I never met Samantha.
By the time of Charlottesville, I had been married for about four years. My wife was with me at Unite the Right. I’m a mellow middle aged dad now with no interest in other women.
The Alt-Right, however, was composed of younger guys who are largely single men who are overwhelmingly secular and immersed in a very online subculture. The rare scorned woman who joined the movement was a figure who played a large role in its ultimate downfall.
There was no bigger scorned woman than Samantha from Identity Evropa who turned on the group, ratted everyone out to Antifa and who testified for the plaintiffs in the Sines v. Kessler trial. I was never around to observe what caused her falling out with the group, but Patrick Casey has said she was right about the “large, toxic undercurrent to the Alt-Right” particularly with regards to women.
Who can deny this?
I’ve been called a wignat feminist by the legions of embittered incels who have decided that they hate all White women. The problem became a lot worse in the Alt-Right and even more worse with the America First Zoomers. White Nationalists used to be eager to attract White women. Gen X skinheads in the 1990s were immersed in a marginalized racial nationalist subculture, but they had girlfriends and old ladies. They were not completely immersed in an atomized, porn soaked internet culture.
During his brief 15 minutes of fame as the leader of the Alt-Right, Richard Spencer went full Nietzschean Übermensch. He hit on the liberal reporters who were covering him like Elle Reeve. He messed around with Faith Goldy. He had sex with various women in the movement like this Samantha who also dated Eli Mosley. He ended up leaving his wife for Megan who was some type of academic who was studying him. I’ve been told that he even hit on Mike Enoch’s wife although I can’t confirm that. Dick is beyond good and evil – he doesn’t see lust, pride, vanity, envy and wrath as sins – so I wouldn’t put it past him. He doesn’t have the same moral sense that we do. He believes Christianity is holding us back.
I always found it extremely weird that Richard had moved to Alexandria and was living on the other side of the country away from his family. It wasn’t clear to me what he was doing there. It is not like he had become a lobbyist. I assumed that he must be having major problems in his personal life and didn’t think much about it. It is not unusual for couples to fight and have problems and separate, but this situation seemed really odd. I don’t think anyone was surprised by his eventual divorce.
Where are they now five years later?
As I have tried to show in this series, character is destiny.
Identity Evropa doesn’t exist anymore.
Samantha is now a bitter woman who works with our enemies.
Eli Mosley disappeared after realizing what a mistake he made with his life by becoming Richard Spencer’s body servant. He was trying to do his part to build up the movement.
Richard Spencer has disavowed White Nationalism and can now be found seeking a relationship on Bumble. He also hosts regular Twitter Spaces with Mark Brahmin who created his own personality cult based on “race is everything” idolatry.
Note: Everyone involved in this story was J-woke and redpilled on race. The dysfunctional internal culture of the movement and the character of the people involved wrecked it on countless occasions.

I can’t help but wonder how many of these people are plants, FBI informants or blackmail victims.
I think the Bumble profile of Richard is fake. Anyone could post photos of him and take out an anonymous account. The Left gets creative in ruining people.
I’m pretty sure he confirmed it was his profile
Confirmed with who? I still doubt it.
Are you talking about Enoch’s ex wife, or his GF, afterward? Because, the drunkenly hitting on the GF thing happened not just with Moike, but a couple of guys.
I remember this Samantha. She tried to lightly befriend me, but I’m old & not looking for friends around my daughter’s age, or whatever.
Same as that Katie chick from Breitbart that I tried to tell everyone to avoid.
Oh, well.
Spencer’s Bumble profile
>Richard Spencer went
full fathom fash
The woman-hate thing remains absurd and counterproductive, and the mix of that sentiment plus the full normalization of sexual revolution logic and mores makes this sort of fetid outcome inevitable.
Feels like you need ties to a higher sexual ethic, easiest sourced from the True Faith of our great grandfathers, or you end up a den of sex pests and catamites who take women amenable to our survival, typically eager for a husband and family life, and embitter them into enemies.
While I cannot condone working with the enemy, I understand how a girl like this ends up wanting to see the whole thing wrecked.
She’s stupid. Don’t these people get it, that anything pro-White gets attacked and destroyed? Any group like these attracts some misfits. Which is why a lot of sincere people stay away from some of these groups.
Just because it’s a white group doesn’t mean you throw caution to the winds.
Just because some crank fills out a comment box doesn’t mean anything. Has anyone met an ‘incel’ in real life? No, not just a maybe unfortunate guy not so good in the dating department, I mean these woman haters.
They don’t even exist other than online.
How did these online trolls fool people into believing they were ‘on our side?’
Just like Anglin’s Troll Army (i.e., Trump Breitbart Bannon 4chan spammers) convinced idiots there were lots of ‘nazis’ out there just waiting for some clown like Spencer or Heimbach to ‘lead’ them.
Online is 100% bullshit fantasy. When the Alt Right tried their fantasy in real life, look how pathetic they were, and easily tricked.
Now some troll will say, ‘christcuck simp egirl faggot hitler nazi voat moar doom collapse.’ Anglin is gone, VNN is a crank ghost town as usual, and the rest of the moovementards have nothing better to do than troll online.
I haven’t started on Anglin
Looking forward to it.
… who turned on the group, ratted everyone out to Antifa and who testified for the plaintiffs in the Sines v. Kessler trial. I was never around to observe what caused her falling out with the group,
Yeah, OK, but whatever the reason for her disillusionment, there is no excuse for such treachery — obviously as you suggest re Spencer, she was never really on-board with the ‘movement’ (or ’cause’) in the first place, right? — I could also suggest that women are generally more averse to risk-taking and less emotionally stable than men (‘hell hath no fury …’ etc), and so are generally not really well-suited for activism in a group as reviled as the Alt-Right was back then.
By ‘ratted out’ do you mean doxxed? — and what was there to testify about in Sines v. Kessler? — which was nothing but a lot of hysterical ‘never again’ Jew lawfare nonsense.
Basically, she joined the group, had sex with the leader and other members of the group, became disillusioned and turned against everyone. She is no angel. Just a typical woman who got involved in a toxic subculture. The point is that the disorder in their lives and immoral behavior caught up with them and it ended badly.
So had sex with several members of the group, then is disillusioned and turned against them. You have to wonder if she was sent in there to destroy the group.
Doubt it
Why was she even there?
I don’t. Not for one minute.
She was to Identiy Evropa what Katie McHugh was to Kevin DeAnna. They both got romantically involved with a member who was already in the movement,* then got disillusioned, then went turncoat. Katie has been an intelligence source for the SPLC for years now – since at least 2018.
Samantha basically did what Katie did. Neither of them were “sent in” by anyone. They joined themselves out of their own free will, and left out of their own free will. Then because of bitterness and spite, they spilled a lot of beans to the enemy.
*technically, Samantha and her boyfriend both joined the movement together. My understanding was she became a groupie and a homie hopper. She became the April Gaede of her generation, if you are familiar with the 90s movement scene.
A reply to part of a comment from your 2019 article about her (link):
“The total lack of quality control is why I no longer see any future in white nationalism, and why I left it behind.” Left it behind for what, if I may?
The person who originally wrote about the ‘total lack of quality control’ didn’t answer, perhaps because any goal other than maintaining white racial hegemony (in our own countries) seems relatively hollow in comparison.
“White Nationalism as a worldview doesn’t have much to say about life. It is at best incomplete and inadequate. It lacks a strong and serious philosophical foundation, an economic platform, a focused cultural critique, a strong moral foundation and a political strategy. Whereas Christianity answers questions like how do we please God and achieve the salvation of our souls or how should we we live in a good society, White Nationalism doesn’t wrestle with and try to answer these questions.”
If Christianity answers these questions, why is it that Christians never agree on a single subject? Take any opinion at all and you can find someone claiming to be Christian and claiming some biblical justification for it.
If you don’t like adultery there’s a simple solution: make it illegal. That way the threat of punishment that deters everyone, not just those dumb enough to believe this fake deity crap.
“white Nationalists” agree even less than Christian do. How is that relevant? Unlike the Fashtards, no one expects people to think in lockstep on every subject.
‘Adultery simple solution make it illegal…’
And there you go, fashtards have the mentality of children. Anything bad should be illegal and a totalitarian police state is BASED!
The idea of Civil Society never enters these fanatics minds, because they are basically cultists. That is why they hate church, they are anti-social.
Hence a bunch of childless anti-social internet trolls who lack basic socialization. They can’t even stop themselves from putting metal in their faces, that is how unsocialized these people are.
Hopefully these are just teenage boys who don’t understand how complicated real life is.
Are you going to apply that logic to anything else? How about drunk driving? We should legalize it and then use “civil society” to discourage it, right? Anything else would be a totalitarian police state.
I’m not blind to civil society. I just realize that saying “civil society” is not an actual plan to fix anything. I don’t want to sit around whining about civil society and lecturing the youth about how they don’t measure up. I want action.
A prison term for adultery will in fact discourage adultery. If you don’t want to do it my interpretation is that your commitment to libertardianism is stronger than your commitment to social conservatism.
Most of these so-called “Christians” claim to be civil is to curry favor with their judeo-God, so he doesn’t send them to hell, Any person who behaves civil or decent out of the prospect of a heavenly reward or eternal hellfire alone are pieces of shit, and no better than a domestic animal taught obedience by positive and negative feedback and reinforcement.
“And there you go, fashtards have the mentality of children. Anything bad should be illegal and a totalitarian police state is BASED! The idea of Civil Society never enters these fanatics minds, because they are basically cultists.”
We don’t have a civil society anymore, the only way to right all the wrongs is through authoritarianism and an all powerful state.
“If Christianity answers these questions, why is it that Christians never agree on a single subject? Take any opinion at all and you can find someone claiming to be Christian and claiming some biblical justification for it. ”
Christianity doesn’t answer anything, and they are always threatening each other with hell over minor disagreements in dogma
This is one of the biggest reasons I became an atheist.
When I was a young man, I was a Catholic and heard infighting arguments from some trad types who insisted God was going to destroy civilization because people were receiving communion in the hand instead of on the tongue. Then there were others who took the opposite side and said that since the church hierarchy allowed people to receive communion in the hand, anyone who criticized “communion in the hand” were committing mortal sins and on the road to hell. It was all so disgusting.
Insightful and accurate comment.
“God was going to destroy civilization because people were receiving communion in the hand instead of on the tongue. ”
France went through a century of blood thirsty warfare and massacre all over saying mass in Latin or French.
Christianity can spew endless volumes on some petty point of doctrine, but never developed a single antibiotic.
“When I was a young man, I was a Catholic”
I’ve never understood how anyone could accept the know-it-all tyranny of the Catholic church, in light of their centuries of failure on the most simple concepts, germ theory, heliocentric solar system, mathematics etc.
Speaking of the “Movement” in general, are skinheads even a thing anymore, however tiny?
Gabe was a skinhead
Gabe was a 21st century Hollywood skinhead.
None of the Hammer Skins that I ever knew got tattoos on their faces or throats.
“Gen X skinheads in the 90s had girlfriends and old ladies “. Very accurate statement. Besides all the skinhead girls there were tons of normal girls who were just hangarounds who got off on the violence. It was a much more working class organic scene. I thought the alt-right had potential but i definitely couldn’t identify with the online incel part of it. It wasn’t a huge shocker when it imploded.
What bothers me is that in most every case Women are declared to have no “agency”. “Why it’s just all those evil incels and crazy WN”, they say. The little Women dears are just being abused. They pretend to never be at fault.
This annoys the hell out of me that somehow Women with the same rights as Men somehow have none of the responsibilities. If Men hang out with unstable Women they are blamed for “not seeing the signs” It’s all so hypocritical. Either Women, who get themselves into situations like this, are responsible or not. If they do not accept any responsibility, then they shouldn’t have agency to make these decisions.
Large amounts of Women vote for policies that are totally catastrophic for our country. They should be criticized for this. I don’t want to hear any more of this talk about how Men should,”step up” to somehow change Women’s minds or somehow pick up more burdens while not telling Women to do the same.
Men have been completely disempowered in the courts and the legal system in our country with Women relieving legal advantages over Men. That being the case they need to stop blaming Men and be responsible.
“…There was no bigger scorned woman than Samantha from Identity Evropa who turned on the group, ratted everyone out to Antifa and who testified for the plaintiffs in the Sines v. Kessler …”
And Women should be surprised that Men scorn Women such as this? Are Women infants?
She was as bad as the people that she got involved with. No one forced her to get involved in the group or to have sex with the leaders
Women are much more clever than most Men realize. Always a vibe to excuse & minimize/explain away whorish or irresponsible actions. Females know all too well where most Men are vulnerable. The incel thing is mostly due to modernist culture, hypergamy software in most females, social conditioning, online dating. The red pill/Mgtow ideology is only the organic reaction to all this.
Young Men should do all they can to work on themselves, improve as best they can their situation, yet with all the plastics, porn, chemicals in food/water, electro currents all over, the natural sex drive is much lower…never heard of this samantha, yet seems to be a somewhat common result when females get involved in Men’s natural realm. Divide and conquer, attention seeking, feed the ego.
Someone from the crew should have just impregnated her before she went full traitor. At least add to the White population
“Gen X skinheads in the 1990s had old ladies and girlfriends, weren’t submerged in online porn “ Very accurate statement. Besides all the skinhead girls there were also tons of hangaround girls attracted to the violence. It was way more of a working class street thing, much more organic. I had never even heard of incels until the alt-right. I thought it had potential but an online “scene “ seemed weird coming from 1.0. I wasn’t surprised when the alt-right imploded,
A lot these women go to these things to get boyfriends and some even have other ulterior motives. Never mix business with pleasure.
She slept with Spencer? That’s gross. Those two should go together.
Women who are pass around chicks and have sex with a bunch of dudes are nothing but trouble. Keep em away if they are like that. Of course women like the dude with the most power!
I’m not surprised Spencer hit on Reeve. I saw that infamous 2017 interview but I also saw him cry in front of her in 2021. LOL!
@Mr. Confederate Man
Indeed. Elle Reeves is a 4/10 on her best days, and she’s a shitlib on top of that which show reduce her to a 2/10.
“He hit on the liberal reporters who were covering him like Elle Reeve. ”
Spencer needs white cane and should never be allowed to drive.
“I’m not surprised Spencer hit on Reeve. I saw that infamous 2017 interview but I also saw him cry in front of her in 2021. LOL!”
Spencer, quintessential stuffed-shirt.
In defense of millennials and zoomers, they came of age with females that were hypersexualized, and grew up during the height of the MGTOW movement.
As someone who brought four attractive and intelligent GenX White women (who all became mothers) into the pro-White ideology in the 90s, it was an easier task than it would be now.
Most women’s politics are not to be taken seriously. They’re this today, and that tomorrow when either the fashion changes, or they seek revenge on some man.
Hope you do not think all women are like her.
I said MOST women.
Most men suck just as much as the women, so it’s not a gender thing.
Samantha is going to date nig nog that she is not racist, and conceive mixed race kids.
So, she is a dirty whore.
best to date Whiter women that don t speak a lot of English
if they want to betray us to ZOG len em try to do it in Spanish on Argentine TV
Don’t promote nonwhites. There’s just as many faulty men as women.
“Eli Mosley disappeared after realizing what a mistake he made with his life by becoming Richard Spencer’s body servant. He was trying to do his part to build up the movement.”
WRONG! Eli got busted as a fraud and a fake who was generally responsible for the security errors in C-ville. He only got where he was by being a sycophant, because everyone in the NE that knew him felt he was a creep, a phony and possibly an infiltrator.