Blue-collar political anthem 'Rich Men North of Richmond' takes internet by storm https://t.co/QO1s4ZwyoO
— Fox News Politics (@foxnewspolitics) August 11, 2023
What a great protest song in the great southern tradition
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) August 10, 2023
“Rich Men North of Richmond” by Oliver Anthony
The official anthem of Christian Nationalism just dropped.pic.twitter.com/B22NuEBLbv
— William Wolfe ?? (@William_E_Wolfe) August 11, 2023
This is my political ideology. pic.twitter.com/X6qdx2huUw
— C.Jay Engel (@contramordor) August 11, 2023
I see everyone from Benny Johnson to Mike Cernovich to Jack Posobiec is sharing this song on Twitter tonight. It would be strange for us not to notice it is going viral.
Kanye West naming the Jew. Matt Walsh talking about the extinction of the White race. Benny Johnson sharing Southern Nationalist anthems. Why are some people so negative?
Note: I, too, agree the rich men north of Richmond are a problem. I have been beating that drum for a decade now. Dr. Hill has been saying it for thirty years. The Union must be dissolved.
That red-headed peckerwood sho’ ‘nuf got some pipes.
I have a new favorite song
For the sinophiles.
Read this article while you listen to this song.
Tell me again why the chinese are a model for the White race. Why they are our natural allies. About their ethnic solidarity.
There is no trusted source to verify anti-Chinese propaganda. The neocons are preparing America for a war with China. All ((western news))) about China, Russia, Iran and Palestinians cannot be trusted.
Sounds like a typical “I hate them Yankees” song to me. I’ve been living in the South and Deep South for 5 years now and there is a sense of distrust and even contempt for outsiders. It has nothing to do with race, they don’t like anyone who is not from where they are from.
I would rather be up north even with those despisable politicians running the show. It’s much more developed and people up north are generally more interesting. I was drawn by the cheap real estate of the South, had I had known the locals would be so distrustful, rude, and backstabbing to outsiders I probably would not have come here. But alas, it is my home now, I just wish the locals weren’t so resentful.
There’s a road back to your developed northern oasis,asshole
Yes—but it’s probably poorly paved.
John Bonaccorsi, True,True, so very True, us dumb, backward HILLBILLY’S, with our unpaved dirt roads, hopefully thru perseverance and the out of town people, reminding us of, How jacked up we are, we can eventually bring our roads up too par with great northern boulevards of joy and beauty such as 8 mile in Detroit and the world famous, Kensington avenue in Philadelphia, we will get it together, one of these days……..
Well said, Terry.
After almost a decade living ‘in the South,’ I can only say that (here, at least) New England is correct, and Kenny Albert is merely confirming every stereotype we northerners all have about Southernors as vulgar, stupid, illiterate, and inbred… because it’s true. While we still hate the Yankees with a passion, we only wish we could find some INTELLIGENT folks down here to agree with us!
I’ve come to realize I’m the lone Rhett Butler among a bunch of Tarleton twins or Charles Hamilton, when all I want is an erudite Ashley Wilkes to talk to, once in a while… but all I get is Barney Fife types, and ‘bless her/his heart’ types…
Wife and I taught in Public and Private schools from Elementary to College in both North and South, and while these Dixie folk are dear to a fault, and have a ‘culture’ that is slowly dying (and they don’t even know it- pimento cheese is NOT culture!) even my own students have said that the average grade level intelligence (for example) of a Church of God grown layman, is that of a 5th grader… and that’s the majority church, apart from Southern Baptists, and Methodists… none of whom are in the ‘elevated strata’ of Church goers as we find/found up north: Episcopalians, Lutherans, and Presbyterians. Now, that the mainline churches are all heretical/woke today, is another argument. But at least they have liturgy, good music, hymns with theology, and taste!
Just read a DS article in which this redbeard is ‘outed’ as believing 9/11 was an inside job. He won’t last long, and no one will understand (((Why))) around here… because they just don’t have the smarts to see through “The Jews and their Lies,” or even read Luther’s book by the same title. Why? Because they have to go to a foo’ball game, or a monster truck rally….. or a ‘good ol’ timey hellfire and brimstone King James sermon,’ as our local Baptist Church marquee proudly wears this week. Sigh.
@Fr. John…
“Deep South for 5 years now and there is a sense of distrust and even contempt for outsiders. It has nothing to do with race, they don’t like anyone who is not from where they are from. ”
The quote, above, Sir, is from New England’s comment – which you took for evidence of a dying Southern culture.
Yes, without a doubt, we, as a people, are at a terrible low ebb.
That said, if you will examine this quote, you can see that our core – exactly as we were a century ago, two centuries ago, and, yes, 3 and 4 centuries ago, is intact.
We are a plantation culture, every bit as insular as New England, probably more.
Therein, the seeds for our renewal can be found.
I agree. I have met Southerners and I have met Northerners while in Texas. Give me the South any day. And yes the roads in the South are paved. A yankee couple from Chicago told me that they thought southerners were way friendlier than their neighbors in the North.
Since my religion has not condemned any side in the War Between the States I am starting to become more pro-South the more I encounter the other side.
Thank you so much for your kind words, and your willingness to reassess.
You grandmother did not like us without cause.
Though we are not nearly so clever as the New England Man, we are a whole lot nicer and more down to earth.
That said, I know personally that there still are plenty of nice New Englanders and more than a few nasty people in The South
The song isn’t about people like you. It is about a very specific type of power hungry, sanctimonious, busybody shitlib – the Morning Joe audience and demo – who lives in that area
@Kenny Albert
Most Southerners are pleasant, but some minority rednecks, especially the Boomer rednecks are actually the ones who are assholes. Not me.
@Hunter Wallace
Ah, well I don’t like that demographic either. When he said North of Richmond I thought he meant the entire North East. Does Morning Joe know he’s an asshole? He even has the face of an asshole.
New England Free Speech ” I hate them yankee’s. ” There are very few, who use the ” Y” word on here, I for one, know, NORTHERN WHITE PEOPLE” , don’t like being called that, Our insult’s most of the time, are reserved, for the those, who deserve it…..don’t get a chip on your shoulder, enjoy the SOUTHLAND, you haven’t met everybody down there, you may have a great friend, waiting in the wings and sometimes, just one good buddy, make all the difference in the world, don’t give up, keep trying………loved that song……
Try Ohio or Indiana – fairly red states, cheap land and no 100 degree humid weather, access to the Great Lakes.
Most Southerners aren’t very bright. Being dumb and backwards is a virtuous trait for them. In the cities they are a little better.
North Georgia ain’t so bad. In terms of demographics it’s mostly White but your surrounded by heavy diversity to the north and south. The weather here has 4 seasons, similar to Kentucky but a little warmer, it’s not like South Georgia or Florida at all.
Georgia is about diverse as most Northern states, but instead of a large Hispanic population it has a large Black population. I would actually like Atlanta more if the traffic wasn’t so awful.
The ignorant ones can get to you, especially if you have to deal with them in the workplace. I have an unpleasant Hick of a neighbor who has no respect for my property. Some of the Southerners I have dealt with are charming but you always have the ones you only like you if you’re from where they are from.
@New England…
“Some of the Southerners I have dealt with are charming but you always have the ones you only like you if you’re from where they are from.”
Yes, more than a few of our people are like that, though, this attitude is far more pronounced in New England – the cliquiest place I have ever lived in, and, believe you me, I have lived in plenty of places.
“Most Southerners aren’t very bright. Being dumb and backwards is a virtuous trait for them”
Comes from a culture super saturated in Fundamentalism.
“Al you needz to know is in da bibel, it done haz al da anzwerz.”
May I respectfully disagree about your assessment New England’s assessment of us?
We aren’t ‘backwards’, but, traditional. We, Southerners, are NOT looking for some mythic Shangra-La in progressive evolutions like a lot of New Englanders are.
We believe we understood life long ago and we, as a group, have no interest in reassessments.about our fundamental values.
As to being dumb, we are not that.
What we are is a combination of intellectually lazy and anti-intellectual, two deadly traits in Modernity.
If we are dying, as a people, it will be because of our supreme uncuriosity to find out who is poisoning us, where, and why.
If there is, indeed, a veneration of backwardness in the South, Arrian, I’m not sure the embrace of fundamentalism is the cause. In fact, the situation might be the reverse, i.e., that the veneration of backwardness explains the embrace of fundamentalism.
The fundament of Southern psychology is the unwillingness to accept the defeat of the Confederacy. This takes numerous forms, from the veneration of Robert E. Lee to the song that is the subject of the present blogpost here, at Occidental Dissent. Its key result, as I might have remarked here at some point or another but that I doubt even a single Southerner has ever recognized, is that the South is incapable, in a way, of moving out of the 1800s. It can’t embrace the middle-class American life that emerged in the twentieth century, because if it were to do so, it would, in a way, be betraying the Confederate cause. Everything associated with the modern world—modern knowledge, modern transportation, even, in a way, modern medicine—is haram, forbidden.
Years ago, I mentioned here the video I’ll link below. It’s an oldie, “Who’s That Man?” by Toby Keith (1994). Observe the white-collar figure who’s the second husband of the wife. Actually, he’s not even white collar; he’s lavender collar, crypto-homosexual, I guess. Every day, for decades after World War II, countless northern men of the white-collar race went to work and built the American life that became in many respects the envy of the world; but as the video shows, the South could never regard that life with anything but contempt. To accept it, to embrace it, to admire it to even the slightest degree would have been anti-Southern, a betrayal of one’s ancestors.
Here’s the video. I don’t suppose I’ll have to point out that the keynote is self-pity. Just look at this faggy second husband, corrupting the narrator’s children with his crypto-Northern ways …
After I submitted the link above, I remembered I’d composed alternative lyrics, which I e-mailed to someone I know back in 2019. For use by enterprising country-or-other musicians worldwide, they are hereby put into the public domain …
“Stop That Man”
(to the tune of Toby Keith’s “Who’s That Man?”)
He turns left at the old hotel
He knows that boulevard much too well
Though it’s changed since he’s been gone
He seems to think it’s still his way home
Drives freely through the neighborhood
I’d hoped the county’d finally fixed him good
But it’s gettin’ rough
Appears I haven’t complained enough
Pretends his phone is out of order
Just ignores the restraining order
It’s plain to see there’s nobody listenin’ to me
He spies on our house
He’s keyed our car
He’s let his dog dump in our front yard
He smashed a window to the room
Where he used to bash her head
I paid off his debts
I saved his kids
It’s only he of whom she wants to be rid
She just wants to get on with our life
Stop that man, sheriff,
Who’s stalking my wife
Were I to flag him down it’d be a scene
His kids have seen him when he’s feelin’ mean
My God they’re goin’ through hell
I’m amazed they’re holding up so well
When he turns around in the neighbor’s drive
I think he thinks he’s hard to recognize
In that new pickup truck
Yet he can’t keep his child support up
This kind of anger’s nothing ever I felt
When he’s near I tuck my gun in my belt
If things don’t change
I fear they’re never gonna be the same
He spies on our house
He’s keyed our car
He’s let his dog dump in our front yard
He smashed a window to the room
Where he used to bash her head
I paid off his debts
I saved his kids
It’s only he of whom she wants to be rid
We just want to get on with our life
Stop that man, sheriff,
From stalking my wife
I think it’s odd that transplants from the North are surprised that many Southerners aren’t accepting of them. The hostility directed at the South from the national media and popular culture, as well as the fact that most transplants think that we should assimilate to their politics and culture, is enough to turn most people off, and that’s not even mentioning the history. How hard is that to understand?
As far as the Civil War goes, Northerners cling to that pretty hard themselves. As a matter of fact, they won’t shut up about it. What seems to bother them is that Southerners have different views of the War, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, civil rights, etc.
I’m from Atlanta, and it was always funny to watch transplants bitch about the stupid locals, when, in all likelihood, they were bitching about other transplants.
I’ve been around enough transplants to ignore their claims of superiority. Lots of them are pretty stupid. The South was destroyed, bled dry, and kept poor for a long time after the Civil War, so it makes sense that the North was a little ahead. They won the war for the control of the economy and political power, so they took the spoils.
Now that the North has lots of blacks, their cities are crumbling, their schools are tanking, and large numbers of white northerners are flocking South. Whites in the South have always had to deal with that situation.
A national divorce is the sensible thing to do. You hate us, and we hate you. Why stay together?
“Observe the white-collar figure who’s the second husband of the wife. Actually, he’s not even white collar; he’s lavender collar, crypto-homosexual, I guess. Every day, for decades after World War II, countless northern men of the white-collar race went to work and built the American life that became in many respects the envy of the world; but as the video shows, the South could never regard that life with anything but contempt. To accept it, to embrace it, to admire it to even the slightest degree would have been anti-Southern, a betrayal of one’s ancestors.”
Who takes anything coming out of Nashville seriously? Toby Keith is a whore, and he likely didn’t write the lyrics. Nashville is about conditioning consumers as much as LA or New York, and it’s no more authentic than either.
As far as whites in the South hating the American middle class dream goes, that’s just silly. What do you think that the Southern Populism of the 50s and 60s was really about? It was largely about whites who had moved from rural areas into the cities wanting good schools, safe neighborhoods, nice places to eat and shop, good public transportation, etc. Nobody was up in arms because they thought that they were going to be denied their right to be sharecroppers or second-class citizens stuck under the thumb of the same old families in the same old small towns forever. But, No! They couldn’t have the American dream, because Northerners denied it to them. The ultimate irony is that Northerners destroyed their own cities and gave away their own nation by destroying the South. How smart was that?
“As far as the Civil War goes, Northerners cling to that pretty hard themselves.”
No, they don’t, Todd. I’ve never heard a Northerner even mention it. Would you like to visit the Civil War Memorial in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park? Don’t ask a Philadelphian how to get to it. He won’t even know it exists.
Your entire post merely confirms what I said.
“As far as whites in the South hating the American middle class dream goes, that’s just silly. What do you think that the Southern Populism of the 50s and 60s was really about?”
I think it was about what the South has always been about: Trying to split the difference, i.e., trying to enjoy the advantages of the North-built middle-class life without acknowledging its origin. The attitude of Southerners toward the North—toward, really, middle-class America—is very similar to the attitude of Muslims toward the West: Too sane to reject it outright, too proud to credit its creators with their accomplishment—or even to say a single word respectful of them.
That, incidentally, is why the South’s self-glorifying utterances that it is an “honor culture” are not taken seriously anywhere outside the South. “Pride” is not “honor.” The sense of honor is the sense of debt, the sense of what one owes, to oneself and to others. Southerners have no sense of that whatsoever. That’s why they don’t hesitate to mock, in the coarsest terms, the blacks who flounder in the American civilization whither Southerners were happy to see their ancestors dragged.
“Who takes anything coming out of Nashville seriously? Toby Keith is a whore, and he likely didn’t write the lyrics. Nashville is about conditioning consumers as much as LA or New York, and it’s no more authentic than either.”
Thank you for that knowing assessment, Todd. “You could call everybody a whore.”—Warren Beatty, as hairdresser George Roundy, in Shampoo (1975)
“The ultimate irony is that Northerners destroyed their own cities and gave away their own nation by destroying the South. How smart was that?”
You’ll have to ask a liberal, who is in favor of a polyracial polity. I’m not that.
In conclusion: The South is not part of America or of the West. The decaying, liberal North is America. I personally am not part of the South or the North. I regard both tribes as Teutonic trash, doomed before the ink on the Declaration of Independence was dry.
“No, they don’t, Todd. I’ve never heard a Northerner even mention it. Would you like to visit the Civil War Memorial in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park? Don’t ask a Philadelphian how to get to it. He won’t even know it exists.”
I can’t take anything you post seriously now. Northerners can’t shut up about the Civil War or Civil Rights, the Confederate flag….They don’t care about the battles or maybe monuments to soldiers in the North, but they sure as he’ll won’t leave it alone down here.
@JB from Philly
“I think it was about what the South has always been about: Trying to split the difference, i.e., trying to enjoy the advantages of the North-built middle-class life without acknowledging its origin. The attitude of Southerners toward the North—toward, really, middle-class America—is very similar to the attitude of Muslims toward the West: Too sane to reject it outright, too proud to credit its creators with their accomplishment—or even to say a single word respectful of them.”
That’s just silly. The North did not invent modernity or the middle class. It’s no wonder that your neighbors shun you.
Once again:
Southern Populism of the 50s and 60s was largely about whites who had moved from rural areas into the cities wanting good schools, safe neighborhoods, nice places to eat and shop, good public transportation, etc. Nobody was up in arms because they thought that they were going to be denied their right to be sharecroppers, tenant farmers, slaves to the company store, dirt farmers or second-class citizens stuck under the thumb of the same old families in the same old small towns forever.
I guess your point is that if Southerners had just bent a knee and begged for the middle class lifestyle that was invented in the North, we could have forgone integration at the point of a gun. Somehow, I don’t think that would have happened.
And nobody takes the notion that Nashville is somehow an organic cultural extension of the South seriously. I’m trying to be polite, but that’s just funny. The music from Nashville is just as packaged as anything coming from New York or LA. Toby Keith is from Oklahoma, anyway.
“You’ll have to ask a liberal, who is in favor of a polyracial polity. I’m not that.”
It still happened, and you have quite a bit in common with your lefty brethren.
“Thank you for that knowing assessment, Todd. “You could call everybody a whore.”—Warren Beatty, as hairdresser George Roundy, in Shampoo (1975)”
I figured you needed to know, since you posted the video and screed.
The North tolerated for a century, Todd, the passive-aggressive Confederate statues that your great-grandmothers erected in every Southern town, lest their own fathers’ feelings be hurt. After a while, one tells one’s bad neighbor to keep the noise down.
“The North did not invent modernity or the middle class.”
Of course, it did. It embraced and furthered the development that had begun in Britain, as did the white world’s remainder, with the exception of a broad area below the Mason-Dixon line.
“The music from Nashville is just as packaged as anything coming from New York or LA. ”
Oh—okay, not authentic, then, like that redhead’s caterwauling that is the subject of the present post, at Occidental Dissent.
“It still happened, and you have quite a bit in common with your lefty brethren.”
I have no lefty brethren. Among this blog’s commenters, the only leftists are the Southerners who’d vote in a minute for the New Deal, as did their forebears.
“Southern Populism of the 50s and 60s was largely about whites who had moved from rural areas into the cities wanting good schools, safe neighborhoods, nice places to eat and shop, good public transportation, etc.”
Yes, that’s what I said. It was about imitating the North, without any acknowledgment of the imitation.
“I guess your point is that if Southerners had just bent a knee and begged for the middle class lifestyle that was invented in the North, we could have forgone integration at the point of a gun.”
No, my point was exactly what I stated. You embraced the Northern life but never had anything but a snarl for those who’d fashioned it.
“Toby Keith is from Oklahoma, anyway.”
Interesting—just when I was convinced you wouldn’t offer a single remark of substance. I guess Oklahoma is something like West Virginia—or at least like what West Virginia is in my untutored understanding (which I recently expressed here, at Occidental Dissent): Southern in a way—but not quite.
Anyway, Todd, I really don’t enjoy trading insults with anyone on the internet, so my participation in this particular exchange of ours is at an end. If you have an additional comment to offer, I’ll be pleased to read it, but I won’t respond.
“…It’s much more developed…”
What an interesting phrase. I’ve been all around, all over, up north and I assure you it’s not more “developed” in terms of infrastructure per capita. And not in a moral sense, either. People are rude, opinionated and all up in everyone else’s business. It’s only more “developed” in the sense that there’s more people so more stuff is “developed”, paved over. The reason I triggered on this phrase is I heard the exact same phrase from this arrogant yankee in Boston at a training program. He said that they had “developed” the north and now they were moving to “develop” the south. Which is nothing but total buffoonery because I’ve seen plenty of both. I know better. And he told me this like he knew what he was talking about. I think in fact that this term “developed” really is some sort of metal straightjacket they have and perceive that we need in the South. It’s certainly not anything I need.
Now the commernter “New England Free Speech” complains about and says that,”…there is a sense of distrust and even contempt for outsiders…”.
This phrase, you need to be “developed”, tells me that maybe, far from being unwelcome in general, it’s you, personally that is the problem. And you are so stuck in your own head you can’t even begin to recognize it and blame it on others. You’re an asshole who has no idea that you emit contempt for everyone around you, and so they want not a damn thing to do with you. I know the guy who told me the south needed “developed” I stayed away from him thereafter. Why would I want to hang with people who have no conception of decent behavior and treat others without dignity.
I’ll give you another concrete example. There’s a guy whose an Indian, American, MacDonald King Aston, who wrote a book (Yankee Babylon: American Dream. American Nightmare) and has a lot of interviews about yankees. The example is some guy is eating in a restaurant. He doesn’t know how to crack open his crab. Some stranger yankee just grabs his food off his plate and starts using the tool telling the hapless fellow, he does not know, this is how it’s done. Now anyone southern, what would you do if some did that to you. I would be furious. It wouldn’t bother me if he told me how, but to grab your food up like that…talk about hot! And this is a small example of the arrogance and know it all behavior of them. They know better, and everyone else must do as they say. Very annoying people.
MacDonald King Aston, one interview, his books are great. Worth listening to.
MacDonald King Aston by Radio Free Dixie
The author has of course been mentioned here.
Most of bad experiences with some Southerners have revolved around the work place and my neighbor. I won’t get into it. I have dealt with good Southerners but I have also dealt with the type who only like and respect people who are from where they are from.
I would rather deal with someone who is rude to my face and tells me how they feel and how it is rather than someone who acts all friendly to your face, lies to you, and then stabs you in the back.
You’ve got a chip on your shoulder and I won’t engage with trolling. I was giving my two cents on what it’s like for a Northerner to spend 5 years in the Deep South, the good, the bad, and the ugly. The truth hurts.
In the end, I would rather be in a red state. I despise the politicians up north. They are taxing the people to death, the crime and immigration is unsustainable up north. As much as I miss being up north, I am better off here in the Deep South.
@New England…
” I was drawn by the cheap real estate of the South, had I had known the locals would be so distrustful, rude, and backstabbing to outsiders I probably would not have come here. But alas, it is my home now, I just wish the locals weren’t so resentful.”
You’re living in the wrong town.
The town I live in is not nearly so nice , in terms of the disposition of the people, as are some of those just down the road.
My town is more uppity.
Find another town, within a 30 miles range, and move there.
Moreover, I’ll tell you this – North Carolina, though not as friendly as Louisiana, and West Virginia, is arguably the most accepting state of Northerners in The South.
That said, we still have our share of people who dislike everyone but themselves.
Virginia’s problem is not difficult to handle : remove the northernmost 4 counties from the state and live happily ever after.
Why, even a reunion with it’s former western part, currently West Virginia, would make things even happier.
I don’t know about that, Ivan. Plantation Virginia’s ordinance of secession seems to have forced the drawing of a line that was already part of “Virginia.” Whatever the inhabitants of the state’s western region may have thought of so-called Northerners in general, they probably had more in common with the Pennsylvanians to their north than with their co-Virginians to the east.
That’s my elementary sense of the history, anyway. Maybe someone here, at Occidental Dissent, has a better grasp of the subject.
Thank you for the reply, Dear John.
As always it is good to hear from you.
Yes, I agree with you that, in many ways, Pennsylvania is ‘Southern’
I know many many secessionists from that state – they who are not only that, but, who, without a single doubt, would fight in grey, if the exact war of 1861, were to play out today.
As to you comment on history, it is well taken.
I, however, am not talking about history, but, about reality, now in 2024.
The Reality is that Virginians, and, indeed, Virginia culture cannot survive the heavy presence of Federalist Yankees, in the North.
That leaves two choices – run them off, or disclude them from Virginia.
Because I believe running off people is a repugnant crime against humanity, segregation (a redrawing of the political lines) is the only viable option The Good Lord would bless is a separation.
Am I missing something here?
The only thing I think you might have missed, Ivan, is the cultural distinction, for lack of a better phrase, between what was western Virginia and what was eastern Virginia, antebellum. Before I came here, to Occidental Dissent, and encountered a comment or two on the subject from Mr. Wallace, our host, I wasn’t aware of the extension of the Federal bureaumass, as I’ll call it (cf. “biomass”), into northern Virginia. I can believe Southern Nationalists regard that as a trans-Potomac extension of a kind of Northern world into what should be Southern territory. Circa the 1860s, the western part of Virginia was essentially the same thing, and it sought to escape the South as soon as Virginia’s ordinance of secession was passed by the Virginia legislature.
Interestingly—well, interesting to me—a young woman whom I know and who attended college in the South has spoken of Washington DC as a Southern town. If I hadn’t been visiting Occidental Dissent for some years before I heard her say that, I probably would have been startled when she voiced that characterization. In the time after I began visiting Occidental Dissent, I might have heard one or two other persons speak of Washington that way, but I wasn’t struck by it until she said it.
On one hand, West Virginia does seems to me to be Southern. Years ago, here, at Occidental Dissent, I mentioned that the three female members of a country-music group called Pistol Annie all seemed to me to be “Southern” though they’d grown up far from each other (one maybe from Texas, one maybe from Louisiana, and the third from West Virginia). On the other hand, West Virginia is not quite “Southern,” just as Appalachian Pennsylvania is not really Southern. West Virginia seems to me non-Southern enough that, as I was originally trying to say, it probably wouldn’t rejoin Virginia as readily as you might think it would. I’d guess it resists the South rather the way the South resists North-ified Northern Virginia. It’s about as likely to join the South as the South is to re-cede to the Federal capital the southern portion of the cross-Potomac, ten-mile-square that was originally the national capital’s territory.
For whatever it’s worth—which is probably little—that’s my sense of the thing. Am in a bit of a hurry—must attend to a family matter—so don’t really have time to proofread this. Hope it’s clear enough.
PS The young woman whom I’ve heard call Washington a Southern town happens also to have a distinct sense of the border of “the South” in Virginia. By that, I mean she has spoken of a specific locale or municipality—don’t remember the name—that lies maybe southwest of Washington, in Virginia, and which, to her, is the point beyond which “the South” begins there. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Wallace, our host, were to draw the border at the same spot, whatever it might be.
Excellent reply.
In my experience, both in Virginia and West Virginia, Northern Virginia is unSouthern, as is Charlottesville.
Virginia Beach is military, but, still has a thoroughly Southern feel.
All of rural and Smalltown Virginia is thoroughly Southern, as is West Virginia.
Concerning the political reorganization of this country, I am of the strong suspicion that many state lines will be, with or without their government’s approval, redrawn.
Virginia is but one example. Illinois would be another, as Rural and Smalltown Illinois chafes under Chicago control.
Same for Michigan, with regards to Detroit control.
Same for Wisconsin, with regards to Milwaukee influence.
Most glaringly, Northern California, Western and Central Washington and Oregon States – all of which are not at al likely to remain as they are.
All of this leads me to believe that one or two eventualities loom for globalist cities, in a reemergent Confederate States of America, as existed until the 20th century
Likelihood #1. Free City States – as used to be Venezia or Königsberg
Likelihood #2. Cities retaken by the preminent state populations, Liberal Globalists fleeing to those Blue State Metropolis Confederacies that have preserved what they consider their community druthers.
Florida will divide, as well.
Concerning Washington D.C., it is a Black town, as much as are Trenton and Newark New Jersey.
How that plays out is unclear to me.
Also, let me add that I do not think that Pennsylvania Rednecks will continue to suffer the rot in Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania, as you previously pointed out, has a lot in common with Southern states.
It just might be that Pennsylvania becomes the northernmost Red/Confederate Southern State – joining central and Western Maryland and West Virginia, geographically speaking.
One last thing, Dear John – if you want to think of West Virginia as, ‘not quite Southern’, that’s fine by me.
In The South each state has it’s personality, which is why North Carolinians traditionally refer to ourselves as ‘a valley of humility in between two mountains of conceit!
And, yes, West Virginia is a kind of Appalachia Southern, that is much more akin to Kentucky than it is to Virginia or North Carolina, the latter the child of the former.
Do you want to know why West Virginia is Southern to me?
Let’s quote FBI officer Strzok, in saying, ‘it smells Southern’. Moreover, it’s a very friendly and family oriented placed that if it has a certain kind of Southern attitude towards the brains, and all related activities, it sees that as a vehicle for inebriation, rather than plumbing the depths of poems by John Dryden,m plays by William Congreve, or piano pieces by Samuel Wesley.
Another sign of Southernness of West Virginia – folks most often get to rollin’ around in the hay, without much thought as to birth control, so, there are a lot of beloved bastards in that state.
Another sign of Southernerness for West Virginia – not so quiet desperation.
West Virginians, if not addicts, are hard-working honourable community oriented folks who would give you the shirt off their back.
All in all, I think there is a lot to like about the Mountaineer State, but, I do not think it would be a state for you, unless you were just taking photos of it’s lovely scenic beauty and just passin’ through.
“a valley of humility in between two mountains of conceit”
I haven’t heard that one, Ivan, but I probably shouldn’t be surprised by it. I’ve long thought tension between Virginia and South Carolina played a large part in the formation of the Confederacy. I’m not sure the secession would have played out as it did play out, if Virginia hadn’t felt a need to hold off a sort of challenge from South Carolina, for preeminence among the slave states.
That’s an interesting set of traits you list, in support of the notion that West Virginia is Southern. I’m sure I couldn’t say why the state strikes me as not quite Southern. Years ago, when I first saw—what is it?—“The Night of the Hunter,” with Robert Mitchum, I was thinking, “Is this the South?” There was, indeed, something Southern about the setting—but not quite, not to my mind, anyway. Later, I learned the story was set in West Virginia or was at least inspired by events that had taken place in West Virginia.
Anyway, thanks for your detailed reply. Instructional, as always.
As always, Dear John, your repartee is excellent.
Yes, ‘Night of The Hunter’ was an fine film.
Certainly I like Robert Mitchum, as a man’s man – something we see little of today. Nonetheless, my favourte acrtess was D. W. Griffith’s great lead – Miss Lillian Gish.
I particularly love her in ‘Way Down East’, and ‘Birth of a Nation’. Her ability to project what is pure, touching, sweet, and vulnerable in the White Heroine is inspiring.
Yes, South Carolina and Virginia are seminal in the South, though, as time has gone by, I would add Alabama and Mississippi to that list. In fact, because they have had, until recently, less alien immigration, I think they are now preeminent, which is why, I do not doubt, that President Biden recently declined to send space command to Alabama.
He knows more than he lets on, and more than he would like to admit to himself, about what is what and what is coming.
North Carolina always has been a schizophremic state – no better case to demonstrate that than the Yankee General who won the horrific battle of Chickamaugua, only, Thomas was NOT a Yankee, but, a Tarheel scalawag!
As to your inability to itemize your impression of West Virginia as not a Southern State, that’s fine. One may have a clear auric impression of something, without it being able to articulate itself in the cognitive analyltical mind.
Such an occurence happens to me all the time.
Yet, auric impressions are not only NOT to be discounted, they, I would submit, are even more important than ‘factual’ impressions.
But, then – that’s the supersticious Southerner in me!
All the best, My Friend!
I know what you mean about Lillian Gish, Ivan.
All the best in return.
The only thing that will be dissolved are those the Feds imagine to be a threat to the Union.
Yes, so long as they have the troops, weapons and cash.
The Union will be dissolved, but not by us. Certainly not by lunatics like that Mormon in Utah who very specifically threatened to murder POTUS and any FBI agents that came to his door.
Everyone stay calm. World War 3 has already begun. ZOG will lose this one. We probably will be ruled by foreigners for a time afterwards, but that is good. Anything is better than being ruled by these genocidal Jews.
If the Chinese want the western part of ZOG afterwards, we should work with them. They will want a lot of that farmland, with the Coast. We should support that. So long as we get the Southland. The Southland. Nothing else matters.
The Union will be dissolved, but not by us.
Only by internal stresses .
You’re an idiot if you have no problem ceding millions of acres of American farmland to the Chinese.
He is a Southern Nationalist. They for the most point don’t give a shit about other European Whites, except those they refer to as “founding stock” in the region once known as the CSA. The rest of us e damned.
Forwarned is forearmed.
Off topic, Cernokitsch is a “classic liberal” by admission er cough* grifter and Pozo was “formerly” in naval intelligence and is totally not sheep dipped.
He;s playing a concert Sunday in NC. At a farmer’s market for free. Check his twitter.
The song is an expression of futile frustration.
I would be really impressed if the guy could sing, or at least carry a tune.
Remember the twins whose mother was some sort of a Nazi diva? The twins couldn’t sing, and ended up working for the ADL or SPLC as I recall. LOL.
I don’t ask for much, Jimmy Rogers, the singing brakeman of Alabama was the best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X71PbgpUqwc
I enjoy the song. It has a defiance and despair that is appealing, if such a term can be used. Recalls a song “I’m an Old Rebel” from the reconstruction era, where the singer refuses to pledge loyalty.
As for New England Free Speech, I’m 71, from Missouri, and haven’t lived in the South, but all the southerners I’ve met have been friendly, good people. Especially in the army, but when I’ve gone south, people are always helpful and cheerful. Having lived in Boston seven years, I did find some people like that, but also a lot a Aholes. Just people who’d soon step over you if you fell down. A congressional staffer I met in D.C. described easterners as “wooden.”
As for disliking outsiders, I read James Kunstler’s Home From Nowhere, describing small-town urban redevelopment. A man from outside the town offered to restore an old railway station for re-use and reconstruct the local street to make it attractive. A local guy simply wants to whack it down and build yet another mall outside town. The volunteer firemen formed a clique opposed to ANY kind of urban change, and the fire chief was blunt in his dislike of the man offering to restore the buildings: “He doesn’t like the man because he IS NOT ONE OF US. The chief and his firemen didn’t really oppose redevelopment, but would like to pass a zoning law saying IF YOU’RE FROM HERE, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, BUT IF YOU’RE NOT FROM HERE, GET THE HELL OUT OF TOWN.”
The man gave up and withdrew his plan.
So, there is a mean spirited provincialism anywhere and everywhere.
I can see some of it, especially when urbanites move in and immediately want Starbuck’s, four lane roads, more electricity for their Wi-fi, etc., but I also understand what Marx meant by rural idiocy, having grown up in a small town.
The trick is combining local control with a kind of vibrancy, and not just sink into a fortress mentality.
Oliver Anthony strikes a chord in that those North of Richmond jerks control the country.
We need more than word to change that, but Anthony’s song is a good start.
“Especially in the army ….”
I don’t know about that, dargason. I’ll repeat something I mentioned here, at Occidental Dissent, long ago. While talking with an elder, a relative by marriage, years ago, I mentioned that I’d heard, on a TV documentary, that Southerners had long thrived in the U.S. Army. This particular relative had been drafted during Korea, where he’d seen combat, and was in the reserves for a long time afterward. He was of German, Midwestern stock—Lutheran, I guess—though he’d been a resident of the Philadelphia area since his youth.
I can still recall how his eyes narrowed, upon his hearing my remark. “I met plenty of them,” he said, referring to the Southerners he’d met during his Army stint, “and every one of them had a chip on his shoulder.”
John: just not my experience, but I was in during the 70’s, and maybe they mellowed by then. I knew sergeants, officers, WACs, guys in training, and I just have pleasant memories.
I was in Nashville last march, and, as always, people were very nice and kind. some clerk were unhelpful…but they all had moved in from somewhere else. I did know one man from North Carolina who kind of jerked me around at my job, but he did it with a smile, and now hard feelings.
I hear you, dargason. It’s an interesting subject.
Persons whom I know and who’ve visited Nashville from around this Philadelphia area seem to have had a pleasant experience like yours. One of them, as I mentioned here, at Occidental Dissent, some time ago, informed me that there’s considerable interest in country music there.
Just another cuckservative Astroturf gay op.
I didn’t want to comment on all this because Oliver Anthony seems like a genuinely great guy, but Matt Walsh’s sanctimonious word vomit forced my hand.
There was nothing authentic about this song’s rise to popularity.
Jason Howerton seems to be the key player involved in the astroturfing campaign.
He’s the CEO of Reach Digital, which helps “media companies and political influencers grow their social media footprint exponentially.”
Jason was one of the first accounts heavily promoting this song as he provided a background on Oliver Anthony and his faith.
Jason indicates that Oliver Anthony had been contacted to record the song. Jason also admits he even covered the cost to produce the record.
So who wrote the song? And how did so many big right wing-accounts have the video ready to post simultaneously?
You can like the song, and like it’s message without gaslighting us into believing this was an authentic viral hit by a simple country man with a mic and a guitar.
“Launch a product, get over 1.3 million hits” overnight was the article Mr. Howerton shared on LinkedIn.
This was another Conservative Inc AstroTurf campaign.
Yee haw!!!
>astroturfing campaign
A thought I would like too share, west Virginia where it border’s KENTUCKY and Virginia nearly identical terrain, culture and economy, west Virginia, had much more out side influence, west Virginia, had many, many immigrants that came and worked in the mining industry, much more of a federal presence, northern west Virginia, basically Midwestern, Ohio river valley, in culture and economy, every area of this country has it’s attributes, positive and negative……..
“…You’ve got a chip on your shoulder…”
Well yes. I don’t like most Yankees. I don’t like their insufferable attitude.
“…I won’t engage with trolling…”
So you complain about Southerners attitudes and I do the same about yankees and, it’s trolling. No it’s,
“…The truth hurts…”
I have known many yankees that moved to the south that were not insufferable and knew exactly what I was talking about. And while it may be better for you to be here it’s not all together clear that we are better off for having someone who thinks like you. This pharse you used,
“…It’s much more developed…”
Says a lot more about you than you think it does. That you move to the south and comment on what is generally a pro-southern site negatives about southerners…that you don’t see that as abrasive shows that you have brought your attitudes with you. I point this out because apparently you don’t know that it’s abrasive or you don’t care. Neither are considered commendable qualities. You can perfectly well fit in to yankee land so instead of complaining why don’t you go back there? Why don’t or didn’t you fix where you came from instead of coming here and “improving” the south? You did such a fine job in the north. That people complain about your behavior should be expected by you, but apparently your inbreed feelings of superiority don’t allow you to think objectively.
Make me king for a day, and I would mass produce high rise apartments in the north and ship all the blacks there. Every one I possibly could. Then we could go north on vacation and tell you yankees about how you are “undeveloped”. A large part of the problems of the US stem from yankees and now after you’ve soiled one area you come here and tell us how to live and what to do. You say it’s your neighbors but it’s just as likely they treat you as they do because of your attitude towards them. They know it and wish you would go away.
We northerner’s all have about southerner’s as vulgar, stupid, illiterate and inbred………… Yes, yes, we are and I am the very worst someone, I shall be the JUDAS GOAT for my people, hurl your insult’s, dox me, cancel me, shake your pitch fork’s at me, while making mean faces at me,…………but on a serious note, from what I know and have seen, SOUTHERN people, really don’t give a second thought about out of town people, till they come too down behaving rudely, with that typical obtuse look on their face………… If their was a site, for northern people, to go toot their horn, I wouldn’t dream of going on there, too provoke and insult northern people, what for, just a real ignorant way too be……..
I feel like including comments from Andrew Anglin in his Aug. 16 Daily Stormer:
“So, when I heard Oliver Anthony’s song, I was sort of like ‘ehhhh, okay, whatever.’ It was very obviously being astroturfed as part of this ‘conservative populist’ program. This program, which is being pushed by various hidden hands, and is best represented by Tucker Carlson, has strong elements of communism in it, actually, which definitely come through in the song…The issue I have with the whole thing is that these people are using this ‘class war’ language not because they actually want to strip billionaires of their wealth, but because they are sidestepping using the word ‘white.’ Many of them also don’t really feel comfortable using the term ‘Christian.’
“…It would be much better if it was about immigrants, black people, and Jews….He seems like a nice enough commie, and he’s talking about Jesus and reading the Bible. So, okay. This is not in direct opposition to my interests, even if that slimy shitbag Jew-lover and race traitor Matt Walsh is falsely claiming that the song is somewhat organic.”
Its not because these guys are rich, its because they are a bunch of petty, self absorbed assholes, who have grabbed everything they can grab. They have shut down every manufacturing job they could, they’ve sent out corporate shills to tell the rest of us that ‘free’ trade is good for everybody. They’ve flooded the country with cheap labor so they can hire servants cheap. They’ve let the war on drugs go on to the point to where it’s going to take the military shooting pushers on sight to put a dent in it.
They’ve contributed nothing to society, now they propose to pass moral judgement on the rest of us. They have promoted ‘pride’ nights, which are organized perversion and blasphemy. They’ve allowed grown men to compete in girl’s sports, a man is a girl because he says he is. This is not only an attack on Christianity and human decency, but even on reason and logic itself.