About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I know Corswell, mee too. I openly laugh at the feeble efforts of the fatuous race-traitors. Oh, and I had a wonderful time at your party the other night, and the best part was that it was a whites only event. The weather was wonderful, the food delicious, the location and the view were positivelyspectacular. Needless to say the sense of fellowship was remarkable. Indeed, not a single person said, “ya know this is a wonderful evening, but what we really need is a group of negroes, hispanics and Muslims to make it really special…”


  2. Whites Unite, the racial new left is different than the sexual New Left. The biggest mistake of the New Left is giving too much power to the feminists and gays. If that hadn’t happened, we could have made an alliance with the far more moral Christian Right instead, against the sexual libertines, who then would have become esentially libertarian. The communists are only a part of the Occupy movement. They are good partners for you in the political ghetto of revolutionary anti-establishment politics. You two groups distract each other while the rest of us work for moderate ways to reform the system and avoid the violence which always comes with revolution.

  3. I just had a birthday party with several dozen friends, the majority of whom were non-white. No rioting, fighting or any other issues.

    Oh I dunno Lew, I find his trolling act fairly amusing most days. Small doses is best.


  4. Lew, how many blogs do you regularly comment on each day? I’ve seen you at Mangan’s and other blogs where I don’t comment because this site has the easiest commenting interface. You spend more time on blogs and therefore have less of a life, according to your standards, than I do. I never claimed to be a perfect person or have a perfect life, but at least I’m going down into the veritable belly of the beast of premodern attitudes and preaching peace and justice.


  5. Only very small minds believe this is purely about race. Notice I don’t denigrate any other races or cultures. I’ve traveled and love to travel. I enjoy foreign cultures in their countries and want to see them flourish. Once international communism is installed, it will be the end for these cultures, as well as Western aka white culture. Their goal will be centralized decision making over everything because they believe they are soooo much more superior than anyone else–and that’s only the true believer morons like PGRT and Metal Head.
    My hope is to see Western civilization preserved. Japanese culture is awesome, but it’s not mine. So is Chinese, Indian, etc. Western civilization can and will only be preserved by those who created it–white people. No majority white people=no Western civilization. It is that simple.

  6. PGRT, at your birthday party, how many times did you have to bow down to your non White friends?
    Is it a normal thing for you to bash your own race/ancestry?
    If it is, how do you feel at the end of the day being such a duplicative coward?

  7. One world One people–but only in white countries, right? Africa for Africans, Mexico for Mexicans, white countries for everybody.
    I’m sure PGRT is going to point out all the fantastic civilizations founded by his non-white birthday buddies that are clearly superior to Western ones.
    And PGRT, the revolution already happened, but it’s easier to win than to reign

  8. Lew, how many blogs do you regularly comment on each day?

    If I’m commenting it means I’m on my phone with time to kill before something starts, have work open in my other 10 tabs, or insomnia.

  9. Denise: PGRT is one of the millions of gullible or willing fools that don’t realize WWII was fought for the purpose of making the world safe for communism.

  10. What works for whites regarding law, society and civilization in general will not work for blacks, aborigines, Chinese, etc and vice versa. The races are different and the difference needs to be respected. Uncle Sugars biggest sin is trying to force Western standards of freedom and democracy for people who cannot handle it and probably don’t want it.

  11. PGRT currently moves in a swaddled academic environment. This will not always be so. One day, he will learn that it’s one planet – MANY people – who generally loathe each other. Take Whites out of the picture entirely. Fine. The Political Cesspool detailed an amusing Memphrica anectdote last night. Apparently some Diverse Negro Pater Familias and Rightful Heir (gotta give props for the Baby Daddy actually spendng rime with his kid) were offended that some chicken joint got their order wrong. They were so displeased, on having to make a return trip, for their wings, I believe, that they admonished their co-ethnics via automatic weapons, which will never be banned iin Diverse and Vibrant communities.

    So meny Whites seem to be ok with our genocide. PGRT is young – he’ll come face to face with Racial Reality sooner than he can imagine. Civilization crumbles as Whites vanish. He will be left alone with his wonderful Diverse pals. He thinks they will cherish him, and save him from harm. He thinks these appalling sorts of episodes, the violence and mayhem, will never touch him.

    He’s wrong.

  12. Wayne – indeed. Speaking of Communism – mono-maniacal Racism is what Jews are all about.

    Does he thing they REALLY appreciate his efforts, and will reward him?

  13. People like him (if he is indeed white) are only seeking approbation of their commie white lady friends and non-white fans. His type is like the family member who eats at your table, sleeps in your house, and enjoys your standard of living, then outside the house spends his time running down his family to make friends, he tells them he’s ready to share his inheritance with them if they will just hell him “bring it all down”.

  14. Eight people just faced down a mob. Bwahahaha.

    The cops probably pulled their chestnuts out of the fire but you got to see the homicidal nature of the hipster “left”.

  15. No-Man: well that just about sums it up. The results of luxury and easy lifestyle. I have 2 office mates in their late 30’s and early 40’s living like Peter Pan.

  16. New Left. The biggest mistake of the New Left is giving too much power to the feminists and gays.

    Also, they talk too much about white privilege. Yes, 50 years ago I agree Whites in the South and Black were unequal. No argument. I agree Whites oppressed Indians. Again, no argument.

    But today the corporations and government have embraced anti-racism instead of racism. They’ve changed their strategy.

    To continue to talk about white privilege, 50 years later, is divisive.

    The other problems is that they’ve made individual “special interest” issues more important than class issues.

  17. Still, I think there is a point where extreme capitalism and Communism intersect each other.

    This is why Heimbach is wrong to call Occupy “class traitors”. From the view of a doctrinaire Marxist-Leninist, BRA is a decadent bourgeois project that is constantly gurgling up new political identities in an attempt to establish non-class based civic activism and vocabulary. Occupy subsumes these identities (white man, female, nigger, faggot, immigrant, et al) into the class struggle. These are bourgeois concepts that remain distinct from the class struggle and would theoretically perish upon working class domination. They would argue Heimbach is just a trash-humping harlequin, dumpster-diving through history for provocative symbols to adorn himself with.

    Heimbach wore a pro-straight marriage t-shirt to the protest. Marriage itself the Marxist would say was ruined for the masses by the industrial revolution and bears no resemblance to that of the bourgeoisie; today the Marxist would claim interracial and now ‘gay marriage’ prove marriage is a bourgeois practice rooted in their ever-changing fancies.

    It’s good that Heimbach is Christian. This all really boils down to Christianity in the end. The Marxists are basically holy roller atheists.

  18. Heimbach himself is a class traitor.

    He’d have us believe that Jews “caused” multiculturalism (rather than technology and ‘progress’) and that Whites and non-Whites have opposite interests. That essentially to be pro-White, you have to be anti-Black, etc. How is this good for organizing workers?

    One can argue that Whites and non-Whites have DIFFERENT interests, but they don’t have opposite interests. The Venn Diagram overlaps.

  19. “Great critiques of this site, Iceman and Nagant (…) Nagant, great attack (…) Yes we need to follow the Gospels…but we need the help of all other cultures to do that.”

    I don’t do “critiques” but intend to speak the truth in love; Iceman’s position and mine seem poles apart (pun unintended); and I understand that mingling, blending and finally disappearing into global multi-culture would NOT help white peoples everywhere regain their ETHNIC Christian footings. As we read one another’s comments over time we will understand each other better, and I hope come to better understanding of the truth, reality, and of what can and must be done.

  20. “One can argue that Whites and non-Whites have DIFFERENT interests, but they don’t have opposite interests. The Venn Diagram overlaps.”

    Whether entirely opposite or not, there is the problem is lack of separation, the physical-geographical overlaps, the impossibility of two (or more) distinct peoples occupying the same space at the same time.

    “Still, I think there is a point where extreme capitalism and Communism intersect each other” — and they unite in atheism. I think Rosenbaum may have been that point.

  21. “This is why Heimbach is wrong to call Occupy “class traitors”.”

    Of course he’s right. You can’t oppose offshoring and support mass immigration. It makes no sense. Open borders leftists are just stooges of the corporations.

    “Racial nationalism never works and can never work.”

    Racial nationalism is default human behavior as long as you realise the scale of “race” and “nation” is very flexible and can go from extended family to clan to tribe to nation but the only difference is the scale.

    “One world One people”

    There’s only a tiny percentage of the world’s population who are ready for that idea and almost all of them are white, upper middle class and completely clueless about human nature.

  22. Of course he’s right. You can’t oppose offshoring and support mass immigration. It makes no sense. Open borders leftists are just stooges of the corporations.

    Whatever you say, shitbird.

  23. My liberal friends are struggling with serious cognitive dissonance right now: u6 unemployment at 14%, chronic high unemployment in the US, record wealth inequality, and 45 years of wage stagnation. They understand the data and appreciate how the immigration bill will makes these trends worse and help big business. And if anyone here hasn’t looked at the details of the bill beyond the amnesty provisions, once you drill into the details, the scale of the sellouts to big business in this bill are mindboggling. In short, they perceive that something smells bad and that there is no way to square support for this immigration bill with a progressive economic agenda. Nevertheless, they’re all supporting it anyway, because you know, America is a nation of immigrants, diversity is our strength, we need to bring them out of the shadows, and, especially, only racists oppose it.

  24. I don’t think the liberals in the video are typical. Those are hardcore anti-white Marxists who are beyond reason. They need to be rounded up and shot. That subset of the far left only understands one language.

  25. Workers of the world, unite! LOL. What a crock. So seeing that in itself wouldn’t work, the commie cockroaches sought to destroy race, nationality, borders and culture so nobody has any thing left but rootless, bland economic class division, and are more malleable to the few intellectual elite. Again, communism never can work because it relies on a society made of perfect people. Between Lenin, Trotsky, Mao, Il, Pol Pot it has murdered millions to install poverty and slavery. That’s not to mention the death and destruction through agitation such as in Weimar Germany and Spain.
    Idiots like Metal-Head keep asking for one more shot at utopia.

  26. Amen Wayne and Lew. ANY-one that espouses Marxism is a categorical moron. Unter-unter-menschen.

  27. I value home, hearth, heritage and culture over rootless, money grubbing envy also known as class struggle. That has always been the Southern way as opposed to the North. Not everything is for sale, not everything has a price.

  28. How is multiculturalism progress (I don’t mean the modern liberal term, but rather”advancement” of society?

    Who benefits from multiculturalism, Ice-Head? What outrageously exclusive minority would benefit from whites being minorities in their own lands?

  29. “That has always been the Southern way as opposed to the North.”

    – And what the hell would you know about the “Northern” way? When did you ever live here?

  30. One obvious criticism to which the lawless and uncouth Marxists are especially vulnerable, is the simple fact that their entire movement is an intellectual fraud. While they bitterly denounce material wealth, their entire movement is based on the fact that they want more of it. The hypocrisy is stunning, yet they are never asked to explain or reconcile this palpable contradiction.

  31. Is Metal Gear a Marxist? Even if he is, I still agree with many of his points concerning the intersection of economics, class, big business and anti-racism. To put it in terms of 20th century perspectives, my views are close to Strasserist, so I don’t have a problem agreeing with old-school Marxists on a limited number of points. Of course, genuine opposition to capitalist excess requires opposing the Jew. It’s impossible to be for the working class without being against the Jew.

  32. Goner – I’m actually not trying to “avoid the violence”. I, and my pals, are trying to PREPARE for RaHoWa.

    Like Wayne – I do not hate people of other Races. Not even all Jews.

    I hate people who hurt the things I love. I hate a LOT of Whites. Because a lot of Whites are cheerfully and diligently driving their own kind right over the Existential Cliff.

    Human beings are predators. We have two eyes, in front of our faces, to gauge distance, and track our prey. I believe in Human Nature.

    “Diveristy” re: different tribes (Races, or ethnic competitors) is wholly un-natural. Like seeks like. Different groups complete for resources. It’s really really simple.

    I like what WHITE People do. I like the thing White People create. I’ve personally liked various noon-Whites, and sometimes I like what they create. Mostly – I’m not interested. I find most Black people BORING as Hell. I find a lot of average Whites to be boring, as well. I actually get on well, in person, with Jews. Their liveliness, intelligence, energy, and verbal dexterity are immensely appealing.

    It’s all about group competition. The big Jews have made it their mission to exterminate Whites, for many reasons. They are signing their own Racial Death Warrants, by doing so. Their Pet Darkies will not serve them very well, and will gleefully slaughter them off, without a moment’s regret. Because violence is the NORM, with non-Whites.

    That’s why my pals and I are preparing for RaHoWa. It’s already begun. I am not advocating violence in any way. I’d be thrilled beyond measure if every group would just peacefully retreat to their own turf, and hash their own social orders out.

    But that’s not what predators DO.

    I like to deal with Nature as it is.

    Natural Law, Uber Alles. Those that don’t understand reality, or refuse to deal with Natural Law – well – those are the ones that will suffer the most. I can’t squeeze out a tear for any of ’em – no matter the Race, or ideology. I’m way past that stage.

  33. Caldwell – AMEN. I first read old Karl, hisself, decadesago – and I knew it was all nonsensical babble. Nothing he wrote literally added up. I knew nothing of the “class” (racial) issues at work – but everything he worte aobut had NO connection with normal human interactions.

    I now know why I had that initial reaction.

    FYI – I was reading William Shakespeare’s plays when I was 10 years old. So it wasn’t a cognitive issue, on my part.

    I just didn’t understand that I was reading BS from a Shyster Jew.

  34. Denise- It seems that there are at least two distinct commonalities which we share in the abstract. Because in addition to a particular contempt for the intellectual foundation of Marxism, I too am a Shakespeare enthusiast. Now granted, I did not read him at the early age of ten, but I have had the pleasure of watching, some years ago, Christopher Plummer perform in “Macbeth”.

  35. @Wayne

    “I live here now, and have for nearly three years.”

    – +2 years, huh? Well then you just have every damn white person in this entire half of our country completely figured out, don’t you?

    If I made statements about the”ways” of the South, based on 36 months of living experience, well, I can only imagine the shreiking chorus I would receive from most of the regulars here…

  36. Caldwell – Plummer, performing in “MacBeth”? He’s a marvellous actor. (And a true Hottie, into old age – but that’s the Sheer Chick side of me, piping up!). That must have been a thrilling experience!

    I’m glad that I’ve found another Shakespeare enthusiast!

  37. Is Metal Gear a Marxist? Even if he is, I still agree with many of his points concerning the intersection of economics, class, big business and anti-racism. To put it in terms of 20th century perspectives, my views are close to Strasserist, so I don’t have a problem agreeing with old-school Marxists on a limited number of points. Of course, genuine opposition to capitalist excess requires opposing the Jew. It’s impossible to be for the working class without being against the Jew.

    I consider myself to be a socialist who is influenced mainly by “Communists,” although not exclusively (I also like Ba’athists for instance). I think Marx is just one thinker, albeit a good one. I’m also influenced by mao, stalin, juche etc. I bounced around on the internet going through different political positions but I eventually realized class struggle was missing from my analysis. On the other hand, I think Marx, while contributing to socialist theories, also was not right about everything. The other person of Jewish origin (although Marx was raised Christian), Trotsky, I think was a subversive, just to remove any doubt where I stand there.

    From what I understand about Strasserism, it opposed the extreme “racial” antisemitism of Hitler, and was more opposed to Jewish financial control. In other words, the “antisemitism” of Strasserism was more moderate than Hilterism. I read that the Strasser Brothers didn’t have a problem aligning themselves with individual Jews.

    I do agree that in order to rise the position of the average person, some elite Jews have to be opposed. The key is that an anti-revisionist Marxist opposes these Jews as a matter of strategy – they are in the way and you are moving them out of the way – whereas white nationalists and neo-nazis oppose them as a matter of ideology. “Pure aryan” and all that unscientific garbage.

    This doesn’t mean that I’m unaware of the psychoanalytical factors. I do agree that a subset of Jews acts to undermine their ‘host’ countries. But I don’t paint with a broad brush, your average Jew is not “hyper-ethnocentric” but truly liberal (this is where Kevin Macdonald is wrong). Your average Jew actually believes the liberalism, whereas only the ring leaders are hyper-ethnocentric. Also I don’t allow the Jewish question to distract me from other issues. For instance I wouldn’t say that Bush and Cheney are innocent regarding the Iraq war, because they chose to hire neo-con advisers. I’m not into the “all Jews or bad” or “the gentiles in power are just naive” thing.

  38. Denise- Not to belabor the point, but I have also had the good fortune to see, among others, Tom Hulce as Hamlet, Kelly Mcgillis as Portia, Jordan Baker as Desdemona ( I know, I know), and Fritz Weaver as Lear. Good stuff.

  39. @Denise: My meaning is ironical. You wish to avoid the violence by eliminating your enemies.

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