonstration of an utterly retarded statement based on parroting gaslighting from the (((media))). Please show me a map prior to 1991 where there was a country called “Ukraine”.”
@Victoria N, aka Vicky, and Exalted Cyclops
Come on Exalted Cyclops! How could you say something so much more retarded than questioning fact based US Diplomatic justification for supporting a sovereign state against an imperialist land grab in Europe. Ukraine is an ancient state. As a well read person you should know this.
In fact, Ukraine is the original homeland of the ancient Russian homeland, the Kieven Rus. The first capital of the Russian Tsars was Kiev. All Ukrainians are descended from these Rus, whereas a sizable percentage of so called modern “Russians” are descended of Asiatics. Look at Zelensky. A Jew, of heavily mixed Rus background looks more White than Putin, who clearly retains the features of the Hun who raped his Russian foremother.
As a sovereign state, Ukraine traces its lineage to Republic of Ukraine which was proclaimed following the overthrow of the Communist Party in Kiev. In turn, that lineage traces to the the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. The SSRU was one of the several Soviet Socialist Republics, all of which exist in maps of the USSR. The map showing the SSRU you can see here predate 1991.
It also happened to be one of only three Soviet Socialist Republics to be recognized as independent countries by the world community, have a separate seat in the UN, their own diplomats (the SSRU had their own embassy in Washington DC), have their own foreign diplomatic representatives (we had an ambassador and embassy there in Kiev), and their own postage stamps. You can see their first years of postage here long before 1991.
The SSRU traced its lineage to the People’s Republic and Grand Hetmanate of Ukraine. These governments were proclaimed at the end of WWI to represent a newly independent Ukraine. The Grand Hetmanate was actually supported and reinforced by your favorite nation in the world, the Germans. The People’s Republic of Ukraine which replaced the Grans Hetmanate eventually succumbed to the Red Army. But it too had an embassy in Washington DC which continued to exist after the Soviet victory representing the anti Soviet Ukrainian government in exile until 1991. It also existed essentially in the present borders of Ukraine on several maps which you can see here as well as in articles on the early Ukrainian State.
It also had its postage stamps which you can see here.
Both the Peoples Republic of Ukraine and the Grand Hetmanate traced their lineage to the First Grand Hetmanate of the Cossacks, which were established following independence from Poland in the 1600s. The First Grand Hetmanate existed as a state, until it was fully absorbed into the Russian Empire following the partitions of Poland. You can see it existed in modern Ukraine in the article and its location on maps here.
The Grand Hetmanate traced its lineage to three states, the Kingdom of Ruthenia and Galicia, and the Cossack Host. The later was more an government association of a class of warriors than a state. The Host existed as in a continuum from the early 1200s until their extinction by the Soviets. They mostly operated in the center and east of modern Ukraine. They acted as frontier border population against the Moslems and Mongolia which conquered the area starting in the 1200. You can see their geographical power area in modern Ukraine represented on maps here.
The Ruthenian and Galician Kingdoms traced their lineage as rump survivor states of those Middle Ages Moslem and Mongol invaders. These existed in the central and western areas of modern Ukraine. They eventually succumbed to Poland which is how Poland eventually also defeated the Moslems and Mongols and annexed the Cossacks. The Cossack exploitation under Polish Papist feudal lords led the Cossacks to declare independence creating the first Grand Hetmanate discussed above.
All three of of the above, the Galicians, Ruthenians, and Cossacks trace their lineage to the ancient Kingdom of the Rus also sometimes called the old Kingdom of Ruthenia. Their capital was Kiev. These are the famous ancient Rus mentioned in various sagas in Scandinavia, modern Russia, the Byzantine Empire, the Khazar Kingdom, the Moslem Caliphate and others. You can see them on old Middle Ages maps like here which clearly show Kiev as the capital of a state centered on modern Ukraine.
Their Scandinavian origin ruling Tsars, Kings, Princes, boyars, and gentry and townfolk etc were mostly destroyed by the first Mongol invasion. Some survivors scattered to become the early Cossacks. Others escaped west to become the new Galicia and Ruthenia kingdoms. Some remained enslaved under the Mongol Golden Horse. Still others escaped up North to Novgorod where they established a new Principality and mixed with the Slavo-Scandinavian and Baltic-Slavic population. Descendants of that principality and its fleeing Russo-Slavic population also created other principalities, one of which was Moscow. To this day, that is why Ukrainians consider themselves the real Rus, and why they call the Russians, Muscovites.
“It is not a legitimate sovereign state – but a Clown-World colony run by foreigners – carved out of mostly Russian territory.”
So patently false it has proven by the facts above that it isn’t even funny. We have maps dating to the dark ages, coinage from the early Middle ages, recognized states in the fuedal European system, independent governments from the 1600s, and declarations of independence, diplomatic recognitions, and sovereign representation on maps since the 1920s, let alone separate language and distinct ethnicity and history proving Ukraine is its own nation-state. As a supporter of a White nations you should be more respectful of other White nations rights to self determination and not support obvious imperialist adventures like Putin’s war against them.
“It has been used a springboard and staging area by the Empire of Lies via its NATO subsidiary to attack Russians since 2014.”
What an inversion of the truth. It was America who tried to limit Ukrainian patriots from kicking out Russian interests even sooner, in an attempt to come to a negotiated settlement with Russia. Putin answered that by launching a full fledged covert war in Ukraine, invaded Crimea, and started separatist wars in the East, thereby causing a revolt overthrowing his proxies. Russia has been waging war on Ukraine and NATO ever since.
“Putin seriously underestimated the size of the army arrayed against him.”
He under estimated the patriotic fervor of the Ukrainian people uniting against an imperialist attack on their freedom.
“He’s also been far too lenient. He should have killed the war-sow Nudelman when she visited the POS Zelensky in Kiev just for fun.”
Well, he probably tried. He is the prime suspect in the assassination of the leader of NATO member Poland years before the present invasion, the assassination of various Ukrainian patriots in the years before 2014, and the attempted assassination of Zelensky during the invasion of Ukraine. Zelensky amazingly personally fought against Putin’s Spetznaz hit team in the Presidential palace and survived. So, I am sure Putin has tried to wipe out Vicky (V Nuland), but obviously his attempted failed. Calling her War Sow isn’t very nice.
You merely repeat every neo-klown talking point. Ukraine is a fake-country. A military colony of the Empire of Lies, whose war upon Russia started in 2014 and resulted in 15,000 dead civilians. Putin, contrary to the gaslight media accounts, is actually a weak leader compared to Stalin who would have never allowed this abomination to arise. Zelensky and his followers deserve the worst possible fate. War-Sow is a monster. Thanks for revealing yourself yet again as hasbara troll. Ukraine flies the Globo-homo flag, just like you and Lady G.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Exalted Cyclops: “Please show me a map prior to 1991 where there was a country called “Ukraine”. It is not a legitimate sovereign state – but a Clown-World colony run by foreigners – carved out of mostly Russian territory.”
Aryan Globalist Bro: “Here are all the maps and articles you requested:” https://occidentaldissent.com/2024/08/21/the-case-for-trump-2024-ukraine/comment-page-1/#comment-3679465
Exalted Cyclops: “You merely repeat every neo-klown talking point. Ukraine is a fake-country.”
I provided your request, and your response is just a childish repeat of your same argument. Denial is not a river in Egypt. If you can’t discuss the facts, then I accept your defeat. Just @Exalted Cyclops,
Exalted Cyclops: “Please show me a map prior to 1991 where there was a country called “Ukraine”. It is not a legitimate sovereign state – but a Clown-World colony run by foreigners – carved out of mostly Russian territory.”
Aryan Globalist Bro: Here are all the maps and articles yoi requested: https://occidentaldissent.com/2024/08/21/the-case-for-trump-2024-ukraine/comment-page-1/#comment-3679465
Exalted Cyclops: “You merely repeat every neo-klown talking point. Ukraine is a fake-country.”
I provided your request, and your response is just a childish repeat of your same argument. Denial is not a river in Egypt. I accept your defeat to the facts. Just stop clowning for Russian propagandists.
There is another off ramp from the war in Ukraine, nuclear weapons. If Russia is pushed far enough, such as clearly losing the war they will pull out the Big Stick. This is the ultimate threat of nuclear weapons, like Israel’s Samson Option, only a viable threat because of the terrifying power of nuclear weapons. Zelensky said the Russians are just like the boy who cried ‘wolf’, they are bluffing and western countries should continue the war rather than settle it.
Apparently Mr. Zelensky has conveniently forgotten how the story ends, the wolf eats the sheep.
In Bidens defence, he pulled out of Afghanistan, and copped a barrage of condemnation as a result. Trump maybe talked and tweeted about doing it……but never did. But again, who’s really in charge, the president or the unelected Jews you never see in the open? Who really decides when a war will end? Bidens speech when he ended the war was cohesive, logical and well thought out. However, Trump is still the overall least worst option for the average citizen. At least he WANTS a lot of the things you want, even if his hands are largely tied.
“Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria were relatively quiet in the last years of the Trump presidency. The bloodbath in Ukraine that Biden has presided over put that tarmac that Trump bombed in Syria in 2017 in perspective. It was like comparing mountains to molehills. Trump’s foreign policy record was far from perfect, but it was better than what Joe Biden has done”:
Trump approved the beginning of major weapons transfer to Khazarkraine. Trump continued the brutal occupation of Iraq and Syria and bragged about “taking their oil” (the U.S. is still occupying the oil fields and stealing most of the oil from the people of Syria) and he continued the brutal occupation of Afghanistan and many other imperial invasions, occupations and hybrid wars around the world that are never mentioned on this blog. The launch of the hotter, present phase of the Khazarkrainian proxy war on Russia was being prepared all through the Trump administration, but the war to genocide ethnic Russians raged in Donbass all through the Trump administration and U.S. supplied weapons were used. Trump recognised the Israeli theft of the very oil-rich Golan region of Syria, and moved to U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to some Palestinian-owned property in Jerusalem, an act of war in itself. He is a billionaire real estate tycoon who hates socialism, believes in the “American Dream” (it works for him), trusts in the Almighty Dollar (not the true God), and boosts and boasts about the U.S. military, and put bloodthirsty Neocons in charge of everything. I could write a long essay on the international war crimes of the U.S. during the Trump administration. If he becomes President again (which I doubt) I believe you will change your view and regret your vote. Mrs. K. Emhoff is also thoroughly evil, just as “capitalist-to-the-bone” (as Nancy Pelosi put it) and I think that, regardless of whether you vote or not in this “election,” SHE will probably be the next (maybe the last) puppet-mouthpiece “leader’ of the evil empire. Babylon will fall.
Trump approved the sale of a few Javelins to Ukraine and got impeached over it. This is not in the same ballpark as presiding over a devastating war that has wiped out a generation of young men. That’s far, far worse than anything Trump did on Russia and Ukraine.
“a few Javelins (…) and got impeached over it”:
Over two hundred of those powerful anti-tank missiles and about fifty launchers, and other equipment, were sent “by Trump,” in the first known, official, shipment of arms by the U.S. to Khazarkraine during the Trump administration. After that, Trump put a temporary freeze on the second, much larger tranche of military equipment, to use it as a bargaining chip to try to make the Khazarkrainians “give him the dirt” on the Bidens’ shady dealings with the Khazar oligarchs and Maidan regime. Trump was not impeached for arming Khazarkraine but for delaying the delivery.
Throughout the Trump years Khazarkraine was slaughtering (with U.S. and NATO weaponry) ethnic Russians (including women and children) who were resisting their neoliberal rule in the Donbas. The unofficial policy of the U.S. since the Reagan administration, and before that, is to begin by supplying arms to a proxy indirectly, through other allies or channels, as in the infamous “arms for hostages” deal that was used to try to destroy communist Nicaragua during the Reagan administration.
Note that the U.S. has worked through (it has used) Israel to supply arms and other military aid to Guatemala and other scenes of proxy war, colour “revolutions” and coups. Note that President Obama “always resisted sending arms to Ukraine,” which means that the arms were being sent indirectly, unofficially, through other allies (such as France) and other channels.
If the main phase of the Khazarkrainian proxy war (the final push into Donbas to exterminate the last of the resistance) had been scheduled to begin before 2021, I have no doubt that Trump would have sent even more weapons. Khazarkraine has always been kept well supplied with weapons, and the majority of the “aid” has come from U.S. allies and other indirect channels.
Wow, 200 anti-tank Javelins.
That’s just like half a million dead and spending $175 billion to fuel the carnage
217 plus other equipment were the OFFICIALLY recorded U.S. “aid” – and even that was not insignificant FOR THAT EARLY STAGE of the war, the “fuel for carnage” being to use immediately in more effective terror attacks on the civilians in Donbas. But the U.S.’s main supply route of arms to Khazarkraine during the Trump years was through FRANCE. The U.S. has been “aiding” (supplying) Khazarkraine militarily ever since the Maidan coup in the Obama administration despite Obama’s official “refusal to supply lethal aid” (which meant that they were already hard at it). The plan to destroy Russia by using psychologically-groomed Russia-hating “Ukrainian nationalists” as a proxy force was being prepared over several decades. The U.S. also ran an anti-Russian guerilla campaign in Galicia from the end of WW2 until Stalin finished crushing it around 1952 or ’53. Radio “Free” Europe and other anti-Russian propaganda organs kept the spirit of insurgency alive in Galicia, and among the diaspora in U.S. and Canada, for the next fifty years waiting for the next opportunity.
As I understand it, your premise is that if Trump is elected, his supposedly anti-war Republican voter base could pressure him and Republican legislators to stop fighting this war to destroy Russia. But I believe a U.S. president is a mere puppet-mouthpiece figurehead (supposedly the “commander-in-chief”) and has NO ability to stop this war and any other imperialist wars. Imperialist wars are not just profitable for the “defense” industry oligarchs, but more than that, they are EXISTENTIAL for the system. Without its endless global imperialism, the U.sury S.ystem would lose its monopolies and immediately begin to collapse, so it CANNOT stop imperialism, even if you really could “apply pressure” on your party’s president and legislators who you voted for. I submit that the wars will proceed as planned whoever gets to be President. You can’t stop them by protesting, by voting, by “applying pressure” to those you have helped to win, or anything else like that. Only (1) an overwhelming Russian military victory or (2) a mass general strike by the entire working population will make an impression on the elites (who control the U.S.) to stop the war.
The Ukraine War will go away sometime. With Trumps immigration proposals, even if Trump is better regarding the Supreme Court than Harris, in the long run it won’t matter because bringing in “elite” immigrants means money for the Dems which means Dems winning elections which means them eventually getting their people on the Supreme Court anyways. Once “elite” non-white immigrants (primarily S. & E. Asian) are here it’s very hard to get them to leave and therefore it’s the problem above others which means it should outweigh the Supreme Court + Ukraine.
It gets even better: The Satanic handless piano-pecker and his criminal toadies in the rubber-stamp rada – the epitome of Clown-World’s “liberal democracy” – have outlawed the orthodox church. Nudelman the war-sow grunts in glee no doubt. Murikan tards repeat the Mighty Wurlitzer’s description of Putin as a new Stalin, which is laughable. Koba would have killed that jewish piece of shit at least two years ago. HW is correct. Trump, while useless, did nothing quite as bad as the “Biden” regime. Of course along with the fine Protestant (and likely pedo) Mikey Johnson – Dump has promised more support for the virtuoso of Kyiv. Hi-Fellatin’ Franny and the Novus Ordo brokeback-boyz all favor Jewkraine as well, not to mention the unmentionables.
When Trump was president they did everything possible to make him look like a Russian asset. There is not much he can do, even if he wanted to.
While Trump’s base may hold a Trump admin back a little on attacking Russia, Kamala’s base may hold a Kamala admin back a little on genocide, attacking Iran and its allies, as well as attacking China, so here too there is no difference, both parties have equally bad foreign policies.
Both parties are basically the same on the things that matter most, pro-WW3, but yet here we are decade after decade, splitting hairs, arguing over coke and pepsi, arsenic and strychnine, it’s stupid and a waste of time, dump them both now.
I heard the same nonsense in 2020.
Joe Biden will be better on Israel, Iran, Palestinians, etc. You will see. The people who said that were proven wrong. Things are much worse now on those fronts than under Trump
“Things are much worse now on those fronts than under Trump”:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc. (It happens after Biden becomes President, therefore due to Biden or Democrats.) I think the long-planned war has gotten worse since Biden because it has reached later stages of the plan. For example, the stage of finally “finishing off” the rest of Donbas was not reached until 2021, and the long- and carefully-planned stage of suddenly crossing the border of the Russian Federation was not reached until two weeks ago. The destruction of Nordstream was also planned well ahead and time had to pass before it was put in action, which was during the Biden years. However Biden had no say in it, nor would Trump have had any say, but Trump is given credit for not doing it when it wasn’t even time yet. I believe Mrs. Emhoff will be your next President.
“Orthodox Jewish protesters against military service law forcibly removed by police in Jerusalem”
All these Jewish bastards need to go to all these Wars that they start
That is what dumb goys are for. Hopefully there will be massive non-compliance from Whites when GloboHomo starts up conscription (i.e. “National Service” as they will call it this time) after the ridiculous election is over. The week after the election is done with the Lügenpresse will start running stories again about how the military is in dire straits (it is) and “we” all have to make sacrifices. These “sacrifices” will land on top of Whites in the form of conscription into the military because the colored people aren’t smart and reliable enough to run the high tech systems.
Give GloboHomo the finger White guys, they have been giving you the finger for decades. They want us dead, six feet under.
Since this WAR started, Bill Gates and the Monsanto corporation, have been permitted to buy up all the Ukraine’s farmland, the finest top soil in the world, goes 20 feet deep ……. What a DAMM SHAME …
“the finest top soil in the world, goes 20 feet deep”:
Yes, and the U.S.’s Khazarkrainian proxy keeps shelling and missile-ing the Zaporizhizhia nuclear power plant to try to make the world’s largest stretch of the best topsoil glow in the dark. Other war activities are also polluting it or ruining it permanently. “They” think “meat” for the masses will be produced in bio-factories from animal cell culture, and plant protein from plant cell culture, and other crops can be grown indoors (under plastic roofs or LED lighting) with chemical nutrient solutions fed by plastic tubing. Outdoor farming will be done by drones and robots to eliminate human laborers. People no longer needed are being removed from their ancestral lands and the lands are being destroyed, all for the private gain of a tiny elite.
Did you know? The little bit of farmland in Gaza has very fertile soil, or it did have…. The elites are city people not rooted in the soil.
Meredith mynyddog ” not rooted in the soil ” On this matter, you and I, are in complete agreement …
And I am glad of that
NATO provide depleted uranium tank shells for British Challenger II tanks given to BlackRock’s army.
Do a web search of the side effects from contamination due the use of depleted uranium shells in Iraq had on children. The same thing likely will occur in formerly Ukrainian soil.
Morticia Addams & Uncle Fester (Kamzilla Harrmas & Tampon Tim) vs DJT.
The Dems must be very confident that they have all the needed “votes” and lots of them through cheating to win or this is just a deep state decision to let DJT win this one. Either way this proxy war through Ukraine must go on to keep the US military complex the overall winner no matter what and that’s all that really matters…
Our way IS the Highway!
Secede Now!
May God Save the South!
Good Luck. To me, there is no case for Trump. I cannot (dont want to) bear the feeling of cucking to Trump again. We got much much LESS than nothing last time. Not participating in November. Not even local. I hate the reality of this jewcucked country.Not going to try to extend its life.
This is the 26th anniversary of President Bill Clinton’s surprise cruise missile terror attack on Sudan, in which U.S. destroyed the country’s only pharmaceutical factory, a very large one that produced anti-malarial and anti-tuberculosis medicines, veterinary medicines and other medicines. Tens of thousands of Sudanese people died as result of the loss of medications caused by the U.S. destruction of the factory, and by the U.S.’s aanctions and blockade that prevented the country from even importing the medicines. The “exceptional nation” (the U.S.) which runs the U.N. blocked a U.N. inquiry into the “incident,” and also had the court case (lawsuit for reparations) dismissed because it was “destruction of property designated by the President (Clinton) as enemy war-making property.” (The U.S. claimed falsely that the factory was used to manufacture WMD’s.) Sudan was once the largest country in Africa but was insufficiently obsequious to the U.S. and Israel, so it was targeted for destruction and now it is broken up into small pieces that the U.S. can manage.
Remember that Trump and RFK do not tell the truth about the war on Russia. There is not one word about the barbaric acts, the systemic barbarism, of the U.S.’s Khazarkrainian proxy forces.
Yesterday for example some Khazarkrainian soldiers, typically brainwashed by decades of U.S.’s Radio Free Europe hate-the-Russians propaganda, took pleasure in killing a pregnant Russian woman great with child, a “two for one.” Civilians unable to evacuate the invaded Kursk region in time are being regularly machine-gunned.
It reminds of the propagandized-from-the-cradle anti-Arab hatred that fuels the proxy war in Palestine and the Middle East, making the brainwashed soldiers and prison guards feel righteous and even post their barbaric acts on social media. Tens of thousands of Palestinian women have been killed or crippled, tortured and raped by the proxy army. The International Criminal Court, United Nations and other similar organisations that are run by the U.S. can do nothing. But you think that electing Trump and voter-base-pressuring Trump and the Republicans might be the off ramp.
“If there is an off ramp in Ukraine, it runs through Donald Trump”:
Russia itself is the only off-ramp. Russia will not play games with Trump, nor with Kamala Emhoff, nor with Zelensky, who are all rotten and meaningless cyphers. Russia will end once and for all the criminal war that the U.S. has been waging against Russia since 1920, and continuously since 1945, to try to dismember, divide and rule Russia to exploit the workers and steal their resources, and obliterate every trace of socialism (Russians still have universal health care and education, etc.) and erase the memory of the USSR that more than half of Russian people say they still want back. Russian leadership doesn’t care one bit who wins the November “election.” Even RFK’s recent so-called “pro-Russian” speech doesn’t fool them. Russian people want all their land back that was lost when the U.S. engineered the betrayal and breakup of the USSR thirty-three years ago. They have learned their lesson and want to become fully secure from U.S. aggression. They know (they have learned the lesson well) that the U.S. is by its very nature “agreement incapable” – can never be trusted – regardless of which puppet-mouthpiece is “elected” president in November.
The U.S.’s last-ditch “Gettysburg invasion” going north across the border of the Russian Federation (toward the Kursk nuclear power plant) is ending just like the original Gettysburg invasion of the north: a total disaster, this time for the U.S. not for the CSA. The Khazarkrainian army has been fully broken by this going-all-in for the nuclear power plant, invade-the-north “Gettysburg” stunt, and it is only a matter of time….
The Russian special military operation is entirely different from the U.S. operation. Russia has always taken great care to minimize civilian casualties whereas the U.S. has concentrated on killing and terrorizing civilians, using some chemical weapons here and there, and constantly attempting to destroy the nuclear power plants in Zaporizhzhia and Kursk to cause widespread and permanent radioactive contamination, cancer and birth defects.
“Moscow has repeatedly underscored that in targeting Ukrainian energy, defense industry, military command and communications facilities the Russian Armed Forces do not strike residential buildings or social infrastructure”:
Re: “Ukraine”: https://sputnikglobe.com/20240826/russian-forces-conduct-large-scale-strike-on-ukrainian-defense-industry-facilities-1119911797.html
Feel free to fact check me on this; Trump supports the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, he just wants Europe to pay for more of it.
He hasn’t promised to cease funding the proxy war entirely, only reduce it to some, unspecified extent so Europe can pay for more of it.
But how much is a Trump promise worth?
‘Drain the swamp, lock her up, build that wall’.
Mark my words, the proxy war in Ukraine will continue, and possibly even escalate under Trump if elected, same as under Blinken-Kamala.
And of course the genocide and war with Iran and its allies will continue full on.
I wouldn’t be surprised if war erupts with China over Taiwan under either of them.
As Vladimir Putin has said multiple times, who wins in 2024 is of no consequence to him, he views the American government and its foreign policy as a unity, only Americans believe there is a difference between the two compartments of the uniparty on foreign policy, the rest of the world knows better.
And yet decade after decade here you are reliving history.
Blackrock recently issued a demand that Ukraine stop making new burial grounds on land that Blackrock owns in Ukraine. Ukrainians foolishly fought nand died for Blackrock’s “right” to take their land, and Blackrock won’t even allow them a little space to be buried in. Now the Donbas front is collapsing, and the energy of the invade-the-north “Gettysburg” PR stunt in Kursk is spent. I predict that very soon the mass murderer comedian (Zelensky) will be doing an Ashraf Ghani, fleeing from the collapse to his mansion in Florida instead of the one in Israel.
Interesting, I’ll look into that, it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, we know what these wars are about; American, corporate and Jewish imperialism.
They should change the name of election day in the US to groundhog day.
Or rather you should hold election day on the same day as groundhog day.