About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Two further notes: it appears the the aggressive action by the black was kicking a guy in camo, who pretty obviously, to me at least, was on our side. Also, the black in the aqua collared shirt shooting video is the videographer who provided the fodder for the raw story video I linked above.

  2. Is this a Russian Propaganda event?

    It’s just fucked up.

    Look at the KKKrazy Yanks!
    Those blacks looked like they were supportive of the WN types to me.

    One look at the spotty wimps under the red flags and they banded together with
    Jed and Bubba.

  3. don’t call them “antis” or even “anti-racists” call them what they are: Anti-Whites.

  4. “Awesome! Such a powerful symbol when even six proud Whites stand in the path of Marxist scum and fight to hold the turf.”

    Six whites only? Where are the hundreds that we need? WHERE ARE THEY?

    Had those police not been there serving as romper room monitors Matt Heimbach and the other five would have been thrashed and trashed. There’s something wrong with this picture.

  5. This Matthew Heimbach has some balls. Seems like every week he’s out there doing something, not backing down to anybody. He makes a lot of us look like wimps.

  6. Heimbach is a man. The type our culture used to produce in abundance; now so rare as to be remarkable. If we survive it will be due to people like him–and those courageous enough stand alongside.

  7. In other news, the anti-EU, anti-immigration UKIP party won nearly a quarter of the vote in yesterday’s local elections in England. Check out David Cameron’s reaction:

    Speaking in his Oxfordshire constituency, Mr Cameron said: ‘I think there are major lessons for the major political parties.

    ‘For the Conservatives I understand why some people who have supported us before didn’t support us again, they want us to do even more to work for hard-working people to sort out the issues they care about.

    ‘More to help with the cost of living, more to turn the economy round, more to get immigration down, to sort out the welfare system. They will be our focus, they are our focus, but we have got to do more’.

    “More to get immigration down” said the British PM. Try to imagine a president of the US saying that.

    Ministers are preparing to use next week’s Queen’s Speech to set out new measures on welfare and immigration aimed at winning wooing voters who have switched to UKIP.

    New laws will be set out to curb benefits for immigrants, amid concern about the impact of the influx of Romanians and Bulgarians when movement restrictions are lifted next year.

    A Bill which will limit the right of immigrants to access benefits, the NHS and other public services will form a centrepiece of the coalition’s programme.

    Lib Dem deputy leader Simon Hughes said his party would back the tougher measures, in stark contrast to the party’s policy at the 2010 election to offer an amnesty to illegal immigrants.

    So a surge of votes for an immigration restrictionist party has led the governing party to make curbing benefits for immigrants a centrepiece of their legislative agenda, and its coalition partner to make a complete about-face from supporting amnesty for illegal aliens 3 years ago, to supporting benefit cuts for *legal* immigrants today. Hurrah for UKIP!


  8. Majority Rights has a good discussion thread on the British election. Interesting how the UKIP has taken a totally different approach than Golden Dawn–yet both are enjoying success. Perhaps Europe wants to live after all. If so, I expect her to call many of her children home in coming years.

  9. Street fights between communists and fascists?

    The reaction isn’t going to come from a bunch of violent assholes breaking stuff. The only that that can come from that is violent assholes in charge.

    The reaction will come from us telling the truth online, and young men of character building things. Like new cities run by unelected city managers with charter schools, on the outskirts of the old cities their parents and grandparents surrendered to the negroes.

    Spreading propaganda and fighting street battles with communists makes you just as disingenuous and violent as a communist.

  10. “fighting street battles with communists makes you just as disingenuous and violent as a communist.”

    I mostly accept your point but everyone needs some r&r now and then 🙂

    “UKIP has taken a totally different approach than Golden Dawn”

    I guess every nation will find what works best for them.

  11. Lest the liberal media try to obfuscate the primary reason for UKIP’s vote surge…

    The pollsters asked Ukip voters to tick the reasons why they back the eurosceptic party. They said:

    Want immigration reduced (76pc)
    Want Britain to leave the EU (59pc)
    Unhappy with the major parties (47pc)
    Unhappy with David Cameron and his Government (25pc)
    Ukip reflects my personal values and beliefs (20pc)
    Positive impression of Nigel Farage (15pc)
    “Sends a message” (14pc)
    Unhappy over gay marriage (12pc)
    New party deserves a chance (9pc)
    Ukip would run the country well (8pc)

  12. “Spreading propaganda and fighting street battles with communists makes you just as disingenuous and violent as a communist.”

    Violent maybe but I don’t see what’s so disingenuous about it.

    I grew up expecting and largely getting the police to crack the heads of the rabble no matter which political side they were on. It is a truism that revolutions never empower the masses. They merely replace one set of elites with another.

  13. Peppermint: LOL, as they say. It’s amazing how utterly ignorant Americans are when it comes to revolution, even when it happened here in the 60’s. Sipping tea and “creating new cities” – right. Revolutions take place in the streets – check out early twentieth century political history in Europe and Russia – I realize most White Americans have little, if any idea, of who Joe Stalin was – or what he did – or who Bella Kuhn was, or l Karl Liebknecht or Rosa Luxemburg – but the revolution started in the streets, some with Communist Victory, some with Patriotic Victory. To be fair, the US is a long way from being able to get more than a few dozen fighters in the street, much less having any leadership what so ever. My theory is that there is too much “British” Anglo-Saxon stock – these people are not revolutionary at all and accept all indignities.

  14. The problem with Ukip is that they blame Bulgars and Poles … Rather than darkies for things going wrong.

    The Tories will simply do this: charge a higher premium to live in safe villages and market towns as they sell off the metropole to Arabs and Chinks and import Jamaicans at twice the pace.

  15. The problem with the UKIP is that they are the controlled opposition of the JOOOOZ.

    The Black guy kicked a White guy. He didn’t care are “politics”.

  16. pro white marches/rallies/protests never yield positive results. Good intentions and courage of conviction don’t change the fact that 99% of outside observers saw this as the modern KKK, fueling even more anti white support.

  17. 5 to 100.

    We’ll do fine.

    By the way – not how the Commie commentator is gleeful at the prospect of the cops, not protecting the racists. The Commies thne get hysterical when our lads fight back.

    It’s nice to see an Orc go down.

  18. Tom – don’t be a pussy. The wind is shifting…

    I’d like to …ahhh…rebutt. that shrieking beeyach, raving about “Anti Gay” etc, and then howling to the cops to arrest arrest arrest our fellows, when they defended themselves from assault by a violent crowd.

    I want to take her for a road trip, and drop her off in one of those Top 3 Detoit hoods…

  19. If Brits take the LibLabCons at their word when they say they’ll reverse course on immigration and the EU, they deserve to be stabbed in the back.

  20. Why would anyone fistfight with communist filth in the streets? You can’t win even when you physically beat the hell out of them. As satisfying as it is to see violence, this isn’t how we are going to win in the long run.

  21. You guys call that violent? I didn’t see the first drop of blood. I’ve seen more posturing and pushing on the yard when I was in school……although that’s about all these guys looked good for. No plan. No training. No sophistication……..Just a parade of right wing and left wing losers.

  22. I hear you loud and clear denise. I’ve just come to the point where I want these white anti white scum to get a full taste of what a society of their creation really looks like. The only way the wind will shift in the direction we need it is for economic collapse. Our people have been warned for decades about what equality and civil rights would bring but the comfortable middle class was too afraid to rock the boat. Now we’re past the point of no return morally and economically. The white anti white doesn’t care about the moral bankruptcy so long as he has enough money to take his family to see Django Unchained or maybe go watch an NBA game. I want to see these people react when the gov’t takes their IRA’s and 401k’s to fund universal retirement accounts. I want to see how they react when the inheritance tax is raised to 90% to address white privilege. I applaud Heimbach and co. for fighting because a people who won’t fight will be enslaved by those who will. Anyone understands that. I’m not going to fight for people who hate my guts though. Fuck them and the prius they rode in on.

  23. Great interview Palmetto! I enjoyed it all the more seeing how much you were enjoying yourself, lol…. made me laugh 🙂

  24. Long Live Dixie, it’s not customary for that flag to be displayed. However, I can understand in that area why they did it. It’s not a flag I fly (I prefer to keep my distance from all US/Federal symbols) but I don’t particularly hate it.

  25. Mary, I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. Also glad you pointed out that we were having a good time. That’s something you’ll find with most of us Southern nationalist activists – we have a lot of fun fighting for our cause.

  26. Tom – thanks for the head’s up. Wars are fought on all levels. The “sophistication and planning” crowd has, what, exactly, to show for their “sophistication and planning”?

    Those wonderful gents SHOWED UP, on the street, to publically defy the Lefty Scum. Fortunately none of our guys were seriously injured, and seemed to be having a good time, all told. The General Public is getting pretty bloody weary of the Unwashed Marxists. The POINT of the charming, witty, and brave gents of the LoS was PUBLIC DEFIANCE. Just showing up is what matters. Just to show that it can and must be done.

    Too many of the Club Chair Intellectual “WN” types want to carp at everything. I work in my local milluei….I know I am moving things along – one of my biggest public “non-racist” Christian detractors is no getting his assets kicked. He’s defied the Gubminst on “patriotic Christian” grounds – not for shudder “racism” and he’s still getting heat for simply participating in what was supposed to be his civic duty. He’s freaked out. I simply tell him that this is what he’s getting for NOT being a “racist” Another fellow, wot I’ve ben nbrining along for a couple of years now, initially was all squamish abut wayyycissm – especially the JD (Jew Disaster – it’s not a “question”), and now is just about 2 minutes away from collecting SS memorabilia. We need to simply keep burrowing away, in any way we can.

    Mainstream Whites ARE signing off on Nigra Worship. They need to see proud, defiant, and FUN Whites stand up. Most Whites klnow nothing aobut the Joooz….but would see a bunch of fun, cool, White “racist” guys getting assaulted by the Unwashed Vermin types. I can guarantee that a lot of Whites will be FAR more sympathetic to the LoS gents, now, than even 2 years ago., now that “Don’t Make a Scene and Rock the Boat” careerist type SWPL’s are getting a real taste of the rotted fruits of Diversity.

    Keep it up. fellas! Well done! BRAVO WHITE HEROES!

  27. I support Occupy and laugh at Heimbach.

    Heimbach shouldn’t be messing around with the real political dissidents who are standing up for the working class.

    He should start a blog or something and go home.

  28. Actually, it is Heimbach who mocks and ridicules you; you and all the rest of the dirty, smelly, vulgar, “Marxist” vagabonds.

  29. the JD (Jew Disaster – it’s not a “question”),

    LOL! I love that!
    Oh Denise, how you rock 😉

  30. “Is it customary for the League of the South to display the Betsy Ross flag?”

    OMG! An artifact of the Old Republic. Why shouldn’t they use it? The southern states were certainly an integral part of it.

  31. “Wars are fought on all levels.” Small government is good because government is always corrupt. Black, mulatto, and mestizo government is bad because of the empirical evidence.
    Among our neighbors of Central and Southern America, we see the Caucasian mingled with the Indian and the African. They have the forms of free government, because they have copied them. To its benefits they have not attained, because that standard of civilization is above their race. Revolution succeeds Revolution, and the country mourns that some petty chief may triumph, and through a sixty days’ government ape the rulers of the earth. – Jefferson Davis in an 1858 speech

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