Authentic European Identities, DNA and Indo-Europeans
Survive the Jive on Indo-European identity
Survive the Jive on Indo-European identity
Wokeness is corrupting Early Medieval history
A deep dive into prehistoric Britain
Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen reacts to the Scandinavian Airlines commercial
The British Right is still a joke
Sitric Cáech, a grandson of Ivar the Boneless, reestablished the Kingdom of Dublin and the Uí Ímair dynasty in Ireland
British woman begins to suspect she dissents from liberalism
The story of how Britain became Celtic
The Vikings arrive in Ireland and create the Kingdom of Dublin
How did the British become Celts?
The British Bell Beaker culture arrives in Britain and replaces Neolithic farmers
Survive the Jive explains the British Bell Beaker culture
Harald Fairhair unifies Norway and clears Scotland and the Western Isles of Vikings
Who built the brochs of ancient Scotland?
For three centuries, the Romans tried and failed to conquer the land that became Scotland
Britain was transformed forever at the height of the Viking Age
Alfred the Great defeats the Great Heathen Army and prevents the conquest of England
The pun that began the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity
The Frankish conquest of Old Saxony was extremely brutal
The Anglo-Saxons didn’t wipe out the Britons
The English, Scots, Norse and Britons fight one decisive battle for the future of Britain
Nothing in England is untouched by the English
Edmund the Martyr, last king of East Anglia, is killed by Ivar the Boneless
Who was the real Ivar the Boneless?
The true story of Björn Ironside’s raids in the Mediterranean
Who was the real Ragnar Lothbrok?
King Arthur was a legendary British king who lived in the wake of the collapse of Roman civilization
The Britons lost control of their borders in the 5th century
The collapse of Roman civilization in Britain
The Indo-European expansion into Northern Europe
The blood and soil struggle to create a unified English nation
Who were the Vikings? How did they shape Western Christendom?
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