CNN invites 9-year-old transgender boy to ask Sen. Warren a question
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 11, 2019
Second nine-year-old transgender child of the night. #EqualityTownHall #LGBTQTownHall
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) October 11, 2019
Beto stuns, claims churches, colleges and universities should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage.
— BlazeTV (@BlazeTV) October 11, 2019
Pete Buttigieg on the prohibition on gay men donating blood: “My blood is not welcome in this country. And it's not based on science. It's based on prejudice.“ #EqualityTownHall
— CNN (@CNN) October 11, 2019
Joe Biden on protecting transgender troops: “If I were President, you would not have to choose. … Transgender men and women are in a position where they should be able to do anything anybody else in the world can do." #EqualityTownHall
— CNN (@CNN) October 11, 2019
A black trans woman has taken over the mic, noting the absence of black trans people at the #EqualityTownHall tonight. My guess she is responding to the conspicuous removal of @AshleeMPreston:
— Zack Ford (@ZackFord) October 11, 2019
Here’s the reminder that you can never be woke enough. Sorry, CNN.
— Jessica Fletcher (@heckyessica) October 11, 2019
In a wild scene during @BetoORourke's segment, a black trans-woman named "Blossom" stole the mic from a mother and her trans elementary-age child and went on such an overboard rant that Don Lemon had to take the mic away multiple times.
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 11, 2019
What the hell did I just watch on CNN?
Freak show. Homosexuality is a mental illness and should be recognized as such.
Anathema Sit. That’s all one can say. This entire ‘propositional nation’ needs to be destroyed. Or transformed. The choice is Man’s, but God will not be mocked.
One of the analysts on “Waco, Rules of Engagement” noted early in the documentary that while studying the Branch Davidians, their overall world and life view, their religious persusasions and what led up to and commenced throughout the siege at Waco, it quickly became apparent to his mind that the question that needed answering above all was the question of which of the two factions (the Davidians, or the Government and their law enforcement agencies) were the more crazy and acted the more irrationally from start to finish. His implied conclusion, after weighing all the evidence available to him, was that the latter of the two were the bigger lunatics by a long shot, and I agree.
The same logic applies to this issue of homosexuality and its being a mental illness that should be recognized as such, which you rightly point out. The bigger issue, though, is the mental illness of those who believe this kind of stuff is “normal,” or at least harmless and to be celebrated, even if it isn’t normal. Such persons are dangerous and have no business whatever participating in any way in the government of society.
As has been stated many times by persons other than myself, “the inmates are running the asylum” in the good ol’ US of A.
Homosexuality was listed and treated as a mental illness by the medical profession in all 50 states until about 1975. Guess who got it dropped from the diagnosis manual and is trying to substitute opposition to homosexuality in its place as mental illness?
CNN, along with the rest of the establishment jewish press, is no longer relevant. They are trying to appeal to the far left in a last-ditch attempt to remain relevant but I don’t think it’s going to work. Homos are the most affluent group of freaks in society, they are hardly a “victimized” or powerless group. Only white working and lower middle class heterosexuals can rightfully claim that title.
Transgenders will progress to dominate women’s athletic’s ;however don’t count on them? moving progress forward with space exploration and cures for fatal conditions and disease.
Is the Apocalypse coming soon? Lord, I sure hope so. The book of Revelation must have something about “allowing children to be chemically mutated and surgically mutilated to help them pretend they’re a member of the opposite sex” being a sign of the end times, right? At least tell me the evil parents are being slowly tortured to death for this child abuse.
I guess it’s comforting to know they aren’t letting Pete Buttigieg donate blood. Somewhere somehow the reality testing mechanism hasn’t completely broken down.
See the responses talking about “words are violence” (words = using the wrong pronouns or joking about it)
Who watches the Clown Network ?