The Greater Depression
The latest from Jim Kunstler: What’s happening is that American society is sliding into a greater depression than the one Grandma lived through. On the […]
The latest from Jim Kunstler: What’s happening is that American society is sliding into a greater depression than the one Grandma lived through. On the […]
Flat earther Thomas Friedman is getting alarmed about the unfolding economic crisis: My fellow Americans: We are a country in debt and in decline — […]
A few weeks ago, I explored the idea of planting sugar cane here in the Black Belt to produce bioethanol. This is getting some traction […]
Even the evangelicals are dumping Bush at this point.
The 1819 Alabama state constitutional convention apportioned representation in the state legislature on a white population basis. In other words, the earliest Alabama constitution based […]
Jim Kunstler on the cornocopian idiot Larry Kudlow. Robert Reich has already pointed out that drilling off the coasts of California and Florida will not […]
For once, I agree with John Zmirak: it is the strength of our communities that makes the West worth fighting for, not our capacity to […]
Speaking of conservatives, in this lovely little post called “Is it time to throw pat under the boxcar .. er, bus?,” we find that Freepers […]
Richard Spencer writes: It’s Primitivism Lite, a more presentable version of the fantasy that one day the modern world will finally collapse and we’ll all […]
At Townhall.com, John Stossel repeats the myth of absolute self ownership. Independent of that harm, adults ought to own our own bodies, so it’s not […]
I’m still reading through my copy of Home From Nowhere while I recover. Here Kunstler describes exactly the things that alienated me from the libertarian conception […]
With all their money, the capitalists haven’t built a new refinery in the United States in decades, but Lew faults the Democrats for wanting to […]
Such a great excerpt: Community, as it once existed in the form of places worth caring about, supported by local economies, has been extirpated by […]
Ahmadinejad is fully aware of the stress that will be placed up Western economies by Peak Oil. Dubya and his warmongering cheerleaders in the controlled […]
My own personal copies of The Geography of Nowhere and Home from Nowhere arrived in the mail today from Amazon. Here is an excerpt from the […]
T. Boone Pickens: Peak Oil has been reached. Why am I not surprised that the implications of this are not being discussed on CNBC?
Roach is grasping his way outside of liberalism. If he hasn’t already done so, I think he would profit by reading Carl Schmitt’s thoughts on the friend/enemy […]
Pat writes: A new orthodoxy is arising. Freedom’s finest hour may be behind us. The old orthodoxy will collapse as the Boomers retire. In the […]
Some nasty predictions about suburbia are coming true. Yandell’s marriage isn’t falling apart: his neighborhood is. Devastated by the subprime mortgage crisis, hundreds of homes […]
He’s on television right now with Pat Buchanan gloating over how Tim Russert, a vicious attack dog of the establishment, asked David Duke a question (“earned his […]
Crude was up over $139 earlier today before coming off a record high. Meanwhile, McCain proposes we drill for more oil, a futile throwback to […]
Paul Gottfried writes: The presidential bid of George Wallace, who had been an ardent segregationist in Alabama, did not resonate particularly well among movement conservatives. […]
I once used the term “paleo-progressive” to describe my views. Here’s an excerpt about the political career of Braxton Bragg Comer: Conservatives opposed Comer, not […]
Jim writes: Chances are, they will occur first in the Southeast states because oil exports from Mexico and Venezuela feeding the Gulf of Mexico refineries […]
Amitai Etizioni has some thoughts about racially conscious whites in America (more like the backlash against conservatism). I’m confident that White Nationalism can be reformed along communitarian […]
It is in the nature of a liberal capitalist democracy to degenerate into a tyranny. We lost the Republic way back in the 1860s when […]
The Iraq War is only the final straw in a long train of indignities that we have suffered at the hands of the conservative movement. What […]
I’m having a tough time trying to import the old databases. I have all three uploaded, but merging them and moving everything to the main […]
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