You did a good job, Joe. https://t.co/t3E14fO24p
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 21, 2024
There it is.
FLIP FLOP FUENTES says he is NOT voting for Trump! This comes after days ago, acting like he would take a bullet for Trump. https://t.co/p0ksZy1qBo pic.twitter.com/oZaX2hNrlo
— Bean World (@Beansoy_World) July 19, 2024
Definitely Trump
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) July 19, 2024
The combined political instincts and judgment of Spencer, Fuentes and Jordan Cooper do not lie pic.twitter.com/wzOftD6dOA
As you have probably noticed, I have become significantly less politically active since Joe Biden has been president. I just don’t have as much time to keep up with rightwing dissident politics as I used to when Trump was president. I have a larger family now. I spend all my time working.
The Joe Biden presidency has sucked. We quit having fun a long time ago. I don’t feel like getting up every day to write about every senior citizen moment or record shattering month of illegal immigration. I can easily keep up with the news cycle on X and fire off a few tweets or two at work. In 2016, I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave that lifted Trump into the White House and I was blackpilled in 2020 about how our hopes came crashing down in the wake of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
In 2024, I have a different perspective on both Donald Trump and the Alt-Right. Whether it is Richard Spencer claiming that Joe Biden has been the best president of his lifetime or telling Elle Reeve in her memoir that he is the kind of guy who would have crucified Jesus Christ, I look back on those years in genuine disbelief that I ever took a lot of these people seriously. I have never been involved in the America First movement that absorbed the remnants of the Alt-Right, but I have watched Nick Fuentes do things like burn bridges with every member of Congress who ever gave him the time of day and work with MILO on Kanye West’s disastrous presidential campaign. Time and again, I have come away with the impression that these people are unserious and have the political judgment of a cantaloupe.
Do you remember the time when we went streaking through Charlottesville with Matt Heimbach dressed in a stahlhelm and an outfit from Rural King to hear a speech about Nietzsche from Richard Spencer? In retrospect, it was a fever dream. We weren’t thinking clearly. I’m not saying that to knock anyone. I was there too. I even brought my wife with me to that event. I now look back on Charlottesville and see that as less Trump’s fault than our own poor decisions. It was a bullet we could have easily dodged.
I’m not blackpilled anymore about the demise of the Alt-Right. I now believe that it couldn’t have ended in any other way due to the delusional thinking and self-sabotaging behavior of so many of the people who were involved in it. Donald Trump never pretended to be Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Instead, some people who projected their own fantasies on Trump and MAGA became bitterly disappointed when he turned out to be just the man he presented himself to be and not the meme they fell in love with. He has always presented himself, for example, as a pro-Israel Zionist who is hostile to Iran. He always said that he was going to cut taxes. He never claimed to be interested in White Nationalism.
There are a lot of people with “hot takes” on the internet. In weighing how to proceed in the 2024 election, I now give greater weight to voices who haven’t brought disasters down on themselves and their associates, to those who have been successful at mainstreaming a nationalist and populist message in American politics and to those who have built something. Those people tend to be supporting Trump while those who are loudly against Trump have been successful at marginalizing themselves.
Once again, I am not shilling for Trump. I am not telling you how or whether to vote. I am only sharing my own thoughts for future reference. In my view, the fact that Fuentes and Spencer are united in opposing Trump in 2024 is a strong point in his favor. I am inclined to go in the opposite direction. I am not going to listen to people who would rather be drawing swastikas in a restroom with Ye in a gimp mask.
I generally use the lesser evil principle when I vote, and don’t pay much attention to platform details. So I usually vote Republican, even though I despise most of them. Trump is less evil than any modern Democrat, so I will vote for him. I had hoped RFK, Jr., would be his father, or even his uncle, but he isn’t.
The only good reason to support Trump is accelerationism. He essentially makes America look worse. He’s a position switcher who supported the Iraq War and Libya intervention on foreign policy before he ran and hostile to Iran and pro-Zionist. On immigration, he killed a bill just so he could use it to get elected. Only as a mockery vote would I entertain voting for Trump, but I’ll write in Jill Stein.
Well, it’s Trump versus Harris now, so we may have acceleration either way. Unhinged leftists going off on one hand, or Whites finally realizing they’ve lost the country on the other. This country is truly a clown show, albeit a very dangerous one.
Brad, as I’ve said several times here, Charlottesville in my opinion was partially a mistake not in principle (i.e., defending the monuments) but in form, in the sense that it gave the opponents an opportunity to set in motion a persecution.
Regarding Spencer, he is ridiculous, always saying the opposite of what others say. The curious thing is that on his substack he continues to hang out and do podcasts with dissident or “far right” right-wing figures like Academic Agent, Albert Barbarossa, Gariépy, Uberboyo and others…..
He presents himself as an “intellectual” close to the liberals but continues to have the same basic ideas he had in 2008/ 2010/2016 when he led the alt right.
He presents himself as an “intellectual” …. pretentious stuffed shirt.
What may change America is de-dollarization, which is happening, albeit incrementally.
Once it gets to the point where the empire, and the people feel it strongly, America may be forced in a new direction.
The resources simply will no longer be available to do much of what the empire wants to do, consequently it will have to vastly recede/scale back.
But apart from that, doesn’t really matter what clowns get elected every 2 and 4 years.
Both Trump and Biden make America look bad in different ways, which’s good, whatever hurts the empire is good.
Trump because he’s an ahole jerk off, and a womanizer like RFJ Jr, and Biden because he’s a demented kid-sniffer.
You know Biden’s not running the show, so makes people wonder, well who’s running it then?
It gets them asking questions.
Both Trump, Biden and RFK are bald-faced liars, but that’s par for the course.
> Whatever hurts the empire is good.
Amen. Absolutely true.
> Whatever hurts the empire is good.
Yeh, but I don’t wanna get crushed when the elephant rolls over.
Or any innocent people.
I get supporting the Trump supporters, but not supporting Trump himself. His supporters have good intentions, but Trump is just a phony. I think his critics from the mainstream reinforce this by arguing that he’s a threat to Democracy, when he’s really not a threat to anyone.
“I get supporting the Trump supporters”
That’s exactly what the Jews hate about Trump, his supporters.
” I now look back on Charlottesville ”
You were innocent’s stepping into a snare.
Kessler was instrumental in setting that snare.
“FUENTES says he is NOT voting for Trump! ”
Fuentes flops around like a fish on dry land.
Spencer is also erratic.
I want someone who can ground their ideas on rock solid facts and resolutely sticks to those facts, like David Duke , Cantwell, Linder. Not someone who changes with every breeze.
In half his moods, he wants to lobby the government and have congressmen speak at his events. In the other half, he wants to praise Hitler and slum around with incels. He has been for and against optics. Lately, he seems to be even more unserious than usual
The Latino Gay Grand Inquisitor is like most Papists, serious about one thing: Money and power. He is serious about forming a Papist neo-SS Cult, whose members swear personal fealty to him just like Hitler. He indeed formed it and has all new AFPAC members sign a loyalty oath to him with additional personal oaths to him. No joke.
He is serious about money. He has misappropriated huge sums of money inn his movement, including the recent one where he pocketed all of the AFPAC funds and bought himself a new studio and car and various toys. This after he didn’t tell ticket holders the event was cancelled but pretended it was ongoing, broke into the venue, set up his equipment, and then feigned victimhood when the police were called in for his criminal trespass. Right now, he is wandering around clown car style because all the Congressmen have denounced him and fired all Anal First associated staffers, Trump has denounced the Papist coup det etat promoted by Papist controlled Heritage, and Fuentes can’t grift like he did before. The Gay Latino is serious about one, Numero Uno.
I’m sure his FBI handlers appreciate his work. They have an endless supply of fake money to pay him with so that part’s covered. I seriously doubt they’d let him acquire any serious power though like a paramilitary unit. The Austrian painter actually saw combat in the nasty trenches of WW I, in stark contrast to the Poofter Inquisitor.
It’s not as if AFPAC has handlers for all but 7 members of congress, in contrast to a certain organization who you spend your time here telling us has no power at all.
“It’s not as if AFPAC has handlers for all but 7 members of congress, in contrast to a certain organization who you spend your time here telling us has no power at all.”
Oh give it up. I never deny AIPAC has any influence. But its surpassed by the combined interest of Popish power from La Cosa Nostra, to Cartels, to Unions, to Ecclesiastical. In combination, the Papists easily overpower AIPAC. Not even AIPAC manages to have a Papal Legat from the Vatican chair the entire Diplomatic corps in DC, whilst organizing domestic Papist charitable, social welfare, non-government, etc organizations into single lobby campaigns.
In this Popish army inside DC, which also includes a huge chunk of the Administrative State, the Gay Grand Inquisitor is just one of the sergeants at best. Thanks to our efforts, his power has been diminished as we’ve mostly purged his agent Hill Rats handling Congressman in DC. So overall his influence is being further marginalized.
However, his little band of saboteurs poses a greater threat to the cohesion of our rather small skirmishes of rightwing Patriots than the further behind tank formation of AIPAC. In this he and others like him are a greater threat. This is especially so for the future because his role has been to seize the youth faction of the movement, place it under Papist control, and divert if not disrupt the movement in general.
In fact, he has been singularly responsible for coopting the groyper movement into his cult, destroyed planned tours for old rightwing leaders, even helped to ruin VDare’s last chance for survival, and obliterated international coalition with Nationalists overseas. In this he has been more successful than anything Antifa or the SPLC has done to us. May Nick, and especially his handler, rot in hell.
Papist neo-$$ cult/a Tom Brokaw wannabe …
“slum around with incels”…..incels?
I sus dem Boyz got it goin on.
Sometime in the 2000’s I became aware of the “channers” and soon also read some definitions of phrases I had started seeing used online by a subset of these people. A very distinct memory I still have today, some 15 years later, is of reading an explication of the meaning and general attitude that was conveyed by a single “word” one was seeing a lot at the time.
That was the made-up lingo “lulz,” as in “We did it for the lulz.”
For some time, observing the apparent self-destruction and stupid shit some of these young guys such as you specifically name and being bewildered by such apparent insanity, it has struck me that maybe instead this is all just them doing it for the lulz.
“maybe instead this is all just them doing it for the lulz.”
An adolescent/narcissistic lark?
That’s crossed my mind , more than once
Always do the opposite of what jews and Dickie Spencer say.
Kind of droll, dredging up the names of all those fags, as if anyone cares in 2024. Now that ‘Biden’ is out (i.e. the actors playing Biden), I can just say, everyone should have listened to Trump. He said plainly that ‘Biden’ would not be his opponent.
It was never feasible to run four more years with body doubles, and I am sure they never even considered it. It is only on account that the right is brain dead that they got away with it since summer of 2020.
As Tucker said the other day, even a dead guy could be elected. He knows the deal, but is not allowed to say it plainly. No one is
The idiocracy elected a dead-guy as senator from Missouri some years back and his wife assumed the seat. I’m waiting for the first fully official Zombie-Murikan presidente (even if Joe Biden was actually the first). It will be interesting to see how fast he croaks after Jan. 25, or maybe even before in order to give Heels-up the sympathy vote.
I, too, am a man who’d have put Christ on the cross.
…it’s one of the reasons why His forgiveness and love hit as hard as they do.
I know it sounds grandiose and it’ll be unwelcome to the would-be savvy smartmanistan denizens of Dissident Right talking-head circles, all of whom are government-schooled materialists, but the polarizing spectacle of American presidential politics is about far more than individual actors-on-stage or their vapid policy positions. Rather, it’s about moving the spirit of the populace. It’s spiritual warfare. “Overton window” stuff.
Trump did more in that direction than any of the rest of us combined. The healthier we get as a nation, the more our moral immune system will work out all the cronyism and bankster “elite” nonsense. Spiritual holistic healing is what Trump propaganda might inadvertently provide for us as a nation.
That’s actually a pretty good point. November linked to an interesting substack article a couple of threads back that described Trump as a kind of mythical figure whose myth is actually far more important than the reality. Very similar point. Yes his administration was a total failure, but he did move that window which took the criminal elite so long to construct with their “Mighty Wurlitzer”. Fewer people believe them now than before, and they’re losing viewers every day.
Excellent point and explanation. It is indeed spiritual warfare of a kind, or more appropriately psychological warfare. What we do need is true spiritual warfare, of a kind made by a religious movement, the kind like those led by Protestant Patriots against tyrannical Kings in England which later became politically personified with Oliver Cromwell, or the kind like in the US which later became politically personified with George Washington.
Note, you don’t create spiritual movements for political ends. Rather as culture is upstream politics, religion is upstream culture, and spirituality is upstream religion, the political will flow from the spirit and be unstoppable.
For example, some of the earliest resistors to British authoritarianism were pastors, one of whom at a battle late in the war, was near his church. As the battle waged around him and ammo ran low, he tore up the hymnals to make wadding for bullets for the Patriots he fought nearby and got the soldiers to sing the hymns as they shot and fought.
Exalted Cyclops “;Trump as a kind of mythical figure ” maybe, I see him as a strong man, when you see DON JOHN TRUMP, you see the BOSS, CEO of the nation, EUROPE and AMERICA, both crave a STRONG MAN, to be led by ……
That’s part of the myth of course. It also goes along with the cult of personality. The term ‘cult of personality’ originated in the aftermath of Stalin to explain the widespread admiration of the Georgian gangsta in the USSR.
The difference here is that Trump is really just a wimpy puppet for the oligarchy who talks tough while Stalin was an actual badass who ruled like one of the pre-Romanov tsars (Ivan the Dread being the closest parallel). Unlike Trump, Stalin – despite having married a jewess – held the jews in his inner circle (including his brother-in-law Kaganovich) on a very tight leash. The jews who joined Trotsky ended up in ditches or fleeing the country. Contrast this with Trump’s endless fellation of his rat-faced son-in-law. Little doubt who’s running the show there. Trump and his wife are both exemplars of AGB’s favorite obsession: the dreaded ‘Papists’ (very nominal Catholics in both cases).
Read Grover Furr on Stalin, accurate.
“Trump and his wife are both exemplars of AGB’s favorite obsession: the dreaded ‘Papists’ (very nominal Catholics in both cases).”
What???? Trump is not a Papist. His father was a Protestant German-American, and his mother was a Scottish Highland Protestant, clan Macleod as I recall. Trump’s wife Melania appears to be the Papist.
Trump was raised a Presbyterian. Typical with Trump he didn’t take his beliefs very seriously and didn’t demand Melania convert. She in turn isn’t very principled either being one of the promoters of troons in the MAGA movement. Still she is a very elegant woman and would make a good Presbyterian like Donald.
I should note one of the Q-myths of Trump is something to do with being from the future or something. This seems to derive from the Immortals of the Highlander series, which features the Clan Macleod. As an associate of the Clan Macleod and long a Trump supporter I can’t say the myth isn’t true.
Hey Hunter,
I haven’t commented here in a coon’s age. I enjoyed this piece. Over the past few days I have been reflecting on the Alt-Right period of my life. As you wrote, it was a fever dream. The Alt-Right never had Trump’s ear, and Trump was never anywhere near WN ideology or Southern heritage. The Qtards cannot see what they are into to this day, and neither could we in the Alt-Right -until it all began to crumble post C-Ville.
” I have been reflecting on the Alt-Right period of my life. As you wrote, it was a fever dream. ”
Innocents going into the jungle.
Too naive for the real world.
Some ‘leaders/organizer’ of questionable loyalty.
Lambs following a Judas goat.
Joe, I would agree.
HW, this is one of the most important articles you’ve written, at least for me, in five or more years- Including the article about Elle Reeves and that book review- it was nothing short of revolutionary.
I guess I am that typical naïve “trust everybody but the Jews“ White American, the sum total of my parents and their generation’s child-like innocence- I.e., the thought that everyone was “nice“ and “fair.“
If the last 50 years have taught me nothing else, it is the utter validity of the Calvinistic doctrine of Total Depravity. All men are not as bad as they could be, but all men are as bad… As they are. And that’s pretty damn bad!
My flirting with the Alt-Right and the NJP, and Charles Bausman, came about because of a strong inner desire to see Right triumph over Jewish evil – which is why, I almost went to Charlottesville. In 2017 I lived within five hours of that event and would have probably been the only over-50 man with all of you young kids. But I wanted that “spirit of 76” to be there, in my naïveté. My soul was stirred within me when I saw the tiki torch pictures, and when I read the articles and books in the aftermath of all of this. I was wrong. And I now know this.
In my case, the optics did sway me. More than the inner validity of the ideology. I still think optics matter, but they must be coupled with orthodoxy at all times -to be true. As in the Church, so in the world. Which is why reductionistic atomistic protestant-schism is utterly useless. People who live in their heads all the time, have no heart – even for our Lord.
But at least, I am not one of those utterly useless [sic] “Christians” who think that a “rapture“ is going to make everything right. I guess we actually need Jesuit-like duplicity and Borgia-like Cabals, (in the right hands, of course) And being “wise as serpents and gentle as doves,” to purge this “hegemonic Jewish evil“ from this, and every land.
And that means that simple, naïve people like me can’t change the world -because I’m not evil enough to be that vicious, two faced, or lying without blushing in shame for the knowledge that I am lying.
The legacy of Karl Marx and the Bolsheviks has destroyed more civilization in the last 150 years, than in all past history, combined – except for, of course, Calvary.
While I still will disagree with you, I yet thank you for the levelheadedness that you exhibit in these articles of yours. Again, thank you.
If Nietzsche were alive today, would he be a shitlib like Richard Spencer?
Would he have gotten vaccinated, boosted, stayed home and ‘saved lives’?
Would he drive a tesla, shop at whole foods and wear a rainbow lapel?
Would he have one of those ‘In this house we believe…’ signs on his front lawn?
Would his pronouns be zee and zor or fei and fer?
Would he have also identified as a white nationalist for clicks and shares, only to abandon it when he discovered that the vast majority of white nationalists unsurprisingly held other traditional beliefs, values and were deplorably religious, rural and working class, and that such a movement was only destined to go down that direction if it ever took off?
If Nietzsche were alive today, who would he vote for?
He’d probably write in Napoleon, Genghis Kahn, or Genghis Nietzsche, something edgy like that.
Nietzsche was like the ultimate overeducated, underemployed, neckbearded edgelord hipster incel of his day.
> Nietzsche was like the ultimate overeducated, underemployed, neckbearded edgelord hipster incel of his day.
That’s very perceptive of you. As someone else noted –
> Never take advice from a man who died in a state of raving dementia after drinking his own urine for 11 years.
He went mad, tertiary syphilis.
Mindless contrarianism is one of the worst curses that widely manifests itself amongst “jew wise Aryan loyalists”
We see it w/Richard Spencer, nikki “i wunt catboi’s” fuentes, & we see it on display here
Orange Faggot is the Most Trustworthy Goy Distractor + Divider to have emerged in decades. He’s a self obsessed narcissist who backstabs his most loyal supporters every single time (note: that man Tim who runs the Daily Rake deserves credit for this description of the anti-white jew serving trump/orange faggot). Zion don has unleashed a form of jew tyranny that is – at least in the short term – worse than the george w bush or reagan trash from before b/c The Most Trustworthy Goy Divider trump is able to con many “jew wise pro whites” who delusionally believe trump is secretly Hitler. Trump has shown how telling the goyim what they desperately want to hear causes revolutionary energy to be diverted & perverted to shore up jew tyranny, all while causing massive infighting among the “jew wise” elements, which prevents them from organizing, which ensures jews remain on top
To trumptards, you do realize that ***the last*** major stage of the Jew playbook to genocide Goy-nation/s is to open up the gates & let the shitskins flood in?
We’re running out of time. And here you are, once again doing the “lesser of the evil’s” (aka consenting to judaic domination) bullshit which many of you swore in 2015/16 you’d never do again if the “trump gamble” blew up in our faces. Our great great great grandfathers practiced the same “lesser of the evil’s” defeatism & it led us here. If you cant even hold firm on a vow to stop actively embracing known jew puppets, how the hell are you going to secede & from the “yankee empire” & build some Confederate type country or whatever it is you want?
The enemy who deceives you into believing he’s /our guy/ is far more damaging than the enemy who openly represents himself as an enemy. Orange Faggot was/is a black hole that sucks all the (revolutionary) “oxygen” out of the room & transforms it into “Lady MAGA/M!GA” & the Great January 6 Betrayal by Orange Faggot. You think he really tried to grab the steering wheel in a desperate effort to make good on his vow to join his supporters at the capitol??? Are you really that gullible? Even if that were true, the fact remains he told them to go to the capitol & that he’d join them there, bailed on them, called in the zog mercenaries on them, denounced them as criminals on international tv, then pardoned a whole bunch of niggers & jew spies/criminals. Regardless of how bad the open unabashed anti white who’s also a servant of jews may be, if you support this piece of shit zioncon don, you deserve the worst of what’s coming.
You guys are knowingly joining the oily shifty eyed cretin donald trump junior who goes around boasting that “GOP Republican trannies are ‘hawter/sexier’ than Demonrat trannies.”
That faggot Don jr even went out his way to tell cuckservatives to call off the impotent anti budweiser (“bud lite”) boy-cott by claiming that the owners of fag-lite delight “have staunch conservative credentials” (ie promoting trannyism). He’s also the slimy river rat who went after Keith Woods (as i recall) in the aftermath of Hamas’s October 7 operation against israel
Talk about nauseating. But, whatever! “This time’ll totally be different for the better…” Yeah, right. You’re going in eyes wide open & you know what you’re doing, plus, gotta support the “lesser of the evils” which means the party of honest Abe Abraham Lincoln
I thought you guys were so called “neo Confederates”??? (O yea, some of you will dare to try to claim – usually by plausibly deniable implication – that the orange faggot “transformed” Abe Lincoln’s party even though they’re more servile to jews & rabidly anti white *in practice* – meaning deed, not words – than ever).
What wont you cave in for? I mean, not going out your way to give the jew system a veneer of legitimacy & not perpetuating the “lesser of the evil’s” delusion that largely got us into this mess in the first place by not voting is very damn simple. All you have to do is not go out your way to legitimize in what you know is fake & soylicious
Like you Brad/Hunter, Orange Faggot Zio-Neocon Don “wins” your state’s “electoral points” regardless of whether you wield your big bad “vote.” Voting is 100% impotent as a means to effect meaningful change, but it is consequential as a symbolic bending of the knee. And no, you saying that you know better & that you’re not actually bending the knee b/c its “not your intention/reasoning” to do so doesnt magically make it so. You are bending the knee. You are breathing fresh life into the anti white machine.
The most potent form of “trump derangement syndrome” is the one on display here, supposed pro whites are the most deeply harmed victims. Shitlibs dont care much about trump since many of them have realized that he harms pro whites more than anyone else b/c he’s a total con man who knifes his non jew supporters in the back every single time.
The man who uses public profanity and sexually explicit, lewd, language is the one who’s been most manipulated by jews.
“Muh, yeah okay.”
Wow. Gotcha. So, I’m with you.but what in the hell do we do? DO, not say, not write, not opine….. DO. Is still at a loss on this question. David Knight does make a good point to focus our efforts locally. Sheriff, commissioners, school board, district attorney. I think we need to pressure those local officials to speak up and standup for us. For white people, but that does not include jews.
We also need national organizations for education, association and activism.
“I’m not blackpilled anymore about the demise of the Alt-Right. I now believe that it couldn’t have ended in any other way due to the delusional thinking and self-sabotaging behavior of so many of the people who were involved in it. Donald Trump never pretended to be Napoleon or Adolf Hitler. Instead, some people who projected their own fantasies on Trump and MAGA became bitterly disappointed when he turned out to be just the man he presented himself to be and not the meme they fell in love with. He has always presented himself, for example, as a pro-Israel Zionist who is hostile to Iran. He always said that he was going to cut taxes. He never claimed to be interested in White Nationalism.”
That’s what puzzled me. How was this guy supposed to be the Great White Christian Hope? His oldest daughter married that creepy looking Jared Kushner. His youngest daughter married a Jew – far less creepy looking, but whoops, there it is.
When he was a young man, an early friend and advisor was Roy Cohn. He always seemed to have more Jewish than Gentile friends and business acquaintances. He may nominally be Christian, but he always seemed as kosher as gefilte fish to me.
I honestly think that’s why he bothered so many Jews. He’s very, very Jewy for a gentile. I don’t know if he picked up the mannerisms and behavior of the crowd he hung with. Probably, that’s what happened.
That said, though I thought he overpromised on the “Affordable” Health Care Act and building The Wall, I liked his idea of energy independence and bringing back industries to the USA – to me this is national security issue. It’s a matter of when not if BRICS takes off and Saudi Arabia eliminates the petro-dollar. We’re going to be in boiling hot water unless we have our own industry and utilize our natural resources to back our money.
He’s not The Almighty but consider The Alternative. Cackling Kamala and listening to that voice for the next eight years? Because you know, if you elect the First Woman of Color, we’ll be stuck with her for two terms just like “an historic president,” like Barack Obama.
“How was this guy supposed to be the Great White Christian Hope? His oldest daughter married that creepy looking Jared Kushner. His youngest daughter married a Jew – far less creepy looking, but whoops, there it is.”
While Ivanka did deny her Christian faith and become a Jew, (Note it is possible to be a Judeo-Christian, so we aren’t exactly sure she is full Christ denier), her younger half sister, Tiffany did not marry a Jew. She did however marry a Papist.
Tiffany Trump married Michel Boulos, a Levantine Christian with world spanning contacts, probably originating in the International Rug and Drug trade. They met at one of Lindsay Lohan’s sex, drug and rock n roll parties. But, he definitely isn’t a Jew. Instead he is a typical Papist rich boy.
However, fear not, Tiffany, a scioness of Protestantism, having now sworn fealty to a foreign potentant sitting on a throne infamous for burning Liberty oriented Christians at the stakes, hunting down Republicans, and imprisoning Patriots for centuries, is likely going to be gross and fat in the future. Eating all the Hummus, Baba ghanoushes, Pita bread, and fatty lamb that is required eating among Lebanese, and having little half brown children, she’ll probably balloon in explosively in weight.
That is until Ivanka pounces on her weakness, exposes Michael’s new Mistress, convinces Tiffany to get special services to reduce her weight, helps restore her confidence, and then at the right moment introduces Tiffany to a N@gger Raper.
At which point Tiffany starts doing coke and getting sheboinked by the black guy, who eventually exposes to her more Black men, more drugs, and she spirals out of control.
Then Ivanka comes to her now old and aging father and tells him to transfer Tiffany’s share to her Jewish side of the family.
That is until Nick Fuentes swoops in to save Tiffany, wipes out the Kushners, takes back Tiffany’s wealth, and eventually seizes the Trump fortune for the Papists, himself, and his merry band of f@ggots. With this new fortune Nick starts a new channel to showcase what a Gay Latino he actually his.
The End to a typical American family in New York City. Go ask the Brimelows.
You should hawk that scenario as a TeeVee screenplay, AGB. I’m sure your jew relatives in Pedowood can get you hooked up with the big boys. You could enjoy a sunny retirement in LA and wouldn’t have to show up to the cubicle to troll the stupid goyim here. The Murikan television audience would eat up that Trumptard Tragi-Comedy faster than the shovel down Doritos.
@Exalted Cyclops,
Not a bad idea. If I do, I will bring you on board for your own expertise in dialogue and writing. I can’t think of a better way to subvert Judeo-Catholic Hollywood than movies such as you suggest.
One to consider is a remake of “Guess who is coming to Dinner?” in which a Jewish Hollywood couple has to enjoy a dinner with her Daughter who has decided to bring a senior member of Hamas over to enjoy Passover.