
The wignats are mad at me.

I will start off by saying that I didn’t ask for this debate.

Generally speaking, I don’t pay much attention to wignats. I don’t listen to their podcasts, watch their streams or read their articles. I do not go to their websites and post comments.

It is wignats who choose to come here to my website and post comments. Occasionally, I will listen to a wignat stream or a podcast or look at what the wignats are saying on X for the sole purpose of trying to figure out where this nonsense is coming from. I understand that wignats are concentrated in Telegram chats, but I am not active there. I see clips of Fuentes on X, but I don’t watch his show.

I’ve been on a long journey away from wignats. I haven’t publicly talked much about it on this website. There was a time when I associated with wignats. I would say the peak of it was the White Lives Matter rally in Shelbyville with the Nationalist Front in October 2017. There was a time when I temporarily bought into the idea of supporting a popular front with wignats. It lasted from around the time of the Pikeville rally in April 2017 through the 2018 League of the South conference and the collapse of the Nationalist Front about a month later. It was always Matt Heimbach’s project and baby. I allowed myself to get roped into it mainly through association, not through ideological conviction.

Previously, I had steered wide and clear of wignats for over 15 years. I joined the Council of Conservative Citizens and the League of the South precisely because those groups were not wignat organizations. I wanted to join groups which were pro-White, pro-South and pro-Christian, which appealed to normal White people and which were grounded in paleoconservative values. By that point, I had been arguing with wignats like Harold Covington and Alex Linder for over a decade on the internet. Harold Covington wrote an entire novel called Freedom’s Sons about me in which I was his nemesis.

Here are some of the key moments which caused my heel turn:

For several years, the League of the South had held demonstrations around the South focused on issues like opposing refugee resettlement or protecting Christian marriage. Initially, there were some internal debate over whether to include Matt Heimbach and adopt his big tent White Nationalist numbers approach, or to focus instead on optics and palatable mainstream messaging.

The Pikeville rally in April 2017 was a turning point when Matt Heimbach’s way of doing things finally prevailed and the League chose to go in a more big tent White Nationalist direction. We joined the Nationalist Front with the Traditionalist Worker Party, Vanguard America and the National Socialist Movement. From that point forward, our brand, optics and messaging became wignat.

No one remembers anything about Pikeville except for “Nazis in Kentucky.” Nothing was done for the White working class which was supposedly our reason for being there.

Pikeville, KY, April 2017

Several months later, we all showed up in Charlottesville to participate in the Unite the Right disaster. The Nationalist Front big tent was now expanded to include the Alt-Right which was at the peak of its popularity at the time. None of us knew Jason Kessler or James Fields, Jr. We went to Charlottesville to support the Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson monuments. It goes without saying that our message and point about the monuments was lost amid “Nazis march in Charlottesville.”

James Fields, Jr. crashed his Dodge Challenger into the crowd on that fateful day. He wasn’t affiliated with our organization. We were organized and all got out safely. The big tent approach saddled us with a fat big tent civil lawsuit that went on for years and cost us thousands of dollars. The big lawsuit weakened us all financially while the big tent optics weakened and destroyed our public image.

Charlottesville, VA, August 2017

I was still on board.

I had my doubts, but I was ready to soldier on with the wignats.

After Charlottesville, the Alt-Right splintered into AmNats and wignats, and I loudly defended the wignats from the optics cucks. In fact, I was personally responsible for organizing the White Lives Matter rally in Shelbyville, TN, as I was determined at the time to hold a follow up rally to illustrate that the Unite the Right disaster was caused by the failures of local law enforcement. I was right about this and the White Lives Matter rally was peaceful and uneventful, but I was still unsettled by it.

For starters, the reason why we choose the Shelbyville location was because we had held what we considered a successful rally there before in 2013, but this time around I was struck by how it devolved into “Nazis in Tennessee,” going through metal detectors, shouting across steel barricades, police snipers on rooftops and police helicopters flying overhead. It was nothing like the original rally.

After the event was over, we all ate lunch at Henry Horton State Park. There was nearly a fight between wignats over some old drama from WN 1.0. This was followed by Eric Striker and a bunch of wignats forming a human swastika at the police helicopter that was flying overhead. This was followed by the outbreak of the Optics War which went on for months online until it culminated in March 2018 when the TWP collapsed after Matt Heimbach was caught having an affair with his mother-in-law.

As with Pikeville and Charlottesville, the message that we wanted to communicate at the Shelbyville rally was lost amid “Nazis in Tennessee.” I don’t even remember interacting with the public.

Shelbyville, TN, October 2017

2018 was a disaster.

The Optics War reached a fever pitch.

After the TWP collapse, I took a break from the internet which lasted from around March 2018 through July 2018, in which I reassessed the course that I had been on. The Alt-Right collapsed over the spring of 2018. After years of exhausting public activism, I was disgusted with politics and turned my attention back to my health, career and family. I went back to history, philosophy and religion.

I only reemerged over the summer to attend the 2018 League of the South conference. This was during the last days of the Nationalist Front. I think it was the final conference in what was known at the time as the League building. The NSM came to that national conference. It was a surreal experience watching wignats with swastika neck tattoos in Wetumpka milling around the building. I don’t remember saying anything about the culture clash at the time, but I knew we were on the wrong course and barely a month later the Nationalist Front collapsed. The League of the South itself splintered over it.

2018 League of the South National Conference

“Screw the optics, I’m going in.”

After I was banned from Twitter, I spent most of 2018 rebuilding my social media presence on Gab, which was becoming wignat central at that time. I interacted with Robert Bowers who “regabbed” some of my Trump Derangement Syndrome articles before the Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting.

Robert Bowers nearly destroyed Gab and one of the Clark brothers who were part of a group of posters called the “Bowl Patrol” committed suicide after Pittsburgh. Antifa and “journalists” attempted to “link” me to Bowers because he had liked and shared my anti-Trump articles. I quit posting on Gab around Halloween of 2018 because I was sick of being added without my consent to group chats of mentally ill fed posters. I was also sick of being in the blast radius of wignats like Fields and Bowers. The Charlottesville Discord group chat, which I had ignored, was used against us in the Sines v. Kessler trial.

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, October 2018

The Christchurch shooting was in March 2019.

“St. Tarrant” inspired a wave of copycat mass shootings in wignat circles: El Paso, Buffalo, the Poway synagogue shooting where John Earnest’s gun jammed, the idiot in Halle, Germany who got Mr. Bond arrested. Wignats targeted elderly Jewish people in synagogues, random black people in churches, black people and Hispanic people at grocery stores. Tarrant decorated his bulletproof vest with a sonnenrad. The streak of wignat violence in 2018 and 2019 was like the tail of the Alt-Right comet.

“St. Tarrant,” March 2019

I used to be much more tolerant of wignats.

For several years, I allowed a self-described “National Socialist” from New England, Marcus Cicero, to post articles on Occidental Dissent. In fact, I traveled to Charlottesville and Shelbyville with him. Marcus moved to Alabama after getting married to his wife who was a “NS” fan. The couple met through Daily Stormer before they had a falling out with Andrew Anglin over his tirades about White women.

Around 2020, Marcus Cicero went down the NS-to-Third Worldist pipeline and emerged on the other end of it as someone who hates White people, who supports Antifa and socialism. I never bothered to find out his real name or anything about his background. I just took his word at face value.

Anyway, I later learned that Marcus has a long history of petty thefts and was arrested for beating his mom unconscious. He went to prison in New England. After his mom moved down here with him, he resumed stealing baby formula from big box stores like Wal-Mart and Target in the Birmingham area. He went to prison over that and it later came out he was taking creepy photos of his step daughter and sharing them with internet trolls. There is a lot more to the story, but he destroyed his own “NS” family.

But Brad … they’re “pro-White.” They’re on our side. They’re part of the mooooovement.

Marcus Cicero Is Nuts, 2020

By 2020, I had learned my lesson about wignats.

This didn’t stop Chris Joyner of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution from trying to “link” me to a fed gay op group called “The Base.” The allegation was that several members of this group, which formed years after Charlottesville and which I was never associated with, used my dox of Atlanta Antifa in an attempted murder plot in Georgia. The story blew over, but it crystallized my frustration with wignats.

The Base, 2020

After “The Base” and the Marcus Cicero saga, I was reminded of why I was so critical of wignats for years. There was, of course, Frazier Glenn Miller who I knew from posting on White Nationalist forums for almost a decade before the Overland Park synagogue shooting in 2014. I will never forget the day that I was one of the first people to recognize that “Rounder” was the shooter. Miller went into that synagogue to kill the “GD Kikes” but ended up killing a 14-year-old Methodist Eagle Scout and his grandfather.

Glenn Miller, Overland Park, KS, 2014

I have some other core memories about wignats.

There was the time in 2015 when I was at my cousin’s wedding in Atlanta when the media called me to ask me if I knew someone named Dylann Roof. I had never heard of him before. I later found out that the shooting at the church in Charleston that I had heard about the night before was “linked” to the Council of Conservative Citizens in Dylann Roof’s manifesto. Being “linked” to Roof ended the CofCC.

Dylann Roof, 2015

I could go even further back.

Harold Covington once wrote his last novel called Freedom’s Sons about me being the president of the United States and his arch nemesis. I was assassinated in the Oval Office when my mistress stabbed me in the eye with a pencil. I was stopping Harold’s legions from killing the Jews.

What provoked that deranged fantasy screed? A moderator on this website caught Harold using sock puppets to promote himself and to make it look like his “party” had supporters.

Harold Covington, Freedom’s Sons, 2013

I could tell you lots of other stories.

I’ve already shared some of them in Tales From The Movement.

The upshot of this is that often low IQ people can’t handle the Jewish Question. It devolves into monomania about Jews. The monomaniacs transform into cranks. The crank butterflys spiral until they become at best LARPers who damage their own cause and at worst violent criminals.

Most of the setbacks of the last decade can be laid at the doorstep of getting too wignasty. We need to learn from that experience and try to do better in the next decade ahead.

Note: I’ve written articles before about how the movement always sobers up before relapsing into the same bad habits. The Alt-Right once claimed to be different from WN 1.0.


  1. I didn’t even know what a wignat was until I read your article and both figured it out based on context and googled it.

    Matt Heimbach has shifted to hard left economics. As have I. There are articles about this. Even when Heimbach used to be WN, he would be accused of having left wing economic views and was kicked out of the national socialist movement for that.

    I believe you got banned from vnnforum for recognizing rounder (after the shooting) before the media did.

    You were, for a period of time, trying to curry favor with VNN and wignats. You also did a lot of blogging against so called philosemites. My position on Jews is that I’m critical, but I now believe capitalism is the main problem.

    I really shifted left when I got to know Beso and Daniel Shays better during the whole lyceum thing. I comment here for old times sake, but if I didn’t know of this site since it’s beginning in 2006 (when you were prozium), on paper I wouldn’t align well with the site as it is now.

    It’s personality, not ideology, that brings me to this website to comment.

  2. Wow. Haven’t read such overview for a long time.

    But crooks freaks and morons are unfortunately unavoidable part for moving Overton window. Decent people with good optics are too afraid to beclown themselves even a little bit. Our friends Jews using also perverts psychos and weirdos to push their things. Long ago homosexual gay faggotry was only for weirdos. Today faggotry is most respected thing in the West. Later we had good optic tiktok nurses for Covid and Greta Thunberg representing science.

    Everything needs some transition period. We cant move from cucked conservatism straight into far right extremism Putinism or Nazism. All those funny people mentioned in the article helped to move some issues into mainstream and Trump 2 is more effective than Trump 1 thanks to lot of people who helped radicalize average Joe.

    Hitler came to power 10 years after the failed Putsch where führer himself almost got killed. When Overton window moves as fast as it moves now then 10 years after C`ville at 2027 there now there is very realistic chance to achieve total victory. Eternal problem with a warfare. Without bitter losses in the beginning there would be no victories later. 2026 US election may be moment where all liberal left issues including anti white hatred will be buried forever. then there will be victory march in 10th anniversary.

  3. Not an argument. It wasn’t an argument back in 2018 when it was deployed by people like Douglass Mackey against the critics of the first Trump administration and its not an argument now. You are resorting to smears, suggesting your detractors are anti-social, criminal, or followers of Nick Fuentes (lol).

    >It is wignats who choose to come here to my website and post comments
    That is a nice way to characterize your readers. I have been one for over a decade. I like to read people with perspectives different than my own, especially when they write clearly and engage in good faith, which cannot be said of this garbage post. Although it is unfortunate that good ideas have become associated with failed activism, that, as well as your own bad experiences, have no bearing on the argument. The argument is that despite superficial rhetorical changes and some pivots, the american empire (ZOG) remains the same beast. It will remain the same beast as long as its controlled by jews. All else is cope.

    • “Not an argument.”

      Everything that I described above happened over the past twelve years. I speak from personal experience.

      I didn’t bring up the National Justice Party. I never got involved in that after what I saw happen to the CofCC and the League and after the collapse of the Alt-Right and Marcus Cicero.

      Ricky Vaughn was right about wignats being hot garbage. They have proven it time and again since 2018. They proved it to me when I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt

    • Yes.

      Excellent find!

      You would not believe the hell that he put his “NS” family through. His wife is a sweet beautiful woman and she married this guy only for him to become a Third Worldist communist piece of shit who stole baby formula to sell it on Facebook Marketplace

  4. Five issues that we can’t compromise on:
    1. Immigration restriction. (Moratorium, build the wall, deport them all.)
    2. Non-interventionist foreign policy. (Honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.)
    3. Cultural conservatism. (Defend White people and Christians against the left’s culture war.)
    4. Economic populism. (Tax billionaires, not the working class; regulate Wall street, not the real economy.)
    5. Constitutional rights.

    Don’t let your revulsion against “wignats” turn into support for Neoconservative foreign policy, ADL censorship, and plutocratic economic policy.

    • Neoconservatism was invading foreign countries in order to impose liberal democracy on them like Iraq. That’s not the same thing as responding to terrorists and pirate attacks on American shipping and the U.S. Navy.

  5. Juri has something of a point. You’ll note that the Church of Woke has no enemies to the left – and they’re still largely in power, despite all the attempts to claim Trump and his Jewish pals have purged it out of existence already (which is complete BS). Jews themselves have no enemies on their extreme fringe. A crucial difference between whites who want to preserve their race and culture and the above two groups is that folks like the ones HW describe repulse normie whites – even those who are just starting to catch onto the program for their replacement and extermination. This is not even mentioning the considerable extent of fed infiltration of the wignat fringes.

    Here’s an interesting observation: The article above mentions a wignat group called “The Base” which turned out to be a Fed gay-op (quelle surprise!). It seems the feds are rather fond of this name, for they’ve been running similar op elsewhere in the world for quite a while now – better known in its Arabic translation Al Quaeda. The name itself is kind of a giveaway. Actual Muslims don’t name their fighting groups in this way. Being very religious, they always make sure to mention Allah or Islam in some manner: Hezbollah (Party of Allah), Ansar al-Islam (Warriors for Islam), etc. A term like “the base” would never be on a Muslim’s radar screen for a name. The famous CIA-asset and Saudi Royal Osama Bin-Laden was naturally the great leader of this particular “resistance” group. As someone noted long ago, the best way to handle opposition is to control it yourself.

    “The Base” is a CIA-concocted term, loosely inspired by a booklet written in the Early 20th century in response to so-called “higher-criticism” of Christian scriptures (which is just really sophistry and apostasy dressed up as high-fellatin’ intellectual argument) entitled The Fundamentals. When Muslims started to surface who objected to the Globo-Pedo Jewish colony planted in the middle-east and supported by Murika without question since 1964 or earlier, the first term used by (((gaslight media}}) for them was “Islamic fundamentalists” – a handy way to tar believing Christians with the same brush as those “Muslim fundamentalists” who were blowing themselves up, hijacking planes, etc.

  6. “Real optics have never been tried.”

    Buckley and National Review were the natural outgrowth from the discombobulated “Paleoconservative” petri dish of the post Brown v Board moment. Paleoconservatism was dead on arrival because social and racial Conservatism are eternally incompatible with Capitalism. Markets demand the elimination of all barriers to capital. Same thing with the Birchers. Buckley to his credit faced up to the fact and purged the hypocrites. Mitch McConnel and Paul Ryan followed him along with the rest of the Republican party honor roll.

    Right now we are reliving the Reagan era. Reagan won in a landslide because whites gave him the mandate to abolish the 1960s. Jews sided with Republicans because of the intensification in Lebanon, Iran, and the Middle East at around 1980, and Neoconservatism was born. Actually, The Jewish New Deal happened already – it was the Reagan era. Neoconservatism is the New Deal. Yet the GOP defined itself by hiding its voters’ racism behind Capitalist jargon. This made white flight possible and it also ensured Capitalism subverted white solidarity. So Reagan ended up being all about financialization and Zionism and the voters were betrayed.

    Does anyone still talk about Trump’s Wall? Did any Republican brag about all the extra funding the Border Patrol got in the bill Schumer allowed? What about H1Bs? What about using the Houthis as a pretext for baiting Iran? How about Trump now basically continuing the Biden policy in Ukraine?

    Conservatism Inc is right. Rod Dreher is right. You are either a Conservative or you are not. Silver linings do not exist. You can’t hide behind throwing a few violent types under the bus.

  7. Between carrying Trump’s water and your attacks on National Socialism everything you are doing now all seems to be part of some kind of ZOG-mandated penance for past transgressions against International Jewry, Wallace.

  8. I dare one of these goofy pieces of flotsam to write a SINGLE PARAGRAPH on any topic at all without referencing jews, Israel, or Zog. I will bet you good legal tender they can’t do it.

  9. I think what we can learn from past mistakes of White Identitarians is that moderation, restraint, self-awareness, and general thoughtfulness are virtues we should cultivate in ourselves ( and I mean that not just for the movement in general but for the sake of our own individual lives )

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