Sheldon Adelson on Border Security


Naturally, he’s talking about Israel, and his own people, the Jews:

So how would Mr. Adelson resolve the long-running conflict? “Put up a big fence around our territory and say to the guys over there, your trucks can’t go over our land if you carry weapons, your planes can’t go over our airspace if they carry weapons,” he said. “How do you recognize a partner for peace when all they want to do is kill you and your people?”

He has a different view on immigration to the United States:

“On immigration: “I’m pro-Dream Act, I’m pro the Dream Act. My parents were immigrants to this country,” he said. “What are we going to do? Listen, I’m sure a lot of my parents generation ….. snuck onto the ship and they came into the country.

“So – people will do anything to leave massacres and to leave the economic conditions – they can’t put food on their own table.

“There has been in our history a lot of illegal immigration. Do I approve of it? No, but it’s here.

“It would be inhumane to send those people back , to send 12 million people out of this country to disrupt a whole potpourri of family issues” over what happens to the children.

“I mean it’s all ridiculous. So we’ve got to find a way, find a route for those people to get legal citizenship,” he said.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The way I see it, democracy is up for interpretation. Is it bicameral superPAC BRA? Is it the old DDR? Is it when Saddam won 99% of the vote? Athenian style direct democracy? Crypto-oligarchies in Latin America? Grandfather clause and literacy tests in the old south?

    I suggest Russel Kirk’s essay, “Democracy as Ideology” for a proper breakdown of how democracy is a “social condition”, not a “plan”.

  2. No-Man comes here just to thumb his nose at you and insult you.

    Don’t respect him by trying to have a debate.

  3. Thanks Hunter – yes, you are right Sheldon Adelson is…

    The Eternal Jew

    Don’t take it out on regular Jewish people in your area other to explain to them why shyster, scum, sleazy Vegas Casino moguls like Adelson give Jews such a bad reputation.

    – made a music video presenting the two sides of Sheldon Adelson on immigration:

    Israel’s borders must be protected to protect his people – the Jews

    USA’s borders need to be wide open to let the whole world sneak in, like his Jewish relatives once did.

  4. “Most Whites, including you, are shit.”

    A pro-White wouldn’t say that. No-man is not a friend. He’ll be justifying our genocide next (if he hasn’t already).

  5. Certain White Nationalists, Southern Nationalists, traditionalists, and reactionary conservative types are some of the most misanthropic people around. I see little difference in principle between calling whites “shit” and droning on about consumerists and bourgeois defectives. What is the difference?

  6. The legend of The Eternal Jew.

    The original legend concerns a Jew who taunted Jesus on the way to the Crucifixion and was then cursed to walk the earth until the Second Coming. The exact nature of the wanderer’s indiscretion varies in different versions of the tale, as do aspects of his character; sometimes he is said to be a shoemaker or other tradesman, while sometimes he is the doorman at Pontius Pilate’s estate.

    The figure of the doomed sinner, forced to wander without the hope of rest in death till the second coming of Christ, impressed itself upon the popular medieval imagination, mainly with reference to the seeming immortality of the wandering Jewish people. These two aspects of the legend are represented in the different names given to the central figure. In German-speaking countries he is referred to as “Der Ewige Jude” (the immortal, or eternal, Jew), while in Romance-speaking countries he is known as “Le Juif Errant” (the Wandering Jew)

  7. “I see little difference in principle between calling whites “shit” and droning on about consumerists and bourgeois defectives. What is the difference?”

    Civility, manners, and exactitude of definition, I would opine.

  8. Calling whites that word was done within the context of the sewer analogy. Misanthropy =/= Realism. People belong in the station they are born into unless they fall or rise on account of their own efforts, not some revolution. Just because you’re a worker doesn’t mean your revolution is valid. Because you’re biologically white doesn’t mean you deserve to rule the roost, it never did. This is another example of how “pro white” politics is debauched Americanism writ large, like Payne you believe wisdom can’t be inherited so heirarchy within he in-group is unwarranted.

    Also, that people on this site rush to whiteknight intrusive women like Barb instead of throwing them on their ear like our ancestors would have bespeaks the liberal nature of your movement(s).

    None of you are fit to rule. None of you represent anything worth conserving unless you accept Christ.

  9. Civility, manners, and exactitude of definition, I would opine.

    Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, what is man?

    “Nothing but fetid sperm, a sack of dung, food for worms. After man, worms, and after worms, stench and horror.”

  10. I’d say:

    1) Typical nigger behavior in the video. There is nothing manly or alpha about beating on a smaller and weaker opponent.

    2) I have a daughter and no have no desire to back to a world where women are live at the mercy of men. That’s not an endorsement of feminism.

    3) The topic is Sheldon Adelson and The Eternal Jew.

  11. “I have a daughter and no have no desire to back to a world where women are live at the mercy of men.”

    Than you will live in a woman’s world, which also happens to be a world in which the Sheldon Adelsons enjoy exceptional latitude.

  12. Occigent,

    That video was pure cognitive dissonance.

    *white trash peels herself off ground with a bell-ringer*

    “No one touches me, bro.”

    Thanks for sharing.

  13. I have a daughter and no have no desire to back to a world where women are live at the mercy of men. That’s not an endorsement of feminism.

    Yes, it is.

  14. Sometimes I wonder if the Whitesphere is even more feminist than the whipped world at large. – Occigent

    I stopped listening to the Old Man’s radio podcasts of Northwest Front Radio when he feminized his show by including a couple of women. And Carolyn Yeager freaked out when I uttered mild criticism of her.

    Here is food for thought of why the feminized western males at AltRight moved me also to give up my visiting their site:

    “AltRight did not pass a shit test”

  15. Chechar,

    You know modern feminism is largely a creation of Jewish intellectuals which means Jews bear much of the responsibility for the propagation of the feminist ideas you dislike across the culture and mass media and into the legal system.

    Sheldon Adelson, incidentally, spends a lot of money supporting traditional families in Israel, to keep Jewish men and women together.

    Have you written any essays blasting Jews for promoting feminism and the shit tests you see the alt right as not measuring up to?

  16. Re: men, women, feminism, traditional roles and social structures …

    I strongly recommend Matt Parrott’s writings on these topics. I won’t link to them. They’re all over the place. Run them down; read them over. Do yourself a favor.

    Bottom line: there is a very reasonable middle ground between obsequious white knighting and general capitulation to modernity and feminism and crude misogyny.

  17. And Carolyn Yeager freaked out when I uttered mild criticism of her.

    Let’s not forget what she did to poor Robert Lloyd. He said he agreed with Sean Connery that if a woman gets out of line you have a right to slap her and Carolyn canceled his radio show on the White network and accused him of being a wife beater. I stopped listening to her after that.

  18. I strongly recommend Matt Parrott’s writings on these topics. I won’t link to them. They’re all over the place. Run them down; read them over. Do yourself a favor.

    Lew, it was precisely one of Parrott’s articles at AltRight on women what moved me to stop visiting that site (though in his more recent articles Parrott has passed the women’s “shit test” at Counter-Currents, just as he has grown more conscious of the JP than before).

  19. Ulfric,

    In her blog Carolyn deleted one comment of mine, precisely the comment in which I linked the above article, “Lycanthropy”.

    In one of her shows Carolyn said that the future ethnostate will have the obligation to support single women; give them money. Compare what William Ventvogel says in the above-linked lycanthropic article with Carolyn’s shit test. These are only my lead paragraphs of my introduction to Ventvogel’s article:


    The most paradoxical thing about women is that, while the fairest specimens of Aryan females look indeed like the crown of the evolution physically, if you empower them the race goes extinct. They simply refuse to reproduce. In fact, all of the present demographic winter looks like a typical women’s shit test writ large:

    If you let my whims run amok with runaway feminism your little genes are going extinct. Have a little respect of yourself you pathetic eunuch. Take heed of how nymphs and nymphets were fair game when the first Romans faced extinction and resorted to the abduction of the Sabine women. After the racial wars in a Mad Max-like world, will you have the balls to abduct me and convert me into your legit wife, with lots and lots of kids you pussycat, or will you let the niggers do the job and turn America into Northern Brazil?

    Every time I watch how a drunk Clarke Gable handled Vivien Leigh during that famous scene of Gone with the Wind, carrying her up the large stairs in his arms and telling her, “This is one night you’re not turning me out,” I shake my head imagining the non-lycanthrope nationalist gentlemen, you know, the AltRight types. (For the interregnum they’re ok, but during and after the racial wars we’ll need real wolves chasing after Little Reds.)

    Gable passed the test. Leigh awakened the next morning with a look of pleasure for having been “raped” and being put, on the marital bed, in her rightful place. But it makes me wonder. Like the ancient Romans seeking wives (after being fed by a she-wolf) in order to found families, will 21st century nationalists pass the test after the rule of law collapses?

    An ongoing discussion at Counter-Currents moves me to reproduce the following article, “The Future of White Women: A Speculation” written by William Ventvogel eight years ago. However radical they may appear to conservatives, present-day white nationalists are still trapped in the non-lycanthropic, bourgeoisie box, and unlike Ventvogel very few are willing to think outside it. Fortunately, the dollar is going to crash in the near future. You better be prepared psychologically to receive our unwelcome bite, turning yourself into Canis lupus with regard to the coming treatment of women, once the interregnum after 1945 is, finally, over.

    Ventvogel wrote:

    /end quote

  20. Steinam claimed the realization of oppression hit her when as a child her family couldn’t join the CC because she was jewish.

    Largescale feminism and accompanying appropriation of white women by Negroes was due to the Red Scare in the post-war years. The white women were appraising the political/cultural situation and *correctly* decided that they should go with the strong horse, the black power current, if not outright mix; claiming common cause with negro males against white males in the name of “oppression”.

  21. The failure to understand men are ruined by their women can be traced to ignorance of the classical mores, common sense, and Augustinian social philosophy. People with internet-assembled ideologies don’t understand that the ancients loved their wives as humans but detested the wifely act, namely being penetrated. Degenerate moderns have attempted to divorce sexual acts from ideology, this is impossible and has been exposed by E. Michael Jones.

  22. Hunter,

    Wow! I didn’t know the existence of that site. What happened? Just lost contact with the NWF more than a year ago.

    Ironically, before any woman appeared in his podcasts the Old Man said repeatedly something like, “You cannot get any mileage from GUBUs”, which goes for “Grotesque, Unbelievable, Bizarre, Unprecedented” human freaks (say, a body-builder bitch instead of behaving like little red).

    And see what happened…

    • Just browse through the videos, podcasts, and comments … it is brutal, his co-host “Axis Sally” turned into an anti, and has said all kinds of things about him.

  23. Good distraction work from the resident trolls, 9/10.

    Back on topic, Adelson, yet another example of the 1000s of Jews in the media calling for unlimited mass immigration and multi-racialism everywhere except Israel.

  24. “People with internet-assembled ideologies don’t understand that the ancients loved their wives as humans but detested the wifely act, namely being penetrated.”

    What balderdash. The worst “detestation” I’ve ever committed is to roll over and reach for a cigarette. Giving your wife or lover a good hard fuck hardly leads to the detestation of same. Not to mention this was a fact of life for aeons before the internet. You need to study vertebrate sexual behavior in the whole.

  25. You misread me. No one wants people that like getting fucked to be in positions of power. You don’t want to be led by someone’s bitch.

  26. But the topic is “eternal jews”. So let’s not raise a ruckus.

    Let them stitch and bitch, Occigent. – No-Man

    What’s wrong with discussing the topic?

  27. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 31, 2013 at 6:31 pm
    Just browse through the videos, podcasts, and comments … it is brutal, his co-host “Axis Sally” turned into an anti, and has said all kinds of things about him.

    Jack replies:

    Yes, I saw this. Very depressing.

    The key to understanding this is to understand, you can’t have a decent life as a full time American White Nationalist “movement” person. All American Post World War II WN “movement” organizations have fallen in to one man operations, badly run businesses where everybody but the top guy has to “volunteer” work for free. Always, assistants leave, spread personal hatred against the leaders, others that didn’t pay them. The few movement leaders, organizations compete for the small $s of WN supporters, everybody hates each other, antis, Jews come in promote disunity. That’s the sad way it is.

    My advice is to lead a positive, non “movement” life, support solid WN writers, activists, don’t get dragged down in to petty personal feuds.

    I think our own Hunter Wallace has taken it rather well that HAC made Hunter the Lindsey Graham type villain President in HAC’s latest NWR novel.

    I still like a lot of Covington’s books, podcast – seperate the art from the artist.

    Oh well, it’s a fallen world.

    God bless all of OD’s sane, positive readers.

    14 words.

  28. What’s wrong with discussing the topic?

    Firstly: When whites qua “Whites” talk about Jewish political shenanigans they’re trying to nail Capone on tax-evasion. Jews mocked, killed and to this day reject God. Everything else pales in comparison and is a distraction. Jews enjoy being the center of attention, many are eager to oblige.

    Secondly: Adelson supports the sugardaddy state in Israel too. He also wants abortion (more feminism) on the back-burner here just like it is in Israel. This is a strike against the hypocrisy claims.

  29. In my opinion, turncoats never truly repudiate their views. It’s like someone who becomes a militant atheist upon realizing what a crock of shit religion-at-face-value is but later backtracks because he comes to understand there’s a deeper level at which religion serves a worthwhile function. Though he may backtrack, he never again becomes a “true believer.” Same thing with formerly racialist antis. They may regret excessive harshness (in behavior, rhetoric or analysis) on their or the movement’s part, but it doesn’t mean they start believing in the non-existence of racial differences or that racial differences don’t manifest themselves in socially significant ways. Ian Jobling’s not going to buy a house in niggertown now, is he, and certainly not on the basis of having been struck by a realization that living around niggers really is a “strength” after all.

  30. This is a strike against the hypocrisy claims.

    The hell it is, you mendacious puke.

    The charge of hypocrisy lies with his advocacy of mass immigration and diversity for America (and undoubtedly anywhere else whites live) and his advocacy of immigration restriction and ethnocentrism for Israel. His attitude is a perfect reflection of the line taken by all mainstream Jewish organizations. It’s Jewish hypocrisy 101. It’s blatant, it’s pervasive and it’s intolerable. And that point cannot be made too often.

    Eat your heart out.

  31. The USA was not founded as a religiously inclined ethnostate. Israel was. In fact, when the USA, despite its best efforts was about to produce a religiously inclined ethnostate a partial birth abortion was carried out by Abraham Lincoln.

    And Matt Heimbach is putting together a project where assorted rapscallions such as yourself can wax lyrical about trying to save my race. Piss off cunt.

  32. What either was founded as is immaterial. Many nations of Europe were ethnostaes but have become multicultural. Barbara Spectre said Europe had to become multicultural and Jews would be at the forefront of that transformation. If multiculturalism is such a great thing, why not share it with Israel?

  33. What either was founded as is immaterial

    Learn to think, Wayne. I stopped reading after this.

    Under Fascism there appears for the first time in Europe a type of man who does not want to give reasons or to be right, but simply shows himself resolved to impose his opinions. This is the new thing: the right not to be reasonable, the “reason of unreason.” Here I see the most palpable manifestation of the new mentality of the masses, due to their having decided to rule society without the capacity for doing so. In their political conduct the structure of the new mentality is revealed in the rawest, most convincing manner. The average man finds himself with “ideas” in his head, but he lacks the faculty of ideation. He has no conception even of the rare atmosphere in which ideals live. He wishes to have opinions, but is unwilling to accept the conditions and presuppositions that underlie all opinion. Hence his ideas are in effect nothing more than appetites in words. – Ortega Y Gasset

  34. No-Man just wants more third world labor so he won’t have to pay a descent salary. He expects the tax payer to pick up the social cost so he can make vacation in Europe.
    Then he cries about fairness in forcing small business to hire American.

  35. To have an idea means believing one is in possession of the reasons for having it, and consequently means believing that there is such a thing as reason, a world of intelligible truths. To have ideas, to form opinions, is identical with appealing to such an authority, submitting oneself to it, accepting its code and its decisions, and therefore believing that the highest form of intercommunication is the dialogue in which the reasons for our ideas are discussed. But the mass-man would feel himself lost if he accepted discussion, and instinctively repudiates the obligation of accepting that supreme authority lying outside himself. Hence the “new thing” in Europe is “to have done with discussions,” and detestation is expressed for all forms of intercommunication, which imply acceptance of objective standards, ranging from conversation to Parliament, and taking in science. This means that there is a renunciation of the common life of barbarism. All the normal processes are suppressed in order to arrive directly at the imposition of what is desired. The hermeticism of the soul which, as we have seen before, urges the mass to intervene in the whole of public life.
    – Ortega Y Gasset (cont’d)

  36. Many evils arise because society, including the church, are lost to the meaning of marriage. Marriage varies in interpretation according to the environment in which it evolved. Marriage is simply the act of having sex. That is clear in Genesis. It’s only purpose is for the propagation of the species. For Northern peoples it also evolved into an economic institution for the mutual support of man, wife and children, and for the passing of inheritance. It’s not about love, happiness, eternal bliss, or any other horseshit. Moreover, a father has a right to have a vast say, if not outright determine who his daughter marries for her own good and for his posterity.

  37. The USA was not founded as a religiously inclined ethnostate. Israel was. In fact, when the USA, despite its best efforts was about to produce a religiously inclined ethnostate a partial birth abortion was carried out by Abraham Lincoln.

    This is just standard Jewish obfuscation. Even though there is ample evidence to indicate America was ‘founded’ as a white racial state, completely ignoring the foundations argument one can simply point out that Jewish hypocrisy extends to well beyond foundations and immigrations and cuts to the heart of ingroup identity and ingroup concern: wholly legitimate for Jews, wholly illegitimate for whites. The contrast couldn’t be clearer.

  38. In the US “white” was a legalistic term that was used to confer Westerners and periphery types of Jewish and Islamic faith rights that were witheld from chattel-slaves and savage Indians. “White” was a very broad term, broader than the people on the internet consider it today, for instance, Jews were white. So were Arabs.

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