I’m seeing the government do things I’ve never seen in my 40+ years of broadcasting. People have mailed credible threats to presidents for years. They’ve (rightly) been investigated for it, but I’ve never seen the FBI gun anybody down for it. Ever. This is not normal.
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) August 10, 2023
Every last person local Utah newspapers have interviewed about this man is mystified that the FBI could have possibly perceived him as a genuine threat pic.twitter.com/oQIQehqKIj
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) August 10, 2023
Here is a photo of Craig Robertson in Provo, a carpenter, who had recently organized a group of volunteers to build a ramp for a disabled neighbor pic.twitter.com/CJjryrRgOU
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) August 10, 2023
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) August 11, 2023
Who was Craig Robertson?
- A Boomer with far right politics
- A fed poster on Facebook
- A gun enthusiast and collector
- An elderly, obese man in poor health who walked with a cane
- A nice guy who was well liked and respected in his community
I’ve met countless people like that over the years in rightwing politics. With few exceptions, they are harmless. They are why I moderate the comment section and mostly for their own sake.
Note: The obvious exception was Glenn Miller. I never met him, but dismissed him as an alcoholic blowhard.
Criminal complaint:
The system hates us. It’s becoming hard for even Glenn Beck to ignore.
@National Ways——– Not us, they hate the innocent. And to hate the innocent is evil.
When even the alphabet agencies don’t spare the Mormons, you can be sure it’s all over.
So true. Mormons are without peer in being the most enthusiastic henchmen in USZOG’s alphabet intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
Is the snake swallowing its
own tail?
A little off topic but you should do an article on this:
Best Buy might be one of the wokest companies right now. They are banning White people from applying for their management program and won’t let Christians display crosses at their Geek Squad offices but it’s ok to plaster LGBTQ paraphernalia all over the place.
Rule by intimidation.
“You don’t like us, but you will fear us.”
Government NKVD, KGB, STASI style.’
Dark triad personalities to be sure fill the ranks of NSA, CIA, DHS, FBI, IRS, ect.
Machiavelli would be proud.
I’ve got a short blog in draft mode ready to go that presents the very similar events at Ruby Ridge 31 years ago, almost to the exact anniversary.
Please look it over, I’ll post tomorrow unless I hear “nay”.
Thanks brother.
nevermind the trannys, here come the gulags
nevermind the trannys, here come the tyrants
“…nevermind the trannys, here come the gulags…”
I fear it’s much worse. Gulags run by Trannies. Diverse Tranny gulags.