I read this article yesterday at Counter-Currents.
“If there’s one thing internet people like to do these day it’s misrepresent each other. White Nationalists and their adjacents, unfortunately, are sometimes no exception. Tell a guy who’s fond of saying “Name the Jew!” that other races hate him too, and chances are you’ll get called a Jew yourself. At the very least, your JQ credentials will be highly suspect to the NTJ (as I’ve come to call them).
“Naming the Jew,” when doing so is germane to the discussion, is a good thing. Naming the Jew when it is another of our myriad enemies and his actions being discussed, however, is ignorant, and makes one look as though the “namer” is unduly fixated on something, for one reason or another, and incapable of getting past his pet hang-up: naming the Jew. The reason that’s bad is obvious. It suggests he isn’t wise and that his judgment isn’t sound. That is to say, it undermines his credibility. His fixation on the JQ suggests his principles are a kind of single-minded homing pigeon: discontent to rest until he has traveled any distance necessary to get back home to his ideological roost, no matter how far away from it cirumstances have carried him.
If anecdotal experience is any indication, at this point, the NTJ is fuming, spitting… sputtering… beside himself, that someone (me, in this case) could be so blind to the JQ. His fingers are positively twitching, as his invective, zealous to spew, bottlenecks between his brain and typing capabilities. But not so fast, AryanWarrior1488! …”
I started having flashbacks.
Specifically, it stirred up memories of Alex Linder and VNN Forum in its prime around 2003-2005, and the debates that went on over twenty years ago about “Naming the Jew” as a strategy.
A few days ago, I wrote an article about wignatism. Somehow, I forgot to mention in the article that I had seen all of this before and had written extensively about it before: how excessive antisemitism generates cranks, how the cranks turn violent, how they are inherently antipolitical in rejecting any attempt to gain state power, how their tactics are ineffective, how they are anti-Christian and how they put on the trappings of historic National Socialism while being fundamentally unlike their idol.
Oh yeah … that’s right! I developed these attitudes and impressions years ago from watching and debating people like Alex Linder and Glenn Miller. Miller shot and killed a 14-year-old Methodist Eagle Scout and his 69-year-old grandfather outside a synagogue in in Overland Park, KS in 2014. I wrote all about that and how I recognized him instantly and the trial and Miller’s death.
That was a decent article over at CounterCurrents. The last line was the best:
Naming the Jew isn’t the silver bullet the NTJ thinks it is.
If only it were that simple. While absolutely necessary at times it also tends to distract at other from issues we could (maybe) have more influence over. Like white shitlibbery and corruption. F. Glenn Miller is an example of what happens with this kind of thing. He killed two outside a Synagogue. Both victims were white Methodists: A 69-year old grandfather and his 14-year old grandson. No doubt some jews were having a good laugh over that one. So was Miller simply insane (as Occam’s butterknife suggests) or was he working for the bad guys?
Glenn Miller was drunk !
Miller’s problem wasn’t exposing jp, it was the bottle.
‘So was Miller simply insane’
Chronic alcoholism cripples good reasoning.
I had the intense displeasure of interacting with Alex Linder on Gab for the short period I bothered with social media before permanent retirement from that most pointless of passtimes.
I recall him being more hateful of Christians than anybody else. It never mattered to me how much we had in common on the JQ, which then I was far more strident on, he was so utterly viscious and single mindedly contemptuous of White Christians that it made him impossible to even talk to.
I never even cared to find out why. Its like trying to talk to Eric Stryker. Its just not possible to get passed the JQ to anything meaningful. I don’t understand that kind of monomania, but I do empathize. Its destructive, and seductive all at once.
Yep, you’re right, Linder is miserably abrasive . He makes any productive discussion impossible. His approach to Christianity does more to repel people and make them more obstinate to his message.
His calls for immediate and direct violence are absolutely counterproductive and destructive to our cause. In that aspect he might as well be a fed.
All of that is a shame, as he has many good insights and he’s a good aggregator of news and wn information.
‘The temporary solution in all white lands is for small groups of whites, or even individuals, to randomly kill invaders/niggers. Unemotionally and repeatedly. This solution also works on politicians taking money from jews and their families. ‘ …..A Linder
Where will that get us…. prison , killed ?
Those who vocally expose the jp too often have inadequate knowledge of judaism and the many brilliant gentiles who have exposed their malevolent character.
Wasn’t Glenn Miller an alcoholic klansman from the South?
I recall a proto-MAGA patriotards shooting Afghan dogs after 9/11.
Anyway, it’s not about naming the jew, as much as exposing jewish schemes, conspiracies, and other malevolent and pernicious activities against Europeans. Of course, during such exposure, jews and their accomplices Jew and gentile should be named.
‘jewish schemes, conspiracies, and other malevolent and pernicious activities against Europeans’
That is judaism 🙂
Yes. This is the approach taken, for example, by David Rogers Webb in The Great Taking – his book exposing the central bankers’ plot to steal *all* collateral in the next financial crisis. As a result of not associating the plot with any particular ethnicity, his 1 hour documentary on it is still up on YouTube.
Even people such as David Duke and Kevin MacDonald , who are often accused of dwelling on the jp excessively, have large gaps in their knowledge of judaism. An intense focus on the jp is too much for the great majority of people.
HW is right, concentration on jp is going to drive away most people and defeat the cause of our greater good. It’s better to take a more diffuse approach addressing the many individual social ills, even though that loses an understanding of underlying source of most problems.
People aren’t educated or ready for the steel sharp truth, it’s too much to handle.
I don’t want to know about Judaism, I just want to end their control of my country.
I am only interested in knowing enough to end Jewish supremacy.
Let’s see what is considered ‘allowable ‘ “activist brain” and the JQ/JP.
When Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan, tried to blame a black janitor for his crimes, was found guilty, and hung by an justifiably angry crowd this set of events birthed the ADL.
Perhaps, if those irate Georgians didn’t hang Leo Frank we would not have had to endure 112 years and counting of that organization’s explicitly anti-White operations nationally and internationally.
Btw, jews still believe that Leo Frank was innocent, and the ADL helps train FBI recruits and heavily influences FBI and DOJ policies.
“Tell a guy who’s fond of saying “Name the Jew!” that other races hate him too, and chances are you’ll get called a Jew yourself.”
The rats doing this are illegal spics that hang out in odysee chatrooms and think they’re white, or are aligning with whites because they’re fighting turf wars with niggers and think there’s common enemies. It’s a trick. They’re all coming out of goyimtv and have managed to pull in some white catholics to hide behind, which is there second trick. Lots of asians using these tactics too, especially since many of them are catholics as well. As a southerner who knows history, catholics have always been the enemy and this war isn’t just about race.
At the same time Wallace is imploring everyone to stop talking about the JQ the JQ is actually becoming more mainstream. If listening to Donny talk with his boss Bibi today about what should happen to Gaza and the Palestinians doesn’t make you sick to your stomach then nothing will. And the jews would do the same to us all if they could.
“..antisemitism generates cranks..”. Gee, I wonder who benefits from that?
That word is a mind virus, even more deadly than “racism”. Using it in any sense other than to protest against its use in curbing 1A rights is counterproductive. Better to avoid it altogether IMO and use “antigentilism” instead as an effective way to refer to the Jews that matter; the ones who hate us.
As for NTJ, my straw man radar were set off after reading this part; “Tell a guy who’s fond of saying “Name the Jew!” that other races hate him too..”. Well show me The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Negroism and evidence of centuries of negro infiltration and subversion of the governments of Western civilization and I’ll be happy to Name The Negro.