Southern History Series: Southern Racial Attitudes On The Eve of the American Revolution
What did the Southern Founders think about race?
What did the Southern Founders think about race?
Meanwhile, Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson and RAM rot in prison while Blompf does nothing
What was slavery like in West Alabama?
Folks, A$AP Rocky is a good boy. He dindu nuffin!
A look at the Tidewater aristocracy on the eve of the American Revolution
The South as it was in 1763 as it entered the American Revolution
A book review of Jack Bass and W. Scott Poole’s The Palmetto State: The Making of Modern South Carolina.
A book review of David Goldfield’s America Aflame: How The Civil War Created a Nation
The Great Awokening continues to transform Hollywood
In the Jim Crow South, Whites and blacks had their own spaces
What did the Confederates really believe about race? Let’s find out
In 1861, the South had to secede from Black Republicanism to prevent the Africanization of Dixie
The Black Vests are demanding an amnesty for illegal aliens. Marine Le Pen says they have to go back
Why is the Northeast so weird? An introduction to The Yankee Question in American culture and politics
What did the Confederates really believe about race?
What did Southerners believe about race a century ago?
The American North has hardly always been a multiracial paradise
A book review of David Brion Davis’ Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World
A book review of William W. Freehling’s The Road to Disunion: Volume II: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854-1861
A book review of Daniel Walker Howe’s What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848
Slavery had a bright future in Texas in 1861
A book review of Gordon S. Wood’s Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815
Who were the Founding Fathers? What did they believe?
A book review of Thomas and Debra Goodrich’s The Day Dixie Died: Southern Occupation, 1865-1866
A book review of William E. Parrish’s A History of Missouri, Volume III: 1860-1875
Slavery, Civil War and the Politics of Identity in Missouri
A book review of Robert M. Weir’s Colonial South Carolina: A History
In the Dred Scott decision, Chief Justice Roger Taney methodically used history and law to explain why blacks are not American citizens and how the Constitution was written only for the European posterity of the Founders
West Virginia originally banned all blacks in its state constitution
Angry black people are giving Pete Buttigieg hell and it is hilarious
Changing demographics thwarted secession in Missouri
As we celebrate Juneteenth, please familiarize yourself with the secret history of the Democrat Party
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