In case you missed the memo: Lawyers are not allowed to "zealously represent" those that have been declared public enemies.
— Augustus Invictus (@EmperorInvictus) August 29, 2023
Even providing legal advice – God forbid taking legal action – on behalf of such an enemy of the state will land the lawyer in jail right alongside them. https://t.co/JY1Bo7LrmL
David Frum has essentially restated my argument.
If Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is used to remove Trump from the ballot in the 2024 election, it won’t stop there. It will be used against everyone who supported “the insurrection” on January 6. Imagine how broadly giving “aid and comfort” to Trump challenging the 2020 election can be interpreted.
The Fourteenth Amendment won’t save us from Donald Trump.Eminent jurists are promising that it will. They argue that language in the Fourteenth Amendment, adopted after the Civil War, should debar the coup-plotting ex-president from appearing on a ballot for any office ever again. Their learning is undisputed. Their judgment is another story. The project to disqualify Trump from running for president is misguided and dangerous. It won’t work. If it somehow could work, it would create problems worse even than Americans already face. In an ideal world, Trump’s fellow Republicans would handle this matter by repudiating his crimes and rejecting his candidacy for their presidential nomination. Failing that—and it certainly seems as if that hope is failing—opponents of Trump must dig deep and beat him at the polls one more time. There is no cheat code to win this game. …
In that case, the use of the section to debar candidates would not stop at Trump. It would become a dangerously convenient tool of partisan politics. …
First, the section does not apply only to candidates for president—it does not even mention the president. It mentions senators, House members, electors, and civil and military officers of the United States or any state. The section appears to apply to the presidency only as part of that final catchall category. …
But only kind of reelected. How in the world are Republicans likely to react to such an outcome? Will any of them regard such a victory as legitimate? The rage and chaos that would follow are beyond imagining. …
Rarely do legal scholars compel government officials to embark on an unprecedented and hugely consequential course of action, but that is precisely what William Baude and Michael Stokes Paulsen, authors of a law review article regarding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, and the intellectual powerhouse duo of former judge J. Michael Luttig and Laurence H. Tribe have done.
In a remarkably short time, they have driven home the implications of Section 3: that all officials with a role in the presidential election process must consider disqualifying former president Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot if they find he “either ‘engaged in insurrection or rebellion’ against the Constitution or gave ‘aid and comfort to the enemies’ of that Constitution.”
Secretaries of state certainly have heard them loud and clear. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D), appearing on MSNBC (where I am a contributor), “emphasized her plan to consider the issue exclusively based on applicable law, without partisan considerations, expressing concern that this issue could become weaponized in future elections,” as legal scholar Edward B. Foley noted. Benson also indicated she would be conferring with secretaries of state in Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. But she smartly recognized that whatever she and other secretaries decide, the issue will undoubtedly travel to the Supreme Court for a final determination. …
Take a step back.
Look at the overall pattern.
Democracy Defenders are spiraling toward ever more extreme measures to “stop Trump.” Republican voters are radicalizing and losing faith in elections and the justice system.
Just a few years ago, I was assured by people like David Frum that civic nationalism was sufficient to hold this country together. Americans might not share a common race, ethnicity, religion, culture or history (the things that normally hold together nations), but that doesn’t matter because we are united by the American Creed. Belief in our system of government and civic institutions is sufficient to hold America together. We are an exceptional nation or something. We need to export this model abroad.
The truth is, we are now deep in a crisis era. The political atmosphere is feverish. Political actors are making the most extreme moves without giving any thought to the consequences. The public is being radicalized. Norms are rapidly dissolving. The civic order is now in a complete meltdown.
Note: This video is a reminder of how much time has passed. I was 22 at the time.
When people have money, they can ignore all these problems. The only thing keeping America afloat was the dream that anyone could be middle class. What’s going to do America in is that younger Whites don’t have the ability to rely on financial security to still feel like the country is going in the right direction.
Basically Boomers pushed trickle down economics and got their way – now they’re not working and so the American dream is dead.
But Trump is just the last bastion of Boomer reaction while Biden represents the thing that Trump is reacting to. The younger generation taking power is our real hope – but the solutions will be left wing, not right wing.
At the current moment left wing solutions are only possible solutions
You can not have good things with bad people. It means massive nationalisation is absolutely unavoidable. We can scream private property and capitalism but when entire economy is owned by Jews and communists, then massive confiscation is only solution.
Without confiscation we can not have even Neatherthal lifestyle. We can’t live in the caves and forage because caves and land belongs to the Bill Gates and his leftist buddies.
” The solutions will be left wing, not right wing” Well my man, you will never have too concern yourself with military service, for the SOUTHERN REPUBLIC…….
This is how Trump genius and stategic retreat worked out.
Similar to Napoleon in Moscow, walking back to safety and normality is impossible.
Jews measuring time in decades or even centuries. They should have done what they always did. In stormy weather, lay low and prepare for next step so you can make comeback stronger than before.
But The Donald smoked them out and now there is panic like Napoleon when he understood that he is trapped.
What I find interesting about this clip is Ramaswamy’s more or less Aryan appearance. Obviously, his coloring is not Aryan, but his frat-boy build and carriage—yes, very interesting. I’ve noticed this before in a man from—oh, what would you call it? “South Asia,” these days, “The Indian sub-continent” maybe, before World War II? It makes one wonder—or at least, has made me wonder—what happens when different phenotypes mate and produce offspring, if I may put it zoologically.
“what happens when different phenotypes mate and produce offspring”
That would take some very deep analytic statistics. Even more complex is the recessive traits that will manifest in 3,4 or 5 generations out.
Hell, we can’t even get medicine and the scientic community to acknowledge the traits of the primary races, much less hybrids.
In some indians and pakis we can sure see the Aryan traits, both physically and mentally.
Perhaps both the left and the right will continue to radicalize.
Things only got more radical after the progressive era (1896-1917) following the gilded age (1877-1896), Soviet Socialists came to power in 1917, Italian Fascists in 1922, the Nazis in 1933 and Social Democrats in 1924 and 1933, in the UK and US respectively.
Anarchists nearly toppled the Spanish government in 1936.
Warren G Harding’s “Per Centum Act of 1921, signed by Harding on May 19, 1921, reduced the numbers of immigrants to 3 percent of a country’s represented population based on the 1910 Census. The act, which had been vetoed by President Wilson in the previous Congress, also allowed unauthorized immigrants to be deported”.
Fascism and Nazism were mixed economies, encompassing socialism, capitalism and corporatism.
I think if the right wants to remain economically viable for millennials and Z it will have to do 2 things, abandon neoliberalism for protectionism, and some socialism.
The right can adopt some socialism without necessarily becoming fascist, see paternalistic conservatism.
I mean the right accepted social democracy before Thatcher, Reagan and Mulroney came along.
Trumpism is a bit of a step in that direction, away from neoliberalism towards protectionism.
The right will have to offer a lot more protectionism by radically reducing immigration, offshoring, outsourcing and accept some socialism.
Foreigners shouldn’t be able to buy domestic land and housing inflating prices.
The neoliberal gilded age is coming to a close, but the left and rightwing establishment want to hang onto it for as long as they can because they, being the establishment, the upper 1%, profited from it, working people did not.
But eventually people will give up on the right if they don’t change with the times.
@Karl Logan,
Screw “paternalistic conservatism!” Fascism works. It’s been tested in battle against internationalist jewish movements and won,
Demographics aren’t on our side to play “kick the can” with compassionate conservatism. We are in an existential crisis as a race worldwide.
Our future will need hard men with the intestinal fortitude and resolve to walk through Hell and take no prisoners to make the Holy 14 Words a reality in the latter half of the Twenty-First century and beyond. Any other fate is racial suicide.
The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are the New England Reconstruction Era Amendments that, passed without most White Southern representatives in Congress, were designed to punish and marginalize The South.
Of course, they can be dusted off and used against anybody, at anytime, beyond their normal use, that which is replacing White America with some other America.
Or they can be nullified, and rescinded. either in a White America, or a Southern Ethnostate. Don’t matter to me…. but they MUST BE REMOVED, as well as making 3/5ths humans…. well, HUMAN. (they aren’t)
What a commentary on the state of the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire’s future. The “Rev.” Al (as much a “Reverend” as my dog) and two wogs who should be sweeping streets in Bombay are at the center of political attention, at least for another fifteen minutes. The idiots running the GloboHomo Shopping Mall Empire act as though they still have infinite reserves of real money, public goodwill, military power, industrial capacity, social capital, etc. as though this is still the USA ca. 1960. They can have negroes run amok, put wogs in charge, let gooks control high tech while giving the finger to Whites who still hold this shabby, corrupt Empire together, without wrecking things.
The USA is now like an old, huge, oak tree that has seems to have been around forever. It has withstood drought, floods, freezing, heat, termites, blizzards; everything and still it stands. Then one day a mild storm blows in and topples the tree revealing that it was rotten from the inside out, nothing could be done about it.
The “Rev.” Al, the wogs, the Third World shitbums pouring in to the country, the corrupt, degenerate oligarchs like Epstein, the traitors inside the wire like Dementia Joe, The Usual Suspects, businessmen, et al. have rotted the country from the inside out. The next storm such as China invading Taiwan or another war in the Near East for Our Greatest Ally that cuts off oil or a reprise of 2008 will topple the whole rotten edifice. The future is politically Left because of the demographic changes since 1965 (pre-baby boom) but there is no more money capital or social capital left to spend, it’s all gone, they will inherit the wind.
They have got Trump by the balls and he is probably going to end up in jail for the rest of his natural life or at the very least under strict house arrest forever. Spencer was right about the right and Trump, the right and especially Trump always lose. There is no way moderates are going to vote for Trump under arrest and there is no way he is walking free from all 4 of these indictments.
Trump is done. Stick a fork in him. He made too many enemies and engaged in behavior that hinted at criminality enough to get him booked. The New World Order can only be subverted from within, any direct challenge to the NWO is met with overwhelming force.
@New England…
You may be right, you may not be
The NWO has limits, and though it has tried to crush Trump, Putin, and Orban numerous times, it has only been met with varying shades of failure.
You are overestimating The Enemies of Man, based on a time when they controlled the media.
Their control has largely waned, as is their time..
As to Independents not voting for Trump in jail : the polls show solid support for Trump, in or out of jail.
In any case, we’ll find out, as will President Trump’s foes.
” act as though they still have infinite reserves of…..”
WHITE chumps.
WHITES have been suckers for centuries, why shouldn’t it continue forever?
Elites have no realistic idea of how things get done,
they think jose can keep their plane flying just like bob did.
Recent article in NYT, “Economists are surprised by a recent drop in productivity”
“I was assured by people like David Frum that civic nationalism was sufficient to hold this country together”
They believe their own hallucinations.
It is not the “American creed” that is keeping us together. It is a common economic system. Let the power grid go down for a few days nationwide and you will see just how “united” the United States is. No way could America endure a nuclear attack. It would collapse the first few days if not the first bomb!
There is a point at which Right Populism and Left Populism are in common accord and meet as one. I listen to Caitlin Johnstone (Australian) and Clare Daly (Member of Parlaiment, Ireland.) I am on the same page when they talk about the war in Ukraine or corporate America! Give them a listen. Both are considered radical leftists by the system.
With the Fourteenth Amendment, you might as well not have any other amendments.
It is a bottomless pit of fork-tongued, doubled mouthed, Janus-faced meaninglessness.
A Rorschach that allows vicious liberalism to see in it anything that serves its ends and nothing that doesn’t.