About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mary – thanks! Right back atcha, kiddo!

    Goner -excellent quote. Thanks for posting it.

    Iceman – are you MENTAL? Those Marxist are P{URE trash. They haven’t “fought” for ANYTHING except to suck if the dried out dugs of the enslaved working class, for nigh on a century. Matt is completely correct re: the Marxists have done nothing BUT get the working classes killed off. SHAME on YOU.

  2. I support Occupy and laugh at Heimbach.

    It’s unclear why you even bother reading this blog then, much less why you post on it.

    And has there been a blog or a forum you’ve posted at yet where you haven’t been laughed or scorned out of the room? Name just one.

  3. The Old Union of SA flag was good.

    Hopefully it will be right side up next time!

  4. The best Communist is a dead Communist. Old statement that is more relevant and necessary now.

  5. OMG! An artifact of the Old Republic. Why shouldn’t they use it? The southern states were certainly an integral part of it.

    It is past time for Southrons to get past nostalgia for the old republic. The union with strangers was a disaster through and through.

  6. Great interview Palmetto!

    I second that.

    Eight nationalists standing and winning against 400 communists speaks volumes.

  7. I couldn’t help but think of Zulu looking at that footage.


    Also get body guards my Heimbach, these psychopaths will attempt to get you now. You showed them up to be bullying assholes. They will double down on attacking you.

  8. Heimbach, a good German and Pennsylvanian name. I wonder if his ancestors might include Mattheis Heimbach who arrived in our Pennsylvania colony in 1743, or Peter Heimbach or Johannes Heimbach, also colonial settlers?

  9. “And has there been a blog or a forum you’ve posted at yet where you haven’t been laughed or scorned out of the room? Name just one.”

    And look at what happens to white nationalists when they try it in real life. They get punked. I literally laughed.

    You are talking about vbulletins, why would I give a fuck? I’m bigger in Pennsylvania than all the vbulletins.

  10. There are plenty of forums:
    -city data
    -soviet empire

    There are plenty of blogs
    -Robert Lindsay
    -the rules revisited (not that I support it)

    That list took about 5 minutes to generate. I’m sure there are more.

    I get along fine on websites that are not white nationalist. Because I don’t have respect for white nationalism, I openly show my contempt and don’ t care anymore.

    There are plenty of facebook pages and group.

    I could step over the entire white nationalist movement and not even know it, seriously. You are nothing. If I threw a block party, I’d have more people show up than the entire white nationalist movement.

  11. It’s better to be laughed out of a White Nationalist knitting circle than to be laughed into one. Metal Gear has argued successfully against WN for years using HBD, history, and anti-revisionist class-theory. That’s why WN’s hate him.

    And Mosin, your pacifist spam continues to irritate… You’re exactly what Spengler described as the man with his “teeth broken”.

  12. No-Man’s “pacifist spam” is another man’s rational understanding. Yes, it does appear out of place on this pro-militarist, ANTI- anti-globalist, white SUPREMACIST website.

  13. WNs are so insecure that even by posting viewpoints regarding HBD and anti-revisionist class struggle, they immediately get defensive. You don’t even have to insult them like I do now.

  14. I read Spengler many years ago, still on the library shelf.

    So this is what you believe:

    “Man is a beast of prey (…) All the would-be moralists and social-ethics people who claim or hope to be ‘beyond all that’ are only beasts of prey with their teeth broken, who hate others on account of the attacks which they themselves are wise enough to avoid.”

    I suggest reading the Gospels instead of Spengler, today. Especially today. Racial and ethno-cultural preservation, Christian faith and morality, love and forgiveness are for EVERYONE. Truth “annoys” (or worse) the morally weak, who give in to the spirit of hatred, pride and envy — dominating, bullying, PREYING on others — who would rape virgin negresses, and other, serial fornications. Yes, “beasts of prey,” yet still human and subject to eternal judgement, unlike the soul-less beasts.

  15. “WNs are so insecure” — and tend to be social misfits, dysfunctional, immoral, anti-Christian.

    The elitist, supremacist, colonialist, atheistic, militaristic, pro-globalist tendency of this blog is obvious.

  16. Of course, ROME is the “Christianity” that is admired, the great heresy of universal supremacy.

  17. @iceman

    Both Hungary and Greece are small European nations but the rise of Jobbik and the Golden Dawn has your whole jew-tribe pissing in their pants. The Anglophone nations have been behind the curve on these matters but maybe we are catching up how do you like that jewboy.

  18. The jews always get crushed in time. I hope I live to see Israel be destroyed. It will happen eventually and they will suffer a horrific ass kicking. 🙂
    I hope this time around the Arabs run rampant through Tel Aviv beheading and burning

  19. “Looks like Jews are at it again in Syria.”

    Understatement? They HAVE been at it. Maybe No-Man will serve duty there? Weapon technology makes might that makes right. “Bomb, bomb, bomb Syria” — until the last Christians are genocided out if it.

  20. Jews eventually will get the noose. The only issue is whether it will be white, black, brown or yellow hands stringing the rope.

    Both Hungary and Greece are small European nations but the rise of Jobbik and the Golden Dawn has your whole jew-tribe pissing in their pants. The Anglophone nations have been behind the curve on these matters but maybe we are catching up how do you like that jewboy.

  21. “WNists don’t pay near enough attention to class issues.”

    Worse than that. Some of the most elitist, supremacist “Spartan” posters here not only don’t CARE for the preservation of “white trash,” but would enslave them like Africans, “Golden Circle” style, to create immense wealth for themselves — if their dream could come true.

  22. WN class analysis:

    durrrr May Day is a European volk festival, without nationalism Jews ruin socialism. I win, send money.- Matt Parrott

    WN culture analysis:

    Ummm, White people must learn how to twerk…. Errrr we can be graceful like ummmm non-whites. Stop genocide / buy a bosuball. – MindWaffen

  23. Most of the world is more jew wise than WN. Whites essentially protect the tribe through ignorance brought about from media subversion.
    When YT becomes the minority here in the US, the Brown man won’t be so tolerant of hymie.

  24. “The elitist, supremacist, colonialist, atheistic, militaristic, pro-globalist tendency of this blog is obvious.”

    I have to disagree about the pro-globalist part.

  25. “No-Man and Iceman often mix their substantive points about WNism with juvenile insults.”
    Because I don’t need them. They can hit the road and I’ll go on without them.

    “I do agree with Iceman WNists don’t pay near enough attention to class issues.”
    Of course.

    “Most of the world is more jew wise than WN.”
    But most “Jew wise” people realize that the Jewish question isn’t the only political issue. You aren’t Jew wise until you realize the Jewish question isn’t everything.

  26. The guy goes to Occupy Washington, picks a fight, calls the Occupiers “class traitors” (he was probably reading free media productions) then he correctly gets urine thrown on him.

    I support Occupy. If you disagree with me, then hit the road.

  27. Definitely! My goal is to help Whites be physically dominant.

    Whites are all too often stiff office workers, moving only linearly, overly economic in their expenditure of energy. One commenter at my site, BlackSun, told me that in martial arts schools in Russia they brought in belly dancers and ended up adopting a lot of those movements for fighting. And notice who dominates boxing and MMA — the Klichkos and Fedor Emelianenko.

    My goal in White natioanlism is to ensure that younger generations of White boys can physically dominate their (multiracial) peer group — to win fights in particular. I also have an economic agenda, but that’s another thing. It’s very important that White boys are not dominated by coloreds, that white girls understand that the men of their race are the strongest and the best.

    So I had to comment on what the trolls said about me above. Clearly, he’s still lurking even though he’s been banned long ago. And yes, credit where credit is due — black dancing/peacocking is a very healthful way of moving that we need to do more of. Whites translate “twerking” this to this:

  28. “I have to disagree about the pro-globalist part.”

    It is implicit in all the rest.

  29. How about those good (Southron) Talmudists who are part of the supremacist-colonialist symbiosis?

  30. @ GonerwiththeWind, on Liberian cannibalism:

    “I will eat you raw”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOR-TECGbpc

    If humans really are beasts of prey, as Spengler and No-Man believe, then these Africans are more fully human than even the Spartans, and if whites need to become tougher than all non-whites, as Kievsky believes, then they will need to learn to cannibalise their non-white prey.


  31. “One commenter at my site, BlackSun, told me that in martial arts schools in Russia they brought in belly dancers and ended up adopting a lot of those movements for fighting.”

    Yoga is very good for fighting also. It makes you very supple and supple = quick.

    “If humans really are beasts of prey, as Spengler and No-Man believe”

    Some humans are molded by their environment to fit the environment e.g. General Butt Naked. Others mold the environmant to fit how they are. Others mold the environment to suit how they want to be.

  32. 313Chris says:
    May 5, 2013 at 7:59 pm
    @Kievsky :You’re a fucking idiot. Don’t comment here.

    Wow, I didn’t realize Hunter had transferred ownership of OD to 313Chris.

  33. It is truly remarkable that, at such a young age, these “Occupiers” could have become so dirty and degenerate, so filthy and vile, and so completely and utterly grotesque. Who raised these rootless wolves? Where are the parents of these squalid worthless reprobates? Violent negro thugs notwithstanding, these ugly “Occupiers” are the scourge of civil society.

  34. Communism never works and can never work. How many millions have died installing Communism already? And they want to give it another shot??
    Still, I think there is a point where extreme capitalism and Communism intersect each other. There is a false notion that corporations love free trade and hate socialism. This is not the case at all. The bigger the corporation the more they despise the competition of the free market, desire cheap labor, and desire the government to foot the bill for health care, retirement, unemployment, etc. Corporations and banks are in bed with government, and this is a problem. Even though Occupiers are commie to the core, they seem to be causing problems for the banksters and corporations, which is good for us.
    We must remember that the end goal is International Communism. It cannot be realized as long as the wealthiest most successful people on Earth are independent and loyal to their nations, ethnicities, and cultures, hence mass immigration into white countries, sodo-marriage, drugs, porn, etc. White peoples must be deculturized, especially Southern ones. This deculturaliztion is worked from both ends–the Chamberpots of Commerce capitalist corporation crowd and the hard core communist cockroach crowd. One this is understood, everything falls into place.

  35. “I support Occupy.”

    You mean the group that supports increased immigration, which will continue to drive down wages for the American working class, continue to exacerbate the unemployment crisis, continue to increase the wealth of the 1%, and the fiscal costs of which will fall mostly on the working/middle class in the form of regressive state and local taxes?

    The group that wants looser mortgage lending standards, the very thing that doubled the inflation adjusted cost of housing between 2000 and 2006, ending the post-WW2 golden age of stable housing costs? The very thing that sent Wall Street bonuses through the roof?

    The group which includes Communists, the people responsible for murdering 21 million people, mostly peasants, in eastern Europe between 1917 and 1957 (according to The Black Book of Communism. Solzhenitsyn had a much higher estimate in Gulag Archipeligo)

    The League of the South, being southern gentlemen, were being too kind and polite when they refered to you as “class traitors”.

    Like millions of Americans, I was outraged at the bailout in 2008, but I kept my head and I noticed something. The anger generated in 2008 has been channelled into two movements, both of which have, as the most significant economic item in their platform, a policy which will actually benefit the same people who benefitted from the bailout, at the expense of the people who were hurt most by the bubble.

    The Tea Party wants a more regressive tax code, and the Occupy Movement wants open borders.

    The Tea Party was infested with Grover Norquist bullshit from day one. Occupy looked promising for a couple weeks but soon fell into the typical fruity New Left anti-White, anti-male, anti-morality rut which is, at best, irrelevant to the Wall Street question and at worst absolutely toxic to the well being of society.

    The truth is, the New Left doesn’t give a damn about plutocrats one way or the other. They are happy to use the populist anger of the Occupy Movement as a club with which to beat White men, but they are equally happy to use the elitism of billionaires for the same purpose.

    Indeed, the racial / sexual New Left’s displacement of the economic Old Left since 1956 is perhaps *the* primary reason for the recent success of plutocracy.

    Where today is the labor leader willing to support stringent immigration restriction like Gompers in 1924? Where is Democratic president willing to patrol the borders like FDR in the 1930s? Where is the film maker willing to create a movie like Grapes of Wrath, which has a respectful portrayal of working class old stock White Americans? They no longer exist because the Left, as a genuine enemy of plutocracy, no longer exists.

    So don’t kid yourself. You are part of a movement which is anti-White as surely as Lenin was anti-capitalist and Marat was anti-aristocrat.

  36. Racial nationalism never works and can never work. How many millions have died installing racial nationalism already? And they want to give it another shot??

  37. WNs should not make any effort to defend the Chamberpot of Commerce, free trade, capitalist crowd. They are as harmful to borders, language and culture as one-world Commies.

  38. No-Man,

    Even if you disagree with their ideas, I don’t see how anyone dislike MW and Matt Parrott. You’re well read, and do make some fair of criticisms of WNist claims, positions and ideas. Small-minded comments like that harm credibility.

  39. Great critiques of this site, Iceman and Nagant. Iceman, I too have been crushing the white nationalist movement without even knowing it. I just had a birthday party with several dozen friends, the majority of whom were non-white. No rioting, fighting or any other issues.
    Nagant, great attack on the nihalist materialist Spengler and his tragically deluded followers. But this is the sort of mindset that would infect any government if the current system collapses. Yes we need to follow the Gospels and get back to Christianity, but we need the help of all other cultures to do that. White people are as anti-gospel as any other group.

  40. PGRT: Racial nationalism is the natural occurring form of nationalism, around which real NATIONS are founded–blood and soil. Nationalism can work, if the commie scum will let it, unlike communism, which eats its own: Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

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