Peak Oil and White Privilege
BRA H/T Kievsky This promises to be comedy gold: “KMO welcomes Jay Smith and Jeff Wilburn to the C-Realm to reflect upon the Age of […]
BRA H/T Kievsky This promises to be comedy gold: “KMO welcomes Jay Smith and Jeff Wilburn to the C-Realm to reflect upon the Age of […]
The End Times The long awaited collapse of the system has become an article of faith among alienated vanguardists. Strangely enough, I rarely see James […]
The World Peak Oil is the only force that I can ever imagine producing the sort of “systemic collapse” that White Nationalists envision. An economic […]
I sure hope we puny humans manage to stop this thing. The mass media and gov’t are in “avoid public panic” mode. Every article spins […]
James Howard Kunstler has an excellent Clusterfuck Nation post today, with one bit of delusion. And that delusion is that “ethnic cleansing” is the only […]
The recent slackening off in crude prices is probably being driven by demand destruction. Americans are using a 2003 level of gasoline in 2008. They […]
It costs around $24 dollars now to travel round trip from Comer to Montgomery; $16 from Eufaula to Dothan or Columbus. A year ago, the price was […]
T. Boone Pickens: “This is one emergency we can’t drill our way out of.” His new website. A longer explanation of his plan.
Kunstler’s latest blog entry: Every time I saw a car towing a motorboat this holiday weekend, I wondered what was going through the head of […]
Via Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. International trade is slowing down as fuel prices raise shipping costs. More here on a general slowdown of transportation in the UK.
At Nature Bats Last, a discussion of friendship and the ramifications of Peak Oil. I also drifted out of contact with long time friends due to […]
John Zmirak fears a racialist takeover of the paleoconservative movement. There is probably something to this. Anyone can see the progressive racialization of the commentariat at TakiMag […]
The full significance of the death of the personal automobile (and the airlines) is not parsed out here: Sales fell 28 percent at the Ford […]
Jim Kunstler on the cornocopian idiot Larry Kudlow. Robert Reich has already pointed out that drilling off the coasts of California and Florida will not […]
Ahmadinejad is fully aware of the stress that will be placed up Western economies by Peak Oil. Dubya and his warmongering cheerleaders in the controlled […]
T. Boone Pickens: Peak Oil has been reached. Why am I not surprised that the implications of this are not being discussed on CNBC?
Some nasty predictions about suburbia are coming true. Yandell’s marriage isn’t falling apart: his neighborhood is. Devastated by the subprime mortgage crisis, hundreds of homes […]
Crude was up over $139 earlier today before coming off a record high. Meanwhile, McCain proposes we drill for more oil, a futile throwback to […]
Jim writes: Chances are, they will occur first in the Southeast states because oil exports from Mexico and Venezuela feeding the Gulf of Mexico refineries […]
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