Sheldon Adelson on Border Security


Naturally, he’s talking about Israel, and his own people, the Jews:

So how would Mr. Adelson resolve the long-running conflict? “Put up a big fence around our territory and say to the guys over there, your trucks can’t go over our land if you carry weapons, your planes can’t go over our airspace if they carry weapons,” he said. “How do you recognize a partner for peace when all they want to do is kill you and your people?”

He has a different view on immigration to the United States:

“On immigration: “I’m pro-Dream Act, I’m pro the Dream Act. My parents were immigrants to this country,” he said. “What are we going to do? Listen, I’m sure a lot of my parents generation ….. snuck onto the ship and they came into the country.

“So – people will do anything to leave massacres and to leave the economic conditions – they can’t put food on their own table.

“There has been in our history a lot of illegal immigration. Do I approve of it? No, but it’s here.

“It would be inhumane to send those people back , to send 12 million people out of this country to disrupt a whole potpourri of family issues” over what happens to the children.

“I mean it’s all ridiculous. So we’ve got to find a way, find a route for those people to get legal citizenship,” he said.”

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Are Mexicans at war with the US? Blow themselves up? This is WN boilerplate, not lgitimate appraisal of the two border situations.

  2. Having a different view on a different country in a different region in different circumstances is not catching someone red-handed. The only people that will draw the connection you do are already white nationals.

  3. Look at a map. This country is huge. Israel is miniscule. Lincoln was busy with projects to expand this country horizontally during the war, which made sense to him, him since he grew up dodging tumbleweeds.

    The cultural argument is bogus since there is Spanish tradition in he USA and they’re at least nominal Christian immigrants.

    It comes down to “race realism”. Which many of you assume people to already be. That’s not the case outside the South. So perhaps this is a better opportunity to highlight how the Union creates a political climate hostile to Souhern conception of peoplehood. There is no such concept in the North. I am arguably an incredibly racist person, I just hopped off my bike and played volleyball with some mexican people. This is the real world… And why my orthography sucks (i mostly post on my mobile while on the move.)

    Southrons already have niggers, at least they did until the civil rights mindfuck. They also have a strong anglo culture and dont care for hispanics. Northerners enjoy the caste labor system. The golden circle by any other name still smells just as sweet.

  4. Jew on Israel: Protect the Jewish state at all costs! We’re not just a religion, we are a people!

    Jew on America and other White nations: We’re all immigrants, we can’t turn them away, there’s no such thing as race, this country is for everyone!

  5. “Are Mexicans at war with the US?”

    If we annexed part of Mexico we would be.

    There is certainly a demographic war going on and an increase in crime and lowering standards of living wherever they go.

  6. “Are Mexicans at war with the US?”

    Absolutely. And mestizo imminvaders are biological weapons. Weapons that work by differential reproduction.

  7. “Having a different view on a different country in a different region in different circumstances is not catching someone red-handed”

    And something that quacks is not a duck, something that smokes is not fire, and someone who advocates one thing for his people and another for Americans is not a hypocrite.

  8. “Barb, Have you lost weight? Nice hair style. Now make me a sandwich.”

    Wow, Zionist apologists get rude when you debunk their propaganda. Oy Vey!

  9. “Are Mexicans at war with the US? Blow themselves up? This is WN boilerplate, not lgitimate appraisal of the two border situations.”

    Excuses, excuses. Never mind that Boston bombing committed by immigrants turned pseudo-US citizens; ignore the fact illegal immigrants tried to help them cover their tracks. It’s not like the United States has suffered terrorist attacks due to its immigration and visa policies supported by the same people who support restrictive immigration to Israel. The situations are TOTALLY different. Nothing to see here.

    By the way, yes they are –> MS13

  10. No thanks, No-Man. I see exactly what your little brothers have created in their own countries–poverty and hopelessness.
    There is no caste system, although you may imagine there is because you are benefitting from low wages while the tax payer foots the social cost. We live in a sick perverted democracy, today’s little brothers sucking up to you are your equals tomorrow and want what you and your children have. What makes you think they are going to play along with your imaginary caste system?

  11. Israeli leadership have stated for the record that it is important that Israel maintain its distinct Jewish character. Well, it is also important for America to maintain her own distinct traditional national character. Opening the floodgates to those who do not share our values, culture and history, or even worse those who have a perceived reason to hate us, is national suicide.
    Jews treat Israel like a mansion, but America like a barn.

  12. No, it’s not hypocrisy. What is Adelson’s position on muslim immigration? That would show hypocrisy if he supported rock-worshipper immigration to the US.

  13. Are Mexicans at war with the US? Blow themselves up? – No-Man

    A pretty superficial way of looking at it.

    In addition to the demographic war Mark mentioned, Adelson’s immigration position facilitates cultural war, economic war, and a form of literal war if violence if what you’re looking for. The Mexican cartels use America’s de facto open borders to spread drugs, violence and their related pathologies throughout the country, including in the South.

    Adelson doesn’t care about these problems, however, because they don’t threaten Israel.

  14. This is WN boilerplate, not lgitimate appraisal of the two border situations. – No-Man

    Hilarious, because it’s not like many of your criticisms of WNism soar above boilerplate.

    Personally, I find your criticisms more convincing when you stick to criticizing WNism in the areas where it is vulnerable. When you challenge WNism in the areas where it is strong, you look like the one reflexively spouting pre-determined ideas rather than thinking it through. And when you suggest there is an explanation for Sheldon Adelson’s border positions other than he is Jew, you lose credibility.

    I generalize WNism strengths and weakness like this:

    1. The WNist analysis of reality is strong. What’s happening, who’s doing it, how it got this way, where the present trends will lead if nothing is done.

    2. The WNist solution is more problematic. Rallying around race is a difficult proposition for numerous reasons.

    The only people that will draw the connection you do are already white nationals.

    This just shows a need to raise consciousness about a problem that most people do not perceive. On this particular issue, the most hardcore WNists are right. In many (not all) respects, it is in fact the Joos.

  15. No, it’s not hypocrisy. What is Adelson’s position on muslim immigration? That would show hypocrisy if he supported rock-worshipper immigration to the US.

    It’s 100% pure, unadulterated Jewish hypocrisy of the very worst kind. He knows damn well that immigration is totally wrecking America for whites and he knows that it would totally wreck Israel for Jews. He wants it for America because he sees whites as his enemies. He doesn’t want it for Israel because Jews are his people. Any idiot can understand this the very second he becomes aware that Jewish interests are not identical to gentile interests (though they may sometimes overlap). This is one of the Jews’ most vulnerable points in their entire defensive structure. It’s madness not to exploit it. Andi t’s a sure sign of anti-white malevolence to ward people away from exploiting it.

    Incidentally, Steve Sailer never comes across as a bigger sucker of Jewish cock than when he tries to talk up Sheldon Adelson. He just seems too sincere for it to be purely satire or irony. Or maybe it’s just his desperate desire to have a white billionaire who cares about his own people as much as Adelson cares about his speaking. Hard to say which it is, but he really does embarrass himself when tries so hard to seem impressed by Jews.

  16. I like Mexico and respect the culture, but it is not ours. Mexicans have a place for their culture–it’s in Mexico. It is a wonderful country only in its present condition due to its inhabitants.

  17. I suspect the really crazy stuff is from trolls. If you can’t censor, pollute and poison. It’s basically black propaganda adapted for the Internet.

  18. It’s stuff like this (see also Biden’s comments) that gets lost in the noise about “psy-ops” in Boston and London.

    Amen. We have enough easily proven material (that comes from their own lips) to bury them, why talk about false flags and Hollywood scripts that can’t be proven or rely on very loose circumstantial evidence?

  19. I think it is time for Adelson to stop being anti-white and to fund white Zionism and let a thousand flowers bloom, including the new CSA.

  20. America is a barn, Wayne. Democracy is an abstraction that is not incompatible in the flesh with a defacto caste system.

    Silver, Jew & White is but one of the countless perceived group disputes (admittedly by members of both groups) in the body identity-politic sewer that is the USA.

    I thought this was a thread about border policy, Mexico, Israel, Mr. Adelson, etc. I was wrong. This is a thread about Jews, a topic – distinct from judaism, the religion – I recused myself from discussing at OD.

    So have a nice day.

  21. I wonder if the citizens of Israel ignore their moron elite? If Drudge is any indicator of the propaganda they are assaulted with, life must suck, but honestly I think the bulk of the jews there realize that the hysteria is for the goyimkopf only.

  22. Michael Ben Ari is the Israeli bastard that tears up Bibles in the Knesset. He’s no friend but ya’ll might want to read up on his results oriented nationalism.

    MK Michael Ben Ari of the National Union gave Israel’s smug leftist elites some food for thought Monday when he led 40 Sudanese infiltrators into Tel Aviv’s Gordon Pool, a favorite watering hole for the city’s posh set.

    The beachside salt water pool’s regular clients – including some of Tel Aviv’s most successful businesspeople, doctors, lawyers and pop-culture celebrities – were surprised to see Ben Ari standng at the gate to the pool at the head of the Sudanese group, and asking to allow them into the pool to bathe.

    The water-bound expedition is part of Ben Ari’s “Ramat Aviv First” project, in which he intends to show what he says is the Israeli leftists’ hypocrisy, in demanding that infiltrators be allowed to live in Tel Aviv, when they know that their own neighborhoods are not the ones that have to absorb the problematic foreign population. The neighborhoods that house the infiltrators have experienced a surge in crime, among other problems.

    Ben Ari and other activists insisted on entering the pool with the Sudanese, for whom they purchased tickets. The pool’s operators refused at first, saying that the Sudanese had not brought bathing suits. At this point, the activists produced a large plastic bag full of bathing trunks. After activist Itamar Ben-Gvir, who holds a law degree, made clear that the operators would face a lawsuit if they did not let in the Sudanese, the operators relented.

    The video: fun at the pool

  23. What’s good for the Jews in Israel (the fence) isn’t good for the Jews in America. Well, if we let the aliens in, could we pass a law requiring them to live in Jewish neighborhoods? Now that would be a Dream Act! Kosher tacos, Abe?

  24. Silver, Jew & White is but one of the countless perceived group disputes (admittedly by members of both groups) in the body identity-politic sewer that is the USA.

    Look, it’s obvious that a serious discussion of anything is the last thing on your mind, but on the off chance that you’re in the mood, I’m curious: if the US is such a sewer, can you summarize what you think ought to be done? Because as I see it, if the “sewer” is the madcap multiracialism then it’s that very madcap multiracialism itself that needs to be undone. You seem to stand resolutely against any such solution, so I guess you have other ideas.

  25. Yeah man. It’s obvious what’s on my mind! It’s obvious it’s the Jews, stupid!

    I’ve outlined by support on OD thoroughly for Catholic/Anglican cultural renewal, Southern seccession and so-called “profiling” and “police brutality” wherever Negroes congregate.

    Non-whites have every right to disrespect Whites that have eschewed the noble manners of their ancestors. Viewed through a purely secular racial prism we have displaced them, segregated them, exploited (in the value neutral sense of the word) them. BUT, we gave them Christianity, true faith, and when Whites turn their backs on their own culture they are disrespecting themselves and shouldn’t expect the respect, as a group, of others.

    NYT: Pope Arrives in Dominican Republic
    Published: October 10, 1992

    Pope John Paul II arrived here tonight on a five-day visit planned around the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in the Americas.

    In a 10-minute arrival statement, the Pope, looking slightly drawn, likened his visit to that of the first missionaries. Then, in a seeming allusion to the bitter dispute over Columbus’s legacy, he said he had come on the 500th anniversary of Christianity in the New World “without a spirit of triumphalism, or false shame, but giving thanks to God.”

  26. Yeah man. It’s obvious what’s on my mind! It’s obvious it’s the Jews, stupid!

    You know, I was curious how you’d attempt to worm your way out of the plain-as-day fact that Sheldon Adelson is a towering Jewish hypocrite. You chose to play the “duh, it’s the Joooz” angle, I see, hoping to take advantage of the fact that there really do exist such over-the-top loonies. Not a bad move, all told. You’re pretty slippery, I’ll grant you that.

    Onto more serious matters, your proposed “solution” from what I can make of it seems to be on the right track, at least in spirit, but it’s really too vague to amount to anything. While any step in a racially realistic direction has to be welcomed, you seem to stop so far short of real racial-political autonomy that, despite the more realistic approach to racial matters, people would be still stuck with an only mildly more palatable version of the “sewer” that you yourself see today. Why the resistance to something more fully fledged, that would actually create (and enforce) racial distance?

    (I realize we’re veering wildly off-topic, but I think the original point was made and digested – in spite of your best efforts to the contrary – a while ago now.)

  27. You know, I was curious how you’d attempt to worm your way…..
    Not a bad move, all told. You’re pretty slippery, I’ll grant you that.

    Nope. That was just me pointing out how ridiculous it sounds for you to make assumptions about what’s on my mind. Adelson is pro-American ie the country and ruling class, not the imaginary ethnos. The fact you disagree with his politics isn’t sufficient grounds to consider him a hypocrite. He is actually one of the most forthright political whales in the game.

    people would be still stuck with an only mildly more palatable version of the “sewer” that you yourself see today. Why the resistance to something more fully fledged, that would actually create (and enforce) racial distance?

    Because without sewers civilized people will be sloshing around in shit.

  28. Adelson is pro-American ie the country and ruling class, not the imaginary ethnos.

    It’s not that, though. Not even in its own terms is it a strength for the country (for any country) to be overrun by foreign shitheads. And that’s what his preferred policies result in: the country being overrun by endless numbers of foreign shitheads. Endless hordes of nigger shitheads, endless hordes of gook shitheads, endless hordes of subcon shitheads, endless hordes of latino shitheads. And note, it’s really the “endless hordes” aspect – the numbers, the incredible numbers – that makes them shitheads. The odd smattering would be something else entirely. But the numbers being unleashed make it utterly nightmarish. Yeah, it’s really “pro-American” to dump that on the citizenry.

    Because without sewers civilized people will be sloshing around in shit.

    Well there you being slick again. Grow up or piss off.

  29. Well I’m not white. I must be the only one posting here so it really can’t be that difficult to remember that little detail, can it? (Semi-white, off-white, kinda white all fit, but I don’t identify with whites – with what I think of as truly white – so it doesn’t really matter.) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Whites are the key to racial reform/rearrangement. If whites makes it, the rest of us have a chance to racially regroup too. If whites lose, we’ll all eventually go down. From this perspective, it makes all the sense in the world to support white survival or ‘white rights,’ even if certain WNs make you a bit queasy.

  30. No-Man: That’s rich! You run down whites for supposedly “turning their backs on their culture” yet are full bore fan of “American power” whatever the hell that is–I’m guessing you mean rootless, cultureless commercial capitalism and endless wars to bring Walmart , Starbucks, democracy and multiculturalism to the world. Then you praise a man like Adelson who beyond the almighty buck could not give a damn about our history, culture, or nation.
    Since when is segregation a bad thing? The Chinese were segregated and built Chinatowns that still exist today. To each his own is not immoral, just not convenient for the egalitarians.
    Also, you blame whites foe every thing but do you not know the Arabs dished it out for years, as did the Tatars, Mongols, Huns, etc. And if they were able, the turd worders, including you little brothers would have done the exact same thing.

  31. “And note, it’s really the “endless hordes” aspect – the numbers, the incredible numbers – that makes them shitheads. The odd smattering would be something else entirely. But the numbers being unleashed make it utterly nightmarish.”

    Yes. It’s open-eyed evil.

  32. “Hunter Wallace says:
    May 30, 2013 at 8:51 pm
    It’s stuff like this (see also Biden’s comments) that gets lost in the noise about “psy-ops” in Boston and London.”

    Not by me. I never forget anything.

  33. I don’t think I would describe democracy as an abstraction, no more than I would call cancer an abstraction. It is in fact a very real, solid, and evidently efficient mechanism that has and is being used by our enemies to destroy us. The idealistic mumbo jumbo that is used to envelope and window dress democracy is, however, mostly abstraction.

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