About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In 2013, Alabama is 66.8% White.”

    Congratulations. Too bad most of the state is a fetid sub-tropical hell-hole unfit for white men.

  2. I wonder how many Hispanics were polled as White in that census count? Whites are probably a minority in Alabama, if they aren’t now, they will be within a generation.

  3. 313Chris doesn’t know much about the South’s racial history:


    Alabama – 48 percent black
    Georgia – 46 percent black
    South Carolina -59 percent black
    Mississippi – 54 percent black
    Florida – 49 percent black
    Louisiana – 50 percent black
    Texas – 31 percent black
    North Carolina -37 percent black
    Tennessee – 26 percent black
    Arkansas – 25 percent
    Missouri – 7 percent
    Kentucky – 17 percent
    Virginia – 42 percent
    Maryland – 22 percent

    Here’s the percentage of the black population in the South in 2012:


    Alabama – 26.2 percent
    Georgia – 30.5 percent
    South Carolina – 27.9 percent
    Mississippi – 37 percent
    Florida – 16 percent
    Louisiana – 32 percent
    Texas – 11.8 percent
    North Carolina – 21.5 percent
    Tennessee – 16.7 percent
    Arkansas – 15.4 percent
    Missouri – 11.6 percent
    Kentucky – 7.8 percent
    Virginia – 19.4 percent
    Maryland – 29.4 percent

  4. The United States has gotten more non-White. The Deep South has grown more White.


    Nevada – 87 percent White
    Washington – 94 percent White
    Oregon – 96 percent White
    Michigan – 87 percent White


    Nevada – 54.1 percent White
    Washington – 72.5 percent White
    Oregon – 78.5 percent White
    Michigan – 76.6 percent White

    Alabama used to be one of the most non-White states in America. Now Alabama is whiter than the national average.

  5. Didn’t you just say something to the effect that percentages weren’t an accurate measuring tool? Face it, your eyes don’t lie. Dixie has always been the nigger homeland in America, and it always will be.

  6. “Dixie has always been the nigger homeland in America, and it always will be.”

    At one time, that might have been true, but not since they discovered Detroilet.
    Detroilet is the new homeland for Eric Holder’s people. Motown and mo gibs…

    As long as the federal government and yankee state and local governments continue to pander to white yankee Obama voters unduly burdened by their white privilege, the benefits, bailouts, and other programs will continue for spooks or any other nonwhites than can be found.

    So it looks like you all are stuck to the tar babies now, just like B’rer Rabbit.

    It’s just so…unfair…isn’t it?

    Deo Vindice

  7. Penn, Maryland etc etc are run by a coalition of blacks and liberals.

    Any size of black population can be neutralized as long as whites tell the blacks NO!

  8. This is little more than a cultural endurance challenge. We’ll see which regional culture is better suited for keeping Negroes in their place, white Southern culture or white Northern culture.

  9. “The South didn’t import slaves, they had few if any ships.”

    You don’t need to own ships in order to import anything. You just need a Port Of Entry.

  10. “This is little more than a cultural endurance challenge. We’ll see which regional culture is better suited for keeping Negroes in their place, white Southern culture or white Northern culture.”

    In that case Oregon is doing quite well. There aren’t many niggers here and they all live in North Portland.

  11. There aren’t enough niggers here to bust blocks. They are culturally very provincial. I never go over to the that side of town unarmed anyway. In fact I don’t go anywhere unarmed.

  12. “The North depends on geographic barriers, not cultural. A negro moves in and block busting ensues. There is no cultural defense.”

    – The South’s imaginary “cultural defense” hasn’t prevented anything that happened to the North, from happening in the South.

  13. Southern families used to have niggers doing their housework and tending their cash crops.
    They have an intimate relationship with darkie. As kids, southerners grew up with little nigger children on their own properties.

  14. “Southern families used to have niggers doing their housework and tending their cash crops.”

    Hell, we Yankees used to have niggers doing our housework and working in the warehouse.

  15. Percent of what?

    That’s the real question. In the 21st century, the overwhelming majority of Americans live in urban areas. Only a fraction of the population works in agriculture.

    Blacks are more heavily concentrated in urban areas than any other ethnic group. All of this is well known to political scientists.

  16. AL and TN will be inundated with Mexicans in a decade. Especially the urban areas. The thing about beaners, is they also move out to the rural areas. They start off humble, then start breeding, opening up small grocery stores outside of the cities, the the fun begins. Next legal Mexicans with para-legal degrees come in and start up immigration practices. They rule over and exploit their wetback brethren. They work in tandem to gain numbers.
    You cretins have no idea how quickly you will lose your footing.

  17. I wonder how many Hispanics were polled as White in that census count?

    census.gov is only a click away.

    “White persons not Hispanic, percent, 2011 66.8%”

  18. They’ve already taken over the South, and you and Hunter damn well know it.

    It’s hard to imagine a minority that barely tops 1/3 of the total population in one of fifteen states to have taken over all of Dixie. Such is your admiration of the Negro, I suppose.

  19. – The South’s imaginary “cultural defense” hasn’t prevented anything that happened to the North, from happening in the South.

    That’s due to insufficient military defense against northern projects.

    Southern families used to have niggers doing their housework and tending their cash crops.
    They have an intimate relationship with darkie. As kids, southerners grew up with little nigger children on their own properties.

    Proximity to blacks makes Southerners more conservative. In a healthy society the black is servile. He’s not despised, he’s not worshipped. He works for the family durijg the day, he might nap in the boss’s car… He goes back to his quarters in the late afternoon, he may go out to the movies or to a colored club that night. He visits his family on his day off.

    This is hard for most northerners to understand since they guzzled the equality chalice and the Negro is a buzzkill.

  20. The truth is that a negro that knows his place (virtually non-existent these days due to BRA) is better than a white with delusions of high birth.

  21. Sean drops knives. That’s all you need to know. It’s in the wrist,, all in the wrist. I’m imagining him on the range pulling a trigger and the magazine falls out. Very keystone.

  22. A few observations about the future:

    -There’s no African nation that would ever accept repatriation from a foreign ethnic tribe that speaks English. Ergo, repatriation is impossible unless the United States carves out a territory in Africa, which will never ever happen unless people like us are actually in charge of the central government and have legitimate authority in the eyes of most white Americans. We’re left with the conclusion that repatriation is not a feasible option.

    -An independent Dixie would immediately dismantle BRA by scorching the gravy train. This would provide every incentive in the world for blacks to move North. End of problem right? Wrong. It’s hypocritical enough that whites in the Northeast screech like spoiled children for DIEversity and multiculturalism while simultaneously living in +90 non-Hispanic white states (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine). But their hypocrisy becomes borderline evil when they are forced to swallow their own medicine and they react like Boston did in the 1970s. When my state, Michigan saw its crown jewel of a city forcefully integrated, and when the subsequent war zone broke out in 1967, whites simply moved away from the chaos they unleashed through their cheerleading for the federal oppression of the South only 4 years earlier. Then they voted for Humphery over Wallace in 68. I see no evidence to suggest Northern whites would react any differently to a flood of blacks from an Independent Dixie. Once blacks flee to the North in droves, Northern whites would be like “uh uh!” A hostile conflict between Dixie and Yankeeland would ensue in which neither side wants darkie. Both sides would be like, “you take them! No YOU take them! You bought them here in the first place you hillbilly rayciss rednecks! You’re the degenerates who preach DIEversity you puritanical blackworshipping Yankees!”

    -In light of the above, the only real option – assuming the United States breaks up into ethnic enclaves like most of us predict – is to give them a small area of their own on the North American continent. Where would the location be? Well, lets look at where they are geographically concentrated in absolute numbers: Midwestern and East Coast cities like Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Philadelphia, and most prominently, New York. This brings us back to square one on Northern whites refusing to swallow their own medicine. They wouldn’t be willing to give up Michigan or Pennsylvania or New York any more than Southern whites are willing to give up Mississippi or Alabama.

    -No matter what area of the former United States they are granted, we only need to look at Detroit and Birmingham to see how “successful” their state would be. They’ll try to follow whitey even though they hate whitey. We can’t realistically expect anything less. Unless I’m missing something here, that leaves us with the Southwest as our only option. Let em duke it out with their Latino friends Los Angeles style.

    -There’s another option, but it entails all out war: A coalition of Dixie, Texas, and the Plains States/Mountain States (basically, Middle America) crushes Yankeeland and moves all the blacks to Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, etc. Does that sound insane? Consider this: All white Americans were race-conscious in the mid-1800s. Yet the Civil War happened. Most white Americans were race-conscious in the mid-1900s. Yet the “Civil Rights” movement happened. And I haven’t even mentioned the two world wars. The last 150 years of American and European history have proven that race-consciousness won’t stop whites from betraying each other and slaughtering each other.

    Why should we expect any different in the 21st century even if a white racial awakening occurs? Such an awakening will not cure the numerous divides among white Americans in every region of the country. The comment section of this article proves it. Northern whites could agree to dissolve the Union, but their puritanism wouldn’t go away. Their religious devotion to equality would still be there. And it would manifest itself in some undesirable and dangerous fashion. I’ve talked with these people. I’ve debated these people (both online and in real life). There’s no curing them short of baptism by fire, and I’m not even sure if THAT would do the trick. Did the Bostom Marathon bombing in their own backyard convince them to oppose amnesty? Nope. Did it have any persuasive effect whatsoever? Well, yes: They lamented that it wasn’t a white man who did it.

    We can blame the media and the system for this all we want, but that only proves how bloody gullible our race is. You think the media or the system could convince Japan to dismantle itself? Forget about it. Our racial history of amazing accomplishments and timeless contributions are accompanied by fatal weaknesses. And I don’t believe its those accomplishments that caused us to be high-minded and obsesses over abstract universal ideals like equality and the Brotherhood of Man. Again, look at Japan, a successful non-white nation that has no delusions about abstract ideas.

    I’m not trying to beat the war drums here people, but I’m not at all confident that a future dissolving of the Union would be peaceful like it was in Czechoslovakia. As 313Chris said, internecine conflict among whites is on the horizon.

  23. @No-man/Tamer of Savages

    You’re a faux-Christian, NYC mischling who’s under the delusion that he’s an “honorary” Southerner. Have fun shooting Syrians in Israel’s, er, I mean America’s, army.

    PS — The Detroit Tigers own your New York Yankees. Now lube up, because October will be here before you know it.

  24. Chris will hunt down every goddamn mudderfugging Englishman in North America by the sounds of it. Agreed that there is a strong chance of internecine conflict.

  25. I get a kick out of this guy’s lack of impulse control. He can’t focus enough to create his own blog. He can’t unplug from the internet and make his life less miserable. He can’t even take a joke without chimping out. His lifelong special ed aide certainly didn’t help Detroit’s budget.

  26. What’s the matter, Tamer? Are you worried that your (weak) insults might make Jesus cry? LOL

  27. “Chris will hunt down every goddamn mudderfugging Englishman in North America by the sounds of it. Agreed that there is a strong chance of internecine conflict.”

    Chris knows full well he is held in contempt by WASPS who consider most Italians to be low-class “Jersey Shore” guidos.

  28. No-man says:
    May 16, 2013 at 4:36 pm
    I actually feel bad for that. Please delete muh response, mr ryan.

    Have a nice day.

    JR relies:

    I can only edit comments on my posts. And I get lots of criticism for editing troll, flame comments on my posts. Don’t worry too much about hurting my feelings, I was a 7th grade public school teacher in Brooklyn, so I’ve suffered verbal abuse in the past.

    Please do try to be a bit more positive in your comments and adhere to the OD comments guidelines.

    Have a good week end.

  29. I’ve just seen that the late, great state of Minnesota has voted to classify anal sex abominations with the legal title: marriage. The Jew bought and paid for politutes in the state legislature have given this sin “crying to heaven for Divine vengeance” the same recognition at law as the Divine commandment to the husband and wife: “be fruitful and multiply.”

    So this elevation of the A-hole, adds to the tally of the four. They already have an abortion industry – legalized murder of the innocent. They already have oppression of the poor by law. They already have the theft of the wages of the working man.

    The Three Days of Darkness of which so many saints have spoken prophecies, most lately Padre Pio, is definitely coming. The Jew bought and paid for politutes who enabled this law should be thinking now about the last things: death, judgement and hell. Instead they will be whooping it up at the asterisk party with that Jew squawker: Rachel Maddow.

    But the Lord will have them in derision.

  30. Did the Bostom Marathon bombing in their own backyard convince them to oppose amnesty? Nope. Did it have any persuasive effect whatsoever? Well, yes: They lamented that it wasn’t a white man who did it.

    “They”, in this case, is not Whites.  It is certain members of TWMNBN.

    Chris knows full well he is held in contempt by WASPS who consider most Italians to be low-class “Jersey Shore” guidos.

    I don’t know about Chris, but what little I know of the behavior of Snookie et al. disgusts me.

  31. There’s no African nation that would ever accept repatriation from a foreign ethnic tribe that speaks English.

    What sub-Saharan African country is in the position to stop repatriation?

    I think New England would be a better choice for Dixie’s Negroes and I don’t think New Englanders would put up much of a fuss about getting enriched with their Negro brothers.

  32. Liberia grants citizenship to all descendants of US slaves, does it not?  That is why it was founded.

    I also find it amusing when people say “we can’t send them back, their countries won’t accept them.”  Fine, don’t give them a choice.  Put the deportees on rafts in international waters when there’s an on-shore wind, maybe with a few kites for assistance.  The rest follows by the laws of physics.

  33. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/tv-ratings-msnbc-falls-below-559923

    HLN’s wall-to-wall coverage of the Jodi Arias trial has had substantial ratings legs. Surging around the time of the May 8 verdict, the network notched an extremely rare monthly victory: It topped MSNBC in total day and primetime. And with CNN posting its second consecutive month as a distant primetime runner-up to Fox News Channel, MSNBC is in a very precarious fourth place.

    Averaging 539,000 viewers in primetime and 175,000 viewers in the adults 25-54 demographic, MSNBC suffered double-digit drops from last May — down a respective 20 and 19 percent. Losses were less substantial in total day, down 10 percent to an average 346,000 viewers and down 7 percent to 115,000 adults 25-54, while all other nets pulled growth in multiple categories.

    The soft start for All In With Chris Hayes has not helped. Hayes, down 32 percent in total viewers from The Ed Show last May, has offered a poor lead-in for MSNBC’s primetime flagship, The Rachel Maddow Show, at 9 p.m. The show delivered its lowest-rated month since it debuted in September 2008 (717,000 total viewers) and its second lowest with adults 25-54 (210,000). Maddow was topped by typical time slot victor Sean Hannity and CNN’s Piers Morgan.

  34. Stick em on boats. Then put them on amphibious landing craft… Point them at the African coast. Distribute guns a minute before landing.

    Enjoy the blood bath from the deck of a Destroyer or Cruiser, while sipping tea, coffee or whiskey. Huzzah!

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