Republican politicians are hopeless warmongers and interventionists.
This is especially true of Republican senators. Lindsey Graham has doubled down on assassinating Vladimir Putin. A few years ago, Little Marco threatened to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro and did everything in his power to install a puppet regime in Venezeula headed by Juan Guaidó. Dump assassinated General Soleimani to appease Republican senators like Lindsey Graham ahead of his impeachment trial. Lindsey Graham also worked to keep American troops in Afghanistan during Trump’s presidency and was one of the primary reasons it was such a massive disappointment. It was also Graham and McCain who were in charge of arming Ukraine during the Trump administration.
Sen. Rick Scott has recently bucked Mitch McConnell and put himself in charge of coming up with an agenda that can unite a new Republican governing majority. He has come up with refusing to rule out the possibility of putting ground troops in Ukraine and expanding the income tax.
“Senator Rick Scott, a Republican from Florida, said in an interview scheduled to air Sunday that sending U.S. troops to Ukraine shouldn’t be taken “off the table.”
In his interview with journalist Greta Van Susteren, Scott said that the goal of the U.S. response should be to provide the Ukrainians with resources to fight the Russians on their own. However, he also said, “you should always keep all your options open.”
According to a transcript of the interview, Van Susteren asked him if there was a point at which he would want to “put U.S. troops on the ground in Ukraine.” …
“But your hope is that you would never, ever again, ever have to put American men and women at risk. I don’t think you should ever take it off the table. But the goal here is to give Ukrainians the resources so they can do this on their own,” the senator concluded. …”
How about lower energy prices? How about doing something about the threat of powerful corporations canceling dissidents? How about staying out of a nuclear war with Russia? No, Republican senators have some better ideas whether it is criminal justice reform or this.
“Florida GOP senator Rick Scott recently proposed changing the law so that all Americans pay some federal income tax. This would mean raising taxes on about half the country.
“All Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount. Currently over half of Americans pay no income tax,” Scott wrote in an eleven-point plan.
Scott was acting on his own accord, but he is the National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman, and he’s gotten a lot of blowback. Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell said at a press conference this week that he opposes Scott’s plan. …”
You have to wonder … what would these people do with another majority in the House and Senate? The answer overwhelmingly seems to be that they will squander it on their usual pet obsessions.
Scott blows hot and cold.
Graham is a looney. Who elects the guy? The Darkies in South Carolina? Retired New Yawkers in the low country?
The South Carolina republican primary is a fratricidal affair between Graham’s challengers. Since Graham is the best known, he survives. In the general campaign he spouts the usual support the troops and Israel nonsense and the bible thumpers eat it up.
“the bible thumpers eat it up.”
So true.
They will be the death of this nation.
“Welcome the refugees into your neighborhood, you can donate at …….”
Elections are rigged. Have been for decades. The voting machines elected Lady G and will continue to do so. The hapless fools who go to the polls have zero say about the matter, but most are still too gaslighted to understand this. Most wouldn’t even care if they knew it. Republicans have shown their true colors with all their fellating of the Klown-Jew of Country 404. So much for the great wave in the fall. Just a simple “we need to stay the hell out” would have gained them popular support. It starting becoming apparent that this was yet another head-fake when they sided with their D-jersey counterparts in the redistricting battles.
Ukraine is already a no-fly zone, as someone pointed out earlier. It’s enforced by Russia, who is not part of the Axis of Kindness.
“Graham is a looney. Who elects the guy?”
Bunch of churchies, who mistake his homo behavior for being a good churchy.
Excerpt from The Saker’s most recent update: “The western PSYOPs were absolutely superb in their coordination and effectiveness. Oh sure, the Russians did expect some of it, but the scale I think must have stunned the Kremlin. And now, a week into this, the Russians are clearly fed up. The Russian just passed a law foreseeing criminal charges against deliberately spreading fake news about the military. As a result, all these western PSYOP agencies are leaving Russia: ABC News, BBC, Bloomberg, CBC, CBS News, CNN and there will be more. Furthermore, both Twitter and Facebook are now blocked in Russia. As for the worst 5th column outlets inside Russia (Dozhd, Meduza) they are now also being shut down. Frankly, and considering how the West is blocking not only RT and Sputnik, but even entire domain names like .ru or .su, I think that it was high time to retaliate against western PSYOP outlets. Ditto for the way the US and other governments have taken action to silence even individual blogs and websites, I would say that better late then never. The current US PSYOP narrative about the Russians being defeated and on full retreat will not survive this weekend, so it will now shift to ‘Putin’s Mordor Gulag is being extended over the suffering Ukraine.’ Furthermore, remember all the accusations of genocide against the Serbs in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo? This is what will happen to Russia next – a massive wave of accusations of atrocities and genocide. As somebody who had access to classified info during the war against the Serbian nation, I can attest that even if the facts on the ground unambiguously prove the opposite, the western PSYOPs and their presstitutes don’t care one bit and, frankly, neither do those who voluntarily listen to, or read, the constant stream of vomit spewed by the so called “free and democratic press” This is crucial: the Empire of Lies is lying, of course, but it also knows the true score. Which means that now that the West has lost the war in the Ukraine it needs two things: as many dead (on all sides) as possible and to make the most political capital possible from this war, which means that not only must it last as long as possible, but it has to “deliver” the biggest number of deaths, maimed and injured. Besides, that kind of stuff pushes all the correct “emotional buttons” and prevents the audience from using its analytical capabilities, however tiny these might be. Any halfway competent military commander who would look at the map above would immediately see that the only rational decision at this point is for the Ukrainians to surrender: that map is really a no brainer. But since orders come from Uncle Shmuel and since Uncle Shmuel hates Steppe Niggers no less than Snow Niggers, Uncle Shmuel will now aim its immense resources at prolonging that war as long as possible and with as many casualties as possible.”
The Saker’s “Sunday message”:
“A warning to Russia not to follow the West’s shameful path into self-destruction: what would be the point of a military victory if Russia becomes just the latest iteration of a terminally westernized nation? How could Russia save the Ukraine if she can’t even save herself spiritually? Even the best military on the planet won’t save Russia if the souls and brains of young, and not so young Russians are constantly polluted with materialism, lies, compromises with one’s honor and, above all, crass, ugly and vulgar materialism? The conscience of Russia used to be the Russian Orthodox Church. What we see today in Russia is the Moscow Patriarchate being a faithful and obedient mouthpiece for the Kremlin, which is all fine and dandy when a man like Putin sit in power, but the Moscow Patriarchate served Yeltsin just as faithfully and if tomorrow, Putin is gone and some Yeltsinoid manages to seize power, the Moscow Patriarchate will serve him. The Church of Christ cannot be a sycophantic servant of the secular state AND the conscience of a nation. It is either one or the other. God willing, the events in the Ukraine will affect Russia in a profound spiritual way, just the way the LDNR serves to remind Russia what she is called to be. As a good priest friend told me yesterday, “Andrei, God can act even through the Sergianists“. He is right, and that gave me courage at a time when I was feeling frankly desperate by the blindness of my fellow Orthodox Christians. So yes, things in Russia are bad, especially spiritually, but I will not give up hope. Maybe a new Patriarch like Saint Germogen or a new Metropolitan of Moscow like Saint Philip II, will be granted to the Russia nation if we all repent for our sins, compromises, cowardice, and lack of faith (see page 105 here)? Yes, it does sound impossible today, especially when I look at “Patriarch Kirill” and his gang, but I chose to place my trust in the words of Christ Himself: ‘with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible’ (Matt 19:23-26).”
Dance for those shekels!
We all can easily rule out voting for Republicans in November. Don’t let them bait us with the economic pains the Biden administration has brought us.
The Republicans will fix nothing and surrender on everything domestically but act tough against supposed foreign adversaries.
They all bent a knee to Black Lives Matter and hailed George Floyd as a martyr when the 2020 summer riots ensued.
Let them rely on the supposed big and growing Hispanic and Black conservative voting bloc.
Stop bending over and taking it from behind every voting cycle, White Man.
I say go for it it have been long in the making
let these idiots have the war they want a new “Normandy Landing against a fresh superpower military
Let´s gooooo!! send the elite force of the Iowa NG first on the beach
I´m just tired! make it all end, litteraly 20 yrs of anti-Russian sentiment for no reason is coming home to roost
i rather see them all burn with us
Did you know Iowa just banned trannies from participating in women’s sports?
He and Lindsay Graham should resign from the Senate and go bravely lead a woke battalion into battle.
Graham and McCain helped tremendously to bring on this whole conflict by trying to get NATO tight up against Putin’s border. Shouldn’t he and McCain (posthumously) be tried as war criminals? Shouldn’t there be calls for “hit men” against him for all the death and destruction his and other hawks’ war mongering has caused?
Build a “special prison” on the border between Russia and Ukraine and put Graham in a cell facing the Russian side. What could go wrong?
Ohh yeah? Well guess what bud: I’m not going to fight. I’m just, like, not gonna do it. Ughh… I know, I’m sorry, but I’m just not going to fight for Globo-Homo is all.
Never thought I’d live to see American politicians floating trial balloons for nuclear war.
They may regret such a suggestion.
Even without a nuclear war
Putin could detonate a single hydrogen bomb 600 miles above europe and wipe out most electronics in Western Europe. Same is true for north America.
These traitors are always more concerned about foreign lands before their own. I haven’t heard one say we have our own problems at home we should be dealing with.
Exactly !
How about sealing the borders and protecting the young from drugs ?
15.2% of income going to social security and medicare tax doesn’t give me any “skin in the game”?
Excise taxes on gasoline, guns, ammunition, fishing gear, alcohol, tobacco etc. don’t give me any “skin in the game”?
7.5% / year inflation tax on my savings account doesn’t give me any “skin in the game”?
State and local taxes – property tax, sales tax, regressive state-level income tax – don’t give me any “skin in the game”?
Paying a higher percentage of my income in taxes than Rick Scott and his big donors do doesn’t give me any “skin in the game”?
Paying a higher percentage of my net worth in taxes than Rick Scott and his big donors do doesn’t give me any “skin in the game”?
“7.5% / year inflation tax on my savings account”
Try 16%…… that is realistic.